KONGZIL2.TXT - M/M, Zoo/Macro/Destruction, Movie Monsters - 8/04/98

What Really happened in Tokyo
Or 'For Cable Only.'

By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

This is for the Herp's, Leather's, Bears, Zoo's... And anybody else who thinks
that Godzilla and/Or King Kong are damn sexy!


The city sighed as one. Which of the gods had they offended so? Kong, A Huge
gorilla who had been brought over on a large tanker to entertain The royal
family had broken loose and was ravishing the countryside - Literally! His
farts were cannon blasts of methane that withered plants and people alike.
When he stopped to urinate a small village was washed away.. And his other
habits - Picking and scratching and playing with himself that shocked many a
matron into swoons.

An old soothsayer pointed out that Many new jobs were created by the
destruction, many new fields to replace old ones, not to mention the
generations that would need to be born to make up for those no longer here...
Someone tipped a cart of horsedung over him and they all gathered cobblestones
to cover the mound, not wanting to hear good news right now.

Then they sighed again when they heard Zilla was on his way to 'defend' his
people.. Which gave them pride - Despite the nasty rumors he swung both ways
with his fellow Monsters. Still there were places one could bet on who would cum


The big reptile growled, muscles bunching as he slapping his hands together.
Damn Americans! How dare They bring another monster on His turf... Then again,
there Was San Francisco, where he heard Men lived together and screwed each
other openly.. He stopped to rub his aching balls. Zilla had heard about
macrophilia but never indulged. But the thought of dozens of humans running to
play with his dick while he knelt was Soooo Interesting.. He grunted and
stopped to dip his nuts in a lake nearby - Causing a wave that sent fish and
fishermen alike into the middle of the forest. The elders put their fingers
aside their noses and waggled their heads. "Zilla is Horny.." They said, and
sent out Boys to help with a catch that would last them most of the year in
trade.. And of course the water had to be immediately captured to be sold as an
aphrodisiac - Balls as big as Those had to be potent!

Kong was idly playing with himself, grinning. Those chains weren't hard to
break, but he had waited until the boat was securely docked before leaving.. He
didn't like boats, got 'seasick' too easily. But Now.. Now he had the run of
the place. Bust up a few towns, fondle a few good-looking humans - He wasn't
above playing around outside his species - and see this twink lizard he heard
about. Slap him around a couple of times, stick this big ape-meat up his
ass, Knock a few buildings over and then go home.. He longed for the smog, the
cheers, the excitement of blowing a load over a bunch of naked writing fans..
he groaned semen spurting out like thick rain all over an acre of forest.
Woodcutters found themselves first splattered then stuck to trees, animals,
equipment.. Some turned their hats up to catch the spunk and drink as much as
they could, pouring it into horse throats, bear throats, fox throats - Whatever
was at hand.. By years end, the population of living things had doubled and in
many cases trebled.

* * * *

It was early afternoon when the 2 titans met, and all could see Zilla's mind
was on other things... The way he looked his opponent over, staring long and
hard at the furry crotch, the way his cock bobbed and swayed as he panted.. So
betting was heavily in favor of Kong getting in the first blow.. Which he did.
*Slap* The gorilla gave his opponent an open handed-slap growing something that
roughly translated to 'Quit staring at my balls, You Faggot.' The big male
reeled back.. then delivered a left strait into Kong's chest, followed by a
roundhouse right - he had been watching Sonny Liston - to the Kong's jaw.. The
big gorilla fell, smashing a high-rise with an out-flung arm, mashing dozens of
humans under his butt-cheeks and balls.

Zilla roared challenge, standing with his big legs spread, the thick reptilian
dick swaying back and forth, drops of pre-cum gluing people to the sidewalks.
He lifted a foot and stroked the fat balls on his opponent, growling at how
nice they felt.. The monster gorilla growled in response, his own member
sliding out to smash a cab and slap his belly, big mammal meat caught between
two clawed toes and stroked until it was firm and dripping.. Then the reptile
stepped back and grinned, licking his lips.. 'So who is the faggot now?'

Kong grunts, then gets up to growl, shaking bodies off him, looking at one who
seems to like clinging to his cock. He grunts and leaves the human in place
thinking about how interesting it felt to have something dangling from his
dick.. Then with a roar he jumps for the lizard wanting to stick his hard meat
in Someplace... Zilla also studied ju-jitsu and the big male went flying in a
classic hip-toss that wipes out most of a block of shops.

Kong falls, roaring as his nipples smash into car-roofs, ape-dick sliding into
a waterworks project, to the hairy base. Zilla growls throatily, looking over
his opponent, then kneels, making the ground shudder, and as thousands watch,
starts licking the furry buns, pressing his teeth into them, tail smashing cars
left and right. Kong, stunned, lays for a moment then tries to rise.. and finds
the concrete shaft gripping him like a rubber. Another audience sees some brave
crew-men crawl down a side access to film the huge dong, swaying and twisting,
dripping pre-cum.

