NEWORLD.TXT - Implied M/M - 5/26/02 Another New World Story By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association A battered piece of metal hovered over a planet much like Earth - Water, land, oxygen in the air. A single pass was all it took for the pilot to decide here was a good place. It had to be - The ship would not make it farther without repairs. A site was picked and the craft descended, coming to rest akwardly due to bent struts. But it was down, and upright.. When the ship settled as best it could, hatches opened - Test equipment fell like nuts from a pine-cone, sorting, cataloging, sending back their results. Livable if barren. Soil contained many alien microbes.. Test cells were thawed and allowed to react with the new environment. 39% loss was acceptable as vaccines were developed. Snakes were grown, instructions hard-wired via dna manipulation, then released. They left and returned with samples, getting a reward of nutrient-rich gruel. The reptiles learned rapidly, returning when they had something to give to the computer. Then irregularly, returning only when something new had been found. And finally stopped coming altogether. This was noted, and the last scans taken looked over - A discrepancy was noted in size and charastics of the returning scouts... They were larger, seemingly more agile. But this was a New planet... Making a note in it's banks, The ship started the next set of embryo's thawing.. The Lower mammals - Squirrels, Rabbits, Mice. * * * * Snake12 looked over his crops, putting a bit of soil here, taking a weed out there. He waved his tail to his neighbor - Snake17 - and Continued across the acre that was his responsibility. S17 did these things because they felt... Right. Like gathering had before. It took about half a day to do the work, returning to the Communal Area, touching mouths with the Guards, then ate, left spoor and returned to his burrow to rest. His head itched, but he didn't rub the patches of skin where holes were opening.. Sound was something one got used to, and as the mind expanded, so did the role of the symbiotes. They had been in all the samples - Soil, Water, Plant. But had been dismissed as just a strange kind of amoeba - One with a round spot that stayed in the middle of the jelly- like being. That 'spot' was a brain - as complex as it was small, creating a colony-creature. They had come on a comet's tail, and had been here for centuries, working with what they found - Plants. The few species of animal were of the tubeworm variety. Since the Hosts had simple needs, it was easy to take care of them - and many lay dormant, hoping for new challenges. They heard the ship before they 'saw' it.. A mind that was uncluttered, logical. But it was too alien to make contact with. Then it landed and Forms came.. New creatures that were versatile, but had shortcomings - Challenges! Many generations died mapping the new dna, but many more spread, making contact via the plants that were carried in the jaws, soil that was moved by scaly heads, water brought in to be digested. Racial memory from eons past added to the workings - Self. Colony. Culture. Judgment. The steps of evolution sped up a thousandfold. Concepts could be worded in chemical messages - Right. Wrong. Pleasure was a new morning; The touch of body against dirt, plant, another body; Doing work to bring happiness to plants that radiated their feelings. Then new pleasures, tempered by the pain required to make them... Sound and the enlargement of brain and intelligence required for it. Color, where there was none, and still more additions to the body/mind. A name, denoting self from others, while still being a colony. Speech, Adding to Sound by making one's voice heard. But there is a wall that can not be breached.. The symbiotes could change dna to manufacture things, or add parts.. but Only to a Host. Once the clay was molded and shaped as best as possible, it was fired and only little changes could be wrought. * * * * The ship had been doing it's own manipulations.. Plants with blue in them were ok to eat, Plants with red were not. This meant the herbivores had to see in color to recognize what would fill their bellies and what would make them into compost. There was only a hundred of them - Sent in waves of Ten. Fifty snakes had been released in such a way, and Fifty predators would follow - There had been more, including humans; But a meteor shower had clipped the ship and destroyed some of the equipment, so it did with what it had and hoped for the best. The batch of life was dna-encoded to go out, and return only when it could open the door. Mankind was experimenting.. But it was more than just science - The ship had barely made it out of the system when the war that all feared would come, did. The ship had books made of hard plastic with the language of the time, drawings, diagrams. Everything needed to return to Earth someday and re-seed the planet. It would have taken centuries in a conventional craft, but warping time/space was in it's infancy, and computers so close to human brains as to be cousins labored to make new metals, new engines. There was time to build but 1 ship, as the omens escalated. 