HAREM1.TXT - M/M, NC/Rape - October 25, 1999

A tail of Wolves V1.1 Spelling and Syntax

By SwampRat
(cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association

My friend and room-mate wanted a story about a wolf caught in a harem. I am
sure this Isn't exactly what he had in mind, but - I am just the story-teller.


Jeng had always been jealous of the Rakie. All those females to cavort with and
be attended by.. Some were foxes, some wolves, some felines even. Jeng was but
a young wolf and struggling merchant - Still.. to make enough to have even A
servant, let alone anything as exotic as what the Merchant-Master had. 'Just
1.. Just 1 of the luscious creatures that he saw daily as they did their
master's bidding would do him. To have such soft lips to kiss, hips to hold,
fur to run one's fingers through.. He was hard in an instant and reached down
to stroke himself...

His Matmate turned and gripping his butt, kissed him soundly! "What?" he
stuttered and squeezed his pawful of hard flesh.. "If you are going to fondle
me intimately Jeng, I would like a Kiss first." The wolf jerked his paw from
his friends dick, and tried to mutter something, shocked to silence as a hand
traced his erection, sliding the knobs free, rubbing them intimately.
"Seshhiiii.." he started, then Mmphed around the warm lips of the Jackal. "You
started this you sexy woof.." Seshai was a Tail-Bender - A male who liked other
males. And someone who had been with Jeng for a Long time. They just never
talked about.. That Thing.

Lips were on his throat, fingers working his erection expertly. "Do you know
how hard it is to lay beside you night after night, and listen to you yap about
some dumb Female - Which you will probably Never get - To no end, while I watch
your erection wave at me? To lay here and watch you sleep, or have you roll
over and Press it hard and wantonly into my ass?" No, Jeng didn't.. But before
he could apologize or protest, lips were on him.. And Nothing else mattered. He
was young and strong.. and didn't last a whole minute! "SeeShhhhh.." He did
manage before his hips thrust up and he blew months of frustration into the
warm muzzle that sucked like the pump at the town well. Then the lights went

* * * *

Waking up, he found himself wet and warm and snuggling someone.. A jackal who
was holding him close and nuzzling his chest.. "Morning.." He patted the
dark-furred rump and got up. "Mmmmrrrff.. Hello sexy." Jeng chuckled as he put
his 'clothing' on - Barely enough to be called Modest, but all they could
afford. "Sesh, I had the strangest Dream.. I dreamt a female from the Rakie's
harem visited me. Her lips were so soft, and her muzzle warm, and she did
things with her tongue.. Are you ok?" The jackal had tears running down his
cheeks. "She must have been wonderful.." The Wolf chided himself for not being
more careful around his Matmate. Seshai had feelings and desires and probably
frustrations too.. And here he was, yapping his head off about some female in a
dream. Hugging his friend, he waited to see if the jackal would tell him what
was wrong - Neither would pry into the other's lives without good reason. "No..
No. I will be fine." then patted Jeng's rump. "I have to go make breakfast, you
sexy woof." As his friend got up, the Wolf noted the male's lithe form and
attractive buttocks, moving under that dark tail.. And for just a moment, he
wanted to jump up and take the Shorter male in his arms and nibble on his long
ears and...

"Jeng, you are Definitely going to have to do something about your needs.. Even
if it means..." He thought a minute - It was Crazy! It was Stupid! It was - His
cock throbbed as the jackal swished his tail - Necessary. A robe, some
face-paint, maybe a jangly ankle-bracelet.. That and Luck would have him inside
Heaven Tonight...

* * * *

All day he worked and fretted on the scheme, so much so that Seshai had to
watch him lest he give away what few goods they Did have to sell. It seemed to
take Forever for the Market to close and then to pack. He sent the Jackal home
saying he would do the rest.. "To make up for dreaming about females." He told
his friend. But actually he wanted time to get some items from the shop he
would need. A 'Am going Out. Will be back before sunrise - I Hope.' With a wink
would keep his Matmate from worrying. Bundling the items into a makeshift pack,
he made his way as best he could through the city into the Pleasure Gardens
reserved for the Rich. A pool and the waning light was enough for him to see
how the make-up looked.. Ok so he wasn't a beauty, but it was Just to get past
the guards... A drop of perfume to cover his male-scent, and the robe and he
was ready. As ready as unsteady legs, a pounding heart and his swollen nuts
drawing up close to his body which made him mince in pain when he walked, would
let him be anyway. The first surprise is the Ease in which he slipped into the
lodging. The second was bumping into someone in the dark hallway.

