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Contact author at: section8militia@yahoo.com

Darke Mating
by J.C. Najera

An indeterminate amount of time after the shooting, I awoke in the seat of a car. Vision was blurred, and lights passed by in rivers. There were no other cars in the area that I could see, as there were no tail-lights... But there was someone driving the car I was in. Vision cleared; it was the Olds. The driver? Raine... Her brow was furrowed, as though she was concentrating on something. She glanced to me, her eyes suddenly coming to life. It was as though she'd been awaiting my consciousness for some time.
"Wha-... What's going on?" I asked, sitting up too quickly and becoming light headed.
She smiled that same sweet smile I'd seen several years prior, at Mayfield Jr. High. That seemed centuries ago... May as well have been, with how far my life had come since then, down the wrong side of the tracks no less. The world was no longer what it had been, nor would it ever be that again. At least, not for me.
"I'm taking you home," she said softly.
"...Your home?"
"No; my home is no longer safe," she answered, her voice growing dark. "I'm taking you to yours."
To this, I had no idea what to say. Thus silence was maintained until we arrived out front of my home. The parking brake locked into place with a loud thunk and I opened the door. It was already daylight; seemingly around six o' clock. My eyes burned, adjusting to the light slowly; it were as though the world were lit afire, the shine off every object in sight feeling like the rays of a thousand suns.
A loud clicking emitted from the front of the house, and the front door opened, both Orynn and Artemis running outside to greet us. Crawling from my seat, I landed on all fours, crawling toward them. Raine stood by my side, trying to offer her help, which I shrugged away. When my mate and uncle saw her, they both backed up and drew their guns.
"Get away from him!" Artemis commanded.
I coughed a bit and shook my head. "Let her through..."
A few moments later we were all inside, sharing a rather awkward silence as Artemis patched up my wounds properly. I winced as she pulled the bullet out of my shoulder using her nails; it felt like having someone literally rip your arm outta your socket. At least, I would assume... Never know until you try, and that certainly isn't something I'm going to volunteer for.
Once the bullet pinged against the floor, Orynn spoke up. "So what in the hell were you doing there, Cobalt?"
"...He was there to kill me," Raine answered.
Artemis looked up, her teeth showing through her sneer; they seemed a bit sharper than normal. "And you did this to him, then had the gall to bring him to us?!"
"No," I answered for her, gritting my own teeth tightly. My mate was working on the other bullet now, prying it out of my chest; it had become lodged between two of my ribs. "She didn't do this... One of her subordinates did... Her clan is rebelling..."
"They believed me to be putting lust before duty," continued Raine, looking into Artemis' eyes for the first time.
"Were you?" she asked, giving her an inquiring look.
Raine said nothing, but looked away, her eyes dropping to the ground.
"...You can't stay here," Artemis informed her, her brows knitted.
I looked to them both and sighed. "If we let her go from here, she'll be dead for sure."
"She's the enemy, Stephen..." Orynn interjected. "It's not as though we can actually trust her."
"You're right," I managed, teeth still gritted. "It's true... Then what're we going to do?"
"I'll go," Raine offered.
The second bullet hit the floor, and it rang in my ears. Blood poured from my wound as I stood and grabbed the shotgun, before Artemis could apply a bandage. "I can't be a part of this decision."
"What do you mean?" Orynn asked.
"Think about it! I can't be involved in this. I'm not qualified. Maybe not for the same reason as her, but something rather akin to it! For four years I held a false belief in a love that wasn't true. Nonetheless, I still care about her, for whatever ungodly reason!"
"Sit down, love!" Artemis begged, her eyes showing pure concern.
"I can't... I'll be upstairs; make the decision and let me know what's going on."
"Stephen-" Orynn started.
"Look, just do it, alright?!" I snarled, turning and proceeding to the master bedroom. Ejecting the casing from the shotgun, I unloaded it and began cleaning the fingerprints from its frame. It wasn't something that really needed to be done, but it was something to occupy my mind while they worked downstairs. It was all getting too involved, and too stressful. Things probably would've been easier if I'd just executed Raine back at the subway, but then again... Probably would've died in the tunnel if it weren't for her.
The next four hours I spent in isolation, listening to Rammstein on my stereo and running a cleaning brush down the barrels of my weapons. Funny thing about Rammstein; I've always been able to sing their lyrics with perfect pronunciation, even though I don't know a word of German aside from 'nein.'
"Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen-"
There was a knock on my door and I shut off the stereo. "It's open."
Raine walked in, keeping her eyes on the floor as she began speaking. "We've worked out an arrangement... I'm-"
She stopped mid-sentence as she saw the Glock in my hands.
"It's alright," I said, consolingly. "It's not loaded; was just cleaning it."
Artemis suddenly stepped into the bedroom as well. "Do you always have to be holding one of those?"
"I was just cleaning it to take my mind off of things," I answered, tiredly.
"Anyway..." Raine continued. "We've come to an arrangement. I'm going to stay at a safehouse I've set aside on the other end of town; no one else knows about. I'll be coming by every now and again until you're healed, at which point we'll begin planning..."
Nodding sincerely, I reached into the headboard of my bed and removed the Beretta M93-R and a box of 9x19mm rounds. "Good enough; but here, take these... You can't leave without some kind of protection."
"Thank you," she said, gratefully. "I'll see you either tomorrow or the day after, okay?"
"Come on, I'll walk you to the door," Artemis offered.
As the two of them left the room, I wondered what exactly we were going to do now. Everything was still so new, and I was so lost. It all just perpetually bounced around my head like that ball in Pong, giving me a headache to rival most other migraines. The door downstairs shut, meaning that Raine was probably on her way across town.
Artemis had seemed pretty saddened over the entire situation involving Raine; probably because of the former connection we'd had... On some level, anyway. It was clear that something would have to be done to put her mind at ease. Standing up once again, I walked over to the doorway and got behind the door itself, pressing close to the wall. Surprisingly enough, my gunshot wounds didn't hurt anymore, the areas numb as though my body had administered a dose of localized anesthesia to both injuries on its own.
When my love entered the room, I pounced upon her, knocking her onto the bed, and bit down on her neck gently. She yelped in surprise at first, but began to purr, struggling to kick off her shoes and taking her wolfess form. Her tail curled around me as I nuzzled her, running my hands through her soft fur and cuddling up against her.
The feeling of that fur was amazing; almost like velvet. Her scent filled my nostrils, reminding me of the woods; a very sweet Earthen smell carried by all things woodland. For some reason, this got me going... To this day, I can offer no explanation of this outside of pure instinct. I bit down on her neck again in reaction, fangs growing and sinking in deep. Pulling back out, it was my turn to yelp in surprise, clapping a hand over my mouth. Her warm blood trickled from the corner of my lips, giving an odd sensation.
"Your eyes," she whispered, staring up into them. "They're red."
"Uh..." I attempted to start, dumbly. Great; make yourself look retarded on top of being a freak. Why not join the circus while you're at it, Cobalt!
"Don't worry," she comforted. "It's okay. You can bite me if you want; it's kind of sexy."
Not knowing what to say, I leaned in and hesitantly sank my fangs back into her flesh. It was quite arousing; the sensation of her flesh against my fangs themselves alone was great. Her blood began to seep from the wounds, pooling around my fangs into my mouth. It tasted so damned good... I'd say it was like candy, but it was better than that. It wasn't sweet, but rather... I don't know. It was a sanguine addiction which I still suffer from at present. By 'suffer,' I of course mean 'openly indulge in.'
"Mmph," she grunted lightly, pressing her body to mine. "Take those damned clothes off already..."
Withdrawing my fangs once again, I looked into her eyes and sighed. "Don't tell me you're going to start that again."
"...Don't tell me you're going to start with your abstinence again," she teased, running her tongue along my neck.
This time, it was I who grunted and purred. "Don't do that..."
"Why?" she asked in a playful tone, running her tongue along it again. "Do you like it?"
"You know I do," I murred, leaning into it.
"Then why fight it?"
"I'm-... I dunno..."
"Scared?" she suggested.
I nodded meekly.
"Don't be!" she laughed, hugging me tightly. "What exactly are you afraid of?"
Rolling off of her, I sat upon the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. "It's just the... first-time jitters, I guess."
"Jitters? Since when in the hell do you talk like that?"
"...Can we stay focused?"
"Sorry," she apologized, then pressed on. "But what do you think is going to happen?"
I shrugged, not really knowing how to put my concern without feeling entirely pathetic. The subject of the loss of one's virginity had always been a touchy one for me; perhaps it had something to do with adoption-related abandonment issues, or just an inborn paranoia that I carried due to my lack of luck in any relationship whatsoever prior to all that had happened...
"Do you think you won't be able to satisfy me?"
