TWILITE.TXT - M/M/F, Rape/Violence/Adult Themes - July 22, 2002 Adventures Of A Wanderer Upon Twilight By SwampRat (c) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association Chapter I - Getting There Wait until I got my hands on Mark! This was one practical joke that has gone too far. He had given me a map of how to find his cabin in the hills, and now I was Lost.. *Splash!* And wet! Alright, Alright.. So I had imbibed a little intoxicants, is that any reason to stick a pond in the middle of the path? I half-swam/half-slogged my way to shore. Fortunately, everything in my backpack was either waterproof, or wrapped. I found two forked branches, about five feet long, and made a makeshift 'clothesline.' It's amazing what you can do with fishing line.. I sat cross-legged in the warm afternoon sun, contemplating all the nasty things I was going to do to a certain Bastar.. "Hi." What? I opened my eyes to see a large whiskered head bobbing in the pond. One large eye winked at me. An otter.. In the middle of nowhere.. Talking to me.. Score another one for Mark's Magic Mushrooms! Just lovely.. "Good day, furry one." It came over to the bank, and after a good shake, stood looking at me. A four and a half foot tall otter.. I shook my head. Next it will be Alice, and The White Rabbit. I un-crossed my legs, and returned it's stare. "You sure got a small dick." Anatomy Lessons? I grinned. "I bet mine is bigger than yours." `Excellent Retort,' part of me thought. `Go fly a kite..' It smiled, showing lots of sharp teeth. "Nope, mine's bigger..." it licked it's, uh.. his lips, "But then, human dicks grow when played with, don't they?" Being propositioned by a hallucination of an otter.. This is a joke, right? Mark, if I get through this.. The animal walked towards me, grinning. I lay on my back, and closed my eyes. Maybe all this will go away.. "I'm Frera." I wondered vaguely of Frera meant wet, because he was that, and furry.. and bold! A wet hand slid across my leg, fingering my penis. His kiss was wet, and whiskery, and all too real. I opened my eyes, and stared into a pair of green ones. He showed me a mouthful of knives and pressed his thin lips against mine again. "You have a nice body, Man." "Thank You." I think.. Frera smiled, then slid downward, nibbling and licking his way to my crotch. He kissed my balls, then played with them, while he licked on my cock. Opening his mouth, the otter sucked on the tip, until it was fully erect."I take back, what I said.. You have a nice *Slurp* dick. How about a little sixty-nining?" Before I could answer, he had spun himself around, shoved his scrotum into my face and was sucking on the tip of my cock. I licked on his rubbery ball-sack, as he moaned, rolling my balls in his paws. I moved my mouth down, and slid my tongue across his erection. It was only about 5 inches, but still quite nice. I sucked on it, sliding my tongue around it, while the otter practiced sword-swallowing. I felt his teeth gently press into the webbing on the underside of my cock, and his tongue rasped across the flared head. I rubbed his buttocks with one hand, and his testicles with the other, while I sucked hungrily on the animal. He gasped, and his balls contracted, as the semen splashed against my tonsils. I held onto his cock with my tongue, and increased the suction. He yelped around my dick, wanting even more to make me ejaculate. Frera bobbed faster on my erection, sucking hard. I swallowed one last time, and gently nibbled on his shrinking penis, groaning, as my own orgasm hit. The otter went wild, swallowing every spurt as fast as it came, wanting all of my cum. He finally wound down, and let my dick slide out, but not without one last lick. It stayed up, so he held it, lapping on the tip, driving me crazy.. "Feel Like doing it again?" The otter grabbed my cock, and with one last nibble, rubbed it against his chest. Moving slowly downward, he moaned, as did I. This was a turn-on and a half.. His fur was soft and it tickled. He moved up, still rubbing himself with it. Finally he turned around, and straddled my thighs, pressing my dick between his legs. He sighed as it disappeared into the warm, tight opening under his tail. I sat-up, and rubbed his back. He groaned. "Feels like it's going to come out of my mouth. Unnhhh! Love it!" He ground his butt against me, and moaned. One paw pulled my head down to be kissed savagely, while the other jacked on his now erect penis. He writhed in my lap, contorting his sleek body under my hands. The otter grinned. "Don't you ever cum?" "Well, The second time takes a while. In a hurry?" He threw his head back and laughed. "Not at all, human. Not at.. *Ahhhh!* At all..." "I wish I was more limber," I sighed. "Why?" He turned his head to one side, and stood still, squeezing my cock with his rectum. "If I was, I could suck on your dick, while I buggered you." He grinned at me. "I am limber enough for both of us!" And lifting his tail, spun around on my cock. Frera leaned over, kissing my balls. Then spun around again, sinking down and settling himself on my legs. Winking, bent double, he licked the tip of his cock. Frera moaned, bouncing on my cock again. The otter gasped, and sucked half of his dick into his mouth. He bobbed on it a few times, then, without breaking rythem, he kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I sucked on it, tasting his cock. He yelped and pulled free, panting.The mammal grinned and kissed me again. Then sucked his maleness back in.. This continued for a good five minutes. Then his breath became shallow, and he grunted, his anus squeezing rhythmically on my cock. Both paws stroked rapidly on his dick, milking it dry. Then he chirped, and bent over backwards, as I flooded his bowels with warm spunk. Caressed his belly, as he lay stretched out like a bow. Then I gently lifted him off of me and went down to the pond to wash up. When I was finished, I went back up, and gently lifting the otter's head, 'pressed muzzles' with him again, my other hand rubbing a furred side. He stirred. "Damn Sex-Maniac.." That made me chuckle. "I just wanted to say thanks, Frera." He moaned, kissed me one last time, then went down and dived into the pond. I got my clothes which were dry enough and strapping my pack on, continued onward. * * * * Chapter II - The Merr Rangers I was still having a hard time believing I actually had sex with an otter.. A commotion came from up the trail, breaking my train of thought. Putting my pack off to one side, and removing my knives, I carefully made my way around the bend. There was a squirrel, an otter that didn't look half as nice as the one I met earlier, and a crow, all trying to kill a wolf. He looked haggard, and desperate.. I un-sheathed my weapons and walked closer. The squirrel snarled something about another faggoty bastard, and lifting his sword, charged towards me. I waited until he swung the blade, then caught it on my left Sai, slammed my foot into his chin. He did a complete loop, and fell in a heap of dirty clothes. I tossed the flimsy weapon, along with it's filthy owner, off into the bushes. The crow looked nervous, squawked something about reinforcements, and flew off. The otter squinted at me, then at the wolf, keeping a knife trained on either of us. Then, he turned, and threw one of the blades at me. I moved, catching the weapon on my crossed knives. He turned to the wolf, and gurgled, as that worthy slid 4 inches of steel into his throat. The creature made a few clawing gestures, then fell. I picked the knife up, and seeing it was pretty good steel, pocketed it. Then sheathed my weapons. The Wolf looked at me wearily. "Thanks, Human." A shrug. "No problem." I went back, retrieved my pack, and returned in time to catch the canine's falling body. Paws locked around my back, as the animal pulled me down. He lay for a moment that way, then gasped, "Kiss me." Strange request, but.. I pressed his muzzle against my mouth, holding it there for a moment. His head lolled, and he lay back, eyes closed. A bundle near him turned out to be a pack, much like mine. I put it under his head, pulled a small towel out of my First-Aid kit, and wetting it, draped it over his fore-head. Quite a few shallow cuts, but none serious. I removed his clothing, cleaning the wounds as best I could. Then sat, absently stroking his erection. I had played with many a doggy-cock, but never a 7-incher. The moan that came when my other hand rubbed his nuts was a good sign. "And what have we here?" I cursed myself for not keeping an ear open, and snatching up the sword, whirled towards the voice. A Badger stared back at me. 2 similar animals waited behind him. "Sooo.. Even in the midst of battle, Tamhk finds a screw..." A groan. "No such luck, Captain. However, the Man did prove helpful." I waited, sword still at the ready. "You are comrades..." The creature pulled himself up to his almost 6-foot height. "I am Syhnhar Merr. Captain of The Merr Rangers. That is one of my Lieutenants.." I nodded, returning the sword to it's owner. He grinned at me weakly. "You may fondle me anytime you wish, Human.." Groaned. The others got the animal up, and helped him walk. "Camp is not far, care to join us?" His eyes promised more than just a meal. I retrieved my pack, and grinned as a large paw grabbed my butt. I did the same to the Badger. Large muscles moved under the cloth. I rubbed them. He growled, and fondled me. So linked, we entered the campsite. * * * * Chapter III - The Camp "Well.. Look wot the Capt' brought fer dinner.." Laughter. Quite a few different animals sat or stood around a fire. A groan.. "Hello again, Frera." The Otter shook his head. Whispered to the others around him, who stared at me with undisguised lust. I was given a bowl of stew and a piece of bread along with a dozen offers of where to sit. The badger held up his paws.. "You know the rules.. Wuff and Rhye, being related to Tamhk, get first preference.." The wolves grinned broadly and made space for me. That is to say they patted the log they were on and once I was down, rubbed my legs with theirs. My pants somewhat threw them off. All the others had on robes and many a paw was sliding in and under them. I finished my supper which hit the spot quite well, as I had not eaten since this morning. Wuff, the darker of the two took my bowl and returned with three cups of wine. "We want to thank you for helping out cousin, Male.." Paws ran along the inside of my thighs, obviously wishing they had flesh and not cloth under them.. "In any way we can." I sipped from the cup a moment. "That depends.." Golden eyes waited for what it would take to get this male naked, and in their paws for at least one evening. "Am I to be the Bread or the Meat in the sandwich?" The whispers that had stilled somewhat, were running rampant again.. While a certain otter was chuckling in his cup. "Which would you prefer, Human?" I set my wine down. Then slid my hands into their robes and clasped the pair of doggy-dicks. "I don't have a preference.. I can give a well as take. Do either of You have a preference?" They both moaned softly as I twisted their swollen members in my rough palms. Then ticked their hairy ball-sacks. I saw many a robe open, cocks being manipulated out in the open, so I moved the cloth, exposing the doggy-dicks where I could see how best to stroke them. "I see size runs in the family." Stroking them was pretty easy as they dug claws into the log with one paw and rubbed my crotch with the other. I reached lower to squeeze the bulbs that jutted at the base of their male-meat, rubbing on then with thumb and fingers.. Each grabbed an arm and I barely had time to make fists before they were thrusting against my hands, grunting, making various canine sounds, then in unison howling, semen spouting in jetted streams - to splatter a half-dozen furs who appeared to take the offerings. When I could move my hands again, tongues replaced them, then mouthes. A bruin whose species I couldn't even begin to guess at, undid my zipper and saying something about being bad hosts to the two wolves (who, except for having hands on other's shoulders, and having muzzles anchoring their crotches, looked to about fall off the log at any moment), and engulfed my stiff cock in a gulp. Frera was good, one of the best 'lovers' I ever had - The bear on the other paw, was Fantastic! My underwear had not dried as fast as my shorts so I had left them off (That's My story, and I am Sticking to it!), so a *Snap* later his paws were guiding my pants down and my butt into same. It was no one thing, He sucked ok, and he squeezed my ass alright, But He sucked/Licked/Nibbled... Bobbed his head up and down, then went after my balls! I think I actually yodeled when I came, I was sure I was making Some kind of noise, I just don't remember much after he swallowed me past the crotch hair and was twisting his head back and forth like a perverse wine- cork. