The Buck, or Watch Where You Hunt.. - Variation on a theme #1

Version 2.0 - By SwampRat

(C) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan

There was a sign, that read "This is a private wilderness area. Do not enter.
We do not take nor assume any responsibility for your safety." The man laughed.
Who the hell were they trying to scare? Well, he was going to hunt in there,
whether anybody liked it or not. Parking his truck, the man shouldered his gun
and set off.. It didn't take long to find game either. A beautiful 6 point...
It stood in the bushes, as if waiting. Well you won't have to wait long, he
thought. The hunter lined the cross-hairs on the fore-leg of the animal, and
squeezed gently. The 30-06 barked. As he expected, the deer went down, as if
somebody had pulled it's legs out from under it. He grinned, and set his rifle
against the tree... Then he watched, not believing his own eyes, as the
creature stood back up again.

His instincts told him something was wrong, Very wrong... There was no blood!
He knew he had hit the deer, so why wasn't there any.. The hairs on the back of
his neck went up as the buck turned it's head and looked up at him. He picked
up his binoculars, and stared at the animal. The eyes blazed, but not with
life... More like those glass ones they put on stuffed animals. His eyes
trailed down what he could see of the hairy neck, and stopped at the shoulder.
The bullet had passed through the animal, leaving a clean hole the size of a
quarter. Then the light shifted and his jaw dropped. He could see the ground on
the other side of the creature, through the wound! Nothing could have lived
through that, unless...

There are some things the human mind can't think about and stay rational. So
his did the same thing all minds do when confronted with something horrendous,
It ran! The only problem was his feet seemed to rebel against the thought.
"What? After coming all this way?? Not without a good reason!" Ask for
something and you will get it, even if it isn't exactly what you wanted. The
deer stepped out from out of the cover, and started towards him. Burned between
the perfect antlers was a strange symbol. Even though it looked old, no hair
had grown around it. The last straw that fired his clay feet into appendages
again, was two observations. Even though it was a warm day and the animal was
struggling up a steep hill, it neither sweated, or panted. That wasn't half as
bad as the realization that the ribs weren't moving... The creature wasn't
breathing! The man forgot about the gun, about his pack, about everything but
running. He tripped, fell, and sobbing, pulled himself up to run again..
Branches lashed his face, and he clawed at them blindly, not caring if they cut
his hands, not worrying about twisting his ankle. All he wanted was to put
distance between his body and the thing. He abruptly stopped, panting...

Not six feet in front of him, the monster waited. No. No... NO!!! His bladder
gave way, staining the front of his jeans, as excrement made a slimy mess out
his underwear. He screamed, and turning, ran stumbling back the way he came.
His leg caught on a root, and he clawed at his belt, ripping a finger nail as
he undid the zipper, and snapped the fastener off. He jumped out of the smelly
cloth, and fell flat on his face. He twisted, and pulled his boots out of the
leg holes, just as the monster came around a large tree, a few paces away. The
panicked human scuttled backwards, on his ass. Then he pulled the ruined
undergarment off, and threw it at the apparition. Free again, he took off at
dead trot.. Even adrenalin only holds out so far, and when the human's supply
dwindled, he dropped, and not even the sounds made by the animal coming closer
could make him do much more than crawl. The hunter fell, ribs screaming for
relief. He could only whimper, when two fore-legs appeared on either side of
him. Something furry rubbed his back, and a dry nose pressed against his neck,
a tongue slid across the sweaty flesh.

He shuddered, then his eyes opened wide, and he yelped, as a large pointed
object slid through his shit-caked buttocks, and forced it's way up his anus.
For some reason that struck him funny, So he giggled. Then he laughed. The
hunter twisted his head to one side and looked the creature smoothly sliding
it's penis into his neither end. "Enjoying yourself fella?" He laughed
hysterically as the buck licked the side of his face. Being butt-fucked by a
dead buck... Hey, That rhymes! He threw back his head and howled, then choked
as a long tongue wandered into his mouth. His mind chased itself for a moment,
then the pleasure of having his prostrate gland stroked interrupted his
madness. Wait a minute... You aren't supposed to be liking this! But
mentalities don't like loose ends. He was feeling illicit pleasure, which
brought out the guilt associated with such things, and he latched onto it like
an anchor. 'Of course, I'm being punished. This creature is my retribution...'
Now that the personality had unraveled all the problems, and put them neatly
into one package, it could start milking this occasion for all the pleasure it
could get. Which was considerable..

A thought chased itself around his mind. If it was dead, would it cum?
Apparently not. That didn't stop it from shoving it's desiccated muzzle into
his ribs. Nor from sliding the driest tongue the man hoped never to feel again,
across his own cock. He grunted, lifting up at the insistent pressure. Teeth
bit into the swelled head. Then the penis was sucked into a dry mouth. Which
seemed to get wetter by the minute! The maleness digging into his ass grew
fatter as well. What the He.. "Exactly." He screamed, as the zombie body came
to life. Eyes glowed with unholy light as the creature continued to suckle on
him. The Hunter babbled.. Another mind pressed itself on his. "No! I Refus.." A
hoof scraped his nuts. Shoved them against a pair of furred ones. Hips bucking,
the monster growled. Ejaculate splashed across the forked tongue, which wound
itself tightly around the spurting cock. "Life!" Fangs twanged the web of flesh
under the flared head, sending more ecstacy through the shuddering being. The
animal filled out even more.

Twin claws mauled the contracting nuts, harvesting still more scum.. The man's
entire being was focused in a ring of muscle, being stretched to tearing by the
immense cock which pistoned rapidly through it. A shuddering howl rose from two
throats. The creature slammed in to the hilt, shoving a full inch of furry
sheath into the man. Split-hoofed hands jerked skin off the still erupting
maleness. Demon-cum poured into the man, warm and sticky. The monster rumbled,
lay on the panting hunter. Pulled the elephant cock out slowly. Flipped the
male, and lapped all the semen off him. Sucked the withered balls dry. Cleaned
every bit off the forest leaves. Then it pressed it's muzzle to his lips. "Cum
again sometime.." The inhuman laughter lashed him to his feet. Made his stumble
to his truck, a trail of slime dribbling from his abused ass. He got in, and
literally flew out of the area..

The man awoke. "What a horrible dream.." He whistled, making breakfast. There
was a new place he heard about. Some sort of private reserve..

The End?