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It's A Deal

"You gotta lotta money right?" The young handsome Hog questioned,
looking around the expensive hotel suite. "Cuz I aint give'in it up
for nothin'." His two friends a appaloosa stallion and a fat human
who looked like he just might be related to the Pig nodded in
agreement. The large black Bull smiled as he leaned back in his plush
chair his white silk bath robe spreading a bit to give the young males
a look at his own hefty junk.

"So am I getting a group rate?" Jordan asked, flashing the younger
males a big white smile as he looked them over appraisingly. "Or do I
pay by the pound?" The big Hog looked confused, looking back at his
two friends who were looking startled.

"Errr we just cum to watch." The Appaloosa managed to stammer at
last, as the Human looked like he was thinking of saying something
else. Jordan smirked at that he'd heard this all before, and things
generally ended up differently, not that it mattered to him.

"Well alright, however there is a price for just watching, first you
must be naked and second you have to play around." The big black Bull
smirked as he saw the two watchers look eagerly at his mighty
Bullhood. These two clearly didn't have any trouble with those two
conditions, which was also not very surprising to the big Bull. "And
as for money." He said to the young Boar, looking him up and down
slowly as if considering him. "I've got as much as you imagine I do,
however I only pay for top quality. Let's view the articles for sale,
shall we?" The big Bull flashed his broad white grin once again, his
inky black hands flexing, as if he were already grasping the pig's
plump stones. He glanced over to the horse and human, who were both
halfway undressed already. He liked both of them... their bodies
looked quite touchable, and both were nicely willing to do as told.
He idly reached down between his jet black thighs and jostled his own
hefty balls, pretending that he wasn't deliberately showing off their
weight and heft to everyone.

"Oh yeah... well I can imagine a lot." The Hog licked his lip's and
stripped off his jersey, before shoving his baggy shorts down those
meaty pink thigh's. His groin covered in a fine silvery white fur,
his long twisted cock wasn't much to speak of. However below them
hung a massive pair of plums that would have made any grown Boar or
Bull proud. "So whatcha think pretty top quality..." He grunted
waddling over and placing those hefty spuds into Jordans grasping
hands, as the Bull lifted them back up. While the pony was down to
his underwear, the pink human having already gotten completely naked
and joining the Hog on Jordan's other side. His funny human cock
surprisingly thick and hard while his balls were surely on the piggy
side hanging very low and heavy. At last the Appaloosa took a deep
breath and shoved his underwear down revealing a surprise that
delighted the big black Bull. His cock was impressive in size and
length, even if his nuts were on the small and tight side, pressed so
close to his groin that they were almost unnoticeable at first.

Jordan grunted approvingly as naked young males surrounded him more
closely even thought they were aware of his interests. He grasped
those plump, pale-skinned balls when the Boar boldly placed them in
his heavy hand, the Bull gripping them firmly, and slowly pulling and
massaging those well-inflated cummers. "Well, they certainly look the
part." He smiled and massaged them for a long moment, watching the
Pig's reaction to the sensual application of pressure down there.
"Almost makes me wonder why you'd want to part with them."

"Yeah o'course..." The big Hog exhaled breathlessly as his eyes half
closed when Jordan kneaded and tugged on his hefty nuts, clearly
enjoying what those big strong hands were doing to his groin. "Well
that's my business." He grunted, gulping for breath as his long
slender cock began to drool thick gooey drops of pre-cum.

"Any other product, I'd start looking at other customer's reviews..."
He shifted his weight in the chair, and turned to the Human and
Stallion. "Well boys, have either of you had this Boar before? How
would you rate his sexual performance and ability? Anything a
prospective customer should know?" He asked more seriously than he
really was, while casually reached over to the Human's groin, tickling
those plump, pale balls lightly.

"Sure Ty's a great fuck he can go for hours." Jay the Human spoke up
at once, making the big Boar blush and grunt something under his
breath. "Oh come on Ty, hes not yer dad or nothing besides he seems
cool." Jay's mouth curled up into a dreamy smile as Jordan's big hot
hands played with his own low dangling nuts and stroked his fat cock.

"He's uptight about fucking guys is all." The Appaloosa snorted as he
tried not to look embarrassed about being naked in front of the older
Bull. "Not me tho'." The big sexy Bull's smile broadened, he could
feel the big B'soar blush as his best friends spilled his biggest

"Really?" He turned to look up at the young Hog, who was showing much
more nervousness now. "Uptight about fucking guys? Mmmm, and since
you're here ready to sell off your manhood, I'm guessing guys are all
you want to fuck... I can appreciate your dilemma." He teased as he
rolled and manipulated the Hog's fat sac, then reached around him and
boldly smacked him on that broad ass.

"Yeah sure ya do... So you buyin' or what?" Ty snorted as he gave Jay
a nasty look and blushed a little bit brighter, even as his hip's
moved a bit in Jordan's hands.

"But I don't share it, ha ha... How about you boys? You don't look
very uptight." He turned to the Stallion and the Human, noting their
erect pricks. "Are you hoping for a chance to sink your stiff shafts
into your friend's lovely rump, once he's been made a barrow?" He
grinned at the two, the bull's own thick, long red dick starting to
rise up, snaking along his fat belly...