"Hello.." Jeng tried to swallow as a hand ran up his robed rear, squeezing it.
"Hello.." he managed in a husky whisper, barely keeping the other one from
entering his robe - What there was of it. "A new girl - Just what I was hoping
for.. Ftij -" a lamp came down the hall being carried by a burly male wolf.
"Prepare this one.. I will have her tonight." One light slap on his butt and
the Master of the House, whose harem Jeng had come to help himself to, walked
away, leaving they young male wanting to pee himself. Then a hand was on his
neck. "Come." was all that was growled as he was half-dragged down the polished
stone corridor to yet another room. All the way he kept thinking of what
punishments might be used on him - Castration, Public flogging, Sold into
slavery.. Or maybe just a blade and his body tossed on the trash-heap outside
of town. He whimpered, not resisting at all.

But instead of a torture chamber he found a bath. "You smell - Wash yourself."
The lad stood, trembling, waiting.. With a chuckle, the Guard turned his back.
"Do you wash yourself, or do I wash you?" Jeng was out of the cloth and into
the water so fast he left his shadow behind! He dared not turn around until he
heard another growl, and looked over his shoulder.. The big male was
blindfolded! 'Oh - Not even the Guards are permitted to look on the Harem..'
Thankful for small miracles, he washed and enjoyed the water, a Lot different
than the occasional rain-water plunge or a quick scrub they usually got.
Another growl got him busy washing. "Ummmm..." A chuckle as the big male lifted
a towel. Jeng stepped forward and gingerly dried himself, shivering every time
the guard 'smiled' at him. "Hurry Little one.. Our Master does not have much
patience." He did so, every now and again getting felt-up by the big Wolf. Off
to one side was what looked like moonnbeams spun with starlight.. In other
words barely enough to even be called Cloth!

"I..I..I.." Another chuckle. "Shy are you, Little One?" Another kerchief, much
like the one around the Guard's eyes, came out from his belt and was tied
around Jeng's hips With some more pawing of his butt. Then the 'gown' that left
nothing to the imagination. And before he could so much as Yip, the young male
was being led back down the corridor, this time with lots of long looks from
his guide.

* * * *

A single candle was on the bedstand, barely lighting anything.. Except for the
fact the Rakie was Very Much Male. Gawking at the semi-hard pole that lay
between the Wolf's legs got a chuckle. "Come here.." He drew closer, still
trying to find a way out that would leave him intact, and alive. "Your eyes
look different somehow.. And why the cloth?" Without thinking he slapped the
hand away that reached for the only thing that kept him Whole - And alive. "Oh
Ho! Naughty.." Jeng froze, sure now he would be stripped, and beaten and..
"Leave it on if you wish. Come closer." A step.. Another and he was at the
bedside. A hand reached up and caressed his head and ears.. And a shiver went
down his spine.

"Ah - No make-up to hide your radiant beauty. I like you better this way."
Suddenly he was muzzle to muzzle with the big male, their lips pressed
together, and a big cock was in his hand, throbbing and swelling. And Jeng
found himself Responding... Stroking the length, deepening the kiss, eyes half
closed. Then a hand was on his, helping him stroke the monster and he almost
jerked out of his skin when the free hand was on his butt, squeezing it, a
finger tapping his anus. Jeng suddenly decided that maybe castration wasn't
such a Bad idea after all, as it rubbed him Too intimately.

Strong hands grabbed him and he was suddenly on his belly on the bed with the
Master straddling his hips. "You didn't oil yourself, you naughty thing.." He
tried to protest, to say he was also a Male but his muzzle was smothered in
pillows and silks.. A hand shoved his tail up, teasing his orifice with a
finger. "Relax and it won't hurt so much.." Jeng tried to twist his head back,
to do Something.. The dripping cock-tip was against his anus and he puckered up
reflexively, shivering.. It felt.. Interesting. Then the pointed head was
demanding entrance - And try as he might to keep it out, the monster invaded

The wolf screamed into the pillows, feeling the throbbing maleness spear his
ass. Teeth bit into his ear as the big male shifted over him. "Did you think to
hide your maleness from me?" *Thrust* More inches slid in.. "Did you think to
have one of my wives - or did you want to become one?" *Thrust* Deeper went the
thick dog-cock into the wailing wolf, who could only grip the expensive sheets
and take the buggering. "Mmmmmm.. Tight as a Virgin - But not for long My
lovely one." Harder the the Rakie took Jeng, split the now numb male on his
pole. A hand reached between his legs and squeezed his hard-on, making him moan
and jerk, gripping the canine meat inside him.

