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Contact author at: section8militia@yahoo.com
by J.C. Najera

"Sunovabitch," I grumbled, kicking over the trashcan through which I'd been searching. There was nothing of use... No supplies, no food, no nothing. Not a damned thing of use. I'd been homeless for over two years at that point; it never got any easier. "How's a guy like me supposed to subsist these days?!"
The going had been rough of late. With the 'waste no resource' kick the United States had been on of late, it had been growing more and more frustrating to come across something of use in the neighborhood bins. People were eating more and more of their food, bakeries were baking only as much as they could sell, and everything that I used to salvage was being recycled right away. The only hope that any of us vagabonds had was to steal recyclable cans from bins and take them to the centers; 'problem with that is that it was illegal, and the cops just loved arresting us.
Suddenly, the alley in which I stood suddenly was flooded with light as a large four-door Cadillac sedan came roaring around the corner, its tires squealing. It seemed as though the driver were in a hurry to get away from somebody... But who? Diving as quickly as I could, I barely got out of the way in time as the car slammed into the trashcan I'd just kicked over. The can was torn apart, a shard of its metal lodging in the Cady's tire. Moments later, the car had plowed through a fence and into a pole, its driver cursing behind the wheel as his vehicle failed to re-start.
Another vehicle entered the alley; a Honda from the mid-eighties. It looked as though it needed some work, and it squeaked like a mouse as its brakes brought it to a halt. A young woman dismounted the vehicle, pistol in-hand, and walked over to the wrecked Cady.
All that I could do was stand there in amazement at the spectacle before me; I'd known that I was in a shitty city, but how could it have been this bad? C'mon!
"Freeze!" the young woman ordered the driver of the Cady. "Keep your hands where I can see them and get out of the vehicle!"
My instincts told me that she was the 'good guy' in this situation. Either that, or they were trying to tell me that I should be siding with her, considering the pistol and all. Out of nowhere, then man in the Cady leaped into action, producing his own pistol from inside his coat. As he raised his arm to fire it, I acted, lashing out and knocking the pistol away from him. The female fired and put a bullet through his head, spraying blood across my face.
Shaking out my head, I let the body drop and turned to her. "What the fuck?!"
"...Get on the ground, human," she ordered.
"What'd you say?"
"I said, get on the ground, human!" She practically spat the last word...
"I'm not human," I corrected her. "And don't point that thing at me!"
"...Your not, huh?" she laughed. "Then what are you?"
As she approached, I realized something - she was bigger than me. I stood at about 5'11" - she cleared 6' easy. She was also a bit more muscular than I was... Oh, shit, I thought to myself. This sucks.
"I-..." My words caught in my throat... Taking a deep breath, I started again. "I'm a fox."
The female gave a hearty chuckle at that, keeping her gun trained on me. "You're cute - I'll give you that much. But I wouldn't go calling you a fox..."
"No, fox: like a kitsune?"
Her face flushed. "Oh... That."
"Yeah, that," I growled. "...What are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You don't seem all too surprised, so I'm assuming you're SOMETHING other than human."
"...Wolf," she muttered. "Now get on the ground."
"Why? You going to execute me?"
"...I don't leave witnesses," she informed me, pulling back the hammer on her gun.
Laying down, I complied, whimpering softly. A frown crossed her face and she blinked - just enough time for me to act. Grabbing the Cady driver's gun, I rolled and raised it, training the sights on her forehead. She stared at me, wide-eyed, seemingly impressed by my reaction speed.
"Drop the gun," I demanded in a steady voice.
"I hate Mexican Stand-Offs," she muttered.
I sighed and shook my head. "Put it down..."
"Why should I?"
"The cops are probably on their way here," I told her. "Better act fast... the sooner you drop it, the sooner we'll be out of here."
"You're right," she said. "I better act fast..."
The last thing I remembered seeing as the butt of her pistol hitting the bridge of my nose.

* * *

About an hour later, I awoke in the midst of a clearing. The surrounding woods seemed vaguely familiar... Perhaps the woods of Ojai? Yeah, that had to be it. Looking around, I took in what was around me. Trees, rocks, leaves, brush.. And that fuckin' dame with a gun. She had her back to me...
"...Why'd you bring me here?"
"I need to ensure you won't talk," she growled, turning to face me. She was shifted.. In her full wolven form. "... What will it take?"
"Not much," I muttered, kicking off my shoes and taking my fox form. "I wouldn't turn you in for anything."
