CITY2.TXT Another tale of Cities - By SwampRat and Sir Brucie (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society The city was under siege. The hosts had been streaming into the valley for some time. Banners of Chaos flew as the Champions came to camp. There were squabbles, Laughter, and snarls, as befits such a rabble. The City had been in preparations for months. Ever since contact with Renale had been abruptly cut off. Not even a messenger-bird could get through.. And that but two months ago. But this City was different. It was the Last outpost and built with that fact in mind. The wells were many and deep. Half the structures had been hewn out of the rock that once stood in the plain. A gigantic spire, it had been carved into a Tower. Then floors and other structures added as needed. Finally more stones from the field were gathered and with Dwarfen magic forged the walls and homes of the Bastion Of Ende. Molten rock had been poured over the walls by Humans, Semi-Humans and even Non-Humans, for all were welcome into the Border garrison. Coin from the hands of Chaos was a spendable as gilded wafers from Law. Many a creature of Slaanesh had come to taste the decadent pleasures that the City had to offer. Tzeentch stood shoulder to shoulder with Khorne forging weapons and skills that they knew might someday be used against them.. Still they taught, and learned. Some of the matings proved fruitful, and were-creatures founded a place for weary travellers to find new thrills at the skilled paws of animals who stood on two-legs and had the intelligence of men. Wizards made many and mighty spells, casting them into amulets, staffs and weapons to sell in the Open Market. For in the midst of town was a huge courtyard. There, the only thing that mattered was how sharp your wits in dealing were and what color was your money. Anything from a dalliance with a fair creature to the purchase of food to a spell-book of some repute could be had. And that along with liberal patience of the Baron who ruled without benefit of King, but instead, had wrested his place from the earth and battled many a would-be usurper off, kept trade brisk and profitable.. Until the siege. There were signs. Wanderers came less and less to the city, until none knocked on the gate to ask entrance. A plague of locusts had come and eaten everything around the City to the earth. But this had already been taken care of. Vast, underground fields harvested rich fungi and white stalks of vegetables that didn't Need light to grow. And quite impenetrable from the outside. Not just by a full league of solid rock, but by wards and glyphs guaranteed to turn any intruder, no matter if the size of a dust-mite, to ash. Then one day the Baron stood at the podium and rang a bell. He stroked the fur on his wife's arm, who was growling lustily at not having been able to chew on her mate's butt yet that morning. Her horns were twisted in the shape of a rune of Slaanesh, as she once did follow the Lord of Pleasure. But now, she preferred to follow her Mate to the bed-chamber. Where she had found an equal to her bestial desires.. The Dwarf-Lord again rang the bell, grinning as a tongue slid up an old scar on his face. "My Lady.. Curb your needs a time longer. I must make this announcement. If you find your Master's pull too strong, By all means jump the bones of Selius." The Grizzly shook his gray muzzled-head. As neither Were nor Beastman, he had been rejected by many a WarBand, and Township. Until he had stumbled onto this place. Bleeding and hurt, a Huntsman found him lying under a tree. "Kill me.." he pleaded with the human. The man instead called another. A five-foot tall Ferret came and helped carry the burden onto a wagon. There a witch-woman cured his ills, taught him her lore, and showed him the ways of love. But that was many a season past. Now a Full Shaman, his powers rivaled some of the Wizards that also stood on the council. He opened his robe and allowed the female Beastman to fling herself upon him.. "What indignities one must suffer for the Office.. Not so Hard, My Lady!" She ignored the male's discomfort, gnawing on his red cock, before sinking her claws into the well-padded butt and hungrily sucking the male-meat into her muzzle. The crowd that had come quieted as the dwarf stood before them. "My friends. I have grave news. A large encampment of Chaos travels this way.. And we have had no news from our Sister City for two whole months. I feel we shall soon be under siege. Any of you who feel your ties to a God or Patron outweigh your friendships or have family elsewhere you must think of.. By all means, go. With our blessing. If we survive this, you will be welcomed as before.. Nay, Nay. I shall hear no threats upon Anybody. We carved this rock together. We fought off WarLords and WarBands shoulder to shoulder. The dead whose ashes are scattered throughout the plain were of no one race." "And though I may not be able to stop All hatreds, I will have it to a minimum. Now go and prepare. As of this day, The