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Hard Times 17
Rakhouse Rivalry


"Unprecedented..." Manny the big Boar Treasurer snorted for the
seventh or eighth time, as he starred at the jar of Human testicles on
the shelf. "No one in the history of the society has gotten three sets
of College staff trophies. He's added tremendous prestige to the
society, and those are only the second pair of Human nuts in the whole
history of the Nutters."

"He's a sure thing for Grand Master the next vote at the beginning of
next semester." Jocci the White Wolf Sargent at arms pointed out to
the worried looking black Panther across from him. "Even if he doesn't
run... I bet the order members will just write in his name."

"Tell me something I don't know." Killan snapped as he looked
disgruntled, at the other two high council members. They both knew the
truth, next year was going to be Killan's last at the College. And he
wanted to spend it as Grand Master, he'd worked hard to get the
position. As it had become over the years more a political office,
than the position of master cutter. Of course Jordan was combining the
two, being a master cutter while also being jovial and extremely
popular. Allowing the other members to have almost free access to most
his new conquests...

"Maybe... maybe you could just talk to him... he's a really nice guy."
Manny the big Boar snorted, as he licked his thick lip's. "Last night
he let me have a go on that Human female he's picked up." The big Pig
chuckled as his mind replayed the action, getting him more than a bit
excited. "Kinda reminded me of a Sow... just a lot fewer teats... Damn
fun though."

"Yes well I've noticed he's keeping the Eunuch to himself, I've not
seen him around." Jocci the Wolf growled, the gay Wolf had been
looking forwards to making the neutered Human lick his furry balls.

"Well that's only natural... he wants to enjoy that sweet ass
thoroughly before he shares it out. Wouldn't any of us do the same?"
Killan smirked as he to desired to mount that nut-less human.

"You know... he's down in the Blue room having lunch with Jerome and
Enrique..." Manny pointed out as the sleek black Panther looked
thoughtful, and decided it would be better to summon the big Bull to
his office. Pressing the intercom button, the sleek black feline spoke
into it softly. "Terrance would you asked Jordan to come to my office

"Of course Grand Master." The Bears smooth subservient voice answered
at once from the speaker grille. "What may I say it's concerning?"
Killan winced, he'd not planned to have to explain himself, but as the
Bear very well knew members could demand that knowledge if summonsed.
"Well to congratulate him on his latest conquest... of course." The
Panther lied smoothly, as he closed the intercom channel. "See you
both later." Killan growled dismissing the other two furs, as he
strolled off towards his office. Wondering if the Bull would be
reasonable, or if there was some way he could be bought off.

By the time he got to his office, the big black Bull was already
there. Looking about the massive desk that had first belong to a
President. And had been put in place within the Rakhouse by one of his
descendants. The big black Bull turned as Killan entered, smiling and
greeting the Grand Master. As the lean sleek Panther moved around to
take the seat behind the desk. Inviting Jordan to have a seat in one
of the plush wing backed chairs in front of the desk. "I've been
wanting to congratulate you, on your extraordinary trophy acquisitions
for sometime now." The Black Panther purred smoothly as he tried to
think of how best to open this conversation. "It really has been
unprecedented... only one other member has ever came close. But even
he wasn't able to get students, Professors, Campus security and
University maintenance staffing. Such unprecedented success has made
you a very popular order member, as well as your extreme generosity in
sharing your conquest with us all."

"Why do I sense a 'However' coming?" Jordan asked mildly, as he leaned
back comfortably in that big over stuffed leather chair and crossed
his legs. Smiling at the nervous looked feline, as Killan looked
vaguely uncomfortable.

"Its not so much a however... as a what am I going to do?" Killan
grunted, deciding the direct approach would be the best.

"About me?" The big black Bull asked his beady eye narrowing as that
smile vanished off his wide muzzle.

"In a manner of speaking... you see I have one more year until I
graduate. I confess I want to spent it as Grand Master, however as has
been pointed out to me. Your popularity will make you a certainty to
be elected Grand Master next year."

"Well that's a simply matter... I just won't run." Jordan answered
smiling again for a moment until he saw the Panthers serious muzzle.

"I'm afraid that wouldn't help, they will just write your name in."
The handsome black Panther explained sadly, as Jordan stroked his chin
thoughtfully. "Short of my putting your nuts on the wall... I really
see no way for myself to retain the position."

"Hopefully it won't come to that..." Jordan joked, as he made a mental
note that Rakhouse politics could be hazardous to ones male hood. "So
what you need is a big win... with plenty of tail to share out..." The
big black Bull looked torn, for a moment but then spread his huge
hands. "I have this plan... I've been working on, but it should work
just as well for you."

"Plan?" The sleek black Panther purred sitting forwards obviously
intrigued at once.

"Well as you most liking know... our school rivals the Perth academy's
sculling team will be here next week for the annual match. And I just
so happen to have some proof... some video proof that they have been
using illegal steroids." Jordan smirked as he thought about his
voyeuristic cousin, who just so happened to run the five star Hotel
the Perth rowing team always stayed at. "And I was thinking to make
them an offer, the team could lose their balls. Or lose all their
college win records, be disgraced and bring scandal and disgrace to
their school." Jordan sat back with his hands spread out over that
huge round belly, and a smug look on his handsome bovine muzzle.
"Maybe a couple will value their balls more, but I'm willing to bet
the others will force them to give in. Jocks love their stats and
winning records more than anything else I've found. And once you get
them in the Rakhouse... and their balls off sharing those sexy otter
bodies out with the other members of the order will make you Very
popular..." The big Bull grinned, as he watched the Panther nodding in
wide eyed amazement at his devious plans. "A once they belong to the
Rakhouse, branding the school mascot on their ass cheeks would make
for a excellent picture to rally school spirit... Don't you think?"

"Your fucking amazing!" The stunned feline breathed in wonder as the
big Bull smirked at him.

"I'll have Brayden bring you the video footage, just encase they don't
believe it you've really got it. You can show them images of
themselves shooting up, and playing with each other in the shower."


First Ted's big cock had stopped getting erect, and then alarmingly
had even started shrinking. While his sexy wife was going off every
other night to meet the Bull at the Rakhouse. The very Bull who had
cut his nuts off, so that he couldn't get it up and please his his own
wife. The burly red headed Eunuch had made up his mind, although it
was extremely embarrassing. He had decided to get some medical
assistance, the Cogline family doctor had been shocked when Ted had
shown him his problem. The Baboon had of course heard of this kinda
thing going on, but had always believed it to be a urban legend. But
then there it was right in front of him, Ted had of course turned down
the option of getting the police involved. So the only thing the
doctor really could do, was proscribe him some antibiotics to make
sure there was no infection. Actually the wound looked clean, the
operation well done, it was impressive work obvious done by a
practiced hand. And of course he proscribed replacement hormone
treatments for the gelded human. That would stop anymore penis atrophy
and allow that nine inch Human organ to get erect again. Humiliatingly
the hormones alone hadn't been enough, and he'd had to turn a week
later to get the doctor to give him some pricker pills.

