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Charn's Tale 62
Neuter Porn


"Ahah Ha!" The hefty human exclaimed, as he came around the corner
and spotted the big feline lurking along the dark hallway.

"Well hello." Charn purred, not the least bit disturbed by the Humans
reaction to his presents there at so late an hour.

"Caught ya. Ter not supposed to be sneaking around here after dark."
The burly Human growled hurrying down the hall to where the Tiger
stood. "The stables are closed."

"Well... maybe you did." The big Tiger purred softly, as a leering
smiled played across his handsome muzzle. "But my intentions are

"Pure... Huh." The Human looks skeptical at that, but slightly less
aggressive now as it studied the feline.

"Ummmmm I just found this CD somewhere and was told it belonged here."
The big feline explained, shoving a very pornographic CD with a
picture of a anthropomorphic Wolf blowing a non anthro stallion's
cock. "And I was trying to figure out where it went."

"Let me see tha..." The Human snorted looking decidedly uncomfortable
now, as he looks at the Tiger apprehensively. "Come into my office."
He grunted, dragging Charn down the barn to a lonely back room, the
smirking Tiger marching along, glad that nobody else is around.

"I wasn't going to steal it." He purred over the Humans shoulder
teasingly, even as the two of them moved into the small office. "I
just imagine it's part of a set is all."

"Part of a set..." The Human smirked, it was indeed part of a set of
pornographic CD's that he'd just finished making, "Yeah you could say
that..." He mumbled looking hard at the big feline, trying to judge
his reaction to the picture. "You like whats in this picture?" He
demanded at last even as the Tigers friendly muzzle split into a wide

"Well sure..." Charn answered plainly, licking his lip's as he
starred at the picture a bit. "What's not to like. I mean, they both
obviously seem to be enjoying themselves."

"Yes... yes they are." Tommy chuckled lewdly, as he gauges the
felines interest in the photo. "You think you might joy that kinda
thing?" He asked now sure that he already knew the Tigers reaction.

"Well sure... I mean depending on the situation." Charn answered
quickly, his words almost running together in an over eager jumble.
"Of course you'd have to find a horse... and someone to suck on him
and stuff."

"Ohoooo I gotta horse..." The big Human leered at the feline, making
it pretty plain what his intentions were. "I just need someone to
suck on him, while I take some video like this."

"Ahhh well... of course." Charn purred pretending that he had a
sudden realization from the Human's leading words. "Ooooh I see what
you are saying... Well... what would you want me to do? Just kinda
lick at him?"

"Lick, suck, maybe nibble a bit he likes that." The Human assured
with a underhanded grin, chortling that he'd found another willing
actor so quickly. "And then when he gets off... we can see about
something else you can do." The big leering Human rubbed his own
crotch unconsciously at that thought.

"That doesn't sound too hard... but from that picture he looks like a
Big horse." Charn carefully explored, not wanting to push things to
much and sound overly eager. "What if my sharp teeth accidentally
scratch him... are you worried about him maybe getting hurt?"

"Hahaha." The Human laughed, and it was clear all he cared about was
making money. "As long as I get some good video... I aint worried
about anything." That statement certainly maked the big felines ears
perk up... and he grins lustfully.

"Well I'd be happy to give you a show... as long as his legs are tied
down. I don't want him stomping on me while I'm swallowing his meat."

"Kinky... I like that and I'm sure he'll get off on it too... ok."
The Human smirked thinking how much these fetish type of videos would
be worth. "Maybe after yer done you can do me as well." At last he
broached the matter openly, as a big grin spread over Charn's handsome

"You think I'll have any room left after?" The big striped feline
asked, looking at the picture of that huge feral horse cock again.

"Yaaaa you will have a belly full... but a little bit of Human should
hardly be noticeable." Tommy smirked, thinking how much fun this all
would be to watch and do.

"Well, okay... I Can cram you in I guess." Charn snickered thinking
he wasn't so sure the human would be so eager later on.

"You wait here and I'll get everything set up." Tommy leaves quickly,
but is back in a few minutes. And leads the Tiger into a fully
enclosed stall, closing the door behind them. In the center of the
room is the restrained Stallion, already sporting a massive swinging

"Ohooo found a handsome kitty this time huh..." The big non Anthro
stud leered looking over Charn as the Tiger undress's. The big Tiger
doesn't waste time with talk, he goes up and touches, brushing his big
paws over the horses sleek hide. Rubbing his shoulders and licking at
his neck... and then slowly, but smoothly slinking down underneath the
big stallion. Fingers dance along the long flexible pole of the
Horse's fat cock. And then further, he massages those heavy balls
even as he starts to lick at the underside of that mighty cock.

"You want me to start on his balls first?" Charn purrs to the Human,
who is already behind the camera taping all the action.

