The Plant

(c) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan
1992 The Rashathran Society

Note - This file isn't for general release. The public isn't ready yet... It is
an experiment to see if horror and sex can mix. It didn't start out this way,
but this is how it is going to end. But, it's better than standing on street
corners, shooting passing motorists. - Jack


Nebbie Syndeker was a plain, type of fellow. Not at all the sort of person who
you would expect something strange to happen to. But it did.. The day started
the same way may others did, rainy. A dreary rain that turns everything into
shades of gray. Perhaps that is why the little plant caught his eye. It was on
a cart, owned by a chinaman. He wanted all of five cents for it. Nebbie just
happened to have a nickel in his pocket. He had never seen such a plant before,
and turned to ask the old man what type of plant it was, but found he had
vanished into thin air! Nebbie sighed, and went in the back of the Flower shop
where he worked, and lived. His boss stayed drunk most of the time, so he
pretty much had the run of the place. After closing the shop up, he went down
and looked over his purchase. It didn't look too healthy, a kinda purplish
color. He watered, and fertilized it, then went over to a locked trunk. Opening
it, Nebbie took out a well-used copy of "Men's Mag", and flipped it open to the
same page he always started with. He moved closer to the work table, slowly
sliding his hand across his erection. Sighing, he increased the speed of his
hand and turned the page. There was a noise. He stopped, and looked around. No
one there but the plants. He laughed and looked down. There, on the table, the
pod had a crack running down, forming two lips. As he leaned closer, he
squeezed his cock, and a drop of pre-cum bubbled out of the slit. The plant
leaned over towards his dick, leaves spread out like hands, almost begging.

Nebbie looked at the plant, then grinned again. Maybe it needed some of the
vitamins in his cum. He pressed his cock into the fronds which eagerly wrapped
themselves around his member, pulling the young man's maleness closer, until it
was pressed against the slit in the tuber. A wooden tongue slid out and licked
up the drop of clear fluid. The 'mouth' opened wider, showing a reddish
interior. Nebbie wasn't too sure about this, but by the time he decided to pull
his dick away, the thick tip was firmly collared by a pair of fleshy, but hard
'lips'. He felt the tongue scrape the underside of his cock, and moaned. Then
the leaves began to move. back-and-forth, jacking him off, into the warm, wet
orifice. Then the strange plant began to suck in earnest. It's fronds moved
faster, the tongue breaking into many smaller fibers, that tickled the
sensitive head, causing Nebbie to pump his hips, and moan in lust. More of his
cock disappeared into the bulb, being helped by long sucks, and many-'fingered'
leaflets. He yelped as two of the longer tendrils wrapped themselves around his
balls. The young man had never been given 'head' before, and it didn't take him
long to feel the itch build under his testicle sack, and spread over his cock.
He grabbed the table, and snarled, slamming his hips forward. The young man
threw his head back and bit his lip to keep from yelling, as semen spilled out
of his throbbing cock in long spurts.

The plant, not needing to breathe, kept the suction, as well as the friction
going, and was rewarded by Nebbie blowing his wad a second time down it's
hungry maw. It sucked voraciously, milking him for all the cum he had. At last,
balls totally drained, Nebbie pulled back, and the plant reluctantly allowed
his maleness to slide out, still sucking, hoping for one more drop. With a
'Pop!', the head came out and Nebbie pulled his pants up, and panting, closed
the magazine, adding it to the pile, latching the trunk. Then he wearily made
his way to the door, that led to his living quarters. He stood in the doorway,
staring at the plant. Then shaking his head, and rubbing his aching nuts.
Nebbie went in and made dinner. He named the plant "Sydney", after a place he
saw in a magazine, and after closing every night, he 'fed' his little plant.
After a few weeks, it wasn't so little. In fact, it took up one entire corner.
It still gave great head, and Nebbie enjoyed every moment. One day he got a
little careless, and left the door to the work shop open. 'After all,' he
reasoned, 'he would be gone for just a little while. A mongrel making it's way
down the alley, saw the light and went to investigate...

The dog moved cautiously through the open door. He had stolen food before. In,
grab, and run. No food this time, just a large plant.. That's all right, he'd
mark it as all male dogs do. He sniffed at the trunk, then lifted a leg up.
Something grabbed his balls.. He tried to yelp, but tendrils wrapped themselves
around the dog's muzzle, and all he got out was a whimper. Leaves stroked his
sides, as he was lifted towards a large pod, from which drool seeped around. It
opened up, and the animal struggled, now fearful for it's life. But the plant
didn't want his whole body, just a part of it. A long fibrous tongue slid
across the hound's belly and toyed with it's sheath, then continued on to the
twin globes hanging down. Splitting into a half-dozen tendrils the 'tongue'
caressed the dog's scrotum, then returned to play with the hairy sheath. The
cur stiffened, as lust won out over fear. It had been quite a while since he
had screwed anything, and the animal was getting excited.

