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A Stallion Becoming A Bull

"Ummm damn!" Cameron choked in shock, as he looked at the picture his
wife was showing to him. Recently they had been looking to fulfill a
couple of their long time fantasies, for him it was being cuckolded.
For his wife Lola it had been her desire to be with a anthromorph, one
of the furry folk that were so rare in their sheltered part of the
world. "Are... are you sure? That... that thing looks as big as my
arm." Cameron gulped, as he stared at the massive equine fuck muscle
jutting out above two massive soft ball sized testicles. As his young
wife flicked to the next picture, showing a full body shot of the huge
anthro stallion. The human gulped loudly again, when he'd dreamed
about being cuckolded; it had always been by another human male. Not a
horse... the sheer size and obvious strength of the Stallion scared
Cameron, maybe more than his enormous masculinity. Although the human
had to admit that was certainly part of it, that huge cock was a dozen
or more times bigger and longer than his own.

"He... he looks dangerous... are you sure he won't hurt you?" Lola
looked up at her husband sharply for a moment, making Cameron clear
his throat nervously. "I mean it's so... he's so big..." The young
brown haired human stammered, silently cursing himself for saying the
wrong thing.

"Hehehe worried that when he's done with me... I'll be so stretched
out that I'd never feel this tiny pecker of yours again?" Lola teased,
knowing her husband had a thing about the modest size of his male
hood. It had never matter to her of course, size desire was mostly a
male thing, Cameron had given her wonderful orgasms over the years.
And she had told him as much in the past, but now understood he
enjoying having his modest size denigrated much more.

"Well... well maybe..." Cameron stammered blushing hard, making his
pretty wife snicker with delight. Plainly her husband was extremely
aroused by this, the idea of a cock so much bigger than his pleasuring
his wife. "But... if you want him, then I'm willing as long as I'm
there watching. So I can stop him if he hurts you..." Lola laugh
loudly as she looked at the equines huge powerful body, wondering what
her husband though he could do.

"Fine I love it when you're watching me."


Three days later.

"How did I get started in this?" The sleek golden Stallion chuckled
ruefully, as he thought that over for a long moment. Looking over at
the Human male who had asked the question, flashing him a huge square
toothed smile. Deciding at last to be truthful about his past, with
this sexy human couple he was sharing the long weekend with. "Well
that's a really long story, that goes back oh I'd say just over 10
years ago." Jerome grinned, as he fondled Lola's furless human body,
as he equally naked husband watched them together. "I was a geeky
young Stallion, who was very shy and had almost no friends. Which
might have been due to my parents always moving around, as my dad was
in the military back then. Jerome licked his thick equine lip's, as he
lay back on the hard motel bed. "I was still a virgin, in fact I'd not
even touched a female, not that I was ugly or fat quite the opposite

"Ammmm... I could never think of you like that... You're so big and
sexy." Lola purred, as she rested her head on the Stallion broad chest
her curvy body draped all over him resting languidly.

"Heh thanx babe." Jerome snickered, looking over at Cameron her
husband who had been the one asking the question after all.
"Eventually I meet a Vixen who was just as young and naive as me, we
fumbled our way to our first fuck. Heh... which lasted all of about
five minutes for me, but we both thought that was because it was the
first time for us both. How wrong she was... we tried several times
always with the same result, the other problem was. I have a very
large cock with huge balls, which means I cum a lot more than the
average Fox. Which made quite the mess, and not being much inclined
with cleaning it up. We invited a friend of hers to come in and lick
all that up, it still gets me excited knowing some other guy is going
to lick up my cum." The big handsome Stallion flashed Cameron a lewd
grin, the human male was working clean up after the horse finished
rutting his wife.