market is suspended. Those who wish to leave have a week to pack and be gone. I know this is sudden. But, I can give you no more time.. and assure you safe passage to anywhere." A cheer rang throughout the stone City. Some did indeed, leave. Belongings packed upon wagon, mule or over shoulder. The strange thing was none of Slaanesh left. And as the Host came closer, there were many who came to the doors, dressed in gaudy robes or ribbons or nothing but body paint. With them they brought herbs, spices, magic and weapons to reinforce the City. And in the Temple of Slaanesh, which stood just outside the city, a Greater Demon clacked his claws and waited for the slaughter to begin so he could add to the pleasure on the Battlefield. In another, Tzeentch wove his threads through his servants, Also adding to the reinforcements of the City. For what reasons these Gods decided to have their forces divided, only They knew. Perhaps to test their followers, for many had grown lax in the City's air of ease. Or perhaps the City was more important to them than they cared to say. The gates were finally shut and all ingress to the Fortress was by side doors. Beastmen and forest creatures also came to seek shelter. There were some who grumbled at the taking in of wild things.. But nobody would vouchsafe a handful of grain to a doe when her faun gamboled with the children and cubs who ran free throughout the streets. Many a child awoke to the nudging of an animal, impatient to be off and playing. And the rodent population found themselves outclassed by foxes, cats and badgers. And so Banners flew around the City, while the Temples were used or not, as the beings cared to. Nurgle had some few beings in the fray, but found no blights that would take hold. Skaven braved the sewers, seeking a crack to scatter their own pestilence.. And found hungry predators with eager claws and mouths to feast upon them. None were forgotten in the slaughter and many housecat slept with it's belly full of Ratling. And more than one cupboard had strange-looking meat put up in storage. This was a battle as none had ever seen. The walls were manned by both sexes, and all races. At the foot of one wall a bull-headed Keeper of Secrets slapped his claws together, eager for battle. And yet, when a child came up to him tugging gently on the huge hand, he was happy to fling it skyward. And catch the squealing youngster.. To toss him up yet again. Was puzzled that he found it pleasurable to sport with the offspring so.. Finally sent the being off with a rough growl, but a gentle pat on the bare butt. Laughing, the child chased after a butterfly, a half-dozen cubs leaping and yapping alongside. "All pleasure is Slaanesh's. No matter how subtle or Gross.." A robed and veiled priest passed by, Horns bent in the same shape as the rune etched on the brown forehead. "Or perhaps this City is as no other.. Many come to our temples, but few convert. Patience is not your's but bide time.. Soon enough you shall be out there, Harvesting such Pleasures as there are in battle." The Demon lifted the veil and pressed his lips to the rouged ones. "You sound like a convert.." The Beastman chuckled. "I have been here 10 summers. And have found pleasure in the pain of toil and hard work. Pleasure in a job that is well done. Pleasure in the laughter of a child, or the moan of a lover. Pleasure hides in many places.. One needs only find it." He wished the monster well and continued onward. The demon scratched his head. 'The ways of Slaanesh are as mysterious as Tzeen sometimes.' Then a horn sounded and indeed, the demon did find pleasure in battle. For Many a BloodThirster roared hatred at the puny creatures who would not die for Khorne. The tide of chaos was allowed to find out just how well the stone was reinforced. Twice did the army slam against the rocks like a living ocean. To find no weakness.. The third time they found out that not all the stones went into the construction. Granite boulders fell on them, mashing many. Those who thought to use them in catapults found the stones shattered and turned into shrapnel, doing more much damage to Chaos than to the City. Neither Khorne's axes nor Tzeentches Fire could so much as remove a crumb of stone.. Nurgle tried an attack on the wooden gates. Many a Skull of pus broke against the doors.. The creatures cavorted as they watched acrid steam pour forth as the Rot grew. Nurgle's Rot could not be cured. But it Could be transformed.. Magic rimmed the gates, turning it green. Before the Great Unclean One's eyes, the wood grew.. Sprouted flowers. To fall open.. They screamed as waves of healing magic hit them. Nurgle's Rot was being turned into Nurgle's Flowery Growth. The monsters had time to howl.. Then became rooted to the ground, their wooden feet searching for sources of water. Lesser demons and even the Beasts of Nurgle fled as they too grew Flowers of many sizes and colors on their beings. Then the gates, Still whole and stronger than before slammed shut. * * * In a chamber within the Tower, buried