Now after two weeks of taking the hormone's, and now using the Viagra
Ted was ready to surprise his lovely wife. He'd taken off early, to
surprise her while the kids were still in school. Planning to make her
forget all about that horny young Bull, wheeling his beat up old
pickup into the driveway. The big burly red head opening the back
door, and strolled into the kitchen expecting to see Tawny starting
dinner. But the room was empty, slowly he moved deeper into the house.
His nose suddenly twitching as the strong musky scent got his
attention, he was here... or had been here recently. Swiftly Ted
hurried to the master bedroom, to find Tawny laying naked and
exhausted in the damp tangled sheets of their bed.

"Is he here?" The burly red head demanded, as his pretty wife looked
up at him with a vague bemused smile.

"He's been gone for twenty minutes or so..." She explained, rubbing
her distended belly with both hands. "Ummmm so what are you doing home
so early?"

"I thought we might spent sometime together... you know maybe some
intimate time." Ted explained his face twisted up in sexual excitement
and strange disgust.

"Oho... I thought you'd give up trying that, after last time." Tawny
smirked, making Ted's face burn with bright humiliated blush at that.
The last time he hadn't been able to get hard enough to actually
penetrate her, and had to have her suck him off. And even then had
went flaccid instantly after orgasming, which she had noted and
commented on. He'd really had no choice but to use his mouth and
tongue to pleasure her after that. And she had not offered to suck him
again, since he'd remained flaccid from then on.

"Errr... well I saw the doctor and he's given me some... somethings to
help." Ted explained, as he dropped his trousers to expose those
tented tightie whitey's. Proud of the fact that his cock was almost as
big, and just as hard as it ever was.

"Well then why don't you hop on in here... and lets see what you can
do sweety." Tawny purred huskily as she patted her tan inner thigh's,
which we're still red from rubbing against that sleek fur. And coated
with a shiny glaze of the big Bull's cum, thick potent cum that the
stud seemed to produce by the bucket full. Of course this was Ted's
secret fetish, knowing his wife was being fucked by another male. In
fact he was finding this just as exciting, than actually watching as
she was taken. Stripping off his work clothes the burly Human climbed
up onto their bed. The strong animalistic scent of the young Bull,
still thick in the air around his wife. Ted slipped between Tawny's
long sexy legs, that Bull slimy smearing on his own hefty belly and
hip's. As the reached down guiding the purple mushroom shaped glans of
his aroused cock into that sloppy hole. The Bull's greasy cum proving
to be a truly slick lubricant, and as he pushed his organ inside. A
slick hot rush of fluid gushed from Tawny sex, running down his
erection and onto the scar under it.

"Uhu huh." Ted moaned in confusion, as the feeling of heat and those
thick juices proved to be the only sensation he felt. The burly Human
glanced down and grunted in shock, as he realized that hot sex was
gaping open bigger than his thickness. Adjusting his position he tried
again, this time succeeding in rubbing the upper side of his organ
against the insides of his wife's sex. "Ummm can't you... Uhum... you
know clench up?" Ted moaned, as tawny looked up at him with a odd look
of pity on her pretty face.

"I'm trying honey... but Jordan's thick you know... really thick...
And sooooooo long... no wonder he can get any female he wants."

"I know he's big... he's a fucking Bull." Ted growled, as a flash of
anger made him thrust hard into her, but judging from her reaction
Tawny barely felt it. Obviously she had grown use the the massive
Bull's bone jarring fuck thrusts, as well as his huge cock.

"Ummmm YES he is." Tawny moaned, as her eyes glazed over... and Ted
knew she was reliving her last encounter with the fat black Bull. Ever
as her husband panted for breath, as he thrust wildly over her for a
moment longer. But then slowed to a stop, as he looked down at her

"I don't think I can get off like this." Ted grunted in shame and
disgust, as he realized that the young Bull truly owned his wife's hot
sex. "Its harder for me to orgasm now as it is... Uhum do you thick
you could... maybe suck me off."

"I'll use my mouth... if you'll use yours." Tawny smiled, as she
thought about making her neuter husband lick her lovers cum out of her
sex. Ted looked down at the thick creamy spoo oozing out of his wife
and down his own cock. He'd always considered him self totally
straight, but turned off like he had been watching Tawny get taken it
had been exciting to lick up another males cum. Now it was proving
much more challenging for him, the strong of that calve batter
waffling up to him.

"Ummm... well... ok I guess." The big burly plumber mumbled as he
pulled his hard organ out of her, and turned around on the bed.
Moaning as Tawny fondled his castration scab, even as he pressed his
face between her sticky thigh's. Once against finding half his face
sliding into that hot orifice, the scents of pussy and hot Bull cum
filling his senses. As Tawny rolled over on top of him, letting that
thick cum gush out of his face. As she slowly began licking Jordan's
cum on her husbands bobbing erection... that bovine spunk thick and
creamy. Supremely potent and Jordan had thrown her birth control pills
away weeks ago. Tawny smiled as her husbands lip's wrapped around her
clitoris sucking and teasing it with his tongue tip. As she gave him a
Bull cum facial, she enjoyed the strong flavor of a real males spoo on
his sterile cock. The pretty Human woman having grown to love the
taste of that big Bull cock and it's leavings, as much having it
inside her pussy.


"Why don't you have a seat on the sofa dear... I'll just be a moment."
Tawny called to the big black Bull, as she hurried up stairs to change
clothes. Jordan had stopped by to pick the couple up, to take them to
a hot night at the Rakhouse. The big black Bull was just relaxing on
the Coglines broken down old sofa, when tall young crimson haired
female strolled into the room. Teds daughter had his complexional and
bright crimson hair, but she had her mothers curvacious form. With
startling green eyes and a cute little turned up nose, on her heart
shaped face.

Jordan smiled broadly, and couldn't help but admire how the Teds baby
girl was... ahem... filling out. "Ammmm... Hi there." The big Bull
said amicably, as he stretched out across the back of the sofa... he
wasn't wearing anything special, just a button-up shirt and some
jeans. That did little to hide his hefty Bull hood, of course that
began to stir the instant he saw her.

