ROBINHOOD.TXT - M/M/M - July 18, 2002 Adventures of a Gay Robin Hood By SwampRat (cl) 1990, 2002 Gay Furry Association A fox sat by a fire, watching a sheep carcass slowly roast. Back propped against a fallen log, he was absently toying with an 11-inch maleness that lay against a furred thigh beside him. A large paw was fondling his entire crotch. "John.." The bear twirled a claw up the doggish cock. "Mmmm?" The animal grunted. "How long until the stage comes up the Highway?" The outlaw grinned crookedly. "Bored, Love?" The fox shifted, green eyes watching the red maleness rise out of the brown thatch of bruin fur. He grinned himself, and rubbed a claw across the dripping tip. A paw slid across his chest, tweaked an erect nipple. "Keep that up, and.." The bear bent over, and slid his long tongue over the other tit. The fox gasped, arching his back. The sticky trail burned it's way down to his crotch. A rotund badger came up the path, nose twitching. "I think that mutton's about done.." He shook his head at the pair. "Good morning *Unnh* Friar.. Help Yourself." He waived at the meat, caressing the back of the bear's head, with the other paw. The animal grunted, slurping noisily on the fox's erection. Suddenly a trumpet sounded. "Ah, bad timing.." The bear growled. "Now, John. Duty calls, and.. Aaaaa!" He yelped, as a thick claw sank into his anus, others mauling his nuts. The animal grabbed the thick head, pumped his hips twice, and ejaculated. The bear sucked up the scum hungrily, fingering the excited creature's ass, until neither paw could get anything else out. The fox lay back, panting. The Brother smiled, and shook his head, chewing on a piece of mutton. "You two are a sight.." One green eye burned a hole in his crotch. "Not for all the gold in the King's Storehouse.. Well, maybe half." They all laughed. "Sorry Robin." The fox grinned. "Now, Now, John. I made the rules.. I have to live by them too..." He got a wild gleam in his eye, and knocking the animal down, swallowed the thick bruin cock. In moments, John bellowed, spewing cum into a vacuum that threatened to pull his pulsating maleness out by the roots. Paws skillfully caressed the swelling balls, harvesting more of the sweet scum. Robin glanced at the Badger, popping his muzzle off the still spurting penis. "My manners.. Friar, Would you like a taste?" In 3 strides, the fat animal covered the ground between himself and the bear. Reciting a short prayer, he gobbled the sticky stuff, as Robin grinned, and continued toying with John's nuts. Much too soon for either animal's liking, the geyser shut off, and John lay in a heap of fur. "Damn.." The trumpet blared again, this time a little more urgently. "Work Calls.." Robin jumped head first into a nearby river with John not far behind. And just as quickly jumped Out! "That Water is Cold!!" The good Friar chuckled as the two outlaws got dressed. Robin picked up a bow, and leaped for a tree-branch, pulling himself up. "Friar, We should have a contribution for the Poor Box shortly.. If you would care to wait.. And yes, the Ale cask is full.." The bear scrambled up, and both grabbed onto hanging vines. With a whistle, they were on their way. The Friar grinned, and helped himself to the brew.. * * * A Carriage made it's way down the road, pulled by 4 large Rhinos. The occupants were in a discussion that went something like this... "Baron, You just can't go on like this.." "And why not.." The accent was not thick, but hard to trace. "My father was poor. Worked hard for his Title. I too work for a living.." The Wolf gave a sigh. Then grinned, as a hand rubbed his thigh. Having been the Baron's Valet for many years, he had seen much of the world.. He too, had been poor. But, he found out at an early age, males would pay to stroke him in certain places.. Pay even more if he stroked them. He got a ride on a ship as baggage. Spent most of the time being slobbered over by the Boar of a Captain. He still remember the feel of a snout rooting around his crotch, The corkscrew cock wriggling on his tongue.. The carriage lurched. What?! One of the Rhino's poked his head in, and leered at the animals. Farry pulled his robed closed.. Then flashed the guard. They both laughed. "There's a Woman by the roadside. Selling Apples.." The Baron looked thoughtful. Then he got up, and despite his aide's protests, stepped past the guard. "Give it to him good," he whispered into a leaf-shaped ear. Slapped the thick butt. The Rhino grinned, and climbed into the carriage. As the Baron made his way towards the frail-looking creature, he paused as a moan came from the coach.. Followed by the squeaking of springs, and the chassis rocked quite violently. Mirrl smiled knowingly at the other guards, and continued onward. The fox was standing in in a dusty, much-patched dress beside a worn cart, upon which sat a tattered box, full of apples. "Good day, Kind sir.. Please take pity on an Old.." A waive of a hand stopped the speech. Blue eyes