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The huge green skinned Orc had just stepped out of the warrens of
Markarth, still needing to find out who N was. When a heavily muscled
young Nord run up to him, introducing himself as Dryston he
blusteringly warned. "This little investigation has gone too far into
someones business. And it's time you learned a hard lesson." This
was a brawl and not the Dragon-borns first one, forgoing his bow and
magical glass axe of frost. The big green Orc balled up his huge
green fists, and waited his opponents attack. The huge Nord moved
forwards aggressively, even if his stance and lightning fast swings
proved Dryston was no novice fighter. His first punch glanced
harmlessly off the Orc's massive up raised forearms, Cameron responded
at once with a heavy punch of his own. His granite hard green fist
colliding with the big Nords firm jaw, a mighty blow that would have
drove a lesser warrior to his knee's. But Dryston just shrugged it
off, and smashed his own big fist into the Orc's flat snout. Drawing
a satisfying grunt of pain from the big Orc warrior, who had suddenly
realized this wasn't going to be an easy fight even for someone as big
and strong as him.

The two brutes collided then snarling and screaming as swift powerful
punches were thrown and landed hard. Both Nord and Orc staggered as
the circled, raining down powerful blows upon each other. Blood
flying as stone hard fists, connected with exposed faces. As the pain
and anger sent both Warriors into an almost berserk rage, as all
around them workmen and city guards alike paused to watch the clash.

Dryston had been paid well, and fought hard as hard as he had ever
fought. But that massive green fist slammed into his rib's like a war
hammer, and then as the big Nord covered up. Only to have that mighty
green fist smashed into his jaw with brutal force, sending him
staggering to one knee. But the big Orc's blood lust was up and as
the Dryston knelt there, Cameron stepped in and brought down a heavy
blow. Knocking the massive Nord to the stone ground senseless, and
then stepped up grabbing the big Nord's belt and hoist body up.
Dragging the limp Nord's body up the steps to the high doors of
Vlindrel Hall.

Dryston was slowly coming to his senses, as the big Orc dragged him up
the ramp into Vlindrel Hall. The thug looked around at the splendid
hall, it was almost as big as the warrens or even inn's Dryston
sometimes stayed at. And the furnishings were more impressive than
any place the young Nord had ever been in. The wall adorn with the
mighty Orc's trophies, magical weapons that glittered in the fire
light with a power of their own. Glass cases with daggers that seem
to hum with deadly magic, on the tables food sat ready to be eaten.
The big Orc popped a sweet roll into his wide mouth, and chewed it up
as he tossed the big Nord onto a convenient chair.

"Wha... wha..." Dryston mumbled, as he watched the mighty green
skinned warrior strip off his heavy Ebony armor.

"First things first... who the hell is N?" Cameron growled, as he
turned to smile at the dazed Nord wolfishly. As Dryston struggled to
sit up, but his body was still to trembling and weak.

"Nep... Nepos the... the nose." Dryston stammered as he watched the
huge Orc, who in fact looked even bigger without his sleek black
armor. That powerful green body rippling with hard well defined
muscles, the Nord thug gulped as he felt a stirring in his loins. His
own leather and ring armor suddenly feeling hot, and uncomfortable as
he gazed up at the big Orc.

"Ahah I see... very good." Cameron grunted, as he strolled over
towards the big Nord who at last managed to climb back to his feet.
"Now normally when I brawl I get a little something out of it... two
hundred gold." The big Orc explained, as he looked the strong young
Nord with a leering eye. Dryston shivered, he'd already spent the one
hundred gold he'd been given for this job.

"But I... I... don't hav..." Dryston mumbled as the big Orc moved up
so close to him, he could feel the heat from all that naked green
flesh. The big Orc unbuckled the Nords hardened leather armor, and
let it drop to the hard stone floor. Much like he'd done to the young
Nord only a few minutes before, Dryston stood there shivering in front
of him. As the mighty Orc place his huge hot hands on Dryston's
chest, palms flat against the mounds of his firm sparely haired
pectorals. The massive green brutal, looking directly into the
handsome young Nords stunningly sky blue eyes.

