PAIN.TXT - M/?, Rape/Torture - 10/08/01

A Tail of Pain
(cl) 1999 by Jack

How long he had been bound, he couldn't remember. There Must have been a day
when he was free to walk, to move freely.. to not be in Pain. Above him a
candle burned, dripping wax on his fur, burning wherever it touched. Bent into
a crouch, a stake shoved up his ass, another in his mouth, he quivered between
hells. Sleep was in snatches - Between the pain of his abused muscles, and the
itches that stopped once a day - When water was dumped on him. He wasn't alone
in his 'cell'.. Furred creatures scampered across his body, around his feet. He
wasn't sure what they ate.. and he didn't want to think about it.

His mouth would water at the very idea of Meat - Any kind of meat.. Spikes
scratch his thin frame and he shifted again, sighing quietly. Why didn't they
just kill him? He was of no use to anyone... He screamed as a rat bit into his
penis, his own teeth biting into the wooden phallus. He tried to shake it off,
tried to move an arm - All to no avail.. What the Hell was it thinking? or had
hunger driven it insane as it had him... The pain was getting worse by the
moment.. Then an idea came.

His body struggled against the thought for a moment, then Thrust forward,
impaling the rodent. 'Bastard! Teach you to bite me..' But now he was in a
quandry.. The rodent's teeth were locked on him so he couldn't pull back, but
spikes were pushing into his legs even more plainfully. Then a cramp made him
scream again and jerk back roughly, the thick thing behind him shoved back up
his ass deeply. It helped take his mind from the burning sensation at his

The candle above him flickered as it was moved, water splashing on him, cold,
smelling of salt. Then the seawater hit his wounds and he screamed into his gag
again, close to passing out... But he couldn't afford such luxuries. First the
leather covered wood dildo was pulled from his muzzle and he moved his jaws,
licking his dry lips, closing his eyes against the sudden stab of light. A
semi-hard dick slithered in the opening and he kissed it, nuzzled it, gently
slid his tongue around it and slid it past his lips to suck on the head. It was
food, Protein and he would gladly have lavished his attention on it to
completion, but the guard had other ideas.

The cock was pulled away and the daily ration of gruel was fed to him, followed
by water.. Then the gag was shoved back in place as he felt movement between
his legs. The bastard who bit him was being ripped apart by other hungry
mouths.. Sometimes they jostled his ankles but either the salt-water which
killed the fleas, or the knowledge he would be theirs soon enough kept them
from doing more. He sighed, trying to ease his suffering in any way he could.
Then came noises.. Yells and screams. What was going on Now? Was it at last
time for him to die? He welcomed the release with fervor.

* * * *

Tyran slammed his mace into the lock, breaking the device open wide. It took a
moment more to fling the wooden penis away and gently help the body off it's
post, stuck for so long up under the half-bare tail. The creature fell over,
whining, trying to throw an arm over it's eyes. The wolf looked with pity at
the straggly, flea and rat-bitten, obivously starved creature who cowered at
his feet. Almost he took his sword up to kill it.. But he couldn't. The once
proud baron was now a shell of flesh that might last a few more years. The
rescue effort was turning sour as others were found in like or Worse condition.
"Burn it.." he said disgustedly, walking away from the room and it's stench.
"Burn Them All." A captain nodded, and herded the refugees out gently then set
fire to the place with his own paw, wishing there were More of the Rebels to

Tyran shook his head as he walked out of the vanquished Fortress, already
improving on the design of the device in his head.. For didn't he have Enemies

The End..