INVASION.TXT - M/m, Oral, Human/Non - December 25, 2001 By SwampRat (cl) 2001 GFA First in a set of tales about invading Humans - A cub meets one of the maruders Humans.. Why must they conquer Everything? Why must they invade and pillage - Isn't it enough they kill our women and rape our men... Wait. That Didn't come out right.. Sit, drink your Poidh, and I will tell you a tail.. Lazf was young enough to not be certain about his desires.. Females were an interest, but he had also played with himself and other males. He Knew he was supposed to find a wife and mate, but the idea didn't settle too well. Especially when tales of what males did to other males were whispered in his furred ears in the dark by his brothers and cousins... Kitten, cub, maleling... All words to him that meant nothing more than he was 'too young yet'. Well - He wasn't.. He was just - Unsure. Like now - He was near a stream where the cool water felt good on warm days, to find 'Men' had gotten there first. They had little fur which made them somehow more erotic to the feline, who twitched his tail watching them remove their clothing and splash water on themselves. They grabbed at each other, called out 'Queer!' and 'Faggot' as their male-things grew fat and long.. All this was puzzling to Lazf, but he enjoyed the show. Was sorry when they left. What did those words mean? He would ask his elders, but the last time he repeated a 'Human' word he was slapped, and sent off to his family's hut! And why did they raid? Did they not have families of their own? He giggled behind a paw-like hand. Perhaps that is why they were so angry - they had no females, or perhaps Too Many! His sisters would beat his fur off if they heard him say such things, but he knew more than one Male who had decided Fighting was better than staying home and being under the hand of a wife... The water was still clean and fresh, and he enjoyed it, then sat, smelling the potpot flowers, thinking of all the chores he was skipping out on - It was too nice a day to be in the village. "Hello Kitten.. Aren't you supposed to be home?" He whirled.. To see another 'human' standing not too far away. There was a look in the male's eye, but he was not afraid.. In fact the words stung him. "I am Not a Kitten.." he snarled, turning and showing off his youthful body, muzzle in a half-snarl.. It wasn't polite to fully snarl at Strangers, but it was ok to show displeasure. The male nodded, smiling in the funny way 'humans' did, with their flat faces.. How could one be afraid of a being who had little fur and looked like they fell out of trees too often? He felt the other male's gaze take him in and it felt somehow warming.. "Did you come to wash?" he asked suddenly curious about this being's anatomy.. Why so much cloth? They were not so ugly that they had to hide themselves.. At least Some of the villagers had hinted so... But Youngsters were not supposed to know about such things. The male was suddenly more aloof, and his scent changed slightly. They feline grinned to himself - He had put the fur up on this one.. But watched with interest as the male disrobed and went to the water. He gasped at a line of red scratches along the furless back. He reached out to touch them, noting they were in a row - as if someone had tried to grab the male.. Who stiffened and Stood up quickly. Lazf found himself nose-to crotch with the being. He inhaled in surprise.. then sniffed, smelling the spicy male-scent.. and liking it. Knowing he would never have an opportunity like this again, he reached out and gripped the half-hard male-thing, noting how it was similar to his own, but different.. There was some dirt on it and without thinking he licked the skin.. Getting a shudder from the male and a fresh wave of scents. He licked it again, feeling it thicken.. Then a hand gripped his head and it was shoved in his Muzzle! The feline gulped, half-gagged by the length of the thing, and swallowed.. The male groaned as the cub gripped his shaft, starting to suck on it, At first unsure if he should, then with growing excitement, knowing he wanted to.. Claws pricked the shaft as both paws held the male-meat, a rough tongue rasping along what was in the warm muzzle. Again, he almost giggled.. This was more fun than doing it with cousins that were the same size as he was.. And it tasted completely different. He purred, stroking the meat, sucking on the tip, lapping up the liquid that dribbled out, wanting more.. And getting it. With a yell the male, shoved against him, gripped his head roughly and began to fill his mouth with sticky, salty stuff. Lazf savored the flavor before swallowing it, sucking on the male-thing, getting more of the tasty stuff to squirt out. The male must have been weak because he shuddered and suddenly fell back. The cub followed, still sucking hungrily, wanting all he could get of this wonderful drink. But as with all good things, it ended much too quickly, and no matter how the feline tried to coax more out, the well was dry. So he turned his attention to the rest of the panting male's anatomy.. How strange - No sheath. No fur covering his nutsac - He knelt and licked the skin, tasting salt and dirt.. Cleaning this male was much easier than his brothers - much less fur to spit out. And much tastier... He took the sac in his muzzle sucking on them gently, then returned his attention to the still hard pole. Cleaning it was also fun, feeling it jerk - especially when he licked at the tip.. But now he was thirsty and turned to the steam. he knelt, and cupped some of the cool water in a paw, downing it. Another and his thoughts turned back to the male.. Who was sleeping. Lazf thought of the village and with a sigh and with a last lick he turned his paws towards home, knowing there would be work to do and females to listen to.. But as he walked, he licked his lips, and grinned.. He had learned something new. Perhaps the 'humans' were not so bad after all.. He would definitely have to find more of them.. Maybe they tasted the same and he would tire of cleaning them... But Maybe they would taste different... With a lighter step and a smile he thought of the days ahead.. And how best to find out about the flavor of male... Then a new thought occurred - Maybe they are migratory like the Run'lk.. He Could ask things of the Elders, as long as he was careful How he asked. Another giggle.. Maybe he would join the Military. Mmmmmmmm... His young body quivered... It would be the 'Humans' who need to be worried if he caught them. Then he tossed his fantasies aside and ran as he heard his Mother calling him. End of Tail 1