deep in the stone, a Dwarf-Lord sat at a table, surrounded by a strange assortment of beings. Priests of Slaanesh and Tzeentch stood discussing some matter, while animals and humans in armor milled about or studied maps, scrolls, argued points of conjecture. "Please, Gentlebeings.. I can hardly hear myself think." The din went down a few notches in loudness. "Does Chaos have anything they wish to add or may reveal?" The males turned. One, whose head many a Lord would have given their arm to have over a mantle, shook his antlered crown, sending the many bells tied therein tinkling merrily. He laughed despite himself, as the others chuckled at the sound. A young girl had placed the bells in his rack, after seeing him walk down her street. "You are too beautiful to be so somber.." So she gave him a gift of the tiny bells that she made with her own hands to sell at Market. Not long after the girl died.. By his own hand, the Priest scattered her ashes to the winds. "No, My Friend.. Tzeentch shows me no new paths. So I stay to help as I might." The Veiled Beastman whose blue pastel robe was as transparent as clear water, also nodded. "Slaanesh requires me to stay and gather more tribute to him.. And perhaps Re-convert your lovely wife back to the fold." The Baron grinned. "Sometimes I think she never left. But Gentlebeings, We have not heard from our Generals nor our ministers.." A man with one eye came over. "Can they be trusted?" The dwarf thought a moment. "About as little as Merma." The Mercat's sword was partially out of it's sheath before he saw who was speaking. "Forgive me. Baron.." A wave of a small, but extremely strong hand dismissed the animal's disservice. ElkStander nodded. "The male speaks true.. None of Chaos can be Truly trusted. Nor un-trusted.. We do as our Masters tell us. For this time we are here to defend this City, that I have called home for some time now, and would be loathe to leave. My children are now pages in the service of the Baron." Monder, General of the City Defense, nodded. "As are mine.. I say this because I must take All possibilities into consideration." Selius came over and laid a paw on the weary shoulder. "As is your office. There is no more to say, AxeBearer. There is plenty of food. Water is stored in case the wells should be contaminated. And there is little that can burn stone.. We must either wait until Chaos decides to move on or we defeat the Host. Either is as good a possibility as the other. One entails boredom, which I do not think our 'Guests' will care for." They heard a Greater Demon clack his claws somewhere below them in frustration.. "Point well taken. GoatTail, Since we have these beings here, let us make use of them. On the morrow, when the sun shines in this window, We shall go to war with our enemies." They all nodded. And left to go to beds, cots or meditations. The sun came as it usually did, showing it's bright face upon all, wether good or ill, Law or Chaos. Some cursed it's too early showing, Others were already up and putting one last rub to polish greave or looked yet again down a blade to make sure of it's edge. Then they met in the Yard. "I say this to those who follow my banner. Do yourself well in the coming fight. Be not as others and mock the dead, nor kill for the fun of it. But hold your head high and repel the invaders as we have done many times before.. And if you find yourself fighting a one-time friend or even a Brother, Gird your strength." "Remember, he is Now your enemy.. Later on we may rebuild trusts. But now we fight to save our City!" The roar deafened even the uppermost decks, and shook the walls.. Then the Gates were opened and with a pair of Greater Demons giving them both strength and Pleasure, they marched out to do battle. It was a Strange skirmish indeed. Demon-induced Fear fought with Demon-induced Hate and Lust. Slaanesh laughed as they died or killed, even when the defeated were of their own kind. Demon grappled with Demon for a moment, then parted to gang up on another who was hated by both. The Gods of Chaos had a good laugh that day.. Khorne got many skulls, some tainted with Pleasure. Slaanesh got his due, and even put his hand to the fray.. A pink mist rolled out from the Temple and engulfed the warring parties. For a moment nothing moved. Those not of Chaos shuddered in mingled pleasure and disgust. Those draped in gaudy colors danced in debauched revelry. And those of Khorne roared black hatred, for they too felt the Lustful wantonness.. Well refreshed, the Battle went on again. To a stand still.. Neither invader nor defender could gain ground. Then the Gods again decided to intervene.. The late afternoon came to find weary creatures waiting for the signal to engage again. Then the ground heaved as a voice like thunder rolled over them.. "Enough!" A wall of flame came between the combatants. The Greater Demons growled but went back to their temples. The warriors carried those still alive back into the Gate to be tended to. Those not, were put upon the pyre and burned.. It mattered