M/M/F, Rape/Violence/Bondage/Snuff - October 28, 1998

A Nasty Tail of Enslavment,
Pain and the way things are looked at.
By Jack

This one has been running around in my head for some time.. Someone wrote a
wonderful set of stories about a race of Fox-like beings, told from both a Male
and Female perspectives. I even wrote to him and told him that it Was a
wonderful set of stories, but I could never write like that. I don't believe he
understood it wasn't the setting (Space Opera), But the Theme - Maternal..
Ruled by Females. The logic was impeccable, the characters believable and the
story engaging..

Then there is This one.. There is nothing redeeming about this story - It is
simply my way of expressing certain emotions that were stirred up and have
never really settled.. It involves blood, pain, death, brutality and
humiliation. It also includes tenderness, and love - So I am going to piss off
Everybody *Gryn*. One of the characters is Shadow - A part man, part machine
mercenary who won't stay dead Or buried, despite the wishes of many.

* * * Y O U H A V E B E E N W A R N E D * * *

"We are about done, Sir." Tan trembled slightly in the presence of the dark-
robed Commander. He stood about 5-feet high and was a member of the race called
Space-rats. Normally the crew went about Catching Slavers, Sometimes turning
them in, sometimes selling them into slavery depending on 'The Innocents.'
"There is no such thing as an Innocent - When The Sisters have decided your
thread is long enough, you die." Tan was used to obscure phrases coming from
the one who was rumored to be a couple of Millenia Old.. And to have been
inside cryogenic suspension chambers so many times he can glance at one and
tell you it's model and manufacturer. He sometimes said he wished the Fates
would sharpen their scissors.. "They're too Dull," He once lamented. "They have
cut on my cord many times but never Through it."

Tan shivered again. There was just something that made his skin crawl... "You
have 5 standard minutes to surrender and disembark. After that the doors will
be sealed and the ship will be destroyed. You can take your chances with us, or
drift in space as atoms." Tan decided Now would be a good time to hit the head.
"When you are done Mister Tan, set a course for the Middens." A hand clasped
his shoulder and he nodded, hoping he didn't pee all over himself. Being Second
Astrogater meant he was usually someplace Safe. Not hiding, mind, Just.. Out of
the Way. He also didn't ask How the being knew his thoughts... Some things are
better not known. Standing, he walked stiff-legged to the Hallway where the
restrooms were, then dashed for the neared unoccupied one. Tan grinned in
relief... Then looked down at the wet-spot in his pants, the faint smell of
ammonia making his nose crinkle. "Damn.." he sighed, and went about cleaning
himself up.

* * * *

Onboard the Pleasure Liner Perea, others were wanting to wet their pants too.
All the passengers and crew had been rounded up, separated by gender then
herded into large rooms. Resistance got a Sting-Lash ( A prod used to herd
animals - It gave pain without leaving any marks ), or a Stunner, depending on
the Captor. A sting-lash hurt where it touched, a stunner scraped across every
pain cell in the body. Neither had to be applied more than a few times. When
they were all on-board, a vid screen lit up and they watched their ship drift
off, then as the craft moved, explode as the Gravity Amplifier Drives ate
themselves. Helped along with Nuclear charges, a Galaxy-class liner turned into
so much debris and heated gas, leaving very little behind.

Robots brought their meals.. The perfect captors, they were deaf to pleas and
threats alike. They could not be bribed, cajoled or attacked - as all they
brought was food. The beings had been stripped, searched and washed by other
robots, somehow more humiliating because they did it so clinically. Those who
struggled were taken into a separate area, strapped down and probed anyway..
Some struggling for different reasons than others, and probes might be
exchanged for vibrators until the limp bodies begged for enslavment - every
thing holotaped for later sale.

Time had no meaning.. They ate, slept, did what was necessary in troughs that
cleaned themselves and waited... Then one day the lights went out and the doors
opened. Like cattle, the entire batch of fox-like females were herded out into
an area with 2 distinct spaces.. One had cuffs, collars and a smoking branding
iron. The other was equipped with meat hooks, skinning knives and pelting
racks. Males stood by the equipment, wearing aprons, and not much else. Some
were also fox-like and leered openly at the women. "How dare you!" The captain
of the now dead ship was incensed. "You have no right to keep us! You will let
us go Now and.."

The clomp of heavy boots on steel rang through the room as a voice that spoke
common with a translator's accent came cold as death. "Animals have no rights,
Except to be used for their Owners Pleasures." A dark-robed being stepped into
the area. "You pirate-bastard! I demand..." Her words vanished into a howl as a
stunner played over her body. "And how many males did you stick a knife into
because they were not Sold on the Block? Because they were deemed 'Worthless'.
You at least have a choice.. You may go to the left and be collared, branded,
sold to whoever wishes you. Or you may go to the right, and be killed and

"And if we chose neither?" Another female spoke up, not about to give an inch
of ground to Any Male. A large reptilian male hissed and the 'Handlers' jerked
the one who spoke out of the crowd, to sprawl in front of the lizard. He
reached over and gripped a large hook. "The we will choosssse for you.." The
female didn't even have time to scream as the sharp hook parted her spinal
cord, coming out her wind-pipe. There was no time for pain or fear - Only
disbelief as her body slumped, being hung like a piece of meat off a chain.
Tubes were attached, draining her blood and as the others watched, horrorified,
the body was processed like any other side of beef.