speared the animal. "I will give you 5 Gold pieces for the entire box.." And at her gasp, "Take it or leave it." So much gold would have bought a dozen such boxes, cart, Old Woman and all. He tossed the coins, almost contemptuously at the beggar. Who made them vanish quickly, lest the mad being change his mind.. A member of the outfit came up, and took the box. Then the Baron climbed up onto the carriage, and nodded. The 'Old Woman' bit the coinage expertly, and watched as the caravan went forward. Around the bend it stopped. So did the red-furred shadow. The robed one got down. Turned to one of the armored animals. "Setra. You are of this area.." The rhino scratched his head. "Orphanage. half-mile down, second fork." "Pinke.." A Weasel minced up. "Yeth?" The Baron gave him a kiss, caressing the furred rump. "Take these Apples to the Orphanage, Mind you are not seen.." The animal grinned, and jogged down the road. "Break." The guards dropped their harness, and fondled each other. The Horse walked back, and put an ear to the coach. Grinned. Went to the back. Lifted a strap.. One of the rhino's helped him lift a bunch of sacks out. One ripped, spilling the contents. "Rocks.." Robin breathed. "Sacks of rocks.." He smiled. This one was cunning. Any outlaw who stole the strongbox would find stones.. And a lunch. Sandwiches were passed round. The Baron knocked on the ornate door. "Either of you two horny Bastards hungry for something besides cock?" A Wolf's head popped out, licked at it's cum-smeared black lips. "Mirrl! How could you even enterta.." His eyes crossed.. "Ooooo, Shit! Suck it, You Horny Bastarrr...!!!" He yowlped, and vanished. The Baron shook his head, grinning. "I guess not.." Robin left as the animal returned. That one was definitely not the Garden- variety skulker. There was no Treasure here.. Well, Not in Gold anyway. After the sandwiches came a bottle of wine, and the 3 rhino's pulled the carriage, smirking about the disposition of the fourth. The Baron walked beside it, enjoying the day, and the looks he got, having just enough on to cover himself, and occasionally the cloth would lift in the breeze... But the carriage made it to it's destination, and the 2 males in the coach were helped out, washed and poured into beds. Robin, on the other paw, was also busy helping the poor, and taking tax money from the sheriff. But he still remembered the big horse's rear strutting down the road, with tantalizing glimpses of the fat balls hanging between his thighs. And promised himself a visit to a certain newly bought castle as soon as he could make time. * * * * "I'll be in shortly, Rejh.." The Rhino snorted. Baron Mirrl smiled at him. "Why don't you and Johan warm up the bed.." The horse gave his Guard a kiss, and patted the armored rump. The Rhino grinned, twitched his ears, and walked out of the room. The Baron sighed, sipped on his bowl of soup, and continued to count coins into piles.. A mouse climbed up to the tabletop, so thin it's ribs stuck out farther than it's belly. It tried not to be seen as it made it's way warily towards the bowl. The stallion smiled, and moved it closer. "It's potato. A bit thin, I'm afraid. Take all you want.." The mouse stopped a moment, to see if the horse was joking. Then rapidly dug in, licking the bowl clean. "In the morning, tell Cook to make you some breakfast.. Do you have Family?" A nod. A copper coin was fished out of the pile. Rolled towards the small creature. The mouse's eyes got large. "Thank Ye Milord.." A hand stroked his back.. The mammal gritted his teeth, but allowed the fingers to caress his cock to erection.. Then ejaculation. He grabbed the hand, shoving his hips against it. Panting, he bowed deeply, nabbed the coin.. And vanished, before his benefactor could change his mind. The Baron licked the puddled semen from his palm.. "Come in, Robin." The fox sitting in the shadows dropped softly to the floor. "How did you.." A chuckle. "I may be old, But I can still hear." Robin lifted his short sword. "To business then.. I require some of the coinage that glitters so nicely on yonder table." The horse turned in his chair. "And if I refuse your gracious request?" The eyes narrowed. "Then I shall have to.." Whatever the fox had to do was completely forgotten. For the Baron continued to revolve, showing his robe was open. Robin's gaze centered on the crotch. Large nuts sat in folds of skin, while a half-hard cock lay on top of them. It was as long as his arm, dark in color. The animal's mouth watered, his anus yearned.. He had to have that piece of maleness! Tossing the weapon aside with a clatter, he stepped towards the equine. Dropped to his knees before the hugeness. Lifted it. Stuffed it into his mouth, like a starving man might devour a salami. He bit it, slurped on it, moaned around it. As the fox gnawed on the gigantic penis, it swelled, forcing his jaws open.. He snarled, gulping more of the length down his gullet. At last his paws could reach the fat