BWCAST - 08/28/01 Beast Wars Cast as Afril Sees Them.. Airazor - Butch. Runs both ways.. Cheetor - Party Girl. Will boogie between the sheets All Night Long. DinoBot - BDSM. The one who Really cracks the whip around the ship. Optimus Primal - H U N K. The Sex(y) Leader of the Maximals, and the Best Ass of all of them. Rattrap - Swish.. Queer for him is an Adverb. Rhinox - Leather Male. Good to the last Thrust. Tigertron - Outlaw. The one you fall in love with even though you Know he won't be there in the Morning. * * * * Black Arachenia - Even more butch than Airazor. Megatron - Closet Slut. Bends over at the drop of a cod-piece. Spends most of his time 'getting tail' from the local Fauna. Scorpinox - A Troll in looks, a King in bed. Tarantulas - Gadget Freak. Has an Anatomically-Correct Dildo for every occasion. Terrordactyl - Dreams of being pinned down and ravashed by Optimus. Waspinator - Rattrap's Swish, Cheetor's Moves.. Twinkerbell.