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Damn! Spilled my inkpot.. Where was I? Oh, Yes.. * * * * Chapter IV - The Bar I walked in, almost thirsty enough to drink the garbage they called beer. The place was fairly empty, so I went up to the Bar. A rabbit poured me an ale, into a wooden mug. All I wanted was a cool drink, and be on my way. However, Bad Luck followed me around like a stubborn storm cloud (Maybe I shouldn't have taken that Black Panther up on his offer of sharing a room in the Inn for the night.. * * * * I had stopped just to get refreshed, and try to make the next town before it got too late. But I had no more than found a semi-clean bench, than this Panther decided I was his long-lost buddy, and sat down next to me. At the least I was someone to drink with. Of course that is a relative term. I do not know which got more beer.. The cat, the obviously soaked vest, or the floor. He said he was drinking to forget. Whatever or whoever it was would have been drowned by now. When the animal was too befuddled to know the difference between the table, and the floor, I asked the innkeeper for his room key, helped him up the stairs and into his room. I poured him onto a somewhat clean bed, and closed the oaken door. "Heyyy, Human.. Ish you a male or a female?" I took off my cloak and hung it up. "Male." It was too late to try for the next village, and my cart would be safe where it was. So why waste a good room, especially when it was free? The drunk in the bed called me over to him, then grabbed me between my legs. "Just making sure..." He grinned, sloppily. I didn't believe it. The animal was so far gone, he couldn't even walk, but was still horny. "Behave yourself. I am only here because you needed help up the stairs." He belched. "Never..." I had to grin. Proud to the last. "Well, I am going to lay down on the floor over there, and sleep." "No, you are not! You are going to lay in this bed, and be comfortable..." I didn't want to tell him, that the reason I didn't want to be in the same bed, is because he didn't reek of beer, he was swimming in it. "No, I must insist. I am going to sleep over here..." "Oh, no you're not..." "Oh, yes I am..." Oh, no you'rrrowl!" He grabbed me, and started a friendly game of wrestling. Which grew damned serious, Fast! I still don't know how we ended up in That position.. One minute he is on top of me, trying to shred everything he can get his claws on, and the next he is on his stomach, purring, while I have a death-grip on his wrists, and my crotch is pressing into his butt. My cock picks the strangest times to erect itself.. "Well, human? Are you going to fuck me or just lay there?!?" His tail wrapped around one leg, as he moved his hips. I let go of his fore-paws, lifted my robe, and pulling him up, leaned back, as a paw guided my cock under the dark-furred tail. "Nish an big.. Love it.." *Grunt* I gasped myself.. He had done This Before. It was easy to half-lay over the feline, buggering him smoothly. It had just got to feeling good, when the door was flung open, and the barkeep/owner stood, looking at us. He was a ragged-looking wolf, with a scar across his muzzle that made him look even more ugly. "Oho! And what do we have here?" I thought I locked that.. The animal purred. "Come on over here and find out!" He dropped his pants, and almost ran over to us. I sincerely wish I had a camera. That is the first time I have ever seen a cat suck-off a dog. Of course, he was busy doing the same thing to the Panther.. They finally passed-out just before sunrise, so I got my gear together, ate breakfast and left. It wasn't my first sleepless night, and it wouldn't be the last. Back to the Bar.. * * * * Some shaggy mountain a few feet down the bar from me, was grouching about some war he had been in, and how he had beaten 'the shit' out of a Merr Ranger. His equally drunken buddy blearily stated he didn't believe it. "Itsh Truuu. I beat the livin' Hell outta that queer bastard!" If I had ears that moved, they would have been pointed at the pair. The second one snarled, "Merrrsss.. Whhhattta Bunchhha Fuckin' Pansiess." "How much are Bear-skins going for?" I enquired of the barkeep. The rabbit looked at me like I was nuts. Then he said lowly, "20 Gold Pieces, each." I threw back my head, drained the mug, and replaced it on the bar, with a copper coin. He picked up the coin, the mug, and disappeared. The other patrons moved on down to the end of the tavern, out of harm's way. They would neither help nor hinder. If a crazy fool wanted to get himself torn apart by bears, that was OK by them. Good entertainment was hard to find.. I walked on down to the two sodden heaps of fur, and looked at the one who had boasted about his exploits. "Well, Well, Well. You know, you look like the type that couldn't find his ass with both paws.. Even if he had help!" Four pig-like, very blood-shot eyes stared down brown muzzles at me. I looked at the one on the left. "Yes, I'm talking to you, Mush-For-Brains." A snigger floated from the back of the tavern. He growled. "Very intelligent.. Been sitting on your head too long? Forgot how to think? Or is there too many big words for a dullard like yourself to understand? Perhaps if I told you that the smallest of the Merr Rangers could kick your furred ass..." He roared, and took a swipe at me. I danced out of the way. "Slow too." I flipped my hood back, and tossed my traveling cloak to one side. The other one growled drunkenly, "Go kick his ass!" The bear snarled, and moved off the stool, pulling out a 4 foot dagger. I un-hooked my Broadsword, and with a double-handed slice, gutted him from breast to belt. He looked stupidly at his intestines falling on the floor, then followed them, face first. "I'm gonna wear your balls on my belt!" The other one roared, slicing down with His dagger, intending to cut me in half with one blow. He looked dumfounded, when his weapon shattered on my rune-covered one. The sword hummed loudly, singing to the animal... I felt the cold wash down my arm. The black blade turned red.. And sank itself into the huge gut. Orgasm twisted the animal's features. Stained his pants.. I felt a familiar tugging at my groin. Held on, as both life-force and ejaculate was pulled out of the bear. The sword throbbed, runes glowing.. The bruin made one last gasp, then fell next to the other body, just as lifeless. Above them a shadowy cock throbbed, dribbling demon semen. Then it vanished. The sword shuddered.. I withdrew it. Sheathed the monster, knowing I would soon have to find a partner.. Or I might succumb to the blade's siren song. At one time in my life, I would have felt regret for the pair of soon-to-be fur coats, but that died with a certain female, in a tower.. Sword-Master Har would have liked it. 2 movements, 2 strokes, 2 dead. No one bothered me as I stepped around the mess and sat back down on my stool, asking for something less like stump-water. The rabbit peered out from behind the bar, and pushed something over that wasn't half bad. "Is it over?" I shrugged, but no one seemed interested in avenging the deaths. "For now." He looked at me again. "So you were A Faggot Ranger, Eh?" I smiled politely, and he paled slightly. "I was a Member of The Merr Rangers, Yes." I put my cloak back on. "For some months.. Then I went to a fortress on the coast, and became a guard." I looked at the bodies, now cooling on the floor. The crowd slowly filtered back into the front of the bar, staying well away from me. I had been elevated to Demon status. "What's your name, stranger?" Ah, the final question. Who is he? Do I know him? I certainly do not want to say his name, or I might conjure him up from one of the pits of hell, and he might kill me, or Worse.. And then, there was the notoriety. 'Oh, I was there, when that insane human slaughtered 100 Monsters, with just a toothpick...' And so, are legends born. The question was repeated, this time by the Bartender, who had managed to find a piece of paper. I flipped the hood back into place, covering my grisly features. "Randa." "Just 'Randa'?" He repeated, writing it down. "Nim Randa (Walker_In_Shadows) - Merr Ranger, High Archer, and member of The Royal Guard For The Baron DeLaMeer." He stopped writing. "Wasn't that the..." I nodded. One ear flopped over. "I heard nobody survived..." Before, I was a demon, now I was a ghost. "As far as I know, only 2 of us.. Me, and a not-yet-dead Bastard I intend to skin alive - Then torture..." Even though it was a warm day, a shudder went through him. I turned and walked towards the entrance. "But, what about..." The rabbit called after me, not pointing to the mess on the floor. "Do what you want with them. I figure the coinage should just about cover the expense of having the floor redone." I stepped out into the clean air, and read the sign post. "Flaveier - 20 Leagues." At least one more day. And then, who knows what. I still had six names etched on my stick. Six more Bastards to Kill.. Well, at least it gave life purpose. I re-hitched myself up to the cart, picked up my walking stick, and continued onward. * * * * Chapter V - Remembrances The torch flickered. I waited in the shadows, to see who was entering. It was the third day of the siege, and we all knew it was just about hopeless. Those who hadn't died, or ran off, were stuck in the West Tower. Not that I could blame those who left. Sometimes I felt like climbing over the wall myself. But, here I was, waiting to see if another was going to die at the hands of the 'Madman'. The Baron walked in, with his mate, The Lady DeLaMeer (And she would have broken my jaw, if I ever called her that. Her nickname was "Nasty," and she lived up to it well). "That's a good way to inherit an early grave, Baron..." A soft growl from the female. "They are regathering at the gate. You are needed." He turned, and walked off, knowing I was 3 paces behind him. That was one thing about the Baron. He was curt, self-centered, and one of the nicest beings I had ever met. I watched the couple walk in front of me, and noted how they matched each other. He was Royalty, proud, and civilized; she was as wild as the Great North Woods. She sneered over one shoulder. "Lecher!" Then grinned, and winked at me. I was a puzzle, she had never un- unraveled.. I was one of the few beings she couldn't seduce, even though she knew I had relations with females in the Village. Actually, I talked with the females, I had relations with the young, horny males.. In just over a year, I had gone from lowly Gate Guard, to one of the few people the Baron would trust with his life. And in between was skirmishes, and breaking up fights, and tons of work. Every day was Practice, Practice, Practice. Hitting targets so small, I could hardly even see them. Time and again getting knocked literally head-over-heels, only to have a big paw grab my shoulder and hoist me up. "You are improving," Sword-Master Har would say, then he, or one of his assistants would knock me on my butt again. Of course, being Wolverines, that was no problem. Some of them did it deliberately, so they could whisper "Meet me in the Gate Room at First Candle-Mark.." A candle mark is one hour. First Candle-Mark was Midnight, when the first candle of the day is lit, and very few beings stirred at that hour. The Gate room was an isolated place where the supplies were kept. It also held the candles. I never really knew just who was there. I would come into the darkness, and either a paw would grab the back of my head and stick a cock down my throat, or my robe would be opened, and a greedy muzzle sucked the cum out of my balls. Sometimes both happened at once, which was always nice... I once again blended into a wall. Voices, rang softly down the corridor. I moved quickly through the shadows, to the last Great Room in the Tower. Slipped through the door, and waited. Six beings. That was all that was left out of a company of over 200. I made my way over to a large lump of fur, sitting on a stool too small to encompass the ample rear. Then grabbed his shoulders, and pulled him back into the darkness, kissing him hard and long, while lowering him to the floor. It looked like he had over turned the stool, and was laying half in/half out of the light. "You have to be more careful, Merkrura. I could have killed you.." One shaggy paw grabbed my ass, and squeezed. "What? And lose the best muzzle-humper in the Garrison? Besides, You would probably screw them first." He