"Rrrrr.. Do that again and I will cum." Was growl/whispered in his bitten ear.
It was then he felt the huge knot rubbing against his anus. 'He couldn't..
Surely he wouldn't..' Fingers gripped his sheath and Yanked it down, freeing
his knobs while teeth sank into his neck, and the fist-sized ball of flesh
pressed in firmly. The teeth bit harder, the hand squeezed his knobs and Jeng
arched up, taking the male him fully, tying with his new lover. His body
rippled, clawing at the bed as semen splattered his belly and the sheets,
feeling the cock in him throb and spew hot sticky liquid..

Again the hand Stroked his length and again he climaxed powerfully, making the
Wolf-Lord orgasm inside him, so strong and tight was the ass his thick meat lay
hilted in. Jeng lay panting, barely able to think, let alone move as he felt
the weight of the male on him, heard words that made him Blush being growled
soft and low in his ear. He fell into a fitful sleep, many time being awakened
by the lustful Wolf who humped his ass roughly.

* * * *

Morning came and Jeng groaned softly, feeling a hand on his chest, rubbing his
nipples lazily. His ass hurt like he had been spanked, but also warm as
something big was pressed against it. A nose nuzzled his ears, he was naked,
and had to pee.. Then it hit him Exactly where he was and suddenly urinating
was the furthest thing from his mind. So it wasn't some strange Dream.. But he
was in a worse quandary than before.. While it was - Interesting - to be taken
as a female, he wasn't that kind of male! And unless he got out of here he
would find himself in the harem - As one of the 'Females'..

A thought hit - How many of those 'females' he lusted so dearly after were
actually males in disguise.. Then stiffened again as the thick meat rubbed
against his very sore ass, making him reach around and stroke it. Rubbing it
between his cheeks he felt it's owner stiffen then grip his chest and sighing,
cum on his rump.. Then kiss his neck and snuggle against him, starting to
snore. Jeng looked to the ceiling, promising Never to do anything so foolish in
his life should he make it out in one piece, waiting until he dared wriggle
free. Getting himself off the bed carefully, Jeng used the chamberpot with
gratitude, noting the few drops of blood.. Not much for how abused his rear
was.. Stuffing a bit of cloth under his sore tail, he gingerly made his way out
of the room - To Stop on the other side of the doorway.

Oh Crap! The Robe, the Make-Up Kit, the Perfume.. At least a week's worth of
food and rent on their little place - And it was Someplace still inside. Forget
the Guards, Seshai would Kill him if he returned without them.. But the Gods
sometimes smile on Fools and the hallway only had a few doors - All leading to
empty rooms - until the one he wanted. The bath - Robe, Kit, and all, Still
sitting where he left it. A soft sigh of relief turned to an Urk as a hand
grabbed his nuts and Squeezed.

"A thief.." Jeng had enough composure to shake his head mutely, arching up as
the hand squeezed again. "No? Then why else would a naked male be sneaking
around - Ah. Maybe looking for the Harem?" The last thing the young wolf wanted
at the moment was a Female. He reluctantly shook his head again. The wolf was
turned and Shoved against a wall. "So, Little One.. Why Are you here then?"
Jeng looked up at the same big Guard who first shoved him into the water not
that long ago. "I.. I came to get the..." He waved a hand at the bundle, only
now seeing that water had splashed on the items, ruining the robe, tarnishing
the cheap make-up case. For a moment he thought about the perfume.. But it
didn't matter.

Seshai might be able to scrape by without him.. "Probably do better without
me.." He muttered. A hand lifted his chin. "Well - What shall I do with you?"
For the first time Jeng noticed the big wolf was naked.. and Male. Bigger than
the Rakie, Bigger than anything he had ever seen. He licked his dry lips
nervously.. "Mmmmm - I bet your muzzle is soft and warm.." The grizzled hand
rubbed his jaw. "Too Bad." Jeng shivered but could only wait, not even able to
beg. Then he watched, eyes wide, as the Wolf knelt in front of him. "I like
sucking Much more than being sucked.."

