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Travels Within The Dark Forest
(Dark Forest)

The human whimpered at the sight and smell of the huge erect wolf
cock, as he began to affectionately lick the tip. Making sure he got
along the sensitive underside to tantalize the Alpha wolf's senses.
The huge dire Wolf watched the human with his piercing silvery eye's.
His breath quickening as the pleasure of the kneeling humans hot slick
tongue rushed through his loin's. Each lick and nibble making more
and more of his veiny red cock push up. Soon the knot began to form
locking it out side of it's furry home. "You show proper respect."
The big Alpha rumbled, as he watched his pack wrestle and pin the
great unicorn stallion down.

Exhausted covered in frothy sweat, Grim let his massive body go limp.
The huge Dire Wolves holding him eased up they're grips, but did not
release him nor took they're weight off of him. The big stallion
trembled in both fear and anger at the way the human had given him
over the these creatures. And fear at what his fate would be at
they're hand's, he could feel they're hot wet red organ's laying
against his soft sleek Crimson fur.

"Look here what we got." One huge Wolfs growled, his huge clawed paws
fondling and teasing the stallion's soft ball sac and limp sheath.

"Aye pretty aint it." Another grunted caressing the stallion's sleek,
sexy velvety body.

"Ohooooo... feel these lip's!" A third Wolf exclaim running one rough
finger tip of the stallion's soft mobile lip's. Snarling savagely
Grim twisted his head around snapping at the Wolf's finger. "Oh cubs
tryin' ta bite." The Wolf laughed jerking his finger away.

"He can't bite with these lip's!" A four Wolf joked as he finger the
stallion's big pink donut, making Grim gasp and try to jerk his rump

"Shame he aint got more holes." The fifth big Wolf observed gruffly.

"I heard 'Corns' can change they're shapes." The sly Wolf teasing
Grim's mouth growled.

"Nawww surely not."

"Thats the way I heard it." The first Wolf insisted and a couple of
his fellows growled their agreement.

'You must play the game if you are to survive...' The Human thought
silently to the slowly overpowered Unicorn. 'If you resist they will
break you, but if you feed their needs and gain favor in their eyes
they shall show you many things...'

'PLAY THE GAME!' The big stallion thought back hotly. 'I..I shall not
be broke..by..by.. these puny creatures...and I shall not give myself
over to they're NEEDS.'

"Why not ask tha human... he's got tha mark he'll tell it to us

'Don't you dare tell them!'

'This one is news to me...' The human thought back with a grin before

'A unicorn's power of shape change is absolute, once they become
adult' Grim though back. 'I assumed Hooves told you about that!'

"I do know one unicorn who is of both genders, but I do not know if
they can change genders at will..." "Such a sight I would indeed
enjoy seeing though..." He giggled.

"You human bastard!" Grim choked from his place pinned under the wolf
pack, making the wolfs howl with delighted laughter.

"I'd say thats pretty much a yes!" The largest of the five...
obviously the Beta chuckled gloating lewdly. One huge clawed paw
reached down cupping the stallion's massive lemon shaped ball's,
fondling and squeezing them roughly making Grim grunt in pain. "This
is nice enough." He growled into Grim's ear. "And who knows if'in yer
nice about it, ya might even get to use it later!" The big Beta
growled. "But right now we are wantin' an innie."

"Go to the abyss!" Grim snarled hotly.

"Now that aint much nice!" The Beta growled back, snapping his jaws
closed on the stallion's soft sensitive ear. The Wolf on the other
side did the same, the pain making Grim's massive body tremble and
jerk. "Now ya gonna be nice and give us what we want?"

"I'll give you what a bunch of little bitches like you deserve." Grim
mumbled through gritted teeth, making his long black shaft begin to
slide from it's sheath in demonstration.

"BITCHES ARE WE?" "HAH!" "We aint the one's about to have a pussy
between our leg's!" The Beta growled angrily.

"Never!" Grim grunted, but sounding less sure of himself now. The
wolves holding his leg's each took one huge testicle in they're paw's
then began grinding one shape claw down into it. The great stallion
squealed in agony, struggling mightily but futilely once again. As the
sharp claws bit into the soft delicate flesh of his must prized male
flesh. Realizing that his testicles were about to be utterly
destroyed, and that he was about to be rendered a gelding. Which for
a stallion was even more shameful than being a mare... his magic would
regenerated the damaged flesh. But not the lost of dignity at being a
gelding rut toy! The big stallion screamed angrily.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" His big sheath and huge black cock shimmered,
melting and changing shrinking into a tiny black tear drop shaped mare
sex! Leaving his place at the stallion's head, the Beta leaped
between the new mares wide spread leg's. Driving his long pointed
muzzle into the little black slit he now found there. Loud, lewd
licking noises instantly follow, as the big Wolf savored the flavor.

