KIRIEL1.TXT - M/SM, Semi-NC/Oral, Piercing/Branding/Slavery - December 18,

Note - Kiriel is a She-Male - Raised as a female all her life she didn't
think about her genitals.. Until she was forced to.

Kiriel and Trigali - Chapter 1, Caught!

By SwampRat

(cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association

Trigali walked into town, his equipment in a bag.. He didn't need much - a
restraining collar, some straps to tie or beat a reluctant slave with, a
travel brand.. And some things to make camp in the woods. He didn't worry
about brigands any more than he worried about the sniggers as people
stopped to stare at his bare butt swaying from his clothing - More chaps
than real pants, they hid not an inch of his striped ass, tail moving of
it's own accord.

Any guardsman or prudes who might think to speak to the big cat about his
appearance took one look at the single blue eye, or the scarred muzzle, or
the fangs that protruded down from the upper lip and they kept silent. Not
that he would tell them anyway, or why in an inner pocked a gathering of
russet fur twisted into a heart-shape was forever over his own..

One silly, loving fox who made a comment about his ass looking so nice it
was a shame to hide it under cloth and all the caresses and nuzzlings that
same fox made on those bare cheeks while he was still alive made the
snickers forgivable.. Just. 'Damn, but I miss you.. '

A noise caught his ear.. A town crier yapping about the latest news. A
runaway slave.. A reward - Not much but from the looks of the town not much
could be afforded to be given away. Now where would one be if one was
running... Not in Town - Even the Best of friends could be swayed with
either coin or the truncheon applied enough times. The fields and farms
were no place either - Farmers barely kept enough for themselves after the
Levies.. No extra mouths would be welcome..

The Woods - A place that has it's own dangers, some on 2 legs, some on 4..
The hills then - Caves a plenty to hide in. Quiet passes where food could
be traded or given if the castaway was of nobler blood. Yes - That is where
he would search..

* * * *

The squirrel heard of the hunters long before they found out about Her. She
packed what few things she could and stole away, going from town to town,
hoping to find some friendly face.. But none knew her That well and None
were willing to lose all they had to the Guards.. So a place to sleep, a
scrap of food and she was off again.. Finally she dashed off to the Woods,
bartering her meager goods for safe passage and food. But a week later she
was almost as desperate to be caught as not to. Life was hard in the Hills.
Food was scarce and she had to fight for whatever she could get..

Sometimes she cried herself to sleep, sometimes she vowed bloody revenge on
all of the peasants who dared to toss her out into the world like this. So
it was with mixed emotions she awoke to find a strong hand on her neck,
affixing a collar to it.

"Follow." was the only words spoken and she did so, stumbling and panting,
the leather lead not that long... She couldn't help notice as the sun came
up that the being had no rear on his breeches, his striped and masculine
butt out for all to see.

She also couldn't help but notice how strong her captor was and how his
body moved so sensuously.. She had been a late-bloomer, breasts growing
before anything else did. She shook her head, stumbling again.. This was no
time for thinking about romance.. or baser things. She had to get Free and
exact her revenge. Re-take the throne, Find a husband with a strong army to
put these peons in their place.. One with a gorgeous butt like the hunk in
front of her had..

Despite her best intentions she found herself drooling and wondering what
it felt like.. Was it silky or rough? Would he like it or growl at her and
push her away? And what other treasures did his clothing conceal? She
shivered in the morning heat as they stopped for a moment under a tree.
Water was given to her from the strong hand - but not nearly enough - Then
they were off again. But not towards Town.. Or at least not any She knew
of... Then the fear started. Maybe he was going to kill her and leave her
body to the animals.. Or Worse - Rape her, sully her so she would never be
able to find the Right King to marry..

They stopped abruptly at a barn-like structure.

"We will stay here a few days, then continue on into town.. Must have you
looking your Best for the Collectors."

She was pushed inside, what little clothing was ripped from her and a cloth
was shoved in her butt-crack as she turned to cover herself.

"Wash - You stink."

And he was gone.. She stood for a moment, embarrassed.. What was she going
to do? Run.. Where? She had nothing - not even a scrap of cloth. And the
collar was a dead giveaway to Anyone who saw it. It wasn't heavy but very
strong and not about to open for her prying fingers. Well, perhaps later -
Everybody had to sleep sometime.. She wrinkled her nose - She Did stink..
and the warm water was heaven compared to the cold streams she had mostly
splashed her face in.