balls. He caressed the grapefruit- sized testes. Damn! Now, he wanted a taste of them too.. Well they would have to wait. For the oak limb in his throat turned into a tree, and damn near blew him off it! Robin held onto the huge thighs with a vengeance, as an ocean of spunk poured down the gulping throat, which pulled wantonly on the gigantic penis. Robin pulled back slowly, frigging the slick piece of meat, keeping it hard. Finally just the spatula-like tip was in his mouth. He bit down on it, lapping the last drops of spunk out of the slit. Nuzzled the throbbing log of male-meat. Then stood. "Now back to.. Wha?" Big hands grabbed his ass, and pulled the startled fox upwards. He had just enough time to yelp as his own cock was sucked into a warm mouth. The outlaw curled his toes up, and yeeped, spunk being literally vacuumed out of his nuts. He bent in an arch, gasping. A pair of hands grabbed his shoulders, and he was kissed.. He opened his eyes to see the armored hide of a rhino. The guard.. The fox squirmed, now being caressed by twin pairs of hands. The Baron finally let his dick free.. "I was going to retire after finishing my counting.. But I think it can wait until morning." Robin moaned as the rhino's cock butted it's seeping self against his back. He grabbed it. Another big one.. "Shall we?" The fox grinned, kissed each of the huge cocks. "Only if I get the middle.." They laughed and with hands firmly latched onto bobbing erections, the three made their way up to the bedroom. * * * Perhaps the Prince thought this tournament was a good idea, But it just about wore the scales of the poor snake. Sir Kaa had looked under every male peasant's robe and garment, knowing Robin would be there somewhere... So far all he had gotten was horny. So many muscular butts.. So many swaying cocks, of every size, shape and color.. The serpent moaned. Oooo... Balls, Balls, BALLS! Hairy, smooth.. Big, Little, Tight, or loose... It was too much for one poor snake to take!! He would just have to give up, and go find a place to jack-off... Wait a minute.. Who was standing by that tent? 'Someone hiding..' He carefully made his way to the being standing in the shadows. The creature looked like a peasant, tattered frock, spindly legs.. However, the 'shirt' was much too long. He maneuvered closer.. Finally! A fox's bushy tail.. Amongst other things. The snake slid his head out, in time to be pierced by a pair green eyes. Robin batted his long lashes, looking over his shoulder. "Why, Sir Kaa.." He grinned, "You would be the last person I would have thought to be a voyeur.." The fox turned to face the blushing reptile. "Did you see anything of interest, Love?" Sir Kaa backed away, stammering. "I.. Um.. Why no.. I mean.." The grin grew wider.. "Well. Perhaps you would care to take a better look.." Stepping off the stilts, he bend down. A pair of well-manicured paws lifted the shift. The snake watched, fascinated, as the cloth moved upwards, showing red-furred legs. Then a pair of smooth testicles, hanging like a pair of silver peaches.. Sir Kaa, drooling now, stared intently at the Fox's groin, as the robe was parted, and pulled back.. "Oh, heavenssss!" Seven inches of reddish cock lay before his adoring gaze. A paw stroked the shiny length, making it jerk. The reptile moved closer, hypnotizing by the swaying penis. His tongue caressed the swelling tip. The forks wrapped themselves on either side of the ridge, coaxing the maleness towards the open mouth. Robin squatted, tossing the disguise off. Gasped as the reptile pressed his scaly lips to the tip. The smooth snout parted, and the slick penis made it's way into the snake's mouth. Throat muscles clutched at the knobby head, pulling Robin's cock deeper. The fox knelt, rubbing the snake's posterior. Sir Kaa gulped, nose worming around in the musky-scented thatch of hair. His body slid farther downward. A conical penis appeared for a moment, then vanished between the furry butt-cheeks. Robin shuddered. It was soo nice to give And receive.. Just then one of the huge guards came by. He squinted at the couple, then grinned, and letting his pike drop, waddled forward. Robin couldn't believe his luck. He smiled, and moving the plates out of the way, lifted the hose- like dick, stroking the length. The Rhino grunted, shoving his hips forward. The fox lapped at the shuddering cock-tip, watching it swell with desire. At last it was erect.. As long as Sir Kaa, and twice as thick! Claws latched onto the nut-sack, as Robin nibbled, and sucked his way to the huge sheath. He moaned as the snake hunched, buggering him. The tongue flickered along the doggish penis, Robin's longer one doing the same to his mouthful. Sir Kaa started the party by exploding into the hot ass of the fox. Who moaned and fed him a lot of hot vulpine cream.. The guard closed his eyes and hunched at the warm muzzle, exploding so hard it literally popped out and covered both fox and snake in sticky stuff.. They both