kissed me again. "Now help me up, You horny little bastard." I gave him a hand up, and we both went over to where the other's were standing. The window overlooked a grisly scene. Dead bodies, Broken Weapons, Fires burning here and there. And gathering by the blasted ruins of the Castle Gate, were those responsible for so many deaths. Pirates, Cut-Throats, The worst scum that walked the planet. I still wasn't sure how they had taken the fort so fast, but we all suspected that somebody had opened the Outer Gate, and let them in. Indeed, they were gathering. And this time they had a large tree. I sighed. "Well, Baron. Do we throw the table down at them, or keep it for reinforcing the door?" There was only 1 table, and 9 chairs left. Everything else was either down in the rubble or against the main doors. Then they came at us, and things happened, Fast! General Kaak, a Stoat, and two others went up to the Observation room to make sure nobody got in by the roof. A few minutes later Fred staggered in. "They are in the First Hall..." He took two steps and died. The last of the guards.. I moved his body, thinking that it was a shame there was no time to bury him properly. Merk and I quickly re-secured everything. From the sounds the mob would be there any moment. No, make that now.. A heavy weight hit the Doors. I lifted my blade free of it's covering, stroking it as the thing hummed quietly. "Take the Baron, and her Ladyship to the Observation Room." The door creaked alarmingly. Merkrura looked at me again. "But that would mean..." The door cracked, but held. "No arguments, Love." I took the bear's paw, and kissed it. "It's simple, You are bigger, stronger, and..." I had to raise my voice over his protests, ".. And The Baron stands a better chance of surviving this with you." "But if you..." I smiled. "Merk, make sure they get to the Observation Room." He kissed me, then shooed the royal pair before him. And none too soon! With an anguished groan, the door gave way. "Come," I snarled, "I want you to meet a friend of mine." The first one through was a bear. He grinned crookedly at me. "Outta the way shrimp!" I opened my arms wide, and grinned. "Make me, lovely fur-ball." An arrow sped towards me, only to be deflected by a shiny ax-blade. In all manner of shapes, sizes, and races, they came at me and by the score they died. The bear's eyes slowly widened, as he saw heads leap off of bodies, cheap swords shatter, and limbs take leave of their owners. And all the while, a crazy human stood, grinning as the sword in his right hand slit another throat, and the axe in his left split another helmet. At last they got wise, and stepped back, waiting. By then there was a pile of bodies and body-parts in front of me. I beckoned to the big animal with my axe. "Care to join the dance? Maybe I will kiss your pretty muzzle, before I splatter it with your blood." That didn't set well for some reason. "Fuckin' Queer!" he snarled. I will give him credit for brains. He didn't worry about finesse, he just rushed me. Which would have been alright, except there was a window behind me. So while I ripped him open, he pitched me through the shutters, and out into 3 stories of fresh air. And the only thing I could think of was 'It's not the Fall that kills you, it's the Sudden...' Thump! Actually it was more like.. Crash, Bam, Crunch, Thump. I fell through the top of a wagon, bounced off the floor boards, and landed in the middle of someone, that, judging by the smell, had been dead a while. Of course, you just don't get up after falling like that. You lay there wondering if anything is Not broken, then decide that perhaps your bad luck held, and you are still alive.. "... Remember, a Gold Coin to whoever finds it!" Something about that voice was familiar. I opened my eyes, to see someone I thought dead. The guard who was on watch that night, and.. His name escaped me. I didn't like the animal from the beginning, but kept my mouth shut, perhaps too long. "Well, Alaziz, how does it feel to be a rich Cat? I must hand it to you, That was a stroke of genius..." I heard no more, as the blood pounded in my veins. Alaziz! So that was the bastard who opened the gates.. I no longer felt, or knew, or cared. My only purpose to draw breath was to eradicate that piece of trash from the planet, from memory, from existence! I had lost the Death-Sword, but an axe was close at hand. I lifted myself off of the ground, and started for the traitor. Something hit the right side of my face. I spun around, and fell. The world revolved around me dizzily. "Is he dead?" Another swipe and the lights went out for a moment. "If not, he soon will be." Something lightly touched my side, then all sensation disappeared. "Fuckin' Queer!" That was the second time I had heard that phrase.. 'How does one fuck queerly?' I thought idly. The last thing I saw was a Tiger, With a Gold Earring, snarling something about a ring.. * * * * Chapter VI - The Aftermath Wet. Does it rain in Hell? Well, it did now. Then pain decided I had been still long enough, and yelled "Wake Up!" I opened my eyes.. make that eye, and slowly pulled myself up. OK, why can't I.. Oh. That makes sense, I thought dully, you can't see, because half your face is gone.. Anything else missing? Doesn't seem to be. I got to my feet, found a stick to lean on, and wandered around. There was a head on a pole, something stuffed in it's mouth. A bear.. And a Bear's cock. An all too familiar cock, and an all too familiar muzzle. I stroked Merkrura's ears, too numb to even think. There were others, some I remembered, some strangers. All now joined in death. I moved bodies, placing them in the last semi-standing structure. The last straw was a wolf. Not just any wolf, but a female wolf, or rather what was left of one. Her Ladyship had taken at least five of the bastards with her. Somebody had removed her right paw, probably to take the jewelry she wore. But nobody would have her Ring (Whoever had possession of it owned a good chunk of Real Estate, and a Baronship), It was still in a pouch, in My Chest. "I have failed you, My Lady." I gently picked up her broken frame, and took it in with the others. Only after this was done did I weep. And Yell. And scream, and run amok... I awoke with Merkrura's head in my lap. For a moment I expected to feel a warm tongue slide across my balls, and a gruff voice tell me it was time to get up.. Then reality slapped me in the face, something snapped, and whatever I felt was consumed in a cold rage. I picked up my lover's head, removed the penis, kissed it one last time, and placed it with the other bodies. Then raised my clenched fist over my head, and the hovel exploded in flames. I had been busy studying Magic while I was here, and had gotten pretty good.. I found a piece of cloth that would cover most of the ruination that was the right side of my face. It took 2 months of magic- enhanced healing before I was whole, or as least as much as I would ever be. My face would bear the stamp of Bear Claws, and my left knee grumbled a bit, but I was still alive. The chest was where I had left it, with 3 nicely tanned hides in front of it. There were some very nasty anti-theft devices attached to it.. The worst of the lot lay upright on it. The blade trembled when I ran my hand over it. It was a Death-Sword, one of The Five Demon-Cursed blades Of Rertek. These swords were different from most possessed weapons... * * * * It was rumored that the Arch-Wizard Rertek fought with a Demon Lord, finally trapping it in a five-bladed sword. Then he scattered the individual blades, dismembering the being in the process. So, there were only two ways to get rid of the blades. Either bring all five pieces back together, releasing the demon, or cut-off a piece of your body with the weapon. But not just any piece. It has to correspond with the part of the demon inside the blade. Once, I had gone to a mage, asking him about the blade. He looked at it, then poured a potion on it. The liquid hissed and bubbled, as mist rose off the steel, and pooled above the thing. Swirling around, it finally settled into the shape of a torso. It started about midway up the back, and ended just about the knees. A bull's tail twitched, with a lion's tuft at the end. The wizard took a pair of tongs and turned the blade. As he did so, the torso also moved. Now a muscular stomach was visible. My eyes moved downward, and saw a very large cock, irridescently scaled, hanging well down. Testicles, much like a Bulls, except twice as big, pushed the thighs apart. The old raven laughed. "No wonder it likes you to touch it..." I grabbed the hilt, and the ghostly cock jerked in response. I cleaned the residue off, and the cock stood at attention. I ran my left hand over the blade. It throbbed in time with the bodiless maleness. Lust oozed from both apparition, and weapon. I sheathed it, before the urge got too strong, and the figure disappeared. The wizard was not immune either. He was panting heavily, and looking at me strangely. Then he shook his beak, and ruffled his wings out. "Damn! That must have been one strong demon. Well, it should be easy to get rid of... All you have to do is get castrated." I looked at him like his head just fell off. "You're kidding me!" His demeanor told me he was dead serious. "You are lucky. Some have to cut off their legs, or arms. All you have to do is give up sex. You see," he continued, "this part of the demon is attracted to you because you are a male. It has adopted you as a surrogate body. If you were a "Straight" person, the blade would have driven you crazy. But being Gay..." I looked at him sharply. "Actually I am Bi.. But how did you know?" He grinned. "The privileges of being a wizard. Besides a Brother always knows a fellow Brother. Now as to getting rid of the thing..." Ahem. "Couldn't I just kill myself?" I said, half-jokingly. The raven gave me a sad look. "Even if you were successful in dying, by your own hand or another's, the sword would make your bones walk, until all five blades were together again. No, it's castration or being cut in half, like the torso in the blade is.. Those are the only ways." I gave him a kiss, and a silver coin, and went on my way. I had wondered about the body I had found it beside. I had thought some crazed being had gotten to it. The entire groin was missing.. Maybe somebody wanted to make sure.. Opening the chest, I made sure my weapons were still in good order. The Longbow was ok, As was my pair of 3-Bladed Knives, the 2 outer leaves a little shorter then the main blade, it being eight inches long. I heard a noise and whirled.. * * * * I awoke to find a would-be thief trying to give me a new "mouth" under my chin. I grabbed the paw that was holding a wicked-looking blade with one hand, and smacked the creature with the other. After a bit of a tussle, a very frightened canine, eyes glued to the 3 pieces of steel that hovered scant inches from them met my gaze. For a Wolf whose fur was Black, it's entire muzzle was devoid of color. My face is horrifying enough in the daylight, but with the twin moons creating strange shadows, the being probably thought it was looking at a creature from hell. The would-be pickpocket babbled, while I pulled myself together.. I tossed him onto his stomach, and tied his paws together behind his back. Then flipped him back over. Upper lip curling into a smile that sent chills through the animal, I growled, "Don't worry, I am not going to kill you..." A heaved sigh of relief. "I'm just going to fuck you." Not even his tail twitched for a moment. "What?!? But.. Wait.. I mean.. We're Both males!!!" Oho.. "I'm not picky," I growled down at him, "Just horny." The canine gulped and squirmed a little. "Wait! Ouch.. Come on fella.. Hey!" I grabbed his crotch. Yep, a male all right. "No! Let.. Go.. Of.." His voice disappeared into a whisper. The knife, still in my hand, now tickled his chin. "You don't like me?" He started sweating, profusely. "Iiiiit's not thattt..." My hand squeezed his nuts, then worked on his pants. "Oh?" I un-did his belt, and pulled the long shirt up. "Um.. Wait, Human.. Can't we talk about this? Mmmmpfh!" I planted a lip- lock on him, and ground my hips into his. "Nothing to discuss..." The wolf coughed, and sputtered. I ran my free hand through the fur on his thigh, then stroked his tail. "Wwwwwaaaiiiitt!" He looked desperate. "And why should I?" A little of his color returned, eyes pleading. "Look, I've got Gold, Silver.. Can't we make a deal?!?" I re-sheathed the weapon, and sat up, looking at him. "Did you say you had Silver..." He gulped and nodded, color returning to his muzzle. "Yeah, 50 pieces..." That meant he probably had