not to those in the Black Robes if the bodies belonged to their side or not. All were treated equally. And All burned.. The night came with food and rest for the weary. Lust and matings for Slaanesh, who was having a great orgy in honor of the Battle. And not just in the Temples either. Many a man found a willing partner to help clean his wounds and lay against him to ward off chill. And not all were Female, or even Human. Smiths, furred and not worked long into the night, fixing dents and rends in armor. Straightening blades and forging new ones. The next morning brought news. A full third of the Army was no longer afield. Either dead or left for whatever purpose Chaos had for such pawns. And not so good tidings.. "My lord. Our Gods have told us we may not help you. Of course we may not Hinder you either.." The dwarf held the pair of hairy hands. "I could ask for no more.. And do thank you for telling me so." ElkStander shrugged, bringing another merry tinkling forth. "We are friends until our Gods say different. I wish it were not so, but I am too far along this path to stop now." The robed male nodded. Lifted the striped veil and pressed his pale muzzle against the dark cheek. Then rubbed it.. "Why are Human Beards so Scratchy?" They laughed. The Deer-like being also pressed his muzzle against the Dwarf's cheek And pressed his chin to the padded shoulder. "Do well this day, Gracious host. Even as it galls me to stand to one side." The other nodded. The lord squeezed both hands and smiled. "I shall do the best I can. My wife would kill me if I died in battle and not in bed." The female smacked his rump as she entered. "I heard that.. Good day, my Lords." They bowed to the Baroness. Took the wine and bread offered.. And for a time nothing was said. But there was a sudden influx of creatures, particularly Beastmen, on the Livery for leather coats and plain loin-cloths. Their God had said that as Followers of Slaanesh and Tzeentch, they may not fight this day. So, for this day, They were no longer Followers, but instead simple beings who wished to defend their home. And on the field, no banner fluttered or waived. All who were loyal to their God retreated to the sides, and camped, spectators. Which is not to say some didn't defect.. And All of Khorne still held their place, for That Bloody God would Never say no to a Battle. But without Demons, or Hounds. But simply those who would gain the Death-Gods eye with their deeds.. A Chaos-Centaur lifted the dwarf up and placed him on another's wide back, Laughing at his startled look. "We follow No god But Chaos. As such we give ourselves to the service of the ones who have fed the Wild Folk in the hard times. Give succor to those who come hungry or wounded, no matter what shape. And we war for the fun of it! Hold tight, Dwarf.. And come to Battle with us!" A one-eyed human leapt on another's mottled back. "Well, Good centaur. Do you bear My weight?" A whinnied laugh. "Bring another.. You are too light." Beastmen and A few of the braver animal also went onto horse-backed creatures. The gates again went down, smelling sweetly of flowering plants. A wineskin that was made out of an entire animal was passed between the host. Filled, and passed again.. Most took but a sip, But the Centaurs guzzled deep. Mad with liquor and blood-lust, they whinnied to each other. "Now!" The lead stallion jumped forward and galloped out the Gate, with his cargo barely hanging on for life and limb. The others followed, and all but a few were tumbled off when they hit the plain. Most hit where damage was but to their pride, and tail-bones. A few actually managed to sprain or pull something painfully, but none died, nor were trampled.. Which was a minor miracle unto itself. Then the armies clashed, and the noise was deafening. Screams of hatred and pain. Growls of lust for body or blood.. Sometimes both! And again when the sun sank low, neither had gained much ground. None of Chaos made their way into the City to do damage, nor did the Host sweep the field.. But many a Champion gained followers as they were killed or disgraced that day. Most of Khorne's band had given fully to their god. Only a few straggled back to find a place to camp, ignoring both the cries and bleats of derision from the others and the demand from their Patron that they return to the field and Kill or Die for Khorne. As one they stripped themselves bare of all insignia, and walked into the woods. The defenders again tended to the wounded, and burned the bodies, scattering the ashes to the wind, with prayers for the departed souls. And that night, curious creatures came to the side-door.. Beastmen with sawn nubs instead of horns and nothing but their fur as clothing. They were brought before the City's Lord and given food, wine, and warm robes for the air was cold and they shivered. Of the thirty odd beasts, eleven huddled before the fire. As to the others.. "Dead. By hand or tooth. We alone survive.. And wish no more to fight." The dwarf nodded. Fodder sometimes changed their minds about