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Honey's Trap

Cedric inhaled deeply, the cool night air was alive with scents. And the big Centaur's nostrils flared, as he caught the sweet scent of mare in season on the breeze. Being in a humanoid settlement, he natural assumed it was one of the human's horses. Not that it mattered all that much to the big Centaur. Since he'd been abroad in the world, and away from most of his kind. He'd taken his pleasures with most any female who was willing. Mounting more than a few mares, even working for a time in a erotic show. In a certain seedy tavern down on the waterfront, strange what humans would pay to watch! He'd even had a few human's wanting to be under him! None could take his full length of course, but a surprising number had wanted to try it! And not just their females, he'd taken a number of males. It was exciting of course, mounting a different race. But he preferred females who could take his full length. And whose sex could grip and milk his huge organ in the way it was meant to be! Inhaling again the big roan red Centaur tracked that sweet scent. He knew these human dwellings well enough to know they always kept the stables around back. So was making his way across the crowded yard slowly. Picking his way through the human party, towards the rear of the manner house. When he suddenly spotted her, a sleek dappled gray Centaur mare! She was standing with her rump in a corner, obviously guarding her sex. Even through her tail was up and her heat scent was thick in the air. A number of human, Elven, and males of other races were standing around flirting with her. Most unaware that it was her sweet scent that was so enthralling them. Cedric snorted and trotted over to her, watching as her eye's widened as she noticed him.

"Greetings." The big Centaur stud grunted his voice low and husky with desire. The smaller males mostly backed off as the big roan Stud moved up. "I am Cedric of Talpoola clan."

"G… Greetings!" The small Appaloosa mare greeted, obviously surprised to another Centaur at this human party! "I am called Shareen… of the Nuroona clan!" Cedric moved up closer, letting his strong masculine scent greet her nose.

"I am new to this place." He confessed as he slowly circled her. "And was not aware there were any people here." He brushed his strong equine shoulder against her flanks as he passed.

"What does he mean by that?" One of the mare's human admirers grunted, as his Elven friend pulled him away.

"His own kind of course!" The Elf smirked, amused that his human friend was so interested in the Centaur mare. Cedric ignored them, of course, and concentrated on his prey. He could see she was already shivering in need, as she fought her urges.

"There… there are a few of us…" The pretty young mare answered as she pranced in place. It was a dance of lust; all mares did it, Centaur or simpler beasts of burden. Half defensive, half inviting… all needy! Cedric's grin widened as he watched her react to her need and his presence. Moving in very close to her, he whispered low and lustfully. His lip's brushing her sensitive pointed ears as he spoke.

"If you'll pardon my forwardness…" He paused to lick his lips. "You seem in need of a male at the moment!"

"I… I'm related to all the males in our small band!" She confessed with a delicate blush on her cheeks. "So I was sent into the human village, until my heat passed." "Since breedings with them so rarely result in off spring, on account of their short…" She paused shivering wildly, as she thought about male organs short or otherwise! Cedric snorted, at the though of human males organs! And his arousal grew as he kissed and nibbled along her neck.

"I am not related to you… and am very good at breeding!" He promised in a low aroused whisper, as his big hand's slide up her torso.

"Ammmmmm yes…" The dappled gray mare moaned softly, pressing herself against him as his hands freely explored her breasts.

"You have a place near by…" The big Centaur stallion questioned, as his arousal grew. Already a number of party guests had noticed it, and were pointing!

"Ummmmm yes…" The mare moaned softly. "I'm renting the stables just behind this house." She purred into his ear, as her tail flagged up and down excitedly. Taking his big hand in hers, she quickly led him off around back. The partygoers watched them go with sly looks and lewd comments. One or two of her male admirers with open jealous angry stares.