Damnit, I thought to myself. She's right... That is what's wrong! Sunova bitch!
My silence must have spoken volumes, for she seemed to read my thoughts. "That is it!" She cried, then broke out laughter. "Are you serious? Have you taken a look at yourself down there? From what I saw, I don't even think you'd have to try to get a girl off. Especially seeing as how I'm still a virgin, sheesh... I think I should be afraid, not you! That thing's over nine inches long! Probably twelve when you're shifted!"
Have you ever had one of those moments where you could actually feel the blood rising to your cheeks, and thought that they must've been glowing as bright red as Rudolph's nose? Yeah, that's what I was feeling right then. I did what I could to avoid eye-contact, looking down.
"Aw! How cute!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. "You're even shy about that, aren't you? While it is refreshing to have a guy who doesn't go about bragging about how big he is, it's still be nice if you weren't ashamed of it either... Why are you ashamed, anyway?"
"Can we stop talking about my dick?" I begged, putting my legs together.
"We can stop talking about it... But this order of business isn't over with," she said, scooting away from me a bit and resting her back on the headboard. "Look at me."
I did as she asked and examined her; she had been wearing a tank-top with built-in bra and running shorts when she shifted, and her larger wolven breasts were about ready to pop out of that thing. They pushed the tank-top so far away from her chest that a bit of her stomach was visible, where the hem of her shirt had gone down a bit past her waist before. My eyes traveled farther south, to see how the legs of her shorts could hardly fit around her thighs now with the muscle expansion. I'd always liked strong women, as intimidated as they made me feel at times...
"You're such a bitch."
"Yours," she teased.
"Correction; you're an über bitch."
She gave me an evil grin before pulling off her tank-top, releasing her breasts from their constraints. They bounced for a moment, and I found myself unable to take my eyes off of them. I could've sworn they were larger than they had been just the night before. The room must've been cold, as she had a nipple stand for the ages. "Do you like?"
"...Do you have to ask?" I replied weakly, knowing that if I'd been standing my knees would've been buckling.
She stood, pushing me down as she did so, and walked to the door. "Wait here."
A moment later, she appeared in the doorway once again with a red plastic bag from the liquor store down the street, and wrapped it around the largest light in the room, which cast a sanguine glow upon the walls. She shut the curtains, and walked over to the stereo, hitting the 'play' button. Rammstein's 'Keine Lust' started up, the initial tapping of the cymbal reminding me of the music from a strip club as she began moving her body in an artfully seductive manner, removing her shorts in the process. Just as she cast them aside, the soft tapping of cymbal was replaced by an escalating drumming that led to a heavy metal electric guitar. As the guitar began to play louder, she moved her body more seductively, her hips thrusting to the sides as she approached where I sat from across the room. Her walk was that off a dominatrix, and her lustful stare was that of a girl with an insidious plan for her lover. In the red light, her black fur shone with a crimson tint, giving the illusion that her fur was matted with blood; her piercing green eyes stood out, the only thing in my sight that was not ruby.
She stopped a few feet from me, her body falling into perfect rhythm with the death metal. Her form seemed to be made of rubber from how it moved: fluidly with a bit of a snapping motion. I watched with wide eyes as her arms rose up over her wolven head, wrapping around one another with her fingers locking together, causing her breasts to perk up more. Her hips continued to snap back and forth with the drum beat as she let her upper body move more fluidly. I didn't even notice her tail until it was creeping along my neck; it was amazing how she could control it while performing that dance so flawlessly. Finally, as the song reached a bit of its softer singing (which still sounded harsh in German), she placed her paw upon my solar plexus and pushed me down, proceeding to grab my pants and boxers jointly by the waistline and pull them off effortlessly.
"Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren... Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren, Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen, Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren... [I would feel like it with big animals... Don't feel like risking it, Don't feel like going from the snow, Don't feel like freezing...]"
That beautiful wolfess then straddled my hips and pressed against my maleness (which, obviously, was erect at this point), using her claws to tear my shirt clean off. I found myself unable to protest, unable to resist such an intensely erotic display. I could only watch as she stared into my eyes and reached down, moaning as she slid her fingers into her tight slit.
"Lustlos fasse ich mich an, Und merke bald ich bin schon lange kalt, So kalt, mir ist kalt... [I listlessly touch myself, and notice I've been frigid for a long time already, So frigid, I'm cold...]"
