BALLPARK2.TXT - M/m - 2/20/02 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association Another Ballpark tail - A young rabbit fulfills his desires at a Ballpark The young male blushed.. Wow - What a Show! Rande was glad he was 'Old' enough to be allowed out on his own.. His parents Didn't mind him going to the ballpark - But they didn't know what he knew! He always watched enough to be able to repeat what happened if quizzed, but Baseball wasn't what he came here for.. No, it was all the Males cruising under the stands, waiting in certain stalls in the bathroom.. And occasionally, like now, he got a Real Show! Damn, how did that wolf walk straight after what he just had stuffed in his rear? Someone hit the ball clear to the wall and he cheered with the others, but Not for the Batter... He was rooting for the sexy canine who was on his knees sucking a Huge cock in plain sight - Ok, so the shadows hid most of the action, but if you knew Where to look... Oh Man, his nuts ached.. He had to work his erection around inside his pants.. Even with baggy shorts and a jacket hiding his lap, the bulge was visible. And it was going to get Bigger as he grew.. His daddy's thing was Huge, and he loved looking at every chance he got. His dad seemed to always have a half-hardon hanging out his shorts, hanging there all pink and sexy as he washed or lazed in bed on the weekends with Mother.. He lay in bed jerking off while thinking about That dick many a night. Ah well.. He was a clean-cut young 'buck', more jack-rabbit than hare. No Nudie magazines in his room, no posters on the walls.. Nothing could compare to his Father - Until he found the Park. A hunky fox appeared and gathered up the wolf, obviously cross but the tenderness showed.. He sighed, then shook his head. Love.. He was still a cub in some fur's eyes, More mature than he seemed to others. But Girls were still 'Icky', guys were nice but none were interested in 'Exploring' like he wanted to.. Besides, they were all Kits. Even the Big males were not hung like his Dad. And he Defiantly wanted the Well Hung ones! If it wasn't for the fact his Father would kill him - After his Mother died of shame - he would be one of those boys in the stalls, taking all cocks on. He was training already, sucking his own dick as often as he could.. but it was kinda boring.. After all, he could have His dick anytime. What he Really wanted was someone else's. In his hands, down his throat, under his leaf-shaped tail.. *Twinge* went his erection again.. He had found out about the stalls when he had gone in one of the more out of the way restrooms to take a pee - Less crowded - and heard someone gagging.. A tiger came out from 2 stalls down, cock still dripping his semen, muttering about amateurs.. Rande watched, jaw slack, cock slapping his belly as the big male went to the sink, washing off the long red piece of male-meat, then stuffing it into a pair of too-tight shorts. A few moments later a bobcat came out of the same stall, still coughing.. 'Tommy'? the rabbit thought, recognizing a classmate. "Sorry Sir.." he said meekly, caressing the tiger's bulging crotch. "I thought I was ready.." A snort and the male firmly pushed his hand away. "Obviously you are not.. Nothing turns me off faster than some little fuck who chokes on my dick.. Think you can take it in your ass?" The bobcat looked at the floor, but nodded. "Maybe next time you can show me." The Tiger stalked off.. And Timmy coughed again, washed off his face, and left. The rabbit continued to stare at the door, then turned and jerked off then and there, thinking of that cat-cock.. and the Words the tiger had snarled. He had heard cusses before, but like his father said, 'Like any tool, you have to use it correctly.' Tommy wasn't that little.. but He wasn't that Big either. As for being a fu.. Ummm, Screw-up, he was that. Rande had to blow his nuts out 3 times before his dick would go down enough to be stuffed back into his pants.. And started relaxing his throat from that day on. Sometimes he could sit in the last stall and listen to the shuffled feet, the usual body noises.. and some that were not so 'normal. if only he had the courage to look.. Sometimes he got lucky and the furs would leave the door open and he could see them in the mirrors on the wall. Of course all he got to see was a fur-covered butt, but sometimes hands would grip those butts.. And sometimes he could see them moving back and forth, hearing the muffled groans as 2 males had sex in the stall. He Always had to jerk-off afterwards, sometimes being so bold as to bend down and suck on his dick.. But nobody seemed to notice him. He thought his Fantasy wold Never come true... And the day it did, he was with his Father. It was one of those promotional things, so he got a hat he would never wear, and the chance to sit next to his hunk of a Dad, wanting so bad to paw off... Especially when the big 'buck' patted his leg - in a fatherly sort of way - and talked about stuff. Which was fine except his dick was it's usual self, showing through the thin shorts inches from his hand.. A dozen times he almost reached over to touch it. But even a stolen caress wasn't in the cards that day. About halfway into the game he told his dad he had to go.. And made a bee-line for the Special Stall pulling his aching balls out of his shorts and dipping them in the cool water in the toilet. It was then he noticed a shadow.. There were holes in the walls, placed in oddly spaced places and while he had an idea what they were for, he never paid that much attention to them.. Until a dick slid through the one next to him. He stared at it for a moment like it was a snake or something.. Then licked his dry lips and tentatively reached out, touching the first cock that was not his own. It was thin, pretty long.. and throbbed in his Hands. It was surprisingly warm, felt good in his fingers.. He moved forward to see it better in what little light there was.. and cum splattered his face! He jerked on the dick, startled, then let go. Reaching up to his face he felt