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Charn's Tale 34
Authors Tale...


Cameron stroked his short red beard, and leaned back in his computer
chair. He’d just finished another short story, for his furry
castration market. The human writer loved to do these stories, the
thought of a big powerful male anthro getting neutered. Really got
him off, so what if some of his furry fan’s took it all to seriously.
The fact was that if some of them actually did it in real life while
think of his stories. Only made it better of him, the human
masturbated to that thought on more than one occasion. He had a thing
for furs... of course not many wanted to have anything to do with a
smelly old human. Oh he’d get a quickie restroom or dark alley yiff
every once in awhile. But he had to catch the fur... generally a fox,
when he was in great need. Horny as all get out... like the human was
right now. Thinking about it, he realized that was why many of his
protagonists were foxes. Making sure his work was saved, the big
burly human hurriedly dressed himself. Trying to decide if he was
going out to look for a fur yiff, or just a human quickie blow job.
He was very aroused from writing the ending of his tale. All about a
big wolf jock who is neutered, by a small innocuous little rabbit.
Though it was a long shot, he decided to hit a few furry cruising
spots; he’d got lucky in before. Knowing he could always go to the
human places later and get off. He hits the clubs first, and though
most were jumping. He found no one interested in a burly old human.
The next step down was cruising the alley’s behind the clubs. Here he
had a little better chance, even spotting a couple of likely
candidates. Only to have them taken just before he could make the
offer. By this time Cameron was growing desperate, the heat scents
and sounds of all the furs had made him even hornier. Cameron saw..
well, his dream horse, a huge roan stallion, leaning back against a
dimly lit wall with his dick hanging huge and heavy out of his fly.
The burly human shouldering his way in a beeline towards him, but
before he could, a gray furred fox.. a muscular one, too, at that,
scoped the horse up and led him away. The human snorted, nostrils
flaring with the fading scent of the horse's easy, heavy lust. And
nearly jumped out of his skin when a huge orange paw wrapped around
his shoulders. He spun and squinted into a narrow alleyway, where a
gleaming set of fangs smiled back at him. An all too familiar voice
purred up at him. "What's the matter, Cam... having trouble trolling
tonight?" The lusty purr in the cat's voice sent a shiver up his

"Errr... no more than normal." The human admits, his voice slightly
high as he’s startled. "And I’m so..." Cuts himself off, wondering why
the deep voice and brooding presents seems so familiar to him. The
shrugged it off... he went to a lot of furry clubs and knew at least in
passing many many furs... "How about you... err I mean hows your night
going?" The horny human asks trying not to come on to strong to the
big feline. All ready for the rejection he knew would come. "So what
are you in the mood for..." Asks trying not to sound to desperate but
failing utterly. The dark voice chuckles, as the human is eyed
over... the big strong body buffered with a few years of easy living,
maybe a little soft in areas, maybe a little older than most of the
twinks and jocks that frequented this place. But the smell.. the
smell of needy, randy, juiced up human... was intensely alluring. And
the tiger's been following this human around for the last ten minutes,

"Well.. I'm in the Mood for Wolf... but the last one left just before
you showed up..." The voice grows a little fainter as the tiger turns
and saunters down the alley. "I'll probably have to nurse myself off,

"Ahem!" Clears his throat a little louder than he intended. "If
you’d rather have some company... beside from a wolf..." Stammers hating
the bitter rejection he was about to be delt. "I’d love to pleasure
you." "I mean if you really don’t want to be alone cranking one off..."
Gulping as he saw the huge feline stopping to look back over his broad
powerful shoulder.

"hmmm.." The tone could go one way or the other. The tiger turning
slowly, naked save for a thick leather jock. A *big* leather jock.
"Dunno... you clean? Don't need no weird human diseases fucking up my
active, healthy sex life.. there'd be a lot of loose assed studs who'd
be Very upset.." He looks you over, and then raises a finger,
gesturing with curls for the human to enter the alleyway with him*
Still. you look like you could handle a tussle in the dark...