dying for their God.. Few got the chance to not do so. For their own would turn on them, if they did not slink away as these did. Shame burned inside them, and a self-loathing that could only be removed with hard work. "You are still of Chaos.." They nodded, sipping the warmed wine a little faster, as if afraid it might be taken from them. Then started as a warm laugh was heralded by the sound of bells tinkling as if a metallic brook ran by them. "Converts.. I had to see this myself." The creature came over and rubbed the weary shoulders. "Nay, be not afraid. There is none who will harm you here. Our Lord would brain any who tried!" Then turned to the male, a wain look turning majestic muzzle sour. "You have bad news.. Merma." The lieutenant appeared. "Take our guests to a good inn. Let them bathe if they wish and bed who they may. We shall speak more in the morning.." They were shuffled out, stunned to disbelief, still half expecting to be taken to a dungeon or a dark corner for a slitting of throats. Instead a warm tub, scented with Flowers of Forgetfulness soaked their cares away. Paws and hands cleaned and caressed the bodies, alleviating pains and instilling lust.. "Slaanesh?" they asked their handlers. And were shocked further to find out that none followed the God of Pleasure/Pain.. Except in spirit. Even though half were male. Not that it mattered to the Beastmen. Having recently shorn themselves of Patronage, they would have lain with a stone if it would not shun them. With a sigh, they lay down on the wide beds and sported with their new lovers. In the Tower, nothing was as well. "You bring me sad tidings.. I can read your eyes, my Friend." A nod.. "So now we must fight each other? I would rather cut my own arm off, but You must follow your path as well." The elks head nodded again.. Then with a tear rolling down one cheek, he grasped the chain that held a medallion, signifying his post, and snapped it off! "Do you know what you have done?" A pillar of flame spun in the room, becoming a fountain of myriad colors. From this stepped a Greater Demon of Tzeentch. "Well does he know. As do I.. Does Slaanesh concur?" The beastman, looking like a pale statue, walked into the room. No color could be seen on his face, he who prided himself on outdoing even the best of them for matching pleasing shades and making his entire body radiate Lust with paint and rouge. Nor was the robe any color but plain brown.. He too, removed his chain and tossed it before the bird-man. "I do.." The creature nodded. "This was foreseen. Think you may hide anything from the God of Change? Now... Do you wish your Temples Destroyed, Your Friends and Retinues scattered? Nay, stay your tongue, Dwarf. You have no say in these matters." AxeBearer grumbled to himself, but stood to one side. "Perhaps you are not of Chaos at all.. Perhaps you are imposters. And should be punished.." The creature laughed, sending tendrils of color from it's clawed hands to wrap the pair in. "I could turn you both into Spawn.. Or return you to your former selves, goat and deer." The creatures transformed a half-dozen times, each appearance more hideous that the last. "And what about you, Dwarf? Do you think Chaos cares for your neutrality? We Care only for Ourselves!" "And so you do.." A dark being stood before them. It waived a robed arm.. And the bonds fell from the writhing animals. "Your coming was foretold, Jroan Naa Ulguneth." Gray Lord? Master of Neutrality? The words held deeper meaning than even the Dark Tongue could give them. A cloud formed.. Dark, with streaks of color dancing in it. The cloud enveloped the still keening creatures. Who emerged the same as they were! The bells in ElkStander's horns again tinkled with merriment.. And Gave off a feeling of contentment! "Return to your Master and tell him you have had your fun. Leave this place or be removed from the Board!" The Lord of Change snarled nastily. "You have not that Power.." The cloud pulsated with anger. "Power! Thouest wishes to see power.. I may not interfere more than I already have.. But the ones who comes after are held under no such Geas.." "Fare thee Well, Greater Demon. I pity thee!" The cloud vanished. In it's wake was silence. The bird screamed! "No, Master! I only did thy will! Please.." With a shriek the demon became a bird.. A phoenix that was consumed in fire, wailing horribly. Then it was gone.. A bell tolled, making a sound so rich and deep it vibrated the very bones. They ran to the balcony to see what was going on.. LustFire grabbed her husband, truly frightened for the first time in her life. "What is it?" The man shook his head. Then the City rocked on it's foundations. They hastily tossed robes on the former priests and ran to the wall, which was already packed with bodies. Commoner and noblebeing stood together, watching the ground roll and toss. From the North came a host, singing a marching song, that filled the hearts with both terror and elation. "A glass.. Quickly!" Somebody gave the dwarf a long-glass. He looked the Army over