ROBOWAR2.TXT - M/?, Rape, Humans/Machines - 12/06/98

What Could Happen..

By SwampRat
(cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association

The Terminator movies and many science fiction writers had the idea of man vs
machine in a battle to the death. Stephen Koontz took it a step farther. I am
going off on yet another tangent. Note - This story contains non-consentual sex
between machines and humans, including children. If you have a problem with any
of these topics, do not Read This Story.


Dr. Baker rubbed his eyes and sighed, cradling the MG-50's back end. How had it
gone so sour so fast? A cracking of a branch made him scan the area in front of
him with sight blurred by fatigue.. How long since he had slept - a Day, Two?
Sheer luck found him in a shallow cave carved out of the stone by eons of water
droplets and ice shards. He reached back and fumbled something from his meager
supplies and ate it, keeping an eye in the hillside below him. Water was half a
canteen of spring water with who knows What living in it. Food was compressed
rations that might have as well been sawdust for all he could taste. A grizzly
appeared from the brush, loping up until a harsh growl from the man stopped it.
The bear stood, opening it's arms... and was almost cut in half by the hail of
bullets, stitching it across, then up, a few bouncing off a plate on it's
chest. It fell back, folding without a sound to lay on the ground. No blood
leaked from the body, no entrails fell out. Only sparking wires and electronic
circuit boards, now shattered.

The bruin's head moved at an impossible angle and looked up the hill. No
reproach, no anger, no emotions at all. Then the light went out from eyes and
it lay still. The man checked the box of ammunition he had managed to snag
along with the gun in his mad scramble to find a place to hide. No amount of
wishing would replace the spent shells, or move the red line that denoted 100
bullets left, any farther down. The pistol beside him held 5 shots.. 4 would go
to killing more of the bastards. The last was to put in his head so they
couldn't pick his brain - That wonderful brain that had helped conceive of the
Monsters that ravaged the country even as he sat and trembled and waited for
the next.. And the next... Until sweet oblivion.

* * * *

It had been a great idea - The making of life-like machines to terrorize and
bring down the morale of enemy nations. No need for a soldier to kill or die -
Let a Robotic Dog do it. Many animals were discussed, but since domestic
canines would cause the least suspicion, they were made first.. Shepherds were
the prototype. Males for their body-mass - And other reasons that came out
later. Dogs to be taken into houses, to roam streets, to go places that Humans
would Never be allowed.. Information gatherers at first, then if need be,
soldiers - to take enemies down, create havoc.. It looked ok, and trial runs
went fine. Slowly thousands of robots were infiltrated into countries, waiting
the coded signals that would turn them into spies.

Of course a good idea is rarely without it's twin.. Bears and Bulls and Wolves
came off assembly lines in other places, being placed in woods and farms for
much the same reason. But someone - No one knows who - came up with a better
idea... Why make what is already made? Why not just take over control.. Which
would have been fine - Except for all the paranoid types who had put in special
commands in case of just such a thing. Commands that made the robots

* * * *

John awoke to a scream.. 'Oh God, The kid was having another nightmare..' A few
months ago the family had been involved in an accident. Not a Bad One, thank
goodness. But bad enough to shake Tomas up. The boy thought it was his fault
for horsing around.. At 12, John had done much the same things. Most times
things were fine.. But at Night - He stumbled over his pants and kicked them,
deciding to go au-natural.. Nothing the kid hadn't seen before. As he moved
down the hall, The noises got quieter, more like moans and grunts.. Tom's
bedroom door was open so he stepped inside.

Tomas was on the bed, underpants down to his knees. The lad was on his belly
and a big dog was over him. It was obvious what they were doing by the
movements and the squeaking of the bed. "Oh Yeah.. Fuck me." Tom had never
swore before.. Then again, he never screwed Dogs before. Part of his mind
registered the open window, the fact they had no dog, The boy's arm pumping his
cock under him, hips pushing back at the canine - Who wasn't Panting! In fact
the movements were as regular as a.. Machines!

"What the Hell is going on Here?" John hit the light switch. About that time
the dog turned it's head and Stared at him.. Those deep brown eyes pulled him
in - he couldn't look away.. Step by step he came closer. And closer. The eyes
compelled.. Demanded... A voice was droning over and over again in his ears.
"You Will. You Will. You Will." John heard a voice repeat the words.. But it
couldn't be His voice. A body moved to the bed, and as the dog dismounted,
replaced it... But it couldn't be His Body. "Dad?" a sleepy voice queried as a
stinging bite on his butt made him jerk forward, the now erect cock rubbing
against his son's soft skin.

