AFTR20D2.TXT (M/M, Semi-NC/Rape, Felines/Canine) After Twenty - Another Slant. I never was much for bullies.. Story 4, Episode 2 - Added more to the ending, fixed a few things. By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association Note - Nightcat is a Very good writer. Probably more grounded than I ever will be. The problem is - He keeps giving me Ideas. So, I hope he will forgive me for stealing another of his characters, and situations. And I truly hope he will continue writing. This takes place the day After the events in After20, and is a darker version. Be warned - it ain't nice. Tenar and Mace (c) Nightcat. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mace reached out and grabbed Tenar's towel, yanking it off of his body. He then rushed the feline, taking hold of one wrist, and pulling it up his thin back, as if threatening to break it. Tenar cried out in pain and fear, as the big tiger stood behind him, keeping him still. Mace slid one arm around the leopard's neck as well, and murmured into his ear, "Stop right there." The smaller feline was frozen, having little choice but to obey. Looking down over his shoulder, Mace could see Tenar had an erection. "Yeah," he whispered. "You get off on lookin' at my cock, don't ya?" Tenar squirmed briefly, but Mace tugged his arm higher up his back, rewarding him with a bolt of white hot pain. "No...!" he growled. "Well.." another, deeper voice came from the doorway, "I kind of like your Ass." Mace jerked around, to swallow a Growl. Not Fucking again... Another male entered the room, a big, white wolf. Arrl was not someone to piss-off, as the scars the criss-crossed his body attested to. The wolf grinned, showing just the tips of his fangs as he padded in, not needing shoes on feet that were toughened enough to shatter brick.. Or bone. Mace cursed under his breath, dropping Tenar's arm - That Son of a Bitch had ruined his fun yesterday, and wasn't supposed to be Here today. The snowleopard breathed a sigh of relief. "I am not interrupting anything, Am I?" "Fuck No!" Mace growled, "I just came in to take a piss." Just like before... The wolf dropped his bag by the benches and removed his robe, revealing a well- scarred torso. "Don't let me stop you." He stepped out of his boxers, revealing a bigger cock than either cat had ever seen. Semi-hard, it hung in a crescent of canine masculinity, glistening with a coat of sweat. He tossed his briefs onto the bag and turned, looking at the two naked felines with interest. Deja vu? The bigger cat was furious. He had planned on showing the geek a real rough time, maybe even pissed in his mouth. But now... "Fuckin' Queer.." Mace growled under his breath. Arrl pulled a towel out of his locker and throwing it over his shoulder, walked towards the showers - And Hit Mace hard enough to make him stumble back into a wall. "Would you like to say that a little Louder?" The tiger-morph growled, not caring if this prick was taller as he was. A fag was a fag, and said so in no uncertain terms. "Kiss my ass, Fuckin' Queer.." Then grinned. "I bet you would like that. Licking my hard boy-ass.." Mace was too full of himself, knowing nothing would happen - He was a Minor, and couldn't slapped around. So, he turned and rubbed his cheek. "Plant 'em right here, Queer, and Maybe I won't turn you in for Molestation.." What he got was a hand gripping his balls, and Jerking on them. "Hey.. OW! Leggo.." "Shut Up." A voice growled in his ear. "You so much as twitch and I will castrate you. Tenar.." The leopard jumped as his name. "Come here." he moved closer, looking at the 2 males, eyes wide. "Go to my Locker and get me the vial of oil." The tiger started to protest - Stilling when his balls were squeezed. Tenar looked at them for a moment, then nodded and padded off, fetching the item. "You can't do this.. Coach will be in here looking for me." Another squeeze and he was silent. "Oil your cock and stick it in here." A hand parted Mace's cheeks, thumb and forefinger framing his anus. The tiger started sweating.. The leopard swallowed then did as he was told, oiling himself, then gripping the striped cheeks and pushing against the pucker, but unable to get it in. "I bet your bladder is killing you right now... As long as you keep your ass- hole clenched you can't pee." Mace sweated, trying to hold out and finally groaned, letting go.. Piss splattered on the wall and at the same time a thin cat-cock slipped in him. Humiliated, he stood there and let the leopard hump against him, thinking of payback when the White Bastard wasn't around. "Tenar.. Don't be so greedy. Play with Mace's cock, rub his chest, Nip on his neck a little.." The snowleopard nodded and gripped the full cat-cock, working it back and forth, feeling the fingers still gripping the tiger-morph's nuts, but now they were rolling them around, caressing them. Mace groaned, not wanting to enjoy this.. But his cock was hard and his prostate was rubbed and as he closed his eyes he could Feel the pleasure building up. A moan escaped his lips, not noticing when the hand was removed from his balls, because Tenar was now using both hands to jerk on him, And right now all he was worried about was the itch building.. Then release. His hoarse growl echoed in the room, pushing back at Tenar, gripping the cock in him, another orgasm making him shudder as it spilled hot cum into his ass. Claws dug