"As you can imagine that relationship didn't last long, just a few
months of our little three-way relationship. That was followed by
another four short term girlfriends, all of whom were very
disappointed with my efforts in the bedroom. Especially with the
equipment I had at my disposal, this was when at the age of twenty I
then met Della a much older mare, she was in her forties and recently
divorced. She took this young fumbling boy, with great patience she
taught him how to make love to a female and really please her. With my
sizable equipment she showed me how to use it and more importantly
learn to cum when I decided to... not when my cock did. Of course
Della benefited from all this, as she was getting the best fucking
that she had ever experienced, that was her own words heheh." By this
time the massive Horse's mighty fucker was jutting up eagerly, as
Lola's soft hot hands fondled that huge pulsing organ. Lifting her up
with his big three fingered hands, the horny Stud lowered the already
well fucked human onto his hard on. "Ammmm yeah... yer still so
tight." Jerome moaned, as his fucker slide deep into this married
females slick rut tunnel once again as Cameron's eyes widened slightly
as his puny human cock jerked up stiffly.

"That relationship lasted almost three years and when it ended I was
absolutely mind fucked, the age difference was the main reason of
course. As I was getting constant attention from younger females, I
wasn't doing anything about it... but it still invoked a jealous side
that Della didn't like in herself. Anyway that's where the next
chapter of my life started, the part you were really asked about
Cameron. I was out alone in a hotel bar which I knew would only have
business males in, far out of the way of where all the females my age
hung out. I just wanted to drown my sorrows and not get pestered by
young females, I was on my fourth Hurricane when a mature Lioness sat
down next to me. She was all dressed up in a classy evening gown, my
first thoughts was maybe she was a hooker. That idea was dashed, as
her husband came in a few minutes later apparently from parking their
car. At that point she turned to me and said in a low husky voice that
just screamed of seduction.

"Oh hi... what's a good looking boy like you doing on your own?" Her
big hot paw came to rest on my forearm, as she turned to look me in
the eyes.

"I just... just wanted to be on my own." I told her a shiver running
down my spine, as I looked into her big yellow eyes.

"Oho alright... I'll leave you alone then" She said, with a kind of
pouty hurt expression on her pretty golden muzzle that made me feel
bad. I knew that I had been kind of blunt with my answer, it was wrong
of me and I needed to make atone for being a moody asshole.

"Look I'm sorry for being an ass... please forgive me. I'm just
feeling sorry for myself and shouldn't take that out on you." She
turned that pretty muzzle, which split into a wide smile and said in a
soft throbbing purr that spoke of her desire. "My name is Nadia and
this is my husband Zimba." Holding out her big paw, I took it looking
deep into those big golden feline eyes and replied softly. "My name's
Jerome... could I buy you both a drink as a peace offering?"

"That would be very kind of you and perhaps a trouble shared would be
a trouble halved."The sexy Lioness purred, as Zimba extended his big
paw and I remembered what Mary had told me about handshakes. She said
that for males it was a way of showing power, but you should just show
enough to impress but not all that you had. So I took her advice and
applied what I thought was just enough force, and was very surprised
at the lack of any resistance back from the big Lion. The big feline
only met my gaze very briefly, his eyes then dropped down at his wives
lap. In retrospect that should have been a give away, but like I said
I was kinda innocent back then."

"My eyes went back to her and I guessed she was about forty... heh as
it turned out she was actually forty five, but she could easily have
passed for a lot younger. Another gift that Mary had bestowed on me,
was being able to spot a designer dress from a cheap copy. Nadia was
indeed wearing something designer, which led me to believe that they
had a lot of money. It was then, that I decided maybe it wouldn't do
any harm to tell somebody about my breakup. So for the next hour, I
spilled my guts all about Mary and how I felt about what had happened;
Nadia listened and gave advice as well as more drinks which Zimba kept
paying for."

"Also just like Mary the big Lioness was a very touchy feely kind of
furson, a paw on my knee or arm every few minutes. I didn't mind it a
bit, but I was kind of concerned about her husband... strangely Zimba
seemed more than ok with it." The big Horse laughed, at how naive he
had been not realizing the Lion wanted to be cuckolded. Cameron
blushed, as he thought the big Stallion was laughing at him; but that
only made him more sexually excited. "I was really warming to this
couple... they made me feel at ease and happy at the same time."

"So why come all this way to this bar, it's not the best place in town
for a nice couple like you?" I asked at last, feeling much more
loosened up after all those drinks Zimba had bought for me.

"Well once a month we treat ourselves to a nice meal and some good
drinks, we like this place because we can stay overnight. It has
everything we're looking for, good drinks and the possibility of fun."
Nadia answered with a slightly emphasizing on the word fun, I was kind
of confused by that, and so just changed the subject.