"Naw of course not." Jay assured as he moved over to put a arm around
Ty's waist, even as the big Pig leaned over and kissed him. The fat
Bull leaned back and watched... his shaft swelling up, stiff as a
flagpole, when he watched the Pig and the Human kiss. He could tell
at a glance that this wasn't faked, the two really had feelings for
reach other.

"Jays better at getting fucked that fucking." The Appaloosa snickered
as he at last moved up beside the others, his mighty pony fucker
throbbing hard. "Now I like to fuck'em, of course there's more to Ty
saleing his stuff than that. His dad's been out of work like six
years, hurt himself and never went back." The big Hog snorted and
punched the Horses shoulder hard, and then grunted darkly at his

"Shut up about my dad punk."

"Oho another bottom?" He teased, reaching over and grabbing the nude
Human's pale rump, squeezing it along with the Boar's. "But what ever
are you going to do when your top can no longer give you a man's
love?" The pink human was watching that big Bull cock as well clearly
very interested in it, even as he blushed a bit at Jordan's question.

"Uhum well were just buddies ya know... I'm sure Dal here will fuck me
anytime I wanted." The Appaloosa smiled and winked at his human
friend, his own hand joining the Bulls on that big ass.

"Sure I would buddy."

"Ahah, is that what you're waiting for?" He asked the horse with a
leering grin, seeing the real reason the Appaloosa had came with his

"What I'm waiting for.... well maybe a little." He agreed as Ty
looked over at him gratefully as he tried to get back to what he

"Well there's always room for two in my bed, Room for three, for that
matter; don't forget that Ty, if your father's that hard up for
money." The big lustful Bull suggested with a lewd wink, making the
young Hog blanch.

"So... how much you willin' to..." Ty tried, as the Bull made him
snort defensively and step back angrily. "Just leave my dad out of
this... 'K?

"So anyway, I'm interested in your balls. What's your asking price?"

"Errr... twenty thousand?" Jordan grinned and shook his head once
clearly not dumb enough to go for that. "Your dad is out of this,
you can't negotiate on his behalf. Too bad too, because I'd pay
twenty large for a package deal of you and him. I'm assuming his are
in as good condition as yours, of course." The wicked Bull grinned,
he couldn't help winding up the hotheaded young Boar just a little
bit. Besides, the idea sounded hot, even if it was highly unlikely.
Of course, this elder Boar wouldn't be the only parent facing hard
times... maybe he'd send Cameron to talk to him. His mind bubbled
with ideas, while his mouth continued with the business at hand. "For
just yours, ten thousand. And consider the side benefits; a bed and a
lover whenever you need it..." Ty looked both offended and at the
same time oddly proud of the offer the big Bull was making, he'd just
grabbed twenty thousand off the top of his head. It was a high number
that he was hoping to negotiate down from, but to hear the Bull say
he's pay that much for two sets like his...

"Ummm 10 huh why not 11 these are real good ones." The big soft
looking Pig bargained, when his jaw suddenly dropped looking stunned
at Jordan. "A bed and lover whenever I want?" The young Pig looked
stunned as if he'd not even considered that, his slender cock jerking
up and down in excitement. The big black Bull grinned, and looked up
at the plump Human who was enjoying the Bulls fat erection.

"What do you think, Jay? Should your handsome Boar sell his balls for
my price?" He squeezed the Human's big round rump, and then reached
up and rubbed that pale belly, his forearm rubbing against the Human's
stiff prick.

"Ummm Ummm..." Jay looked around as he licked those red Human lip's,
his own cock giving away his excitement at the thought, obviously he
wanted to see it done. "Well if he wants sure." Jay gulped as that
big hot hand groped his smooth ass, making his cock tense and strain
all the more. Even as that big hand stroked his belly and the Bulls
silky fur exciting his aching cock ,Jay leaning against that strong
forearm as he panted for breath. "I would..." The Bull's ear
flicked, and he glanced up at the flushed, aroused Human in interest.

"Oh, would you? Well you boys really are out to assault my wallet,
aren't you, two sets of cummers for sale?" He slid his hand down
Jay's gut, grasping the Human's dick and giving it a tug, before
wrapping his fingers around the Human's own fat plums. Jay inhaled
sharply as that big hand stroked his aching hard cock and then wrapped
around his nuts and began fondling and weighting them.

"Wha... Well... Uhum..." Jay stammered, did he really just volunteer
to sale his balls, damn that was a hot thought.

"Very tempting. You'd make a good eunuch too, I can always tell...
You understand though, on a purely volume basis, Ty's are worth quite
a bit more than yours will be. There's simply more there." Cradling
the human's nuts in one fat hand, he turned back to the stunned
looking Boar. "And yes, room and board whenever you want it is
included... I'll be your Bull." He slide his warm hand up the Boar's
ass-cheeks, drawing him in close again. "And your lover's too...
maybe even your other friend's. Are you going to offer your balls for
sale too, stallion?" The fat black Bull asked the young horse with a
smirk, that made his eyes bulge.