laughed, and took turns sucking/lapping at the firehose until the Rhino lay on his back, begging them not to lick on his hypersensitive cock-head. Kaa got to suck the foxes balls clean, getting another snoutful from Robin before unplugging his rear.. Reluctantly. A quick dip in a local stream and the 2 parted.. Promising to get together Very soon - After all the outlaw had only taken One of Sir Kaa's hemi-penis and the other wanted to partake of his sexy ass too... * * * * Prince John growled as the storm clouds came in. Typical English weather.. "Let it be known that the Games are postponed due to inclement weather." The outlaw hadn't shown up anyway. Stalking from the pavilion to his tent, he stepped in more muddy puddles than he thought could exist And it pissed him off so much he snarled at the guards not to come in, no matter What they heard! He was going to lay down with Teddy and suck his thumb and try to think up another plot to catch the wiley fox. The guards nodded and relaxed a little, knowing they would have Nothing to do until the sun returned.. If it ever did. The lion tossed and turned on the hard bed, muttering and groaning.. Not even Teddy was much help as he wove in and out of consciousness. He finally found a good spot on his side and gripping his furry pillow, proceeded to suck on his thumb. Which seemed a bit longer and shaped strangely... And since when did he have a Fur-covered pillow? It wasn't until fingers gripped his butt and his cock was taken into a warm muzzle that the lion realized that he was not alone! Pulling back, he noticed the intruder had white fur on his belly and crotch, a much redder hue ran down the thighs, almost as red as the penis that swayed in front of his nose. "Robin?" He hissed as his fingers tightened on the firm butt-cheek. "Why Yes, Sir John.. Tis I, Robin of Locksley. Or Robin Hood as some call me. Ah.." A tongue slid across his cock tip, making the male shudder and gasp.. As the fox wriggled a little, a clawed finger found the opening under the bushy tail and slipped in. "Oooooooo.. My Lord teases me..." The lion was dumfounded for a moment, feeling the hot breath on his crotch, the muscles gripping his finger... Then the male moved around to pin his shoulders back, straddling his hips. He opened his mouth to summon help when a warm and hungry muzzle clamped onto his and fingers gripped his dripping erection, guiding it along the furry cheeks and against something soft and warm. "Don't call the Guards.. You would have to share me. And you don't want to do That, now do you Love." John lay unable to so much as squeak as his maleness opened then slid into a tight passageway, barbs catching along the fleshy walls for just a moment before being shoved deeper. He gripped the bed and hissed, hips coming up to meet the butt coming down. Robin arched up, moaning at the pleasure/pain the cat-cock was bringing to him. He hunched, sliding up then back down to take still more of the barbed dick into his ass. His partner had a look of pain on his face, but it wasn't pain at all that made the soft growl rise from the furred chest, nor was it pain that made the clawed hands grip the ruddy rump and shove up into it. And when a tongue found a nipple in the golden fur, to be later replaced by teeth, the muzzle contorted many times into expressions that bordered on madness. The fox was close to losing it himself as the big cat pounded his ass with a desire and will that far exceeded what the thin frame looked capable of. He wriggled and moaned and arched up, semen jetting up and out to leave long, sticky trails on the furry bellies. Prince John heard the noises, felt the warm cum hit his body, and replied by blowing his balls out in the tight fox-butt he gripped with passion. He soared over his body it seemed, sobbing with joy and lust, holding his new lover tightly. Robin nuzzled and wriggled, rubbing his seed in between them, making things sticky. Another kiss, this one just as passionate was returned. They rolled on their sides, kissing and caressing each other, until the fox lay on his back and the lion was half-kneeling over him. "Caught you at last, you Rogue!" Fingers dug into Robin's shoulders and the lion moved his hips back.. To thrust back in full. "And I am not going to let you escape me this time.." The male giggled and lifted his hips up, caressing the tawny back with his legs. "Are you going to Punish me, Sweet Prince?" That got a kiss and a slap on his rump. "I am going to torture you until I know where your camp is. Who your Men are.. How much you like to be buggered..." He pulled back and Speared the captive male under him with a savage thrust, balls sliding along the bushy tail. Who wriggled and pushed back, loving the tickle-like scritches the barbs made as the slid in and out of his rectum. Both wanted the moment to last forever, but neither could hold back as they kissed, clashed teeth and tongues. Claws bit into skin, throats gave voice to moans and