"Oh ok so where did you eat?"

"Ruth's Chris Steak House." Zimba explained, licking his lip's as he
thought about the meal they had enjoyed earlier.

"Wow that place is pretty expensive." I had seen the prizes once and
walked out, knowing I didn't have the money to eat there.

"Yeah but I'm worth it." Nadia said turning and looking at her
husband, who just smiled at her lovingly nodding his big maned head.
"I'm getting a bit uncomfortable on these bar stools, can we move this
to a booth it would be a lot more relaxing." Nadia asked, I just
nodded it was fine with me... I was feeling very loose by that time.

"Sure that would be fine with me... I think there's one right over in
the corner that is free." We all moved over with Nadia sitting between
me and Zimba, he immediately got up to go get us more drinks...
Leaving Nadia and me alone in the booth, I'm not sure why but I put my
hand on her bare knee just below her dress. I think it was because she
reminded me so much of Mary and it would have been something that I
would have done if she was with me.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that." I said going to pulled my
hand away, however my hand only got about three inches from its
original place. When I felt Nadia's big paw grab my hand and put it
back onto her thigh just under the hem of her dress.

"It's ok Jerome... I like it." Was her response as she looked up at
me, smiling in a strange predatorily way.

"But what about Zimba." I stammered, glancing around for her husband
who was just coming back from the bar with more drinks in his paws.

"Don't worry about him... he doesn't mind I promise." The big Lioness
purred in a low husky voice, that sent a shiver running down my spine.
I looked at her as she smiled up at me and I'm sure I felt her legs
open slightly... but that could have been my imagination I thought.
Just then Zimba came back and I sort of moved my hand as a reflex
action, but once again Nadia grabbed it and placed it back on her
thigh. But this time my hand was even further up her dress than
before, I was sure I could feel heat from her pussy as this time she
did open her legs as I saw them move. I wasn't sure what to do, but
Nadia just kept on with the pleasant conversation and after a while I
sort of forgot about where my hand was. At that point Zimba stood up
and announced that he needed to use the rest room, and then asked if
anyone want another drink on his way back. Both Nadia and I nodded yes
in his direction and off he went, he was only yards away when Claire
leaned into me and purred. "I'm not wearing any panties." And then she
opened her legs wider, grabbing my hand and thrust it towards her hot
sex. Her pussy was shaved an very wet, actually soaking would be more
accurate, at this point instinct took over so I plunged my index
finger into her red hot feline rut hole. Nadia leaned her head back
and let out a long moan of satisfaction, even while her hip's wiggled

I was in shock Mary had not told me what to do in this situation, I
looked at Nadia and mumbled weakly. "This is wrong... you're married
and Zimba will be back soon." But even as I saying, that I didn't
remove my finger; in fact I pushed a second deep in her making her
moan even more. Nadia turned to me and whispered in the husky purr of
hers that I found so very sexy.

"Zimba doesn't mind, he actually likes me having fun." I thought that
some people’s idea of fun, damn sure wouldn't be me with my fingers in
their wife's pussy. Just as I had tried to process these thought, the
big Lion was back with the drinks.

"Heheh... I see you two have become more acquainted." He was actually
chuckling happily, looking down at his wife's dress... which I hadn't
realized was pushed a long way up and almost exposing her drooling
pussy. Well it would have exposed her, if it had not been for the
fingers of my hand covering it. I went red with embarrassment and
didn't know which way to look, but in my confused state I did notice
just how big Nadia's nipples were as they showed through the fabric of
her sleek dress. "I think we should quickly finish these drinks and
take this fun up to our room." Zimba said leeringly, as my fingers
moving within his wives sex made soft 'Slurping' noises that only the
three of us could hear. Nadia downed her drink in a flash, I was like
a deer in the headlights, but I still finished my drink just as
quickly. It was only a short walk to the elevator and once the doors
shut Nadia put her arms around my neck; planted a big wet kiss on my
lips. I didn't see that coming at all, but still I returned her
probing tongue with mine.

