PUNISH.TXT - Violence - May 08, 1999

Punishment #I - Pets

By SwampRat
(cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association

A Very short tale about what might happen in the future..

The tall man got out of the unmarked car, something in his demeanor made the
children playing close-by suddenly decide that homework needed to be done. He
checked a piece of paper and walked up the stairs to a door that looked the
same as a hundred others, and knocked on it. "Mr. Simmons, Open the door."

"Where is Mittens?"

"She - Uh.. She ain't here. She ran off the other night.. Didn't you get my

The man looked at something then nodded.. "We got a message about a Missing
feline from this abode. We Also got a distress signal from the micro-chip we
implanted in the feline, Mr. Simmons."

"Screw off! You can't prove nothing, and I didn't do Nothing.. ACK!"

The man latched a choke-collar around Mr. Simmons' neck and jerked it tight.
"Third offense as an Animal Abuser. That nullifies all rights and status you
once had - Mammal.." The former Mr. Simmons was stripped of his clothing, and
yanked by the chain attached to the collar, was pulled down the steps to be
man-handled into the back of the car. The door slammed, cutting off all the
angry screams. A young boy dared to come out and peek at the goings-on, with a
collie that he hugged protectively. "You taking good care of him?" The dog
nodded, and the boy hugged him tighter, the collie licking his face
reassuringly. A nod and a soft smile, and the man was in the car. Then it was
gone, leaving only quiet in it's wake.

The boy hugged his dog again, then ran back into the house. "Mom! Mom! The
Human Control Officer just took Mr. Simmons away.. And he talk to me and Sam
and he looked real official and..." The Mother shook her head. "You just don't
know about people do you.. Timmy, Why don't you and Sam go to the swimming
pool. And don't forget to give him a biscuit." The young boy's eyes lit up.
"You bet! Thank's Mom!"

She should have known - the way he treated his Cat. State-mandated Pet Adoption
or Not, He should At Least been a half-way decient Owner... She immediately
dialed Betty across the way. "Betty, Guess what - You saw it too? Isn't it
awful? Oh Yes, I voted for Mandatory Neutering too. We don't want Animals like
that reproducing..."

The End?