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Charn's Tale 12
Charns Train...


Cameron hears a knock at the door, and looks around. "Oh that must be
the guys... here for fun." "I told them I’d lined up a big pred to pull
a train for them!" The horse smiled, at his drunken date.

"Pull a train... what’s that mean?" The drunken Tiger slurred, watches
the horse trot off, then shrugging and yawning, examining the fresh
glory hole Cameron had made between it and the bathroom. "Hmmmmm."
From down stairs there are the sounds of a large group coming in...
followed by laughter and joking. Then the Tiger can hear hard hooves
clip clopping up stairs past the bedroom door and into the bathroom.
The light is blocked as the hole is suddenly filled with a massive
erect equine dick! And the inebriated feline hears a banging on the

"Hey pussy get on these nuts!" He perks up his ears... then glances to
the left, then to the right. He had come over to waste a few hours
before trolling the gym, but apparently the gym was coming to him
tonight. He went to the bedroom door and locked it, then moved over
to the glory hole. Warm fuzzy fingers stroke that big erection, as
another paw hefts under those heavy equine nuts.

"You got it stud... what you want me to do with them?" He looks around
the bedroom to see what Hooves had to play with.

"Fuckin’ get it off... pansy!" The loud aggressive stallion voice
whinnies from the other side, as those warm fuzzy fingers fondle his
aroused flesh!

"Get it off... Well... if you say so!" The Tiger smirks licking his lips.
He kneeled down and starts firmly grooming the long stud stick, raspy
tongue scraping over the hard aching flesh. Tasting that potent
equine maleness, fingers grip and twist and knead those hefty nuts
underneath! Gradually pulling down on them... as he chews on the fat
flared cap! On the other side of the wall the big horse... star
Quarterback of the collage team prances in place hip’s bucking at the
rough treatment. He’d never had a pred before, so wasn’t sure if this
was normal! But his masculine pride wasn’t about to let him wussy out
and pull away, so he just thrust himself farther through and moaned.

"Come on get it off..." Charn gnaws, fangs raking the hard aroused
flesh... his spit slathering over it! Licking harsher and harsher to
help numb the cock, help prepare it for the bites that soon would
follow! The s=Stallion felt extraordinary pangs of pleasure and
sensation as teeth sheer through his fat thick cock head! And then
again as the Tiger bites further down, the football stud can feel his
balls being stretched, and pulled. Squeezed harder and harder,
blurring the distinction between pleasure and pain! "Yeah... Ohoo
Gods.... YEAH!" "You know how to treat a stud’s stick... ya cock lovin'
pansy!" The big Stallion grunts as the pleasure and pain fill his
mind and push him towards climax! As that hot mouth moves farther and
farther down his length... shortening that length as it does so... Charn
chews and slurps, making disgustingly lewd noises from the other side
of the wall! As he does love that cock... the salty meat ripe with
testosterone, the Tiger burping between bites as he wolfs down his
food! Soon he’s biting into the root, and tugging his head back,
pulling the stud’s hips against the wall. So he can fish into his
sheath and chew tenderly on the root of that delicious stallion hood!
His sharp teeth teasing the nerves there as the stud’s eruption
interrupts his quiet eating! Hot bolts of semen clogging his throat,
washing down the last of the stallion’s meaty maleness! Charn wonders
where Hooves is... probably enjoying the company of some other studs
downstairs! He wonders how many he can get away with before Hooves
comes investigating... He uses his sharp claws to slash open the stud's
hefty nut sack in the middle of his orgasm! A heavy ‘Thump’ heard
even through the wall as the QB is fully emasculated! And then the
Tiger is reaching through the hole, to smear a pain-numbing, blood-
stopping narcotic into the wounds, and zipping him up... snickering.

"Thanks stud, hope you enjoyed getting it off as much as I did!" The
big former stud jock leans heavily against the wall for a long moment
panting and gasping for breath. He’d never experienced so powerful an
orgasm and was stunned by it.