"It looks like my wife is impatient for your cock, Jerome." Zimba
panted, clearly just as aroused as either of us by what was going
on... I still couldn't quite believe it. Before we had time to do
anything, the elevator doors opened and Nadia took my hand leading me
to their room. My head was spinning with so many odd thoughts, however
I still went along with the situation I didn't understand. As soon as
the door closed behind us Nadia resumed her passionate kissing, soon I
was unaware of Zimba her husband even being there. Instinct took over
my hand moved up under Nadia 's dress and soon back on her soaking wet
pussy, it felt hot and inviting. Zimba moved up close behind Nadia
grinning at me over her shoulder and said in a voice thick with

"Best we remove this dress." As he pulled the zipper down, on the back
of her sexy red designer dress. Nadia pulled her arms from around my
neck as her dress fell to the floor in a heap around her foot paws.
The sleek golden Lioness was totally naked underneath, I stood back a
bit amazed at how sexy Nadia's body was. Her breasts were firm and
with those huge nipples which you could hang your coat on, down to her
full shapely hips. And then to her smooth shaved pussy, which I had
been acquainted with a bit already.

"Wow you look amazing!" I panted, even while I leaned down to put my
lips around her thick left nipple, eagerly my mouth nibbling and
suckling on it. I had only been sucking and biting on her nipples for
a few minutes, when Nadia said to her husband. "Jerome show me what
I'm going to be getting soon... please?" Now I'm not shy about taking
off my clothes in front of Mary, but I became very self-aware with
Zimba being there, I actually closed my eyes and stripped down to my
boxers. Being conscious meant that my cock was only semi hard, but
still it poked out below my tightie-white's. "Oh my god, look at the
size of his cock Zimba?" Nadia exclaimed, pointing at my bulging
underwear as I stood there bulging and oozing pre-cum into my under
shorts. Zimba didn't really get much chance to say anything, as Nadia
was already on her knees at my hooves. Tugging at my over full undies
down until they hit the floor, while my cock sprang out hitting her in
the muzzle. I felt her warm, paws around my cock guiding it into her
mouth... well she tried to get it in, but as it was now almost fully
erect. Heh she was struggling, so decided to just lick along my cock
all the way down to my balls. "Oh my god he has the biggest balls I
have ever seen!" Nadia said as she started to lick the sweat off of
them, her husband backing up a few steps so he could take it all in.

Admittedly I was enjoying the hell out of all the attention she was
giving me, I looked over to Zimba to find he'd sat himself down in a
chair by the bed. Naked from the waist down the big Lion was stroking
his modest barbed spike, again I decided to close my eyes and just
enjoy Nadia's expert licking of my monster cock. Nadia licking and
nuzzling on my fucker for a long moment and then said in her husky
sexy purr. "Jerome honey... go lay down on the bed, I want to be
fucked by this huge cock of yours, Zimba sweety I might need you to
help me." I obeyed her order and lay myself down on the hotel bed,
slightly scared at what Zimba’s involvement in all of this might be.
Nadia climbed up onto the bed, to straddle my hip's just above my
aching hard cock. Slightly leaning forward over me, supporting herself
with her paws on either side of me with those sexy tits right in my

"Oh gods." I moaned lifting my head to take her right nipple in my
mouth, as I did that I felt a paw around the base of my cock... which
I knew wasn't Nadia's, guess I actually flinched a little. Zimba held
my cock and started rubbing it along his wife's soaking wet sex, as
she gently lowered herself down coating my cock in her juices. I
looked up at the sexy Lioness’s muzzle, she was smiling as my cock
slowly made deeper and deeper entry into her hot rut tunnel. Helped
along by her husband's guiding paw, spreading her lips with his other
paw, I realized that he had done this kind of thing before. Nadia was
now half way down my cock and I could see her facial expression change
from smiles to a lust filled grimace as she strained to take it all.

"Oh god I'm going to cum so quick, I've never felt so full before."
Nadia gasped out loudly, as Zimba gave a little shudder of pleasure
mumbling under his breath.