into the wall and Mace went blind, semen hitting the wall. "Oh Gods.." He panted, trying to remember when he had cum so hard or so long before... Sounds came back to him - Water running. Snickers and chuckles, Shushed. He opened his eyes and turned his head. Standing to one side was the John, the Assistant Coach and 3 of his best friends. "Didn't know you went for the skinny ones, Mace." The tiger wanted to melt and run down the drain. Tenar looked shyly down, not knowing if he should pull out or try and hide himself or just stay as he was, buried in the tiger's rear. The tiger closed his eyes and just stood there, thinking it couldn't get any worse. Then Arrl stepped out of the shower, looked at the couple and said, "Well." The leopard turned, and without thinking, squeezed Mace's cock-tip.. Who Squeezed back by reflex, making them both moan. The sniggers were shushed again. "Boys..." The wolf said, walking past, then stopped. "What's the matter.. Don't tell me none of You haven't thought of it." None of the others would meet the Wolf's eyes. He snorted and walked off to the lockers. The bear shoo'd the others out, telling them to return to the coach and tell him Mace would not be in practice.. John needed him for some things. And also told them to say Nothing.. or They would be in His office explaining themselves. The 3 grumbled a little, but went. The bear sighed softly, then felt a hand on his shoulder. "Tenar - Go clean up, and get dressed." The snowleopard slowly pulled out and nodded, padding off to the lockers to get something to wipe himself on. John took Mace into the shower area and helped the tiger undress. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. I wouldn't have done it in the Lockers but hey - I understand." He took the equipment out and came back with some soap. "They all think I am Queer.." John snorted. Who the hell cares What they think... Guys experiment - It's a fact of life. I even had a crush on a guy while I was in school." Mace almost dropped the soap. "It lasted until I went to College. We are still good friends, but neither of us are Gay." The cat nodded and washed, dried and found the locker area empty. Mace opened the door and a note fell out. 'Love sometimes comes in unexpected ways.' One of John's little notes he passed out to the Team to booster them. He crumpled it and stepped on it, laughing. "I am going to kill that little fuck. I am going to rape him every day for a month, then torture the little shit to death. And John.. So he had a Queer lover in school. I bet some people would Love to know that. And as for that Fuckin' Queer Wolf.. A few skinny little pricks who don't want their heads pounded in will confess to him molesting them.. Oh Yeah!" Something caught his eye.. He turned to look at Arrl, standing behind him, with a nasty grin, fangs showing. "Would you like to say that a little Louder?" Mace was shoved the length of the lockers, fetching up against the wall before sliding down on his knees.. "I should kill you and get it over with.. I will have to sometime in the future.." A shrug. "But you looked so cute standing there moaning while that leopard fucked your ass.." Mace knew Real Fear for the first time since he had gotten too big to be Disciplined by his Old Man. He hated his body for betraying him. He hated Tenar for doing what he did... And he HATED The fucking bastard he was going to... A scratch along his cheek made him jerk back, putting a hand up to feel the blood ooze. "What the Fuck?" The wolf was standing a few feet away with a needle and a vial. "Jabba-Root. A favorite assassin's tool where I lived. It has little flavor or odor, breaks down rapidly, and simulates a heart-attack." The tiger lay against the wall, looking at his fingers.. He wasn't supposed to die! It was some other little shit. Someone Else.. Not him! "Please.." He whispered the word, still not willing to accept it. The wolf was putting a robe on, ignoring him.. "PLEASE..." Swallowing his pride hurt almost as much as having his buddies watch him be butt-fucked. The wolf finished, took a bag out and turned his back. "Pathetic." He said, closing the locker. "You MotherFucker!" Mace screamed in fear and rage, "I'll rip your balls Off! I will tell Everyone you Molested me and How you made that little prick hump me and..." Arrl turned, looked over his shoulder, "Revenge is for the living - You are the Soon to be Dead. If you get up and sit by your locker, it will look more natural - Less like you took your own life." The tiger-morph slumped against the wall, looking down. He had pissed himself, the yellow stream running towards the drain. "You.. You can Fuck me." He didn't dare look up, knowing if the room was empty he was a dead cat. "Please?" A plaintive cry echoing through the area... To be answered by silence. He got up, and looked at the clock. Still an hour before practice was over - An hour before anyone came looking... He couldn't stand the smell of stale urine, sour fear-sweat. He looked at his gear piled in a corner and shrugged, continuing into the shower area, where he stood by one of the half-walls and turned the water on warm, letting it wash the stink from him.. Mace reached around and slapped his firm ass. "I won't need you anymore.." Laughed softly as he fondled his cock, not in any hurry - He had the rest of his life to cum. Fingers gripped his balls and he grunted, Not daring