Zilla shifts and gripping the big shoulders, plunges his thick male-meat in
between the butt-cheeks, impaling his opponent. The big male Roars, fingers
digging up the pavement, ripping out hydrants as he is violated. Reptilian
claws pull his dark mounds apart, stuffing still more of the hot, slick lizard
cock into the tight hole between them. They both roar in unison, shattering
windows for blocks as Zilla starts fucking Kong, laying on his hairy back,
Holding the male. Despite the fact the ground shudders with each Thrust a crowd
gathers and flash bulbs keep time with the whirr of cameras as rolls and reels
of film are devoured capturing the savage butt-fucking.

Kong starts to sweat his cock-juice coming out in a steady dribble, washing
away rats, debris and anything downstream of it as his balls are repeatedly
rubbed against by a rough tail. His prostate is being rubbed and the pain is
rapidly being equaled by the Pleasure of both the cock in him and his dick
being rubbed on by the concrete sleeve. The cameras catch every sweaty, groaned
moment as Zilla's balls fall on a bunch of gay men who were licking on the
sweaty nuts.. Some merely turn over and suck, scratch, hump at the reptiles
scrotum, while the others keep working the smoother, much richer-smelling
gorilla nuts.

Someone gets an idea and suddenly buckets appear to catch the slimy pre-cum
that Kong is giving, being sold almost as fast as it can be bottled.. Until a
firehose is slid up his piss-hole, the force more than enough to keep the flow
moving uphill. The big males groan as they near climax, gripping the street,
and rubbing against each other... Suddenly there is a Howl and many shrieks as
the firehose is no longer giving a steady trickle but a Huge blast. Semen
sprays all over, coating walls and doors and people who are standing around or
have windows open.. Many strip naked and coat themselves with the spunk.. Still
more flows out to run down the street, Dogs, horses and their owners alike
being rolled around in the flood of spunk.

Zilla feels the hot, tight hole clasp him and he roars, jetting a wall of flame
that flambe's 3 news helicopters and most of an old hotel, slamming to the
hilt, spewing his rich cream into the gorilla's ass.. Like an over full well
the stuff gushes out as the reptile pulls up and Plunges back in, more semen
oozing out to cover the smooth ball-sacks and all the men who are dancing hand-
in-hand. The people on the sidelines put up umbrellas and still keep
filming each and every grunted wriggle, not caring as the spunk puddles around
them, while others groan and tear up betting slips.. Then rush back to bet on
how soon the gorilla turns the tables.

With a satisfied groan they both lay for a few minutes.. Then the Monster
Reptile gets on his knees, pulling out with a loud *Slurp* still 3/4 erect, and
rubs the hairy ass, growling softly. Zilla turns and stumbles - There is some
debate if this was deliberate or not - Falling against an office complex, cock
sliding into the parking garage opening.. The still sensitive head is over
stimulated and he Roars, crumbling the building as another wave of orgasms hit,
blowing his wad into the lot, cars flying with he impact. The attendant, who
has been beating off while watching this on his tv, is suddenly up to his knees
in warm reptile semen, and adds his own contribution after a moment.

Kong shakes himself and pulls free of the waterworks tunnel, leaving a dozen
camera men covered in spunk. Getting on his knees a river of cum sloshes out
his ass, and down onto the pavement, where it is deluded by broken water mains
and hydrants that have been ripped from the ground. He turns seeking his
opponent, to find the male hunched over, panting hard... The sight of the big
lizard helpless makes his cock quiver, and he shuffles over to shove the scaly
tail out of the way, revealing a slit of an anus and a pair of balls just ahead
of That, now rammed against the blacktop. The big ape plays with them a moment,
grinning, then rubs his cock against the hole, and Shoves, eyes bulging at how
warm and Tight and... Suddenly Kong had a lapful of Lizard and a hole that was
squeezing him hard enough to make his sweat!

Zilla gripped the building, pushing back against the male, eyes closed, fingers
ripping the building apart. He was no virgin, having experimented with whales,
and tanks and the occasional submarine - What captain was going to radio in he
was being used as a dildo by a horny monster? Kong humped hard and fast, balls
slapping the big male's as the attendant watched the tv with one eye and the
throbbing pole of lizard dick that wasn't 20 feet from him with the other. He
tossed his clothes, ripping buttons when it didn't come off fast enough and
knelt over the Huge head rubbing his butt up and down it, spreading his cheeks
with the bloated end, feeling it throb and leak, Waiting.. He didn't have to
wait Long - The cock throbbed then pulsed, semen gushing over him, the force
popping his anus open, a gallon of reptile cum jetting inside... The second
wave blew him off the dick and plastered him to the far wall, Where he stayed
until rescuers found him.

The ape had his own problems.. He was supposed to be the aggressor, but his
nuts were too busy emptying themselves in the sucking hole to be bothered. He
could only hold on as every last drop of spunk was pulled from his aching
balls, barely able to get free, and crunch a convertible, turning the upholstery
cream white. Kong staggered off, swaying like a drunken man, knocking buildings
down and dribbling all over everything as he headed for the docks and a ship
that would take him Home! He had popped twice harder than he could remember and
wanted only to soak his aching nuts, get a warm bath and sleep for a week.

Zilla slowly pulled away from the ruins, shaking his head, thick juice running
from both under his tail and from his semi-hard cock... Thousands would
download the picture of him gripping his dick, balls still distended, pissing
on the hotel. It also put the fire out... He headed for the ocean, leaving a
trail of slime that is still sold as Zilla Jizz.

The End?