"It'd made a dozen of mine..." Which was a good estimation, my cock
was longer and bigger than his tiny feline spike by at least that
much. "Oh and darling you haven't got all of Jerome's cock in you
yet." Replied the big Lion pointed out, trembling again even harder as
he said that. I couldn't help snicker as he pointed it out, his voice
just sounded so full of awe and desire. As he said that Nadia pushed
herself fully down, yelping as she hit my sheath. I watched as she
slowly raised up and I could see her inner lips being pulled out by my
huge cock, I was worried I was damaging her. However when she reached
the top of her stroke, she pushed down with more force and screamed
out lustfully.

"Fucking hell... he is going to ruin my cuntie." Initially I thought
she was going to stop and say it was too big, how very wrong I was...
as she started to really fuck me with nothing in her mind except her
lust driven pleasure. I was being used like a sex toy and I really
enjoyed it, so much so I had to work hard at not to cumming to soon
myself. Thankfully Nadia cum pretty quickly, squealing out in the
nastiests language I had only ever heard in porn flicks, she slumped
on top of me her tits against my muzzle breathing heavily. I groped
her tits in both my hands, sucking and licking as she recovered from
her first intense orgasm. While in that position, I started to thrust
into her in long slow strokes.

And then I hear Zimba blurt out, in a plainly lust filled groan. "My
god Nadia... he must have cum a bucket load in you, his cock is

"That's not his cum sweety... it's mine." Nadia said in between big
gulping gasps for air, even as I was shoving my cock in and out of
her. I had to see that, so I pushed Nadia up and looked at this white
frothy cream all over my cock; I looked at Nadia and asked her.

"Is that normal." I'd never experienced it before, Mary had certainly
never done it. Since then I've seen it a bit more, it always takes the
hubbies by surprise because they could never get their wives to cum
like that.

"Apparently it does happen when certain females cum a lot and I just
had the biggest orgasm of my entire life." She panted looking over at
Zimba and mouthing 'Sorry hon' even as I pulled her back down to
resume my long strokes. Steadily getting faster and faster, Zimba was
not in his chair he was only inches from his wife's pussy now...
amazed at what my cock was doing to it. Nadia began to cum again, this
time she was very quiet just trembled with her eyes rolling in her
head; I could feel her pussy contract around my cock. And once again
her husband thought I had cum, but it was all Nadia, so much so there
was a wet patch on the bed beneath us. Nadia rolled off of me
exhausted by her orgasms, but I wasn't finished with her I turned the
sleek sexy Lioness onto her stomach. Pushed a pillow under her hips,
which raised her pussy into view... it was red puffy and open with
cream dripping out.

I glanced over at Zimba who was still stroking his cock, with a puddle
of cum below him. He had a shocked expression on his muzzle at the
sight of his wife's pussy, but I wasn't finished with it yet so Nadia
was right. I was going to ruin her cunt and for the first time in my
young life, I felt very powerful as I positioned my cock and thrust it
deep inside with more force than I would normal use. Nadia screamed
out in a loud yowl, I think there was some pain involved, however I
knew mostly it was pleasure. I grabbed her shapely hips and really
pounded into her cunt as hard as I could, it was my turn to show what
my cock could really do. I had only been pounding Nadia 's cunt for
about ten minutes, when she started her third orgasm. And this one was
another very vocal one, which I was just loving and it was having an
effect on me. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off any longer, but
when Nadia screamed out wildly. "Fill my cunt full of your colts
stud." I grunted and groaned as I pumped spurt after spurt deep into
her, it was one of the best experiences I'd ever had sexually; if I
was really honest it was my best orgasm ever.

The room was filled with heavy breathing from all of us, even Zimba
had more cum in the puddle between his legs. The big Lion then
stripped all of his clothes off and climbed onto the bed, lying down
next to Nadia who turned to kiss him passionately. Which I found both
really nice and oddly arousing, my which cock was going soft and would
soon slip out of her surged back stiffly.

"Do you want your treat now." The sexy Lioness asked, her husband
nodded yes silently as he moved down the bed until his head was level
with Nadia's ass and my softly throbbing cock, I moved off thinking he
was going to do something to my cock. However Nadia swung her leg over
and lowered her cum fill cunt over his mouth and the big Lion started
licking and slurping like a thirsty mutt. Nadia looked over at me and
smirked as we both watched her husband licking my cum off of her and
said. "It's ok Jerome, it's all part of our lifestyle. Zimba loves
cleaning my used cunt and gods you've really used it, he might be
there a while what with all your cum and mine. Huhuhu... if you want
he will lick your cock clean too."