Vera looked at the huge powerfully built Bull in surprise, her half
brothers had told her about some new friend of her parents. But the
seventeen year old hadn't really been paying much attention to her
younger brother. Thinking this new friend was some old married guy
like Ray, or her fathers other friends, but this Bull was young and
looking at her admiringly. "Oh Hi... I... I'm Vera I don't think we've
met before." She greeted as the handsome Bull smiled up at her
pleasantly, the pretty Human noting the stirring in his crotch.

"Yeah. You must be Ted's daughter... I'm Jordan." He said, and lifted
a hand to wave at her as he lounged on the sofa. "Uhum... and where
are you going, dressed like that?" The big black Bull asked with a
smile, teasing her a little bit.

"Oh yes my brother Fred said something about meeting you." The cute
young red head chirped happily, as she bounced over and took that huge
hand in her own smaller one. "To the Mall... and whats wrong with the
way I'm dressed?" She demanded in mock anger, as she sensed the big
Bull was kidding her. "Would this be better?' She asked lifting her
shirt to expose her tan belly, almost to the point of exposing her
bouncy tits. The fat Bull chuckled, and reached over to caress her
exposed belly... from the waistband of her skirt almost up to her

"Well that depends what you're buying... and how you're paying for it.
However I'll admit I approve..." Vera's smile widen and blush touched
her cheeks, as that huge hot hand fondled her naked flesh.

"Heheh... Yes I guess so..." The pretty young woman agreed, batting
her eye lashes at the big stud. Noticing that sweet musky scent as she
moved in closer to the mighty bovine, seating herself on his wide lap.
"Oho you do... do you... Heheh well I'm glad of that." Jordan smiled
at the young Human in his lumpy lap... he shifted, letting her feel
what was under her. Before placing a large hand on her soft cushy
behind, and slid the other up under her loose fitting shirt.

"Well... you'd better get going then." He rumbled, his muzzle nuzzling
her long slender neck rubbery black lip's kissing it. "Or your parents
might come down here... and make you change into something decent..."
Vera's bright green eyes widened, as she felt that hefty muscle
throbbing against her soft cushy heart shaped ass... and the big Bull
could smell her dampness. A big mockingly shocked smile spread over
her pert little Human face, as those hands became very familiar with
her lush young body.

"Oho my..." She whispered huskily thrusting her buxom chest against
his palm, while under her that wetness spread. "Ohooo I'm finding it
much more... exciting here." She smiled, as that huge hot hand
squeezed and cupped one of her pert breasts under her shirt. "If they
try... I'll do it right here." The fat Bull snorted, his breath hot
against the young Human females fur-less neck. He pressed firmly at
her soft skin, letting her feel the heat of his big body through his
hand... Which he slid under her shirt, and teased her stiff little

"Ohooo that would never do... You should change someplace private...
like your bedroom... or the bathroom. I'll even go with you, to make
SURE it's nice and private..." The fat black Bull snorted teasingly as
he wondered if all Humans where this sexual.

Vera's lusty smile melted into a pleased smirk, as she heard Jordan's
teasing recriminations. "Ohoooo will you now, well I do have some new
undies I was wanting to try on... my rooms is just at the top of the
stairs." She snickered lewdly, as Jordan's keen ears heard twitched.

"Here comes your mother." Jordan whispered, his soft lip's kissing her
slender neck gently again. Just then Tawny came back into the room,
looking surprised as she saw the two of them together. The young woman
stood up quickly, as she noticed Tawny walking up to them. The two
females exchanging curious looks as Jordan smiled up at them both.

"Oh Vera... I see you have met Jordan." Tawny observed, as she noticed
the young girls flush cheeks and hard nipples.

"Yeah... yeah we were just talkin'." Vera smirked, as she looked down
at the hefty bovine and winked. Jordan smiling at her and returning
that wink, as he slowly stood up.

"Yes and I can see you was a must... stimulating conversation." Tawny
chuckled, seemingly unbothered by the fact that their young daughter
had been flirting with the Bull. "We are just going to a private
club... Jordan belongs to." Tawny explained, to the obviously curious
Vera as Jordan wrapped a heavy arm around Tawny's bare shoulders. Just
then Ted, came stomping into the room, the burly Human's eyes bulging
the moment he saw Vera.

"VERA!" Ted snapped in a loud voice, as he saw his pretty daughter
standing beside that lustful bovine. Jordan huge left hand resting on
the small of her back, as he stood there grinning. "Get away from
him." Ted growled grabbing Vera's wrist and dragging her up the stairs
into her bedroom.

"Daddy... daddy... let go." Vera demanded as the burly Human closed
the bedroom door.

"A don't want to ever see you with that Bull again." Ted growled in a
lower grating voice, as he waved his big hands to cut off her
protests. "I forbid you to see to him... or talk to him ever again."

"But why he's really nice..." Vera whined back as she sat down on her
bed pouting cutely.

"He's a horny beast... and very dangerous... did you ever think all he
wants is to use you... for his pleasure. No... No I don't want you
getting near him again." The big burly red head snarled, walking out
and closing the door behind him. Not stopping to think that everything
he'd just said, was the exact wrong thing to say to a teenage girl.

Vera lay back on her bed pouting angrily, when a soft buzz from her
jeans. Reaching down the pretty read head wiggled her cellphone out of
the pocket of her skin tight jeans. Reading the short text message,
and the address that followed it. A wick smile twisting her full lip's
up, as she jumped up and grabbed her things.


Terrance smiled at the big pink Human, as Ted looked around at all the
other neuters. They were gathered in the pillow room, waiting for the
ceremonial meeting to end. So they could be of service to their
masters, it was Ted's first time. And so the big Human was nervous,
however unlike most of the other Eunuch's in the room. He was sporting
a sizable erection, which a number of the other geldings had noticed.
And had rushed forward to fondle it in awe, until the big black Bear
was forced to shoo them away. The homophobic Ted had been
uncomfortable at first, but quickly began to enjoy it. Having dozens
of ball-less, limped dick Eunuch's worshiping his big pink Human
erection quickly going to his head. All those soft furry paws touching
and stroked, nimble finger pads exploring his gelding scab. And then
jacking that smooth hard Human rut muscle, all of them wishing it was
theirs... wanting to pleasure it. Ted was joy beginning to really
enjoy being the object of open sexual lust, when the huge double doors
swung open. And the Nutters in their loose robes began to enter,
quickly divesting themselves of the clothing. To walk gloriously
intacted and potent amongst their Geldings, Steers, Barrows, Wethers,
Gibs and Eunuch.

"Has she arrived?" Terrance smiled as Jordan greeted him, with a
familiar hug and ass smack. "Your newest guest has indeed arrived sir,
and as you asked I escorted her to the baths. She awaits your pleasure
there, as does lady Tawny." The big neutered black Bear explained, as
he noticed the handsome young Bull's reaction.