She stepped from the bath and waited.. A towel would be nice.. Some food
would be nicer. Mayhaps the male had gone into town and she could Still
sneak away...

"You Done?"

She eeked as hands came from behind her, squeezing her tits, tweaking her

"Over there.. Kneel, hands at your sides. I intend to wash and I Don't want
to think about you until I am done." She was shoved roughly onto her knees,
legs kicked apart.

"Move and you will regret it.."

She did move - If only to turn her head so she could get a look at her
captor.. And got a growl that made her shake and quickly look back at the
wall. Damn, not so much as a peek at his malehood. He was quiet otherwise..
Quiet in his washing, quiet in his movement, quiet right up to the time he
grabbed her collar.

"Hungry Slave?"

She nodded without thinking.. And gasped as she was twisted around to have
a big thick cock slap against her face.

"Suck it.. Drain my balls down your gullet and I may give you something
else to go with it. Displease me and you will go hungry until tomorrow when
I drag your ass into town for the reward.."

Kiriel nodded and obediently opened her mouth, taking the cock head between
her lips.. She had done this a couple of times at the Inn - always
discreetly as the matron would have beaten her soundly for it.. But None
were This big... She managed to get it in and sucked on it, her empty
stomach wanting something, Anything in it at this point..

A hand caressed her head as she moved her muzzle back and forth. She felt
the barbs pricking a little but not badly.. Then the hand tightened on her
head and she was too busy swallowing and trying to breathe to bother about
much else.. The cock had swelled in her mouth, pushing her jaw open, and
the head was squirting the slimy stuff almost directly into her stomach, so
strong was the pressure..

But she managed somehow, Even made the male moan as she swirled her tongue
over the piss-slit, finding she liked the taste. But finally the cock
softened and even as she sucked the dregs out, it slipped from between her

"Good Slave. Now go lay in the hay over there. You must be sleepy after
such a Big meal.."

She Was sleepy, and for the first time she could remember her belly was
bulging.. And a sloshed a little.. She giggled, gave the cock one last kiss
then did as she was bade. And the Tiger watched her butt move, wondering if
what he had seen was some sort of illusion. To anyone looking at her from
the waist up or from the back would see a sexy female squirrel. However
what lay between her legs was anything but Feminine... Perhaps a spell or
curse, as magic while not common was Still practiced. Perhaps some Family
thing - She was Definitely royalty..

It showed in little places - She didn't wipe her mouth with the back of her
hand but almost daintily licked her fingers clean. She moved with a grace
no one but royalty had time to perfect. She may be Running but she was no
Slave... As he lay beside her she gave a soft sigh and pushed her butt
against his crotch.. Even in Sleep she was trying to manipulate him..
Either that or she was Horny. He reached down and rubbed her belly as he
lay beside her, making her gasp and moan and wriggle a little harder
against him.

Damn, but she had a nice pair of balls to go with her nice pair of tits...

* * * *

Kiriel woke to find she Wasn't dreaming.. A Big male with a Big erection
was lying beside her, an arm draped over her chest.. She wriggled her butt,
torn between wanting to be a virgin for the Right male.. And actually
Having a male for the First time. The choice was taken from her when she
was turned and again the cock was shoved in her face. She giggled and
caressed it, kissed it, sucked it into her mouth, careful of her teeth she
sucked on it until the monster gave up it's sap in long shuddering spasms..

She kept it in her mouth, stroking it, working her tongue on it until it
was roughly pulled from her mouth.. She panted, half-fearful/half-hoping..
And got her butt swatted.

"I am going into town to arrange for your Ransom to be paid. If I find you
gone, I won't hesitate to hunt you down and skin you.."

He stopped when the squirrel grabbed him, pulled him against her roughly,
ground 'her' crotch against his almost desperately.. He pushed her away,
then lay as she burst into tears..

"They.. They will Kill me. I am to be publicly Dismembered. That is what
they Don't tell you.. Please - I will do Anything. Just don't turn me in.
Take me. Make me your Slave.. I want to Live..."

"What makes you think I Want you?"

The silence that followed as the squirrel took his words in was deafening..

"You don't.. But you put it in my Mouth.. I felt it against my rear. Please
- I can't pay you with anything but my Body.. Please Sir..."

Trigal yawned.. "I am not much for shemales.."

Kiriel looked at him like he had just said she was made of cheese. "I.. I
don't understand.."

The feline reached between her legs and gave her balls a squeeze. The
squirrel reacted as if someone had kicked her in the gut.