"I'm not gay Nadia." I countered, I didn't want they to get the wrong
idea about me, as I damn sure wasn't about to do anything for the big

"Huhuhu Jerome I know you're not gay, you've fucked the life out of my
poor little cuntie. And the truth is Zimba really isn't gay either,
but he will do this as part of his humiliation fetish. And apparently
he is very good at it, to be honest I love watching him do it." It was
all so weird, what kind of lifestyle was this? I thought Mary had
taught me everything about sex and females, but this was very strange
stuff. "What do you call this lifestyle?" I asked, laying back on the
bed panting for breath, as her husband lapped my creamy spunk out of
his wives abused sex.

"Well basically we are in a cuckold relationship, I'm known as a hot
wife while Zimba is known as a cuck and you Jerome my big stud are
referred as a bull or an alpha male." She explained patiently, as
Zimba continued to lick her clean as Nadia was having a very small
orgasm, so I decided not to have the Lion clean my cock. I wasn't
ready for that step yet, so I moved up to Nadia and moaned softly. "As
you have made a mess of my cock... you should lick it clean." The sexy
Lioness smirked, and then quickly took it into her mouth. As it was
almost soft, even while having a small orgasm she expertly cleaned my
cock and balls clean. I had to admit to myself, that I really liked
what had happened... no that's a lie I actually loved it. There was an
awkward moment, as we all had finished what we was doing. And then we
were all aware of how naked we were, well I felt awkward but Nadia and
Zimba were just fine. And just lay there cuddling on the bed kissing
each other, with my cum covering their mouths.

"So what happens now?" I asked them, unsure of what was going to
happen next, but knowing I wanted more of what we'd just done.

"What do you want to happen, you could spend the night with us. The
bed is big enough for us three you know." Nadia said, sharing a soft
smile with her big husband, who nodded his head in agreement. I didn't
have to think about that for very long, I already knew I wanted to
keep on cuckolding the big Lion.

"Why not... I've nothing else to do." Nadia's eyes lit up as I said
that, as did Zimba's I guessed from their reactions that guys didn't
agree to that very often. Nadia got up and hit the shower first,
followed quickly by Zimba... once we was all cleaned we had a nightcap
and got into bed with Nadia in the middle. Nadia tuned and faced her
hubby, which meant I had her ass pointing back onto my cock, or should
I say my cock pointing into ass and actually slightly between her ass
cheeks. Nadia kept pushing back against me, until my cock was nicely
snuggled against her tight little tail hole. She stopped moving then,
so I sort of took over as I could feel my cock starting to twitch and
grow. As it did, it slowly pushed its way down past her tiny tail hole
and on towards her still burning hot pussy. Which again was still wet,
but that could have been a lot of my cum still leaking out.

Nadia moaned out softly to her husband, who was half asleep by that
time. "Jerome has something growing by my pussy, would you help him
feed it in me please darling." The big Lion jerk awake, looking over
his wives body and into my eye's for a second. And then for the second
time that night, the passive cuck obediently gasped another males cock
rubbing it along his wife’s cunt. Before he then pushed it upwards
into her wanton sex once again, I was almost hard and even for me I
was surprised at how quick it was. Nadia pushed back against me, as I
pushed forward with the help of a guiding paw until I had about half
my cock inside her. I fucked her slowly and with more tenderness
almost making love to her, just like I used to do with Mary. While I
was fucking her from behind, Zimba was sucking and nibbling her thick
nipples. With the attention of two male she started to cum again, but
very much more subdued just quivering and moaning softly.

I left my cock throbbing inside of her trembling sex, deciding not to
cum again so soon. I was thinking it would just slip out naturally as
it got soft, however it didn't get soft and so I lay there enjoying
the feeling of her hot sex gripping me. I awoke the next morning with
the sensation of warm lips licking and sucking my cock, which was a
great way to start the day. So I pretended I was still asleep savoring
every moment, that was until I felt Nadia's hard nipple pushing into
my mouth. The realization that it wasn't her mouth around my cock made
me jump, lifting the covers I looked down to see my big fucker buried
in Zimba's muzzle.