"Clean... oh yes I take good care of myself!" Assured excitedly,
realizing he just might have a chance of getting to see and feel what
was in that huge leather jock strap. With a tremble of excitement and
maybe a little fear the human follows the feline into the dark alley.
"Oh I bet there would be." Pants moving up to softly fondle the pouch
of the tigers jock. "Oh yes can handle and am all for a nice hot
tussle in the dark!" Cameron assures his other warm hand roving over
the hot silky fur of the big feline. The tiger for his part had other
things on his mind, not even really paying attention to the fawning
human. That hand on his jock gets a low growl, though, and a thick
furred one takes the human's away, moving it to the side. The tiger
aggressively moves forward, and his thick, furry chest tickles the
human's own - as the feline claws away every strip of clothing he

The big human is trembling now, almost regretting his actions. As his
clothes are taken apart by needle like feline claws. Fear making his
heart race wildly his breath coming in ragged gasps. As he realized
his danger, the big predator could easily snap him in half. Or do
even less pleasant things to him if displeased. ‘Gods the fear made
it so hot!’ He thought.

The Tiger inspects the human, or seems to, and of course there is that
feeling that if the human slips up - just once - the tiger will send
him packing. As it is, he'll have a hard enough time getting home in
the tatters of his undies! The startlingly warm, furry body of the
tiger presses against the human, and the tiger's paws feel him up.
Checking up on the big buttocks, giving them a squeeze.. "I always did
like my prey to have a bit of meat on their bones.." That voice so
familiar, something ringing bells but which bells? A warm, furry lined
palm wrapped around Cam's soft cock, and the tiger began to stroke it.

"I got some more meat up front." Lust making him daring, grinding his
stiff little human cock into the fur lined paw. Even as those nagging
ringing bell’s thundered in his mind. Where had he heard those words
before... those words spoken in such a sneering dark manner.

"Hahaha..." The big feline laughed as his strong paw squeezed the firm
full organ. "Sweet meat... I’ll save that for dessert." The Tiger
purred. "If your good." The tightly gripping paw pumping up and down
the odd feeling human organ. Making Cameron dribble pre-cum copiously
over the soft striped fur. Down the alley voices could be heard
babbling softly, furs from the club coming out for quick yiffs no
doubt. "Why don’t we move to a more private spot..." The big feline
grunted glancing down the alleyway towards the sounds.

"Ammmm... I don’t mind a audience." Cameron panted excited by the idea
of furs watching them.

"I like my privacy." The big feline grunted, pulling the human along
by his hard on. "I know a place... that’s close." Charn growled,
quickly dragging the horny Cameron farther down the alley. Ahead... a
single light hung over a big steel fire door. A faded ‘Employees
only’ sign hung on the rusty steel door. But this didn’t slow the
Tiger down, shoving the door open. He forced Cameron through it, the
room beyond was total darkness to the human’s frightened eye’s. Panic
raced through Cameron as the door clanged shut behind him.

"Turn on a light!" Cameron ordered, his voice sharp. The Tiger just
chuckled, big unseen paw’s fondling Cameron’s denuded body. "I... I
can’t see!" The burly human grunted, more meekly this time.

"Your kind really is pitiful!" Charn snickered in a voice that hinted
he was enjoying the human’s helplessness and fear. Those soft furry
paw’s caressing and fondling his denuded body suddenly vanished!
Leaving him totally alone in the darkness, heart pounding; male hood
throbbing need fully. Uselessly Cameron glanced around in the
blackness. "Uhem..." The human cleared his throat nervously. "Wher...
where did you..." Charn edged closer, the scent of the human’s nervous,
frightened, sweat. Oh soooooo sweet to his predators senses.

"Right here!" Charn purred, his hot breath so close to the human’s
face. It made the anxious Cameron flinch back slightly.

"Oh... ho there you are!" Cameron exclaimed, reaching out towards the
voice. Only to have his wrists grabbed in a crushing grip. Then the
felines hot mouth was pressed over his own. Long strong tongue
parting his lip’s to rape his own mouth and tongue. Giving Cameron a
taste of the big felines last meal... organ meat... liver maybe... Then it
was gone... leaving the human throbbing in submissive arousal... gasping
for breath. "Ahem... hey!" Cameron grunted taking a couple of quick
steps forwards and stumbling over something. "Damn!" He cursed as he
stumbled sending things clattering across the hard concrete floor. As
pain flared in his stubbed toe and bruised shins. Within the darkness
the big feline grinned amused, as he watched the human stumble around.
"Where are you?" He grunted arms reaching out, fanning the empty air
ahead and to the sides of him. Suddenly feeling silky fur between his
naked thighs, then hot leathery finger pad’s on his low hanging

"Right here." The Tiger’s lustful voice purrs loudly in his ear from
behind. Making Cameron jump in surprise, only to feel needle sharp
claws dig into his soft scrotal flesh. The cat’s wicked claws
snagging his delicate skin, holding him in place.

