HORROR2.TXT - M/M/F, NC/Necro, Ghoul/Human - 8/04/98

Pickman's Other Side

By SwampRat
(c) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan
(cl) 1992, 1997 Gay Furry Association

I awoke in a darkened theater. My last clear memory was walking down a deserted
street, late in the evening. Then something struck me on the head... and I
awoke to find my arms and legs bound to a plush chair. I thought of yelling for
help, But decided against it. It might be adverse to my health, if my captors
knew I was conscience. Especially since I was quite nude. That fact hit home,
when I heard a clopping sound coming down the aisle, and ended just behind me.
A four-fingered paw/hand pressed itself into the flesh of my shoulder, and a
fetid stench made my stomach turn. "You awake." It was not a question. Whatever
it was gave out a growl, and the stage in front of me lit up. It almost made me
forget the thing on my shoulder, except it's mate pressed it's clawed self
against my right arm, gently caressing my skin. The curtain went up, and in the
center was a platform. On the dais was a still figure, dressed in white. A
creature came in, about eight feet tall. It's legs were like those of a bull,
as was the testicles that hung down halfway down the huge thighs. It turned and
bowed. Even though I was in the shadows, I knew it could somehow see me.

The upper half was human, but misshapen, with an extra pair of ribs, and 4-
fingered hands that resembled rat's paws. The head was a mishmash of parts.
Large, triangular ears hung on a human fore-head. But instead of a nose, the
monster had a snout, much like a dogs. It even had a tail, which twitched
lazily. The creature grinned, showing many crooked teeth, then turned to the
platform. It ran a paw up one leg, and I couldn't figure out why the poor
person didn't scream in horror. Unless they were drugged or... The hairs on the
back of my neck rose up, as the being pressed it's lips to a pair of pale ones.
Even from this distance I could see the marks, where they had once been sown
shut. A paw ripped the dress open, and fondled a white breast. I squirmed, to
no avail, as whatever was behind me mirrored the movements of the fiend on
stage. A tongue slid up my neck, and the paws clutched my chest, thumbs raking
my nipples.

Despite my best efforts at control, they became erect under the ministrations.
The monster on stage further rent the garment, claws stroking smooth flesh. The
animal grinned at me, then thrust it's paws in between the legs. There was a
horrendous sound, as muscles held by rigor-mortis were made to move. Long
fingers toyed at my groin, caressing my manhood. Surely it wasn't going to...

The thing turned and walked to the end of the platform, it's tumidescence
bobbing with each step. I would have turned my head, except the thought of the
tongue, that slavered first across the back of one ear, then the other, sliding
across my lips was more repugnant than the sight in front of me. The ghoul
returned with something and lifted the pale legs up, moving between them. It's
large horse-like penis pressed into the junction for a moment, then the animal
lifted a gourd, pouring something shiny over the lengthy appendage. The clawed
paw worked the slick stuff up, and down, while the creature grimaced, it's
tongue lolled drunkenly. Then it replaced the fleshy pole between the white
legs and grunted, as the reddish tip disappeared. My skin crawled as the
outline of the thing stood clearly on the white abdomen. Despite all I could
do, my cock started responding to the paw's caresses, jerking to life.

The monster on stage, continuing to pour the stuff over it's immense maleness
with one hand, managed to force the entire length into the corpse. It knelt,
admiring it's handiwork for a moment. In my peripheral vision I saw a muscular
snout slide by, as the monster stood, then it turned, and to my increasing
horror, moved down the isle, then to mine, to stand before me, as erect as it's
twin on-stage. Picking something up, it knelt in front of me, and as a clawed
hand grabbed my erection again, a purplish-tongue slid out of the creature's
mouth and pressed itself against the underside of the tip of my penis. Despite
witnessing a ghoul desecrating a dead woman, and it's brother's hideous
appearance, I found myself becoming aroused. I moaned, straining against the
ropes, as the monster in front of me slowly, and languidly lapped upon my cock-

My senses reeled, as the sounds of growls, and sklorchs came from the stage,
where the fiend was humping away, rather briskly. It was sheer torture, not
being able to do anything but sit, as that incredible appendage did so much
damage to my nervous system... I was snapped out of my reverie by a bellow. The
being in the platform had pulled it's penis free of the body, and hips
rotating, was now shoving the slick length through a paw, the other dug at it's
chest, teasing a teat, or scratched red furrows across the tough hide on it's

As I watched, the bulbous head flared, and thick, yellowish ejaculate splashed
over the girl's breasts. Moans and growls proceeded another splatter, then
another, while the creature in front of me rubbed his huge maleness against my
leg, and continued my torment. My orgasm appeared out of nowhere, making my
testicles swell, then contract in the hairy paw that fondled them. The tongue
vanished, and my cock was pointed towards the container held in the other paw.
Then pleasure robbed me of my senses.

* * * *

When I returned to reality, I found to my consternation, I was not having a
terrible dream after all... A cup of something was thrust into my mouth.
"Drink." I choked it down, grateful that it was only cheap wine. The stage
curtain rattled up again. This time two creatures stood in a graveyard scene.
They bowed. A coffin stood between them. The lid was wrenched off, and the
contents taken out. A rather portly man was lowered to the ground. By the looks
of him he couldn't be more than a few hours dead.. The creature still sat at my
feet, stroking my buttocks. It grinned at me. Another set of those horrendous
paws slid down my chest. 2 Monsters on stage.. 2 Creatures with me...

They kissed over the dead man, groins pressed tight against the pale flesh. My
hand almost involuntarily stroked the length of cock resting on my arm. Then my
skin crawled as the bearded chin was pulled up, and one of the males shoved
it's cock into the open mouth. The other grabbed the flaccid penis, and pulled
the body off the floor, tossing the semi-rigid legs between it's arms, and
stuffed it's dripping maleness between the pale butt-cheeks. I winced in
sympathy, as the huge pole was ground into the orifice, Then I yelped as a
finger invaded my anus. The animal behind me chuckled, bending over to lap at a
nipple. The other caressed my bound legs, nibbling on my dangling testicles.

Between them the 2 big males managed to bury themselves in the corpse, while I
was treated to similarly, the finger being removed for something thicker
probing my anus, entering me... From that moment on, I can recall only bits and
pieces - Muzzles and fingers and tails rubbing my cock until I groaned, giving
them spurt after spurt of my hot seed, until everything went black and I
remember nothing more.

* * * *

I sit and write this by the single candle they allow me, unsure if I hope for
someone to find this and save me or just to warn another soul - keep him from
this Pleasurable hell I am in. I eat what they give me, grateful that so far it
has only been fresh meat. I do not know what day or month is it, and while I
hate living I fear death even more, knowing my captors will simply enjoy my
body before devouring it.. Even now I hear them coming down the halls - I must
hide this journal, and Hope..

Two big males come in, lifting the human, half carrying him out of his cell and
down dirt corridors to a familiar dais on a familiar stage. 'Is it finally My
time?' he thinks as they remove what tatters he wears and lays him on the
wooden platform caressing his body. "What do you want from me?!?" he screams as
one of them moves to straddle his hips, thick maleness sliding up his belly.
Anther creature grasped my testicles. "We need human seed. Need males to make
babies, to mate with, to enjoy..." Then he was engulfed in warmth and dog-lips
caressed his nipples, as he felt a tongue on his nuts, knowing they would get
every last drop of seed from them before they were done.

The End?