to open his eyes.. Was it John? One of his ex-friends? Then he laughed again.. He sure as hell couldn't die of embarrassment! Blue eyes stared into his.. "Now how could I pass an offer like that up.." The young male was whirled around and shoved up against the 'modesty' wall, as they called it. He trembled as hands were on him, rubbing caressing.. "You want this, don't you.." He thought about death, life, how thick the cock-head pressed against his anus was. He bit his lips, then nodded, gasping as it split him open, hard throbbing male meat violating his no-longer virgin passage. "You are a Hot, Tight little fuck.. Almost as good as Tenar." Mace snapped his head back as he felt his insides give way to the intruder, coming up on his toes. "Oh Fuck!" Fingers tweaked his nipples and he chewed on his tongue to keep from screaming, the sensations too much for him to take. "MMmmmm.. I don't know Why you were so put-off about being humped Mace.. You are one tight lil Kitty!" A Thrust and still more hot meat slid in. Another, hips being pulled back, forced to take it. The tiger shook his head, trying to grip the wall, trying to hold on as teeth bit into his ear. "Why don't you stroke your cock while I am fucking you.. I love to feel submissives cum while I am in them.." The young cat growled, about to say he wasn't a sub.. But There was a knot pushing against his ass-hole and a pair of big balls slapping his ass, and Teeth gripping his neck. Mace had heard of mating bites - It was something animals did to their mates.. But to hear about it and to Feel it were two different things.. A scream ripped from his throat, as fingers gripped his cock, stroking it rapidly.. Teeth bit into his neck-ruff painfully.. Twin knobs forced his anus open Wide and pushed their way in, with another inch of meat behind them for his abused ring to grip on. And he was cumming.. Bucking against the wolf, squeezing the huge doggy-cock inside him, splattering the wall. He wailed, being blasted to heaven on jets of hot sticky semen that coated his bowels, big nuts rubbing his. He lay in a stupor, hearing words murmured in his ear, a tongue caressing it. Feeling hands on him, teasing his over-sensitive cock-head, making the cat jerk and squirm. Squeezing his balls to make sure they were empty - Very Much so. A big body to lay against, a huge throbbing hunk of male meat shoved up his ass.. Mace thought he could die happy now.. Said so. "Maybe someday, as the race of Life ends with Death." The tiger-morph sputtered.. "But you said..." Fingers teases his nipples, teeth nipping softly on his neck, made the young cat shiver and purr and wriggle against the big male. "Everything I said is True - You are among the Dying, but you are also among the Living.. As am I. Jabba-Root is a poison, but all Iodine will do is hurt like hell. And you did say you wanted me to fuck you." Mace tried to protest, to pull away. "You are locked to me for at Least 20 minutes. Longer if you keep squirming like that.." He sighed and Wriggled a little eyeing the clock until the knot subsided enough that is slid out of him.. His ass twinged but even that felt good. A few more thrusts made them both moan... Then it slid free and he turned to wash it, fondling the huge piece of dog-cock, still not believing it was inside him. They kissed, a deep hungry, tongue-locking affair that lasted for an eternity. A trip to the head where the tiger tongued his Dom's balls through a Glory-hole, dumping a big load of sticky stuff.. Then held the big cock as it filled the bowl with urine, pulling it through to wipe the last drop off and kiss it, marvelling at how it felt even half-hard. As they dressed Mace could feel the rage and hatred return.. Intensifying when a big hand undid his pants, pushing them down to caress his sore ass, muzzle nibbling on his neck, kissing the teeth-marks. "Practice tomorrow?" The young cat squirmed, hearing faint echo's of footsteps. "No... Please, They're coming.." The hands dug into his cheeks. "You are Mine now. If I want to jerk you off and leave you with your dripping dick hanging out for the Whole Team to see I will." Mace didn't stiffen or say what was on his mind.. He pressed back against the hands, purring, "Yes Sir." A chuckle. "You are a good Submissive.. I look forward to feeling your lips on my balls and your tight hole wrapped around my cock." Fingers gripped his dick as the sounds got louder. He stiffened feeling something cold and hard pushed in through the opening, and looked down... The end of a small shoot of bamboo protruded from his cock-head. "In case you had any silly Ideas - Jabba root Usually takes 3 doses to be fatal.. And I Never said it was Iodine on the needle I scratched you with." Then Shoot, Hand and Wolf were gone. "But..." The tiger-morph stood, half-crouched, pants around his ankles, holding his dick. He looked at it, then at the empty space where Arrl had been, then back down at his dick. "But..." * * * * The team came in boisterous, sniggering about the rumor that one of them was queer, the bear right behind with the equipment. "Ok Guys good practice, the Coach wants to see you all Monday afternoon, and..." The silence cut into John's speech, and he put the basket down, pushed through the group to see what was going on.. And found Mace with one hand on the open locker, the other on his cock and trembling as he stared into space. The End?