"Thank you Terrance, I think Enrique and I will sneak off to keep the
ladies company. Would you be so good as to see to my Eunuch's...
broking in I believe Terri wanted first taste. And Jocci wanted first
plunge, after that well it's first come first swerve." Jordan chuckled
as the big Bear nodded sagely, as he looked over to the burly Human
with his hefty erection. Sharing a knowing smirk with the two Bull's,
Terrance chuckled as they strolled away.

Across the room Ted saw the black Bear speaking softly to the big
black Bull... Jordan, and then watched in confusion as he and a second
red and white Bull strolled off together. From what he'd heard from
his wife and that fat Bear, he was supposed to serve the Bull. Not
that the straight human was looking forward to doing things for the
bigger male. He'd be much happier serving that big black Cow or... a
tall lean golden feline stalked up to him. Looking him over slow and
lustfully, before her startling yellow feline eyes at last settled on
his unflagging nine inch erection. A husky purr escaped her throat as
smooth soft finger pads, explored that long throbbing fuck muscle.
Obviously admiring what he had... unlike the rest of these pitiful
limp dicked neuters.

"You like that beautiful?" Ted leered as the sleek sexy Lioness, moved
forwards pressing her hot furry body against his naked flesh. As the
Human began to playfully dry hump her sleek furry body, like some kind
of leg humping feral. Not noticing as those yellow eyes widened, and
then narrowing as Terro let him have his way. "You want it... inside
of you?"

"Ummm Hmmm." Terri purred as her paws stroked and measured every inch
of that hard aroused male organ. Watching the human's pink flesh
redden with arousal, that funny mushroom shaped cap expanding and
darkening to a pretty shade of purple. "Does knowing I want it arouse
you Human?"

"Fuck Yeah!" Ted grunted huskily into her ear, as his excited organ
bobbed up and down in those silky paws. "You want it... and I'd Love
to give it to you." Ted breathed heavily into the felines furry ear as
his hands began to rub over her sleek body. Never in his wildest
dreams, had the burly Human believed he'd been in this situation. And
at his wife's invitation, now that he was a Eunuch he was going to get
more pussy that when he had balls.

"Ohooo is that so?" The big Lioness smiled wickedly, as she took hold
of that hard male organ and led him out if the room and through a
number of twisting hallways. "As much as I want... even if I want it
all?" The pretty Lioness asked slyly, as they moved through the baths
and into a small strange round room. The bright lights directly over
head, kinda reminded Ted of a doctors examination room. It even had a
medical looking bed in the middle of the room...

"Oh I'm going to give it all to you..." The burly Human moaned, as his
naked body rubbed sensually against that silky fur. While the sexy
golden feline guided him over to the medical bed. And pushed him up
onto it, as he fondled her hot wet sex with his nimble Human fingers.

"Ammmmm... and I know just where I want to put this..." Terri giggled
excitedly, as she toyed with that aching hard Human erection.

"Oho I bet you do baby." Ted moaned, fingering that slick wet feline
love tunnel a moment longer. As Terri purred loudly pressing against
that big hot fur-less body pushing him up on to the medical bed. "You
wantin' some long hard Human meat..."

"Oh that's exactly right baby." Terri growled lustfully, as her silky
body trembled in pent up desire. Slowly moving around opposite the big
Human's, until her dripping feline sex was looming over his flat face.
As the sexy Lioness positioned herself for a bit of sixy nineish fun.
"And you did say I could have it all." She purred pinning him down
with her huge feline paws, needle sharp claw tips making it impossible
for Ted to move without getting pricked. Feeling intensely exciting on
his bare naked thigh's, as she spread his leg's wide. Those soft furry
lip's rubbed over the velvety soft skin of that big mushroom shaped
cock head. Making his strong body shudder like a dry leaf in a wind
storm, that hard nine inch stud stick bouncing up and down eagerly.

"Ohohoooo yeah baby..." Ted moaned in delight, as he felt those hot
furry lip's teasing the corona of his plump cock head. Scalding hot
breath washing over that sensitive male flesh, as those lip's parted.
Letting his throbbing organ slip between those lip's, Terri getting
her first taste of the humans salty sweat and musky male scent. It was
mouth watering, and the sexy golden feline was soon bathing the
neutered Humans naked crotch in rough licks. "Uhum... damn that feels
so..." The Human was finding that predatory mouth wildly exciting, and
grabbing her sleek furry ears. Ted put his head into the Lioness's
mouth, trembling as he felt that rough tongue rub against the
underside of his thick shaft. "Oh... yeah that it... that's what you
want... Isn't it baby?" Ted moaned in delight, as that fragrant feline
pussy was thrust into his babbling mouth.

"Uhu Uhu... that's nice... Ohooo you do have a talented tongue on you
pinkie." Terri purred in obvious delight, as she nosed at that big
organ licking and suckling on it teasingly. Slowly engulfing that drug
engorged erection within her deadly maw, as the Human underneath her
licked and tongue fucked her tingling sex with greater and greater
lust. Clearly the big Human was growing excited from her sticky sex on
his muzzle, and her suckling maw on his proud rut stick. Slowly the
Lioness pushed her muzzle farther and farther down that huge hard
shaft, loving the feel of that smooth hot flesh on her tongue. The
taste and scent delighting her senses, even as that smooth throbbing
fuck muscle filled her throat. As those soft furry lip's slid down
over that shaved base of Ted's thick cock. That naked fur-less skin
slick and smooth within her mouth, even as her heart races as that
probing Human tongue pushes her closer and closer to orgasm.

Ted's moans of pleasure were muffled by the fuzzy feline sex masking
his face, slick feline fuck juices coating his lip's and mouth. The
strong tangy scent of aroused Lioness, filling his senses with hot
feminine musk. Even as the sensations coming from his aroused groin,
filled his brain with intense tingles of pleasure. It was extremely
hot being with a female other than his wife, and the fact she was not
human only added erotic spice to the situation. "Ummmm... yeah that's
it baby... eat that big cock." Ted moaned as he felt a sudden burning
pain in his crotch, shifting uncomfortably for a second. However the
pain was swiftly muted, as it blended into the pleasure coming from
that suckling maw. The big Human figuring one of those sharp teeth had
grazed his shaft, it hardly matter to him. Such was the pleasure
Terri's efforts were providing, her suckling becoming more lustful and
vigorous. As she neared orgasm, the tugging and pulling on that thick
nine inch Human cock becoming rougher and more violent. Inspiring that
slick hot human tongue to work even more lustfully on her quivering
sex. Making the big tawny Lioness thrust herself against that flat
face harder, even as her head twisted and pulled back roughly.
"Ohooo... Ohoooo my gods..." Ted moaned lustfully as he felt a sudden
violent release, his orgasms having been strange ever since his
neutering. Still this was as powerful a sexual experience as he'd had
in his life, and as the Lioness above him gulped and swallowed
noisily. Ted lapped up her sexual juices in meek pleasure drunk
servitude, as Terri slithered off of him. "Ohoo fuck... ohooo wow!
That was... was..." Ted stammered weakly as his eye's swept down at
his crotch, a flash of crimson catching his eye. "Wha... Wha..." The
now completely sexless Human choked, in shock and horror as he
realized the truth. He'd just given up the last of his male hood to
the sexy feline, looking up he watched Terri lick her silky lip's.
Lip's stain red with his crimson blood, even as she chewed and gulped
the last of his cock down.