"Ouch!" The big burly human exclaimed, trying to worm away from those
restraining claws. But only managing to skewer himself more on those
deadly claws. A second huge paw lands heavily on his shoulder,
gripping the goose pimply flesh hard.

"Better stop struggling... before you neuter yourself!" The velvety
soft voice purrs in his ear, then the paw on his shoulder shoves him
forwards hard.

"No!" Cameron cry’s out in terror, as his feet hit the edge of an old
mattress laying on the floor. Making the human fall face down on it,
desperately he clutches his testicles. Making the Tiger laugh out
loud, for he had let go of them before pushing the human.

"Scared ya huh?" Charn snickered as he pounced on top of the burly
red headed human. Pinning him face down on the smelly old mattress.
Cameron panting for breath as his face was pressed into the mattress.
Even the human’s weak nose could smell all the scents on it. Strong
animal body scents... cum... blood... He didn’t have long to ponder them
all, though. The big Tiger was maneuvering around atop him, suddenly
Cameron felt that long so very hot male organ. Teasingly sliding
between his cheeks at first, then being aimed deeper.

"Hey!" "Don’t you think you should lube up!" The human protests,
struggling and resisting as much as he could. His fear and sexually
excitement growing with the surge of adrenaline. Still the Tiger’s
greater weight and strength easily restrained him. It had always been
one of Cameron’s sexual fantasies. To be held down and ravish by a
big sleek sexy fur!

"Nawww it feels better this way..." Charn growls, the big feline very
much enjoying his prey’s struggles. The arousal making pre drizzle
from the Tiger’s very stiff organ.

"Better for whom?" Cameron grunted, trying to calm himself and relax
his sphincters. As he felt a hot trickle of the big felines pre-cum
dribble onto his taut orifice. The pointed tip pressed between those
spasming lips easily. Forcing them to open wider and wider obligating
them to take his full fat girth!

"Tighter!" The Tiger explains with a chuckle as his tip finds the
tight tiny opening. The Tiger’s big hot tip felt slightly moist, as
it pressed against the human’s tiny plucker. "Yeah... that’s what I’m
talking about!" Charn purred as the helpless Cameron’s hot hole
gripped and clenched on his tip. Leaning forwards the Tiger clamped
his powerful jaw’s over the back of the human’s furless neck. The
action saying louder than words that the human had better open up for
him. Panting into the filthy mattress, Cameron forced his anal
muscles to relax. Then suddenly the Tiger was hilting inside of him.
Making the human sigh with pleasure and relief. "For me... of course!"
Charn purred as he lay atop the trembling human unmoving for a long
moment. Just enjoying the feeling of Cameron’s violated hole around
his rock hard Tiger hood! Slowly the big feline began moving, inching
his huge barbed cock in and out. The barbs scraping over the human’s
prostate, sending him into quivering bliss. Each small slow stroke
making Cameron feel more submissive, even as it sent electric thrills
of pleasure through him. Cameron’s wild panicked panting deepen, as
the pleasure being forced within him grew. The feeling of the Tiger’s
soft fur caressing his naked flesh so exciting. Charn dug one big paw
under the helpless human, to discover that his semi hard little cock.
Had already oozed a puddle of pre-cum onto the mattress. "Hehehe... you
almost as much of a bitch as all those wolves!" The Tiger snickered
as his thrusts steadily grew hard and faster. Making Cameron moan and
whimper loudly in pleasure.

"Uhhh Huuuu!" The burly human moaned, in agreement as his hip’s began
humping back to meet the Tiger’s thrusts.

"What a cock slut!" The Tiger laughed as he thrust harder. "This is
out of place!" Charn snarled gripping Cameron’s hard on almost
painfully tight. "A little bitch like you should had a cunt between
her legs!" The big feline teased as he pounded into the human’s hot
hole. "A little pansy like you doesn’t even need a cock!" The big
feline growled. "Do you cock slut?" The Tiger grunted into the
human’s ear, as his long cock thrust deep. "Except the big one up
your wanton ass!" "Say it." He ordered gruffly. "Tell me the truth...
whore boi." "Tell me you don’t need your cock!"

