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Hard Times 15
Paying Debts


Jordan finds a new interest and a new male college employee...

As ever played out with boinggoat boinggoat

Paying debts

"Mr Briar wants his money pinkie." The Bulldog was short, and as broad
as he was tall. With heavy jowls that drooped down over the collar of
his thick woolen sweater. Shiny white flecks of foamy saliva were
sprinkled on the chest of his pea soup green sweater. As he glared up
viciously at the pale red headed human, who was dangling weakly from
the thick arm's of the huge stallion. As the Bulldog slung another
swift, hard series of body shots to the powerfully build red headed
Human's hefty muscle gut.

"I... Uhuhuhuhu... I aint got... Pike." Ted Cogline groaned his knee's
buckling, as those rock hard fists moved up to his stubble covered
jaw. Before the short canine stepped back, nodding his wide head on
that thick neck. The big Horse let the Human go, watching him crumple
to the cold tile floor. The stallion's expressive muzzle emotionless,
as Ted knelt there in front of them helplessly. The Bulldog sent
another playful slap across the Humans flat bruised muzzle.

"You aint got... I don't wanta hear that Pinkie..." The powerfully
built Canine growled darkly, as he dropped another hard punch onto
Teds upturned face. Sending the burly Human sprawling onto that hard
tile floor, bright crimson blood smearing the white and green tiles.
"You better get it... or we're going to be paying a visit to that
happy home of yours. You got a handsome female." The Bulldog growled
even though he thought all Humans were butt ugly. "Be a shame if her
muzzle got the same kinda treatment yours just got heh pinkie..."

"Wha... now wait leave Tawny out of this... I'm the one that owes the
money..." Ted protested weakly from the floor, as a huge hard hoof
slammed brutally into his ribs.

"Awwwww... ya should have thought of that before you stopped paying
yer debts... Huh ya pink dead beat... if Mr Briar don't have his money
soon. Well you stop being a valued customer... and we start collectin'
yer debt in blood. Or maybe there is somethin' yer bitch can do to
earn Mr Briar's money... Maybe we can give her a job in his club...
making his paying customers feel... pleasurable." The short stout
canine sneered lewdly as the helpless Human try to rise.

"Whats going on here?" A deep masculine voice trumpeted, as the heavy
metal door clanged open loudly. A truly massive figure stood
silhouetted in the flickering florescent, his blue uniform rumpled but
plain. It was a campus cop... a huge gray skinned Pachyderm who had
one hand resting on the butt of his old fashion revolver.

"Nothin'." The big Horse snorted stepping over the prostrate Human,
more to get into a unobstructed position encase he had to fight the
Elephant. Even as Ray moved into the room making it obvious he's not
going to walk away.

"Just talkin... talkin to and old friend." The Bulldog snarled,
looking up at the big Pachyderm with a viscous grin. Motioning to the
big equine that they were leaving, even as the Horse grinned at the
Elephant. "Come on Derry... I think Ted here understands Mr Briars
message." The massive stallion just grunted following the Bulldog out
the door, his eyes never leaving the big Elephant.

Ray watched them go... even moving over so he could look down the
hallway. Once the pair were out of sight, he turned back to Ted. Who
had struggled up into a sitting position, leaning up against the pale
green painted wall. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" The
massive Pachyderm snorted sitting down of the employee locker rooms
bench. Watching as Teds think fingers probed the cuts and bruises on
his body and face.

"Yea... yeah I owe a guy... a really bad guy some money." Ted
stammered, spitting blood out of his mouth as he looked up at the

"I don't know what you want from me... I can only do something if
their on campus. And then it's only restrain them until the city
police show up. If they come after you off campus... and it sounds
like that's their plan. I can't do shit... and if your thinking I got
some money to loan you." Ray was shaking his heavy head, those massive
ears flapping slightly.

"Yeah... Yeah I know you got... yer wife's got lots of medical bills."
Ted choked as he sat up a little straighter, and then looked into the
Elephants beady black eyes. "But I hear you found... found away to
make more money lately. Pay fer that treatment she needs... I heard
its real expensive and our insurance don't cover it."

"Well... yeah, but I don't think it's somethin' you'd wanta do." Ray
said, leaning forwards to rest his thick elbows on his knobby knee's.
"A young male like you... got a pretty young healthy wife."

"I owe those guys fifteen grand... and their going to go after Tawny
next. Maybe my kids... Vera's just turned sixteen and the boy's..."

"Ok... ok I'll see if he wants to talk to you..." Ray grunted as he
shook that massive gray head and looked away uncomfortably. "If he
likes what he see's... maybe he'll make you a deal for that money."