"Nice little bitch... or should I say Mare!" He gloated lifting his
grinning muzzle, long red tongue licking her creamy excitement off his
lip's. "Now make it in season!" He ordered wickedly, Grim shivered
in dread knowing what the Wolf was doing. When Grin hesitated the
Beta gestured for the wolves to bite his ears again. Hastily the
black mare sex began to swell, winking and twitching as thick streams
of whitish excitement began to leak from it. Diving back in the Beta
licked and tongued the wet excited pussy, making Grim gasp loudly her
breathing quickening.

Looking around at the other Wolves and the Human he grinned wickedly.
"The little mare likes that... doesn't she?" They all laughed lewdly
seeing the truth there. "Now how about some tits?" The Beta grunted,
laughing again as he saw the stallion shaking his head. Lowering his
muzzle back to the hot wet pussy the Beta caught the huge pink knob of
a clit between his teeth nibbling and suckling on it. "OHOHOOOOO
GODSSSS!" Grim squealed bucking her hip's wildly as the Beta's mouth
teased her.

"Show us some tits!" The Beta ordered again more lustfully this time.
Grim closed her eye's tightly, but her chest began to shimmer. And in
a moment huge dangling breast... very much like Hooves formed there.
The stallion's huge powerful body that had been so masculine and
defined, softened becoming slender and feminine. Totally female now
Grim's muscles relaxed in complete submission. Chuckling the Wolves
released they're grips, knowing they would get whatever they wished
from the broken stallion.

"Now then... wouldn't you much rather sink that burning need between
your legs, into some nice hot and tight?" "Or have you never had the
pleasure of enjoying human before..." Jonny asked as he looked up at
the mighty Alpha Wolf towering over him.

Allowing the Humans submissive licking and kissing, the Alpha chuckled
in amusement at both the stallion now mare. And now this Humans
obvious desire for themselves. "In truth... I've never mounted a
Human." The Alpha admitted with a leering sneer.

Jonny grinned, before pulling the huge Alpha forward, with surprising
strength. The Human landing on his back in a bed of violets, with the
large Lupine on top of him. Wrapping his arms around the huge pulsing
shaft and hugging it to his bare flesh. "As pack leader you have
right of the first matting... and it may be a good idea to spill your
lusts in me now. Before your fellow pack members take me away..." He
chuckled, they both knew the pack was far to busy with their new mare.

"No one could take you from me." The Alpha corrected with a lustful
dominant smile. "But you are right, as pack leader I have right of
first choice." "And of first mating with any new conquests!" Sliding
his huge rough paws over the Humans hot smooth naked flesh. Caressing
and fondling the naked male everywhere. "I've never enjoyed a Human
bitch before... roll over for me." The Alpha panted lustfully
aggressively as he nuzzled the Human.

The human knew this was it, at least for him. Now rolling to his front
and getting up on all fours as would be expected, his heart began to
beat wildly. And his male hood to throb with anticipation as the
dominate Alpha behind him was gearing up to mate him like a true
wolven bitch. Rough leathery paws rubbing up and down his fur less
leg's, spread thigh's even farther. Big clawed thumbs pushing the two
pale fleshy globes of his ass cheeks apart. And then with all the
suddenness of a lightening strike, and all the power of a raging
flood. The Alpha's long hot tongue lapped between them, deeper and
deeper until the Humans tiny pluckered orifice was breached. Then a
huge cold wet nose wedged between the Humans trembling buttock's, as a
long, slender but fiery hot invader wiggled and plunged inside of him!
To make matters all the more interesting, he had to watch as the other
Wolves ravaged and molested the now all but helpless unicorn mare...
secretly liking.

Diving back in the Beta licked and tongued the wet excited unicorn
pussy, making Grim's sleek female form writhe with pleasure. Gasping
loudly the former stallion's breathing had become wild an frantic.
Looking around at the other Wolves and the Human the grinned wickedly.
"Lick her in the front... poke her in the rear!" The Alpha joked
making the other now very aroused Wolves howl with laughter. Looking
down at the overly stimulated mare in season, the Beta shook his big
shaggy head.