"Oho ohooo sure Ty's are freakin' huge!" The Human agreed as his
hefty Human nuts were cradled in the Bulls huge hand, that funny Human
cock so tense it was turning purple. A look of gratitude spread over
the Boars handsome muzzle as he grunted sounding almost fawn.

"My Bull... that... that's really cool thanx dude." Ty moving back up
close again as that hand on his ass made him, share a glance with Jay
as the Human nodded.

"No fuckin' way... I love to fuck to much!" Dal assured as he rubbed
his big blunt cock head against Jays soft ass, as Jordan patted the
Boar's rump firmly.

"Alright then... you said eleven thousand? I'll pay that for your
balls and your lover's, as a set." He offered boldly fondling both
plump pairs of pale male parts, as he enjoyed the moment. Ty looked
pleased at first at the offer and then looked worried, looking at Jay
who was obviously very excited.

"Errr I can't deal for him."

"Its ok Ty... he can have mine two I don't need them really." Jay
looked over at the Fat black Bull for the first time reaching out to
touch that big Bull cock with his sweaty human hands.

"You both become part of my herd, just one little condition." Jordan
added with a broad lustful grin, stroking both those cocks with his
big hot hands. "I want to fuck you both... while you're still
intact." He chuckled lewdly and grinned at the stiff horse who he
knew was hoping to do the same thing.

"Can I ask one thing... can you keep mine in the same jar as his
please. Oho wow sure thing you can fuck me before and after." Jay
volunteered, while Ty just nodded and grunted clearly he wasn't use to
getting fucked or agreeing to it either.

"You can help me decide which of these big soft rumps to mount first.
Which would you go for Dal?" Dal shared the black studs grin, as he
watch Jay fondle and explore that fat Bull cock.

"Ty... he's got a virgin ass... I've had Jay like fifty times... No
Ty's the one to I'd pound first." The young Stallion confirmed with a
lusty snort, as the big Hog looked none to pleased at being singled
out for this honor.

Jordan grinned broadly at both the ponies suggestion and the big Hogs
reaction to it, nodding happily at the idea. "I can't help but agree
with that." He replied lewdly, sliding his broad hands up the big
Boar's broad round rump. "And a virgin rump too... my... my... this
is just his lucky day. Well gentleman, it seems we've come to an
agreement. My new boys, please make yourselves comfortable on my bed;
relax, psych yourselves up, and prepare to receive your bull's
lusts... and then be castrated." He leered, biting his thick tongue
with his flat teeth as those naked body jiggled in front of him.
"Dal, you can help, you'll find the standard contract of sale over on
the dresser there, along with my video camera. Bring them both,
you'll be my cameraman today... filming the event keeps everybody
honest, I find." Ty and Jay quickly climbed up onto the massive bed,
the Hog taking a unfamiliar submissive position. While Jay climbed
between his fat thigh's and spread the big pigs ass cheeks, shoving
his flat Human muzzle between them. His mouth pressing to his lovers
anus, licking and lubing it with his red tongue as the big Hog moaned
and grunted amazed at how good that felt.

"Sure I got that stuff." The Appaloosa pony nickered, as he trotted
back across the room, looking over the paper work in curiosity. "So I
get to film the action huh. Damn that's hot, so having them on camera
is wise to huh?" The pony asked clearly interested in how the big
Bull did things, and perhaps thinking one day to have some gelding's
of his own.

Jordan was paying more attention to the pale-skinned lovers, and stood
up and let his silk robe slide off, after slipping a pen from the
pocket. "Yes, it's my protection against accusations of coercion; and
theirs, against actual coercion. Same with the contract, it spells
out what I get and what they get, and we all sign. We film that part
too... in fact, we film that part first. Here you go." He said as he
joined the Hog and Human on the bed, handing the pen to Ty before
laying down behind them. 'Just write the amount on the blank line,
and say it out loud for the camera." He directed, while reaching up
and fondling the Human's wide ass, and playing with those plump,
dangling balls... The big Hog looked up, making Dal chuckled at the
look on his muzzle as he half grunted half moaned out lustfully.

"11 thousand dollars for both my and Jays balls." Ty exhaled hotly,
as he gulped and then signed his name before handing the papers back
to Jay who took them and signed his name as well before handing them
back to Dal. "Got that all on camera so no backing out now." He
joked watching Jordan as the big Bull watched Jay rim his lover once
more before moving over so the Bull could take the Hog. The aroused
black Bull took the papers and pen from Dal, and signed them as well.

"Jordan...Blake." He said aloud, then set the contract aside while
gripping that hefty round ass just enjoying the view. "There you are
Ty, the money's legally yours now, so nothing can stop you getting it.
And now let us see what I'm getting." He moved up behind the big
Boar, and pushed the Pig's pale thighs apart so that the camera could
get a good look at his second set of hocks. Jordan seized that huge
porcine pair suddenly, lustily, kneading them firmly and pulling on
them, stretching them out so Dal could film them. "Just look at these
fucking beauties. They're huge! And so firm, clearly this Boar likes
to fuck, he uses these fat boys all the time. In fact he's never been
fucked in the ass before, he's always topped. Now he's agreed to sell
me his manhood, his balls; soon he won't be able to get hard enough to
top anymore. Instead he'll be my limped dick little sow after today,
unable to fuck anyone."

