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Honey's Dinner Special

The sleek young Centaur raced down the twisting mountain path, panting for
breath as he did. Behind him he heard the rocks clatter and knew his pursuits
were not so far behind. Risking a glance backwards he saw only a big gray blur.
Then the rock crashed into him sending the handsome young Centaur stud tumbling.
Pain and fear swirling in a heady mix as his vision grew dim, he saw the
grinning Giant reach down for him just before darkness engulfed his mind!

Jerome awoke with a groan of pain, his body struggling instinctively. But the
young Centaur was bound tightly and could do little more than sit up on the cold
stone floor. "Ho Ho Ho" The massive Giant laughed as he spun around at the
sudden sound and movement. Jerome could see the pot on the fire bubbling, and
the smell of cooking flesh was heavy in the air. The human caravan guards no
doubt the Giant had wiped them out totally. "So ya aintz dead afer all!" The
Giant grunted in a deep voice that sounded like chunks of granite grinding
together. "Goodz more fun that way!" The huge ugly Giant laid his big wooden
spoon aside as he moves away from the fire.

"MM More fun?" Jerome chokes as the massive gray skinned mountain of muscle
towered over him.

"Wez gotta have lotz fun pony boi." The grinning Giant assured as he unbuckled
his belt and let the fur's covering his groin drop! The young Centaur
stallion's eye's rounded in horror as he realized what his captor meant! As he
watched the monsters massive male organ bounce up to full erection. While the
Giant stood fondling and stroking himself, leering down at the Centaurs round
sleek equine rump!

"Errr My name's Jerome prince of the meadows" The young Centaur announced
trying to distract the monster from his obvious plans! "Whats your name?"

"Torg" The grinning Giant grunted as he took a big hand full of greasy fat from
a near by tub, smearing it on the big round head of his cock. "Torg gotta have
lotz funz!" He repeated as he brushed Jerome's long flowing tail aside. And
fingered that hot soft fleshy equine anus the donut shaped plucker trembling
under that rough fondling. "Goina enjoyz ya a long time!" The huge monster
promised as he lifted Jerome to his hooves, even so the monster had to crouch
slightly behind the handsome young Centaur, like a Shepard might behind a sheep
or goat. The Giant smear the massive knotty head of his huge male hood, then
planted that greasy knot under Jerome's tail!

"Ahem now just hold on a momenTITITITTT!" The Centaur squealed as Torg leaned
his considerable weight against those clenched anal muscles!

"HoHoHo" The Giant grunted in pleasure as those straining muscles slowly gave
way. And his mighty cock head sank slowly into the Centaurs hot depths! Jerome
squealed and whinnied through gritted teeth, as he spread his hind legs as much
as possible! Straining to open himself now as the Giants organ was the most
massive thing Jerome had ever had inside of him. And although the young
stallion was straining to open him up. He still felt a burning pain shoot
through his tail hole, as a wet tearing sound came from behind him!
"Rohohoooo." Torg roared as his thick organ pressed pasted the sphincter
muscles. And then sank ball's deep into the Centaurs deliciously hot, smooth

"Ahah Uhuu Ohooo Ummmm" Jerome screamed and moaned as the massive monster
buggered him slowly. Clearly in no hurry to use the Centaur stud Torg was taking
his time! As the Giant's mighty organ slid slowly in and out of Jerome's
ravished and bleeding anus. The young Centaur's squeals of protest began to
melt into whinnies of pleasure. His long marbled pink and brown stud hood
dropping from it's sheath to dangle below him. Torg ignored that of course,
concerned only with his own pleasure. Still his big plunging organ was having
an effect on the Centaur! Jerome long thick stallion hood swung stiffly now,
slapping up against the Centaurs furry belly! That big blunt cock head drooling
watery strings of equine pre-cum onto that sleek roan fur! As his big body was
rocked back and forth, as his Giant rapist's thrusts grew more lustfully
insistent! The Giant's huge cock, savagely pounding the Centaur stallion's
pleasure gland into a state of hypersexual tension.

"Harder come on harder" Jerome moaned as his Giant rapist grasped his sleek
equine hips and pulled him back. Even as that long thick cock was slammed
brutally forwards gathering speed! Both of them were on the verge of exploding,
when the air was suddenly tingling! Jerome hearing that sweet familiar voice
mumbling the spell softly behind them and quickly glanced back. Honeys shape
was hidden behind the bulk of the Giant, who just ignored her and hammer at
Jerome's tight ass! But then big bulky body froze in mid thrust, his cock half
buried with the stallions rump.