The dog tried to hump the plant, to get more friction, but couldn't. He tried
to twist around, see what it was doing to him, but couldn't. He couldn't even
howl worth a damn, because of the woody muzzle. It was the sheer torture of
pleasure, and 'Sidney' applied it with skill. Small leaves constantly slid
across the furry thighs, the gaunt sides, and paid special attention to the
leather-like ball sack. The 'mouth', big enough to engulf the whole animal, was
closed tightly, except where the pliable 'lips' were pursed into a hole, just
big enough to let the doggy-cock through. The tendrils that made up the tongue
were twirling around the beet-red flesh, tugging gently, but firmly, and
driving the animal out of his mind. Then everything stopped for a moment. The
dog struggled for a moment more. There was a creak...

Then he went crazy as the pod clamped down on the skin behind his sheath. His
cock was peeled out like a banana, entangled with tendrils, which dripped warm
saliva the full, blue-veined length, and sucked upon with fervor. The animal
made every noise his vocal cords could produce, as his legs jerked, testicles
swelling under the plant's caresses. He damn near broke his neck, as he threw
his head back, and came, hard! Runny dog-cum spurted out of his tortured cock,
as his balls were being slowly squeezed by twin tendrils, harvesting still more
ejaculate out of the twitching animal. When no more of the sticky sap could be
persuaded out, the plant swallowed, and the increased suction almost pulled the
dog's dick out by the roots. More tendrils crossed over his back, and around
his thighs. His eyes widened, then crossed, as a shoot, thick as his fore-leg,
slid into his anus and massaged his prostrate gland.

His second orgasm hit harder, lasted longer, and damn near killed the animal!
Cum poured non-stop out of the doggy-dick, as it's owner came close to passing
out from sensory overload. And still the plant wanted more. It stroked, tickled
and pulled on the animal's testicles, until they lay flaccid, and empty.
Tendrils opened the penis slit, and one shot inside, soaking up all the
residual sperm. With one last gulp, everything folded up, and the dog, limp
cock still hanging out of it's sheath, staggered out the door, and lurched down
the alleyway. 'Sidney' shuddered, then shook, as four small pods emerged around
it. Then everything was still.

That was the sight that greeted Nebbie when he opened the door. Dumfounded, he
stood in front of the plant. Then grinning he got four pots, and gently
transferred each little plant to it's own home. Standing with his back to
'Sidney', he looked at the plants... Tendrils wound around his legs. "Hey!" he
squawked. Then his arms were pinned to his sides. A large leaf slapped itself
across his mouth, and he felt his pants being opened. He struggled, to no
avail. His britches and underwear were pulled down to his knees, and he was
shoved close to the first plant. As he watched in horror, it opened, and
drooling, latched onto the tip of his dick. As fronds caressed his buttocks,
tiny leaves jerked on his penis, and tendrils inside the 'mouth' coaxed it into
hardness. He moaned, as the bud sucked hungrily on him. The young man's hips
bucked, as he squirted his seed into the little plant. Nebbie stood there,
panting. Wow, That was great! He struggled to get free, but was held fast. Then
his eyes widened, as he was moved to the second pod, which reached for his
still dripping cock. Aaaaaugh! The fact that even after this one had been fed,
there were still two more plants to nurse, didn't drive him mad, No indeed!
What sent his mind to chasing itself, was the sounds coming from his captor...
'Sidney', who was just starting to milk his balls, was also drooling...

Nebbie returned back to the world of the sane, to find himself free, and
without pants. His balls felt like they had been put through an old-fashioned,
roller-type wringer. His mind gave him scattered bits of what had happened over
the last few hours. When the plant found out three times was his limit on
ejaculations for one day, it tossed him to one side, and pulled itself to the
door. He know the plant had grown, but until that night, he didn't know how
much... 'Sidney' opened the door, and long limbs disappeared into the darkness.
There was a startled squall, and they returned with a wino. The plant ripped
his trowsers off, and shoved him over to bud number four, who latched onto the
filthy cock. By the time that plant had it's fill, the dick was clean, and the
head had been polished. That left the mother plant. 'Sidney' literally sucked
the balls out of the man. When it had all the semen that the guy could produce,
it lifted him up, and clamped it's pod on his scrotum. There was a sickening
crunch, then he was lifted, blood running down his thighs, and literally tossed
back into the darkness.

