SHIVERING.TXT - M/M - January 10, 2001
By SwampRat
(cl) 2001 Gay Furry Association

Based on 'Shivering' By NuDog

He stands shivering against a light pole.. Young, a little thin, wearing
nothing but fur and a worn pair of shorts. Traffic is light and he may end up
on a heater grate, or a box discarded in an alleyway.

He finished school, was toying with college, but wanted a summer to find a job
and make a little money. He was also interested in seeing someone who was kinda
cute.. He had worries and misgivings, but Hey - His Father always taught him to
be Honest. So he told his parents he liked other men.. And that same male who
was wise and compassionate, A God to him when he was but a pup, slapped him
hard enough to bring blood. In no uncertain terms he told his offspring what he
could do with his male-loving ways, disowning him on the spot and literally
kicking him out with what he had on.

So he ran. Ran until he couldn't any longer. Until his money and luck and
whatever else was played out. And now he stands and shivers.. Unwilling to go
back, unable to go forward, Caught in the web of the City. A hand pats his
butt, it's owner passing by turning at the corner. He waits a few moments then
moves in the same direction, moving to the shadows of an alley where a customer

A bill is pressed into his hand, the wan light enough to show it is a large
denomination, which means the male wants more than lips on his groin. Quietly
stuffing it in a pocket the young male nods and turns, undoing his shorts,
letting them fall to the ground, putting his paws on the wall. He gasps softly
as the other male comes to him, warm penis touching, then entering his cool
rump. It is nice, a feline from the barbs that tickle more than hurt, and much
too soon is spraying his insides, as he wriggles his butt into the other's
crotch. A sigh, a pulling back that leaves him empty in a way, and a slap on
his butt telling him he was good.. Then his customer - or patron if you wish -
leaves, and the male wriggles a little more before cleaning himself and sliding
his shorts back on.

That piece of paper means he will eat another day. Maybe even find a warm place
to sleep, and shower before he will again be on the street, looking for his
next client.

A wolf watches the transaction, and shakes his head.. Once he would have taken
the Young male in and probably been rough with him. Once he would have taken
the well-built male in to keep him off the street for a day, and maybe into a
rehab center where jobs were earned. Now - Politicians get raises, the jails
are full of violent criminals who run through the system, learning with each
new arrest how to become meaner, nastier, A Professional.. That lad would be
ground up like hamburger.

So the Wolf spits on the sidewalk in disgust, and watches until the malimute
enters a diner.. Then sighs, shifts his coat and walks the rest of the way
home, thinking about his retirement, about his apartment.. And about the Son
who never came back from 'The Absolutely Last War'.

The End.. For Now