Her stable rooms were dark and breezy as humans tended to make such places. Not that it bothered the stallion in the least; he'd traveled a lot in these human lands. And had stayed in many such places, even sharing them with the humans slave horses! A delicate rosy blush formed on Shareen's high prominent cheekbones, as she struggled to tell him about her secret taboo desires. "It… it's a bit…" she paused as if searching for the correct words. "Well more than a bit… it's Very naughty for a good little mare like me!" Cedric licked his lip's… his curiosity peaked.

"It's all right." He assured coaxingly. "You can tell me… I'm a very worldly stallion!" He confessed eagerly.

"I want to be taken by a… a beast!" "Errr want to know what it is to be had by a stallion that doesn't speak or have hands!" Her cheeks flushing brighter and brighter as Cedric looked confused. "Would you wear a gag, and let me tie your hands behind your back?" Cedric's eyebrows shot up, as he thought about it. 'A Centaur mare letting a normal horse mount and rut her!'  That would be quite a kink for a good little Centaur mare. Seeing his face, she quickly went on. "I never would really, not with… with a true beast!" "It…its just a fantasy… but I was hoping you would be willing to pretend… ahem play…" The big Centaur stallion smiled, at last understanding her forbidden desires.

"You'd like me to play the big lustful beast!" He said softly.

"Would you?" Shareen asked, sounding excited as Cedric chuckled good-naturedly.

"Of course anything to pleasure you, little filly!" He snorted perfectly willing to agree to almost anything to plant his stud hood under her tail! He was a horny stallion; she was a willing… if kinky mare. And it wasn't like he'd not mounted his share of female horses.

"Oh… thank you!" She giggled, as she suddenly began digging leather straps and harnesses out of a big wooden box!

"Ahem… what's all this?" He asked as she began draping it around him.

"Oh just some things to make it more… real!" Shareen explained. First she fitted a leather sleeve over his powerful arms. Pulling them back, and up behind the back of his human torso. "There that should keep then out of the way." Shareen mumbled as she pulled the buckles tight. Next she slipped a harness around his head, fitting a bar like gag into his mouth. With long reins hanging down, so she could lead him around like a dumb horse! "Ohoooo what a fine big draft horse stallion we have here!" Shareen purred as she moved around him, her hands stroking his sleek hide. Then dipping down under his belly, to fondling his sheath and the huge hot leathery organ hanging out of it! "Ohooo my… you are a Big boy!" She purred as her soft warms hands caressed his throbbing length!

"Weeeeehehehe!" Cedric whinnied through his nose, fueling her fantasy and expressing his own pent up desire!

"You smell my season…" Shareen teased, moving around in front of him as he pawed at the ground with his front hoof! "Don't you, big boy?" Cedric half reared up on his hind legs, eager to mount as any horny beast would be! Prancing off a few steps, the Centauress stopped. Spreading her hind legs Shareen lifted her long flowing tail. Squatting slight, to take up that waiting stance mare since time in memoriam had assumed. Reaching back she tugged on the reins playfully, urging him on. Ever as the dark lips of her teardrop shaped sex parted, and her big pink vulva winked in and out lustfully! "Come on you big lustful beast… mount me and rut me like the slutty little mare I am!" She called back over her shoulder, which was all the coaxing Cedric needed! Instantly he reared up upon his hind legs, and leaped upon her sleek back!

He kept off to one side, knowing a lot of females would kick. When first mounted, horse females more than Centaurs. But why take chances, and the last thing he wanted was to feel a hoof in his balls! He would move behind her once his weight was fully upon her, to keep her from bucking up enough to throw a kick. With her rump pinned down, he worked his way directly around behind her! Where he could line his long thick erection up, with her hot needy tear drop shaped orifice. Once aligned he tensed his huge organ, and lunged! Battering that hot soft flesh, until his big blunt cock head found just the right spot!