Fingers slid his cock out of his sheath and lips engulfed it, making the young
male whine, arch, shiver for an entirely different reason. He was hard in
moments, digging his fingers into the strong shoulders, gritting his teeth.
Then a tongue whipped across his dick and he came so hard he almost passed out.
Greedily the guard sucked on his cock, popping his knob free and taking his
bone to the sheath, rolling his balls around. Jeng, who wanted sex so badly for
so many months, fervently wished he was doing nothing more than sitting in the
Market, bored.

His youthful body jerked and strained to feed the hungry wolf enough semen to
sate the strongly sucking male, finally sliding down the wall and into a warm
lap, strong arms holding him. "I..." He sighed softly, feeling teeth on his
nipples, fingers rubbing his back. Maybe being a female to another male wasn't
so bad after all... "You must go now." Jeng nodded, swallowing as his lips were
kissed by others, a tongue darting into his muzzle. Then a slap on his abused
ass made him yelp and grip the cloth shoved into his hands. "I have seen you at
the market - Mayhaps I will drop by sometime and 'purchase' something." The
twinkle and a pink tongue licking black lips made the young wolf moan and
quickly disappear down the corridor.

It took but moments for him to find his way out to the street, where he tied
the cloth around his waist as best he could - the fabric a bit stiff - and made
his way back to the hovel where his friend awaited. "Well - Did you find what
you wanted?" Seshai looked at his friend with dark-circled eyes, tracks of
tears down the cheeks. The wolf sighed.. "Kinda. And why were you up all night?
Don't tell me you were Worried about me.." The jackal snorted then tried to
hide his face. "No.. I just - Couldn't sleep." The wolf knew better and came to
Hug his friend, unable to stifle a yelp as his butt was grabbed. "Jeng - You
are hurt!"

The wolf tried to make it out as nothing but his friend would have none of it.
Stripping the young male, Seshai gently probed the still bleeding anus, the
bruised, empty balls, the cock that refused to return to it's holder, still
peeking out at him. "What have you been up to? An Orgy?" Jeng almost snickered,
but moaned instead as a poultice was pressed against the wolf's abused rear,
and a tongue slid along his maleness, coaxing it upright. "Seshhh.." Jeng
started to protest, but teeth bit on his male-flesh and he kept quiet while the
male licked softly on his nuts until they looked less like shriveled wineskins
and more like sacks full of promise, holding the stinging but soothing mixture
under the wolf's tail until that too was no longer so purple/red.

"So.. Who was She?" The wolf grinned as he lay on his side, still being
ministered to by the jackal. "Ummmm.." A chuckle. "Never got around to names,
eh?" Jeng pulled the male down to him. "No - Not really." Then kissed the
startled jackal. "What? Jeng - are you feeling alright?" The wolf laughed and
kissed his bedmate again, this time more deeply, squeezing the dark-furred
butt. Looking into the dark eyes he saw what had always been there, just
ignored until now. "You still want me? After all I have done to you.." The
smaller male kissed his wolf hungrily, tongues intertwining. "After you rest, I
will Show you how much.. Oh Gods - the Time!"

It was well past when they should have had the shop open and selling.. And
every copper coin counted - Especially now. Jeng remembered his theft and was
about to tell the story, when his butt hit something hard. "Damn cloth!" he
growled, ripping at it.. And coins fell out! Gold Coins, double the size of any
they had seen before.. By the time they were done, 20 pieces of treasure lay in
their paws. "I.. You.. How..?" Jeng chuckled, and pushed the coins aside,
pushing Sashai down on the bed-mat and laying over him. "I will explain later..
And I don't think We will be going to market today."

The jackal grinned and growled, reaching between his Love's legs, feeling the
big wolf-meat throbbing to life. Lifting his legs up he placed them on Jeng's
shoulders. The wolf was startled, but quickly recovered. Rubbing his cock under
his lover's tail he had to chuckle. "You didn't oil yourself." The smaller male
squirmed and grinned. "Should I have?" Then bent his head and bit softly into a
hardened nipple. The Wolf growled and Thrust forward.. A stifled screech,
followed by twin moans answered.

The End