A smirk crossed her lips. "And why is that?"
"Simple," I sighed, looking up at the stars through the canopy above. "Us shifters should be sticking together... There are few of us left; far between. Don't have much luck alone anymore."
The female took a moment to ponder my words before speaking again. "Guess you're right... But how do I know I can trust you?"
"I'm a fuckin' homeless bum! Do you think that, even if I did want to go to them, the cops would even believe me for a second?!"
She nodded and padded over to me on all fours, her tail swishing curiously. "You have a point... I'm sorry for hitting you,-....?"
"Convel," I finished for her. "What would your name be?"
"Lycaonia... Lyca for short."
I nodded politely and sat up. "...So you going to let me outta here?"
"I thought you said we should be sticking together," she said, mocking me.
I grumbled something terrificly impolite under my breath.
"Touché," she laughed.
"Fuckoff..." I growled, ears pinned back against my skull. It wasn't much fun, being a fox in a wolf's territory. "What do you want from me?"
"You seem capable of doing some damage," she observed, looking me over with her piercing blue, wolven eyes. "And I need a sidekick."
"Sidekick? Oh, fuck that. I'm not in that business anymore."
"Anymore?" she asked with a raised brow. "What do you mean?"
"...None of yer fuckin' business," I growled.
The back of my head suddenly hit the ground as she threw me down, placing a claw to my throat. "Tell me," the wolfess demanded with narrowed eyes.
I smiled up to her with a sad grin. "It doesn't matter; I refuse to enter that game again."
"...Tell me," she pressed.
"...What is my name?" I asked.
Her eyes grew wide. "You...?"
"There's your answer," I told her, pushing her off of me and standing up. "Now can I get out of here?"
"But... you?"
"Yes, we've confirmed that. Is it that shocking?"
"I never knew that the Convel was a shifter... Let alone a fox..."
"Thanks, didn't know I was that cute," I patronized, brushing the excess dust off my already dirty clothing. "Now, are you going to let me out of here without a fight, pup?"
"You're not one to talk," she muttered. "I'm probably older than you..."
"Doesn't matter - you're still a puppy," I laughed. "You're young in the field."
There was a prolonged silence as I strode back and forth, pondering what to do. My life had become meaningless up until this point, ever since I'd retired... Yet I had no intention of getting back into the game. This young wolfess seemed to have some potential in the field, but there was no way I could condone letting her go back out there to get killed. The game'd gotten pretty rough, as the number of available mercenaries had skyrocketed since more and more of the nation's youth had turned to crime. As a result of increase in available mercs, employers had begun sending more and more mercs as expendable henchmen into horribly suicidal situations. Mercs were being turned against mercs... No one could be trusted. She mustn't have realized this yet.
"Can I ask you something?" she queried at last.
"You were a legend... Why'd you disappear all of a sudden?" she asked, tilting her head.
I laughed and shook my head. "That is why you're still a pup."
"Please... I'd like to know."
Turning to face her, I crouched low and explained the situation involving employers and the supply of excess mercs. "...And that is why I quit."
Lyca nodded sincerely. "I see..."
"If you don't mind, I'll be taking my leave..."
I turned and began to stride away, almost at the edge of the field when a click resounded through the clearing behind me. "Not so fast," she growled.
Sighing, I hung my head and shook it. "Are you kidding?"
"No. You see, I was just hired on a contract by Boris Oschev," she informed. "You remember him, right?"
"I remember."
"Then you'll remember that you pissed him off pretty good... You're coming with me."
"This isn't a smart move on your part."
"You're unarmed."
"Am I?"
With that, I turned and threw a cloud of dirty in her face. Her pistol went off, sending a round right past my head. I could feel the heat waves in its wake hit my cheek. Lunging forth, I bit down on her arm and grasped her wrist, pulling at the flesh with claw and fang. She yelped and dropped the pistol, which I promptly kicked away, just as her fangs clamped down upon my neck.
The two of us wrestled upon the ground for several minutes, fangs gnashing and claws slashing. Ten minutes later, spatters of blood pock-marked the dirt, accompanied by much shed fur and a few tatters of clothing. Her claw was to my throat, and my fangs latched onto hers. If I'd bitten down just a bit harder, she would've been a goner.
"Finish.. it..." she managed, despite the pressure I was putting on her windpipe.