"Whatz thiz?" The monster shouted as his body was gripped by the powerful

"Hold monster!" Honey finished as she trotted up to the frozen pair and looked
them over leeringly. "Damn little brother you do seem to end up in this
position a lot!" "Maybe you should have been born the mare instead of me!"
Honey snickered as she glanced down at Jerome's aching hard on. Which was still
pulsing and tensing on the very edge of going off. But bound as he was by the
magic, the Centaur stallion was helpless to touch or stroke himself.

"I'm almost please I'm so close I need totoo" Honeys giggled lewdly, as she
listened to him beg. "Release me so I can" Jerome paused blushing as his older
sister laughed.

"What jerked off" Honey chuckled. "No I'm sorry dear brother but if I release
the spell we'll both end up in that stew pot!"

"Ahem then Errr do you Would you can you" Honey's lip's rolled back into a
fierce smile as she moved up beside him.

"What dear brother?" She purred as one soft hot hand trailed down his side.
"Are you asking me your own sister to reach under you" Her hand moving even as
she spoke to fondle his hefty low hanging balls. "And finish you off how
terribly perverted of you!" "What would father say if he knew you were asking
your own sister to relieve you!" She teased as her hot hand slide down his
sheath to his throbbing shaft. "Nasty nasty boi" She taunted as her hand slowly
worked along his aching member. "Ok but if I do this you gotta add one more
tasked and you know which one!"

"Not the Satyr's!" Jerome moaned in need as her soft warm hand teasing him
soooooo close!

"That's right!" Honey smirked lewdly as she stroked him to very razors edge
then suddenly stopped. "So what do you say want my help or not?" The young
Centaur stallion whinnied in need and struggled mightily against the hold spell
for a moment. Then whimpered softly.

"Yes alright I'll do it!" Honey's smile widened as her soft hand encircled his
shaft and within a half dozen strokes had him painting the floor with his spunk!
Honey watched her younger half-brother spurt with delight at the power she felt.
Then turned her attention to her real target, Torg had watched the hold thing
silently. As he tried to work out what was going on, the spell having hit him
full force. The massive gray skinned stone Giant was held totally immobile. His
beady eye's watched the honey golden Centaur mare turn to inspect his massive
organs. Reaching down with her soft warm hands to heft the Giants enormous
balls. Stroking the thick smooth leathery skin of his scrotum as she felt their
weight. They were easily four times the size and weight of a stallion's.

"Oh my these are going to make quite a treat." She purred as she let them drop
roughly and trotted over to the Giant's cooking hearth. Beside the fire sat a
large blacken iron kettle of bubbling hot oil. "Perfect" The sleek Centauress
mumbled under her breath as she drew her belt dagger. Then picked up a metal
funnel that had once been a warrior's codpiece. `How ironic' She thought as
she trotted back up to the frozen pair. Grasping Torg's thick sac she cut a
small slit at the top. Then slide the funnel into it and tied it in places with
a bit of soft leather. The Giant's beady eyes were wild and watering as he
watched her. She smiled up at him sweetly as she turned and trotted back to the
hearth. Then slowly carried the pot of smoking bubbling oil over to him.

"I supplied your dinner" She gestured to the stew pot with its cooking caravan
guards. "So it least you can do is supply mine." She explained with a smirk as
the Giants beady eye's snapped open wide. Slowly she tipped the pot up pouring
the hot oil into the funnel mouth. Loud hissing and cracking sounds could be
heard from the funnel's mouth. As the hot oil washed over those huge orb's,
surrounding and cooking them as she filled his bag! Tears of pain rolled down
Torg's wide cheeks as was his jewels were deep fat fried! The Giants face
slowly contorting as he's breathing grew heavy and fast. The rich sweet smell
of cooking meat filling the air, as at last the funnel over flowed. Scalding hot
oil running down the underside of his thick cock to Jerome's quivering anus.

"Owwwww!" The young Centaur moaned but luckily the oil had cooled in the draft
cave air.

"We're almost ready to go sweety." Honey assured him as she watched Torg's eyes
roll back in his head. The pain at last rendering the Giant unconscious Honey
smiled. Tying a leather cord tightly around the neck of his big sac, she used
her dagger she slashed it. Lifting the dissevered bag with his oily cooked
contents away. Then calmly strolled around cutting Jerome's bonds away. "Ok
get ready I'm going to release the hold he'll fall like a dead tree so get out
of the way." And with that she spoke the command word, Jerome leaped away.
Pulling the Giant huge fucker out of his tail with a lewd `SLURP!' Torg toppled
limply to the cold stone floor, as the young Centaur limped slowly away. His
long roan tail held up over his dripping ravished anus

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