PIERCED.TXT - M/M, Bondage/Semi-NC/Oral - 7/20/98

A wolf gets some piercings done.

By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

For Moon who made me think of it.

Rod stared a Long time at the shop door.. He wanted his nipples pierced, and
ever since he had seen Wade with that HOT Cock-ring, he Knew he had to have one
as well. But that was someone Else's dick and not his.. The fear/lust made him
whine, sporting a half-hardon already. He rubbed his jeans and opened the door,
determined to go through with it. Wade promised to help 'Break it in'.. The
thought of that sexy skunk licking his dick made him whine again.. Damn! He was
going in sporting a woodie. "Can I help you?" A dark, slender human came from a
back room, and Rod caught his breath. He wasn't the kind to go cross-race but
This was one Yiffed Guy! Which didn't help his speech any.

"Ummm.. Uhh Yeah I.." He shook his head, took a deep breath. "I heard from some
friends this was The place to get ringed.. And I would Like a pair of steel
nipple rings Please.." A soft nod. "Take your shirt off.." Rod did so, not
liking his too-skinny body. He wished he was a little more round.. Like Wade.
Some called the skunk Chubby or even Fat.. The wolf didn't care what others
said - Wade was the one who he first came out to, the one who shaved his balls
and didn't laugh too bad when he howled about how they itched for weeks as the
hair grew back. The dark eyes looked him over, and he felt himself grow warm..
"Bright steel against your dark fur will look very sexy.."

Rod shivered, trying to keep his cock in his pants, Literally.. Damn jeans were
a little too small but they were his best pair... All he had to do was not get
aroused. "2 nipple rings, Anything else?" The eyes looked through him and he
found himself saying "A cock-ring.. through the Front." A chuckle made him
*blush*. "A Prince Albert.. Standard fare." A form was put in front of him. "ID
Please, I don't pierce underage beings." The wolf nodded, pulling out his
wallet - He was considered an adult at 16 standard years - which he had turned
2 months ago. And the Party... His head still spun a little. "Standard release
form. You squeamish about being bound, are you allergic to any medications?
What, if any anesthetic do you prefer?"

Rod signed, gave then man the 20 creds, thinking it pretty cheap - Especially
when a hand stroked across his.. *Poink* "Well - I see at least Part of you is
ready." The earth did not open up and swallow the wolf no matter how fervently
he prayed for it to happen. "Come around to the back where you can undress." He
followed a beckoning finger noticing it was bony and had silver polish on a
well-filed nail. 'Almost like claws..' "Pants There.. Sit here." Rod swallowed
and shucked his jeans, putting them and his shirt on a rack, and walked over,
trying to find someplace for his hands besides in front of him. "I've seen
hundreds of naked bodies, Don't worry about it." For some reason That didn't

Sitting he noticed straps all over the place. "Even with the painkiller
sometimes there is a sting or a being gets nervous over the sight of blood and
we Don't want rips.. Just smooth pierced holes, yes?" He nodded swallowing, as
the straps were put in place. He looked to one side at the tray with the
needles, and rings of various sizes and a box of kleenex.. But the pot that
smelled sweet yet tangy was what caught his nose. A gloved finger rubbed his
nips and he yipped, squirming a little. Then a cooling cream was applied.
"This will take a few minutes... Let me know when they get numb." Rod nodded,
waiting.. A finger rubbed his cock-head. "Now you understand you will have to
wash these daily, and rotate the Rings." A couple of rings were held to his
chest. "Any particular size in mind and did you want it Through the nipple or
just behind it?"

The wolf shivered again.. "Which.. Which ever... The eyes looked into his and
he melted, relaxing.. "Medium sized ones I think.. something that will show off
your cute tits." Rod *Blushed* and closed his eyes.. There was a tugging
sensation and a little pain but nothing serious. There was an acrid smell, like
astringent.. And he looked down.. To watch the skin turn brown, then black in a
little circle as something appeared.. A shiny steel hook burning a hole in his
flesh. The hand dropped to his cock again and he moaned, wanting to wriggle..
"Now Now.. A little more and we can do the other one.." A shiver went up his
spine as he saw the metal going through his flesh. He looked at it, half
fascinated, half-Terrified. Then he felt another tug, and gritted his teeth..
There still was no pain but the Smell...