"Ammmm thank you pinkie... your male hood was an excellent treat, and
that was a wonderful orgasm. You have a very talented tongue, you just
may become my favorite Nullo slit licker." Turning she motioned the
fat black Bear over to them, and then gestured to that bloody wound.
"Get that stitched up won't you please Terrance? Oh and once he's
ready, escort him over to the blue room Jocci want's to try out that
talented mouth." Terri smiled as she saw the suddenly look of horror
on the straight Humans face. As he realized he'd be servicing the male
members as well as the females. Even as the smiling Lioness bounced
off happily, the big smiling Bear moved between those naked Human
legs. Working swiftly to stitch up that bloody wound, and clean up the
sexless Human neuter for his next master's use.


"Ohooooooo." The handsome red and white Bull inhaled sharply, as he
saw the two naked Human females setting in the hot tub. "Mother and
daughter?" Enrique breathed, as he gave the big black Bull beside him
a stunned look.

"Well technically stepmother and daughter." Jordan replied with a
smirk, as he slowly strutted forwards with the other Bull at his side.
One big hand on Enrique's soft plush ass cheek, even as the two young
bovines shared a understanding look. "I'm looking to introduce the
daughter to the pleasures only a Bull can give her." Jordan snorted
under his breath, as the two of them strolled slowly up. "I know
you've been itching to giving Tawny a nice hard mounting ever seen you
first saw her..."

"She's got a smoking hot little body... even with that flat face."
Enrique admitted, as his long bovine cock swiftly dropped from his
sheath. "Kinda reminds me of Ryan's sister, I wanted to do her so bad.
But her father had betrothed her to another wealth family in Madrid."

"Well this one's got a Steer for a husband... so have at her." Jordan
whispered through smiling teeth, as he stepped forwards to greet the

"Good evening ladies." Jordan greeted the two sexy Human females as
the Bull's reached the edge of the hot tub. "I'm glad you both could
make it." Jordan began, smiling hungrily at Vera as she lounged naked
in the bubbling hot water. He especially eyed the young girl... just
barely legal for a Human. She was the picture of youth; her creamy,
unblemished skin following her sleek body below the waterline. Her
breasts were a little on the small side, but looked like they still
had room to grow... and her mother of course, was quite blessed in
that regard.

"This is my friend Enrique." Jordan smacked the red Bull's fleshy ass,
and then scooped up the other Bull's fat balls, showing them off to
the two girls. "He's been very eager to mount... Errr... meet you
Tawny..." Jordan introduced, as he smiled down at them lustfully
catching the Humans knowing look.

Tawny glanced over at her step daughter as the two nude Bull's
strolled up, clearly Vera only had eyes for Jordan. A lewd smile
played across Tawny's full lip's as she looked back up at them, even
as Jordan introduced her to his huge red and white friend. "Ohoooo yes
I saw him when I was visiting before, and was thinking how nice it
would be to make his acquaintances." Tawny purred, as she invited the
sleek red and white Bull to join her in the hot bubbling waters. Even
as Jordan waded into the hot water sending a surging wave through the
hot tub, lifting the small red haired Human girl up. He didn't waste
any time, pulling that sleek young thing against his big, fat body, a
thick arm sliding around her back and pulling her bare tits against
his furry chest. He pressed his rubbery black lips to hers, and slid
his tongue into her startled mouth without hesitation. His other big
hot hand slid down her trim belly and between her legs, the fat black
Bull aggressively grabbing the young human's sleek shaved pussy,
making her moan into his mouth. His own Bull dick was rising against
her hips, even as his heavy balls hung in the bubbling, steaming
water. Enrique couldn't help but watch the Master Castrator claim that
Human girl, as he walked by on his way to Tawny.

"Ummmmmm..." Vera moaned into that hot mouth, as her small soft body
fell into the power of that big strong Bull. She had not expected
things to be like this... indeed she had always been more aggressive
than her boy friends... But then none of them had been a big lustful
Bull, his sheer size had awed her when she had first saw him naked!
Glancing over she watched as her step mother moved up to the other
Bull, cuddling against him as they both watched her and Jordan for a
moment. Causing Vera's cheeks to redden with blush, she'd Never
expected to be making love with her step mom watching.

Slowly Tawny turned back to her own Bull, stroking and teasing his
hefty sweaty junk as it dangling down into the hot water. She'd
serviced Jordan enough to know all the tricks to getting a Bull's
hefty organ excited, and indeed Enrique's long strong bovine cock was
soon jutting from under his heavy gut. As he looked down at her,
cupping and fondling her huge Human teats lustfully.

Tawny felt Enrique's strong hands massaging her tits, and was getting
her own handful's of the Bull's soft belly. And his proud bovine
loins, when Jordan suddenly diverted the young Bull's attention.
Grabbing Enrique by the horns, Jordan turned his big blunt muzzle
around and roughly kissed him, shoving his tongue into the other
Bull's blushing muzzle. He deep-kissed Enrique right in front of the
ladies, and slid his hand down to grab the red Bull's huge balls. He
pulled on them firmly, and massaged them; both Human females could see
the firm pressure Jordan was putting on them. Making Enrique's sac
taut when pulled, making the plump Bull's thighs shake and tremble.
While making him moan into that kiss, as his bovine shaft stiffened
and started leaking pre-cum against Tawny's belly. Finally Jordan let
him and his balls go with a smack on that big round ass they both knew
Jordan owned.

"Do me proud." He ordered with a big lewd smile... the whole display a
not-so-subtle reminder to both females that although they were both
fully-equipped Bulls... Jordan was the one in charge. With a wry
smile, Tawny pulled Enrique's muzzle back towards her and kissed him
gently, her arms wrapping around him and pulling his hefty body down
onto her...

