WOLVES7.TXT - M/F, Semi-NC, Man/Wolf - December 09, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 - Gay Furry Association Based on Dale Farmer's wolf story - I just don't like Vore. The she-wolf growled as she sniffed the ground. Man had been here. Urinated on a tree as if marking territory.. She urinated over the same tree, but lower than his mark, making her growl again - But for a different reason. She was coming into her second heat.. The first had been more misery than pleasure, being too young for the Alpha to bother with her and not of the others Willing to take her into the darker parts of the woods.. Cubs! So she decided to leave, to find someone New to entice, excite and Mate her. But that would have to wait until the intruder was either driven off or killed to feed her. She knew Well the ways of Men, having listened to her Mother about Men and how to take them should they trespass.. How to entice and tease and mate with them.. To trick and trap them.. To Eat them... She honed her skills on Herd-boys, too small to kill them but not so small she couldn't lick and suck on their young cocks. And even She would never admit to it, she liked the salty, tangy flavor.. Spent perhaps Too much time with the youths of the mountains.. But now she tracked a Man, not a cub or yearling.. Her tail brushed intimately between her legs and she moaned - Then growled... Now was no time for such nonsense.. Or was it? She grinned. There were Many ways to take a Man.. And perhaps she could ease the incessant itch that she could not scratch before devouring her Lover.. Drain him past the point of exhaustion. Kill him while He sleeps. Simple. Easy. The best plans usually were. The smell of smoke drew her attention - He was close. Where there was Fire, there was Man. Growling as she found more ways to Hate the intruder she stalked off.. When she found the male she whined softly.. Damn, he was Big! She could feed off him for the better part of a week.. She was almost having second thoughts about her plan.. But he Was in her territory. He deserved to die - After he fulfilled another need that become more and more demanding as the moon rose. She circled the fire, never looking at it, but always watching her prey.. The wind shifted and brought his rich scent and she growled again, desire pushing out other ideas, other interests.. She was going to wait until he was asleep to take him on but every passing moment made her more and more restless.. More and more wanton as her body responded to the smell of Male, until she could stand it no more and came rushing out of the dark to rip his hides off. Take him in muzzle and vagina. Rape him if necessary... The woodcutter had heard tales about The Forest, but there were few other places to go anymore. He needed Certain types of Wood to bring back for the carvers who paid well for the risks. He was not so young anymore and knew he would have to decide soon if he was going to live with his Sister's Family in the Town.. He hated towns but the village was no place to retire to.. It was too small and every able hand was needed to work. It must be getting closer to Winter.. It seemed he had just started gathering when it got Dark. Too dark to see the path and too smart to wander around at night he made a small fire from dry branches, making sure to build it in a barren spot, and Only big enough to keep warm by. It was cool but not Cold and he had no wish to Burn down what he had worked so hard to gather. His revere was interrupted by a furry bolt of lightening that lept from the darkness and knocked him on his back.. His first thought was, 'Poor thing must be starving to want to share my meager meal.' His Second was, 'Why is it digging at my pants?' Then they were open and he was too busy to think as teeth and muzzle and tongue combined to make him hard in seconds.. Up and down the muzzle slid over his erection, making it steam in the night air. He yelped and grabbed the ground and had enough time to wonder what was happening when it lifted from him and slid up his body to stare him in the eyes.. Amber ones glowed in the firelight as they looked deep into the wide blue ones.. Going wider as a smaller but much warmer orifice parted to engulf his cock, squeezing it.. The eyes went half-lidded at the expanse of maleness that stretched the wolf open, went in deeper than she could have imagined.. Hurt like hell, Felt like heaven. She wagged her tail over his nuts, feeling them press against her anus.. A curious feeling... Perhaps she should try it There someday. They both gasped as she squeezed and he throbbed, expanding a little inside her well-stuffed passage. She grunted, squeezing him again, making the Man's hips arch up and press into her a little more firmly. She moaned despite herself, wagging, wriggling a little on his pole. It felt good. It felt Soooo Goood.. It Felt Too Good! She growled and arched up, slamming her hips into his crotch, feeling his maleness flex inside her, following her passage. The head was fat and nothing like she had imagined.. With no knot to hold her to him she pounded his crotch, making him buck and push back - reluctantly at first, but as the hottest tightest thing he had Ever been in