RAPINLAB.TXT - M/Machine, Rape - 10/28/98

Raptor in the Labooratoory..
( As Igor would say )

By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

Dedicated to Rangarig and his yiffy creations.. And to KaaHaan - Who can be His
yiffy 'saur any day.


The raptor awoke, groggy from the gas that had made him sleep. What had
happened? He was investigating a strange noise - when a Net fell on him! Then
something that burned his nose.. Then sleep... He struggles, finding his arms
and legs shackled, a collar keeping him from lifting his head and something in
his snout that kept him from closing it. What the Grass was going on Here?!?

"Test subject Awake. Starting anal sequence Now." Those damnded Humans again!
They had come into the valley, and Nothing had been the same since.. They poked
and prodded, and stole and rolled, grabbed and nabbed, snatched, stuck, probed
and made such a bother Everybody was ready to throw them Back Out of the
Valley! Nobody ever Ate one - They smelled too bad for even the carrion eaters
to want. They took eggs - Ok so it was only a couple per nest and that was no
big loss, because of all that Did hatch, maybe a dozen would survive to
adulthood. He would Have lashed his tail but it was tied down too.

Machinery started whirring and he felt something hard against his anal slit.
'What was that about..' It pushed in and he arched up unable to stop the
probe's progress.. It pushed in deep, then slid out a ways. In.. Out... The
raptor unclenched his fists, body moving with the mechanical cock. 'This isn't
so bad..' He had fooled around with a couple of cousins, even jerked off some
'prey' he had captured but didn't eat, more curious about their cocks and balls
than potential meals. Females held no interest at all, His species or any

His cock slid out of it's holder as the probe went deeper, making the lizard
grunt. He had been taken under the tail once or twice, but Nothing like this..
He wriggled a little, getting turned on. Of course there were Rumors - Rumors
of Males getting together as couples, sometimes more than one species. He had
also heard rumors about the Humans and snorted.. "Hey!" the probe pulled out of
him, making his hips wriggle. 'Bastards.. Just like a Human - Make you feel
good them pull out.' He lay a minute, growling around the gag, knowing someone
was watching him.. He would get them. He always wondered what was under all
those things they wore and what it would be like to hump one..

Machinery whirred again, and he felt another object touch him intimately. 'So..
you are back. Well - I won't be so easy this timeeeeeEEEEEEYOW!' It was twice
as thick as the last object, and forced it way in him like a horny bronto.. He
jerked, trying to get away from the monster that was stretching his insides..
It also made his dick snap up to full hardness and wave, as pleasure overcame
the discomfort and pain - Which wasn't all That bad, Just don't grip at it. The
male closed his eyes in bliss, body moving with the thrusts, feeling the itch
build in his balls. 'A little More.. A little More...' "Test Completed."

'Damnit!' "Stop! Wait! Just a few more times.." Try as he might the probe was
pulled from his rear and everything was silent.. His eyes turned red. He was
going to Kill someone - But not before raping them first! "Beginning Sequence
for Test 2.. Now." More whirring and he relaxed, ready to be taken again, this
time he Was going to cum... Something was pushed into his rectum, but it was
more form-fitting.. and Much shorter. 'Come on. Give a Male a break!' He lifted
his head turning it to watch the metal arm move away.. Then down. And back
again, while the cuffs on his legs moved apart, spreading them.

He watched, then Felt a tube slide down over his dick, and closed his eyes
again. 'Oh Yeah.. Now it was going to happen!' The plug in his anus started
vibrating, which ran up his body, making his nuts swell and his cock thicken
still more.. 'It's.. It's...' The raptor screeched around the gag, coming
harder than he ever had in his young life, feeling waves of pleasure wash over
him, almost to the point of blacking out... That was worth every moment of what
preceded it.. The tube kept the suction up, draining his nuts and cock of all
it had, making the lizard go flat on the table, tail-tip the only thing moving
as it shuddered.

He guessed he would be let go now that they had what they wanted.. Maybe in a
month or 2 he might 'consent' to being probed again.. "Test Sequence Completed.
Proceeding with Semen Collection, Number 1 of 100." He couldn't even scream,
gripping the cuffs as the anal plug was removed and a probe replaced it,
thrusting slowly, then faster, making the subject screech and twist, and
ejaculate into the collection tube again. When it was no longer effective, the
larger one would again be inserted. When it could no longer stimulate, the
butt-plug would apply electro-shocks, and mechanical fingers would massage the
testicles, while a stimulant and aphrodesiac would be administered as required.

The procedure would continue until the needed amount of sample had been
harvested, then the subject would be released, and another brought in.

The End?