"Ammmm sure that would be fine..." Tommy grunted, as he begins
adjusting the lighting to better display what is going on... even as
the stallion nickers excitedly and thickens as he dangles out. Charn
slides onto his butt under the horse, his paws grabbing hold of the
root of that thick erection. And pulling it down to his own slender,
barbed penis nudging it against the leaking slit of the horse's.
Playfully grinding it up against that cock slit, giving the Human a
show. Even as he starts to nuzzle, sniffing and licking at that fat
fuzzy scrotum meat further back. Trying to see if he can fit one or
both of those big orb's into his deadly mouth...

"Ammmm yeah... lick those big stud nuggets." The Human grunted
excitedly, as he watched the action in the camera's view screen.
Catching the two big cocks and the Tigers tip teasing poking into the
stallion piss slit. As the stud struggles weakly, playing it up for
the camera obviously having done this kinda thing many times before.

"Ummm ohooo yeah that feels good..." The stallion drones sounding a
little board, clearly wanting to get to the orgasm. That cock is
pulled down over that pointed cap with it's spines pointing backwards,
making sure that the horse's cock can't pull back off, at least not
pleasantly. As Charn gives one of those nuts a firm Nip, sinking
teeth into the bulging soft pouch enough to leave needle points of

"WWWEEEEHEHEHE..." The big stallion squealed showing more interest,
now as that nip got his attention. "Oh gods... we got us a real
predator here." The stallion panted trying to shift his hooves but
only pulling at the restraints. "I think he just chomped one of my
nuts off already." The big stud squealed as his fat cock pressed even
fuller and harder against Charn's own, while the Human chuckled

"He's gunna make a mare out of you." He grunted to the stallion as
there came a sudden chirp chirp chirp of his cellphone ringing. "Come
on eat those big nuts... gulp'em down" He ordered enthusiastically to
the big predator as his own lusts grew, frowning he locked down the
camera on it's tripod. Checking his phone only making Tommy frown
deeper, even as the Tiger mugs for the camera, pulling those nuts
against his cheek to show them off like two big trophies. "Look I
gotta take this, but don't stop the camera will record everything.
I'll be back as soon as I can, if you finish before I get back Ummm
just play around a bit ok."

"Sure thing." Charn agreed with a smirk, and then he turned his head,
nipping a fold of smooth leathery scrotum skin between his dagger
sharp teeth. Watching the Human hurry away, he pulls down more, and
then savagely twists his head. And like a piece of fried chicken
skin, it rips the scrotum off of the gleaming meat underneath. Baring
two gigantic stud nuggets to the cool night air, they dangle like pale
moons from to raw red cords.

"EEEWHEHEHEEE!" The stallion squeals bucking and struggling harder
now as the pain and scent of blood grows stronger. Those low dangling
naked orbs are licked at lewdly, the Tiger cradling them in his furry
lip's. While he fucks up into that big full hard cock, holding the
horse's dick as he licks and grooms those naked nuts.

"Oho Fuck... Ohooo Gods..." The big stallion swore as his big body
trembled violently, wanting to run but unable to tied up like he is.
"I think...I He's really..." The big stud moans dazed, as the Tiger
moves around to get a better angle. Trapping one fat nut against the
stallion's inner thigh, rough tongue licking over it brutally.

"Yeah... Ohooo Yeah I am." Charn purrs taking that fat orb in his
mouth and biting into it the hard outer shell. 'CRUNCH!' And then the
big Tiger was slurping and sucking the insides out of that once
magnificent testicle.

"OHO GODS TOMMY!" The big stallion squeals in panic now bucking as
much as he was able trying harder and harder to escape. "TOMMY WHATS
HE... HE'S REALLY EATING MY JUNK... OH FUCK!" The big horse choked as
he looked back between his leg's the best he can. The first big beefy
nut is gulped down between powerful jaws, flashing white fangs closing
in and its gone for good.

"Yer half way to being a gelding..." The Tiger panted excitedly, as
his barbed cock pushes deeper into the horses piss slit feeling hot
equine fluids oozing around his feline cock head.

The second smaller orb is grabbed by a big paw, stretching the cords
tight, before the Tiger licks up those cords. Nibbling at them,
chewing softly against the strong stringiness of them until at last
biting down. Charn takes a big bite out of that swinging nut, fangs
sinking in it easily. Distending the testicles shell inwards like a
pillow before he pulls. Forcing it to contort before it gives under
the strain, the innards dropping out in a hot salty cluster onto the
Tiger's broad naked tongue. "Ammmm all gone..." Charn purred, as he
opened his deadly jaws wide, long rough tongue hanging out. With
chunks of grayish nut meat still clinging to it, as the big feline
lips his bloody jaws.

"OHOOO WOW!" The big trapped stallion screams in horror, or pain it
was impossible to tell which. "OH GODS TOMMY... MY NUTS ARE GONE I...
I CAN FEEL" The helpless equine shouts, his big shaking body covered
in frothy equine sweat now.

"Oho yeah isn't this just so fucking hot." He pants as the big
stallion's screams weakly, his body trembling, but has almost stopped
struggling now.

