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Imperial Baths

"Yeah just down here." Captain Aldis grunted as he looked back over
one broad shoulder at the naked Orc following just behind him. The
air was hot and moist unlike almost everywhere else in all of skyrim,
the marble steps and wall's were damp from steam. As the Orc's big
bare green feet stomped down them, into the imperial baths beneath
Castle Dour. The Dragon born had only resently been made the Thane to
the Jarl of Solitude Elisif the Fair. And had been using the imperial
training facilities of Castle Dour, when word of this strange Orc had
reach the ears of General Tullius. Captain Aldis had been most
discriptive in his telling of the so called Dragon born's skill and
strenght. And so Tullius had extended a private invitation for the
big Orc to join him in the baths.

Captain Aldis led Cameron down countless steps and around dozens of
corners, before arriving at the huge arching doorway. It led into
another huge room dancing with watery rippling sounds. In the middle
of the brightly tiled room was a luminous green pool set deep into the
carved stone floor. Steam drifted up from its shimmering green
surface, Captain Aldis indicated for the big Orc to enter. "Enjoy the
room of rolling waters." The big Nord smirked as he watched the naked
Orc step under the arch, before turning and retreating back up the
stone steps.

"I'm sure I will..." Cameron grunted, as he move across the smooth
tiled floor towards the waiting pool slowly. "But where is
General...?" The big Orc grunted looking around towards the doorway,
about to tell Captain Aldis he was here to meet Tullius.

"Aldis was right..." A gruff commanding voice barked amused inside
the echoing chamber of the baths. "You really are something of a
treasure." Cameron spun back around startled at the sound of that
voice his beady black eyes scanning the room from wall to wall. That
gruff voiced laughed more softly, and then called up. "Down here."
The big Orc glanced down quickly into the green pool and saw the
handsome wet face of the imperial General. His black hair was slicked
back and his thick eyelashes blinked away huge beads of water. He
swam gently to the edge of the glowing pool and emerged from the water
completely naked, ascending a set of submerged stone steps. As the
human rose from the pool, the Dragon born saw that his chest was
strong, with a sparse forest of hair. His stomach was flat and toned,
and his uncut cock was well on its way to revealing a bulging mushroom
shaped head.

"General Tullius..." Cameron breathed as his slotted Orcish nostrils
were bombarded by the strong male scent of the man. The man's eyes
were a brilliant emerald green... like the color of the pool itself...
hypnotic, enchanting, exotic. It was easy to see the charm and power
of this man, at that moment there was no doubt in the Dragon born's
mind this was the General!

"And you are... the Dragon born." That voice made it plain he was
scepictal, but also intruiged by the gelding he saw before him. A big
hand reached out... hot and made even hotter by the steaming water it
had just been submerged in. Standing on the edge of the pool Cameron
let that hot hand slide up his thigh, slipping in to explore the pale
scar where the Orc's balls should have been. "Many believe a warrior
can not be a warrior without these." Tullius observed as his hot hand
moved up to fondle the Orc's limb cock, that throbbed softly in his

"Is that what you believe?" Cameron grunted his voice trembling with
growing arousal for this strange erotically powerful male.

"I am no fool..." Tullius snorted as his hands work playfully on that
big green fuck stick teasing it to a almost erect state. "Plenty of
cowards have a full sack..." The handsome olive skinned human
chuckled as he used that semi still cock to pull the Dragon born into
the warm waters. "A warrior is a warrior... balls or no... but a
warrior with none is no breeder." Cameron waded deeper in as the
General wrapped himself around the big Orc's thickly muscled body.
Both hands working now fondling and touching that sleek green body
inquistively. "You perfer males... Servicing males don't you...
Dragon born?" It wasn't really a question they both knew the answer,
and Cameron's responds was only to press his firm round buttocks back
against Tullius's throbbing erection. The two warriors were locked
together, Cameron standing with his back to the General. The handsome
human gently massaging the Orc's weakly pulsing cock with one hand,
and held his jutting jaw and throat in the other kissing and nuzzling
the lenght of that thick green neck. Cameron threw his head back and
groaned, as Tulluis's lip's moved into kiss a big pointed ear. "Would
you like to serve me... Dragon born?"

"YES!" The big Orc moaned harshly as he felt the human's chest and
stomach pressing against his back. Feeling that stiff, thick fuck
stick of Tullius's wedging between the hefty globes of his ass cheeks.
The General breathed raggedly as his soft full lip's and tongue
danced around that Orcish ear lobe. His rock hard cock pushed harder,
finding the scalding heat between those sleek cheeks. "Ammmm... I
live to... to serve." The bulbous tip finding the rim of Cameron's
taboo orifice, slick pre-cum smearing over those strong muscles. As
the mighty Orc warrior bent farther over guiding that hard organ even
deeper within him.