about 100. He gave a sickly grin. Perhaps the creature could be persuaded after all.. I looked thoughtful, quietly undoing the fastenings on my robe. "Nah... I'd rather fuck you!" He yelped again, as I mauled his groin. Like most of the dog family, his cock hid inside a sheath. His scrotum was devoid of fur, and felt like a wrinkled wineskin, with two golf balls inside. I wonder what par is for this hole? Oooo, That was Bad! A probing finger told me he was tight as a virgin, and although I don't mind virgins, they had a tendency to be a bit too snug. And I didn't really feel like scraping my dick raw.. Besides, Why do things the hard way, when there's a skin of lamp-oil just off to one side. I put my knee in the middle of his stomach, and leaned over him to grab the skin. He didn't move.. Perhaps because he was finding it difficult to breathe... I'm not exactly light. Retrieving the oil, I slid both knees inside of his, and pulled the cork open with my teeth. He yelped as I shoved the spout under his tail, and squeezed. It was sloppy, but I was sure the animal wouldn't mind. Leaned back, and shedding the robe, I slid my arms under his hind-legs, and pressing my elbows against his thighs, rubbed his stomach fur. He gulped, shuddered.. I pressed my erection into the junction of his bushy tail, and furry buttocks. With one hand, I rubbed the tip of my dick through the morass a few times, then pressed it against the slippery anal ring. I shoved forward, sinking slowly into creature. He squirmed, moaning softly.. "First time?" He nodded. I held there for a while, then moved back slowly. Taking my time, I buggered the animal, rubbing the heaving sides, playing with the taught nipples and in general arousing the mammal. He moaned non- stop.. "Fuck me Human! Pound My Ass In The Ground.. Ohhh, Shit! That feels sooo Damnded Good!!" I mauled his tits, one hand stroking his hard cock. He howled, anus pulling at my cock hungrily, as cum squirted into the air. I slammed in deep, came hard. Lay on top of the Wolf for a moment. Then got up, and un-did the ropes. He batted his long lashes at me.. and made a dive for his knife. "Now, Bastard! Get on Your knees..." I grabbed his arm, slammed him bodily into me and smacked him upside his furry head with an elbow. The canine went limp.. I shrugged, bent the steel blade in half, and tossed it. Hmmm.. He still had an erection. Well, can't let that go to waste.. I propped the animal against my cart, stoked the fire back up, then spread a bear-hide out to it's full length, and placed him on it. Lying next to the Wolf, I lapped on the leathery testicle sack, rolling the balls around inside. Sucked wantonly on them, enjoying the way they swelled in my mouth. I carefully placed the wet nuts in the palm of one hand, and turned my attention to the 6 inches of red doggy-cock. The blue veins throbbed, as I traced them to the ridged tip with my tongue. Nibbling on the spongy head, I squeezed a handful of wolf-butt. Pulling my teeth back, I sucked the cock in like a piece of thick pasta. I had to let go of either his ass, or his nuts to get the last bit out of the hairy sheath.. Damn! I was pondering which, when my dilemma was answered for me. A clawed hand shoved the bulbs out, while another pressed itself against my head. Oho! Playing possum, Eh? I bit the lumps, and he yelped, trying to pull back. Lifting up, I licked in the tip, looking into the amber eyes.. Half-closed in pleasure, they stared back. "You aren't going to stop Now..." Paws pressed into my shoulders.. Not hardly. I grabbed his ass with both hands, and proceeded to give him a whirlwind blow-job! Bobbing up-and-down, sucking, licking, biting.. rolling it over the rough ridges of my upper palate. The animal shuddered, moaned.. Howled and arched his back, semen pouring out of the tortured maleness. "Please Human, Stop.. Don't Stop.. AAAUGH!!" I milked the contracting balls, my tongue conforming to the shape of the penis in my mouth, wanting all the scum I could get. At last, the creature could only lay on his back, and moan weakly. Not able to cajole anything more out, I bit down on the thick root, and pulled up, stripping the Wolf of both cum, and sanity. Then lay next to him, stroking the heaving sides. "Bastard..." He gasped, "I won't be able to fuck for a week..." I rubbed my erection against his anus. He bent his head and looked at me. "Do you ever get enough?" I grinned and kissed the muzzle. "Never..." Caressing a nipple, I slowly entered the tight, neither passage. A paw dug into my ass, as the animal squeezed my cock. "Good!" And like that, we went to sleep. Now I felt guilty for abusing him so.. Knowing it was more the sword than me did my conscience no good either.. But I fell into a fitful sleep despite myself. * * * * Chapter VII - Arrl The rising sun found me already on the road. Ritkah was still snoring loudly when I left.. At least that was what he Said his name was. I didn't even try to go back into slumber.. If I did, the sword would call to me. As it was I had to stop and 'masturbate' the stupid thing before it would let me be.. Just before dawn, the male awoke me with a growl, lapping on my erection. This time he straddled my hips. I wondered about the change in the Wolf.. Until I saw the sword gleaming. It was glowing with an internal light.. The animal growled and jerked my head up, giving me a savage kiss.. Then shuddered, spilling seed over my belly. I pulled the furry ass down, impaling him to the hilt, spewing cum into the tight hole.. Which made my cutpurse moan, arch his back, and ejaculate again. The Wolf lay in his side, panting for a time. Then grinned, lapping all his spunk off me. I pulled him up and sucked on his tongue, getting a taste of the rich stuff. He finally pulled free with a gasp. "Damn Sex Maniac.." Now, Where had I heard That before? Then he fell into slumber, paws holding me close. I waited until he was truly gone, then put a paw on his dick, and the other on his butt. He squeezed both and sighed. A quick trip to a nearby stream to clean up, and don another robe.. A few miles up the road I heard noises. Strange noises. Sounded like a horse. I moved a little faster. Sure enough, down in the field, was a large black stallion. He seemed to be trying to get away from a bush. but something had ahold of him. In a very strange place.. I dropped my cart off to one side, and went down to see if I could help. Then again, maybe he didn't need my help.. The horse was a large animal, entirely black. His hind quarters were well muscled, and they moved rhythmically. His tail twitched, offering me a good view of his balls, which hung down much farther than normal. Scars ran over his rump, and across his sides. The animal had been very thoroughly abused by someone. He was so engrossed in having sex with the thorn bush, he didn't even hear me. I moved around to his front. More scars ran down his neck and front. "Hello." His eyes flew open, then narrowed. "What the hell are you staring at, Human?" "A horse mating with a thorn bush." He snorted, "So?!" I took a step back. "I saw you from the road, and thought you might need help..." He grinned evilly. "So, you just thought you'd come out here and interrupt me, eh?" The horse shook his mane, then shoved his fore-hooves into the bush, and moved back. I watched his cock emerge from the middle of the thorns. It too was black, and scarred, with lots of new cuts and scratches added. Pre-cum glistened wetly from the slit. His eyes gleamed with lust. "So, you like my cock.. well, maybe, I'll just stick it down your throat, before I shove it up your ass!!" I took another step back, and put my hands up. "Now, wait a minute..." His teeth clicked together inches from my face. "Can't we talk this over..." He snarled, and lashed out with a fore-hoof, grazing my left knee. If he had hit any other part of my anatomy (Well, almost), I wouldn't have cared as much. But my knee had never healed quite right. And he smacked it. I roared, pain shooting up my leg. "Dirty Rotten.." And slammed a fist into his skull. "No Good.." Thrust two fingers into his nostrils, and digging into the sensitive flesh, pulled his head down and slammed my leg into his jaw, hard. "Useless, Hay-Burning..." Wrapped my arm around his neck, and stepped over to one side. Then, grabbing a handful of mane, I hooked his fore-leg just behind the knee, and threw myself back. The stallion had the choice of either falling over on his side, or getting his neck wrung. "Bush Fuckin'..." I sank my teeth into his ear. "Son-Of-A-Bitch!!!" I slid my leg out from under him, then straddling his neck, grabbed his jaw and pounded his head into the ground. I growled, and stood up, slowly. "You ever hit me in That knee again, and I will pull every hair you have on your body, One At A TIME!" The animal moaned, hips thrusting in the grass. Cum matted his chest, and stomach. I walked over to his back legs, and squatting, grabbed his over- size testicles. Gave them a squeeze as the stallion bucked, a ripple running across the muscles in his thighs. His huge fire-hose flexed, slapping his stomach, and spat out another wad of ejaculate into the grass. Damn.. I dropped the smooth, hairless globes, grabbed the slippery cock, and gnawed on the flared tip. The animal whinnied, more of the sweet semen pouring down my throat. I sucked on the abused dick until the last few drops trickled onto my tongue. Cleaning up the scarred flesh took a few more minutes and many groans from the horse. I finally dropped the maleness, and walked back up to my cart. The animal still lay on it's side, gasping. I slipped the hook that was attached to the yolk, into the back of my belt, shook my head, and started up the road. I hadn't gotten too far when.. "Master, Wait!" What the.. The horse was wearily making his way up the bank and over to me, cock swaying enticingly.. He stood, panting, then bent his fore-legs, and put his head down. "Arrl awaits your command, Master." I almost laughed. Here was this huge animal, fawning at my feet. "Alright, go lay under that big tree by the stream, and wait for me." He jerked his head up. "But, Master..." I frowned. "And, if you aren't there within the next 30 seconds, I Won't tan your hide with a willow switch." He was gone in a cloud of dust. I grinned and shook my head. Ain't never heard of Reverse-psychology, Eh? This might be fun. * * * * When I got to the stream, I found the Stallion looking over the willows with a critical eye. "None of these are very big..." I had to smile. "You aren't laying down..." He looked at me, then bent his legs, and rolled on to his side. "Stupid animal.. You disobeyed me. Maybe I won't beat you after all.." Arrl jerked up, his eyes wide with fright. "Please, Master!" I grinned and pulled my sword out of my belt. "Nah..." Smacked the black rump with the leather sheathed blade. The Stallion howled, begging me to give him another stroke.. And I did. *Whap!