grunts. Crotch pounded butt, cock invaded anus, balls were rubbed by fur. And it was all done so violently the bed gave up with a Crash that was completely ignored as both males hit orgasm together and they clutched each other fiercely, spasms racking their bodies, their breath in quick, hard pants. John looked down at the sweaty, cum-soaked male and thought he had never seen anyone so lovely, so wonderful, so Damn horny! He turned to lay on his side and the fox obligingly twisted so they lay back-to-belly, and wriggled on him, quite caught on his pole, and murrred softly, reaching back to caress the lion's rump. "Did you like fucking my ass, Lord?" John growled and slapped the butt that was pushed good and tight against his crotch, "Rogue.. And such language!" Robin chuckled and sighed, squeezing the still hard cock deep inside him. A leg slid across his, almost possessively wrapping around his front. Fingers slid up his front to find a nipple to lazily tweak. "I liked Fucking your ass Very Much. And when I catch you again, I will be happy to fuck It again as well. And maybe next time you will finish what you start.." The fox Hmmmmmm'd? "And what is that, My sexy, well-endowed Prince?" A knock came on the tent 'door'. The lion gripped an ear between his teeth, biting it lightly. "When you start to suck and lick on my dick, I expect you to Finish sucking on my dick." More loudly, "Yes?" "The rain has stopped and your lordship's carriage awaits to return your lordship back to the castle.." John growled and thrust one last time into his lovers rear, then slowly slid out, dripping cum on the reddish butt-cheeks. "Alright, Alright... Guard." An elephant stuck his head in the door.. and gawked at the scene of his liege with a dripping dick lifting himself off of a Male fox who could be none other than the Outlaw Himself! Who leaned forward to kiss said dick, making the lion shudder. "Fetch a robe for my... Companion. You will then escort him to the Woods, Understand?" A nod and the lion turned, dismissing the guard. Then he lifted the fox up, kissing him long and hard. "I am keeping the bounty on your head and will still chase you with spears and arrows... But should you sneak up to the 3rd floor, west wing of the castle and bypass the guards Then I shall have to deal with you Personally. Take care Robin of the Tight Ass." Robin returned the kiss, stroking the thick cat-cock. "Take care, Prince John of the long dick." he looked around and snagged a sack of coins. "Mind if I take one of these? Must keep in practice.." The lion swatted his lovers butt, snorting. But pretended not to notice as the Guard returned, and helped the male cover up. But he watched from his tent until the robed male disappeared into the trees. Sighing, he allowed himself to be dressed, fussed over and stuffed into his coach, his mind replaying each moment with the fox. "Sire, Sire... Robin Hood is Here! He's dressed as a peasant and.. Urk!" A hand reached down and grabbed Sir Kaa, jerking him into the coach as it started off. "I am quite aware that the Outlaw was here, and is Gone again. As the missing bag of money attests to. Any other News you wish to impart? Good. Then be silent.." The snake gulped and nodded, noticing a familiar odor coming from the Prince... Could it be? Nah.. Maybe Robin had been in the coach, and That is what he smelled. But he couldn't shake the suspicion Something had gone on... * * * * The King at last returned from his wars with many a souvenir ( Many he couldn't show, like the cock-ring he had Personally removed from a Bull who had fought him by day and fucked him by night ). Hearing of the Outlaws exploits on his behalf, He summoned them to his court for pardons and gift giving.. 'So This is the fox who has had my half-brother by the balls..' King Richard thought to himself as he watched Robin the Hoodlum and his band walk in to the royal chamber. "Robin, is it? Kneel and tell me what reward you would have for being a gadfly on Prince John's skinny butt?" Robin had expected many things, but not a King with whit, with such an air.. With such Big Balls! The royal robe was opened just enough for the kneeling fox to see up the lion's crotch.. With said pair of large golden furred balls waited for his touch. A wonderfully huge cock-sheath above them made his mouth water. "May we discuss this in Private, Melord?" The king laughed. And while the ball got underway, Robin walked behind his liege.. Watching the muscular rump wiggle under the royal robe. He could hardly wait to sink his teeth into it! As for John the Prince - He absconded with his ward Marion to a small town near the sea where he bought a tavern and gets all the male-flesh he could ever desire. Of course on certain evenings he gets a visit from someone on a robe ( Sometimes a big lion accompanies the fox ).. And the town carpenter groans each time because he is the one summoned to repair the bed that had somehow gotten broken to bits the evening before. The End