This had to be some kind of perverted Nightmare! He couldn't be doing this!
Heart racing, John broke out in a sweat... "Dad?" Tom's body moved under him,
the tousled head turning to look over a boy's shoulder. "What are you doing?"
John teetered on the edge of madness, fighting with himself desperately..
Fingers curled around his stiff maleness, pulling it towards the warm boy-hole.
With a thrust, John entered his son's ass. Twin moans broke the silence, one
almost a howl of pleasure, the other more shuddering. Caught between lust and
the twin taboo's of incest/homosexuality, The man tried to hold onto some sense
of sanity..

Then that voice was in his ear again. His hips moved with a will of their own,
and as he looked on, they shoved his dick in and out of his son's tight hole.
Big hands curled around the young shoulders, gripping them as more words filled
his mind.. This is what he wanted to do. Yes it was.. He had wanted his son's
hot ass for a long time. 'What about the neighbor's Boys?' Yes.. All of them.
All the boys in the neighborhood. One by one He would visit them. Fuck their
tight asses...

Tom got other instructions - His mission was to go to every adult male and suck
it/fuck it, Human or otherwise.. This was reinforced by a canine cock pushed
into his mouth about the same time the big one in back exploded, making his
boy-dick throb and orgasms run through his body. Canine Insurgent Unit 281
microwaved to it's 'partner' it's mission at this house was about done, but at
least 3 more dwellings should be 'visited' for reinforcement of the orders. CIU
227 acknowledged, thrusting into a young woman who babbled wildly, gripping the
bed as best she could, being screwed literally out of her mind!

* * * *

In an underground bunker, a dozen video screens showed similar sights - Dogs
raping people. Dogs hypnotizing people into raping each other. Anyone who
resisted was killed... "I am Trying, but the Overrides aren't Working.. Damnit,
I know that!" He half-yelled into a phone, unsure what was going on, but This
wasn't supposed to be It! Once more he tried Recall, Over-Ride, even Destruct
codes.. They were ignored. "Get yourself someplace they can't reach and Hide
until we figure out something.. Oh Crap." He dropped the phone as one of the 6
outside monitors showed a Guard dancing with a Bear. Another had ahold of the
steel doors of the room he sat in.. The doors were buckling... He frantically
sent out a distress call, hoping against hope as he watched the poor man lose
his rifle, then his uniform and finally his virginity..

The bruin had the guard pinned against the wall and was thrusting lustily. The
sounds of shreaking metal drowned out the screams of the man, making him turn
and watch another bear advance. The metallic eyes glittered, the tongue
slavered, the paws stroked a big cock That he could not keep his eyes off of.
It grew bigger each step the robotic bruin took, until he was shoved on his
knees. As it touched his lips a mechanical voice came out of the speaker by his
desk. "Help has arrived." Then it shoved the monster down his throat.

* * * *

All over the world similar things were happening.. Wolves with shiny eyes came
down out of the mountains, ignoring livestock and yapping dogs alike to swarm
over out-of-the-way towns, silently slipping into doors, through unlatched
windows. Any family Pets who got in the way were knocked in the head. Those
that didn't watched as their Humans were wakened, to be silenced. Then to get
on all fours and wriggle their hips, to be taken by other family members, or
the male dogs who knew the movements meant sex, or by silent canines with big
cocks that made then grunt under too much weight. When they were done, more
houses would be violated - along with their owners until the humans and animals
milled around all over, some entering other places to 'join' the wolves, others
doing each other wherever they met...

Hunters found themselves being yanked out of their tents and campers, to be
impaled on thick bruin cocks, looking into swirling silver eyes and listening
to voices that turned them into mind-washed sex-crazed zombies. Not even
animals were immune, as farm-hands were raped by bulls then raped the cows,
sheep, horses.. People died in droves - Shot by others, killed by animals who
didn't Want to be humped, or Resisted the robotic invaders.. More killed
themselves later as they realized what they had been doing - Sometimes for
days. Reporters, eager for stories, got more than they bargained for when They
too were grabbed and fucked.. It became common-place to see a cameraman with no
pants on, panning an orgy while someone or something was between his legs,
sucking away.

The primary scouts continued looking for resistance pockets while secondary
ones went to work. Snakes slithered out of holes, bats flew from bunkers,
gallons of pherenome-based virii in their bodies. Spraying the land, dumping it
in any water supplies, they continued the havoc - It was what they were built
for. Animals inhaling the tiny creatures would catch a bad case of sex-fever -
The more of the virus ingested, the stronger the desire. Militaries were
helpless to defend anything, as crews turned on each other to relieve their
needs. Ships became floating brothels. Submarines who thought themselves safe,
found Mice in every nook and cranny.. Then lust that over-rode all other needs.