* The blade moaned, demanding I pull it free, and do the job right.. I beat on the horse's ass until my arm was sore. Then tossed my robe off, and spitting on my erection, jumped on top of the creature, forcing my cock into his anus. It sank in slowly, despite the fact Arrl could have been buggered by a tree! His ass-hole tugged at me, pulling it deeper. I reached down and dug my fingers into the scarred penis. He moaned, gasped when I sank my teeth into the leathery head. Pounded his heaving flanks unmercifully. And Damnded if he didn't cum first. Mmmm.. Muscles stroked me, milking the scum out of my balls. I pulled out, cum spurting over the button-like anus and the black rump. Arrl looked over his side at me, as I growled, shoving my cock through the morass, back into the twitching ass-hole. He moaned, shoving back at me. A few more thrusts, and I lay on top of the panting animal, letting the last of my orgasm work itself out. He groaned, my hands squeezing the grapefruit-shaped balls. Cum splattered in the dust, his ass-hole pulling on me. "Thank You, Master..." I looked at the stallion. Then pulled free, with a *Pop*.. The animal watched me stand. "Well, don't just lay there.. Get up and clean me off!" The black horse pulled himself up, shaking his butt at me in a lewd way. When I didn't leap on him, he sighed, and put his nose into my crotch.. I slammed my knee into his chin. He jerked, startled. I pinched the area between his nostrils, and pulled him down, shoving his muzzle against me. "You're too slow." Blue eyes, watery with tears, stared at me.. Almost, I felt pity. Then a tongue slapped my balls, and My 'Slave' proceeded to lap and suck the gunk off my entire groin area. He did such a thorough job, I had to shove my penis into his mouth, and blow my wad down his throat. Arrl gulped my semen hungrily, wanting every last drop, and scoured my crotch with his rough tongue to make sure he got it all.. "Master," he finally said, nuzzling my drooping maleness. "Randa." "Randa, Where do you travel, if I may be allowed to ask?" I looked at the log of horse-cock slap it's owners belly. "Nowhere for today.. Now, amuse me." He bent a fore-leg. "Anything Master..." I grabbed his dick. "Suck yourself off." He snorted, and shoved his nose between his legs. First, lapping then nibbling on the spatula-shaped tip, the animal proceeded to take nearly half his erection into his mouth. "Not good enough," I snarled, slapping his ass, making another inch or so disappear. Arrl drooled.. "Down on your knees." He bent his fore-legs.. And grabbing his balls, I shoved the animal over onto his back! Arrl squalled around his mouthful, as I shoved my cock into his ass again, and gnawed on the grapefruit-like nuts. Smooth, and tasting like smoke, I chewed on the cords. Lapped on the bumpy tips. Squeezed them, and we both hit orgasm.. Falling over onto our sides. Damn, but that was good.. I lay on a huge thigh. "I'm going to take a nap.. Don't bother me." A whinny, and a squeeze on my erection. "Yes, Randa.." Well, I got bothered anyway. * * * * Chapter VIII - More Surprises Something touched my chest.. I brushed it away. It returned. And pressed itself against me. I grunted. "What is it.." A poke. "Wake up, or die in your sleep like the bastard you are.." I opened my eyes. Twin pools of blue gazed into mine. A gleaming horn pressed it's sharp self against my breastbone. "May I stretch?" The tip waived in front of me.. I looked for Arrl. No where in sight.. The animal stamped a hoof. "What type of spell holds the Stallion to You?" I grinned. "Sex.." The Unicorn hit my left knee.. I slammed my leg into the whiskered chin. Grabbed the nose. Pulled him down. "That's twice now.." I lay in the heaving chest, holding the animal on it's back. With difficulty.. A snort. Well.. I looked over my shoulder at the stallion. "You certainly were no help.." He looked at me. "But.. But.. But.. I was just telling him how Good a Master you are to me. And how you promised to whip my ass well.." I shook my head.. Someday - I also forgot I was nude. The Unicorn reminded me by sinking his teeth into my dick.. "Hey!" The animal snorted, chewing hair off my crotch. Hooves shoved me closer. "Arrl.." I growled, trying not to yell. "Yes, Master?" My hands grabbed the equine's head. "Suck this animal off.." The stallion didn't have to be asked twice. I felt the horse's ears twitch against my back then the Unicorn moaned, and arched under me. He also let go.. I stood, and looked at the bruises on my maleness.. A wave of a hand took care of those. Then I knelt and caressed the hairy nuts. Arrl was nibbling on the leathery sheath, trying to get more cock than was already stuffed down his throat. I bit an ear. "If he doesn't cum at least twice, I won't let him bugger you this eve.." The horse redoubled his efforts to make the animal ejaculate. His head bobbed, half of the slick penis sliding out. The Unicorn's golden hips twitched, and he hunched, thrusting it back in. I replaced my robe, washing the old one in the stream, and setting it out to dry. Felt both sets of nuts.. Just about ready. I pressed Arrl's seeping cock-tip against the button ass-hole.. The squeal was well worth it. I alternated my hands on the huge penis, jerking with one while torturing horse-nuts with the other. The stallion grunted, then gulped as the dick in his mouth pulsed. He groaned, cock jetting sticky cum into the twitching orifice I held it to.. The flood triggered another orgasm in the pony-sized creature. Arrl lifted his head letting the last of the Unicorn's semen trickle down the stalk. "Well, Master?" He licked the maleness clean. I grinned. "Ask him.." The stallion nuzzled the animal. "Master, Arrl begs you to fuck his ass this evening.." The Unicorn moaned. Looked at me. "Bastard.. Yes, Slave. I will use you as a mare. But not right now.. Leave us." At my nod, the stallion went down to the stream. The Unicorn lay on his side, panting. "How.." I shrugged. "I found him humping a thorn bush. He attacked me.. I tossed him onto his back, and thumped his head a few times. He has followed me ever since.." The animal asked me to help him up. I did so, mindful of the horn. "Thanks.. I am Aeroh. Than you do not hold him." I grinned. "As I said before, Only by the balls.." He groaned. And I will be damnded if I got any sleep that night either - Between the stallion, grunting, moaning, begging for the unicorn to fuck him harder, and the pony-sized male doing his best to comply.. And Both of them taking turns at sucking on me - I was so tired I damn near didn't kiss Aeroh goodbye. Of course he didn't look none too spry himself, trying to keep up with Arrl's sexual demands would take a Team of horses. The latter was glowing and eating grass and coming over to nuzzle my aching balls.. The unicorn made himself scarce when the black horse dropped a few hints he was more than willing to continue the performance, maybe even get more than few muzzlefull's of cum from his lovers - To spice up the grass. There was enough horse cum on it already to grow dozens of Wild Oat nymphs. Arrl snorted and left me to sleep generally unmolested, giving me a Thorough tongue bath when I awoke and sucked me off again. I somehow managed to hook the cart to him and at his insistence got up on his broad back. "Master must be well refreshed so he can give me a beating and fuck my ass tonight." I just groaned and told him to head in the direction of the next town. * * * * Chapter IX - The Clothing Shop I walked into the Tailor's Shop, and waited. A voice almost as musical as the bells tied to the door came from behind a curtain in the back wall. "Be There In A Moment, Dear Whatever-You-Are..." A Red Fox appeared, dressed rather outrageously, cuffs trimmed in lace. The Ribbon in his tail was almost as Green as his eyes. He frowned at my casual attire. "What may I do for you, Human?" I chuckled. "That is a loaded question." He looked puzzled, then Greed fell like a mask across his features, as a Silver Coin casually twirled in the air. His eyes followed it back into my hand, then into the air, again. "I need information.." His eyes never left the coin, and he licked his roughed lips. Now, What piece of knowledge could be worth That coin.. "I'm looking for a Tiger named Mah-Harral..." His eyes flickered to mine. I hit a nerve with that one! "And why should I know this Tiger?" I chuckled. "Because he has a fondness for Flamboyant Queers like you." Another nerve. "Please," The Fox said, looking pained, "GAY, Not Queer!" Well. "Same difference," I said quietly, moving forward. "How do you feel about Interspecies Sex?" I now had his full attention. "You tell me where I can find Mah-Harral, I will give you this.. And maybe something else..." I caressed one paw. He pulled the shades, put an "Out to Lunch" Sign on the Door, and moaned as I grabbed the back of his head, kissing him wantonly. He pulled back, gave me a look that that was far from professional, as my hand dipped below the sash, finding an erection to fondle. "Follow me," The Fox sighed, swishing his tail. He stopped me just outside the door. "You aren't going to hurt him, are You?" I chuckled. "I have a horse for that." He looked at me strangely, then swept the curtain aside stepped in a short hallway, saying "Mal, honey. We have company. Someone wants to speak with.. Ahhhk!" I held the Fox tightly against me, one arm across his neck, like an iron bar, and entered the room. "Rrelease the little one Human, and we'll talk." The Fox 'hurrumphed' at the remark.. "Little one, Eh?.. That's not what you said last night!" The Tiger lay across a large bed, nude. "Sorry about that," I said, slowly running my tongue along the back of one perfumed ear, "But one can't be too careful." Then slowly let him down rubbing his body against mine. His tail whisked my crotch as he panted a little. Dark eyes studied me. "You do not look Gay, human." He got off the bed, as sensuously as only a big cat can, and padded over to where I stood. He hesitated a moment, lifted my hood, kissed me. I noticed he had a gold ring in his right ear. Like another.. He pulled away suddenly. "You went cold, man. You do not like the way I Press-Muzzles?" I shook my head. "It is not you, just a bad memory. Do you know where Pidnerk is?" He growled, "All business Eh? And what do you want with the likes of that scum?" He pressed his mouth to mine again, then sat down on the bed, and proceeded to stroke the Fox's crotch region, who was now also nude. "He will tell me where Laskid is. And from that one I hope to find Alaziz." He squeezed the Fox's penis which elicited a groan, and smiled. "Are you in a hurry to die?" I shook my head. "I am never in that big of a hurry, and who says I am going to die?" I undid two belts, and the clasp on my robe, and let it slide to the floor, then sat down on the bed, next to the Fox. A velvet paw cupped my balls, as I caressed the Tiger's hand, and the Fox's maleness. "My name's Fahn," he whispered, kissing me, then turned, and pressed muzzles with Mah-Harral, while each paw played with a ballsack. Then they switched to our cocks, and while we both fondled his dick, he lapped at first one, then the other of our swollen cock-tips. The Tiger ran a paw across my scarred chest. "You have been in many battles, human." He purred as Fahn alternately sucked upon our erections. "What will you do when you catch Pidnerk?" I grinned, not nicely. "I want to nail his balls to a board.." Mal returned it. "You wish to rid the world of some of it's garbage, Eh? Well, I can shorten your trip a bit.. You will find Laskid at Madam Lu's Tea Room in Traown.. Ouch!" The Fox bit him.. "Enough Talk," Fahn said huskily, "Are we going to screw or not?" He had the Tiger lay on the bed, then looked over his shoulder at me. "Mate with me, Human, and make it rough!" I knelt behind the Fox, and rubbed his back, while he sucked on the Tiger's cock. Pressed my erection under his tail, while the animal arched his back, slid his legs across my thighs, and stroked my chest with his bottle-brush of a tail. When he had his back legs in place, he pressed them firmly into my buttocks, and shoved his hips back, impaling himself on my swollen pole. Fahn shuddered, as I went in to the hilt. The Tiger's paws slid across his ears, as he continued to nurse on the big cat. I moved the Fox's legs down onto my thighs, and using his cock as a handle, proceeded to bugger that tight hole. My other hand roamed his body, playing with his nipples, stroking his belly, combing through the fur on his tail. Every now and then, I would tickle the bottoms of the Tiger's hind paws, making him curl his toes, and giggle. "Stop that, Human!" Fahn stopped scratching his tonsils with the Mal's cock, and slammed his hips into mine. "Don't You Dare!!" The Tiger grinned, then groaned, and held Fahn's head tightly. The Fox gulped greedily, then shuddered, as my 'Handle' throbbed, and spurted. My own orgasm followed quickly, and I gave him a nice, hot enema. I removed the Fox's legs from around my own, got off the bed, went over to the sink, and washed up. When I was done, I went back over to the bed. "Thanks for the information." Mah-Harral looked into my eye, then pressed his muzzle against me again. "I wish you luck." Fahn slipped into a robe, and waited until I had re- dressed, then followed me to the front door. I lifted the Fox, and french- kissed him, tasting the Tiger's semen. He returned the muzzle-press lustily, growling as my hand squeezed the furry butt. I then put him down, and handed him a silver coin. "If you ever come this way again..." His tongue slid out, then waggled in the air. "I promise." I stood a moment, gazing along the sidewalk. Onto Traown, and another piece of the Stick.. * * * * When I returned from the shop, I found the stallion talking to a squirrel. "..I do not see why you put up with him." "Well," the horse said, "You know how it is.. He's as helpless as a cub without me.." They were so busy yakking, I was able to move up behind Arrl without being noticed. Reaching between his scarred thighs, and giving his balls a loving squeeze, I said, "And what lies have you been telling to this impressionable animal, Hmmm?" He spread his legs, so I could get a better grip, and groaned. The squirrel looked a little pale, as I smiled at him. "Arrl likes it rough.. Right Slave?" He moaned, as I mauled his leathery ballsack. "Or should I stop?" I asked, pulling my hand away. "Nnnnooo.." he groaned through gritted teeth, his erection showing his pleasure, "I beg you, Master, Maul me harder, Please!" I turned to the squirrel. "Would you care to squeeze a horse's nuts?" Holding one paw over his mouth, he took off like I had the plague. Laughing, I ran my hand down his aching hard-on, then jumped onto his back, and pulling cruelly on the reins, to bring his head up, I sank my teeth in Arrl's ear. The stallion shuddered, and as I whispered every derogatory remark I could think of in that twitching orifice, I dug my heels into his ribs, being rewarded for my efforts by feeling every muscle in his back contort, as he ejaculated. I waited until he was through, then turned his head. "Come on You dirty bastard, we are going to Madame Lu's Parlor in Traown." "Yes, Master," he said wearily, but for the moment, sexually satisfied. "Master..." "Hmmm?" Is it far to Traown?" "A few days ride." "Oh..." A little farther down the road.. "Master..." "Yes?" "This slave wishes to ask for the favor of having his ass reamed royally, when we make camp, and this slave wishes to ask for the privilege of waking his master in the morning with a blow-job." I could almost hear him drooling. "That depends, Slave, on how far we get today." "Yes, Master," he said, knowing he would probably get all he asked for and more... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oops.. Candle went out. Where are the blasted matches? Ta heck with it.. *FLAME* Not So Damn Big!! Well, I really didn't like those curtains anyway... They burn nicely though.. Ah well. Better put it out before "Nursie' sees.. That's better. Back to work.. * * * * Chapter X - Traown Madam Lu's Tea Room turned out to be a place where males went to do things to females.. A Black Panther stared at me from the doorway. Her dress was cut so one shapely limb showed to mid-thigh. "How may I help you Sir?" "I am looking for Laskid.." She smiled, covering her fangs. "A.. Friend said I might find him here.." The grin became wider. "Laskid.." She called over her shoulder, "There's someone here to see you.." A moment later a wolf came to the door. It had just enough cloth in the right places to know a female stood before me. So... Mal had a sense of humor as well.. I shrugged, and stepped closer. "And your mount?" "Do you have someone with a strong arm and a big whip?" Her eyes went wider.. "Arrl, This lady wishes to sink her fangs into your dick.. Would you like that?" The stallion grunted, his firehose unreeling at the thought. "Oh, Yes, Master.." I had to grin. "If you ask politely, she might Scratch your balls as well.." The animal shuddered. "He's all yours Madame.." The panther shook her head, then grinned, padding towards the stallion. "Come horse. I want to show you my Stable.." She dug her claws into Arrl's nose, and as he moaned with lust, led him out back. Laskid put her paws into my hood and pulled my head down to be kissed. "I like to be spanked, if it pleases Sir.." I followed her upstairs to a room, where a large grizzly stood. "Do not break Anything, or you will pay for it." I jerked a thumb at the furred mountain. "Is He available as well?" She nodded, turning. "He costs 1 silver extra.." Hmmm.. "Not this time.. But I will keep it in mind." Her disappointment was fleeting. "As you wish." The monster closed our door. The wolf tossed what little she had on over a chair, and watched as I disrobed. Paws followed the scars on my body, as she growled, lapping at my chest. I asked her about Alaziz. "I have never heard of anyone by that name.." I sat on the bed. "Than perhaps I can refresh your memory.." I grabbed the female and tossed her bodily over my knees. "Well?" She looked up at me. *Smack* I popped her furry rump. She yelped, and squirmed. "Alaziz is a tiger.." *Smack* A moan. "He has a gold ring in his left ear.." *Smack* This time the animal gave out a howl.. I looked up to see the bear had thrust his muzzle in the door. He grinned, and swiped the air with his paw. Then closed it once more. I warmed the she-wolf's ass quite well, with encouragement from it's owner. Then tossed her onto the bed... * * * * The wolf hunched, moaning under her lover. Then she gasped. Never in her remembrance, had so skillful a male been upon her. Anyone looking in on the couple would have been amazed. For the man who the female lustily shoved against, and who showed all the signs of being mated with so thoroughly she was ready to pass-out, Was sitting in a chair. A good 4 feet away. Every now-and-then, a hand would make some sort of pattern in the air, and the animal would howl anew. She lay, claws dug into the covers, shuddering as the last of many orgasms worked through her. I walked over to the sodden heap of fur.. Stroked her tail, and grinned as she moaned. Leaning over the panting creature, I kissed her. Asked for a different name. She stared at me cross-eyed, spoke a few words, gave the name of a town, then slumped. Paws fumbled for me.. "You haven't cum yet.." What the hell. I stood beside the animal, lifting her up for a kiss. She pressed her stomach against me, rubbing my skin with her furry tits. Yelped when I gave them a squeeze.. She made her way down my crotch, alternately licking and biting. Her tongue eagerly slid across my erection, as claws dug into my butt. Fangs nibbled on the fat cock-tip. The female sucked me into her muzzle. Thin lips pressed against my groin, kissing the flesh. She nursed on me, bobbing her head rapidly. I rubbed the triangular ears, then traced a sign between them. Laskid yelped, sucking erratically. Then more wantonly, as the orgasm subsided. She growled, using her tongue to bring me to climax.. Gulped my semen. Cleaned my penis with extreme thoroughness. I grunted, pulling free. The dark eyes studied me. A paw fondled my balls. Kissed each in turn. "Sure you won't stay? I could use another spanking.." Her tongue traced the veins on my cock.. She was good.. Too damn Good! My sword was sitting to one side, Tugging at me.. A paw was stroking my butt. "Please.." Laskid whispered, nibbling on my cock. It Was slick enough.. "Alright. On your stomach.." She immediately dropped onto the bed. I straddled the furry legs, and grabbed her ass. The Wolf gave out a low moan as I kneaded the hairy mounds.. "Ready?" A growl told me she was. I shoved my erection under her tail.. And sprawled over the animal as her ass-hole opened up to suck me in to the hilt. She chuckled.. "Think you would be the first to bugger me?" I growled and moved her head up so I could kiss it. Pulled halfway out, and slapped my hand to her butt, squeezing the flesh. Did the same to her other furry cheek.. Then slid back in. I slowly humped her for a few minutes, until the canine couldn't stand it any more. She twisted in my hands and hunched against me. "Take it Bitch!" I snarled, in her ear. She snarled back, shoving her ass up to receive my thrusts. Her tail tickled my chin, brushed my chest. My hands grabbed her, squeezing the not-so small teats between my fingers, nibbled on the triangular ears. Laskid shook like a leaf in a windstorm.. Orgasm turned her into a rutting monster. I rode her to my own release.. We lay in a heap, panting together. I finally pulled free of her anus, which was as clutching as her paws. Since she insisted on having the privilege, I brought her a wet cloth. After cleaning my cock off with the damp towel, she dried it with her tongue.. I shoved her back onto the bed. "One more time?" I grinned, pressing the furry head into the pillow with a hard muzzle-press. She moaned, screamed into my mouth.. And Passed out. The rune of Pleasure glowing on her fore-head. 'Leave them Happy..' That's what the sign in the parlor had stated. So I did. I re-latched my robe, replaced my weapons, put a coin on the bed-stand, and left. The Bear stood at the door, smiled at me quizzically.. "Done?" I grinned, gave the animal a smooch that made his pants balloon.. Another Rune appeared between the animal's eyes. They crossed. The Bouncer gasped, and sank to the floor, orgasms chasing one another, while a widening pool of ejaculate stained his crotch. "Now I am." Making my way out of the House, I thought about the information the she-wolf had spilled. So, Pidnerk was in Maoo-Drowns. Working as a Strong-Arm.. I still felt his claws digging into my face. 'Merk, This One's For You..' A moment of sadness at the memory of a very good friend. Arrl was waiting, having been fed, combed and well abused by Madame Lu. "Thanks for a Very entertaining afternoon. Did Laskid perform to your satisfaction?" I smiled. "I just hope I did't wear her out.." She returned the smile. "Impossable.." I took her paw, meaning to kiss it.. Lu pulled me close and gave me a lip-lock instead. "Return soon, Man. And make sure to bring Him with you." I hitched the wagon up to my belt, and set off. The Horse walked silently beside me, in a huff because I wouldn't let him pull it.. But, I had to think. Or, Not think.. I took a sideways glance at the glum animal. Perhaps Arrl would like to be buggered by a bear.. Hell, Arrl could take a Tribe of bruins on and probably win! I laughed, and fondled the huge ball-sack. Then whistling a tune, started a fast march. The stallion had to trot just to keep up. "How was She?" And damnded near got knocked off the road.. How did an animal with 4 legs get them all tangled up at the same time? I had to stop and see if he had broken anything. Nope.. Leaving him in a heap I continued onward. The stallion grinned sheepishly, and giving everything a good shake, followed. * * * * Chapter XI - The Tournament Arrl snorted. I had taken the bit out of his mouth, removing the reins and placed them into the cart. "But, Why Can't I at least keep the Bit?!?" For the hundredth time, he was complaining, and for the hundredth time I patiently replied, "Because, My Horny, Pain-Loving Stallion.. If I treated you as cruelly as you would like me to, The majority of the people in the village would want to lynch me. Besides, it's only for a little while. Then I will tan your hide exceedingly well." "Promises, Promises..." he muttered, but continued to walk beside me. "Be good, or I'll remove your nose-ring." He stopped, and backed-up a few steps. "You Wouldn't!!" If he had a hand, he would have put up in front of his face, to protect that steel hoop. A while ago, we had been discussing Body Jewelry, and I mentioned Nose-Rings. Of course, Arrl just had to have one. So, when we came to a town that had a bribable Blacksmith, I had a largish ring made. The blacksmith grabbed his upper lip, to stretch the skin (and hold the stallion in place), and with a sharpened instrument, made a hole in the fleshy part of his nose. Caulderized the wound with a piece of round, red-hot Iron. This insured both that the hole would stay open, and that there was no chance of infection. He then inserted one end of the ring, turned it so it sat in the hole then soldered the edges together. He also gave the stallion a kiss.. Arrl moaned with pleasure during the whole operation, and was insufferably smug for quite a few days afterward. I chuckled, and kissed him between his flared nostrils. "Of course not, Silly." He didn't know it, but another reason I wanted to stop was to pick-up 2 Steel Ear-Rings, to match his nose-ring. A solid black Stallion with 3 Silver Rings.. Nice. He nuzzled my crotch. "Stop that, and come along.. People will think we are weird." Arrl, snorted, tossed his head, then stared at me with one blue eye. "You Are Weird." "That's beside the point.. And Look who's talking!" He laughed, and we continued onward. The Tournament was held in a field, on the edge of town. The usual stuff. Four Classes. Young, Light, Medium, and Heavy, each class set apart by how far out the beginning target sat (Usually from 50 to 100 Feet) I went over to the Registration Table, and placed myself in the Heavy Class. I was given a Target Number, and we walked onto the field, finding H23 without difficulty. Since Arrl wasn't wearing a Bridle, most took him for a Hired Pack Animal (of course, the Nose-Ring did create more than a few stares, and whispered conversations). Two bears stood about a half-dozen yards on the other side of me, giving me looks, and sniggering. I took a forked stick, sharpened at one end, and pressed it into the ground. On this, I hung my quiver, within easy reach. Then strung my bow. Arrl was restless after I removed him from the yolk. "Why don't you go get into some trouble?" "I thought you didn't me to get into trouble..." I smiled, grabbed his ring, and kissed his muzzle (Which brought more noises from the crowd, and more snickers from the Bears). "Just remember who is going to fuck your ass