"Uhum ok... ok sure." Ty panted as he closed his eyes thinking about
the money, not wanting to think about what the big Bull wanted to do
to him. While Dal zoomed in on Ty's huge balls in Jordan massive
fists, enjoying what the Bull was saying much more that he'd ever
expected to.

"Oh fuck... oho wow... look at that." The young stallion gulped and
snickered in delight at what was happening, his own fist stroking that
huge horse cock swiftly. "Big balls on top of big balls, of course
that's gotta change soon." He snickered as Jay slipped over to the
edge of the bed and began licking the pony's mighty cock.

"Before I castrate this handsome Hog though, I'm going to give him a
preview of what he'll be getting from now on." The big black Bull
explained, and finished by releasing the Hog's balls, and straddling
him. His pendulous black sac draped down over the boar's pale pouch,
his red shaft bobbed above that big ass. The Bull reached over and
picked up a pitcher, then poured slick, clear oil generously into the
Pig's ass crack. With a gloating grunt, the horny Bull leaned
forward, laying his belly on the Boar's back, and slid his long rod
into that lubed cleft.

"Awww..." Ty grunted, his ass trying to pull away at first as his
virgin hole clenched on the Bull's cock head, making his ass feel all
the tighter for the big male who going to make a sow out of him.
Jordan leaned in close to Ty's ears, and whispered to the passive
Boar. Even as his wide black hips raised up and back, dragging his
Bull meat through Ty's ass crack. Dragging his black balls along the
Boar's, and getting the tip of his bull-hood right against that virgin

"Chin up, handsome." He whispered, and slid a hand under the Hog's
chest to tease a rock hard nipple. "By the time I'm done taking your
virginity, you'll feel much better about getting your balls cut off."
Jordan panted hotly into Ty's ear, as he slowly pushed at that tight
pucker with his raging hard on. "I'm gonna make you empty your big
balls for me." Jordan reached back with his other hand, and grabbed
the Hog's plump cummers firmly. Even as he thrust carefully, making
sure Dal got a good shot of him holding them as he pushed his way into
that plump Pig butt.

The big Boars breath was coming faster and deep as his tail-hole
slowly opened from the gently pressure Jordan was putting on it.
"Ummm that's... that's a big promise." Ty gasped as that hot hand
grabbed and teased his rock hard nipple, the Boars cock smacking wetly
against his big round belly. "Oho gods..." The Hog moaned, as that
long cock snaked past his puckered ring and began it's journey into
the depths of his ass. "Yes... yes make me cum." He couldn't help
whimpering as those big velvety balls rubbed over each other, the two
of them beginning to hump. Dal twisting and turning the camera
getting hot shots of all the action, even as he began fucking against
Jays lip's his cock head far to big to get into the Human's mouth.

Jordan grinned broadly, snorting lustily as his hips pushed forward,
sinking several inches of his hot rod into the Boar's tight ass.
"I've fucked males into giving me their balls before." Jordan hotly
panted in Ty's ear, as he ground that Bull meat in back there, his
belly pressing and stroking the Boar's back and big ass cheeks.
"Straight, to bi, to begging me to make them my next nut-less steer.
Mmm... I won't make you beg, though. But oh yeah, I will make you
cum... empty those cummers one last time just for me." He started to
thrust harder, that big black ass rising and falling rhythmically, his
thin tail whipping up and down... those fat nuts dragging across the
Boar's sac.

"I... I doubt... Ummm damn!" The Boar moaned as more cock was punched
into him, and his body responded by pushing back. "Ummm fuck... Ammm
maybe..." Ty groaned his strong back trembling as the pain gave way
to pleasure, the Bulls soft fur caressing his soft naked flesh.
"Yes... yes I need to need to cum." Ty whimpered as hot hands began
fondling his and Jordan mighty cummers, he knew Jays touch and could
hear the Human panting and nuzzling. While Dal rubbed his massive
flare against the fat Human's silky soft ass, up between those ass
cheek but not daring to punch his cock inside. This was the Bulls
night and the pony damn sure didn't want to offend him, so just jerked
himself as Jay teased him with that hot hole. Jordan snorted hotly,
his hips working, pushing his pole back and forth in Ty's fat rump
with bovine strength and stamina. He knew just where to aim his hot
pole to give the pig the most pleasure, and he hit that button hard.
His own heavy black balls grew damp with sweat, heavy and moist in the
boar's groping hands.

"Yeah... you'll cum for me." Jordan panted in Ty's ear as he fucked
that fat young Boar, starting to work faster, his big groin clapping
on the Hog's broad buttocks. Ty's moans and groans were coming faster
as his hefty body responded to that stimulation, his male pleasure
gland sending tingles through his long cock. Hefty balls growing just
as sweaty and wet as the Bull's and he felt Jays mouth and tongue
licking both their sacks the human enjoying the musk greatly.