"That's ok... I got all the gold I need." Cameron rumbled in that
deep Orkin voice, slurred ever so softly by the huge tusks protruding
from his lower jaw. It was a lie, they both knew it was a lie. For
who ever really had all the gold they needed in this world? No the
big Orc needed gold just like everyone else, but there was something
else he need. His thick musky male scent more than hinted at arousal,
and it frightened Dryston. He'd never felt so powerless before, he'd
always been the biggest meanest kid around. Now here he stood before
the one male who had ever beaten him down, made him helpless and that
male wanted more.

"I... I'm not... I don't... have never!" The handsome young Nord
warrior struggled, like a tavern wench who is reluctant to be bedded.
But he knew from long experience they always ended up, losing their
struggles. He'd bedded more than his share some with soft words, some
with lewd promises, some with shear force of muscle. And this big
green Orc had more muscle than he did, had already proved that in
front of the warrens. Suddenly Cameron closed his eyes, as though
drawing power from the rapid rise and fall of Dryston's broad chest.
When he opened those dark wild eyes again, his heavy Orcish brow
furrowed in sympathy.

"You don't know who you are... do you." It was more of a statement
than a question, and if it had been Dryston didn't have the answer to
it anymore. Looking up into those eyes the pale Nord feared the
mighty Orc was going to delve farther. But worse, he leaned in close
an planted a long hard kiss on the confused warriors trembling lip's.
Those cold tusks pressing against the Human's roughly shaved cheeks
sending a shiver down his spine.

For several minutes their mouths did battle, until at last the mighty
green warriors won out through shear lust. Tongues explored each
others mouths, tasting the mead one had drank and the sweet roll the
other had just eaten. Big strong hands sliding down to lock with each
others, contesting at first and then exploring each others touch. The
skin of each of their hard rough and callused from swinging weapons or
pickaxes. And yet somehow both males handled each other with such
tenderness and delicacy that even their palms and fingers felt

Dryston for who this had been just another job, suddenly felt dizzy
with unexpected longing and desire. He pulled out of the kiss,
realizing how very wrong this all was he was a male a warrior. The
proud young Nord opened his mouth to protest, but Cameron simply
smiled and place one thick green finger on his lip's.

"Shhhhshhh." The mighty Orc whispered and them surprisingly lowered
himself to his knee's, Dryston looked down in confusion at the warrior
who had beaten him. The big Orc's fingers were undenibly sure of
themselves as they undid the string of the Human's loin clothe and
dropped it to the floor. There was no way possible, that anything
other than a fully erect cock was going to come out of that loin
clothe. And sure enough what Dryston unleashed was thick, huge and
hard, the foreskin already pulled back down the shaft revealing the
big purple mushroom shaped head of his cock. The young Nord gulped
and danced in place, shocked by the turn of events and his own
reaction to them. Cameron slipped his moist lip's around that big
throbbing purple glands instantly, making the pale young Nord above
him inhale sharply.

"By Talos..." Dryston swore as the Orc's hot mouth wet the head of
his hard cock, tongue slithering down the underside of his shaft. And
then Cameron opened his throat and swallowed that pulsing erection
right down. "OH GODS!" Dryston swore louder, he'd had a few females
try to do this but none ever had been able to do so. He was simply
too big... too long for them to take, this wasn't the case with the
Dragon-born. The young Nord felt an almost crushing pressure on his
hard cock, as it was forced down the narrow passage of the kneeling
Orc's throat. It was at once a both excruciating compression yet an
exquisite pleasure, scalding hot and tighter than anything he'd ever
felt. Dryston turned his face upwards, his head rolling back on his
shoulders to stare up at Vlindrel hall's ceiling. He opened him mouth
to swear or protest, however it was a gush of ecstasy that escaped

"Ahahah..." His big callused hands slid down onto the Orc's long
braided center lock of hair. And he tried to ease the big Orc's head
backwards, but the passively kneeling brutal resisted. The muscles of
his thick neck constricted, and Dryston felt even more pressure on the
fat head of his thick cock. The sound that escaped the young Nord
now, was a loud and tortured grunt of pain and pent up desire.