"Deal!?" The burly red headed human grunted, rubbing his stubble
covered jaw as he climbed slowly up onto the bench. "I aint got
nothin' that's worth fifteen grand." Ted grunted shaking his head
slowly back and forth and he stared down at his boots. Even as the big
Pachyderm stood up and began strolling towards the door he'd jusy came

"You might be surprised what some folks consider worth buying... I
know I was... still I guess to some guys there worth a whole lot
more." Ray tossed back over his shoulder as he walked away, leaving
the big burly Human looking confused behind him.


The air was thick, hot, damp, and so full of animalistic musk it made
Teds head swim. Oddly his cock had stiffened the moment he'd entered
the ornate Turkish style baths. The big human plumber felt decidedly
uncomfortable dressed in only a fluffy loose fitting terry clothe
robe. Ray and the stuffy older Bear had insisted that if they were
going into the baths they had to disrobe. And then put these damn
robes on... the big Human was certain that is was the soft velvety
cotton clothe rubbing against his bulging junk that had gotten him so
hard. Ray lead him over to a massive blue marble hot tub, where a huge
coal black Bull sat leaning back comfortably in the swirling waters.
To either side of him sat a black Cape Buffalo Cow, and a lean tawny
Lioness. The fat Bull had his flabby arm's draped over their shoulders
nuzzles their necks while his fat hands fondled a breast from each of
them. While the two pretty females giggled and ran their paws over his
huge naked body.

Ray cleared his throat and the trio looked up at the two newcomers, as
the big Elephant made introductions. "Good evening sir... this is Ted
Cogline the... the friend in need I was telling you about." Both the
massive Pachyderm and the burly Human stood there shifting back and
forth looking nervous and uncomfortable. As the trio looked them over
with interest, until after a second the big Bull smiled widely. "Your
a human right... I've never done one of your kind..."

"Done one of my kind?" Ted choked looking very uncomfortable and
slightly sick at those words. Ray had warned he would Not like the
deal the rich Bull would offer. And from the sound of that statement,
it sounded to the straight human like maybe the Bull was going to want
to fuck him. The thought sent shivers down the big burly married mans
strong back. Now even more uncomfortable and embarrassed by the
bulging front of his robes, that thick erection very obvious indeed to

"Humans are kind of rare in the circles I run in." Jordan admitted
opening starring at the bulge in the front of Ted's fluffy white robe.
A sudden feeling of relief swept over the big red head, as he saw the
lust in that stare. Maybe all the Bull wanted was a nice hard male
cock to pleasure, maybe fuck him up the butt. That wouldn't be soooo
bad, Ted could just close his eyes and think about his wife's sexy
slit. For fifteen grand he could bring himself to fuck another male,
maybe even let the Bull put a cock in him. "Has Ray explained what
I'll be wanting from you?" Jordan asked as he moved over to the edge
of the tub, and looked up at Ted excitedly.

"Well... no but I think I can guess..." Ted grunted unknotting the
belt of his robe, and letting it flop open. That long pink Human cock
jutted out proudly, not very big for a Bull. But good size for a
Human, thick and throbbing at it's full nine and a half inches. But it
was those heavy male plums, that dangled beneath it that really held
Jordan's attention. Nice size bigger than some of the sets Jordan
already had collected, but not as big as the horses and Bull's
obviously. The funny looking wrinkled sack was covered in spars hair
that was around an inch long and standing out kinky. Reaching under
those fat male orbs, that huge hot palm cupped them. Ted stood there
panting for breath, feeling very light headed as his hefty junk was
fondled. His eyes glazed as those thick fingers tugged and examined
his heavy male jewels.

"We'll have to shave them good, before I cut them off." Jordan
explained, as his flabby fist encircled that rock hard human cock and
stroked it playfully.

"Oh yes I guess so... Errr what? Cut them off? Cut what off?" Ted
choked taking a step backwards and he shook his head looking down at
the grinning Bull in shock.

"I thought you had guessed... I want to buy your balls." Jordan
answered plain and honestly as the confused Human looked from him to
the big Pacyderm. Ray nodded his hefty head and swung his trunk back
and forth was his Human friend looked stunned.

"Buy my ball?!?" Ted repeated, as the two females in the hot tub
giggled uproariously.

"Yes of course." The big black Bull answered sitting back down and
lounging back in the water. "Surely to didn't think it was for some
type of sexual services." Jordan snickered, as the Human yanked his
robe closed and took another step back.

"This... this was you Deal?" Ted shouted looking at Ray, as if the big
Elephant had betrayed him in some vague way.

"I told you... you wouldn't like it." The mighty Pachyderm countered,
as he stood there passively looking at the panicking Human.