Shareen whimpered and groaned as his hard=on battered against her. It wasn't an easy entry, nor a very neat one. But she had been the one wanting to be rutted by a beast! Cedric was long practiced at this game, and was within her swiftly. Even with the restrictions she'd placed upon him. But it was her fantasy… to be taken like a brutish equine stallion would. And he planned on giving her just that kind of hot needy fuck! Taking on the aggressive dominant persona of the aroused beast. Snorting and grunting he pushes himself up her back, forcing more and more of his might organ into her! Cedric's strong equine forelegs, wrapping tightly around her body just above her barrel. It was the age-old embrace of stallion and mare, as he prepared to breed her savagely! She starred up at his strong masculine body, feeling helpless beneath him.

"Ahhhh… Ahhhhh!" She moaned heavily at the feel of him inside her! He smirked then drew back his hips, and thrust deep! Cedric leaned over her; hip's slowly pumping. But letting her equine vagina do most of the work! "Yes… yes that's a boy… rut me you big dirty beast!" Shareen begged as her body pressed back into his bone jarring thrusts! "Yes!" "G… give me all of your cock y-you big stud!" Shareen screamed with pleasure, feeling her sex clench around his hard thick member. He knew her body was reacting instinctively to the stimulus, but this only added to his delight at rutting her! She squealed in pleasure, as he rammed her sex in barbarous lust! His heavy body slammed roughly into her soft acquiescent flesh. He took her swiftly and ferociously, battering her tender female flesh with his hard aroused organ.

"Whinny!" Cedric panted through his nose, as he ravished her hot diminutive sex, his thrusts gathering speed as he did so! His powerful hip's forced her leg's even wider apart, their bodies slapping together again an again. He didn't notice the shadow on the wall beside them. Never saw the figure moving into the room behind them. Peering under his up raised tail, lifting the strange metal devise… Only vaguely aware, as his massive swing jewels were captured; and fed into steel jaws!

"C… cum inside me you big brute! Shareen screamed with pleasure loving the feeling of his massive cock moving within her! Tremors pulsed through his loin's making his whole body quiver, as he looked down at her sweaty gasping body! His buttock's pumped back and forth, as he repeatedly leaned into her; burying his cock-ball's deep each thrust! Planting his long organ into his mare at the precise depth it would most likely impregnate her. It was only as the cruel steel jaws snap closed against his hot flesh that he noticed. A sudden pain gnawing at his guts as his mighty orbs are unexpectedly pinched! Swiftly he glances back over his shoulder, stunned to see a second handsome young mare grinning at him wickedly.

"Spooge inside her… and you're a gelding!" The wickedly grinning mare threatens, as she slowly presses those jaws tighter! Cedric's already big eyes go even wider, as he realizes what she's placed on his prized jewels! It's a device the humans use to geld their horses, the pretty filly really could geld him easily!

"Ummmmmm!" He tries to protest shaking his head, and trying to back off. But Shareen yanks savagely on the reins, pulling him back deep inside of her! His hips buck and thrust automatically as his big aroused organ hilts within that hot taut sex! And instantly more pressure is applied to the device around his stallion hood!

"Honey… don't stop him I'm almost there!" Shareen moans, pounding herself back on Cedric's mighty cock!

"There weren't suppose to be any of our kind in the city…" The second mare snarls. "You were supposed to bring a human back here to help with your needs!" She gave Cedric another angry glance, as if it was somehow his entire fault! "You cum in her… and I'll crack them like eggs!" She threatened, the steel jaws of the tool pressing down still harder! Even as Shareen's hot tight sex, milked his mighty organ squeezing and winking wildly! Making Cedric's eyes roll wildly, as he fights to hold himself back!

"Gods he feels soooooo much better than a human tho!" Shareen moaned as she yanked on the reins savagely, forcing Cedric to slide forwards deep into her again. The big Centaur stallion unable to keep himself from rutting her!

"If he cums in you, he'll impregnate you and father will never be able to marry you off!" The mare call Honey warns, even as Cedric fights to pull himself out of Shareen! But the bridle and its bit within his mouth keep him under her control! Cedric can taste the coppery ting of blood, as she yanks at the bit again! Reminding him that at the moment he was just a beast of burden!