Even on his knee's it seemed the big green skinned brutal was
asserting his control. It wasn't the Orc's throat being raped, it was
the handsome young Nords shockingly eager cock. After years spent
pleasuring older males in the Orc strongholds, Cameron had complete
control over the muscles in his throat. He released the pressure on
Dryston cock a little, just enough for the young Nord to begin
thrusting in and out. And then slowly began increasing it again,
slowing that movement almost to a halt. Only to release and let him
gain momentum before doing it again and again. The mighty Orc's
calloused hands slid up that pale well defined torso, fingers tickling
until they found Dryston nipples. Rubbing and rolling them gently at
first, the Nords little male nipples already stiff. And then those
strong green fingers became rougher, squeezing and tugging at them

"Ohoooo." Dryston whimpered, as his hip's bucked and beat savagely
against the mighty Orc's blunt green face. Wide slotted nostrils
panting loudly taking in the musky male scents of the aroused humans
sweating body. Dryston's head fell forwards on his thick neck, his
eyes watering brow creased in agonizing pleasure. His mouth gaping...
gasping for air... desperate for relief... even as he breathed
huskily. "I'm going to cum... I'm going to..." Suddenly Cameron's
throat released the head of Drystons cock, and that big green maw
pulled back slightly. The young Nord moaned in relief, but it was to
late he could feel the building gush inside his ball's. His cock
slipped back into the cavern of Cameron's hot wet mouth, and there he
felt the surge of his seed erupt filling the big Orc's mouth with his
cum! He shot once... twice... but the big Orc didn't swallow it, fear
gripped him as a third and fourth weak blast filled the Cameron's
mouth to near overflowing. Had he offended the mighty brutal, by
cumming in him without permission and very little warning.

Slowly Cameron let the human's still hard and leaking cock slip from
his mouth, and then he rose in one swift motion and planted his lip's
on the humans once more. this time as they mouths sealed tightly
together Dryston not only felt the big Orc's tongue, but tasted his
own flavorsome cum as Cameron swirled it around within. They drank it
down together, lapping it up swallowing it down. When every last drop
was gone, Cameron pulled away with a wide smile and looked down. The
young Nords pale dark veined cock was still jutting out rock hard in
front of him. "Heheh..." The lusty Orc chuckled, as he remembered
the human's initial reluctance to play this game.

Dryston kissed that wide Orcish mouth again, more passionately this
time. As his hands explored that dark green body, running through the
thick hair of Cameron's chest and then down the treasure trail.
Grasping the strings of the Orc's loin clothe he yanked them loose,
freeing the biggest cock he'd ever seen. It slapped against the
underside of his own fat ball's, dangling and throbbing excitedly
between his thigh's. Cameron's big bed was only a few feet away, with
a gleam in his eye the bog Orc began stepping Dryston back towards it.
Until the backs of the human's leg's hit the edge of it, and both of
them tumbled back onto it the Dragon-born on top.

Reaching over to the small night stand, Cameron picked up a small bowl
of troll fat. Grinning down wickedly at the handsome young Nord, who
suddenly looked panic-stricken once again. Taking a hand full of the
slick pudding like fat, the grinning Orc teasingly rubbed it down
Dryston's still rock hard cock. The handsome young Nord bucked and
moaned in pleasure tortured delight, as his fat cock still over
sensitive from it's last orgasm struggled to free it's self from that
greasy grip. And then that big hand pulled away, coming to rest on
the head board.

The big green Orc straddled the young Nord's body, his round smooth
rump hovers over that anxious upraised male organ. Cameron looked
down in amusement as the stunned Nord, who had thought he was about to
be butt raped by an Orc. And then he lowered himself down until that
fat cock head pressed against his clenched asshole. "Not the kinda
butt raping you were expecting huh?" Cameron asked teasingly, as his
clench hole suddenly relaxed and devoured that eager organ. As again
the Dragon-born raped the handsome human's hard cock, rather than the
taboo orifice he'd feared.