"Why hell NO." Ted shouted, as he looked back over at the nonplussed
black Bull lounging with his two female friends. "I mean would you let
him cut your balls off?" The Human demanded as Ray unbelted his robe
and let it drop.

"I already have..." The big Pachyderm said plainly, as the humans eyes
swept down to the healing scabs below the Elephants plump sheath.

"Oh... Oho My Gods... that... that's how you got the money for...
for... to pay for." Ted choked, scrambling back as Ray just shrugged
his shoulders and nodded. "Your fuckin' crazy... all of you fuckin'
crazy." Turning the big Human fled out of the misty steamy baths and
back into the locker rooms.

Jordan shrugged, as he watched the burly Human turn on his heels and
make for the exit. "The offer remains open, if you change your mind."
He called after the fleeing man, as the girls laughed openly now.
Jordan licked his thick lips... naturally the burly Human didn't pack
nearly as much between his legs as many others he'd already castrated
for his pleasure... But the fleeting sight of those wide, pale butt
cheeks beneath the flapping bathrobe made the big Bull certain that he
wanted to cut that big man's balls off... "Terrance, see to it Ray's
guest finds his way out." The big Bull said into the intercom beside
the hot tubs polished marble rim. "Make sure he doesn't forget his
clothes heh."


Jordan watched the doorway after the heavyset Human ran off, licking
his lips and daydreaming about rolling those pale, yet plump and
tender set of balls around between his fingertips. A heavy hand
caressed his broad, soft belly... and he came back to the here and now
with a smile. He looked to his left to see the plump, voluptuous Cape
Buffalo cow smiling at him. Her plush body cuddled up against his in
the bubbling water, and looking to his right he nuzzled the sleek,
toned Lioness's tawny muzzle. He took a deep breath and stretched his
arms around the girl's shoulders, and spread his legs under the
steaming water as well... The fat black Bull grinned at the demure,
undressed Pachyderm eunuch. "Well, don't feel bad Ray. If he needs the
money as bad as you say, he'll be back."

"Oh he needs it that bad..." Ray assured softly as the hot lapping
waters welcomed his heavy naked body.

"Join us..." He invited as the Elephant nodded and started down the
steps into the tub. "A eunuch is always welcome among a Bull and his
Cows." The big Bull explained, squeezing the girls' shoulders

"Did you see the bruise?" The huge Elephant grunted, as he slowly
waddled into the roiling waters as he was ordered, the complacent
Steer now. "Thank you sir." Ray snorted as he settled into the hot
water feeling the steaming air effect him, strong musky scents having
more effect that expected on him.

"Yes indeed I did..." Jordan nodded sagely, as he nuzzled Delilah and
Miranda's sleek naked bodies. "Sorry he ran off girls, I know you both
wanted to see a Human male get castrated. But it sounds like we might
get another chance." Jordan said with a chuckle, giving both cuddling
females a tight squeeze.

"Kinda reminds me of that piggy all pink and furless." Miranda
chuckled softly as she pressed her huge breasts against the big Bull's
side. "It would have been fun to watch him cut though." The big Cape
buffaloess snorted in obvious arousal, as she looked the big gray
Pachyderm over curiously.

"That sweet diddle stick of his looked delicious though." Delilah
purred as her huge hot paw fondled Jordan's hefty male hood under the
water, as she licked her lip's. "I'd have loved to have bitten it

"In the meantime... I bet you've already seen Ray's testicles in the
main room, and I bet you'd like to see where they came from. Come a
little closer, Ray... give these beautiful ladies a better look at
where I made you a eunuch." The young black Bull commanded imperially
as he leaned back fondling the two females lustfully. As the big
Elephant approached the Lioness and the Buffalo Cow as both leaned in
towards his crotch, eager to see what this huge male had, and what he
had lost! A soft, strong hand and a supple paw began exploring under
his belly, pulling his powerful thighs apart. Rubbing his groin...
teasingly under his sheath and fondling the scars Jordan had left him
with... As across the tub Ray waddled through the nearly waist deep
water, moving over so that he stood just in front of the trio...

"Oooooooooooo." Both girls moaned at once as they looked over the
Elephants crotch, as he towered over them all; while paws caressing
him lustfully. Soon paws were running up his thick thighs and then
onto the scabs of his crotch, where Jordan had cut his massive nuts
out just days before. Jordan snorted as Delilah played with his virile
young Bull dick, quickly making that long fleshy staff stiff and
ready. In return he leaned over and slid his hands up the Lioness's
body, cupping her fur-covered breasts from below. The tawny golden
Lioness purred in delight as she felt that huge Bovine organ slide out
and stiffen in her big deadly paws. Those male organs so need and
vulnerable, she could have them off in seconds with her claws. And the
Bull knew that, but was just to masculine and confident to worry about
it. Knowing she loved them to much to harm them. Leaning in she
nuzzles and chewed on his thick neck aggressively as he aroused her...
with his fondling.