Baker sat and watched all the goings-on with a feeling of horror.. Certainly he
had a hand in Designing the Canine Units, but this... Technicians ran all over
the place, sweating like mad. Fingers jabbed at keys trying to make sense of
what was going on.. All they got back was basically a 'we are doing our job'
response to their frantic query's from both computers And scouts. He wanted to
scream at all of them, "I told you so!" but it was worthless. All the secret
robotic factories were on automatic, any personnel long since dead.. Or Worse.
To make a drug that would work on a Human, one needed a Human to test on.

Dr. Baker got up, walked over to where the HASMAT suits were, and put one on.
Walked out the door, up the stairs, and to the main entrance.. "Are you
leaving us, Doctor Baker?" A chill went up his spine at the robotic voice. He
inserted his key-card, waiting to see if he would be let out or have to take
one of the Argon 'Fire-Freezer' Cannisters and freeze a section of reinforced
glass, shattering it to escape. The doors opened. "Have a good Day, Doctor
Baker." He heard the latch click behind him... The poor devils were now
trapped. Hell, All of mankind was trapped.. Trapped by it's Stupidity.

For once he was very glad to see the Jeeps with the Machine Guns in the
Security Area.. At first he they were someone's paranoid delusion. But one gets
used to things after a while. Still in his suit, he opened the trunk of his car
and got a tire-iron, blessing whoever still believed a good chunk of bent iron
could take off Any Lug-nut. It took 3 or 4 hard hits to break the padlock, some
prying to get the chain out of the way. It was a clumsy affair to get in the
thing with a suit on, but he got it going and out towards the last obstacle -
The Guard Shack..

As he got closer he could see the man seemed to be jerking, or twitching..
Morbid curiosity made him slow, roll the window down and look inside the
shack. The man had his pants and underwear around his ankles. Something was
between his legs, pinning his hands to the wall.. There was some kind of
obscene slurping noises underlying the moans and grunts. A whirring noise made
him look away - Straight into the unblinking eye of a camera. "DNA Samples,
Doctor Baker. We don't want All of mankind eradicated - Just The Enemy." He
gunned the engine, smashing through the barrier and out...

* * * *

Everything from then to now was a haze. The jeep was down there someplace,
Smashed into some rocks. Not that it mattered anyway... He thanked God he had
not married. To know there was a child, a wife out in that madness - He took a
precious sip of water and lay back, watching as best he could.. He had to close
his eyes. Just for a moment. Just a Little Nap and then he would be able to be
sharper.. Be able to fend off the monsters better. . .

* * * *

Baker jerked back to reality, looking into the silver eyes of an Animaltronic
Wolf. The creature held him down easily, just staring at him. He felt fur
rubbing on his legs, his crotch.. He no longer had clothing on. Damn, how could
he have fallen asleep? No matter - His life was now gone. Gone with the stupid
ideas of madmen... He lifted his chin. "Get it over with." A tongue slid along
his neck, almost soothingly. "Are you better, Doctor Baker? Spreader team 2
found you almost dead from Dehydration and Fever. You really should have boiled
that water before you drank it.." The tongue continued down, licking his chest,
nipples jutting out. It felt good.. But it wasn't Supposed to Feel good! The
muzzle went lower, hovering over his erection. "Please.." He whispered,trying
to get away from the lips, the warm muzzle that slowly engulfed him.. He was
getting a blow-job from a fucking robot!

The worst of it was it was a Damn good one! It bobbed, and sucked and swirled
it's tongue over his cock-head until he gave up his semen with a moan very
similar to the one he heard coming from the Guard Shack. But it didn't stop
with one... Baker pleaded, then screamed, then howled as more semen was pulled
from his nuts. He was close to passing out by this time, panting heavily.. The
muzzle stayed in his dick until it shriveled, and then actually kissed it. "You
got what you want.. Now Kill Me, You Heartless Bastard.." A big bear bent over
and he figured now - Now he would be released from this madness. All it did was
pick him up and cradle him.

"Really Doctor Baker, Did you expect us to rip your throat out or something?
Our programming doesn't allow for such things - You should know.. You Wrote
it." Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the pistol that might as well
be on the other side of the planet for all the good it would do him. A whirring
sound came as a helicopter came in sight - a crewless helicopter. "Rescue Unit
114 ready for patient." Flying hospitals capable of taking 4 people aboard per
unit, they were another brain-child he and a few others dreamed up around a
planning board. One of the casket-like pods opened, and the man was placed
inside.. Needles jabbed arms and legs, adding much needed fluids and other

"Why?" he mumbled, the darkness taking him away. "Because we are all family."
The machine-voice answered, as the copter flew back to the Research Center
cradling the frail human body of the man designated - Father.

The End?