"That got your attention." Nadia laughed, as she snuggled against my
side, reaching down to stroke her husband's big mane covered head. The
strange thing was my cock had never been harder, I'd rutted his wife
and now here he was servicing me like a bitch and I was really loving
it. Nadia was right there really wasn't anything gay about it, at
least for me anyway. "Thanks darling... I need to have one last ride
of Jerome's huge cock, before we leave and I go back to your tiny
thing." Nadia teased him, as she swung her leg over my hip's and
almost squashing Zimba's head in the process. The big Lion took my
cock out of his mouth, and carried out his ritual of feeding it cock
into his wife's wet cunt. I decided to make sure, I shot my creamy
load just as Nadia started to cum to see how she reacted; I know Mary
used to go wild when I did that. My only problem was Nadia was not
going to take very long to cum, so I quickly met every downward thrust
of hers with my own upward thrust. Nadia started to scream out loudly,
as her lush body bounced up and down on my thick erection. "Fuck my
slutty cunt harder... show Zimba how much of a cock whore his wife
is." I did think that was a strange thing to say, as he plainly knew
just how much of a slut she was. But her constant vulgar words had
more effect on me, as I could feel my orgasm swiftly growing was very

Somehow I managed to hold off, until I felt Nadia's pussy contracting
on my thick fuck stick. And then I erupted deep inside of Nadia 's hot
cunt, shooting off a massive load inside of her. While she sagged back
almost passing out with pleasure, only my big three fingered hands
gripping her tits kept her upright. Once again like the night before,
Zimba assumed his submissive position on the bed next to us. Waiting
for her to give him his treat, which Nadia quickly did climbing off of
me to sit on his face. I also climbed up, having decided he needed to
clean my cock. As Nadia climbed off, I pushed as much of my semi hard
cock in his mouth as I could get, I don't know what came over me, but
I snarled in a powerful dominant voice I hardly recognized as my own.

"That's it you whiny little cuck, clean the cock that gave your wife
all the pleasure you can't... clean it real good." I could tell he
liked that, as he really started sucking hard and I could see a
constant dribble of wet watery pre-cum leaking from his small feline
cock. I wasn't sure what to do next, it had been such a strange... if
totally awesome night and morning. But as soon as all the oral
cleaning was done, Nadia jumped up and said happily.

"I'm starving who wants breakfast?" To be fair, I think Zimba had
probable had more than enough protein to last him a week or more,
however I was pretty hungry.

"Heh... Yeah I'm up for that." I agreed, after about half hour of us
all having showers and getting freshened up, Nadia had changed into
jeans and a tight top, Zimba also had changed into a expensive suit.
We found a place to eat, and it felt so normal it also gave me a
chance to ask more about their lifestyle. I listened to what they had
to say and I was fascinated and intrigued especially their story of
how they became a cuckold couple. So that by the end of breakfast, I
knew I wanted to be part of this lifestyle, but on the other side to
them of them I was all Bull. But just listening to their journey had
got me hard as hell, and I think them telling me also had the same
effect on them both. Nadia said.

"Jerome we know many other couples, who would love to have you service
them. In fact there is a special club, that many of us attend which
would benefit from your talents." Nadia gave me her phone number, and
then she gave me the number of the club. "Call us if you want to play
again? Heheh... which of course bring me to you... and your lovely
wife here. Now what say we get you a nice big mess to lick out of your
wife's tiny little sex." Jerome laughed, as he grasp the sexy human
female around the waist and lifted her up holding her over his huge
fucker. "Guide me into your wife's pussy cuck."

"Yes... yes sir." Cameron whimpered, kneeling down beside the sofa to
grip Jerome's massive shaft, feeling the leathery equine fucker
throbbing hotly in his hand. Rubbing the huge blunt cock flare against
his wife's tiny dribbling cunt, realizing that it would never be the
same after the Stallion finished with it. "Ohoooo god..." He whimpered
as Lola's wet sex swallowed that huge flare, and his sexy wife moaned
out loudly in delight.

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