"Whaaaa... Ahahaha..." Dryston moaned in delight, as that tight taboo
pucker caressed his aching hard cock. Unable to resist the lustful
young Nord thrust his hips up, against that burning orifice. The
troll fat melting from the friction of movement, growing smoother and
slicker as that big cock smeared that grease around. Cameron drew in
his breath and held it as the Nords hard meaty shaft filled him, as
his ass cheeks came to rest on Dryston's pelvis. there he stayed for a
moment, his breath held, his chest bursting, that big gree anus on
fire with the heat radiating from that hard cock. And then slowly
with as much control as he could manage Cameron ass slid up and down
that hard shaft. The slickness of melting grease adding to the speed,
as that big powerful green body bounced up and down atop Drystons pale
human body. Cameron took his hands off the head broad and leaned
back, using the powerful muscles of his big round ass and thick thighs
to ride that hard human cock. The big green Orc aching his back
thrusting his hip's forwards to get a better angle on Drystons prick.
He reached back with those huge green hands now, gripping the Nords
pale muscular thighs. With his big greasy right hand, he reached
forwards and began to jack his own huge green fuck stick.

"Harder..." Dryston begged, as he watched that huge green warrior
ride his throbbing cock, like a drunken tavern wench. Cameron looked
down at the helpless needy human grinning wicked, forcing the young
Nord to beg. "Please..." The big Orc chuckled, as he threw himself
down harder and faster on that huge human cock. His fist flying along
that long green fuck stick, the melting grease oozing between those
tight fingers. Those firm green ass cheeks slapping against the
Dryston's pale white crotch loudly. Even as the big Orc stroked his
long throbbing cock more and more ferociously vigorously, his big
balls bouncing and slapping. With one hand Dryston reached up and
grabbed those big swinging jewels, it wasn't easy as they were a
moving target rising and falling with ever increasing speed, but he
swiftly seized them in a crushing grip.

"Uuuhu!" Cameron grunted as his mighty Dragon-born orbs were grasp
and squeezed hard, even as his long cock surged up harder still.
"Yeah... play with them rough Nord whore." The big Orc moaned making
Dryston smile in self congratulation at having correctly guessed right
about the Orc's tastes. The sensation sent shock waves of pain and
pleasure through Cameron's big green body. "That all ya gotz brawler
boi." The mighty green warrior growled, as the big Nord brawler
clamped his fist down savagely on those hefty nuggets. Cameron's well
defined pectoral muscles flinched, the mounds of his large strong
chest spasming for a long moment. He grunted in that wonderful blend
of pleasure and pain, but his rhythm riding that hard cock didn't

The big green hand stroking his throbbing erection, dropping instead
to pinch and twist Drystons hard nipples once again. His heavy head
rolled forwards, his chin pressing into his own chest. That big green
cock freed now tilted upwards, bouncing and surging as Dryston yanked
and twisted those mighty balls. Looking down he could watch his fat
balls swell as the young Nord fighter squeezed them harder and harder.
Until the big Orc thought they would surely burst, their guts
splattering out over them both. "Don't... don't stop... I... I'm
about to... to..." Before he could finish his stammered words, a huge
spurt of cum jetting from his surging cock. It shot into the air and
splattered it's way up Dryston's chest and throat in glistening white
spirals scalding hot against the Nord brawlers pale white skin. Even
as Dryston thrust his hip's upwards as hard as he could, forcing his
throbbing cock as far up the Orc's ass as he could manage about to cum
once again. The young human cried out as he exploded, filling
Cameron's clenching ass hole with scalding heat. The scorching pulse
inside of him triggered a second, and then a third jet of cum,
decorating Dryston's muscular torso all the way from his stomach to
his chin.

As the thrill of their orgasms slowly ebbed away, Cameron shook the
last drops of cum from his meaty cock head. And then the massive Orc
pulled himself off Dryston's hard cock, and collapsed next to him on
the bed. They lay there side by side for a long, lingering moment
until their panting eased. And their glistening cocks settled and lay
wet and spent against their rippling abs. "So... the Dragon-born Has
cum." The sexy young Nord moaned jokingly as he rolled over on that
big bed, and began to doze lightly. Until a hot heavy body rolled
atop him, and something wet and thick wedged between his pale ass

"Yeah and he's about to cum again." That low sexy Orcish voice
rumbled into his ear, as his leg's were kicked out wide. "This time
inside of you..."


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