"Thank you... thank you." Ty moaned his head laying on the bed now
his ass up and pushing back to get that pounding even harder on his
pleasure gland. "I... I've never... wouldn't have believed." The
Boar babbled in delight, his cock surging as the first spurt of many
splattered on the Bulls bed. Jordan grunted snorting like a wild
animal, huffing like a steam engine as he pulled back and thrust, his
hard piston plunging deep into the Pig's backside. Feeling that
tender sphincter tighten, those porcine balls tense up, the rutting
Bull unleashed himself, wildly screwing the fat boar as he spilled his
last cum into those silken bedsheets. Jordan seized the hog's sweaty
sac, squeezing it hard to make those fat balls BULGE... and with a
deep groan, his hot thick cum pulsed into that ass...

"Wow... oh Wow." Was all the hefty Pig could say as he lay there in
post orgasmic bliss, a big smile on his muzzle as he looked back.
Even as Jay pushed his head between their leg's and licking his lovers
spoo off the bed sheets. While Dal softly snickered behind them, he'd
not really expected to see the Bull manage it... but was impressed.

"Damn that looked fun." He grunted his voice low with pent up sexual
excitement, his cock leaking heavily onto Jays wide pink ass. Jordan
grinned gloatingly, and patted the pig firmly on his big round rump.

"Glad you enjoyed it." He said with that broad gloating smile, his
deep voice rumbling with pleasure. "I think you'll be getting fucked
a lot in the future. You've got a fine ass and your stallion friend
seems to want to fuck it." He chuckled looking over at the rock hard
stallion, and then slid a heavy hand around those hips to grasp the
Hog's fat cummers. "Mmmm... and these are mine... as are yours,
Human. Shift your hips over here and spreads your thighs for me Jay."

"Ummmm well yeah sure." The horny pony grunted as his long thick cock
throbbed hard, as it lay on Jay's warm smooth skin. "If... if that's
alright with you." He breathed watching as Jordan's big hot hands
sent a shiver running down Jay's naked back, as the big Bulls hot hand
spread those hefty thigh's, Jays wrinkly naked sack swinging low. As
he looked back his face shiny with the big Boars greasy cum, while he
watched Jordan fondle them both for a minute.

Jordan snorted, and grinned as his hand curled around the human's pale
sac, surrounding those plump stones in sweaty warmth. He squeezed
them a bit, then pulled on them, then grasped the fat human's stiff
shaft. He stroked it slowly...it was a lot smaller than the cocks of
any of the other big males here, but normal for a human. "Mmm...what
to do next." The lusty Bull mused out loud lewdly as he looked over
the naked young furs in front of him. "Should I fuck this cute human,
or claim his nuts? Perhaps I should collect this pair first?" Jordan
mused, reaching over and grasping the Boar's huge sagging balls! He
held both sets in his fat hands, massaging and rolling them, teasing
their owners while his own lust began to rise again.

Dal watched it all through the camera his cock now aching with need,
he was so horny; the pony had agreed to come here with his friends
just to see if this would all really happen. Now here he was
recording it all and damn if it wasn't even more exciting than he'd
expected it to be, just watching the big Bull caress those orbs he now
owned. "Fuck me... please fuck me." Jay begged after having enjoyed
the show of the Bull fucking his boyfriend to climax, it had made the
hefty Human willing to agreed to anything to get that same treatment.
Ty whimpered slightly as Jordan mused about taking his huge nuts, but
the well used Hog didn't really look unhappy.

Jordan grinned broadly at Jays begging, and snorted in lust as his
long cock sprang back up stiffly. He slowly rolled forward, moving to
lay down on top of Jay's broad back, the Bull's fat belly spreading
over it nicely. He kept a hold on the Human's balls, even as he
pressed his stiff cock into that soft, pale ass-crack. He leaned
forward over that fur-less Human back, licking hotly on the naked
sluts earlobe. "This'll be your last fuck as a true male." The horny
Bull lewdly whispered, as he tugged on those plump seed sacs enjoying
the feeling of them squirming in his grip. "When your pony friend
over there next fucks you in the ass, you'll be a eunuch..." Ty half
turned over as he watched the big Bull who would unmale him lay over
his boyfriends back, a sudden wave of jealousy sweeping over the big
hog as Jay moaned loudly.

"Ohooo gods." The pale naked Human breathed as Jordan bulk settled
over him enveloping him in soft short fur and hot flesh. Pinning him
to the bed as that throbbing organ was pushed between his ass cheeks,
the tip finding his hole with practiced ease. "Ummm fuck your so
big." The fat Human moaned biting his lower lip, as that long cock
began slithering into the depths of his body. Hot breath tickling
inside his ear as Jordan whispered to him, making that hole tighten up
around the Bulls hefty cock. His nuts aching in an amazingly erotic
way as strong fingers pulled on them, that short Human cock as hard as
rock on the damp sheets as the panting human moaned out. "Oh gods
make a eunuch out of me."

