KRAKEN.TXT - M/(?) - Semi-NC - 12/22/98

By SwampRat
(cl) 1997 Gay Furry Association

Some thoughts on Krakens..

1. The Mind

Almost time! Hurry! I ache with desire.. Ever since my mind reached out and was
touched by that alien intelligence, I have been more and more eager for the
next session. 'Hello My Friend.' He Is Here! I reach out eagerly to stroke his
mind with mine. 'Hungry are we?' *Always!* He chuckles. 'Then lets not keep our
guest waiting..' Guest?!? *I thought we were to be alone.* How I longed to
caress his/my flesh again. 'Now, Now.. Just go along with me. I think you will
enjoy this.'

The door opens and I 'see' another being. Chained? "About time.. My wrists were
getting numb..." We chuckle nastily. "Well.. Can't have that. I Promised you
something special. Something different..." The bear looks over his shoulder at
us. "Being Chained is nothing new.. And not even a collar. Hmmpf!" Anger wells
up inside me at his insolence. Then I have to smile.. This is Exactly what my
partner wanted! 'Well - let's not disappoint him...' His eyes grow wide as my
aura engulfs my host's. "So fur.. You speak to your Master like guttertrash." I
lazily let one suckered arm snap across his rump, leaving a welt along it. "Do
you know what we do to trash?" Another of my arms attaches itself to his back.
"We toss it out!" I jerk it away, 'ripping' the hide from his back.

'He only Feels like the flesh is being ripped from him...' I wondered about
that as the sounds he starts making as I slide my arms around his body and
forcefully tear them free. They are not cries of pain, but those of Pleasure!
Again and again I slam my suckered limbs to his furry hide.. Only to listen to
him howl and shudder as I pull them free. Soon he is a mass of welts, and I am
tired. Now it is my Partner's turn... He tosses his robe off and after dipping
a hand in a nearby bowl of oil, slicks his hard maleness up. Then stands behind
the bruin, teasing him with the tip. "Beg for it.. Tell me you want this cock
up your tail-hole." He reaches around and squeezes the purplish dick. The bear
gasps. "Please, Master.. Bugger this slave! Stick your maleness up my tail-hole
and use me as your female.. I beg it. Ahhh!"

I wish I could vocalize the feeling of our prong sliding deep into the moist
wetness of the bear's anus. We sink our teeth into his shoulder, Wishing it
could be his balls that are being squeezed instead. "Please Master - Cum up my
Ass! I want to feel your semen spurt in me.. Fufill my Lust.. Unh! Grrowll.."
It still amazed me how even as second-hand as my lust was it overwhelmed me. I
felt the flesh slide between my claws as I jerked on the hard maleness. But
there was Also the sensation of my dick moving and out of the oh, so
wonderfully hot and tight bear-butt.

Then I heard him roar, ejaculate splashed over my paw. His inner muscles
gripped me. Stroked me.. Ignited my nuts and I slammed home, filling his
passage with my seed...

When sense returned, I was once again in my home. Looking at the darkness. But
the delicious memories were still fresh and each will be savored until again I
leave my kraken's body and walk among the surface-dwellers.

* * * *

2. Mage

A stranger walked in the Harpooned Kraken. This unto itself wasn't strange, we
get lots of strangers.. Kraken Hunters are not known for having long lives. "I
need a crew to hunt a kraken." Had I known then what I know now I may have
passed that offer up. But the boat needed repairs and there Was a Tab to be
paid so I said I would do the job. He, or at least the voice was male enough,
came over and took my paw with a gloved hand. 'Fop..' I muttered under my
breath, knowing I was going to have trouble. But Gold can do wonders for
clearing trouble and when a City coin stamped from that rare metal was put on
the bar, I would Gladly have given him half my crew to play with. Hell, I was
no stranger to a male's bed... But those were lean years and best forgotten

As I sit here now, I don't recall what he looked like.. Or even what Brethren
he was. But I am getting ahead of myself... I cleared my throat and gave a
modest sum as a required down.. He put 20 silver pieces in my hand and said
there would be another 20 if we but Saw a Kraken.. My crew looked disgusted but
I knew there was more than one who wouldn't mind tickling tails with him - If
he had one. "Be here with the full tide tomorrow, pack Light as we are not a
Luxury Clipper." He nodded and left as I spent half that treasure on a Good
meal and bar-tab for my crew. The morning came early and my head felt like
someone had been thumping on it.. My mouth tasted like - Well... Let's say I
had a bit too much to drink, and the lad was cute.. but Enough Said about That.

He was awaiting us on the dock, a pair of cases, and some kind of cloak that
covered him from snout to toe. I gave him my suite, it being the best we had..
Besides a good captain looks in on his crew every now and again. Now I ain't
one to talk bad about Any fur, but I swear every spare moment half the crew
had, it was spent in that cabin. And no amount of coaxing, or threats would
loosen their tongues, even though I could Hear them howl clear across the ship
sometimes.. But nary a scratch or mark on them, even though I made them strip
and examined them Well.. Alright, So maybe I did take one or two of them to
bed, but that's Only right..

A week out I had a feeling - No, not between my legs. I haven't played with
myself since... Back to the story. Somehow I knew we were in for trouble so I
came up from the bunk I was resting on.. I don't care what tale the first-mate
says, I was just rubbing his shoulders.. And found everybody just hanging
around! I was about to lash into them when I felt this cool something wrap
around my lower parts, and tug me over to the railing. There was a Big Kraken
beside the ship, beak open. I was in fear of my life for a few moments.. I was!
Just because I had a hard-on didn't mean anything. I had forgotten my pants and
the breeze was lifting it.

A deep voice rolled out of the sea at us. "You came." Actually I had done so
twice and the tentacle was stroking me close to a third when I heard boots on
the decking and our passenger replied. "I promised you, Didn't I?" Now -
Everything after that is a haze.. I don't remember any circle-jerks or any
orgys involving dolphins... We got back to dock safe and got our pay and That
is all I care about. You getting this all down ok? Tell ya what, Lad - You come
up to my room and I will show you some scars that will Defiantly curl your

The End?