squeezes his shaft again he found himself working his hips, moving With the female, reaching down to find small nipples to squeeze and tug on.. The female could only growl and moan as the man worked her body over, teased and tweak her nips.. Was he Ever going to cum? She did.. With a startled Howl that was half scream she vocalized what her body was going through.. Did so again as the male didn't stop his pounding of her vagina, keeping her floating above her body, tail curled up, eyes crossing.. She flopped on top of him unable to hold her own weight up and let him caress her. What had happened? He was supposed to be the one panting and moaning and close to passing out.. Don't Do that! Oh.. Oh Hunter Gods! Please.. Let me catch My breath so I can hump you into submission.. Oh No.. Oh Yes! She could Feel his nuts slapping her butt, his maleness stretching her as it slid in and out.. The trickle of warm fluid that climaxed with his burying every last inch in her and spurting his seed deep into her womb.. She Squeezed it, stroked it, harvesting all she could, even though someplace in the back of her mind she knew their mating should not be fertile, and another part was reminding her this was Meat, not Mate.. She ignored them as she basked in the afterglow, inhaling his rich Man- scent, feeling his body against hers, hearing his gasps, his heart beating in time with hers.. She licked his sweaty face, getting her tongue sucked on, taking his in turn.. Damn.. The man had Never heard of anything like This! Sure, he had kidded with the others about finding an attractive female in the woods and of course being drunk the tales got very lurid.. And laughed over.. But to be under one. And Sober at that.. This was no Dream - the tongue was real as it was pushed into his mouth. The body was real and weighed nothing on top of him, as he stroked and caressed his new lover. And boy was that hole Real.. Even Now it gripped him and squeezed him keeping him erect inside the horny canine. "Seconds?" He asked looking at the dark-furred female who in a very short span of time had made him feel better than he had in years. The wolf cocked her head to one side as if asking, 'What?' But when he rolled her on Her back and started thrusting, she squirmed and buried her muzzle in his chest - he tossed the leather shirt as soon as his hands were free as it had become unbearably hot with their lovemaking.. His pants had puddled around his knees as well so all that met fur was flesh.. Fingers and paws. Tongues and lips. Cock and vagina.. Flesh rubbed flesh. Was tasted, smelled, scratched at, nuzzled on, moaned against.. This time two voices intertwined to let the heavens know 2 lovers had found Nirvana together.. Fore and Hind paws locked the sweat-soaked skin to the sweat-slick fur. More seed passed from Man into Wolf. Their only thoughts were for each other and this moment. At last the man was exhausted and lay alongside his lover - still in her, still caressing her.. Now was the moment... The only problem was the Wolf was far past the stage to do anything about it. She whimpered when touched, growled when he moved.. Squeezed his cock fiercely, wanting it in her until it got soft and slid out on it's own. IF it ever Did... She was beginning to wonder when the male continued his caresses, continued to stay hard inside her.. Awe, wonder and a little fear crept up her spine as the man pressed muzzles with her and Held her body.. Was he going to mate her again? She was tired. She was thirsty. She had an itch.. She was also hungry but she was Determined as long as he was in her she was going to mate him if it took All night! He moved in and out of her again.. Slowly, taking time to enjoy the feeling of the passage around his dick, of the female in his embrace.. He bit an ear-tip and she yipped like a cub - Bit one of his nipples in retaliation.. Licked it gently. Took his tongue in her muzzle, accepting his fiery kiss and giving it back just as Hot, as wantonly.. Her last thought before darkness overtook her was, 'Wait a Minute - He was supposed to be out and I was supposed to be...' Then another wave of semen spurted into her, she arched up and fell into her lovers embrace knowing nothing until well past sunrise except his scent, his feel and his maleness.. * * * * She awoke to a rabbit.. Not a live one, but not long dead either. She nosed the body - The neck had been broken cleanly. She nuzzled the fuzzy nuts, wondering for a moment what he was like as a lover.. Then ate him, hide, fur and all. Not even bones where left when she was done.. A pawful of berries were a sweet dessert, reminding her of the taste of the Male.. She padded to a stream, drank, washed, marked territory.. Then went in search of the Man. She would be in heat for some days to come and She was Determined to exhaust him, Claim him as Prey... If it took every last breath she had. If she had to find Another female to help her seduce and weaken the male.. She also had 2 more holes to fill with his huge maleness and she was determined she was going to have them Well-used before she was done with the Man.. She growled but not in anger as she hunted after her Prey - Or was it Mate? End of Story - For now..