"Ohooo yeah it was great thanx..." He moaned ironically. "I’ll send
the boys up to enjoy your services!" He groans almost instantly
feeling the effects of the narcotic... a pleasant euphoria! He clip
clops off and Charn can hear laughing and cheering from down stairs,
it makes the big pred smile! Even as another set of hoof steps come
up the stairs and into the bathroom! And a huge shaggy set of organs
is shoved through... it took a moment to place them! Buffalo... the big
Bison defensive lineman who was all state! Charn grips those balls
right off the bat, never having seen a pair of Buff’s before! Pulling
on them and drawing them tight so that the erection juts up proud,
thick and stiff. He tries something new, smearing the narcotic around
the root of the long dick and letting it soak in, as he roughly jerks
the big pink cock.

"So whatcha looking for stud?" He asks sweetly nuzzling those big hot
aroused organs. ‘Gods they smell sooooo good!’

"Lookin’ for?" The deep gruff voice grunts, and the Tiger can tell
he’s got a thick one here! "Ahhhh a blow job I guess... I mean what can
I have besides that?" There is almost no reaction to the pulling of
his big nuts, either he’s very tough of to dumb to feel much! Charn
pulls harder, and with one big-clawed finger traces those thick cords!

"Anything you want, all I wanna do is get your rocks off!" He purred
through the hole. "You wanna be sucked till you pop... licked until you
split... or you wanna be chewed on in true prey style? The Tiger asked
moving his mouth to the root, listening to the wall and casually
chewing on the base of the stud’s big salami. That long dick jutting
into the ear from the other side of his muzzle, twitching and drooling
as he chews into the thick hard meat!

"Uhummmm..." ‘Oh gods so many choices...’ The big buff is confused now,
but knew he had to pick one... so just grunted at random. "Yeah that
last one sounds good!" That sensation of tightness and pressure
around the root of his cock grows more intense! Harder and sharper as
the big pred on the other side of the wall makes wet slurping noises.
His deadly teeth digging into the thick hard fucker of the buffalo,
and with each clamp of his jaws the buff can feel his pleasure
spiking! Clench, release, clench, release... until there is a sharp
Clamping sensation, and a pressure all through his crotch. He can
feel sharpness on his nuts too, making them ache and tingle something
powerful, before it all comes off in a milky spray of pleasure and

"Wahahahaaa!" The big Bison bellows his body suddenly smacking
against the wall. The wall is shaking now... little cracks appearing in
the plaster as the buff’s huge body beats and bangs against the far
side! And bellows of sexual pleasure fill the air... then it slowly
stops as the flood of orgasm subsides! "Ohoo fuck... Ohoo Damn... that
was as good as J said it was!" The Bison snorted. "Thanx alot dude!"

"Sure thing..." Charn snickers, the Buff’s mostly-intact set lay down
carefully with the equine jock’s balls as he reaches through to tidy
up. The buff’s totally denuded crotch... "Glad I could Steer you in
the right direction!" Charn chuckled. "Don’t be afraid to take a nap
in the guestroom down the hall, if you need some privacy." He licks
his lips, purring and getting hungrier and hungrier as he zips the
Buff up! Huffing and puffing, clearly exhausted the big Bison
stumbles towards the door.

"Yeah thanx... think I might just do it!" "That took a lot out of me..."
The Buff grunts trotting out, and almost instantly someone else comes
into the bathroom. Claws can be heard clicking on the tile as the big
wolf saunters up and shoves his package through.

"Suck it off bitch!" The big gray lupine growls aggressively.

"What do you want sucked?" Charn asks teasingly, and then gobbles up
the wolf’s oval testes! Sucking on them long and hard, as he rubs
that goo into the stud’s sheath. Then slurps and grips that fat wolf
dick, working it until he’s got the knot through too then just firmly
pawing it up and down!

"Fuck yeah I want it..." The wolf line backer growls, as he realizes
his knot has swollen and trapped him in place! So he can’t even pull
out and walk away if it’s not as good as J claimed. "Hey where did
that mouth go?" The wolf growled as he feels only paws on his big
throbbing bone. Charn slurps, swallows, stretching those thick
nuggets down until they plug his throat. Then a sharp pinch felt,
just under his knot, and a gulping sound before something warm and wet
swallows over the wolf’s length. Fingers wrap around his knot,
milking it hard and firm, as teeth and tongue rake the straining
flesh! "Ahahahahaaaa that’s better..." The big canine grunts unaware
of what has just went down, but loving the feeling of that hot wet
mouth engulfing his fat organ. "Yeah that’s it... eat my knot bitch!"
Charn smirks knowing what just went down... they’re still going down in
fact! Until he feels the eggs plop into his belly, one at a time. He
pulls off, voice huskily, his cock making a big wet stain in his pants
with excited pre by now!