Four more unfortunates came through that door, were nursed on by a small hungry
plant, then drained, and castrated by the bigger monster.. The young man stared
at the plant, now quiescent. He had to move, and fast! No male was safe from
this fiend! Moving as quietly as he could, Nebbie went over to the wall which
held the fire equipment. There stood a large fire axe. Grabbing it up, he made
his way over to the still quiet plant. He wound up, and slammed the axe into
the stalk with all his might. But, instead of biting into the fibrous flesh, it
bounced. Nebbie wound up flat on his back, with the axe flying off to one side.
Thick vines coiled around his legs, and a leaf once again stopped up his cries.
As it lifted him up, Nebbie grabbed a bottle sitting on the work table.
Methyl-Chloro-Suflamide. The boss kept it for killing the weeds that found
their way into the green-box. He just hoped it would kill this plant. Limbs
once again held him in front of the huge pod. The mouth opened, and a hundred
tendrils lashed out, covering his mid-section. Even the thought of his nuts
being bitten off, didn't stop his cock from responding. It shuddered to
erection, helped by many dancing wood fibers, while others covered his scrotum,
thighs, and buttocks with tiny tongues.

Nebbie moaned into the leaf that covered his mouth, and as the vines wrapped
around his arms, he tossed the bottle into the opening in the plant. The
tendrils, slid back into the 'mouth', pulling cloyingly on the young man,
flaming his desire. The pod closed, and his cock was pressed against it. The
lips puckered up, and 'kissed' his balls. Then the swollen tip was given a
smooch. Despite himself, the young man found he wanted to grab the plant, and
shove his maleness in to the hilt. The tip was placed in the folds, and sucked
upon, as the tongue gently played with it. Like an army of warm, tiny fingers
the tendrils caressed the extremely sensitive end. Fronds massaged his balls,
and buttocks, making the human scream in frustration. At last his testicles
swelled up to where the plant know it could get a good load, and his cock was
pulled into the warm, wet mouth, with a suction strong enough to pull pubic
hairs. Nebbie never even felt them. The tongue-tendrils were wrapped tightly
around the full length of his cock, and were milking it hungerily. Wooden vines
replaced the fronds, coiling around his balls, and slowly constricting, then
relaxing, making the twin globes swell even more with semen. The young man
squalled, his balls trying to lurch upwards, as the strongest orgasm of his
young life burned out entire neuro-nets inside his brain.

Cum flooded out, not in pulses, but one steady stream, as the vines continued
manipulating the young man's testicles, getting the maximum harvest of rich
cream out of them. He flopped, and shuddered as 'Sidney' continued to do
everything possible to drain him dry. A thick limb slid up his pulsating anus
and rubbed his prostrate gland rapidly. His neurons short-circuiting, Nebbie
hit the multi-orgasm plateau. He finally slumped against the captive vines, no
longer able feel anything. Some part of his mind watched, as the creature
pulled him back, stripping all the cum, and a few cells worth of flesh from his
penis. Then it lifted the limp body, and the fleshy 'lips' disappeared, leaving
only the hard, wooden pod. The tendrils now wrapped themselves around his ball
sack, pulling it tight, and down into the 'mouth'. The edges closed almost
gently on the flesh. Then two things happened at once; the pod snapped shut,
castrating the young man, very cleanly. And the entire plant shuddered. If it
had a voice, the scream would have shattered glass for blocks. What was left of
the young man was thrown against a wall, and things flew as the plant went into
death throes.

* * *

Sunlight, filtered by a grimy window, splashed across a cluttered room, and
interrupted the booze-soaked sleep of one Mr. Johnson. He groaned, and tried to
hold back the day with one pudgy hand. When that didn't do any good, he
grunted, and grabbing the bottle next to him, tilted it up.. Empty! Grumbling
about clerks who weren't dependable, he got up, and pulled down the shade.
That's when he noticed the 'closed' sign was still in his shop's window. "Now
what the hell?!?" He rummaged a dirty shirt, and pants out of the mess, and
stuffing his feet into loafers, he went out the door. Front door still locked
at... The town clock tolled ten times. 10 O'Clock. Shade left up. That wasn't
like Nebbie.. He went inside, and down the stairs to the boy's room. In the
work room was a sight so horrible, that he was stone-cold sober when he called
the police, a few moments later. Noticing the four pots, he quickly whisked the
plants onto the shop. No sense in losing any more money..

The police came, found, asked, questioned, and took the better part of that day
to decide some madman had killed the boy, along with the 'vagrant's' that
littered the alley. As to the huge brown thing in the corner.. That was
anybody's guess.

And it took another day to clean everything up. So it was with much relief that
Mr. Johnson sold four plants to an old oriental, for the hefty sum of five
dollars, and a bottle of strong rice wine. So if you are out, some dreary,
rain-soaked afternoon, and see an elderly oriental gentleman with an
interesting-looking plant.. perhaps you should continue walking..

The End