"Nawwww lets poke her front and rear!" Reaching down, he grasped
Grim's slim feminine waist. Lifting her up, as he rolled over on to
his back. Grim lifted into the air, suddenly found herself coming
down on the Beta's huge pointy red Wolf cock! The aroused mare
squealed in delight, as the huge red Wolf bone plunged into her.
Until even it's already expanding knot had disappear. The Human
noticed that Grim's eye's were even wider, and showing more white than
they had been when she had been afraid of losing her male hood. The
instant Grim settled into place astride the Beta, a second wolf leaped
up behind her big round rump! Pulling her long flowing black tail
aside, he spear his pointed red bone into her big black donut shaped
anus. Another loud squeal escaped her, as the Wolf's huge organ
forced it's way into her taboo orifice. Soon however, the unicorn was
whinnying loudly, as she bounced back and forth form one to the other.
Her squeals and whinnies were soon muted however, as a third Wolf
stepped up in front of her. Grabbing the unicorn's bound horn, he
tilted her head to one side and then guided her soft mobile lip's to
his engorged organ. A mouth that only minutes before had been feral
and snapping, now closed gently around the big bone fawn and sucking
on it lustfully...

Jonny quivered as he watched it, but a more deep hungry yearned burned
inside him. It was the desire and need to feel the Lupine's hot
shaggy body lay atop his backside. And engulf his flesh in his musky
scent, while also the need to feel his enormous dire cock up his hot

Hearing the Humans soft whimpering and sensing his need. The huge
dire Wolf slides his long thick tongue from within the Human, making
him cry out at the loss. "You want the bone don't you little bitch?"
The Alpha teased as he climbed up behind the trembling Human.
Teasingly he rubbed his hot dripping organ over the underside of the
Humans, humping to playfully stab it's pointed tip into the soft
velvety flesh of the Humans dangling nut sac. "Can't seem to find the
soft." He joked as his big rough paws caressed the Humans naked

Seeing Grim being taken before his very eyes, was nothing short of
pure torture on the humans own lustful desires. Grim on the other
hand, was trapped in a world of strangely exotic sexual delights.
Totally enslaved by the hormone controlled heat of his new mare form.
Totally alien thoughts and desire filled the former stallion's new
female body. The hot throbbing male organ's inside of her, dominated
the former stud's whole world. The Wolves knowing this took full
advantage, thrusting themselves into her every bodily orifice. Taking
they're pleasure in as many holes as they were able. Through it all
controlled by her hormone induced need, Grim gave it all to them!

Jonny cringed if there was anything that would drive his senses to the
edge of insanity, it was a tease. And that was exactly what the Alpha
Wolf was doing to him, and he loved every second of it. The
sensation of his huge burning hot Wolf hood tickling along his
sensitive Human shaft and hairless balls drove him absolutely mad with
passion. "Oh gods yes... you tease!" He whined as he reached down
with a hand to give the proud Wolf cock long loving caresses from tip
to base. Before guiding the length of Alpha's red burning hot rod
between his legs again. To the underside of his own Human shaft, now
drooling with pre-cum. As the human was already on edge to a
magnificent orgasm. His skin becoming red and very wet with his own
sweat. Thrusting his hot wet organ back and forth rubbing it's smooth
slick length against the underside of the Humans. The huge Alpha wolf
lay over his back, huge rough leathery paws gliding over the Humans
sweaty skin.

Reaching down he cupped one paw under they're aroused organ's. Then
teased the Humans soft flesh until the excited organ spurted it's
gwooy white lusts into the Wolf's palm. Taking the greasy liquid
lust, he rubbed it over his big red bone then over the Humans tiny
rose bud. Setting the sharp tip of his huge canid organ against that
orifice the huge Wolf leaned his body weight against it. Grunting as
the big pulsing bone slowly sank into the Humans hot delicate flesh...

For the moment the Human saw stars, as he felt the powerful Alpha make
entrance into his passage of extreme virgin like tightness. The Wolf
no doubt having difficulty forcing his huge Lupine cock into the wet
tight pucker. As the Human arched his back sharply and ground his
teeth intensely. Panting into the Humans ear, his long slick tongue
hanging from the corner of his narrow muzzle. The big Alpha humped
and thrust, surprise to find entry so difficult. Even with the slick
greasy cum he had lubricating his huge veiny red bone.

"Open yourself for me little one." He ordered, as the sharp tip of
his enormous organ at last battered it's way through the Humans inner
gates. Allowing the huge dire Wolf's pulsing bone to sink in
smoothly, until his throbbing knot pressed against the Humans opening.
The Human was only vaguely aware of Grim and his molesters now,
watching with glazed eye's the burly figures around the slutty mare.
As one huge dire Wolf found his release he was quickly replaced by
another enormously aroused male. But Grim's trouble was that the
sated Wolves didn't stay sated long. Between watching they're Alpha
fuck the Human, and they're brothers taking the mare they quickly
became aroused all over again!

