SHADOW3B.TXT - M(?)/F - NC/Rape, Oral/Anal - 9/06/00
By SwampRat and Jack
(CL) 2000 GFA

A continuance of Shadow 3 -
When my Muse Demands a Story,
She Demands a Story!

She sat in her cell. It didn't look like much of one, being carpeted, and a
real bed - bolted to the floor, but a bed. Despite the fact it was warm she
shivered and hugged Herself. How many days ago was it now? Or was it weeks,
Months.. Time was not something she could keep track of in a place that has
neither sunrise nor twilight. The lights could be turned on, grow brighter or
dimmer, be turned off. She wanted to kick something, Hit something...

She did the first day they put her here. That same damn robot came with the
same damn tray of food and she had attacked it with all the hatred and
self-righteousness she possessed.. Got bruises, a broken toe and the indignity
of being examined by yet Another male who gave her a lecture on Her behavior!
Then she was returned. No Tossed, Not 'manhandled'.. Just put to bed like a
damn Cub! She stomped her foot on the soft carpet.

The door opened - to reveal someone Other than her serving bot. "Good day
Captain." She laid her ears back and would have ripped that machine apart with
bare hands had she been able to. Instead, she spat on it, hearing the moisture
sizzle as it hit some kind of power field around the bastard. "That is no way
to treat your host. Come here." The anger turned to sullen rage as she refused
to move.. She may not have many options but Damn if she was going to follow
Orders from That!

Then her foot moved. Wha..? Then the other. She fought, she struggled, she
screamed with every fiber of her being.. and her body ignored it's old owner
completely, walking to the monster, who patted the silken-furred rump. The
vixen's body arched slightly, pushing back against the hand, even as the eyes
went dark with terror. "Do you wish to speak?" The hand continued it's
caresses, squeezing the firm butt-flesh, teasing the crevasse between, making
the tail lift with shivers.. The female tried to close her eyes, tried to move,
to kick, to do Something! The cloak was removed.. and a black, armored body
revealed. What made it somehow worse was the lack of a face - only a shiny
plate of metal.

"Undo my crotch-plate."

She snorted.. Then watched as she moved to the magnetic fasteners and press on
them, allowing the plate to let go and fall into her hands. It was Impossable!
Absently she licked her lips, unable not to stare at the exposed genitalia. Not
even a sheath or fur to hide the fleshy appendage and it's twin spheres that
dangled down. There was a musky male-scent that tickled her nose, made her
growl.. If he Dared to try putting it anywhere Near her face she would bite it
off - Damn the consequences!

"Play with it. Stroke it, bring it to full-size with your caresses."

Not in a million... Traitorous fingers ignored her wishes, sliding around the
male-member, teasing it, tugging on it, stroking it and the strange-head. She
wanted to scream in frustration. She wanted to grab his balls and rip them from
the bastard. She wanted..

"There is a jar of lubricant in the drawer by the bed. Fetch it."

What was he doing? No, He Couldn't be thinking... She struggled twice as hard
as before, but not even as she panted and gasped did her body do anything but
what it was told. What was going on? Why wasn't she able control herself?! It
was a nightmare.. It had to Be! Dutifully, the jar was found and brought back
to the one she hated so such she could barely see.

"Good Girl. Open it and lube my dick - Just the head.."

She watched her hands open the jar and dip some of the sticky substance out,
smearing it across the bulbed end. Now she was crying. Even though nothing
came from her muzzle she was crying in fear and shame and disgust.

"Go to the bed, get on it and kneel with your back to me."

Again, her body did as it was told while the female, shivered inside trying
desperately to stop what was happening.. She heard the footsteps, felt fingers
on her body, caressing the shivering flesh, tugging her nipples to fullness.

"Grip my dick and put it under your tail, Tease your anus with it. I want you
to Feel it throbbing with desire to enter you."

Again the hands gripped the thick cock, this time pulling it up to the puckered
hole, tail lifting out of the way. The slickened head teased it, pushed against
it, warm and alive and throbbing. Gods.. She whimpered, eyes closed still
unable to believe she was doing this.. Then her muzzle gaped as the slick
cock-head pressed in harder, breaching her, pushing into her warm, tight
back-passage. She screamed soundlessly at the shock, totally unable to do
anything but hold the throbbing member and feel it slide deeper.

"Move your body. Show me how much you like this.."

The room became hazy as tears ran down her cheeks even as her body moved - Up,
so the dick dragged against her rectal walls. A moment to catch what was left
of her will. Then sliding back down, taking it deep inside her.

*No!* She 'yelled', struggling, ears back, sobbing without sound as her hand
was removed and placed on her thigh, her hips moving up and down, starting to
wriggle a little, squeezing down on the male-flesh inside her. Fingers found
her nipples and teased them, making her bite her lip. She Couldn't be enjoying
this! She couldn't be! Again her hips wriggled, pushing back harder against the
male, wanting more of him even as she fought to Not enjoy this.


She did so, and for a brief moment, was disappointed.. Then horror and
revulsion claimed her again as the smooth sac slid across her cheeks. Tapped
them.. Rubbed the fur, full of promise.. This time He shoved, burying himself
to the hilt in her. There was surprisingly little pain, some pleasure and a Lot
of humiliation. What was happening to her?!? A thrust.. Another.. A command and
they moved as lovers, lusting after each other.