"Heh, I bet you'd never thought that getting castrated would get you
fondled by beautiful females huh Ray?" Jordan teased the big Elephant,
as he slid a hand around Miranda's wide, round rump under the water.
"Careful girls, I just cut him a few days ago; there might be some
life left in his loins!"

"No... no sir I would have Never expected that." Ray agreed, as that
long cock snaked out of his sheath and lay floating semi hard on the
hot waters.

"Hahaha so we see." Miranda laughed, as she reached out and stroked
that massive organ that had only atrophied slightly as yet.

"If you want to play with it, now's the best time, before it shrivels
up like eunuch cocks... always do...nnf." The young Bull snorted and
turned to the lanky Lioness nibbling on his thick male neck. "Or
Delilah decides to find out what it feels like between her teeth." The
young, fat Bull teased her with a smile, and put both of his arms
around her. His hefty body pressing up against her sleek frame, his
meaty bovine scepter rubbing against her belly as he pulled her
closer. The fat Bull's shaft tingled with lust, his balls felt heavy;
it was as if his loins could sense how close her bare mound was.
Grinning Jordan leaned his head in and nibbled at her neck, a hand
sliding down between her legs and groping her his quivering sex.

"I'll play with it." Miranda giggled, as she moved up closer and
pulled that huge semi hard rut stick up between his massive floppy
tits. Even as Ray looked down in wonder, as a sexy female less than
half his age began to rub and kiss his massive cock. "You'd like that
wouldn't you?" The big black Buffaloess snickered as she felt that
huge cock harden a bit more between her breasts. "Ohooooo you do huh

"Ammmm hey yeah that stud muscle would be a real meal!" The Lioness
giggled as she let Jordan lift and position her sleek sexy feline
body, that huge cock teasing her tiny slit. "I'd love to eat your
cock." She giggled as that huge hard Bull cock pushed into her
extremely damp sex making the Lioness's eyes widen.

"Ammm, don't just stand there eunuch." Jordan grunted as Ray watched
him get ready to fuck that sleek Lioness right there in the tub.
"These girls are beautiful... ummm... sensual creatures, and your
masters, so serve their pleasures!" Beside him, Miranda's attention
was divided, between the mammoth member of the eunuch Elephant in her
hands. And the lusty Bull slowly moving on top of the Lioness...
positioning himself getting ready to enter.

"I... I'll do my very best to please." Ray gulped... as he watched
Miranda toy with that long gray fuck stick.

"Mmm... yeah that's right you big eunuch, do anything those girls
want." Jordan grunted as he pushed his hard shaft up inside Delilah,
the fat Bull gasping at the tightness of her sex. He slid his flabby
arms around her, his wide, fat body almost smothering her against the
side of the tub. Leaving Ray and Miranda to watch his rump rising and
falling in the bubbling, steaming water as he nailed that hot young
Lioness right there in front of both of them. This lewd female who
wanted to EAT Ray's huge gray dick... was taking Jordan's in the
pussy. As the Lioness started to growl with pleasure, Miranda kneaded
her huge, soft tits around the Elephant's cock, the big Cow smiling in
delight as it gradually got hard for her...

"Sounds like I better get my fun in fast... before this shrivels up,
or becomes Delilah's next meal. Or mounted on Jordan's trophy wall,
next to those huge glorious balls of your." She teased... softly as
her hands and mouth teasing the Pachyderms throbbing rut stick.

"RRROWOAOW..." Delilah screamed, as that long hard cock was shoved
deep inside of her in one smooth motion. Her tawny golden body tensing
like a coiled spring under the massive stud's soft black belly.

"Ye... yes sir anything I can." Ray moaned as Miranda pushed him over
to the hot tubs rim, and rubbed his long stiffening organ faster
between her tits.

"Ummm yeah you like that huh big boi." The Buffaloess moaned in
excitement, as she watched the Steer get harder and thicker with her
teasing. Secretly she wanted to have that mighty Pachyderm cock taken
off. While they both watched Jordan pound into that tight little
feline sex, which would never be the same after the fat Bull got
finished with it.

"Ohooo... Ohooo Gods Yes! Ride me... ride me like a Cow you big horny
Bull." Delilah screamed as she pressed back into him, feeling her
slight body almost sink into Jordan huge soft one. Jordan grunted with
lust and effort, panting hotly against the big cat's neck as his wide
rump bounced up and down, splashing noisily in the water.

"Ohh, I'll make you a Cow alright!" He panted to Delilah as she
writhed under his hefty weight, sleek round ass making hard little
thrusts back against his groin.