"With pleasure sir..." He pants and then down he goes, chewing, biting
and pinching pieces of that thick bitch-maker off! Down until all
that’s left is the knot! His deadly teeth scrape over it, and he tugs
back fiercely, stretching the wolf’s dick root from his sheath! And
pulling his hips taut, before his thick molars begin to grind into the
hard bulbs!

"AOAOWWWOOOOOO..." The big wolf is howling now, as his senses are over
loaded with the pleasure and pain of the moment! His big furry body
hanging limply against the wall, as his pulsing knot tingles and burns
orgasm so near! "Hey watch the teeth..." He moans unaware it’s far too
late for that! Charn chews right through the thick knot, cleaving it
in half. And then shaves off the remainder of it... chewing and
nibbling on the raw nerves just like the two before him. The Tiger
tugs out his own fat maleness as he munches on the last of the wolf’s
masculinity! As the neuter’s body reacts to the sensations and dumps
its inner load in one final attempt to fertilize something! The big
wolf leans against the wall dazed by the power of his orgasm... Even as
his last load of cum hangs from the Tigers lip’s dieing in the open
air or being consumed!

"Fuckin’ hell dude... I wish my girl could get me off like that!" The
Wolf moans as the Tiger fixes and zips him up, to send him on his way!
As soon as he’s gone the door opens and someone comes in... but doesn’t
stick his junk through the hole. The big boy paces back and forth
restlessly on the other side. Charn listens curiously, to the nervous
pacing. The sound of the footfalls places him as hefty, but there is
no clops, clicks, or shuffles to really figure out the species! He
casually picks up the buffalo’s severed penis, and slurps on the tip
of it... nursing on the leaking shaft.

"Mmmm... I love the taste of dick!" He says, mostly to himself, eyeing
through the hole. The pacing stops abruptly and a big body darkens the

"Ahem..." A deep voice grunts "You... you don’t talk about this stuff
with any one do you?"

"What?" The Tiger grunts half smiling. "No..." He assures picking up
the two severed sacs, rubbing them together lewdly. "Your secret
stays safe with me..." He quietly murmurs. "As well as some other
things." "Besides... why would I share... you think I need other cock
suckers moving in on my space!"

"Errr My secret!" The voice sounds shocked, then calms as he realizes
the feline didn’t know anything. But was assuring him he’d keep any
secret he had. "Ahem well... no I guess not... you see the thing is..." He
takes a deep breath! "I can’t you know... get hard unless something’s
been put up my... The voice pauses choked up softly.

"Up your ass...?" Charn chuckles lewdly. "That doesn’t mean anything
to me!" "Back up to this wall, and I’ll give you a nice hot dildo to
help stimulate ya!" "Only you gotta promise to let me swallow ya
afterwards!" "All of ya!"

"Wha... Really!" The voices sounds excited and relieved... his jock
buddies would never understand. Or let him live it down if they found
out... the shadow moves and then a big naked ass is pressed up into the
hole! A big pair of floppy pink balls hanging under it... ‘E’gads it’s
a human!!!’ "Sure... sure once I’m nice and hard you can swallow me
whole!" The exchange student fullback promised. Charn grins and
reaches through the hole, not shying away from letting his claws trace
the human’s nuts. Before he grips them roughly and pulls them firmly

"You’re mine, bitch!" He growls teasingly, humans are the top of the
food chain in their native country. But around here they were just
hairless monkeys bois... not even equipped with natural defenses, like
teeth or claws! He traces over those big nuts for a bit, with his
needle sharp claws, half petting half scraping. "You like being
stretched... or torn wide open?" The Tiger is feeling very generous;
perhaps it’s all that meat in his belly. Or perhaps the lust that’s
been bubbling through him ever since he gnawed on that wolf! As he
stands up and brings his huge thick smooth cock against that bared
butt hole!

"Oh gods... Yes... yes take me!" The excited voice moans clearly getting
turned on by the Dom talk and rough handling! He’d never expected
this exchanged to be so exciting! "Oh yes big predator tear me
open!" The sluttish human begged... though he’s thinking of getting
that hard cock forced into him!