Her eyes shut tight as she began to get a bit more moist down south, her vaginal scent filling the room. It was intoxicating, almost impossible to describe. I felt my lust grow, taking over as she leaned down and kissed me deeply. Sitting up with her still in my lap, I grasped her wrist and pulled her hand away so that she could no longer touch herself. "No doing my job for me..." I hissed, making sure to let my fangs show. "You're not allowed to get yourself aroused..." I then took her breast into my mouth, suckling gently on her swollen nipple. She purred louder than I'd ever heard before, stroking my hair gently just as the song ended and the stereo auto-offed.
"Oh!" she half-yelped, half-moaned as I nibbled on her teat, my left hand pinching her other. She began grinding against me, her vaginal juices beginning to flow onto my maleness. She grasped my shoulders and pushed me back just a bit, looking into my eyes pleadingly. "Please, Stephen... Just take me, already..."
I gave a mock evil grin and a slight chuckle. "What fun would that be without torturing you a bit first?"
"Oh, you're a real-" she growled as I pinched her teats simultaneously, the growl turning to a moan as she finished the sentence, "-bastard."
"And how's that news?" I growled in her ear, suddenly biting her neck and picking her up. This was no easy feat, as with all her muscle mass, she was one big girl. A girl that was taller than me at the moment, as well... Yet somehow maintaining a vampyric form seemed to turn her on, so I refrained from shifting. Pushing her onto her back just as I let go of her nape, I tilted my head to the side and cracked my neck menacingly, then crawled up onto the bed toward her. "Time for me to make a bit of a meal out of you," I hissed, licking my fangs. Her eyes grew wide and she backed away, her ears folded back and tail curling up between her legs in fear.
"Stephen?" she whimpered, shivering a bit. "What're you doing?'
"Calm down," I consoled her, now directly above her and looking into her eyes. She seemed to respond immediately, as though controlled by some unseen force... It was then that I remembered the legend of vampires being able to control others with certain abilities involving the eyes. There was no way that was true, was there? Disengaging that ability immediately, I looked into her eyes lovingly. "I'm not going to hurt you... In a bad way."
Leaning in, I kissed her deeply, then down her jawline and to her neck, running my tongue along the wounds I'd created there. I continued kissing down to her chest, quickly flicking my tongue over one of her nipples as I passed over it, kissing down to her white-furred stomach and licking down to just above her mound. That was when I took a moment to look up into her eyes again, and was surprised to see her panting, just then noticing that her tail was wagging.
She whimpered and pawed at the air a bit, cutely, ears folded back. "Please don't stop!"
"Damn, you get submissive in bed," I smirked, continuing on and flicking my tongue across her sensitive clitoris. Her entire body shuddered, a wave of pleasure seeming to run through her. As I continued licking, it seemed that my tongue was acquiring a bit of a fork at its tip, which I used to wrap around her clit with each lick. This drove her wild, as she placed her paws on the back of my skull in a death-grip, moaning and actually growling in pleasure. I knew that she was close to orgasming, and had to try something out before she did. Sliding my tongue between her inner lips, I flicked it around inside of her, holding onto her waist while doing so. She pushed down on the back of my head and thrust her hips upward until my nose was buried in her mound, her juices suddenly exploding all over my tongue and onto my face. Opening my mouth, I caught all that I could, swallowing it hungrily; she was delicious. She continued to spray cum, panting heavily, for five straight seconds, and when I say 'spray,' I mean GUSHING. She bathed me in that sweet tasting elixir to the point where it ran down my face and chest, covering me in her scent.
I sat up and watched her with a large grin as she continued to pant, catching her breath. When she finally did, she sat up as well and wrapped her legs around my midsection. "You're so fucking hot," she said, kissing my neck and licking it, wagging her tail. "Would you... shift for me?"
"Sure..." I murred in her ear. "Mind helping me with that?"
She bit down on the nape of my neck, hard, causing me to bleed as my body transformed into that of a grey werewolf. This seemed to bring on an entire new wave of arousal, as she immediately pushed me onto my back with all of her strength and took my wolven maleness into her mouth. The funny thing about having dog genitalia is that the nerves are more exposed than those in human male genitals, meaning that there's quite a bit more sensation. Also, werewolf females have the better oral characteristics of both 'fours' wolves and humans; the long, slick, and warm tongue of a wolf, and lips that are almost as flexible as those of a human. In other words, when a werewolf gets a blowjob from his mate, it feels really, REALLY good.