Jordan smirked, the fat Bull's big black balls draped across the
Human's thighs as he lowered himself down onto that big pale rump.
"Mmm, relax human, and you'll take it easier." The big sexy older
Bull chides with a soft smile, and slowly he pushes forward, driving
the tip of his stiff cock into the Jay's pale pucker. Fortunately for
the Human he had taken horses before... so the Bull was within his
abilities. Jordan started thrusting in right away, barely having his
length inside that snug rump before pulling it out and shoving again,
his balls rolling on Jay's rump while Ty watched. That huge hot black
bovine body lay on the Human, shoving a hand under his body and
keeping that small Human dick stroked. "I want you to cum, one more
time... before I castrate you Human." Jordan whispered in his ear
lustfully, enjoying the feeling those words had on that soft Human
body. "One time, right in my hand... one time... just for me!"

Dal moved the camera back a bit to take in all the action, watching as
Ty's muzzle reddened as he watched Jay get used. The big Hog unable
to keep from getting hard again as he watched even though he was clear
he still had a hard time with Jordan fucking the Human. While Jay
panted for breath louder and faster as the Bull's fat hand engulfed
his short prick, rubbing it slowly even as the Human shoved his ass
back trying to get more of that mighty cock inside of him. "Yes oh
fuck yes... please make me cum." Jay begged like the good slut he is,
making Ty snort as he struggled with his own feelings. "Oh fuck...
Your really gunna do it... I'm really gunna be your Eunuch... after...
after I... I... Cum." Jay moaned, but if he was afraid of cumming it
didn't show as he bucked back onto that huge cock and then slammed
forwards into the Bulls big sweaty fist.

Jordan grunted, his wide ass rising and falling, plunging his proud
pole into that plump Human passage. He panted hotly in Jay's ear, and
squeezed that thick, short peg under the Human's pale belly. "Yeah
cum... cum for me... and then be my eunuch... yeah." Jordan started
plowing that fat ass hard, then glanced up and saw Ty's conflicted,
jealous lust. He smirked at that and motioned with one big hand.
"C'mere." He beckoned to the horny jealous Boar. "Sit down here, now
spread your thighs... Shove your fat balls in Jay's face, while you've
still got 'em. You'll both be my eunuchs soon." That soft plump
Human body withered under the big Bull with amazing strength, even as
Ty climbed up onto his knee's and struggled over to drape those mighty
balls over Jay's head. Covering the excited Human in strong musk as
the horny Hog began to stroke himself watching as Jordan pounded Jay
harder and faster.

"Oh fuck that's soooooo hot!" Del snickered, as he listened to Jordan
remind the pair that it was he who owned their balls, and they were
just holding them until the big Bull got around to collecting them.
Jordan smirked and slid a hand up and under Ty's fat Hog balls,
holding them and kneading them even as he pressed them against the
Human's flat face.

"Yeah, shove your balls in his face, eunuch. Stroke that dick and cum
all over him, then prepare to loose your cummers." Jordan grunted as
he vigorously fucked that plump pale ass, his own belly grinding into
Jay's back, his fat black balls flapping around, putting on quite a
show for the camera... Ty trembling at the Bulls words, he really did
want to cum and knew he'd sold his nuts, however just to hear it like
that made it hard for him to enjoy the stroking. While Jays slick wet
tongue lapped at the underside of his fat ball sack, and Del hovered
over them watching it all with the camera that massive pony prick
dropping huge gobs of pre-cum everywhere. Jay it seemed was having no
trouble cumming and was soon moaning loudly as his fat little cock
tensed, he was on the edge of filling Jordan's palm with his cum. The
big Bull snorted, thrusting harder into the tensing Human; his big
black stones jumping and jerking between his fat thighs. He gave the
Human's ass several more hard, rapid shoves, and then began to empty
his second load into that nice wide ass. He squeezed that stubby cock
as he did, working that Human's dick like a pump, to pull out the cum
in those plump, pale balls he had just bought.

"Ummm fuck... Ummmm I'm... I'm CUMMING." Jay screamed, his voice
muffled by his boyfriends hefty balls that covered his flat Human
face. Even as Ty moaned and stroked his cock faster for a moment,
until a gush of watery spoo dribbled out and down over his fist and
cock to cover Jay's chin and neck with creamy Pig slop. While Jordan
finished filling the poor Human's belly with his hot potent Bull cum,
that quivering asshole drooling as that long cock throbbed within it.
Jordan smirked as the younger males exploded, and licked his broad
rubbery black lips. He squeezed Jay's small shaft, feeling it pulse
in his strong hand; then he slowly pulled his wet Bull-stick from the
Human's well-used asshole. He sat down beside Jay and firmly patted
that pale ass as his Bull-cock draped over his flabby thigh.

"Only one thing left to figure out, now." He breathed to the camera,
even as Del focused in on his smirking muzzle. "Should I have them on
their back, or their bellies to collect their balls?" He asked Dal
with a lewd smirk, watching as the ponies long equine cock jerked up
and down wildly.