"Uhum... I... I'll try my best." Enrique moaned softly, he didn't say
sir... but it was clearly there even if unsaid, and that make Vera's
tiny hot sex dribble with moisture. She was all the more impressed
with the big black Bull, and all the more turned on by the idea of
being his slutty Cow. The young red head watched her step mom pull
that sexy bovine's head around and kiss him, even as Enrique's huge
hands cupped her ass cheeks. Lifting her up onto the rim of the tub,
as he rubbed that huge Bull cock against her hot little Human sex. But
then Vera's eyes snapped back to her big Bull, as he fondled and
teased her pert little tits lewdly... Her own hands exploring his soft
furry body, and that huge hot fuck muscle he had pressed against her
smooth naked Human body. Jordan slid his strong, heavy hands under
Vera's tight little ass, and lifted the light Human girl, leaning her
against his broad belly and strong torso. He carried her around the
tub, letting his stiff pole slide teasingly against her toned belly,
and set her down on the side of the round tub. To the left and behind
Enrique and her mother, if he was facing 12 o-clock, she was facing 9
o-clock. From this position they could both look over their shoulders,
and watch the big red Bull bearing down on Tawny. That stiff bovine
rod sliding into the Human woman's hot wet loins, easily as the young
red bovine took her as his own.

"Ummmmm yes..." Tawny moaned clearly delighted by having a lusty young
Bull between her thigh's, that long cock slipping easily into her
depth's. This one wasn't as long as Jordan's nor as thick, still it
filled her with intense pleasure as Enrique slammed it in and out of
her quivering body.

Jordan watched Enrique's firm, lustful thrusts along with Vera,
watching those fat buttocks bunch and flex. Those big Bull balls
jerking as they dangled, Jordan teasing the young girl by licking over
her pert breasts. Pawing at her rock hard little nipples, and
spreading her legs around his fat belly. Then with a lewd grin, Jordan
reached over and grabbed the other Bull's huge potent male balls...
Making Enrique pause as they were tugged over, pulled between Jordan's
fat thighs, and wrapped around Jordan's own huge black sac. He held
those two sacs together with his hand, and then he laid himself down
on top of Vera. And lustfully slid his big bovine poker right inside
her fleshy passage. He started thrusting, making sure Enrique could
feel it... both Bulls now intimately connected where it mattered the

Glancing over Tawny watched Vera's eyes widen, as the fat black stud's
enormous cock spread her wide open. Stretching that tiny Human sex
like it never had been stretched before. "Ohooooo Ohoooo gods yer
sooooooooBIG!" Vera screamed in delight, as Jordan hefty belly forced
her legs out wide and then covered her own small mound. Four huge
heavy balls spanking her small white ass, as those mighty orbs swung
back and forth from mother to daughter filling the air with loud
'Smacking' sounds.

Jordan snorted with lust, as he felt his hard pole push into that
tight little pussy, Vera's sex squeezing his meat delightfully. "Ummmm
yeah baby yer a tight little cow." He grinned as he buried himself
into yet another pussy for the first time, bending his head to nuzzle
Vera's tender breasts and squeeze her shapely ass with his big hot
hands. He also enjoyed he feeling of Enrique's wide buttocks flexing
against his own, and the tugging and tension in the other Bull's
potent young balls, as they hung and were held against his own. He
plunged into Vera, pushing his shaft deep in there, swaying his wide
ass to work his dick around, knowing the young girl was enjoying every
thrust... Knowing that Enrique was feeling those thrusts too, by the
tugging on his nuts and the moving of meat against his ass...

Vera's small pink Human body was proving to be very strong, as she
quivered and pushed back into those powerful rut thrusts. "Ohooo Gods
you... you feel soooooo good inside of me." She squealed, and pressed
those soft Human lip's against her Bull, kissing and licking his big
sweaty bovine chest. While the heady scents of Bullish musk made her
light headed with lust, the rut making them all high with delight.
Even as Jordan's huge cock took her, owned her in ways no other
boyfriend ever had. And when he was finished, very few males would be
able to completely fill her hot sex. The sexy teenage girl was lost in
a world of snorting rutting Bull's, the one atop her filling her with
ecstasy, while the other beside her was giving her step mom the exact
same treatment. The two of them withering in a heavenly bliss of
sexual pleasure and submission. To the big Bulls using them, for the
fulfillment of their animalistic pleasure the way only two Bulls
could. "Here... let me just roll... over." Vera panted breathlessly,
as she shifted her position. Until she had turned over his wide sexy
ass pressing back at Jordan, as she leaned over the edge of the hot
tub. "Take me like a feral..." Vera moaned hotly as that plush ass
nestled into the fat black Bull's sweaty crotch.

"Anyway you want it my dear." Jordan moaned in pleasure, as her tiny
little sex rotated on that huge stud muscle. This position made it
easier for him to pound that hot tiny sex anyway. Plus with her facing
the open doorway, it would play into the moment he knew was coming.
The big Bull energized by that snug Human cunt wrapped around his hard
pole, feeling so virile and powerful as he slammed into her. His fat
belly shook as he pulled back and thrust hard into the red heads
squirming body. The force of his pounding, making her breasts shake
and bounce, before he grabbed them with his thick hands and kneaded
them. He rocked his hips, big balls swinging in the hot bubbling
water, splashing as he fucked her. "Ohh yeah Vera... ohohoo this feels
so fuckin' good." Jordan moaned, leaning his heavy body against hers,
and sliding his big flabby arm around her sleek sexy torso.

"Ammmm I'm close... I'm sooooooo close." The sleek little Human moaned
breathlessly, as she stared at the open door way with pleasure glazed
eyes. Jordan just grinned and nuzzled her neck, he was nowhere close
to cumming himself. But that didn't matter he loved to make his
conquest orgasm over and over again anyway. It insured that loved
being rutted by him and made them come back again and again. Just then
a tall pink exhausted, and obviously broken figure stumbled into that
open door way. Vera's pleasure glazed eyes starred at the submissive
figure for a long moment before she at last recognized her own father.
Ted stood there frozen by the strangely erotic sight of his plump
wife, and sexy young daughter both being rutted by handsome young
Bulls. She mouth working silently as he stood there naked in the
doorway for all to see.

"Daddy!" Vera exclaimed in shock, as her mind at last registered the
fact that her naked father stood watching her. And then her eyes swept
down his body, stopping at his smooth sexless groin. Ted's eye's
followed his daughters down to his own denuded crotch, his face
instantly growing bright red in mortification. As he realized that his
Daughter was seeing his total lack of male hood, he heard a soft
chuckle and glanced over at Tawny's amused face. His feeling of
embarrassment and inadequacy growing all the more profound as his wife
not just saw but laughed at his new Nulloed state. Just then Vera
moaned loudly her eyes rolling back in her head, as a powerful orgasm
shook her small body. As that huge Bull cock slammed ball's deep
within her, Jordan looking up into her neutered fathers gaze with a
huge gloating smile. The naughty pleasure of that moment pushing the
big Bull over the top, and as her father watched Jordan filled Vera's
tiny sex full of his seed. Bellowing loudly in delight as that hot
tight Human sex took all he had to give. Watching in pleasure as Ted's
jaw dropped, as he watched the Bull who had nutted him cum inside his
daughter. Even as behind them Enrique came hard into his wife, both
Bull's snorting and chuckling in pleasure. While both big Bull's
looked over at each other smiling.


