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Honeys Not So Quiet Night...
(Honeys Quiet Night)

The Donkey whimpered loudly and his struggling gray body went suddenly
limp. Leaving him dangling from the rough ropes that were knotted around
his wrists held high above his head. The pretty young Centaur mare smiled
wickedly as she finished up between his wide spread legs. Then she paused
to fondle the big black hose of his semi-hard equine dick, which was still
drooling the last few drops of his thick gooey seed. As it seeped to join
the rest of his last load puddling on the dirty floor of the city stables.
"Bet ya wished you hadn't wasted so much of this before huh!" Honey
giggled as she stamped a fore hoof in that gooey puddle, splashing some of
the Donkeys boi's seed up onto his weakly trembling leg's. "Oh well..."
She chuckled merrily as the brown and white creamy mixture of cum and dirt
crawled back down over his ankle. "I guess its poetic that your last load
is wasted on the ground just like all the rest." She laughed and stamped
her hoof again. "Did you really think I was going to let you squirt it
into me?" She taunted putting on her best little mare in heat face and
moaning mockingly. "Ohoooo I need it soooo bad!" The Donkey whimpered
again, but didn't lift his eyes from his denuded crotch. "Silly boi!" "Oh
well you won't have to worry about that... ever again." Honey purred as
she lifted his fat black hose and derisively jacked it with one hand. Then
letting it drop, she spun around and walked off. Pausing for an instant
she lifted her tail, looking back over her shoulder. As the gelded Donkey
looked up at last, his dark eyes on her pink teardrop shaped sex. That
winked jeeringly at him, making his flaccid organ jerk upwards.
"Hahaha..." Honey laughed at him as she strolled out, leaving him to be
found gelded by his fellows the next morning...


The hour was late and so Honey planned to call it a night, have one quick
drink in the tavern and then off to bed. Strolling through the wide double
door of Oddfellows under ground tavern. The sleek pretty palomino Centaur
mare trotted up to the bar, and ordered her favorite night cap. When two
big males sidled up one on either side of her... on the left a big rough
looking Bull. On the right a tall handsome roan red stallion, both quickly
offering to pay for her drink. And then glared at each other over her
back... clearly feeling a rivalry over the pretty female. "Now... now
boi's... I'm just here for a night cap before bed."

"That sounds like a plan..." The big stallion nickered low and lustfully
as he pressed against her side. "Wouldn't you like me to join you?"

"Don't be stupid... a sweet filly like this needs the company of a real
male." The big Bull snorted as he placed a huge hot hand on her equine
shoulder. The bartender just smirked... for anyone else he'd have roused
the bouncer. But he'd been around enough to know Honey could handle
herself. And so strolled off to the other end of the bar, to wake some
drunken patrons.

"A real male... Hah!" "I'm twice the male you are... old cow!" The young
roan stallion snickered at his own insult.

"Who are you calling a cow?" The big Bull growled flexing his powerful
muscles. "I'm six times the breeder you'll ever be!" He snorted patting
his sizable ball's with one huge hand. The younger stallion instantly
whipped out his own big balls.

"Jest cuz there bloated don't mean they're potent..." He challenged seeing
that the Bull's balls were indeed fatter than his own... "I hear yours are
mostly full of hot air..."

Seeing those massive male orbs on public display... Honeys lip's slowly
curled up into a wicked smile. Obviously the two studs were about to come
to blows. "Well now why don't we just have us a test... to see who's balls
are toughest." She purred, making the two arguing males stop to look at
her surprised.

"Errrr... what kinda test?" They demanded in one voice.

"Well..." Honey said slowly as if thinking things over... even though she
had decided on her favorite game already. "It seems to me... that we need
to see just who has the biggest... strongest... most... masculine ball's."
She purred, making the Bull grin because clearly his were biggest.
"Because this little mare only wants to be bred by the most powerful potent

"That'd be ME!" They both shouted together.