"Muzzle..." Dal pause to lick his dry lip's and swallow hard, almost
breathless from the show the Bull was providing him. "Muzzle up... so
we can record the looks on their muzzles." Dal panted his voice harsh
with pent up lust, his cock slapping against his little round pony
belly as he looked over at his friends. Whom he couldn't wait to see
turned into Eunuchs, it made the pony feel a little guilty; but then
they had been the ones to sale their stuff.

Jordan nodded his wide head sagely, and gave Jay a smack on his sexy
cum leaking rump. "Roll over Human." He ordered with a smile, as Ty
lay back on the bed and spread his legs. "Hands under your back, keep
them there until I say otherwise." Panting the clearly exhausted
Human rolled over and lay back as he was told, his hands shaking a
little as he placed them behind his head. "You beside your
boyfriend." He commanded the Hog, who obeyed his commands at once.
When both pale males were in place, Jordan smirked, and stood up,
collecting a few things from a shelf. A large decorated bowl, and
from it he took a short, sharp knife... a handful of zip ties... and a
couple strips of rawhide. "Well... do you boys know what these are
for?" He teases lewdly, holding them up so they could be seen.

"Yes sir." Jay panted flashing Dal a look of gloating, he'd gotten
one hell of a fuck. Ty took his position a little slower, but with
the knowledge that this was in fact what he'd came here for. "For
taking our balls." They both said at once, it was almost like they
had practiced it, and Dal snickered as he heard them.

"Oh that's good, boys. Very good." Jordan shuffled over to where
they lay, and one by one he rolled them up onto their sides, secured
their wrists behind their backs with a zip tie, and let them lay down
again. Having their hands under their backs lifted their hips upwards
a bit, displaying their wet genitals lewdly. The big Bull then
gathered up the Human's plump nut sack, the wrinkled pink bag easily
fitting in one palm, as he stretched it out. He slid another zip tie
around the neck and cinched it down tightly. Then he picked up Ty's
huge Boar balls, having to carefully balance that whole massive sac
with just one hand as he worked the zip tie into place around that
neck. He cinched it closed with a hard jerk, making those fat balls
bulge and the big Hog grunt. As he works he can hear Dal's harsh
breathing and almost feel the horny pony pressing against his back,
but he doesn't look back instead admiring the trapped junk in front of
him. Jay had inhaled deeply when his had been clinched, while Ty had
instead exhaled excepting of his fate. The two males laying side by
side were looking not at him, but at each other, there face and muzzle
only inches apart.

Jordan grinned at his handiwork and at each of their reactions to it.
He shifted and sat himself down on Ty's leg, the big Bull folded his
legs to trap the Hog's ankle and make sure his thighs stay open.
"Ammmm, very nice boys." He commented lustfully, and then scooped up
the Hog's balls in one hand, that was almost inadequate to hold the
who huge man-melons, brandishing his knife in the other. "Now it's
time." He almost sang with delight, as he leaned in pressing that
sharp blade against the stretched, pinched neck of Ty's big sac. He
let the Boar feel that sharp blade down there, before starting to
slice through the soft yet tough skin of that sack. Ty grunted and
trembled as the pain of that cutting blade burned from his groin to
his brain, and then slowly began to dull as his choked sack began to
go numb. Still his breath was coming on great gasps, as Jordan
reached inside of him to pull out one huge throbbing testicle.
"Impressive don't you think?" The mighty black Bull asked holding it
up for the camera, Del unable to resist anymore and began to stroke
himself. "Stop that." Jordan ordered the needy pony with a grim
smirk, as Del gulped and nodded and went back to watching. "It really
is as big as one of mine." The big black Bull grunted in admiration
as he dangled it by its cords and tubes. "Of course mine are still
attached." Jordan chuckled as he slashed those connecting tissues,
the big balls swinging free of Ty's trembling body. Even as the big
Hog gave a grunt and began to dribble cum all over his big round pink
belly. "Heheh." Lifting big ball up, Jordan lay it into the bowl
between the Human and Hog so they could both see it.

"Now fun something a bit smaller." Reaching over Jordan cupped Jay's
wrinkly pink Human nut sack, slitting it open just as easily as he'd
done Ty's. Squeezing out the Human's biggest testicle he held it up
for the camera, and then cut it loose. Jay inhale sharply and moaned
as his last seed oozed onto his naked Human flesh as well, even as his
nut joined Ty's in the bowl.

"Ohoo god... ohooo gods look at that!" Jay moaned as he starred at
his and Ty's bare nut rubbing against on another, almost believing he
could feel it. Reaching in to the bowl Jordan twined the cords of
those two balls together in a loving embrace.

"There's one jar filled." The hefty Bull gloated as he gently lifted
Ty's second fat cummer up, once again expertly separating it from the
Hog's body. Ty moaned in loss once more he head falling back weakly,
even as Jay awaited his turn with wide eyed excitement. Carefully
Jordan worked the Human's second orb out of it's pouch, and rubbed it
against Ty's dissevered organ. Jay moaned again, as a second smaller
gush of seed drooled out of his hard little Human cock onto his belly.
"Heheh someones excited about becoming my newest Eunuch." The fat
black Bull laughed as he cut the Human's ball off, entwining the cords
with Ty's before laying them in the bowl. "Dal... be a good boy and
fetch me the jars from the bar over there." Jordan ordered softly as
Jays head sagged back like Ty's, both of them panting for breath as
the big Bull's finished sealing up their wounds.