4 planets were found that might sustain life, the computer was programmed for almost every contingency, and frozen embryos from as many species as could be safely stored were added. The craft had but launched itself when warning came.. A few brave souls stayed to make sure the ship left for it's first destination.. and were the first casualties. It was a protracted affair, Bombs were pretty much useless because planes, rockets, ships could be picked-off by orbiting platforms. And since United Munitions owned those - It was Yelling over phone lines, Pounding on Desks, the occasional sneak-attack. No one could leave their borders and Everything now moved by RailTrain or Hopper.. Hoppers could be shut-down and Business wasn't about to let some 'Trigger-Happy Morons' stop Commerce - War meant casualties.. Casualties meant Higher costs in re-building, re-training... Not to mention Computer trauma - at 20 mil a shot. The big 5 were not About to allow That to happen... At least not on a Big scale.. Saboteurs, accidents, Small isolated pockets of resistance meant more work - And removed excess population. So everyone was happy. * * * * It had been 30 passings of the sun as time was marked when Snake17 heard Pain - Something was attacking the garden! He raced out, to see something new.. Something colored brown and white was pulling a plant up, and eating it! The plant was indignant - It had not been asked permission to be eaten. S17 stared at it, listening to it eat, then said, "Hungry?" Perhaps the creature was in need of nourishment, and could be excused the atrocity. It ignored him, eating the plant, roots and all, then moved as if to grab the next in the row. S17 butted it away, and it moved.. Looked at him, then again went for a planted sprout. This time he coiled around it, trapping the creature. It struggled then lay still when he did nothing else. S17 sent out a mental shout asking about other such creatures and found another 10 of the colony had caught trespassers as well. Snake17 uncurled enough to press it's mouth with the being, creating a Link with it. A jumble of mind-pictures came back - Warmth, food, growing, Light, a burrow, then the need to go out and eat. Find another and Breed, then eat again. S17 broke contact and fixed the mess that had been made. Still holding the creature, he returned to the Colony, finding the others already there. The Guards hissed softly in wonderment, but helped to herd the Rabbits in to be fed, watered, and taken back to huts - For now the Snakes built. Crudely, admittedly, but much could be made from Mud, and rock - Even without hands. The Rabbit as it called itself lay on the floor, eyes closed while Snake17 explored it with gentle touches and caresses. It was soft, gave off a pleasant odor and S17 found himself enjoying having another being with him. He slept, getting thoughts from the Rabbit, sending his own. In the morning a counsel was called. All of the reptiles came out to touch mouths in greeting and sharing. The individual was subsumed in the Whole. Snake shuffled it's many ideas, learning, fitting things together. Memory of the burrow, of retrieving samples in exchange for food, of leaving when another Desire came to them. It probed the still alien mind that had sent them out.. And the new ones. Then they came apart into individuals again, Leaving to tend to whatever business the Colony needed.. Which included Expansion - Many more creatures would be coming, and space was needed. One volunteered to be lookout, and was sent off to watch the nest of the OtherMind. The Squirrels came next. They had it the hardest of all - No Trees, and little that could be called a bush, they ate what they could, many getting sick. By the time they got to the Colony, the Rabbits had been enlightened. It was easier for much of the basic blocks were there already. It had been 4 days since their release, and they were weaving baskets with their nimble paws, just starting to grow in size and intelligence. Medicines had to be found and made, Places had to be built, to house the sick and Guards to take care of them. Snake17 had a new name - Finder. Finder no longer watched over crops, he and a dozen others now explored the new environment they were living in. Watchful had told them a new exodus of life had came out of the