CUBTRAILS2.TXT - M/m, Oral - 11/04/02 CubTrails2 - Nicol's Story By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association Nicol (c) his player Dedicated to Nicol, who gave me the idea Nicol, like most youngsters, wished he was Bigger. He was always wanting to do the things the Older Cubs did, and being told 'You are Too Young.' But he Wasn't.. He was old enough to know what the Cubs did in the Clubhouse.. In the Shower when they thought no one was watching.. So maybe he Didn't understand too well but he Saw them touching each other and licking each other and pushing against each other.. And they made such funny faces and noises he had to stuff a paw in his muzzle not to laugh out loud.. After all, He wasn't supposed to be there. He had tried it a few times.. Even stuffed a claw up under his tail - And even though It hurt, it felt kind of good too.. Then after a while it got boring.. It didn't hurt and it made him Pee, but that was about it. So he wondered how he could get someone else to try it - All the Bigger cubs had Friends to help Them... But he wasn't about to ask his Pop.. There are some things you don't Say to Parents - Not and be able to sit down afterwards! No Brothers or sister to talk it over with.. His friends were all too young, and even though he ached to ask one of the Older cubs, all They would do is call him baby, and tell him to mind his own business... So the little red panda boy fretted and stewed.. Until he saw Rorri. Rorri was 5 years older than him, which made the skunk almost a Big Brother. Rorri teased him sometimes but he was the Only one who didn't laugh when he cried on fear or pain. Who held him close and told him things were ok and he would Grow.. It just took time. But Nicol was tired of hearing it.. he heard it all the time, and was Sick of waiting.. And so he followed his friend, watched him go up to The House. That was when Nicol knew how Brave his friend truly was.. He would have peed his shorts if he would have had to go up to That Door.. But there was Rorri. And he was going inside? The panda Had to see.. He growled as all the sills were too High to peek over.. Too little again! But - there was a tree low enough he could get up it but thick enough to hold his weight.. But it was sticky. Darn! Well - he could wash his fur, but Mom would tan his butt if he got his Good Clothes gummed up. So he took everything off and naked, shimmied up the tree to find himself a place where he could watch, and hopefully not be seen. There they are.. And Hey, Nothing has happened. Not like those movies he had to watch between clenched fingers.. As he watched his friend talk to the Big male, he felt kinda silly.. Nothing bad was going to happen. The skunkboy undressed.. Ok, he had seen Rorri naked before but not like this - His stiffie slapped the dark furred belly and the cub bit a paw gently as he touched the Big Fox down There. Was touched in kind.. The he gasped as the cub took the male thing in his muzzle.. Oh Wow! He felt his own throat, wondering what it felt like to bulge out like that.. The howl startled him and he watched his friend swallow, taking notes mentally should he ever get a chance to do something similar.. Then the silver-furred male knelt and took Rorri's thingie in His hand.. and Shoved that huge red monster under the skunks tail! He forgot to breathe as he watched the skunk shudder and screech, his own hands touching his puckered hole, pushing a claw in as he panted.. Was Rorri really doing this? Another screech and white stuff flew from his red stiffie to splatter on the floor.. Then the big male bent and took it in his own Muzzle! Nicol panted and stuffed another claw up his butt, wishing he was the one taking that Big thingie in him, moving his hips like that.. He gave out a soft moan, squeezing his barely inch long sheath, doing like he was the 2 males doing.. A loud sounds made him look back into the Window.. His best Friend was on his belly, quite out cold - And the big male was looking Straight at Him! He Yeeped and tumbled out of the tree, snatching his clothes up and Running out of the Yard as fast as his little legs would carry him... * * * * The next day dawned on a very Puzzled little cub. He had so many conflicting emotions.. Dare he go back? If he Didn't he would Never forgive himself for leaving his Bestest Friend in Danger. But he also couldn't Tell anyone.. And what if He was the one on the floor... For some reason that made his tail wag and the desire to be like the Older kids made up his mind.. Right after breakfast, he changed into some Play clothes, and slipped out. He was careful as he made his way to The House, still unsure as to what was going to happen.. But he was Determined to learn both what had happened to his Friend, and what he had been doing with that FoxWolf.. He shivered just Thinking of the big maleness. It took all his nerve and Then some to knock on the door.. Still More not to run as he heard noises coming from behind the Big door. "And what do you want?" The voice was gruff, but Nicol was Determined.. "Please Sir.. Is Rorri here?" The male, turned his head, studying the little Panda, who was holding his bushy, raccoon-like tail like a security blanket, the patch of black at its tip wiggling a little.. "Rorri.. Ah. You mean the Skunk Lad.. No, he left last night. And You must be the Cub spying in the Window." The cub nodded, still afraid but not so much now as the voice became softer, more soothing. "Won't you come in.. Tell me, what brings You by - Besides the whereabouts