The Human watched, whimpering in agony as the incredibly sexy black
mare was molested over and over again before his eyes. Lost in the
pleasures of a mare in season having her desires fulfilled. Grim
caught only brief glimpses of the Human as the massive Alpha wolf rode
him. For a second the mare felt jealous that the Human was getting
that massive organ and not her. But then another Wolf orgasmed into
her and was replaced by another horny dire Wolf.

The heat of the Alphas fur against him, and the thickness of the
Wolven shaft deep within his backside was all but too much for him to
take at once. His eyes teared up and his passage tightened inward as
he rocketed over the peak and began to spill his seed all over the
ground below. As the chortling Alpha Wolf continued to pleasure
himself within the Human. Grasping the Humans hip's as he felt it's
tight anal passage tighten and spasm around his massive organ. The
Alpha battered that tight tiny hole with his swollen knot.

"Cum again... huh little bitch." He observed more than questioned.
His own orgasm was drawing near... the heat and tightness of the
Humans orifice over came his power to with hold it. "Damn you feel
soooo good little bitch." He panted thrusting harder and faster...
All the Human could do was whine and flex his already spasming anal
passage around the huge Wolf shaft within. The big Wolf's thrusts
grew so fast and savage that they actual lifted the Humans knee's up
off the soft ground. Wild feral growls escaped his panting gasping
throat, as he pounded his little Human bitch with all his might.

Jonny looked blindly up at Grim and thought to him. 'Push through my
brave stallion... I haven't told you of the Wolven females...' 'If we
cooperate with the males lusts they will share their females with
us... trust me its way worth it...' He thought weakly at the big
Unicorn. But the thoughts seem to bounce back at him... as if.. as if
the big stallion is not really there. As Jonny watch the mare's eye's
roll back in her head.

While the last two of the remaining aroused Wolves took her once
again. The Beta is of course one of them, grasping the mares jaw in
one huge clawed fist. He guides his long red bone into her weakly
suckling mouth.

"Wheres your insults and denial's now bitch?" He questioned
gloatingly. "Ate them along with our cocks didn't ya?" The huge Wolf
teased. "How do ya like the taste?" "Familar... it should be... it's
just come out of yer tailhole!" The Beta said snickering if Grim
heard she showed no signs. But only kept suckling numbly, as the
other Wolf pounded savagely into her rump hole.

Panting into the Humans ear, his long slick tongue licking the salty
sweat from that smooth neck and face. The big Alpha humped and thrust
wildly. "Ohohohooo!" He howled into the Humans ear as his hot watery
orgasm began to spray into that tight ass. Still spearing deep with
his pointed canine cock the Alpha rode his little bitch hard. Milking
every bit of pleasure from the hot tiny Human orifice! Jonny cries
streaks of tears as the Wolf begins to gush into him, crying out

"Oh gods yesss!!!" He screams as he spooges all over the Wolfs paw,
becoming lost in sweet sweet bliss. The two of them buck and wither
in pleasure sharing each others bodies. The Alpha's howls of delight
blending with the Humans excited screams. As his orgasm eddies the
Humans body collapses exhausted into the ground. The Wolf's huge red
bone lipping out of him with a lewd sounding 'SLURP!' As the world
spins before his eye's, his last sight is the Unicorn in a similar
exhausted senseless state.

The Human took a little moment to relax, getting up to his feet and
walking towards the exhausted black mare unicorn. His thighs dripping
with the Alpha's musky spooge. "Now... was that so bad?" He whispers
in her ear before giving Grim a tender stroke along her gasping
muzzle. The big Unicorn's body shimmered reverting to it's natural
form. Whimpering softly the big stallion rolled up into a fetal
position, his sleek black furry body a wet sticky massive of drying
canid spooge. Jonny gives the Stallion the gentlest of kisses on the
nose, before walking over to the panting Alpha male. And sitting
beside him giving... him a much needed and very deep soothing belly

"Well... have I seen favor in your eyes oh handsome lupine?" He asked
softly. The huge Lupine smiled a wolfish smile letting his long
tongue hang from the corner of his mouth.

"Indeed human." The Alpha admitting. "Rarely have I known such
pleasure." Looking up at the darkening sky he howled... then listen
as his pack answered. "The night draws near, and my pack shall run
and hunt." The big Alpha stated simply. "Leave the Unicorn and come
with us... I promise you much more pleasure like we had tonight."
Jonny smiled the desire was strong... but he couldn't leave his
companion even for so much promised pleasure.

"You have your pack... and the Unicorn is part of my own I can not
leave him." The big Alpha grinned.

"I understand." He growled standing up quickly. "Fair weather and
good hunting..." He called over his shoulder as he vanished into the
deepening gloom...

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