ShinyOne, and they made their way with presents for the newcomers, including hollowed-out pods of medicine. Alas for the majority of the Mice, they came too late. The little creatures came scampering out full of life and promise.. and died, rolling into balls of fur before startled eyes. A handful made it past the ramp, and into waiting jaws that tossed them into baskets, the fastest 'runners' bearing their cargo away to be treated, cleaned, absorbed.. The rest of the Squirrels and Rabbits were released in a flood, as more cannisters were found cracked. In total - seventy assorted herbivores left to become part of the Colony as they called themselves. A month passed.. Flowers came into bloom, pollen harvested to be made into cakes. Now many paws did the work, and half the valley was cultivated in terraces, 4-foot tall rabbits and squirrels standing on their hind feet, grasping tools to work the soil. Their mentors, who now resembled anacondas, worked on harder things. Their heads had become almost lizard-like, as their brains filled out, expanding to abstracts, knowing the language of LastHope - as they now knew the ship to be called. The symbiotes guided body and mind as best they could, but they were finite.. Their world had been blown to dust when it had impacted another moon, Destroying the original host species, and sending them flying to the mercy of whatever attracted them - Which was mostly comets. And as they manipulated, formed, trained their New hosts, they died. And were not replaced. The last still lived in the abundant plant life, Waiting for a time when they would be needed, If that time ever came... * * * * The ship too was dying - It had repaired the damage to itself as best it could, but now the last 3 cannisters were being opened... Wolves, Foxes, Bears. This time only the addition was color rods in the eyes, standard viral immunization and a implanted knowledge of what to avoid. The ship had given up hope of making a race that would be advanced enough to take it back to earth, and when the animals were grown and released, it closed the door, and shut-down. The newcomers proved to be even quicker to grasp the knowledge that was given to them and now All the Colony worked in harmony, each taking a Personal Name, a Race number, and a sense of loss as the last of the stellar race left the planet to their new charges, being absorbed into the bodies of their hosts. Soon huts became houses as bruin muscle was brought into play on rock and earth. The wheel was re-discovered, as was math. Language ebbed and flowed, accented by the vocal cords of whoever was speaking, a passable english as that was what the computer had been programmed in. The snakes were now called Guides, for they had gone far enough to not need bodies any more - Traveling across the lands as spirits. And found Nothing. The same terrain, the same plants... No signs of life like theirs. And they were restless. So they returned to their place of Birth.. To find it quiet, lifeless. The few Mice that had survived scampered into small holes, feeling their way along until they came to the storage area.. The ship had left instructions in their dna on how to find the place and what to do.. The Gestalt Mind Opened, every living being now watching through the tiny eyes. Lights came on as feet scampered across sections of floor, showing the pictures, the diagrams.. Their creators. Human - Man, Woman. Amongst the pictures, one showed how to open the door, and there was an orderly riot around the ship, RockBreaker tapping the combination in. There was a soft sigh as they walked in, remembering everything from Incubator to Leaving. The Mice kept reading, and the Colony got busy, bringing the ship back to life. This world was not their Home - It was a testing ground, A place for them to mature into Adults. But now they were ready to go Home again. It took a year of working on the craft before they could get the computer to talk to them, another 6 months before it said it was flight-worthy. All the samples and tests were stored carefully, Supplies brought on board, and when the time was perfect, they launched NewHope, turning it's shining nose towards the first jump-point. It would take almost a year of shiptime to return, And they spent it in learning, or playing or making love - The mating urges had not been diminished, just thought of as part of everyday life, a pleasure to be shared. All were male, as fate or radiation had decreed, And while they understood the concept of Female, When I can mean A Single Being, A Species, or the Family of Vertebrates, Such things are meaningless. Ask those who walked the ship's corridors without legs. Stood outside the hull to watch the stars fly by and listen to the stellar