"You got Balls. You got a cock hiding in that sheath too I bet. Tits don't
make you a Female.."

He watched it sink in.. And kept fondling the brown-furred balls that
rivaled his own in size. Suddenly she pulled away and turned.

"No! I Must be a Female.. I Must Be!" She knelt and cried as if her heart
was breaking.. She cursed her Mother who had lied to her for So many years.
She cried for her kingdom now forever denied her.. She cried because she
could think of nothing else to do...

When she had finally cried herself out She lay with her head in her hands.
It didn't matter what lay between her legs, She was still a She - At least
in Her mind. And she Was still a Princess. So act like one.. She sniffed,
wiped her eyes and stood to turn and look at the male still laying in the
hay, still sexy as hell.

"If my reward is the same for me dead as alive, will You do the Deed? Kill
me swiftly, take my head back and let my remains rot so no one will know my
shame? Or if that is not enough, will you sell me to a carnival - An
abomination of nature to be stared at and laughed over.. With a hood so no
one will know Who I am?"

Her calm words belied the tremors that shook her body despite all she could
do to keep them in check..

She knelt, legs apart, head down.

"The correct term is Master. Unless otherwise allowed you will call me
Master. If at any time you displease me I Will turn you over to the
Collectors Without hesitation.. Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded, trembling.. His hand grabbed her head, making her gasp.. But it
wasn't his cock that was shoved into her muzzle, it was his sweaty balls.

"Clean them.."

Kiriel licked on the sweaty sack, taking first one nut then the other into
her mouth to suck all the dirt and other stuff from the skin.. Then she
lapped the entire front side, waiting a moment before pushing her nose up
and starting to clean the back side.. And was shoved away, turned on her
belly and had her hands cuffed behind her.


She struggled to her feet.


She turned to beg him not to do this.. A leather strap cracked across her
butt, making her yelp and jump.


Head down in shame and anger she walked.. Once and Only once she tried to
run. She made it to the end of the leash tied to her collar then she was
yanked from her feet, choking as the collar crushed her windpipe. She fell
hard onto her back, and lay barely able to breathe.. This time the strap
came down on her balls.. She went white, and turned on her side to retch.

"Walk.. Or be dragged."

She somehow made it to her knees, then to her feet, wobbly and barely able
to breathe.. She felt rather than saw the strap moving and she cringed,
doing her best to move. And the Strap did fall, but not in a hard arc.
Rather it came as a soft caress across her chest that made the nipples
stiffen and a moan come from her abused throat.

Somehow she managed to walk, to ignore the stares and the pointing fingers.
And when she didn't the strap would remind her with a Pop across her rump.
She stumbled in ruts, never allowed to fall or to hide her body as the
leash kept her back straight..It was that or Choke.. And the pain between
her legs was now an aching throb, which she was grateful for.. Up the road,
past the Guards who stared at the pair.

"Hey - Is That the Princess?" Someone spoke from the growing crowd..

Trigal snorted - "Does the Princess have Balls? Stop Slave."

Kiriel did so without hesitation, her chest heaving as she tried to catch
her breath. Her nuts swayed between her legs, her penis halfway out of it's
sheath, unmistakably male despite her firm, well-rounded breasts in the
morning sun.

Trigal shook the leash and the squirrel moved again, numb in mind and
spirit. The crowd followed to the blacksmith's shop.. There the shemale was
tied down and Branded on her right butt-cheek with Trigal's Mark, forever
identifying her as Owned. The collar was replaced with a steel one, again
stamped with Trigal's mark. Finally her nipples were pierced and steel
rings riveted in place. The squirrel hardly made any noise at all and the
novelty wore off quickly.

She was brushed and the wounds salved, the healing properties making sure
the new items were permanent. Again she walked, out of the town, out into
the wilderness, not seeing the eyes on her, not noting the whispers - She
was after all Just a Slave.. If an unusual one. They stopped under a tree
to rest a while, the tiger feeding her and giving her some water.. Then
they walked until sundown, where she collapsed from exhaustion.

Trigal laid beside the squirrel, covering them both with a hide that would
keep out both the cold and damp. She was awakened, told to urinate and do
anything else she needed to do. She was somewhat curious as to why the
freedom, until her hand brushed against her cheek. No matter where she
went, even if she was to somehow run away Right now - She was a branded
slave. No leash, no strap, just some grain and water for breakfast and off
they went.

End of Chapter 1