A Robots and War Tail - Ver 1.1 (Typo's and syntax)
By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

I started out with one story and ended with another.. I just hope it flys.


Fren Hod slapped the wall in frustration.. A lucky shot had disabled his craft
and now he was a prisoner. Well - They could do their worst, He would not
speak.. The metal door clanged open and 3 metal monsters entered. Their single
eye strobed in their 'face', scanning him. He shivered as two of them grabbed
hold of him and pushed him against a wall. "We want Information." One of then
said in a monotone. No emotion, No damnded Nothing! Fren was young, sure he
could take whatever they could dish out. "Ferler yourself!" he growled, then
closed his eyes, expecting to be beaten. Instead the third grabbed his pants
and pulled them down! "What The..? You guys Pervs or something?" His arms were
gripped firmly. "We want Information. You will tell us." Hah! "In a Terrilian's
Ear I will... Hey! What - What are you doing?"

Metal hands pulled his cheeks apart. "Inserting a Probe into your Anal
Orifice." The young man broke out in a sweat as he felt a cool, metal object
press against his skin, then screeched and tried to jerk away as it entered
him. It was Big, painfully so. "Hey! Get that out of me, you Metal Perv's!" Try
as he might, he was held fast as the probe slid into him. "We want Information.
You will tell us." That again.. Fren bit his lip, still struggling a bit but if
all they were going to do was This... Then he felt metallic hips press into
his butt.

"Oh No..." He whispered, then louder; "Damnit, Stop! I am not a Hom.." The
'probe' moved out, then in. The hands were now on his hips and all he could do
was wriggle.. A kick only got a bruised ankle, and the robots held his arms too
firmly to do anything. He could only stand and take the humiliating movements.
"You will tell us." The human again bit his lip to keep from crying out. Damn
if he would show weakness... Fren groaned as his body betrayed him, cock
standing stiff and randy. "You wished us to Ferler ourselves. We will instead
Ferler you until we get Information." Hands gripped his hips as the machine
raped him, moving as only a machine can.. Again and again, the mechanical voice
told him what they wanted - And he could do nothing to stop it.

Fren sobbed, cried, tried to not feel the pleasure as his prostate was rubbed
on, But pleasure would not be denied and his orgasm came screaming out of him,
semen dribbling down the wall, hips bucking, twisting in the metal grasp.. The
human gasped, panted, pleaded for a moment to gather himself.. All to no avail.
The probe continued sliding in and out of him, the robots continued to question
him over and over, until he sobbed the answers, at which time the monster
behind him increased the speed. "NO! Please.. Stopppp! I can't take ittt..."
This time fingers curled around his straining cock and he babbled everything
Names, Places, Fantasies.. Anything to make the robot stop.. Still the machine
drove into him, forcing his dick to slide through the metal fingers until more
semen splashed the wall and Fren no longer responded.

The robots then lifted him up and carried him to a lab, surprisingly gentle in
their movements. There, another kind of robot entirely removed his clothes,
washed him, took samples of just about everything, and placed him in another
cell - This one with a bed, sink and toilet. The door was locked and it
returned to the Warrior. "Ferler must be an important part of a Human's Cycles.
I do not understand them - They all object to the ritual, but readily speak when
Enquirers do those things to their flesh." Research agreed, looking at the
sleeping human. It could be said they 'admired' the beings - They were fierce
warriors, but they were also untapped volumes of information.

Even as Research filed all the information about the new being it heard noises
coming from another cell where 2 beings were held together. Different species,
they were monitored closely. A camera watched as the human bent over and the
Syrithian coupled with him. The sounds of flesh slapping and animal moans
filled the air.. All recorded for analysis. The robot 'shook it head', having
seen this scene repeated many times a day. "Side-Note to Behavioral file - Same
species Ferler is not as informative as cross-species. New subject will be
paired with Oraner for further study." A large otter-like mammal was on screen
for a moment, standing semi-upright.

Research opened the cell and removed the human, wheeling over to a larger cell.
It opened the cell door there, and a hump of fur moved around. Long arms
reached out and snatched the being from the doorway, hissing at the robot, who
watched it stroke, then fondle, then explore it's find. "Not-Food." it said,
one of the dozen words it spoke. Good.. The 2 would pair then. Research was
neither elated at the idea or disappointed that it didn't destroy the man. It
was merely Curious. The creature touched Fren between his legs, then it's own
junction. "Same" it hissed, and pushing the man on his belly, mounted his
smooth cheeks as the robot took notes, plunged something large, wet and dark
red into the human. The robot closed the door, locked it and 'watched' the 2
Ferler. 'Much like the others,' it thought, awaiting results from the samples,
Sending other Research-parts to feed and clean the beings in their cells.

Fren awoke to a smell that was much like a multi-species bar when the
ventilator fans jammed, felt like someone had shoved their arm up his ass, and
his balls hurt. "What the hell did I do last night?" He moaned, vowing to not
drink whatever it was again. Then memories returned.. He was a Prisoner! Then a
long hairy arm reached between his legs and grabbed his nuts about the same
time the arm up his ass blew something warm and sticky inside him. "Smooth.." A
voice husked in his ear, barely understandable Trade. Oh Joy! Out of the Seat,
Into the Disposal. He felt a tongue on his neck.. Part of Bioforms-1 from
school drifted hazily up to him - "Certain races produce a substance in their
saliva that is narcotic to Humans." Then haze and movement..

The human groaned, being licked most intimately, and orgasm washing him away
again to hear another teacher drone about Trade Races - "Of particular interest
is the Oraner who trade in anything - Mates, Pets, Huts, Food... Whatever one
had to barter with. And they are Masters at it.. Many an early Trader, thinking
to get something for little-to-nothing, found themselves bereft of goods,
clothing and freedom, having to buy their way out of slavery." 'How true,' He
thought, laying on his stomach on a grass mat, hips up because the male who was
laying beside him, nuzzling his ear, wanted him that way. "Smooth.." it hissed,
rubbing his rear.

"Hairy," He replied, turning to look at the male. Black 'button' eyes looked
into his for a moment, then turned the man and mounted him, making Fren grunt -
Both at the weight of the creature and the Size of the cock that speared his
ass. Claws gripped his rear, spreading his cheeks as furry hips drove the fat
log of male-meat deeper into his wriggling ass. As a warm tongue licked the
sweat off his back - And sending still more alien drugs into his bloodstream -
he recalled something else... "When in Rut, male Oraner will mate up to 20
times a day with Anything handy, and travelers are advised to ignore their
behavior at such times." Kind of hard to ignore This one, as it compressed his
buttocks, burying it's dick and spurting another load into him Which set off
Fren's orgasm again.

And Research watched them all with a machine's Interest.

The End?