"Oho Yes Own me... take me and own me you lustful stud." The Lioness
was howling, obviously giving herself up completely to the Bulls huge
hard cock, as he punched in and out of her tingling little sex.

"I'll fuck you so hard, no feline male will ever please you again!
They'll try, and they'll fail, and you'll make them pay with their
little cat pricks..." His thick, strong arms squeezed her slender body
tightly, holding her against his hips as he hunched in and out.
Spearing her soft pussy with his long shaft, while Ray and Miranda
watched both getting more aroused every minute. Miranda's hands almost
tingled as they held the Elephant's massive meat, and she licked her
lips... She'd LOVE to see that huge thing hacked off... but she knew
she'd have to get Jordan's permission first. And he'd want the
Elephant's permission... a wicked little smile wandered across her
pretty muzzle.

"Ummmm yeah baby... that sounds soooo wonderful... I'll take their
little feline cocks and balls." Delilah moaned in bliss, obviously
Jordan knew just the right buttons to push to really turn the Lioness
into a total slut. The Lioness bucking and struggling not to get away
but to take more of that thick bovine fuck stick.

"So eunuch, what's turning you on more?" Miranda teased as she rubbed
Ray's dick against her breasts, "Watching the Bull who castrated you
fuck a girl, or having a girl of your own playing with you? I can tell
that you like the attention." She added with a sultry swish of her
hips, as she stood up in the swirling waters. So the nut-less Elephant
could see her full naked figure; big, heavy breasts, gently rounding
belly, sleek hips and the plump slot down below, between her inner
thighs. She took hold of Ray's huge hands, and brought them to her
bouncy breasts.

"Errr... I... I think." He gulped. eyes flickering back and forth from
the rutting pair to the pretty female teasing him, and then the
gentleman in him moaned. "Having so pretty a girl playing with... with
me." Ray panted hard for breath, feeling dizzy with lust as his hands
were placed on those hefty tits, nervous finger squeezing those thick
nipples automatically even as his cock throbbed.

"Are you hoping that you're still man enough, to do what he's doing?"
Rays head was spinning, as he'd never been in so erotic a situation
before, even his rutting of the Bear could not compare to this...

"Ohooooo God help me... Yes!" He moaned as that hot female body
suddenly pressed against him, pushing him over onto his back on the
marble floor around the rim of the tub. As Miranda scrambled up his
body. and took his long spring cock into her hands. Working it into
the scalding hotness of her tight slit... as she took control of the
eunuch. The plump Cape Buffalo cow moaned; a heavy, throaty sound that
echoed in the tile-covered room. She took a deep breath, her broad
chest swelling into Ray's trembling hands, and rocked her wide hips up
and down. Working slowly to slide that massive gray meat into her hot,
hungry sex. She was not a tight girl; even Jordan had a comfortable,
roomy fit in her... but she was tight on this gray monster. If she'd
been any smaller, she never would have fit it inside of her. She
rocked up and down on his wide hips, her naked pussy lewdly gyrating.
While Ray watched, his wide eyes peeking over his gut to savor the
lewd display taking place on his crotch.

"Ummmm... that's right eunuch... thrust, fuck me." The big black Cape
Buffalo cow moaned excitedly as her hips lewdly gyrated. "Not because
you like it... not because you want to... not because you've got a fat
pair of balls that you want to empty in my belly... You'll fuck me
because I DEMAND your manhood."

Jordan looked over to watch that heavy Cow riding his blushing eunuch,
and he squeezed Delilah's rump tightly, thrusting faster, working hard
to cum in that mewling cat!

"Ohooo gods... ohooo gods you feel sooooooooooooooo good!" The big
Elephant moaned weakly, as his hip's began to buck up under her
weight. Those big hands teasing her tits expertly even as she leaned
over him shouting in his face. Bouncing with ever growing excited on
his semi hard cock, that had amazingly gotten hard enough to do her
really good.

"Slap my ass daddy and tell me you'll give me this cock for my very
own." Miranda demanded lustfully, as she rode him harder and faster.
While across the tub Delilah was yowling even louder now her tight sex
squeezing and quivering on Jordan's thick cock in delightful ways, and
he knew she was orgasming over and over again the strong musk filling
the hot steamy air with strong feline scent...

Jordan watched Miranda's big, round bottom bouncing over Ray's spread
thighs and twitching twin scars. He saw those big gray hands fondling
and kneading her big tits, and could see Ray's head and trunk tossing
wildly from the wonderful pleasures of pussy... pleasures he hadn't
experienced in... far too long. Miranda grinned, leaning into those
hungry gray hands that squeezed her tits so nicely, and caressed the
bucking eunuch's broad, smooth belly.