Charn pulls down and out on those hefty pink balls, and at the same
time pushes forward. The poor tender human anus is not spread open, it
is plowed into by a red-hot throbbing, feline poker! The huge aching
length stretching the skin of that tight pink hole to the point of
bleeding, and savagely spearing through the muscles just within. The
human can feel his entire backside stretch around the intruding organ,
like a living oven mitt around a thick-fingered paw. If he looks
down, he might even see his belly bulge!

"IEEIEIEEE!!!" The big human squeals as that hard smooth tip burning
hot press’s into him forcing him open taking him lustfully. The pain
and pleasure of that moment, forcing the human to try and pull away!
But that powerful grip on his big saggy pink sack draws him back,
forcing him to take all of that huge feline organ! "Oh fuck... Oh Fuck...
Oh Fuck!" The human moans as his own flaccid cock bounces up,
pointing at his face as he’s bent over gripping his ankles! It begins
to drool big gwooy drops on to his chin and lip’s. "Ohohoooo rape me...
fuckin’ rape me hard!" He begs embarrassingly loudly. The Tiger
wraps something around the human’s fat nuts something tight, to keep
them from sliding loose, pulling down harshly on them. He slaps his
hips forward, those big pink balls keeping him held back! As the
felines own thick furry balls crunch into the back of them, even as
his powerful shaft drives deep into the human-stud’s backside! A
rhythmic pounding, which can’t be considered pleasant by any sane
male! That batters both balls and prostate, begins to entail! The
human gags and chokes, as his big fat nuts are so harshly pulled and
battered by the felines big fuzzy ones... But it’s that long curved
cock with its stiff barbs raking over his pleasure gland that truly
sends him into trembles... Even since he’d came here he’d been wanting
to get rutted by one of his anthro teammates. But jocks were so hung
up on who was giving and who was taking! One could Never be the one
on the bottom! That he’d not had the nerve to approach anyone... but
now here he was practically being butt raped and it excited him
sooooooooo much!

"Gods... oh fuckin’ gods yeah rape me... rape my balls off!" The human
moaned as his face got wetter and wetter with his own pre-cum. Charn
thrusts harder, making the human’s buttocks quiver with each harsh
slam. The broad cap of that Tiger cock is perfect for crushing
prostates with! And the human is sure his is being turned to jelly!
As the Tiger pounds again and again, the human’s balls being smushed
under the Tiger’s heavier ones! As he pulls back, firmer and firmer,
stretching the scrotum out as far as it will go! Bent over... knee’s
together... butt thrust up and back! The burly human pants and chokes
for breath... wondering if maybe he can get this big feline to agree to
rut him on a regular basis. Because this is just what he’s been
fantasying about ever since coming to the anthro collage! Being
rutted furiously by a bigger stronger male... the pleasure of it mixing
within his mind with the pain! Making it all the more erotic for the
human... making him wreak less and fool hardy!

"That all ya got..." He grunts breathlessly begging for more! Charn
pins the human’s balls to the wall, and snarls.

"You want more..." "THEN TAKE IT!" The huge feline slaps the wall hard
enough for it to tremble... downstairs the dining room chandelier
bounces and swings wildly. And hooves can hear bits of drywall
flaking down onto the ceiling above his head. The Tiger pounced the
hole in the wall savagely, all of his body weight slamming into the
human! Pinned in place the human screamed and bucked until with one
final lunge that seems to go halfway up the human's backside! He came
loose and goes splaying on his face on the cold bathroom tiles! He
lays there stunned for a long moment, the tile cold on his hot flesh.
His ass hole stinging and burning with the Tiger’s hot seed in his
blood cuts! Oddly his crotch feels numb... and the room is spinning.
When a soft voice purrs through the hole in the wall.

"Now where is my hard cock..." "I Want it!" Rolling over the human
stumbles weakly to his feet, and thrusts his short fat dripping fucker
through the hole.

"It’s all yours... you sure earned it big boi!" He breath... as Hooves
frowns and heads up stairs to see what the fuck is going on. The
Tiger’s mouth is surrounding the human’s aching shaft, sucking the
salty pre away and bathing it in long, languid, predatoril licks.
Teeth nibble on that fat pink fucker, as the doorknob to the bathroom
begins to rattle.