Releasing her, I leaned back from her a bit, my muzzle a few inches from hers. Our eyes met for a moment before I let my own wander over her body. In the fighting, much of our clothing had been torn; her shirt was in tatters, giving me a view of her cleavage. Shit, she was hot, strong... I couldn't resist.
Leaning forward, I pressed my muzzle to hers and kissed her, pulling her body close to mine. She snarled, digging her claws into my back, but didn't try to push away... She liked it. My own hands lightly roamed her back, massaging at the sore muscles; she grunted lightly, pushing me back suddenly.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
I laughed awkwardly and looked away into the distance. "Sorry - instinct..."
"What would make you think I was interested in you?"
Before I knew it, I was on my back again, with heavy wolf paws pinning my shoulders down.
"I guess that would be a hint that you're interested," I laughed, grinning up at her.
"...Shut up and take off those clothes," she growled.
"I don't take orders from pups," I growled in kind. Pushing her off with a burst of strength, I launched her toward a tree. She collapsed at its base and I removed the nylon wire that I kept in my back pocket - a handy defense tool. Picking her up by the scruff of her neck, I pushed her up against the tree and tied her arms around it with the wire. "You, on the other hand, will have to become a bit more obedient..."
She whimpered as I removed her tattered clothing, gripping her buttocks tightly in my paw and rubbing it lightly. "What're you going to do?" she asked, nervously.
"Nothing you weren't already craving... Your scent is already filling the damned clearing," I snarled in her ear. "Now are you going to be a good girl?"
She nodded, her tail tucked between her legs. Grasping it, I pulled it away from her female organs and knelt between her legs. My long, slender fox muzzle slid easily between her pussy lips, my tongue flicking out to taste her juices. And how sweet they were... She groaned as I ate her out, squirming and thrusting her hips down at my muzzle.
"Ohhhh! Convel!" she yelped, throwing her head back as she came. More of her juices dripped off of my kitsune whiskers as I removed my muzzle from her. I watched with a seductive grin as she panted, staring down into my eyes. "That.. was amazing..."
"We foxes are capable of more than you brute wolves think," I teased, flicking my tongue over her clit. In response, she arched her back, her tail wrapping around my neck.
"You're even more of a bastard than I thought," she muttered.
I continued to grin up at her. "...And you love it."
Standing up behind her, I slapped her ass hard and grasped it in my paw again, digging my claws in just a bit. Her tail wrapped around my wrist as she snarled. "Quit toying with me!"
"If I was toying with you, you'd be suffering a lot more," I explained, leaning forward and kissing the back of her neck. "And yet again... I know that you like it."
"Mmph," she grunted, leaning back into the brushes of my canine lips against her neck. "You have no idea..."
"Really?" I purred in her ear, nibbling on it lightly. My claw stroked down her spine, then went straight to my fly. "Is that so...?"
Her eyes went wide as she heard the zipper fall and my pants drop to the ground. She knew what was coming, and her scent became much stronger. "Are you...?"
"Yes, and you will be a good girl and take it," I snarled. "Understand?!"
She nodded as I put the tip of my claw to her throat. "Please..."
I pressed the tip of my engorged cock to her pussy lips, dragging a set of my claws down the left side of her back. She moaned out, pushing her hips back lightly. What could I do except slip inside of her? There was a split second of silence as we felt that final pop of my canine knot passing into her, followed by a joint moan that echoed through the woods.
"How does it feel to you, Lyca?"
Her only response was to pant and whimper, thrusting back at me. "Take me..."
And so I did... Thrusting into her again, I cupped her breasts in my paws and rolled her nipples between my fingers. Her response was more intense than I'd expected, as she quickly orgasmed on my cock and sprayed her fluids all over my inner thighs, as well as her own. She was so warm... Hot, in fact. I hadn't ever felt pleasure quite to that extent before; it was impossible to refrain from being rough and beast-like. So I didn't.
Thrusting in with tremendous force, I pounded her hard and fast. She howled and screamed in pleasure, calling up into the night so that her voice might shake the very heavens above us. Tails intertwined, we fucked against that tree for two straight hours. By the time that we had finished, our combined cum had pooled on the ground beneath us.
"Con-...vel... I can't... take... anymore..."
"Neither... can.. I..." I whispered in her ear, taking my human form and pulling out of her. She, too, took her human form, as I untied her.
"So.. where do we... go from here?" she asked.
I looked to her with a tired expression. "Let me.. catch my breath first... Then we'll talk truce... okay?"

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