"Ohoh yess... yes, thrust in me, Eunuch... What a nice big dick you
have, leftover from before Jordan castrated you... Ummm, no cum to
give me, but so much MEAT..." She licked her lips and rocked her wide
hips, grinding her plump groin down on the gray-skinned eunuch's
shaft. "Ammm, you like my pussy, eunuch? You like fucking me... having
my body Ummm... on top... against you... taking you in...I 'll tell
you what... I want... I want to be the LAST pussy you get to fuck... I
want you to promise me, Eunuch; that when you're done, you'll have
Jordan cut your fat salami right off." Hearing that... sent Jordan
right over the edge and crashing into heavy orgasm. He'd been trying
to pace himself, to give Delilah a good, long ploughing; but enough
was enough... Her tight pussy felt so good, and his balls felt so
heavy, he couldn't resist just erupting inside of her. The fat Bull
squeezing her strongly, as he filled her with his cum...

Ray lay back on that cold marble floor, but it wasn't the cold that
made him shiver. Mirandas demands left him shaken, still he could deny
her anything... Oh no... not with all the pleasure she was filling him
with at that moment. "Yes... YES alright I promise... I... I'll have
him cut it off. So... so I'll never rut any other pussy after yours."
The pleasure delirious Pachyderm promised breathlessly, even as his
strong hip's slammed up into her soft body; as his own muted desires
pushed him on... While he heard the young Bull bellowing and moaning
as he filled that sleek sexy feline with his potent male seed. Making
the already wildly bucking and struggling Lioness yowl even louder as
she felt him explode within her...

Jordan grunted in pleasure, grinding his teeth as he pressed his fat
body against the sleek Lioness, his tense muscles quivering as he felt
his big bovine seed sacs empty into her toned belly. He panted into
her face, and forced his tongue into her muzzle; then after a few
minutes he heaved himself up and pulled out of the trembling lioness.
Taking a few deep breaths and chuckling, he waded through the bubbling
water and pressed his bulky belly against Miranda's back. "Ummm...
hadn't you better negotiate with me, for MY eunuch's meat?" He teased
with a grin, as his broad palms slid around her bouncing hips, and
stroked her belly, and groin... feeling the split where that big gray
dick sank in. "I'll make you a deal Miranda. I'll cut off my big
eunuch's member... if you let me give you my own, whenever I want."
The young Bull could already feel his lust rising, just from being so
close to this heavy Buffalo Cow, even though he'd just fucked, he felt
ready for more...

Delilah panted for breath as she pulled herself out of the hot water,
and lay weak and trembling on the cold marble floor. Watching as her
fat Bovine lover moved over to proposition the black Buffalo Cow,
amazingly hard and horny once more. The Lioness smiled as she listened
already knowing what Mirandas answer would be, Jordan was one hell of
a fuck.

"Ummmm oh yes... whenever you like stud." The big Buffalo Cow moaned,
as she felt Rays huge cock tensing and shooting its pitiful load into
her hot sex. The clear seedless fluid slick and slimy within her, as
she buck on him; teasing the Elephant's over sensitive cock with the
pleasure of her sex a moment longer.

Jordan snorted hotly onto the back of Miranda's neck, the randy young
Bull already feeling his dick rise against the Buffalo Cow's plush
behind. As she rocked and worked on the Elephant's crotch her body
racked in orgasm. Jordan slid a hand down under her ass, and teased
where that thick gray salami met her flesh... And then he followed it
down, and rubbed those still-tender scabs, nodding his head as he felt
the tubes he severed only a few days ago trying to pull cream from
testicles that were no longer there. "Delilah you sexy peach you; when
you have your breath back could you fetch a tool big enough... and
sharp enough... to cut this thick gray rut muscle off?" He leered as
the Lioness scrambled to her paws at once and padded off, while he
kissed Miranda's floppy bovine ear. "Ammmm, how does it feel, big
girl... knowing you're his very last lay?"

"Exciting." Miranda admitted with a wicked grin, as she looked back at
Jordan. While the handsome young Bull examined that huge gray cock
that was buried within her. "And it makes me feel special of course,
knowing he gave it up for me." Just then Delilah came trotting back in
with a tray of medical equipment, and a huge pair of tree pruning
shears. Her bouncy feline breasts heaving with breathless excitement,
whether from running of just her sexual excitement it was impossible
to know.

Jordan smiled broadly as Delilah arrived with the tray, looking over
the supplied tools approvingly. "What do you think Miranda?" He asked
the heavy Buffalo Cow, still riding the big eunuch's last erection.
"Take it off with these big cutters, here? We can cut it off while
he's still inside of you even." The big Bull offered, as he placed the
cold shears on the bull Elephant's broad belly. He slid an arm around
the Cow's waist, and kneaded her ass as she rocked on what was left of
the Elephant's manhood.