winds. * * * * They came into the Terran System listening to the world - 5 years had not changed much. Some re-arranging of the landscape, some more 'Employment Opportunities' as they were called. Stalemate had again gripped everything. One thing had defiantly changed.. There was no more landing pad. Another site was found, and they put down close to the area, looking at the wreckage. Finder waited while the door opened, and slid out, followed by NewLeaf, RedTail, and Silent. Carnage was everywhere, and Silent shivered. The Fox and the Wolf held their Rabbit lover between them, Doing their best to shield him - For Silent was a cognizant Empath. He Felt the missile hit, the men die, the violation of the earth. He also felt the resignation, the hope, and the joy they did when the ship took off. The machine too was happy - It had done it's job, hitting it's target. Silent was also one of those who could not Talk - The vocal cords had not grown right. Finder's tongue flicked out.. A bad habit the Snakes had in common when confronted with a puzzle. He closed his eyes and 'walked' out into the wreckage, searching... He entered a doorway - And found Ruin. Mummified bodies lay strewn across musty floors, not all of them human. Cages with moldering bones heaped one on top of the other, with no clues as to Why.. No place he looked where there living beings, but in one room signs of haste and departure were evident.. So maybe the Founders Lived. At least a few, he hoped. He returned to his body and moved back up the ramp, RedTail carrying Silent, who was in a stupor, having chewed a Mekka Leaf. Some of the cages Finder had looked at contained Rabbits - And their remains still called to him. Bear was as stalwart as ever, Taking the grief of the other pods, letting the pain and sorrow wash over them comforting as they could, grounding the feelings of the others, returning calm.. It took very little time to hide NewHope in a canyon, cover it with 'Dead' brush and rocks. The Espers Slept, unable to cope with all the horrors - Plants that only knew 3 things - Born, Grow, Die. What few animals were left stood dully in cages eating what was given them, making sounds when required.. More robot than creature. Everything else had been stripped to base rock, some places past that to the lava, which was tapped as an energy source. A few ships passed by seeing nothing but a landslide in an area that had them regularly.. No new minerals or artifacts were uncovered to exploit so they left, and behind them the sorrow deepened. Was there not One Founder Left - One being who would welcome them with a Joy that wasn't fed by greed? The Mind walked over the planet.. and found little difference between the Human working on the Line and the machine he was making - Everything was owned by General Manufacturing, and programmed that way.. Even the puppeteers at the top were themselves strung with wires from the Corporation, an entity unto itself. * * * * In the Grand Canyon Repair Dock a ship limped in. It was a good decade out of date, memory core gone.. 'Probably an Ore carrier from the Asteroid Mining Division.' Thought the foreman as he settled it in it's cradle. Joun took pride in his work as few did these days. Efficiency was all well and good - As long as it didn't stand in the way of craftsmanship. His crew were the same - 6 Men who worked because they Liked to work, not because the programming on the Vids said it was "Good to Work." As the broken metal was removed and replaced he felt himself wanting to get on her - Go out to the Asteroids like he had wished as a Boy - When there was still talk of colonies in Space. Heard a wistful sigh echo.. and smiled to himself. One more Month.. They had already gotten notice that the Dock was no longer needed and the Crew would be 'placed' in other Jobs. He watched as the mighty ship became a collection of parts and frame.. 3 days of work and it would be All new - Ready to return to duty or be put in the back yard with all the others who had no place.. Relics like him. "Hey, We can always defect to Mars.." Maka slapped him on the back, and he ruefully shook his head. "Or Eden.." Eden - The rumor of a planet free from the ravages of Man, Where life was simpler, Still made the rounds - But it was only a rumor. "Want to be relieved Early? It's only 20 minutes.." 