"Ummmmm... tasty human... gonna have to find you again sometime, after
you’ve recovered!" Charn grins, and then thick sharp fangs dig deep
into the human’s cock. The Tiger leeching at his maleness and sucking
fiercely with his teeth imbedded deep in the pink flesh! Hooves
pulled the door open to find one of his pals humping his hole in the
wall! The human’s head snaps around, as the door he’d thought locked
opens! And the big horse is standing there looking at him!

"Errr..." The human stammers in shock, unable to think of what to say.
As the horse looks over his cum stained ass cheeks and grins lewdly.

"I always thought maybe you liked it up the ass!" The big horse
snickers... making the embarrassed human yanked himself away from the
hole, leaving something very personal in the big Tigers mouth!
Clapping both hands over his now completely denuded crotch, he hastily
flees... to embarrassed to say anything to his host. Hooves slowly
trotted up to the hole, and looks through it. "You have been enjoying
yourself?" He asked unaware of just how much the big predator had
been! "Well the host of a party shouldn’t be neglected!"

"I agree!" Charn smirks grinning and bidding his time. "I’ve slurped
on a horse... a wolf... a buffalo and your human friend." He admitted.
"I was going to save the best for last... is that all you managed to
invite over?" Indeed, all three of the furs listed seemed extremely
dopey after their visit to the bathroom! ‘Perhaps the tiger was as
good as they so slurringly insisted!’ "I’d hate for you to be known
as a host who doesn’t take good care of their guests." The Tiger purrs
leaning his snout through the hole and licks at the air teasingly.

"No there’s a few more down stairs..." Hooves grunted. Thinking of the
Cheetah runner, the Rhino wrestler and of course the other stud
ponies. But those guys could wait their turn... "Heheh I take good
care of all my guests!" I snicker unzipping and pulling my huge
floppy out. I stroke it up to half erection and rub it teasingly over
those soft furry lips! "Slurp on this horse!" Charn gently nips at
the horse’s delicate glands, before tonguing at the slit that the
horse teased him with. "But the others might be offended... I can suck
them off and still have lots of room for you!" He teases, before a
quick push of the horse's hip’s stuffed that chewable, floppy length
between his lips! The Tiger listened to the horse gloat, then
shrugged and started slurping, pulling the horse’s hose through the
hole like a long strand of rubbery pasta!

"Fuck’em!" Hooves panted in pleasure as that hot maw suckled more and
more of him in! Until he’s pressed up against the wall, drawing back
he pumped his long fucker in and out a few times... then pulled himself
all the way out. "I want the other end! He called teasingly, knowing
the big pred was reluctant to give it up! His teeth leave long red
marks on the horse’s length, the Tiger’s ass twitching at the thought
of taking that into him!

"No way something that big is getting into me!" "Why don’t you let me
suck on it a while, get you nice and slick first..." "Then you can cram
my ass, as much as you want..." Charn figures he can whittle the horse
down to oh... five or so inches that he can easily take. It’s horses
like this one, that inspire the Tiger to do all these geldings
anyways... Always trying to fuck everything, not caring of the danger...
he figures he’s doing the community a favor, trimming them down to

"I know that’s what you did to the little pink boi!" Hooves snarled.
"Ya know I’ve been planning to pop his little human cherry for
sometime... and you went and did it!" "So now it’s yours I want!" The
big horse snorted aggressively.

"Well, I wanna be able to walk outta here on two legs..." The Tiger
retorts, and the mouth disappeared from the glory hole. Just silence,
for a while what is he doing over there? The Tiger might be waiting
for the horse to give in... or he might be sneaking around to ambush the
horse in the bathroom! Or... he might be locking the horse into the
bathroom so he can tend to his last guests downstairs... The big equine
waits and watches for a few moments... then spears his big organ back
through the hole teasingly.

"Come on sit on it like a good little puss..." The big horny stallion
calls playfully, wiggling his hips so the long springy pole flopps up
and down tauntingly. After a while, the horse can feel something
tight and furry around the end of his dick. No way of knowing what it
is, but it feels pretty good! Pushing around the tip of his maleness
like that.