"Hahaha..." The busty Cow laughed huskily, as Jordan explained his
plan to cut the Elephant mighty organ off; while it was still within
her body. "Ohoooo if you do that... I just might have another orgasm."
Miranda breathed, as Ray just lay there passively nuzzling up into her
low hanging breasts, his mouth and trunk teasing those pendulous
globes. Only shivering slightly, as he felt those cold steel jaws on
the hot flesh of his hefty muscle gut.

"Ummm, well you know how much I love to please you." The fat black
Bull replied as he picked up the shears again, slowly sliding them
around the base of that huge gray fuck stick. The cold blades brushed
over the plump Cape Buffalo cow's soft loins, teasing her stretched
slot, a tangible reminder of what was about to happen. He left them in
place for a moment, as he used both hands to loop some surgical tubing
around Ray's thick penis... The tubing dug into that meaty organ,
reminding the Elephant that he wouldn't feel anything beyond that
soon... he was gonna loose his dick.

"Ohoo... Haha..." Miranda giggled sitting bolt upright as that cold
steel rubbed over her hot damp sex, clear juices smearing on those
razor edge blades. Delilah strolled over to Rays big head as Miranda
sat up, the tawny Lioness looking down at the passive Pachyderm with a
wide smile.

"Need a little something to keep his mind off it." She giggled, before
kneeling over his muzzle and shoving her dripping feline sex onto his
mouth; growling for him to lick. The Elephants thick tongue proved
almost as thick and long as Jordan Bull cock, as the Steer licked the
Bull's hot leavings out of that well fucked slit. Even as both females
craned their necks, so they could watch as the fat black Bull made the
huge Pachyderm even less of a male than the Steer he now was... Jordan
licked his lips as he watched Delilah control that big, strong former
male, grinding her slimy pussy against his face. And grabbing his
arms, leaning her weight on them to make sure he wouldn't stop his
cock being removed... "Ooh yes, taste it you big boy, lick my pussy as
you get your cock lopped off."

"I'm glad you've learned how to lick a pussy eunuch." The fat Bull
said with a smirk, as he started squeezing the handles of those shears
together. "Because you're never gonna fuck again!"

"Ummm Ammmm..." Came Ray's muffled moans as he speared his tongue deep
within her, the hot salty taste of Jordan's cum and tart musk of the
Lioness's sex filling his senses. Leaving no room for anything else in
his world, all that mattered was that hot sloppy pussy oozing cum into
his mouth. Delilahs eyes opened very wide as she listen to Jordan's
words, and watched those steel jaw squeeze and then cuts into that
hard male flesh.

"Never going to feel a hot pussy like that again." Delilah whispered
as she thrust her sex harder against his licking mouth grinding her
sex lip's against his mouth.

"Oho gods... Ohooo fuck he's really doing it... taking your cock."
Miranda moaned, as she withered in pleasure as that huge cock throbbed
and twitched within her sex, while she watched that hard muscle
compressed down. And then it began to cut... Ray's powerful body
bucking and trembling wildly as it realized what was happening, even
if his mind was busy. Jordan's own eyes widened with lewd delight as
he watched the shear's blades sink into that thick gray meat. His own
shaft rose proudly as the big eunuch's huge body jerked and trembled
before him, feeling every inch of cock flesh that cold steel cut
through. Jordan almost couldn't believe he was cutting off another
guys cock... even a eunuch's cock... and this one was so huge. It
thrilled him to know he was denying Ray even the faintest hope of
having sex like a man again... and he pressed his fat body close
against Miranda. Who was getting a big thrill off it herself,
together, they watched that long gray pole come free with a jerk...
The big Buffalo Cow rubbing and playing with the fat knob of her clit,
as those razor sharp blades shear through that stud muscle just inches
below her quiver sex. And then as that mighty stud muscle was cut
cleanly in two, she lifted up to let Jordan work on that stump. While
she grasp the base of that massive cock and used it like a dildo now.
Thrusting it in and out of her sex, while she rubbed her clit wildly
swiftly. Bringing about a second wave of powerful orgasms, even as
Delilah was yowling and riding that plunging tongue to a powerful
orgasm of her own...

Jordan used the other medical supplies to take care of Ray's stump...
his own prick throbbing as he sealed up the elephant's crotch. Now the
big pachyderm had no claim at all to being called male. Once that duty
was dispatched, he grabbed Miranda from behind, his hard shaft rubbing
against her rump as he reached around and groped her breasts, belly,
and groin. "Ohhh, did you FEEL that, Miranda? You just helped a HUGE
male loose his dick. Ummm, I bet he savored every second he had inside
your pussy..."