"Moan for me."

And she did, long and low, head hung down, knowing she had no control of her
body anymore. Another escaped her as the male thrust into her Hard, the vixen
pushing back just as hard.

'Oh Gods.. Oh No. No. NOoooo...'

The swollen cock pulsed, shooting hot jism deep in her body, coating her walls,
puddling in a bend.

"Good Girl."

She didn't know which was more humiliating - the anal sex or being treated as a
mindless sex-slave.. Or the whimper that escaped her lips as he withdrew.

"Turn around."

She did so, feeling his still-warm semen leaking from her abused anus, keeping
her eyes shut.

"Clean it."

And they flew open again. Surely he didn't mean... A rag was handed to her and
she reached out to grip the warm thing, getting surprisingly little off it.

"Do you want a taste?"

The whimper scared her more than the idea of what she was about to do. Leaning
forward she sniffed the maleness, finding it somewhat bland. Then her tongue
slid out and touched the head. There was still a little semen left and she
licked it up, finding it salty/sweet. But there was Nothing she could do about
it.. the bastard had her body. Even so, she seethed as she continued to bathe
his cock in saliva.

"Kiss it."

Wha? She gritted her teeth as best she could and moved her head forward to
press her lips to the alien flesh. This time she didn't allow herself the luxury
of tears as she moved her muzzle around pressing her lips to the male-meat. She
remembered her promise even as a hand pushed the back of her head.. But it was
no good - the cock slipped between her lips and she held it in her muzzle, warm
and alive and still dripping.. She swallowed reflexively, putting suction on

"That's the way.. Suck it. Move your head on me. I bet you are Thirsty after
all that work."

She hated him even more - if that was possable - as she did as she was told,
moving her mouth back and forth, feeling the skin move between her lips, across
her tongue. She wished she was someplace, Anyplace but here.. Fingers caresses
her ears, her head, her neck to the collar that circled it.

"Suck on the tip. Use your tongue on it."

Pulling back she held the head between her lips licking at the underside and
around the splayed top. It was so different, so alien.. So... The first spurt
caught her off guard, splattering her palate and tongue. Again she swallowed,
but this time greedily, teeth pressing the throbbing flesh, holding it until
way after nothing came forth. She swallowed one last time, nuzzling the
shrinking dick, then just knelt on the bed, ashamed of herself, angered at the
manipulations of her body.

"You give great head.."

Even as she growled in her mind, the fox-like female leaned over to lick a
left-over smear of pre-cum from the male, softly nosing his balls, inhaling his
scent deeply. She tongued them gently then somehow managed to push herself

"You may Speak."

"You furless bastard! What did you do to Me?!?"

"It's called a training collar. It removes muscular control from the neck down.
Normal body functions are still yours.. But we own the rest. After all - You
Did attack a robot."

She growled to herself.. Then a thought made her open her eyes and stare at her
enemy.. "From the neck down? But what about.." She wanted to retch but That
function was below the collar.

A chuckle. "That you did on your own.. And a Very find job you did too."

The dark male retrieved the crotch piece and put it in place, the fasteners
making a quiet *chink*. "When you stop being a danger to yourself we will
remove it. You Really do give good head - for a female. Captain.."

She watched the Monster leave, wanting to hit something.. Wanting to rip her
fur out. She hated her body, even as she licked her lips.. Maybe it wasn't so
bad. She could Still bite a chunk out of him another time.. A creature such as
she had never seen came in. It had long ears and a gentle face, clad in nothing
but the fur it was born with.

"I am Eatel. Are you hungry Miss?"

She was, and the food looked good.. But she couldn't move from her place on the
bed. He smiled and turned his head a little, as if puzzled. then "Oh'd" and
shook his head.

"The commander has been here. I gather from your look, I shall have to talk to
him about lying. Did he say you had a training collar on? Or was it the Implant
that makes you do whatever you are told.." He shook his head again. "While they
Do exist, we rarely use them.. Now come eat, and then I will wash you."

She bounded off the bed and attacked the food, wanting to be strong and fit for
the next time she met the Bastard.. She would show him! And as for This upstart
- She could overpower him with just one arm. 'Wash' her indeed! Fingers stroked
her back as she moved away from the tray, full and content.

"So it was all a Lie?" She wanted to hear it for herself, just to make sure..
Before she attacked him and left this 'cell'. There were others of her crew
here.. It might take a while but Males were no match for Her!

"We only use such things on the Worst-case beings.. The rest we Hypno-tape
while they sleep. The Commander doesn't like Killing Cargo."

As the words sank in, the vixen found herself unable to move again.. Except for
her head which was turned so her nose was pointing at the male's crotch. She
watched as her tongue slid out, caressing the short sheath, coaxing the slim
but firm maleness out. It slipped between her lips, tasting similar but
completely different then the one previous. Even as she started bobbing her
muzzle she could hear the scream that would never come out forming in her mind.

The End?

Note - Sometimes I will add the name 'Jack' to a piece. This is the side of me
I keep buried, hidden and under locked gate. I named 'him' Jack after a more
famous one that terrorized London in the 1800's.