"Tommy stop... stop him Tommy please..." The horse is pleading as his
breathe is coming ragged and fast now his big eye's rolling wildly in
his head. Charn languidly sucks the stallion's remaining nut shell
into his maw, lapping and sucking on it teasingly. As the stallions
long narrow head, once held proudly erect is almost touching the stall
floor now.

"Well what should I do now?" The big Tiger purred around that chew
orb shell softly, looking up at the horse.

"Oho gods Tommy please... don't let him..." The now almost completely
passive gelding begged weakly, as he looked around pitifully for the
absent Human.

"Hmmm not quite a mare yet not with THIS." Charn gave that throbbing
cock a goosing as his barbed cock shoved in and out of it playfully
releasing the horse's last load in dribbled down that barbed feline

"Ohooo gods No." The trapped gelding begged uselessly, orange lip's
held back... giving the camera the full show. "Well so much for the
egg's... time to start on the sausage." Charn purred grabbing that
long stud stick, as it was still dangling semi hard.

"Noo Nooooooo." The big gelding moaned, as he watched the big feline
pull it to his mouth. Kissing and licking his way slowly up that
throbbing shaft, until his whiskers were tickling the geldings sheath.

"Gunna take it all... make a mare out of ya." Charn panted fangs
digging into the base of that mighty equine fuck tube, even as the big
Tiger rolled his hip's fucking his cock in and out. As the big horse
snorted and squealed over head, sounding more and more like a feral
animal. As the sexy striped felines needle sharp teeth dug into the
hard hot muscle of his stud stick...


Tommy looked up at the big naked Tiger standing in the doorway of his
office, covering the phone with one hand he asked. "Whats going on?"

"Oh... I... Ahem we finished." Charn explained patting his distended
belly, as he slinked into the Human's office. "I'm pretty full but
you were right I think I still got room for a little Human."

"Heheh." Tommy chuckled, undoing his trouser and taking his junk out,
his chubby Human cock semi hard already. "Then on yer knee's puss
puss." The smarmy Human ordered as the voice on the phone spoke so
loudly Charn could here it. "Yes... Yes I'm still here... I heard
your, let me see." The Human half turned to sort through the paper
work on his desk with one hand for a moment, inhaling heavily as he
felt hot breath wash over his crotch. "Heh." Charn's leathery paw
pads were warm on his naked inner thigh's spreading them wider, as
that big striped head pushed in between them.

Rough tongue slowly rasping up the underside of that semi hard chubby,
making it ooze clear shiny pre-cum over the felines whiskers. Tommy's
breathing deepened as he confirmed some numbers on the paper work,
never even glancing down as that hot mouth moved back down. Strong
tongue tip lifted one fat testicle up and it was suckled into that hot
maw, and the second quickly followed. With both fat hair Human nut's
in his mouth, the Tiger reach up and began stroking the saliva and
pre-cum coated cock. Tommy moaned softly and leaned back in his
chair, shoving his hip's forwards against the felines silky muzzle.

Charn suckled those sweet, salty Human nuggets to the back of his
throat as that thin sack neck gathers at his teeth. Swiftly the big
Tiger worked his paw up and down that hardening cock, even as he is
second paw slipped under the Human's ass. One finger tip finding the
hot crinkled plucker of the Human's anus, and worked it's way inside.
Finding the hard lump of that male pleasure gland, Tommy was grunted
and agreeing a lot on the phone. His head laid back against the
chair, eye's starring rather gazed up at the ceiling. Charn paused,
rubbing the fat purple head of the Human's chubby with the back of his
paw the silky fur making the Human's body jerk in pleasure. "Ohooooo
that's good." Tommy exclaimed into the phone, making the voice on the
other end pause for a second before it went on. The Human turned the
phone so his mouth was away from it, only his ear pressed to it now.
"I'm getting close." The Human moaned as that big hot paw went back
to stroking his bouncing erection. His back arching, hip's pushing
against Charn's muzzle even harder as that fat pink cock tensed harder
and harder. Those hefty ball's fighting to draw up as they began to
release their load, but the Tiger suckled them down harder and harder.
Even as Tommy thick cock spat a string of thick white cum over the
Tigers furry back, there was a sharp pinch and burning between his
leg's. But the Human hardly noticed as the second gush of his orgasm
spurted out onto Charn's head. Even as the Tiger discreetly swallowed
and rubbed healing balm over the red ragged wound below that spitting
cock. The Human was laying back in his office chair dreamy eyed, as
the Tiger stood up smiling.

"That was great thanx." He purred as the panting Human looked up at
him blurry eyed and grinning as he turned to leave the office.

"Yeah no problem puss puss... anytime ya want more just come back."
The human invited, laying back gulping for breath and swallowing hard
as he tried to get him mind back on the phone call.

Charn was redress and almost to the outer door when his heard the
scream, Tommy it seemed had just discovered what he'd lost. The big
cat's lip's parted in a gloating smile as he stepped outside, and
headed off toward his next appointment.

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