The head was removed and placed to one side, eyes still open. Long, single
strokes running from wrist to neck and ankle to thigh met with another single
cut that ran from neck to crotch and the Pelt was pulled from the carcass.
Entrails and organs went into a tub, the body washed. The reptile wiped his
hands and grinned. "Next.." Some stood in shock, unable to comprehend what was
happening. Others ran around like mad creatures, screaming.. If a hard slap or
a caress of the stunner didn't bring them back, the hook ended their cries.
Those left walked over to be collared and branded, some woodenly, other
sobbing, even being dragged over by friends who would rather see them alive and
a slave then dead and being worn by someone else.

The ex-captain just stood, mouth hung open. "Why do you stare so, Captain.. You
sell your males as chattel, kill those who are not bought. We at least give you
the Choice of your fate.." She stared at the robed one., "You are barbarians..
We only get rid of those whom society says is unfit." A deep laugh that could
have come out of hell itself. "In the society I came from you are animals - To
be bred, experimented on, used as servants, slaves, play-toys.. Discarded when
when no longer needed. In This Society, you are nothing better than Slavers -
Murderers who kill for profit.. We care nothing about your Sex, Species or Race
- Only your body, which will be used one way Or another."

By that time only crew were left, singled out somehow. They hugged, then as
one, walked calmly up to the butcher's table. The held their heads high, a few
deserting at the last moment, deciding on life. The rest stood and waited until
the hooks bit into their skin, taking their lives quickly. The captain watched
and spitting on the ground, marched over to the table and waited.. But instead
of a fast death she got a steel ring snapped around her neck. Then dragged
over to to be branded, the screams and smell of burning flesh heavy in the air
still. When it was over, Fans came on and the equipment was rolled away,
leaving only a sobbing slave and her captors.. "Wh.. Wh.. Why..." She sobbed
out then screeched as she was jerked up and shoved against a wall by a wolf.
"What.. What are.." Her tail was lifted, and the thick doggy-meat shoved
under it, forcing her anus open. The vixen screamed, being taken brutally by
the big male canine.

Wolfren fucked the bitch slowly, taking his time, holding the anger in check
lest he get too wild. The males had come before them, Some being taken as
lovers, the rest as chattel. The male he had taken to his bed told the story of
a life in a different kind of bondage. He and his younger brother had been sold
for debts.. He had watched an indifferent crowd look the frightened youth over
and rejected him. The auctioneer nodded to another female who grabbed the young
male and slit his throat with no more thought than a butcher gives to a hog,
letting the body lay where it fell. Then it was His turn.. Someone needed a
male on their crew to work in the galley, so he was sold off. On the ship he
was worked hard - and used by any female who wanted him.. Then the ship was
raided and he didn't know if he should be relieved or afraid..

The black-furred male looked into the green eyes of his bunk-mate and kissed
him. "You don't have to be with me - I can see you get to someplace..
MMmmmmmm..." Fingers caressed his erection, stroking his knot. "You are not the
first male I have been with.." A slight blush added to the red of his ears, and
Wolfren kissed them. The foxy male moved down to kiss the wolf's cock, licking
it softly. There were sometimes passengers on the ship who were not of his race
- and sometimes he had to 'entertain' them..

And now the Wolf-like male had one of those same Bitches in his hands. He
wanted to kill her, rip her apart.. But he had not become First Captain by
letting emotions rule his reason. So he took her instead. Pinched and squeezed
her nipples until they were bruised. Grabbed her freshly burned ass-cheeks and
made her take his cock.. It would be so easy to tie this Bitch - Shove his dick
up her tight rear and cum in it.. But he wasn't interested in sex, only
humiliation. Wolfren shoved his massive prick in and out a few times more then
pulled out completely, wiped his erection on her butt-fur, using a handful of
tail to finish the job, then tossed her into the arms of another. "Take her
away.. Why? because You are too valuable a prize to have your hide stretched
just yet."

The lizard came over and patted his friends butt, making the canine cock sway
and bob. "Didn't know you went for femalessss." Wolfren growled and swatted the
mailed rear that lay under a thick tail. "I don't. But sometimes..." The
reptilian nodded, having already procured some of the mammals for his own crew
- All female of course. The wolf left to wash, wanting to be with his lover
until his duty time came up. The Ranash paused a moment, getting a final whiff
of fear and pain, almost drowned out by hatred.. All underlayed with the cold
precision of a living machine who made his War-Commanders shudder.

Another moment to survey the area, and think on what had been said, been done.
He shuddered a moment himself, thinking they had good reason, then went to
bargain for more meat and hides before leaving for HomeWorld. He wondered if
his half-cousin was still in the trade of Singers and Story-Tellers. This would
make a wonderful tale, hardly needing embellishing at all..

The End