well. "It can not be!" He handed the thing to his second. Banners with dark colors held runes of Chaos sundered with the arrow of Law, A Symbol of the Gray Lords of Neutrality. Another held a picture of a robed reptile with a many-pointed light upon it's forehead. "The Star-Dragons.." General Monder closed his eye, not able to believe that so many half-legends were actually coming to them. Beside him, Merma gasped. "The Wheel.. It can not be!" Along with the gaudy Streamers and Poles, was a plain square of cloth. Upon it was a Wagon's wheel. On one side was four spokes. Etched on each was a rune of Chaos. On the other a single spoke held a Ray of Law. On top, was a silver chain strung between a white peg and a black peg. On this, pointing towards a scale was a pendulum shaped like a pyramid. On the scale was etched the herald "Forever In Balance". Higher than the Greatest Gods and lower than the poorest beggar, these were the beings whose sole charge was to keep the warring factions in Balance. Again, a Great Bell was rung, it's vibrations being felt throughout the field. The Chaos Temples heaved and rocked, as Spires of Granite with glowing runes etched on their surfaces, shoved their way through the structures. GoatTail hid his eyes and openly wept to see his pastel colored pillars crumble and fall. His shoulder were hugged by a brown arm. ElkStander, former Priest of Tzeentch also felt tears in his eyes, as another Temple fell to break into pieces. "No blood.." They stared at the owl for a moment.. He flapped his wings, and got a better perch on his master's shoulder. "There is no blood on the stones.." And so there wasn't. The Places of worship were empty. "Really GoatTail.. You think LustBearer The Lewd or FarSeer The Changer would have Not emptied the Temples before they fell?" The pastel paws of a were-badger gripped his chest as a body was pressed to his back. A GreatEagle Screamed over them, And laughing, knocked the few foolhardy disc-riders from the evening sky. He was joined by a dozen more Birds.. Eagles, Hawks, Falcons.. Dragons added their bass tone to the sounds filling the air. All landed in the field mingling in with the knights and creatures who filed in, totally ignoring the silent Chaos bands. A Circle of Gray was on every livery. Horns, wether straight or spiraled, held no symbol, were twisted to no rune. The song ended, and as one the assemblage let out a shout. "Hail Great AxeBearer, DwarfLord, and Keeper of The Bastion of Ende on the Plain of Relan. We, the agents of the Gray Lords have heard your pleas and come to aid as we may." The baron stood, flabbergasted. "But I asked for no help.." A gasp came from behind them. He whirled to see his friend and Counselor slowly make his way to the fore. "I had hoped.. I never guessed.." Hands grabbed his robe and pulled him down to shove animal nose to human nose with a being not quite half his height. "What mean you, Bruin?" The animal lifted the male up and whooping, embraced him a crushing hug. "She was right! By her elder twigs, Sweet Mary was Right.. My mentor, Good Lord." A squeak came from the dwarf. "Oh. Sorry.." The man grunted. "If my ribs were made of oak they could not long withstand such affection.. Put me down!" He was placed on the stone. The man huffed, made sure all his body parts were still in place. Then waived at the assembled throng. "You summoned these?" The bear shook his head and danced with glee.. Much to the detriment of others feet."No one may Summon the Gray Lords. One may ask, and if they feel your cause just or worthy, they will answer.." "And indeed it was, Friend Bruinthor." A male stood, holding a staff that glowed softly. The bear dropped to his knees, as did all who were furred. "Erin AshenFur.." The dwarf clasped the Nature God's hand. A smile and a lifted hand raised the throng. A Beastman tried to slink off.. "GoatTail. Think I know thee not? Even those twisted by chaos are still mine. And I love all equally." He turned and clasped the startled male. "But I overstay my welcome. I came not to help, for the Spires of Balance shall do better than my feeble powers could. But to see old friends and chide them for not asking for help sooner." The bear looked shamed.. And was clasped by a man who most resembled Slaanesh. "But I came not to chastise either.. Fare the well, Man of the Deep Earth. Come and visit us some day." Then he was gone.. The Dwarf looked his Shaman friend over well. "And how many more Gods does thouest know? And what else shall descend upon this patch of ground? By My Beard!" A creature who resembled a dragon in the same way a skink resembles a alligator appeared on the plain. "I swear My Lord.. I didn't ask for Him... Never in a hundred lifetimes." Upon the Gods forehead a star burned with the brilliance that only a sun gave forth. "I go where I will, Bruin. Even if Mary was a dear friend.. AxeBearer, Will you allow us entrance to your fair City, or must we camp here.." The dwarf, flabbergasted beyond words could only waive his hand. And watch the tide stream