off, after he gets through beating on it..." The Stallions eyes lit up. "Yes, Master.." He whispered, and went off in search of a clump of grass, or an ear to bend. As I scanned the onlookers for faces (One never knows Who one might find) two animals in particular held my attention. They were Huskies with the usual 1-blue, 1-brown eye. But while one's right eye was blue, the other's right eye was brown, giving them an eerie look, like a pair of bookends. They whispered back-and-forth, but never seemed to move more than a few inches from each other. As I waited for the other classes to finish (As with most small tourneys, the beginners go first, then the intermediates, etc. The big monsters wait until last.. It keeps the crowd around longer), I watched them, without seeming to. One of them turned to say something. Aha! So that's the reason for their statue-like non-movement.. Like most huskies they had tails that curled upwards. Well these two had their's curled together. They didn't hold hands, they held tails.. I chuckled. At last it was our turn. I waited as the sniggering bruins stood at the mark, and shot.. Good too. Both of their arrows were inside the Iron Ring. Then, I was called. Taking 3 arrows, as I would have 3 chances, I went to the mark, studying the target. Hit it easily. The judges conferred. The Rings were set at 250 Feet. This weeded out most of the beings. After 300 Feet, A Panther, the Bears, and myself still stood in the square. The others were making comments, or just watching. Bets were favored heavily towards the furry mountains. The Panther did well, notching the Iron with one shaft. One of the bears bear did better, thunking 1 near the painted center, and dropping another inside the ring. I stood looking at the target.. Rotated the bow skyward, pulling the string tight. Then, keeping my eye on the target, I let the front of the bow dip down, until it pointed towards the 2-inch ring 110 yards away. I stood, breathing calmly.. Then Alaziz's muzzle appeared on the target. A dozen seconds later, 3 arrows were contained in the iron sphere, forming a triangle, each buried half-way into the wood. A fourth, steel tip black with Dragon's blood, sat notched in the bow.. The bear's stopped laughing, and were suddenly very busy trying to pick their chin's off the ground. The huskies whispered back-and-forth at a furious pace. I sighed, put the Death-Arrow away. It would have to wait.. Illusion spells are not the real thing, no matter How lifelike. The Panther slapped my back. "Well done, Man." The judge shook his head, not even bothering to ask if the other contestants wanted a re-match. I was given 100 silver coins, and a trophy, which I gave to the Panther, whom I assumed to be a local hero.. Arrl shook out his mane. And clopped over. "Done?" I nodded, still wondering who put that spell on the target, and gathered my belongings. Someone either wanted me to win, or thought it would be a cute idea to taunt me - Humans were not all That abundant. I re- packed my equipment, and thought about the next place I had to find. He was still out there, and I intended to find him... * * * * Chapter XII - Pidnerk A month had passed since I had left Madame Lau's.. Maoo-Drowns was a simple little dust-hole. A few shops and 1 port.. If it wasn't for Pirate trade the place where somebody named Maoo - who had never learned to swim - had fallen into the ocean, would have long since blown away.. Somewhere in this flyspeck a bear whose paw matched the scars on my face lived. I intended to remedy that oversight. But not before he told me Where Alaziz was.. I let Arrl free just outside the town. "Think you can find your way back to Traown?" He nodded.. "If I don't return, go back to Madame Lau's, and have her beat your horny ass once in a while for me.." The stallion shuddered, and pressed his muzzle against me. "Master.." Then he sat down as a Rune glowed above him. "Hey, No fai.." The horse went into a trance. I sighed, and kissed the animal. Then lifted the head, led him to a secluded spot. Put the cart there also. Changed into my war-gear, then said the words necessary to charge a ward... Anybody who tried to take this wagon had better be gay. If not before, They most certainly would be after... I knew anybody with Sight would see through my disguise.. Of course, one look at what lay along my back, and the few foolish enough Not to run would be of no consequence anyway. I went to the smallish bar. Made enquires, passed out some copper coins. "And why should I put my life in danger, for a measly copper?" The spider monkey looked me over. I took a seat the other side of his booth. "How much is your life worth, as compared to how much you can get off his carcass.. Or were those posters at Himma older than they looked?" I said over my shoulder. "The Captain of the Fotfum Jhig isn't here.. He is rumored to return within the week. You didn't hear that here.." I nodded, finished my beer. And left, tossing a silver piece on the bar. The other three buildings were a House of Ill Repute (Some tired-looking females, and a few powdered-up males), an Inn of sorts, and a warehouse. I could just as easily sleep in the woods.. But one of the creatures who sat in a window intrigued me. I went inside.. The Madame was a bandicoot. "And how may we help you good Sir?" I mentioned the furry one who had been cleaning his nails as I walked by. "Males cost a little more.. But the sailor's say they are worth it.." "How much for the day?" I could see the wheels turn.. I tossed her two silver coins. "I couldn't accept such a small amount.." Nothing more was forthcoming. "It would be an insult to my 'Ladies'.." Silence. She sighed. "Another copper for a room next door. That includes Dinner.." I threw her another silver coin. "I want one with a view of the port, and a good dinner for Both of us.. If he feels like eating, that is." It vanished, with a grin. "I will return in about half an hour." She handed me a key. "He will be waiting, Sir.." I went back to my cart, and got some things I would need, including certain herbs. I didn't have any diseases, but I wasn't so certain about my 'guest'. Then returned to the Inn, and went upstairs to my room. The Madame was true to her word. A lone figure sat on the bed. Over his dark shoulder I saw the bay quite well.. I made the door creak on purpose. The animal turned his head.. Then stood, and draped his robe on a nearby chair. "I am yours for the day, Sir.." Ritkah looked at me, waiting.. "First, Thief, There is a matter of 50 Silver coins.." I slid the hood of my cloak back and dropped it. His jaw dropped as well. Then he literally ran to me. "Wizard!" The animal jumped into my arms, covering my face with kisses. I untangled the creature and dumped him onto the bed. He watched me undress, fondling his erection. "Ever since you put my paws on this road, I have dreamed of the time when you would again take me.. Days without number I have longed to feel your touch." I lay beside the horny canine. Gave him a very lusty kiss, while combing his butt fur. He moaned, grasping my cock, and lapping at a nipple. A trail of fire followed the tongue down to my erection. "I have taken many a male under my tail, in my mouth.." He kissed the tip. "But none were like you.." Than his mouth was too full for speech. Should I tell him half of what he felt was the sword? Nah.. The Wolf sucked on me wantonly, his tongue driving me crazy. His claws dug into my butt, as he growled around my cock. Then held me still, as the world spun. Damn! The wolf had gotten a hell of a lot better since last we mated.. His throat opened and pulled the scum out of my dick.. One paw stroked my balls, coaxing still more semen for the tongue to harvest. He grinned, holding my shrinking cock in his muzzle. Gave the tip a kiss. Stroked it gently. "That was for all the times another took your place in my paws.." Then he sighed, and snuggled up to my chest, giving my nipples a good nibbling-on. I stroked the dark shoulders, rubbed the muscular back. Soon he was snoring softly. I stroked the furred butt, grinning. Every now and again an ear would twitch. I napped as needed. When he awoke, he grabbed my ass. "Just making sure.." We cleaned off by standing in a tub, and pouring buckets of water on each other.. Ritkah took the towel from me, with a grin. Then used it to get me hard as a fencepost.. "You're dripping.." "So are you," he growled, sliding a claw across my cock-head, then licking the pre-cum off it.. He towled off, and sat on the bed. We were discussing different positions, when a knock came on the door. I tossed my robe on - Just in case - while Ritkah opened it, allowing a young raccoon to enter. The animal held a tray, with our dinner. Many promises shone in the dark eyes, as they went over my body. The Wolf chuckled. "Dasi is in training. He is cheaply gotten.." And yelped when the animal stepped on his foot.. I waived to a table. The striped being placed the tray on it. I closed the door behind him. Sat down, and watched as the youth got 3 plates ready. For a time nobody said much, as we demolished the food, and wine. A thought occurred.. "How is it you are here?" The Wolf grinned. "You talk in your sleep.." A greasy paw rubbed my leg. Another slimmer one was seeing what damage it could do to my crotch as well. I ignored both their fondlings and wanton looks.. Barely. "So.." Ritkah grinned. "You mentioned Pidnerk many times. When I awoke to find you gone, and Me with a terminal case of the Hornys.." That got a chuckle from both me and the raccoon.. "I decided to find this being, knowing you would turn up, sooner or later.. And You Did." Hmmm.. I looked at my hands. "Damn! Now, I'll have to clean up again.." Dasi gasped as I took off my robe. "Unless somebody wants to do it for me.." Two furry bodies jumped on top of me. We tumbled onto the bed, which creaked alarmingly.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= And then we had an orgy.. That doesn't sound right. Well, we Did, but How best to describe it.. Damn! memory just isn't what it used to be.. Ah well, Try a bit later.. Perhaps after supper. It's Fowl Pie Night... Or is it Soup and Potato Night.. Will have to ask Nursie. * * * * At last.. After 3 days The ship came in. It was then just a matter of waiting for the crew to disembark and let them get rum-soaked. In the evening the captain was making his way back, with a certain wolf under his arm.. A very familiar paw was clutching the canine's ass. "Hello bastard. Remember me? You tried to take my face off at DeLaMeer." I closed my hand around a pouch I had been keeping just for him, slapping him with the other. The mountain of Fur snarled at me. "Want to try again?" He lifted his huge paw, and roared.. That was the second-most stupid thing he could have done. I opened my hand and blew the powder into the bruin's face. Then hit him in the stomach.. He inhaled deeply in shock. Not a minute later he was rolling on the ground. The Wolf watched him, puzzled. "What was that?" I grinned nastily, watching the black muzzle turn white at my answer.. "Arrth Powder." Arrth.. one of the nasties that grew on the planet. A few of the books I had studied mentioned it, along with more than one warning. The pollen was the second most additive thing in existence.. Once inhaled, you Had to have it.. And would do Anything to get it. The plant only grew in a few places.. There was a cure. The drug had to literally be burned out out of your system.. That took days of agony. I wiped my hand clean then took Ritkah in my arms. "You are leaving again." I nodded, kissing him lovingly. "But Not Right away.. Of course at 2 silver a day, you Are kinda expensive.." He snorted. "That's for the Whole day and you Know I am worth it!" I had to laugh and nod.. A moan stopped us from doing anything more. "What..?" The poor bear was just starting to feel the effects. He ripped his clothes away, the feel of them too much to bear. I reached between his legs and rubbed his sheath, watching his cock jump out of it, hard in seconds. "Please.." he whispered, then jerked as I gripped it. "I believe you called me a 'Fucking Queer' when last we met. Well Queer - Would you like me to fuck you?" I jacked on his dick once.. He managed a strangled scream as his balls ignited, cum flying from him. "I can do this all night.." I jacked my hand down his dick again, and like cocking a gun, he fired off another load. I grabbed his nipples and led him out of town to the woods. The wolf begged off, saying he had to be back in the brothel or risk Madame's wrath. A couple of silver coins helped his disposition immensely. I turned back to the bear, pushing him against a tree. He grabbed