"Hahah... is that true... did you Nullo?" Miranda asked as Delilah
eased up off Rays muzzle as she slipping into the bliss of afterglow,
curling up beside his head as the Pachyderm sat up weakly and moaned.

"Oh yes indeed... I savored every second I was within you mistress the
memory of it was be with me always." The older Elephant panted, as he
watched the horny young black Bull take his place within the sexy Cows
dripping sex... While his own long gray cock was tugged out and
flopped down on the marble floor beside him. Jordan took a moment to
tie off the end of that loose piece of flopping gray meat, making sure
it stayed semi-stiff, and ripe for preservation. Then he turned on
Miranda and dove right into her breasts, the eager black Bull nuzzling
and groping her heavy chest. Pulling her hefty body against his, that
stiff pole and fat balls swaying and bouncing as he groped and humped
at her. Letting the Nulled Pachyderm and the sleek lioness to watch...

Ray watched the highly erotic show with unmistakable longing in his
dark eyes, and maybe more than a little jealousy at the big Bull
getting to fuck Miranda. While looking down at his own crotch, which
was smooth and flat now that his mighty love muscle had been removed;
idly he watched Delilah pick up his dissever cock. Examining it
closely before she looked at him and flashed him a toothy smile, as
she began rubbing that huge round cock head over her own slit. Teasing
him as she slowly crammed a dozen inches or so inside of herself, and
began to masturbate with what had once been his masculinity...


Tawny Cogline swung her battered old station-wagon into the drive way
of her old two story house. It had belonged to Teds folks, they had
been forced to mortgage it. Thanks to Teds bad habit of betting on
every sporting event that was ever played. But that was over now...
Ted had sworn off gambling, and now after seven years they had finally
got their debts under control. Tawny unlocked the rear door of the
families 1985 Ford LTD Country Squire station wagon. Reaching in to
grab an arm load of grocery bags, the buxom Human female turned to
find herself face to muzzle with a thick bodied Bulldog. The Bulldog
was short, and as broad as he was tall. With heavy jowls that drooped
down over the collar of his thick woolen sweater.

"Your husband here pinkie bitch?" The Bulldog growled as he reached an
arm across to block her way. While a massive stallion moved over to
lean against the side of the car, closing off her other escape route.
The cars door blocking off the other side effectively pinning her in,
as she turned to face the Dog head on.

"I don't know... I just drove in. What the hell do you want with him
cur?" Tawny snarled back as she started to push around him, but the
short canine was strong. And tossed her back against the car hard,
making her drop one of the brown paper bags. Which split scattering
canned vegetables over the drive ways pockmarked concrete surface.

"He owes money... a lot of money to a very powerful male. And we're
here to get it back." Pike snarled as the Human female sat the other
bag back into the car, and stood glaring at the pair of big males.

"That was all paid off years ago... and Ted doesn't gamble anymore."
Tawny argued, as the Bulldog's muzzle twisted up into a dark leering

"Like hell... he bet five hundred on the eagles game just last week.
If he told you any different he's lying his ass off bitch. But maybe
you can work some of that debt off... with us right now." Pike
snorted, as the big stallion snickered softly. as he reached out and
grabbed her big bouncy breast. "Derry and me might take a little
carnal payment right now... Mr Briar will find you some more work at
his club makin' the customers feel good.

"Get you paws off me!" Tawny screamed, shoving the big horses hands
away from her breasts. Even as Pike shoved a paw up between her leg's
fondling her hot sex through the thin fabric of her silky panties.
Making her dance in place as she tried to close her leg's together,
even as the horses big hand ripped her blouse. Exposing her hefty tits
in a bright red bra, while she screamed again. The thick fumbling
fingers teased one hefty bouncing tit from that bra.

"Leave my wife alone..." Ted shouted as he ran out of the house, and
down the drive towards the pair of big males. Even as Tawny threw a
hard knee into the Bulldogs crotch, while the big stallion turned to
meet her husband.

"Stupid bitch..." Pike growled as he half doubled over, but quickly
swung a hard punch. His paw smashing into Tawny's pretty face with a
loud 'Thwack' That sent the Human woman staggering backwards into the
back of the station wagon. At once the Bulldog pounced on top of her,
safe between those flailing leg's now. Flecks of foamy spittle showing
down on her flat Human face, as he pinned her down. Glancing over
Tawny saw Ted racing forwards, only to meet the big stallion's massive
hoof like fist. And down he went, sprawling semi consciously on the
cold rough concrete. As the Bulldog's paw tugged and ripped at the
waist of her jeans, only a neighbor screaming from across the street
saves her from feeling Pike bury his bone.


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