"I...I don’t need a cock." The human moaned submissively, as the
Tiger’s trusts became even more savage and brutal. "Except your big
one up my wanton ass!" Cameron lustfully repeated.

"That’s right!" The big cat purred. "You’d be a much better boi
whore without it!"

"Yes!" The human moaned as he rode the Tiger’s long feline male hood.

"Want me to take it away... so you can be the prefect fuck toy for a
real male?" The huge predator demanded lustfully.

"Ammmm... please make me the prefect fuck toy!" Cameron begged lost in
a lustful fantasy of his own making. The huge Tiger was in motion,
hunching over the trapped human fucking him violently. With his
massive paw's braced on the floor, thrusting his enormous cock
savagely in and out of his captive! Finally, with a magnificent
bellow, he exploded deep within Cameron, filling the human up with his
seed. The big feline continued to thrust for several minutes more,
owing to his stamina. Panting he slowed, and his thrusts became less
urgent as the orgasmic trembles subsided. Finally, he withdrew
entirely, his thick cock finally spent, finally becoming soft.
Standing up he towered over the whimpering human, he grinned
gloatingly at him. As Cameron rolled over onto his back, panting for
breath obviously very aroused.

"Wh... what about me?" The human panted lustfully wanting a orgasm of
his own.

"Ok... I’ll fix you as you ask now!" He snickered. Cameron watched
trembling in fear as the massive feline kneeled between his wide
spread knee's. Playfully the big Tiger swatted the human's rigid
erection, bouncing it around back and forth. Knocking long silvery
strings of pre-cum all over the human’s hairy inner thigh’s and belly.
"For all that crying you sure got yourself a hard cock." He purred
pleased, grinning up at the human wickedly. "I think maybe you like
taking it up the ass better than you like fucking!" The feline
snorted derisively, one massive paw sweeping up to engulf the Human's
hard cock. Drawing a gasp of pleasure from Cameron, as it stroked his
shaft. "So stiff an excited." The big cat purred teasingly. "I
wonder how it tastes." Slowly the Tiger lowered his mouth to the
human's throbbing organ, licking it teasingly. Making the human’s
pale body jerk, hip’s thrusting involuntarily in pleasure. "Hahah."
The cat laughed. "Wanting more of that?" He questioned, slowly
lowering his fanged mouth over the hard male hood. Cameron blanched
slightly as the Tiger’s mouth with its forest of sharp jagged teeth
closed over his rigid organ. A high pitched excited groan escaping
his throat as the cat’s hot suckling mouth took in his full length!
Big furry head bobbing up and down the human's shaft a few times, then
he lifted his head to grin wickedly at Cameron. "Sweet as candy." He
teased, before returning to his work. The Human lay back enjoying the
hot suckling, gasping and moaning softly; until the feline lifted his
mouth up to speak once again. "Of course you did beg... so time for you
wish to be granted!" He growled grinning wickedly...

"W..Wha..what d..do..you mean?" Cameron stammered as he looked down
frightened at the big feline. Who couldn't answer, however as he had
taken the human's stiff organ into his toothy maw again. All he could
do was look up grinning as he suckled on the human's rock hard organ.
Then suddenly he snapped his powerful jaw’s closed, the hard aroused
blood engorged muscle resisted for a moment. But then the razor sharp
feline teeth tore through the hard man muscle! Cameron’s mouth open
his face twisted in horror watching as the Tiger lifted his head away.
Where the human's once proud manhood once stood was only a bloody half
inch long stump!

"IIIIIIIEEEEEE!" Cameron screams as his tiny stump suddenly erupts
spurting thick white seed as it fountains blood. Quickly the Tiger
took a healing balm from his discarded clothing and poured it over the
dreadful wound. Then leaned back chewing the human’s manhood up, as
Cameron watched sickenedly. Chewing and swallowing the massive of
bloody meat, the predator opened his wide feline mouth; to show the
human it was all gone. Then stood up gloatingly towering over the
emasculated human.

"Who... who are you?" Cameron sniveled.

"Problem solved... fuck toy!" The big Tiger snickered. "Won't be
fucking anybody now!" "You cockless wonder!" The big cat gloated
derisively. "Who am I?" He growled as he grinned gloatingly the
emasculated Cameron. "Don’t you recognize me?" The big feline
snickered as he slipped his black leather jock back on. "You’ve
described me a hundred times... told all about me neutering some wolf or

"Charn!" The human choked in disbelief as the Tiger strolled away.
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