it and hung on, swaying drunkenly.. "You didn't answer me." And slapped his ass, digging my fingers into the furry cheeks. Until the drug worked it's way out of his system Everything that he touched or touched him was magnified.. I jerked his cock again, this time catching his cum to wipe on my dick. Then I shoved his tail up and as he looked over his shoulder, pressed it against his anus. "Well Queer?" Part of him was trying to move away - But another part was pushing back. I chuckled and pushed my cock-tip past his anal-ring and into him. The bear gave a low moan and gripped the tree. Then he shoved back at me, taking my dick in full, grunting. Then he started spasming, ass sucking at my cock so strongly I could only hold onto his hips and ride the bronc as he painted the tree white, and made me cum at 4 times in rapid succession. I passed out while the brown mountains that rubbed my crotch milked yet another load of semen from me. * * * * Chapter XIII - Surprises abound I awoke to a muzzle snuffling my crotch fur, and a tongue licking my balls. My first thought was Merk. Then Arrl... But one was dead and the other still eating grass some yards distant. Then paws gripped my ass and fondled it while lips wrapped around my cock-head and made me screech! It wasn't just suction.. It was suction and a waggling tongue and teeth that scraped across sensitive nerves Just So. I came again, my cock-head being tortured for what seemed like hours. Then the body shifted and I felt a paw grip my dick, holding it.. As warmth slid around my dick and a big paw caressed my face, my nuts got squashed! The monster sat on me, rolling his big cheeks, panting as he worked my cock in him. My eyes opened to look into a pair of warm brown ones. before I could mouth the name of my bruin lover, a paw gripped my head, claws sliding in to fit the scars. "I don't blame you for being angry." Then I was kissed and the bruin moved his bulk over me and I was too busy spewing my semen into the clutching ass to worry about who and what and why. I watched through half-lidded eyes as a familiar dark shape hovered over me then slid down my body to inhale the bear's cock. Arrl? What was going on?!? Then things went hazy again.. Gods, that bear could suck a tack up off a swept floor with that ass! I woke when water was poured over me. "Wake up Lover..." A paw rubbed my chest, wandering lower, and I got up Very quickly, not wanting my stomped-on balls touched. Instead they got licked and nuzzled and sucked into a warm muzzle, teeth pressing on them pulling them tight. A paw wrapped around my dick and stroked slowly on the taut flesh.. Until a horse's muzzle swallowed it that is. "Hey! I am Neither a sex-machine, nor a mink.." Both males made chuckling noises and continued to torture me. "Simple Lover," the bear said nuzzling my balls, kissing them, nibbling on them - Which just made things worse. "Sex-Majik." Then swallowed my nuts and his paws gripped my butt and Arrl got breakfast... About 3 times. Gods, that bear could get a dead being to cum. When the only thing holding me up was his paws he stopped and licking my nuts one last time, got up and walked behind Arrl, who dropped his haunches. They both groaned as Pidnerk fucked my horse with abandon, raking his balls, stropping his cock and never skipping a beat fucking the horse's ass hard enough to make it ripple. I took the time to think and get my breath back. I must have said something out loud because the bear grunted between gritted teeth, hosing the horse's insides down with bear spunk. "Yes - You blew Arrth into my face, and then waltzed me out to the woods to fuck me. Well you have managed to hook me alright - On Sex. Every time I look at another male, smell them, Touch them, I want them in me, Lover." I laughed ruefully, knowing who had His scaly hand in this. Damn sword! "So why do you call me Lover, when you are fucking Arrl.. Which is Ok With me!" I added hastily when it looked like he would stop. The bear nodded and continued humping the stallion lustily. "Because I want you Most. Your scent is all over him, And while I enjoy humping him, I would Much rather be humping myself on you..." He wriggled his hips invitingly and I shook my head. "Not right now thanks.." He sighed and took his desires out on Arrl who was more than a match for the horny male. A I stood watching the pair and thinking it was a bit nippy to stand out here without any clothing, fingers curled around my dick and a Very feminine pair of breasts rubbed themselves into my back. "Found you at last." I turned around and looked into Laskid's dark eyes. "You ruined me, you know that?" A finger slid down my chest to my crotch and past to my abused balls, where they caressed and rubbed. "No other male could come close to you in prowess, and after a while I decided that it wasn't worth the effort to stay. So..." She kissed me and hugged me tight. "I came to Maoo-Drowns looking for you. I don't have much to offer you - I spent all my savings and had to 'Trade' to get this far." I put a finger against her lips, and saw That look. Just Great! "You will have to share me.." I nodded to the 2 rutting males who were Just starting to wind down. She smiled and squeezed my balls, making me wince. "There is also a Male wolf who told me where you were.. Ritkah I believe his name is." She snorted. "Barely even looked at me. Just said to go into the woods and follow the stream up until you find a meadow and there he will be." Sure enough here he came, with my cart and Dasi. I groaned loudly, That made 5 Lovers? My dick was going to fall off! I somehow got myself untangled and got a robe on. "Anybody Else want to proclaim I am good in bed?" They all laughed as I shook my head. "Hell, I can't Pay for all of you to live with me. Ask Arrl.." Then Ritkah smiled. "Remember you talk in your sleep? Well Baron.. I looked up DeLaMeer - It's an independent state with the ruler being whoever holds the ring. That means You. Dasi knows - He's from there." This was More than coincidence.. And I knew who was manipulating me.. But why? Maybe this was the kind of demon who preferred semen to blood or something.. I had given him enough of both over the years. When Pidnerk and Arrl had finished and we all rested, ate and dressed - For some reason they all wanted as little as possible on and Arrl went nude because he could - Then headed for the land of DeLaMeer. * * * * Chapter XIV - Township of DeLaMeer I could see why someone like Alaziz would want to rule DeLaMeer... It was a sprawling bunch of city-states held together by Agriculture, Fishing, and above all, Trade. Commerce came and went all hours of the day, Guilds flourished and kept strict standards. While we were walking on the road a bat stepped beside us and announcing that he was a representative of Thieves guild Local 113, and would like the honor of robbing us. He would even brandish his dagger for our pleasure of so inclined.. The speil faded off as he kept trying to peer under my hood, finally stopping us. "If you would be so kind Sir - May I see your face?" Passerby were stopping also, creating a traffic snarl. I nodded and warned him while it is not my intention to frighten horses or children, my face was Not pretty. He nodded then gasped as I put my cowl back. The flesh never grew back over my mouth so I had a rictus grin on one side. Scars ran across the side and front, showing bone. Something had punched through the empty socket leaving a ragged hole in the side of my head - All in all, Not pretty. A leathery hand/wing brushed my face and he trembled. "Are you the one called Shadow? The one who is whispered to have been killed, and fought your way out of hell to take revenge on the enemies of DeLaMeer?" I shook my head. "I am called Shadow and was at the Castle Plains when it fell. And while I carry the Ring for the Baron DeLaMeer, I do not own nor wish to possess it." The bat whispered, "Tkir na Randa." Then turned and pushed at the crowd. "Make way citizens.. Royal visitors to see the counsel." I puzzled over the name for a moment - Death-Guard Shadow? Then as others whispered the name and moved, not so much in fear as awe and reverence, I figured it out. Na meant Owning. So I was a Shadow Guard for Death. Royalty had Royal Guards, Death had Shadow Guards to help him with his appointments. I shook my head again and continued with my 'retinue' to the Palace In The Clouds. Set in the foothills I gathered that in the winter months fog enshrouded the castle, making it look like it floated in clouds. I guess the thief (Local 113) had flown ahead of us because the streets were fairly clear for the several miles to the castle and when we got there a large party awaited. Looking them over I could swear their was one of every species that lived on the planet, Including a couple of Lizards. A lion looking very regal stepped forward. "Do you have the ring?" I looked at him a moment. "And you are..." He Bowed, "Hight Regent Thun, Sir." I chuckled. "Nasty said you acted like someone stuck a rod up your butt and you liked it so much you kept it there.. Always said 'Excuse Me.' when you farted, even if it was so loud the pages ran to see if it was raining." For a moment I was sure he was either going to choke, explode, or rip me into little pieces. Then he smiled, a painful smile that told how deep the heartache ran. I replied in kind as best I could and handed the pouch that I had carried close to me for too many years. He didn't even bother to open it, instead hugging me tightly, and telling pages to get rooms ready and get the cart unloaded, and see to the guests needs. And so I became the owner of a castle. And try as I might, I could not get anyone to say otherwise. Dasi returned to his home province, and was given some fancy title. Pidnerk moved in with Arrl and they were both very happy, creating a guild for those who were into 'Painful Pleasures' as they put it. And I don't care what they say, I didn't sleep with the pages. I touch one to ask for something and they would faint. Or the maids - Laskid made it clear She was The Only Female in my life. So - Between her and Ritkah who also shared my bed most of the time, and Thun's raspy tongue driving me insane - He Loved to lick my dick like a candy-cane until I passed out from sheer pleasure - I never had Time. The only thing that made life bearable was I had no say in how things ran. I was a landlord who smelled the roses, ate the roasts and basically rain cheer down upon the peons. Which did not do as well as the fertilizer they spread on the ground but was in the same class. And you know? I never did find that Bastard Tiger.. Oops! Bathroom time.. Much better. That's right - Drip wax on the paper... I'll get it later. Where did I leave off at? Oh, yeah... * * * * Finale The penis vibrated under his paw, as Muje stroked it. It wouldn't be long before Suram came. As he smoothly stroked in-and-out of the squirrel's ass, he leaned forward, and sucked on the bear's fat cock-head in front of him. The animal devoured the huge dick, up to where a large paw held it. Then Rralgh moved the appendage up to play with the round ears. Thrust forward, sliding his massive cock in, until his balls rested against the otter's chin. Muje groaned, sucked harder, and pumped on the squirrel's penis. I laughed, and he rolled an eye to stare at me. I knew what he was thinking. 'Crazy Human!'... "And what do you think you are doing?" Great! Just what I needed.. I closed the book, and blew out the candle. "You can't fool me, I know you are in there. It's time for bed..." Why, oh why.. "I'm not sleepy!" "Come along now, you can work on your fables tomorrow." My nurse came in, and helped me up. "I may not be here tomorrow..." "Of course you will. Now come along, and I'll give you a back rub." If I was only 20 years younger.. "Watch those hands..." Hehehe. "Now, get into bed like a good patient.." Oh, Yeah ? Well, I'll show you! Grab the arm, shove your hips into your opponents, "What the..." And toss them.. And toss them.. Ok, so pretend to get weak in the knees, grab for support, and unbalance them, so they fall on the bed. "Oooof." Now, jump on top. "Gotcha!" "Alright, fun is fun. Now, Let me up so I can..." "Not until I get a kiss." "Only one.. Mmmph." I shut him up, by giving him a smooch that made his ears twitch. Big paws ran themselves down my back, and grabbed my butt. "Remember, only one..." The animal groaned. "Shut up, and kiss me, You Dirty Old Man." "Those are the best kind Nursie..." I grinned and gave the bear another long muzzle-press, as I felt his cock thicken against my leg. Fondling it, I had to grin. Aha! The perfect title.. 'Another night in Paradise.' The End