the sticky strands - and gathered one on his finger, feeling it's slickness. It didn't taste bad. A little salty, a little starchy.. Different than his. he turned to see if he could get some more.. and found the pole gone. A look around showed the place to be empty. he sighed and cleaned his face, by scrubbing with his hands and licking the scum off them. There wasn't much.. He jerked off like a madman and his nuts Still ached by the time he got done. He washed up, made sure he didn't smell like anything but himself, and returned to stare at his dad's dick, wishing it was That male-meat he had frigged. He saw Tommy a couple more times, being careful not to be seen himself - Except for a fondness for dick they had Nothing in common.. Besides, the bobcat couldn't keep a secret for more than 30 seconds. A few days later he got his wish fulfilled however... He was in the midst of a really good fantasy, jerking himself slowly when he was startled out of his skin by a throaty purr... "Well. Hello." Oh Crap. Caught... He opened his eyes.. To gaze into the amber ones of that same tiger he had been thinking about. "Worried about being seen?" He nodded shakily, but his eyes were glued to the bulging crotch.. A soft chuckle and a big hand slid the cloth out of the way. Rande gasped.. It was only the second time he had seen the male's thing.. and it was so beautiful. Thick, not too long, shorter than his in fact. But it was Much thicker.. The head came to a point with a little slit like a tiny pair of lips. he reached out, touching the meat, getting another throaty purr. Oh Man... Let the whole stadium come and watch, he was going to Suck on this one! His muzzle was dry as dust as he leaned forward to study the cock that throbbed in his hand. There were some bumps at the base where it flared out and disappeared into the white fur. He noted there was no sheath to hold the monster in, and the balls were devoid of fur, just smooth skin that he cupped, fondling the fat ovals. Leaning over more he touched his tongue to the head, getting a hiss and some sweet liquid. Mmmmmmmm - this was good. Another lick and he finally got enough wetness in his mouth to try swallowing.. He went cross-eyed trying to keep his eyes on the male-meat as it slipped past his lips and slid into his mouth. Wow.. This was Much better than he had imagined. He started sucking on it, using his tongue to slide around what was in his muzzle, loving every moment. A hand toyed with his ears as he moved his head back the forward to take a little more in.. The hand coaxed him farther forward still, and he closed his eyes, breathing through his nose, inhaling the male-scent deeply. His dick was hard enough to pound nails with and leaking steadily.. But his hands were busy, one on the smooth nuts, the other frigging what wasn't in his muzzle.. Then he let go of the throbbing dick, putting the hand on the strong, rounded butt. He squeezed it, caressing it like he had seen others do, hearing a moan and feeling the dick throb again. The hips pushed more of the maleness into his mouth and he swallowed, feeling it press against the back of his throat. But he wasn't worried... As the hips moved back, then forward he relaxed his jaw and let the big thing slip down his gullet. Suddenly hungry, he tugged on the big rump, pushing forward until his nose was being tickled by the strong-scented fur and the bumps rubbed along the roof of his muzzle. A startled grunt, and the hand held his head in place for a long, thrilling minute.. He inhaled deeply, swallowing again, feeling throat muscles clutch at the cock.. Swallowed again.. and snorted as he felt thick jets of semen flowing down into his stomach. he held his breath, sucking and swallowing to excite the male more, hand jiggling the balls so he could get more.. Then he slid back, wanting to taste the cock-cream.. And got another muzzlefull as the tiger let go a second time. The rabbit drank it down, inhaling the scent of feline in rut, Both hands holding the male-butt, squeezing the cheeks, bobbing his head until the poor male held onto it with force. "Enough.. Please. I can only cum so much, My Horny lepine." He sucked gently on what he had, feeling disappointed when the cock slid from his mouth, shrinking as he watched it. Gave it a kiss and giggled to himself. A hand lifted his head and the eyes looked him over again. "You're Paulis' Son, Rande, are you not?" The rabbit stared at him in shock. And the big male patted his face. "Don't worry, I am not going to tell your Father. Wouldn't do to get the Boss angry. Not that I think he would Mind.. He was telling me the other day what a Hunk you are growing up to be. A real Lady-Killer.. But I don't think it will be Females who fall head over tail for you." The lad sat back, amazed how small the world was.. and that he could be shocked even more than he was. But he could. And he was when a hand slid across his aching cock, fondling it. "I only work half a day on Wednesdays. If you wanted to meet here.. Or would you prefer to come to My place for some Private Tutoring?" He could only gasp out a reply, as the hand brought him to orgasm.. And another.. and another.. After about the fifth in a row with no signs of slowing the tiger removed his hand to clean it with slow, steady licks, making the little male shiver again.. "Mmmmmmm.. Sweet, tasty kit-cum.. Next wednesday then?" Rande nodded, barely able to clean himself off and get out before the next person came in to use the restroom.. Oh Man. Don was the male his father talked about sometimes. When Father talked about work. The cub suddenly wondered about some things he had guessed at.. The 2 had been roomies at College. Went into the same firm.. Even shared an office sometimes... His father and the tiger..? He shook his head. No use in fantasizing. Maybe he would find out next week... The walk to the bus was shorter than usual, and the trip home was filled with the sensations he had felt. End of Part 1 ( There is just something Wrong about writing Cub-porn while listening to the Backstreet Boys :> )