"You know it." And as Ted watched in open mouth horror the massive
bovines pulled out massive rutting cock bouncing. And traded places
behind the two sexy Human females, massive cocks sliding easily into
those well stretched orifices.

"Come along." Terrance said softly as he places a flabby arm around
Teds shaking shoulders. "Master Jocci wants you to lick somethings for
him." The big black Bear explained as he lead the shocked human away


Cameron cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket, the old Steer
feeling nervous despite himself. Naturally, Jordan had been informed
of his coming to visit, and Brayden had been good enough to let him in
while the young Bull was in class. And then take Drax off on a tour of
the Rakhouse, know Cameron hadn't seen his young master in almost half
a year. Despite Brayden's assurances that Jordan was very much looking
forward to him coming, Cameron couldn't help but stack himself up
against his master's continuing string of conquests. A Bear, an
Elephant, two Humans and three girls. And those were just the ones he
could remember, their were doubtlessly dozens of Eunuchs in the
Rakhouse. And oh yes, Brayden did mention Jordan had taken another
Bull one time... one that he'd left a Bull... anyway. Such silly
anxieties... the big, stocky Steer did his best to put them aside.

Finally the key turned in the lock and Jordan strolled in, stretching
and sighing. "Welcome home, Master!" Cameron greeted stepping forward
to take Jordan's coat, but the young Bull had already draped it over
the back of a chair.

"Hi Cam." Jordan answered plainly, as he paused to look the old Steer

"Errr... It's good to see you again, Sir. Would you like me to cook
you a meal?" The insecure Steer offer as he smiled at his young
handsome master.

"No... thanks, I already ate." Jordan explained with a soft smile, as
he thought the old Steer was looking rounder and softer than ever.

"Oh..." Cameron grunted more than a little deflated, he thought he'd
be handling that like always. "Um... Then how may I serve you sir?"

"Honestly Cam..." The young Bull replied wearily, stretching his sore
muscles... "It's been a long, tiring day." He shrugged those wide
shoulders, and then looked up and grinned widely. "I really could use
a long hot shower with my number one Steer."

The old Steer smiled brightly leaping to his hooves, as he hurried off
to the bath room. "Right away sir... right away." The shower stall's
in the frat house where a little smaller that the big red Steer was
use to, however he quickly got the water going and then removed his
own clothing. Before returning to his young master who had struggled
out of his sweaty shirt and trousers to stand there in only his silky
boxers. Kneeling Cameron slipped those down helping Jordan get
completely undressed, the strong masculine scent of young Bull filling
his nostrils and leaving the Steer light headed and excited. As they
moved into the bath room, and helped his tired Bull into the shower
stall before joining him. Taking the bar of soap, the big Steer soaped
his huge hands, and then began to rub and stroke that sweaty black
fur. "So I hear you've really been enjoying yourself this year sir."
Cameron smirked, as he thought over all the tales of the young masters
new conquests.

"Ammmm, I have indeed." The young Bull admitted, as he relaxed and
leaned back against the shower wall. Letting the hot steam tickle him,
the hot waters relax him, and the Steer's strong, soapy hands knead
and massage his fat chest and belly. "I was worried that things would
be a lot harder for me in university. And they are, but I've found
that just makes it all the more satisfying." He smirked smugly, and
takes a deep breath of the steamy air while spreading his legs,
letting his heavy black bovine balls sway between his thick thighs.
"I've cut off male's balls, and even cocks; I've castrated students,
professors, and a woman's husband, and I had that women afterwords!
I've fucked girls that like castrating Bulls just as much as I do, and
god I loved that Ammmm. The look on her boyfriend's muzzle when I came
inside of her was just... Fucking... Priceless." He grinned and closed
his eyes, letting his virile Bull hood start to rise as his Steer
worked on him. "But I missed you." He added, grinning down at the
kneeling Steer even as Cameron smiled up at him.

Cameron looked up at the young Bull with wonder in his eyes, as he
knelt to wash those huge floppy balls. Perhaps spending to much times
rubbing and fondling them, long after they were clean. There was a
strange look of pride in those beady adoring eyes, as the big Steer
listened to his young master recount his exploits. "You are proving to
be quite the Bull sir... if I may say so your Father is extremely
proud." The red Steer pause a moment, to choked up to speak and so
just focused on washing those fat thigh's and big soft round ass.
Before looking up again smiling widely... At the Bull he loved. "As am
I... of course." Cameron delighted to watch, as that mighty Bull cock
dropped out and began to stiffen; as Jordan enjoyed the caress's of
those hot hands. Which had moved back to fondling and stroking his
massive orbs, worshiping them in away only a Steer could.

Jordan grinned and nodded, his eyes closed as those thick hands worked
over his body, his belly, his butt, and his balls. His eager young
prick quickly rose high and stiff, jutting almost straight into
Cameron's muzzle. "Yes, thank you my Steer. I'm quite pleased with
myself as well." The fat black Bull sucked in steamy air and rocked
his wide hips in the shower; the red Steer could feel from the tension
in Jordan's heavy nuts. That the young Bull hadn't cum more than twice
today, and that stiff young prick waving around was proof of it. 'Ohoh
the heady scents of randy, virile youth!' Cameron thought, as he could
almost imagine he could smell the last cow that proud dick had been in
still on him.

"Of course, I have at you to thank at least partially for my success.
I hope father hasn't forgotten that you trained me... in the art of
how to fuck..."

"Well... I doubt he has forgotten that... seeing as he makes more use
of Drax and I than Walter these days." Cameron chuckled as he leaned
in and nuzzled that hard cock, rubbing it over his muzzle and lip's.
"And I am glad to have provided you with some small amount of
instruction, of course you were very much a natural... clearly you
were meant to breed sir." The big red Steer flattered lovingly, as his
mouth teased and loved those excited male organs. "May... May I offer
you the pleasure of my body sir?"

"Thank you sweet Steer." The young stud replied, and took Cameron by
those horn stumps, holding his head steady and pushed his bobbing
prick into the red Steer's hot fawning mouth. "Mmm... I do so enjoy
breeding... I've heard that the girls back home are already getting
rounder. From the earlier work my heavy balls have done between their
legs." He commented almost casually, as he slid his stiff, throbbing
pole between Cameron's lips. Stroking that musky rod along the Steer's
tongue, and prodding the back of his throat.