"Which is why we need the test..." Honey sneered. "To see just who is the
toughest, strongest more masculine male." She flashed them both a winsome
smile, as she dragged them over to the stone hearth. Sitting them both
down on those rough stones side by side, she examined those big ball's as
the rested on the stones. "What I was thinking is a test of strength of
will, of pain tolerance and of course masculinity." She explained as she
felt up both those sets of fat oval male jewels. Across the room the
bartender rolled his eyes... and silently thanked the gods he was gay.
He'd seen this game before... and knew it never ended the way the
contestants wanted. Bracing her hands on the mantle over the fire place,
Honey lifted her big hard front hooves up. And placed them between the
Bull and stallion's wide spread thigh's. Resting one hard hoof upon each
massive nut sack lightly... as she smirked down at the two horny males.
"Now lets see who can take the most weight." Both the Bull and Stallion
gulped and began to stammer.

"Uhum... now hold on a minute..." The young roan stallion whinnied,
looking nervous.

"What?" Honey asked smirkingly. "Yer not giving up before we've even


"Course he is... little wimp knows he aint in my league..." The big Bull
snickered gloatingly, as he leered up at the pretty Centauress. "I'll show
you a real good time little mare." He promised as the roan stallion fumed.

"Like hell... I'm more than a match for you old Steer!" The young stallion
challenged, rolling his hip's and adjusting his fat ball's under that big
hard hoof.

"So then let the contest begin." Honey interjected before the arguing and
pointless posturing could begin again. And with a nod from the pair, she
began to release the weight of her fore end. Her big hard dirty hoof
compressing those huge bouncy male orb's. "EEEHEHEEE." The roan stallion
squealed, as the weight of her body began to crush down on his goodies.
His eye's widening as that hard hoof began pressing down over his colt
makers. While the big Bull just seemed to grimace and sneer over at the
stallion. But his snorting, pant breath told that he was feeling it too.

"Give it up pony boi..." The big Bull moaned, his big hands fondling and
stroking up and down Honey's front leg. Even as his big brown ball bag
bulged, around the big hard hoof pressing down in the center of it.

"Go fuck yourself old Steer." The horny roan red equine moaned, as his
long thick stud stick came into view slowly crawling up his flat belly.
The big Bull's long slender cock was already laying across his thigh and
dangling down the outside of his leg.

"Oh no I'm going to be fucking the mare." The big Bull taunted between
clenched teeth... as Honey slowly release more and more pressure. Honey
leered down lustfully at them... as she felt those massive male orb's
compressing under her weight. Those big balls bouncy and resilient at
first, but hardening and firming as they were compacted. The wicked
Centauress could feel the tough outer membranes cracking under the strain.
Even as the big Bull bellowed this time... clutching at the rocky edge of
the hearth.

"Give it up..." The roan stallion moaned to the Bull... his voice barely a
whisper over twisting agony in his stomach.

"Never!" The big Bull shouted throwing his head back and gasping for
breath. As tears began to stream down his cheeks... as the young stallion's
eyes rolled wildly in his head. "Give me all ya got..." He begged Honey
weakly, as the pretty Centauress released her grip on the mantle
completely. Balancing the full weight of her fore end on those four orbs.

"OOOOK..." The roan stallion started to squeal... when just then there
came a loud wet sounding 'CRU-CRUNCH'. And then the big Bull screamed as
his body jerked, legs stiffening out and torso flopping backwards. "Ohoooo
thank ggggooodddd!" The roan stallion started, but was cut off as the full
weight of Honeys body suddenly shifted. "IIIEEIEIEEE!" The handsome
former stud squealed, as his own bulging nuts suddenly exploded with his
velvety sack. With an even sharper double 'CRUNCH' he starred up at the
smirking Centauress dumbfounded for an instant. And then his big dark eyes
rolled back in his head and he collapsed unconscious.

Honey let out a lustful little moan of delight as her hooves dropped onto
those puddles of mush. Her long flowing tail flagging up high as liquid
excitement dribbled out of her winking sex. Leaving big wet drops on the
dirty tavern floor, slowly she stepped down and pranced over to the bar.
"Have Bruno collect that and cook it up for Shareen and mines breakfast."
She told the bartender, as he shook his head ruefully. She trotted off to
wake her lover and finish the pleasure this latest adventure had started.

"Hey Bruno... a couple of new geldings for your escort service!" The
bartender smirked... thinking he'd be taking them both for a ride before

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