"Then I except your service completely." Tullius moaned bending the
big Orc forwards, so that he had to brace his big rough hands on the
stone steps of the pool. They descended into the warm water up to
thier chests, and then Cameron instinctively pressed back. It was the
position Tullius wanted to take him in and the sleek human grasped
those strong hip's. The General squeezed the base of Cameron's
hardening cock in his fist, and then stroked it so firmly and slowly
it was almost excruciating. The General having played this game with
many males over his years in the army. "Submit... submit yourself to
me..." He moaned into that pointed Orcish ear as he forced his way
inside the strong male body in front of him.

"I... I... this gelding humbly submits to you sir." Cameron moaned as
his tight anal sphincters slowly opened to allow that thick cock into
his hot body cavity.

"Indeed you have!" Tullius observed with a satisfied smirk, as the
big purple head of his aroused cock popped through the Orc's anal
gates. "Your beautiful in your savage way." The human panted as his
shaft slide swiftly into the mighty Orc, making Cameron inhale sharply
in a mixture of agony and pleasure. The Human's hot hands reached
around to caress Cameron's chest and tugging gently at the Orc's hard
nipples, before his probing hands slid under the water and down
Cameron's sides. One hand coming to rest on the Orc's musclaur hip,
the other moving around to tease that semi hard gelding cock. Cameron
parted his thick lip's and let out a cry, as Tullius's cock proved
longer that he had first thought. Something the big Orc realized with
a wave of erotic pain, as the elongated shaft forced its way all the
way up the length of the Dragon born's rectum. Cameron held his
breath and gritted his teeth, his thick chest muscles clenching
tightly stomach tense as that cock penetrates him. And then it came
to a halt deep inside of him, the mighty Orc exhaled slowly and
steadily. As his body slowly excepted the human's full length with
his slick hot depths.

"Ummmm fux..." The Dragon born moaned as Tullius held himself there
for a long, lingering moment his entire cock held firmly in the grip
of Cameron's strong anal muscles. "And you are soooooo HARD." The
big Orc whimpered as he felt the human beginning to pull back at last.
Cameron looked down through the distorting green surface of the water,
and saw his own big Orcish cock floating stiffly in the swirling pool.
His ball-less body as completely aroused by the intrusion of Tullius's
thick shaft as it could get. The big Orc quickly caught his breath as
he felt the human's thick cock retreat, almost as painfully as it had

"I'll arrange for you to have the complete surport of the imperial
army." Tullius moaned through clenched teeth, as he withdrew his cock
almost completely leaving only the big bulbous head inside the Orc.
And then slammed his entire length back inside the bucking Dragon
born's clenching orifice faster and harder each time.

"Ammm Yes... Yes..." Cameron mumbled in incoherant passion as his big
body rocked back into those hard fuck thrusts. Water splashing
against the stone rim of the pool, as Cameron's body was pounded
forwards. The General's thrusts had become faster and more furiously
lustful now, the big green Orc squealing as he is used savagely. Even
as Tullius built up a powerful rhythm making waves that smacked and
splashed loudly against the stone. Cameron was listening as much as
he could, gasping and moaning, rocking with the force of the human's
cock inside of him. "Ohooo fux... Ohoooo yes..." Hot sweaty male
musk carried on the wispy vapors of steam filling the warm moist
air... as well as the Dragon born's senses.

"I will give you what you need Dragon born." Tullius smirked as he
smack Cameron's big green ass with the flat palm of one hand, while
stroking the Enunchs floppy erection with the other. "You will belong
to me wholely." The big human smirked as he slammed his hard body
into that big submissive gelding one.

"That one already belongs to me." Ghorbash the iron hand snorted, as
he moved up behind the General. Tullius's head spun around startled
at the sound of that deep harsh voise. Where had this Orc came from
the human wondered, he'd not seen or heard him enter the chamber. And
this huge green Orc boar was every bit as big and strong as the one in
front of him. "But of course if you would like to contest me for his
ownership..." Ghorbash clenched his huge fists even as he left that
dangling, clearly he was ready. Tullius had seen more than a few of
these challenges in his time, and knew what the end would mean.
Gulping for breath the human cleared his throat and grunted.

"I... I see no need to challenge at this time." The huge one eyed Orc
grinned, as he fondled his huge green salami. It wasn't as long as
the humans, but was much thicker.

"Well then... since your having your pleasure with MY property..."
Ghorbash swiftly moved up behind the most powerful male in Skyrim,
fondling his firm round buttcheeks lustfully. "I guess you owe me a
bit..." General Tullius opened his mouth to protest... to deny... but
before he could the big one eyed Orc was on top of him. And that tiny
human anus that had not known a cock since its youth was suddenly and
brutally voilated.

"IIIEIEIEEE..." The human squealed as he was pinned between those two
huge green Orcish bodies, pleasure in front of him agony behind. And
both slamming against his body, using it for their pleasure.

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