"Push harder!" The Tiger whines, from the other side of the wall as
the horse’s nuts push against the outer lip of the other side. The
big stud grunts and wiggles his hips pressing himself right up against
the cool wall, shifting and twisting so his big low hangers slip
through the hole to hang down the other side of the opening!

"Fuckin’ hell that’s tight... you really have never had it!" Hooves
groans. "Have ya?" The big horse snickers believing he’s popping the
Tigers tail cherry!

"Uh uh... not ever!" Charn grunts pushing back, using both fists with
interlaced fingers to form a tight gripping cuff around the end of the
horse’s fat prick! "Unnnngh, push harder... if you really want it you
will!" Though there’s nowhere more for the horse to go! The Tiger
pushes back, the springy spongy shaft buckling and curling as the
pressing from both ends makes it bow!

"I can’t..." Hooves whinnies excitedly big hard hooved feet clipping
and clopping on the tile floor as he beats his hips against the wall
straining and pumping. "You’re just going to have to do it!" Charn
relaxes his squeezing, just a bit and lets the broad end of the
horse’s cock push through! Then realizes he doesn’t have more paws to
cover it with! He swallows, trying to dry his throat out, and then
captures the glands that are peeking out between his paws! And clamps
down hard with his lips and cheeks, this is proving to be more
complicated than it’s worth!

"Ohooo Hooo..." Hooves squeals... feeling what he thinks is the first
tight ring of anal flesh give! Plunging his numbed cock head in a bit
farther to the second line of defense. Although in truth he can
hardly feel it... the prize of that tightness. Oh well... once he’s all
the way in, the sensation will come back he knows. "Almost in... come
on little puss... open up take me!" The Tiger pulls off, roughly,
stripping the horse’s cock until it stings and finally yanking both
paws off of the tip! Leaving the cock to spring upwards, blood
rushing to the clamped surface, filling it full!

"You’re just too big... I don’t know if I can take all of it handsome!"

"Damn ya should of used more lube!" Hooves grunts wondering how the
Tiger is standing it... Big, huge hard horse cock in so tight a hole...
of course the idea of pulling out so the pred can lube himself more
never really enters the horse’s mind!

"Maybe you should... let me warm up with something smaller, instead..."
The fingers can be felt gently rubbing the stallion’s testicles, back
and forth, soothingly between them.

"Fuck... Ya... ok sure..." Hooves grumbles in frustration... Charn grins and
leans underneath, nibbling on the stallion’s bloated nuts! Before
rubbing some pure lust gel onto the back of them, to make sure the
Stallion stays ultra horny hard and swollen! The gel also helping
relax the horse’s inhibitions, to make him easier to control!

"Now... why don’t you send up one of your friends..." The Big Tiger
snickered playfully rubbing that huge hard on. "And then bend
yourself over the dining room table... and show your horse buds how nice
and tight your ass looks..." Charn purred just imagining what would
happen when the aroused, but clearly intoxicated stud did that! "And
when they’re done admiring your ass... you come back up here and I’ll
make sure to get you off!" Charn smirked. "All the way off..."
"Mmmkay?" "Even let you use my ass!" He ties a tight leather cord
around the horse’s fat scrotum, cinching it to make sure he won’t be
able to get off! And then roughly crams Hooves goodies back through
the hole in the wall!

"Ummmmkay..." The big horny intoxicated equine repeated meekly...
staggering out of the bathroom and down stairs... There’s a loud clamor
and some gruff laughter... followed very quickly by a hard rhythmic
pounding and the sound of table leg’s skidding across a hard floor.
Charn smiled as he thought about what was happening to the big proud
stallion! Even as he heard soft pad footsteps make their way up the
stairs. The bathroom door swinging open and a lithe sleek body moves
on the other side. Bright spotted fur shown through the glory hole...
‘Ahhhhh sweet cheetah’ Charn thought, as tight fluffy feline genitals
are plopped through the big hole to hang over the rim teasingly.

"Ahem... ok so... do your thing!" A soft voice purred... unaware of just
what the Tigers thing was.

"With pleasure..." Charn purred back as he leaned forwards to nuzzle
and kiss those cute fluffy feline goodies. Thinking just how much he
loved being taken advantage of... by big dicked studs... "Hehehe..."

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