"Ammmm Hmmm..." Cameron moaned around that long hard rut stick, as it
slipped deeper and deeper into his muzzle. Until he was forced to
gulp, so that it could ram deeper into throat.

"Soon I hope to make that Cow that likes to castrate Bulls nice and
fat with my calves." After a few more strokes, Jordan pulled back and
let Cameron go.

"Heheh..." Cameron grunted in amusement as he gasp for breath around
the long cock he was suckling on hard now, his rough tongue tickling
the shaft.

"And yes, I will certainly fuck you my Steer. Turn around and ready
yourself. You know I often think of you as my first cow." Jordan added
with a smirk.

"I... I'm honored you think of me like that sir..." Cameron moaned
gasping for breath, as he climbed to his hooves and turned around
offering his huge round Cow like rump to his horny young master. "Drax
was hoping to tell you about the pregnancies himself sir... he's got
some pictures for you to enjoy. So if you would pretend surprise for
him sir... please."

"Hahah... I'll do that for him. He's been a good friend and a loyal
Steer." The young Bull smirked, putting both his heavy hands on that
fat, round Steer rump. First he slid a flabby hand down between
Cameron's thighs, to fondle the scar where the ex-bull's once proud
balls used to connect to his body. "Ammmm... I just wish it'd been me
that had cut off those nice fat cummers you used to have... and
claimed your big body as my prize."

"Ammmm thank you sir." Cameron moaned as that big hot hand rubbed over
the ragged scar on his crotch, his tiny cock dangling limp and
pointless from that shrunken sheath. "Well sir my body will always be
your prize... even if family tradition robbed you of my trophy." The
big red Steer moaned softly, as his sleek pink tail hole winked open
and closed in excitement at what it knew was coming. Jordan moaned
thrusting forward, slowly pushing his stiff young Bull shaft into the
experienced Steer's wide rump. That soft tail hole took him in
perfectly, the old Steer having come to know the black Bull's body
intimately, know just how to treat his fat dick...

"Ummmm..." Cameron moaned in delight as that huge hard young cock
thrust smoothing into that well practiced hole. Those strong muscles
clamping down delightfully once that hard young organ was balls deep
inside of him. Jordan groaned softly, the young Bull spreading his
legs and setting his hooves in the corners of the shower as he pushed
forward, sinking his stiff young Bull hood into Cameron's rump until
he could feel his fat balls rolling against the Steer's fat thighs.
"Ahah...nnf, yeah... your body is mine, and very nice... one day; one
day though, I'll castrate my own big, strong Bulls, just like you
were... Ummmm. Maybe even... take their dicks... I cut off an
Elephant's dick. Did I say that Steer?" He grunted in pleasure rolling
those wide hip's as he fucked his oldest most beloved Steer.

Cameron lean forwards bracing his huge hands on the shower wall,
thrusting his big soft rump back. Mooooing loudly as he felt his horny
young master bottom out within him pounding with the lustful abandon
only a young Bull could muster. "Ohoo... Ohoooo yes sir... and I shall
be happy to train them in their duties." Cameron moaned, clearly
turned on by the idea of his young master making other Bulls into
helpless impotent Steers. "Ummm yes sir you... you did... and if I may
say so... Drax would love for you to take his... although it's not
much of a trophy anymore." Cameron reminded, as his tight tail hole
flexed and squeezed milking that pulsing fuck stick excitedly...
Jordan snorted, the young Bull giving the older Steer a powerful shove
with his shaft, and those black balls slapped Cameron's thighs.

"He would... would he? Ummm, and how about yourself?" He asked slyly,
reaching around his heavy Steer belly to fondle the limp, almost
lifeless cock. "If I asked for your cock, the last remnant of your
former Bull hood... would you give it willingly?"

"Ahaha.." Cameron moaned loudly, as those hard thrusts rocked his big
soft body to the core. Those anal muscles working like magic on that
hard cock. "Sir there is nothing I wouldn't willingly give you, when
your treating me like this..." The big red Steer moaned in pleasure,
as he pushed back to meet those lustful thrusts. "It belongs to you
sir, whether you keep in my sheath, or a jar on the shelf is
completely up to your pleasure." The young Bull grinned and leaned
forward, his fat belly pressing against the big Steer's wide rump, as
he lustfully pounded that big ass.

"Ahh.. .I'm very pleased to hear that." He said as he lewdly kneaded
and fondled that much-shrunken cock. "One day... I'll take you up
on... that... MMMMAMA." The young Bull's body rocked, as he thrust
harder and harder... building up to erupting hard in his big eunuch's
sweet ass...

"I... I'll look forwards to that day sir... almost as much as my son
does." Cameron moaned in delight, as he took that swift pounding with
a wide smile plastered all over his muzzle. "Moooo... Moooo..." The
big red Steer moaned loudly, in his best imitation of a Cow taking a
lustful mounting from the Bulls she loved. And he had come to love
this horny younger Bull, almost as much as he'd loved his own wife.
"Cum for me please... fill me with your hot potent seed... you
powerful Bull... breed me completely." Jordan roughly smacked that big
round Steer rump and snorted lewdly, his heavy black balls working,
churning; his proud cock pulsing as he pumped his hot load into the
rocking Steer's rump.

"Ahahah... Yeah! Moo like a cow you sexy nut-less... rut
sssteeeerrrrr!" Jordan gritted his teeth as his whole body shook with
powerful, animal lust and pleasure...and then gradually melted into
the hot, steaming spray of shower water. He stood still, just feeling
the water hit his chest and run in rivers over his belly, down his
thighs, drip off his balls... and he smiled and kneaded Cameron's ass.
"Ummmm... I'm so glad you came." He confessed. as he slowly slid out
of that big eunuch's tightly gripping asshole.

"As... am I sir." Cameron panted weakly that big smile still splayed
across his handsome muzzle, as he turned letting the hot water clean
off any excess cum, but holding most inside of him. That hot spoo
filling him with a delightful warmth, as he washed the rut sweat off
them both. "Ammm thank you sir." Jordan smiled and Patted Cameron's
rump familiarly.

"Ohoho anytime, anytime at all." Jordan replied with a lewd grin, and
a sly winking. "Let's get something to eat, and I'll tell you all
about everything that's happened. Tonight we'll put some fake balls on
you, so I can pretend to geld you again..."

"Luckily I thought to bring a set, specially make to look and feel as
real as possible." Cameron smile being familiar with his Bull's habits
and desires, and being a pleaser heart and soul.

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