HUNGER.TXT - M/M, NC, Snuff - September 13, 1999

by SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

I have a fur e-mailing me who wants More hardcore.. I am thinking of a
starvation scene.. 2 prisoners are thrown in a cell and not fed. Whoever eats
the other gets to live a while longer.. Nasty but effective.


The Skunk was tossed in a cell, grunting as he hears the door slam shut and
locking. Thom pounded on the door. "You fucks! Let me out of here!" He banged
on the wood until his black hand was sore then went and sat on the stone shelf
that served as a bed, wincing as his butt was still tender from the probing it
had been given. "What the hell do they expect a guy to hide in his Ass?" He
grumbled to himself.. Then glanced over at the other prisoner - and spat on the
floor. "Just fuckin great!"

The skink regarded his adversary, not saying anything.. He lifted a scaled leg,
putting his foot on the stone, turning a little so his leathery cock and balls
were plainly visible, an obvious invitation for sex - Or in body language, 'Fuck
You.' He got up and drank from a basin in the wall, then went to the hole that
was the toilet and urinated, making sure he was facing the skunk. Thom snorted
but half-watched, noting the male was built pretty well. How could anyone Stand
to walk around naked like that.. His dick was properly kept in his sheath not

There was no fur around His nuts either and he scratched them, eyes
half-closed.. Been a while since he last shagged a wench, and it was beginning
to tell - His scratching turned to rubbing, feeling how full they were. Damn..
He might have to jerk-off in a few days if this kept up.. Hissed laughter made
him sit up. "You Queer?" the skink said in the stilted way that reptiles
talked. "What the hell makes you think I am a Fucking Queer, Lizard?"

"You look at me and you play with yourself.." The mephit just snorted in reply
and turned away.

* * * *

Thom awoke to a growling stomach.. He got up, pissed in the hole and then
pounded in the door again. "Hey! When do we get fed around here?"
Silence.."Hey!" No one came to so much as growl at him...

* * * *

The skunk was back in the tavern he had been picked up in.. That sexy female
wench with the big chest was kneeling over him, licking his erection.."Oh
Yess.." He panted, feeling her hands on his nuts, making his stiffen and blow
hard into her muzzle.. Strokes and strong sucking kept it coming until his
balls were emptied, and he could only moan and beg her not to lick on the
sensitive tip.. Coming out of his slumber he found part of his dream was true..
The skink was lapping at his dick with a blue tongue, keeping it hard. "What
the..?" Jeweled fingers rubbed his nuts as he jerked each time the lapping
organ ran across the tip of his maleness.

"Stop that, you gods-be-damnded faggot!" Hissed laughter as fingers wrapped
around the base of his dick, pulling upwards to strip him. "You not say that
earlier.." Then Sharp teeth bit into his cock-head and he screeched, being
sucked dry.. The skink licked his cock one last time then went to drink and sit
in a corner, there being only 1 shelf.

Thom sat up weakly and rubbed his aching crotch, cock-head bruised purple from
the bite.. he staggered over to the basin and drank, somehow managed to urinate
and collapse back on the stone bench. He couldn't deny it Had felt good.. Very
good. Too Good.. "You touch me again and I will Kill you, Damn Faggot Lizard."
They could keep him a Year and he wouldn't turn into a cock-loving fairy!

The skunk fell into a fitful sleep, sometimes thinking he felt hands on him, or
a thin-lipped mouth, but he couldn't be sure...

* * * *

Thom woke feeling more tired than he could ever remember being.. He could
barely get up and stagger over to the basin to drink.. 'Damn, I'm Hungry.. I
could eat a Horse - Or a faggot lizard.' He looked over as his cell-mate,
thinking if he had a fire and a knife he would be eating skink-steak..

Then one eye pierced him and he jerked at the thought that the tables could be
turned... His cock throbbed as he remembered the bite. 'Oh Shit..' He lurched
back to the shelf, and kept a weary eye on the other male, ready to fight if it
came to it.. "Got to stay awake.." He whispered to himself, fighting the
creeping lethargy, the desire to close his eyes for Just a Little While. he
heard movement, but couldn't even so much as protest when his nuts were jerked
away from his body, cock shoved roughly from it's holder and taken between soft
lips.. This time there was no denying the darkness.