in. So many Legendary Generals, Kings, Lords.. And a few deities as well. "Wherever shall I put them all?" That, as it turned out, was the Least of his worries. * * * The dawn came and went with no stirring from either camp. AxeBearer, yawned and stretched. "If I had known how much trouble this piece of ground was, I would have continued onward.. But it was such a wonderful piece of rock. And it called to me.. Now I think I know why." He groaned and washed his face. His wife came in, bearing a tray. "Breakfast.. Methinks we have a Long day ahead. Our resident pervert has a Dragon by the tail and is nibbling on it.. While an elk talks shop with wizard-kings who covet both head and bells entwined within the antlers. The ball of fur that got us in this mess has done a damn good job of vanishing.. And I believe myself to be with child." The dwarf dropped his mushroom. "How.. But I thought.. We.. That's Wonderful!" He hugged the female with abandon. "I thought we could not.." She shrugged. "Within the space of a garden is so much potent magic, It is a wonder the entire place isn't floating.." She kissed her mate. "Of course I only have that on the authority of a Tree-Man Of Endelle.. So it may not be true." The dwarf dropped his mushroom a second time. A paw grabbed it and held it before him.. He laughed and spun the Beastwoman around.. "Twins." It was her turn to gape. "How did you know?" He smiled and kissed the slightly swelling belly. "It runs in the Family.." The news almost made him forget who was in his courtyard.. But as soon as he walked into the Council chambers, he knew. To one side, the creature who started this mess was dancing weirdly with what could best described as a leafy tumbleweed. ElkStander was having yet another bell added to his collection by a naked wood nymph who at once looked shy and lustful. GoatTail was indeed standing with a Dragon. A plain one this time.. They were discussing various ways of using feathers to drive mates to new heights of ecstasy. Another dozen or so armored Knights were circled around General and Lieutenant, swapping stories, showing off weapons and in general, having a grand old time.. AxeBearer sighed and went to the table, unheeded. Sat with a myriad thoughts. Foremost was why so many Legends in one space. What indeed, had he stumbled upon, in his journey to find a place to set up a small town, where all could come and trade. He had lived his younger days in the Mines, sometimes tagging after his father to the seatown, where so much was different. Many creatures lived and worked there. He reached into his pocket and fingered the worn wood carving of himself, done by a furry male, too old to sail. But Not to old to wish.. And when he had become of age he set out to find that magical place again. Or build one.. Something metal impinged itself on his eyes. "By the Gods.. Mirthril!" Elven metal, silver etched, and backed. But of Dwarven design. "Who.." A familiar face stared down at his.. "Not all of us left the mines, Good Uncle." He stared at the younger one. "GravelTongue?" The other smiled. "Now I am called AnvilThunder for I can make any anvil ring as if Thor Odinson himself stood before it.." The dwarves embraced. "But why, how.." A shrug. "I decided to follow the Dragons.. They can always use a clever smith. And none, no matter how high, have ever looked down at me. Well.." They both laughed. Then they noticed the tables chairs began filing.. Some didn't fit even the widest ones and so had their own seats brought. AxeBearer cleared his throat, and had every eye turn to him. "My Lords.. I find words escape me. I have no way of thanking you nor a clue as to who so many distinguished beings should show interest in a tiny plot of land.." His voice trailed off to a whisper as one of the Knights, removed his ornate helmet. To reveal a fire-rimmed skull! The bone jaws opened and a pleasant voice came to him. "We need no flowery speeches nor gifts other than those we have received already. And the dead have need of very little.. Does my visage bother you? I shall re-helm." The dwarf held up a hand. "No.. Please good Sir, whose name I do not know. It is not you nor the many.. Interesting beings who stand or sit before me, that ties my tongue so. And even though I give thinks for your presence, I say again that I can discern no reason for so many to be at this place.. If I may be forgiven my ignorance, I found a rock that looked like a good place to build a city upon. Between Kingdoms, I could trade with both and still remain Neutral. And even though I feel sometimes there is Old Magic locked in the stone I hewed this Tower out of, it didn't manifest itself to me or any whom I have talked to.." "Nor will it.." The being who was but one of a Dozen Gods who wore the visage of a Dragon, lifted his head. "The magic you feel is a Gateway. Not to Chaos, as many are, but to Another Dimension.. Another Universe entirely. Once, so many years ago that man had not yet been, a Wizard did set up the Spires that once again ring this place." "When