"Damn I'm so horny." The young Appaloosa stud grunted as he trotted
back over with the jars, watching in delight as Jordan dropped his
friends fat testicles into them. The big Bull carefully labeling them
before setting the jars aside, and smiling at the horny young equine.

"I can help you out with that." He offered, watching in amusement as
Dal's eyes went wide and the horse covered his nuts.

"Oh no I like to cum way to much for that... I'll keep mine thank

"Hahah." Jordan laughed as he looked back at the Horse, and then
winked flicking his tail. "You made that clear already... No I was
offering you a chance to mount."

"To mount?" Dal grunted, his long thick equine cock bobbing up and
down in unsuppressed lust as he looked over at Ty and Jay. The big
Bull's inky black muzzle split into a wide white smile as he watched
the horny equine.

"You can either mount one of my new Eunuchs... or you can try a real
Bull." He offered, making Dal's jaw drop as the big bovine rolled
over onto all fours and lifted his tail.

"You... you'd let Me... mount You?" The horny Appaloosa stammered in
excited disbelief, his surging erection showing he liked that idea a

"From the sounds of things, you maybe starting your own collection
soon..." Jordan observed wily, flashing the young stud a wide lustful
smile. "I only let real males inside of me. Do you think your male

"Yeah... oho fuck yeah." Dal moaned, as he climbed up over those big
round buttocks, pushing them apart with trembling three fingered
hands. And then guiding his long blunt equine fucker to that hot tail
hole, smearing it with thick greasy equine pre-cum. He found himself
sinking inside with very little resistance, almost as if that tight
hole had been made just for his cock. "Ammmm gods... you feel sooo

The fat Bull moaned as he was penetrated, he tenses up a little,
tightening up for the young stud, clenching his fat rump around that
long horse dick. "Ahh... yeah fuck me! Fuck me like you've always
wanted my ass." Jordan moaned softly making the nervous young
Stallion feel more confident and assertive. "Fuck me good... hard and
deep. Ohohooo, you feel so good in my ass." He panted, that big
round black rump wiggling, as Dal hammered into it with eager young
lust. "Ummm yeah... I love how your balls... drape over mine."

"Ummm same here." Dal exhaled loudly as he felt those hot churning
ball sacks rubbing and slapping against each other, his heart racing
as his hand moved down to the Bulls long pink malehood. "Ummm
someones enjoying my cock in his ass... huh?" The young appaloosa
panted as his long equine rut stick pounding deep inside the big
powerful older males body now. "Fuck... your so sexy... so masculine
I love how your body feels under mine." Dal moaned rocking his hip's
faster rutting the big Bull hard, wanting to show Jordan just how good
of a male he really was. Jordan moaned more vigorously, the fat Bull
panting for breath now feeling the Horse atop him, a strong male
breeding his wide ass. He bites his lower rubbery black lower lip
hard, and grinds his big rump back against the Appaloosa's hot aroused

"Ohoh, yeah... feel our balls hanging together... make me empty my
nuts for you stud." The lustful older Bull moaned struggled to hold
himself back, hoping to enjoy this moment of hours, but that was
impossible he knew. The young Stallion moaned as his thrusts began to
pick up speed, that cock seeming to batter and grind within Jordan's
clenching anus.

"Ohoooo damn that... that's so hot an idea I love it." Dal moaned
picturing it when Jordan had fucked Ty and made him cum hands free,
but the young Stallion was taking no chances. His big three fingered
hands were stroking up and down the Bulls hefty cock shaft as he
rutted that sexy ass. "That's right... I want you to cum... cum just
for me." The horny young Appaloosa panted, working his hands up and
down on that pre-cum slickened prick as he hammered away wildly.
Jordan groaned under the lusty younger males feral pumping, his big
rump rocking with every thrust. He found one of Dal's hands and
pushed it back to his hefty Bull nuts. The young stud getting the
idea at once, and began to fondle and squeeze those fat seed sacks
eagerly. The pair of them so hot and so sweaty the room reeking of
their male musk and the blood of the new neuters... Jordan let the
pleasure fill him up, moaning as he squeezed the young studs throbbing
pole as his balls throbbed... and his bull-hood burped seed onto the
bed beneath him.

Dal inhaled in a long ragging shuddering breath, as his fat male orbs
quivered, drawing up within their smooth velvety soft pouch. And then
his long equine salami exploded deep within that hot clenching hole,
the orgasm so intense his eyes rolled back in his head for a moment.
Big spotted body humping and thrusting hard on instinct alone, as his
orgasm filled Jordan's quivering ass full of scalding hot stud milk.
"WWWEEEHEHEEE." He whinnied loudly as post orgasm bliss washed over
him, leaving them both panting and whimpering breathless.

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