* * * *

Thom felt like a wineskin that had been drained and left hanging.. "Please." He
croaked when hands gripped him, sure he couldn't take another day of being
sucked on. But instead of soft lips there was a hard cock that pushed into his
ass, making him arch a little, too weak to resist. "Who is Faggot now, Haired
one?" Gripping at the floor the skunk could do nothing but take the punishing
thrusts and rough caresses.. He felt the cock throbbing inside him as it
squirted it's creamy load.. and suddenly he wanted it! It was food.. It was
something to stop the burning pain... "Please." He croaked, muzzle dry.

The skink pulled out and rolled him over, standing over the half-dead mammal.
"What..?" Thom lifted his hands up. "Please.." He opened his muzzle, hoping for
some of the drops that hit his fur. The lizard hissed laughter and pointed it's
red cock at the male's mouth. At first nothing came.. but in a bit Thom felt
something warm and wet hitting his neck, Then his chin, Then against his lips.
It was acrid and burning and he gulped the piss greedily, a part of him
disgusted - and buried under the desire to live at any cost. When the pointed
tip came close enough he kissed it, raising his head a little to take it
between his lips, sucking on it wantonly.

The male hissed as it felt the mammal work warm lips on his dick, gripping the
black-and-white head, stuffing his meat in it, grinning as he felt teeth press
on his member, but the mammal was too weak to do more than excite him and he
let a second orgasm choke the skunk.. Who swallowed and sucked every last bit
he could get down. But then the lizard returned the favor, flicking his long
tongue across the smooth balls and cock that now lay out of it's holder,
gulping all the spunk that could be harvested. The skunk let out a soft sigh,
passing from this world to the next on a wave of pleasure.

* * * *

The guards came and took the body away, returning with a tray of food that the
lizard tucked into ravenously.. The fox who had come to pronounce the prisoner
dead and decide how much his pelt was worth, watched in amazement. "I don't
understand - he had a whole body here to eat, yet it isn't touched and he
looked close to death himself." One of the guards chuckled and put the 80
silver pieces in a chest. "A few things you should know about Terrir - A. They
don't like anybody who isn't a Terrir.. B. They are vegetarians.." The fox
noted the bites on the body centered around the nipples and groin area. He
shook his head. 'What a way to go..' And motioning to his aide to pick up the
soon-to-be furpiece, walked out.

* * * *

A wolf, dark of fur and ragged of coat was tossed in a cell, the door clanging
behind him. He snarled at it and padded over to the shelf, sitting. Feeling
eyes on him he looked at his cell-mate.. and spat in disgust. A gods-damnded
Lizard.. And probably Queer too. The skink sized him up expertly, taking in the
nicely-muscled frame, the fat balls, the big sheath. A week - 10 days at the
longest.. He waited for the male to sleep, thinking of all the rich semen he
would suck from that body before the hated mammal could give no more and

A warrior can kill in many ways, taking years to perfect the skilled arts. His
was unusual but effective. The fact it humiliated the enemy was an added
bonus.. When the Wolf slept he picked a hair from the male's coat, and wove it
in with the other kills he had made. A single scale glittered in the middle of
the patch for when he was overcome and his trophy was given to the victor.

Having finished the work he went to the slumbering male, who was on his belly,
and ran clawed fingers through the butt-fur.. Softly at first, then harder as
the Wolf moaned a name and pushed his hips up, a rock-hard canine cock jutting
from it's holder. A blue tongue flicked over it, gathering the flavors it would
come to know well. Fingers gripped the ball-sack as lips slid around the
dripping head, making the wolf pant and thrust and Howl as he exploded into a
snout expert at making cocks hard and balls empty.

He licked the throbbing member, feeling how much was left in the testicles that
could be gotten before they had to rest. If one eats a Churrel to the ground,
it dies.. If one eats a Churrel half-way, it lives but grows stunted.. If one
eats a Churrel slowly, a few leaves at a time, the plant is happy and the
Terrir are happy. He starts bobbing his head on the cock, sucking at it,
fingers working the balls on their grip until a second, more ragged howl splits
the air and nothing more can be gotten.. For the time being.

The skink goes to the basin and drinks, washing down the fluid that will keep
him alive for - He runs his tongue around his lips, swallowing - Maybe 10 days.
The challenge appeals to him as he sits on the corner, napping, conserving
energy until it is again time to harvest more semen from the male.

The End - For now.