His stomach turned but he had to watch as another hook was rolled in the acrid
salve in the jar, then his nipple pulled up and it entered his skin, boring a
hole through, burning the flesh so it was a permanent piercing.. A tunneled-out
hollow that would hold a bent steel bar for as long as Rod wanted them there.
At least that is what he told himself as he watched the steel come out the
other side, blackened skin pushed before it. Still - There was very little pain
and No Blood.. The hooks were left to rest and fingers stroked his wolf-cock
back to hardness.. "Still want the P.A.?" It was hard to think... The smell in
his nostrils, The feelings of fear and unease, The fingers on him that stifled
anything else... "Yes! Oh Please Yess.."

The human knelt leaning over. 'He is going to blow me before he pierces me?
Wow!' A tongue flicked over his tip and he arches against the bonds moaning..
Another caress and a kiss on the head, pushing the tiny lips apart.. Then
something harder, More firm, pushed inside. It hurt a little, and was damn
uncomfortable and Rod squirmed.. Then the man hissed and Bit him! The wolf
screeched, jerking even harder against his bonds, as the fangs ground through
his skin, meeting, forcing a hole in his cock-meat. "Aaaaaaaa.. Please! Oh Gods
Pleaseeee.." The monster growled over his crotch, biting harder, then the teeth
were gone..

And a smooth mouth sucked him in to the root, bulbs being pulled out of his
sheath to have those same fangs scraped across them as a hungry throat gulped
down his mixed pre-cum and blood, drooling out of the hole in the underside of
his shaft. The Pain.. the Pleasure.. A hand ran up his belly, while another
rolled his balls around. It was all too much for Rod and he screamed, blowing
his wad of dog-scum into the hottest mouth he had ever felt! The wolf flopped
in his bindings, wheezing as every last drop of semen was sucked from his cock,
fingers Squeezing his nuts. He never even felt the cool rod slip inside his
urethra, nor the hot metal that burned the hole open for good, soothing
ointment cooling the heated flesh, even cooler metal that slid inside, a simple

Another set adorned his nipples, a cloth wiping the excess ointment away,
cleaning the already healing wounds. The straps were removed and smelling salts
brought the wolf back.. With a hand rubbing his balls. "OOooooo.. What
happened..?" A mirror showed him his new ornaments and he smiled. "You like
them?" He nodded, rubbing them, panting as he felt the weight on his dick.
"They are guaranteed.. You want bigger ones, or permanent Rings you just come
back - Tasty Wolf." Rod was still in a haze, knowing Something had gone on, but
what... A slap on his butt made him chuckle. "Take the Wrapping off when you
get home, wash your piercings gently. A few days and you can wear your jeans
without worry."

The wolf nodded and Thanked the Human, saying he would tell all his friends to
come here. Slipping into his pants carefully, he carried the shirt, showing off
his new toys. The man closed the door and went back to clean his instruments,
closing the jars of herbs. The hand mirror lay on the workbench, tilted to show
an empty room as the vampire licked his lips, thinking about how nice it was to
be Young and Gay.. He lifted the mirror, putting it away. Time to order more
rings.. That was the third Prince Albert he had done this week.. Vlad smiled to
himself, thinking what a Great Country this was. Yes, that was a Tasty Wolf
indeed... A bell rang, breaking his revere, and telling him another meal was
waiting. He brushed his mind against the others with practiced ease - Fox,
botched nipple job.. Was thinking of having a ring set just behind the head,
through the side. Vlad licked a long, thin fang.. To be able to bite And
Suck... He Shivered in anticipation.

* * * *

Fren stood, looking at the shop door.. It was creepy and he felt uneasy. But
everyone said This was The Place to get pierced...

The End