2 men per shift watched the machines, a safeguard no longer needed. "Nah - I like watching the steel go up.." They sat and watched as newer engines, updated hull, bigger cargo areas were trudged out and slowly fitted to the big framework, even as old parts were stripped, melted and refined for shipment to other places. "I think I will lay down. Us old relics have to conserve strength." Maka punched his arm. Joun was 5 years older than the youngest member, and didn't even have grey hair, but they all called him the 'Old Man.' A last longing look before going to eat a tasteless meal, wash exactly 5 minutes, and lay down unclothed on the frame that dried him, massaged his muscles and took the daily semen sample. "Damn!" he grunted, riding the crest of his orgasm, the machine, as with all things, efficient in gathering the maximum amount of liquid for testing. The man gripped the hand rests, falling quickly into sleep as the sleeve continuing it's work until he was flaccid. Then a pod came down and his body was gone over - hair and nails trimmed, blood, urine, feces samples taken.. The crew was exposed to radiation on a daily basis so everything was checked and recorded. The levels were not high enough to set off alarms, and the only symptoms so far were loss of body hair and deformed sperm flagellates - Hence the daily sampling. Everything was recycled, the information sent to InfoBank, Inc. for storage and repeated twice more during the 8-hour sleeping period. This was done to all 6 in staggered shifts so only 2 men were ever up at any given time, but 2 more could be up in case of emergency. Main Bank 127C would have smiled if it wasn't half a mile of machines... A causality report came in and it was sad for a moment, But the suburb where 47 people stopped breathing as a needle put them to sleep forever, went on and the synthetic brain nodded to itself. They would be recycled, and new families would move in.. They were already being grown in another place, and that made it happy too. A glitch came up on the screen.. ESP waves were being recorded at Section 21A - The Dock. No matter - It had learned long ago that where Humans were concerned, most anything could happen.. A request came in for supplies - DNA Samplers, Grow Tanks, Memory Upgrades. The ship wasn't in registry but what was was there would go back again.. A whole nanosecond of curiosity was burned before new orders were made, and the newest parts were shipped out to be installed on 'NewHope'. Then a note from it's nearest neighbor - Main Bank 113A had just 'lost' a factory - 176 robots, 43 Humans and 4 blocks of land were scrap. The synthetic mind comforted it's 'brother', while congratulating it for now having a large place to recycle. Then it sent a message to Main Bank 947H that in 6 standard minutes it would 'launch' a strike on the 5th quadrant. The machine returned a message that there would be 53 casualties and 7 'Historic Areas' demolished - ready to be reused. All of them agreed it was a 'Dirty War' and would be glad when it is over. * * * * Joun grunted softly, as a dream enveloped him.. A world of beauty, unspoiled, untouched.. Were a person could live their life out in harmony. He felt movement, then a deeper, dreamless sleep in stasis. For just a moment he could swear he felt another mind touch his. Familiar but only in the barest sense.. * * * * The computer came back to life, not believing all the New things that were attached.. Or that it had a 'brother', who took the old programming and the new and blended it until there was only NewHope. The 6 humans were aboard in tanks, as were all the other 'crew', But this time it had company - New Dawn was a Bio-mechanical prototype that had never been finished - Until now. WayFinder was a scout/military craft that had been 'retired'. StarSeed was a terraformer with empty tanks but all the knowledge to make a planet viable.. Or keep it that way. They left the soon-to-be abandoned Dockyard, cloaked in an Esper-Web so not even the Platforms knew anything until a ring of Hyperspace bloomed outside of Pluto's Orbit. NewHope sighed to itself, knowing in a few hundred years the reason it had returned would be gone... Mankind's Legacy would be ultra-efficient machines, that did away with all the wasteful organic parts of themselves and their environment - Just pristine metal covering a 'dead' world. * * * * For those reading this journal it has been several centuries since the ships landed on their second home. Some have continued on, but their journals are in other depositories. Others have stayed and been useful. The Human crew dna was sampled and replaced, but as with all organic material, it deterioriates to unusability.. So they died, to be replaced by bipedal hybrids who took on certain species traits as they wished. The Pods became tribes became nations became Unity. A return to Earth found it sterile, devoid of even synthetic life as the star in the center of the system had somehow been induced to nova, basically blasting the inner plants to sterility, and re-aligning the outer ones. This record is for future generations so you may know your heritage. May Unity be with you. End of Text