of your Friend?" The little male nodded and walked into the room where it all happened - Just Yesterday. He jumps as the door slams. "I... I..." He suddenly decided maybe it was best to let a Cub Grow some before learning about Grownup ways. But it was too late.. "Undress.." He shook his head, getting a hard slap on his butt. "No clothing allowed in My House.. and You are In. My. House.." Shivering and ready to cry, Nicol pulled his shirt off, took his sandals off, and dropped his Pants.. "All of it.." He nodded and took his underpants off as well, standing and shivering. "Come here." He did so almost woodenly, sliding each foot in front of the other until he was standing in front of the male who was sitting.. A movement go his attention... And there it Was! That big male thingie that his Best Friend hand held, sucked on, taken under his tail.. And it was close enough he could feel the heat of it, Smell the salty/sweet tang of the droplet that formed at the head. "Do you like what you See? Go ahead.. Touch it." Nicol couldn't take his eyes from the throbbing maleness, lifting a paw to gently grip it.. then Both paws... it was so big he could not touch his claws together around it! He leaned forward, stroking the length slowly, sniffing it.. Then pushing his tongue out and touching the throbbing meat... That wasn't so bad. It tasted kinda nice too.. Pulling and pushing he started to lick on the tip, enjoying the flavor of it as much as the thrill of actually touching someone else's thingie... A hand on his head encouraged him to press his lips to the hard dick.. then to open them and let it slip in his mouth.. He really couldn't do much as the meat stretched his jaws apart, but he could Suck. And did so eagerly, still tugging on what he could reach.. He heard the big male moan and the hand tighten on his head.. He squirmed, but wasn't really alarmed anymore.. His Daddy made those kinds of noises sometimes. And he knew something was happening because the shaft was vibrating in his paws.. He stroked it harder, sucking as best he could.. When something hot and wet hit the back of his throat. Startled, he swallowed.. More of the cock squashed his tongue as it was shoved into his muzzle, and lots more of the wet stuff spurted out. It wasn't Piss.. He had tasted Piss before - a prank that Charlie would Pay for someday.. When he could think of something appropriate. But right now he was busy swallowing and trying not to choke as the cock pushed against the back of his throat, pushing his muzzle open wide enough to make it creak.. But he managed and almost too soon the flood became a trickle then a dribble, then some drops he licked up as the male fell back, moaning and panting.. "Did I do that right?" He giggled as the male moaned and gasped and flopped around as he continued cleaning the maleness off, wanting to taste what was now warming his belly.. And there was Quite a lot to Clean! When the male shuddered and pushed him back a little he giggled and moved his attention to the nut-sack that had some smears of white on them.. That seemed to be ok because the FoxWolf gasped and wriggled a little. "Oh Yes.. You *PANT* You did a Great job.. How many cocks have you sucked on?" Nicol looked up from his cleaning.. "Yours.. Daddy never let me touch His. And none of the Older boys let me either.. You are the first." He giggled at the thought and continued licking the big nuts, thinking how much like his Daddy's they were.. And sighing, because Daddy never let him do things like this. It was getting dark.. but it wasn't time to be Dark yet.. "Looks like a storm is coming in.. I guess you should Stay until it blows over." Nicol nodded and giggled, then repeated his home phone number as he had been taught.. Then stuffed his mouth full of canine cock again.. With gritted teeth the FoxWolf dialed the number. "Hello - Mrs. Panda? No, You don't know me, but I know your Son. He's here.. No, No He's fine.. Tired, A little scared. But very much ok. I am not sure - He may have gotten lost or just got tired.. Anyway I just wanted to call and let you know He was here and Fine.. But there is a Bad Storm coming up and I would feel better if he stayed *Not so Hard* Here.." Another giggle... "No I don't mind, he is a cute little fellah, and I really wouldn't want him walking home in This kind of weather.. Here is My number. When it is ok I will send him home. No - No problem at all. I will make sure he takes a bath, and gets to bed early.. Anytime - I know how Youngsters are.. I just didn't want you worrying about him. Ok, Bye.." The Foxwolf hung up the phone and smiled, patting the little panda who sighed and continued sucking on the half-hard maleness, waiting for it to get stiff again so he could drink the milk that came from it and Grow up Big and Strong.. At least that is what he heard other say.. Ok, So he would settle for Growing up a little more. "Hey - Watch the teeth Kiddo.. What?" The panda boy stopped sucking, but still stroked the cock.. "I said, When I am done will you stick it under my tail like You did Rorri? Please..." He quickly stuffed the cock in his mouth again, sucking on it earnestly.. "Alright, Alright.. but later. First I think a nap is in order.. Yes for both of us, I am not so Young anymore.." The panda giggled and nodded, lying on the bed, half on, half off the Big male, content to just suck on his Thingie.. It made him feel good. And even when the rain came and the lightning boomed all he did was sigh and suck. And Hold the big leg close - Just in case. The End..?