"He won't… I'm very close… just keep him still!" Shareen moaned, as she rides the massive cock of the stallion riding her! Squealing and screaming as she pushes her body back, onto the thrusts Cedric just can't seem to stop! The pleasure of her hot sex, is sooooo hard to resist. Even as he can feel the unforgiving steel jaws, biting hard on his big foal makers! Cedric feels his pleasure growing, and knows he will not be able to hold it back! Shareen has dropped the rein as his orgasm's being. And the big stallion desperately tries to back off of her! To pull his mighty throbbing stallion hood from those hot clenching, working depths. But something slammed against his big soft donut like anus. Glancing back he was stunned to see Honey's fist balled up against his taboo orifice! If he were to slide back any farther he would have to impale himself upon it!

It was a shocking and humiliating thought to the proud stallion! But Shareen's winking twitching sex, had him on the very edge of spilling his seed! If he didn't get out of her instantly he'd fill her! Grunting in agony the proud stud pressed back, his anus opening. Swallowing Honeys hard fist like a mares sex taking a stallions cock! Then that hard fist punched into his pleasure knot, sending an electric jolt of pleasure through him. "Weeeheheh!" Cedric squealed. Unable to resist this jolt, Cedric pushed forwards involuntarily. Burying his mighty length within Shareen, even as Honey's fist punched hard into his prostate again. Cedric whinnied again as his cock head flared; his huge orb's pulsing. As his long male hood tensed as hard as iron within her. Tensing… holding back… fighting to restrain himself.

"Yessss… Yesss… oh gods yes!" Shareen screams as her orgasm explodes through her! Her sweet hot mare sex eagerly winking and squeezing, trying to milk out all his seed! Then her eyes flew open wide in shock, and she looked back at them both. "He just came inside of me!" She told Honey softly.

"Ammm Ummmm!" Cedric grunted around the ball gag, shaking his long maned head vigorously!

"You bastard… I told you what would happen!" Honey snarled, ripping her fist from his anus with a sick sounding 'Slurp'.

"AmmUmm AmmUmm!" Cedric tried to deny again, as her hands grasped the handles of that terrible human devise!

"Say goodbye to your balls!" The pretty golden mare snarled, as she slowly forced the handles together! The big stallion bucked and struggled, as he felt those metal jaws bite harder and harder at his male jewels! Cedric's eyes fly open wide in shock at her words, and he glances over his back at Honey. Who is grinning wickedly once again, as she catches his eyes.

"Clamp him… crush him!" Shareen moaned as she watched over her shoulder. Grabbing the reins once more to help control the hapless stallion! As she watched Honeys hands slowly unstallion him!

"WEEEEEEHEHEEEE!" The big former Centaur stallion… now Centaur gelding screams through his nose! As his guts wretch, and his loins throb! There was a wet sounding 'Crunch'… his head snaps back as his body contorts in agony! His hip's oddly bucking and pumping again, even as Honey's grin widens! Roaring in pain, his body jerking and bucking wildly. Cedric struggle weak and helplessly between the heaven on his cock, and the hell on his balls! "That one!" Honey gloats a shiver running down her spine, wetness crawling down her sex and inner thigh's! Panting for breath, she works the tools jaws again. 'Crunch!' Stunned with the wet crunching sound of his massive male orb's exploded within their battered sac! As the big former stallion feels, then hears both of his might jewel's crush like a wet cabbage underfoot. Thick yellowish dribbles suddenly escape from his huge cock, still buried deep within Shareen! And then darkness descends and sweet unconsciousness washes over the former stallion! And he at last slides off Shareen's back, to lay limp on the stable floor. As the two mares move around to embrace, sharing a long passionate kiss!

"Daddy will never get me married off now!" Shareen giggled as she held her lover close…


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