On top of the already heavenly sensation, she began twirling her tongue around my maleness, letting her longest fangs gently run along the sides as she bobbed her head up and down. It was doubtless the most intense sexual sensation I'd ever felt up to that point, as I couldn't help but put her skull in a death-grip and begin panting much as she had just minutes before. This only urged her on, as she let her tongue slide out of her muzzle and tease my cock's base; that was when I felt the very base of my dick begin to swell, which was quite puzzling.
"What the hell?" I yelped, between pants.
"You're ready!" she exclaimed excitedly, sitting up. "Now it's time to truly make me your mate..."
I sat there, panting heavily, and looking her over. "How would you like me to... do that..., exactly?"
"The way wolves traditionally do it," she murred, standing on the mattress. She turned her back to me and placed her forepaws on the wall above the bed, raising her tail. "Just please go in gently... My cherry's still intact..."
"Won't be in a moment," I purred, biting down on the back of her neck dominantly. I just had to tease her one last time... So I ran a singular claw along the length of her spine, making her shudder in anticipation.
"Oh... Please, no more teasing..."
"Alright... Get ready, love," I told her, grasping the base of my maleness in my hand and guiding it into her. She held steady as I slid partway into her, finding resistance as I met her wall, and slowly pushed against it until it finally gave. Artemis yelped, whimpering for a moment as blood ran out of her and down my shaft, then finally nodded and pushed back at me a little.
I slid all the way into her, until my foot-long wolven maleness hit the end of her canal. She gasped and let out a sharp moan, wrapping her tail around me. "Oh, God, Stephen... More..."
Obeying my wolfess, I grasped her hips and pulled out halfway, thrusting back into her. Artemis released the most animalistic of her moans yet, a strong - yet somehow feminine - growl creeping into it. She thrust back at me, her hips slamming into mine. "HARDER!"
It was clear that the pain from popping her cherry was gone, and it was even more clear that she was one hell of a lustful lover. Slamming into her, I thrust forward with all my might, meeting her every time that she threw her hips back. Her claws raked the wall as she began gushing onto my cock, her juices running down both of our legs. With this release came a change in her; a rather major one. She began to sound like pure animal, growling and snarling, thrusting with such force that I didn't even know she possessed. "SHOVE THAT KNOT IN ME!"
"My... what...?" I asked, thrusting into her. Suddenly I noticed that the bulge at the base of my maleness was beginning to balloon, expanding rapidly.
Her answer was simple; rather than explaining the concept of a canine knot to me, or even just instructing me on what to do with it, she thrust down with even more power, causing the bulge to pop into her and finish expanding until I could no longer pull out from her but two inches.
"CUM!" she ordered, thrusting back still, while I clutched her waist with my claws, making her bleed. "NOW!"
"But you'll-"
Thrusting deep into her, I slammed into the end of her canal harder than I even intended to. Without warning, even to my surprise, my cock erupted, unloading my seed into her. Simultaneously, she tossed her head back and howled into the air as she orgasmed, her pussy clenching tightly around my maleness. With the explosion of her juices covering my shaft, I became overwhelmed by sensation and howled along with her, my seed having filled her to the brim and pouring out onto the bed below.
After a moment of intense panting on both our parts, Artemis fell backward ontop of me, turning around on my knot so that we faced one another. Breathing heavily, she purred, "That was so good, Stephen..."
"...Yeah," I agreed, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight as I finally managed to slide out of her. A few minutes of silence passed by, until I broke it by asking, "Why didn't you tell me about the knot thing beforehand?"
"Kinda... slipped my mind you wouldn't know about it..."
"Thanks, love," I said sarcastically. "Thanks alot."
"So how'dja like mating with a wolf for your first time, ya normie-raised pup?" she inquired, rubbing her nose against mine.
I smiled warmly and nuzzled her nose in kind. "How do you think I liked it?"
"Judging by that howl of yours, I'd say alot," she laughed. "Nice first howl by the way."
Beneath my fur, I could feel my wolven cheeks go red. "Thanks... Oh, and... Where'd you learn to dance like that?"
"Didn't; just did that spur of the moment," she said, proudly.
"... You're kidding."
"... Then you're officially the sexiest girl alive," I said, holding her close.
"Flattery will get you everywhere with me," she murred, nuzzling my neck.
The two of us cuddled for a while and I pulled the sheets over us; a short while later, we were taking a nap together bathed in a crimson glow.

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