the Gates of Chaos were opened, this being contacted one of my Brothers. Unfortunately, he could not grant the request.. So his request was passed on to others of our plane. And one came to answer his call.. That one straddled the planes of many dimensions. He gave this being the power to create the Spires of Balance that can hold even the Gods at bay. And a Focus point, The Mirror of Equilibrium.. The Mirror was destroyed in a great war, and it's twin-pronged holder was melted into the Tower we now sit in. That, my good miner in rock, is Why so many of us answered the call. Many a God besides Chaos and Law would give much to own this patch of dirt.. And Little good it would do them." Having said that the creature drained a mug of beer, and declared it good with a enormous belch. The stunned silence was broken by the tinkling of tiny bells as ElkStander tried his best not to fall down laughing.. Then Mord, the Wizard-Lord upon whose undead bones The Eternal Flame of Erend burned, emptied another mug upon the head of the animal beside him. WarGeneral Thurr, a one-eyed Tiger whose mere name put fear in the hearts of men, sputtered and fell backwards. "At last! The mangy one has been given a bath!" This started a riot, whereupon more beer was worn than drank. And this was the scene LustFire opened the door to.. At once the war stopped. And as one the assemblage bowed. "Greetings, My lady.." AxeBearer was standing over a Sand Centaur, with a Mirthril helmet on, a mug draped elegantly on one horn. He was trying most unsuccessfully to put a dent in the Black head with a chair-leg. At the same time he was trading gulps at another mug with the creature.. She closed the door, sat down.. And laughed till her ribs hurt. As did the entire room.. When they had lifted themselves up and wiped off what could be wiped off.. A toast was drunk to dwarfen beer. And to scantily clad females.. And to life in general. Everybody clasped arms with their host, who stood on the table so he could be the same height, and walked out to clean up. AxeBearer finally saw the last out and turned.. To see a Dragon bearing his entire weight on the tip of his tail. "We do have a sense of humor.." He smiled brilliantly. Then lifted his robe-flaps to show nothing was between them! He stared at what seemed to be a neck, a tail and a pair of hands coming out of an empty robe.. "Nothing is as it seems. Fare Thee Well, Keeper of the Gate." Then the creature rolled himself up into a ball and became a comet.. Who flew out a window. "Keeper of the Gate? Oh, Thorim AxeBearer, what have you done.." What he did next was to jump into a tub. And found out the Chaos Host had left, being helped along their way by a fiery ball.. And so for a week, Chaos reigned without even being present. The scribes ran out of ink, trying to get down all the tales of such Great Warriors and Wizards. Then they ran out of paper. And damn near ran out of cloth, as every scrap was used to scribble upon. But, as with all things, it came time for them to leave. Goodbyes were said, gifts and names exchanged. Promises to return and visit relatives were also given. Then the banners were hoisted and those who wished to marched out. Those who didn't feel like walking simply vanished, making many who stayed gasp and wonder who had been sleeping under their roof.. * * * It took time, but the Miracle wore off and lives returned to normal. Chaos returned, but this time with coin and the only blades shown were ones for sale. AxeBearer looked over the City, listening to the banter and enjoying the mundaneness of it. His twin sons tugged at his coat, wanting their father's attention. And getting it too.. 'They shall soon be taller than me.' He patted their bare rumps, for like their Mother, they preferred to wear a simple loin- cloth. "Be off now.. Your tutor shall have lessons for you and perhaps a sore arm if you don't hold your swords right!" They grinned.. and bowed. Beastmen with red coats and curved horns.. But with the corded muscle of dwarf stock. He shook his head and listened with half an ear to the conversation about the flowering trees that were outside the Gate. Someone came and ran claws through his beard. "We have two sons. Care to try for two daughters?" He lifted the bony hands to kiss them. "In the middle of the day, My Lady?" She growled, lifting the chin to press her muzzle to it. "You beard Is scratchy.." He laughed, and followed her back to their bedchamber. But took one last look at what hung over the mantle. A crystal bell with the names of the Seven Gray Lords sat on a shelf. Beside it was a pewter striker.. If he, or any who inhabited this place had trouble again, all they had to do was hit the bell. He fervently hoped he would Never have to. Selius watched the couple leave, and smiled. "We chose well, My brother.." A shadow detached itself from the wall. It formed the shape of a creature who roamed the Earth before Man came into being.. The thin voice hissed agreement. Then melted back again, to watch over the owners of it's tower. The End