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The First Time

I remember having my first Zoo feelings at the age of ten, riding bare back on a neighbors
stallion. Laying there on his hot sweaty back as the powerful muscles of his body bunched and
strained under me. I felt emotions I'd never felt before, and at that time didn't understand!
By the time I was 14 that neighbor hired me to take care of that stallion, and a beautiful
standard bred mare named Snowball. Ironic name she was really a kind of battleship gray, only
her tail and mane were really white. I had been longing for just that kind of thing, and I'll
admit had been hanging around my neighbors fields and barn a lot. Lord I loved just running my
hands over her sleek body, the wiry hair on her flank's the velvety soft fur on her chest and
belly. It was so much fun taking care of her, but torture at the same time! She was just so
very sexy!!! I fantasized about her night and day, it was in this time that I had my first wet
dream. It was about a Zebra, I woke up the whole house with my moaning. My father came into my
room and explained that it was all right most young men had such dreams about women. How could
I tell him I'd just dreamed about making love to a Zebra! Oh a she was a magnificent beauty to,
right out of my favorite porn magazine National Geographic. My friends of course looked at the
topless women! I just didn't get that!?! Anyway when Snowball came in season, my neighbor had
me lock her up in the barn. To keep her and Apache separated, but I still had to care for her.
With poor Apache wandering up and down outside the wall of the barn, going crazy (wouldn't you
be?) She was very excited, when I came into take care of her. Paying no attention to the sweet
feed I poured her, and wouldn't let me brush her. She instead began demonstrating for me,
flagging her tail and winking pushing her rump back towards me. She knew I was interested, in
grooming her I'd paid a lot of attention to her rump and tail. She had even let me explore her
with my saliva coated fingers once or twice. Now here she was asking me to service her, as only
a mare in season can. My zebra dream was still very fresh in my mind, my fantasies weren't
nearly this good! I mean having a real live mare asking you to make love to her, begging you
and mare's are very good at begging. I tried just fondling her at first, oh her smell was so
very good! I moved my face in closer to smell her, and before I knew it I was licking her. I
knew about oral sex of course all my friends talked about it, but I had not realized I wanted
to do it until then. In that moment it seemed like sometime I wanted to do very badly for a
long time! Honestly I never really thought about not making love to her, she wanted it. And I
was about to explode from my on pent up desire for her! I had to turn over her water barrel,
talk about clumsy! I didn't take my pants all the way off, so they fell down over the barrel.
Which was very shaky and unstable on the hay covered stall floor. Standing on the barrel put me
a bit to low, so I had to stand on my tip toes. That of course made the barrel even shakier, as
a ended up with all my weight on one side. But was pushing back toward the light side, one good
push back from her would send me to the ground almost instantly. Standing on my tip toes, my
mouth was as dry as a bowl of cotten. The rest of me was covered in a mixture of nervous &
passionate sweat! It ran into my eyes, dripping off the tip of my nose. I was all hot an
bothered, but then so was she. I penetrated her, only to be immediately knocked to the ground
as she thrust back. But oh good lord it was an instant of ecstasy! I know even before I hit the
ground, that I just had to get back into her. My second attempt went better, I was able to get
about 9 or 10 thrusts in. This time she winked while I was inside her, the experience was so
pleasurably surprising it caused me to slip off the barrel! As enrapture I thrust wildly, that
time I landed more or less on my feet. But they were so tangled up with my pants and the barrel
that I ended up falling on over to the ground. Snowball had shied away from this odd looking
very clumsy stallion. So I had to move the barrel around, but still didn't have the sense to
take my pants off. My pants now mostly inside out and trailing along behind me on the ground, I
climbed up for my third try. I had no more than climbed up and placed my member to her sex than
she shoved purposely back. Down I went this time I was to close to the wall and banged my head.
Frustrated to say the least, I findly wised up and tore my pants all the way off! Mounting up
for the forth time, I placed my hands on her wide powerful buttocks. Resting most of my weight
on my arms, I entered her once again. And this time we both got what we needed so very badly!
It's an experience I'll never forget the feeling of her furry thighs against my legs! Or her
heat, the way she gripped me, the smell of her sex, or her rocking back and forth. Still the
feeling of her sex was so good I wouldn't have lasted 20 seconds. If I hadn't been getting back
up off the ground so much! heh. I didn't go home for hours, until she stopped letting me mount
her. I achieved orgasm four times and enjoyed a great deal of oral fun as well. All the while
poor Apache was squealing and pacing outside. After her heat passed I found out she could
decide to have sex anytime, from reading book's I had thought she would only do it in season.
You can imagine my reaction when I realized she was will outside of heat. I didn't realize it
and couldn't have admitted it then, But I was deeply in love with her. But then my neighbor
died, and his heirs sold her off with out even telling me she was for sale. I realize now that
was the cause of some unpleasant things I said and did later. The way they treated us both
spawned some very unpalatable emotions that I had for human for sometime afterwards!

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