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Gelded Centaur

A beautiful golden Centaur warrior finds out that dirt grubbers can be
dangerous. Especially when they're women folk or involved, the old
farmers know how to tame an unruly stallion


Don't go down into the valley they had always told him, strange and
wicked people there live there. When he was a child Windfeld had
always obeyed his elders, but he was an adult now. Tall and strong,
his skin bronzed by the sun, and if he wasn't the best fighter in his
clan he was certainly the most impressive in the village. Women liked
him, even if he wasn't very clever. They were always running their
hands over his thickly muscled body, and through the flowing mane of
golden hair he had hanging down his back. Still the forbidden called
to him, so he began wandering down into the valley. The people were
strange to look at two leggers, and the first few he met were
insulting and unfriendly. Then the women came to him, just two at
first young and unsure, but eager an so adoring! He found a nice spot
by the river and set up a camp in a grove of elm's on the edge of the
valley. And they flocked to him, as females will when they find a man
they want over them!. Some were beautiful others less so, he treated
them all the same giving them his all! He soon found himself with a
whole herd of female admirers who saw to his every need, in return he
saw to their one inexorable need! It was what his virile young body
was made for, and almost every moment of his day or night found him
satisfying they're desire's! His pride grew as more and more of these
peculiar females came to him with their need's. No warrior or even
chieftain in the forest, no matter how clever he was or how great a
fighter had so many willing women under him! True these women weren't
like the females of his on tribe, still he had so many! Almost every
woman from every little farm in the valley came to him, some just once
most over and over again! All over the valley chores got neglected
little things were left undone, dinners still got cooked though many
dishes never made it to the farmer's table. Windfeld had meant to stay
in the valley for only a short time, but the rich food and pleasure
his harem provided held him enthralled much longer than he planned.
The long hot day's of summer faded into autumn, and husbands, fathers
and brothers spent less time in their fields! So I've tarried all
summer, these lesser males have made no trouble so far! He thought
moronically. The dirt grubber's weren't warrior's, none of them would
be a match for him anyway. To Windfeld this made him the undisputed
chieftain of the valley, and in the forest a chieftain could take any
woman who would have him! In the end it was the praise of his women,
that would be his undoing! As his lover's gossip reached the ear's of
withered old maids, and puritanical old biddys. Who of course
immediately told their sons, brothers and any other man who would
listen All about the misguided housewives, daughters or girlfriends,
who were so sluttishly giving into their deviating carnal lusts!
Allowing a lecherous Centaur to expend his momentous bestial lust in
their supplicating bodies! Bad enough to find out your wive was
fucking another man, but to find out that he was literally hung like a
horse an could go all night! The fear of inadequacy and rage such
knowledge instill in the farmers could only be quenched by revenge. A
meeting was held secretly at the town pub.

Most of the farmer's were crazed with rage at this bestial betrayal
and with fears of they're our sexual inferiority! Screamed to kill the
beast that was bewitching and defiling their women! It was Iren who
pointed out that if they were to do that, they're women would never be
free of its memory!

"They will always remember it like it is now, doing what it does to
them! So what can we do?" The farmers wailed. "We must remind them
what it really is, a filthy beast a beast of burden!"

"We must remind them every day it was an animal that rutted them!"

"How can we do that?"

"We've all got livestock, we know how to tame obstinate stallion's and
ornery bulls!" Iren snarled grinning wickedly.

So early the next morning before even their wife's awoke, forty strong
they crepted into Winfeld's camp. Before the centaur was fully awake,
he found himself bound and hobbled. Struggling and kicking only
succeeded in making him fall, he lay struggling and fighting until at
last he was exhausted. That's when his tormenter's closed in, beating
him savagely an pulling his bonds even tighter! Two of them knelt
behind him, safe now that all four of his powerful leg's had been
bound tightly together! Looking back over his shoulder Windfeld
watched as one of them lifted his beautiful golden tail, he felt rough
hand's grasp and brutally yank his massive ball sac out away from his

"Hand me the gelding knife!" One of them called grinning wickedly at
the centaur stallion's amazed look. New energy surged through him
then, a rope broke as he struggled desperately! But the ropes were
just too strong and looped to many times around his limbs. His cruel
tormenter held the wicked gleaming blade up for him to see! "You've
been breeding mare's that weren't yours to have! And maybe you can get
away with that in the forest, but here we know what to do with unruly
stallion's! You've mounted your last mare stud!" His cruel captor

Then a searing pain tore through his loin's, follow by a sick feeling
in the pit of his stomach! Was it the pain of his awful injury, or the
desperate as he realized his emasculation? One of the ugly creatures
stood up laughingly displaying the centaur's immense severed
testicles, the others howled with glee! Crowding in they began to beat
the helpless gelding centaur with heavy club's. Later that day
Windfeld's lover's would find the centaur's camp deserted, and word
quickly spread among them that he had gone home. Prompting a number of
trips to the forest to be hurriedly planned! Then word also began to
spread later that day, about a show to be held that evening in Iren's
barn. It was something Iren had planned very carefully, after beating
the beast senseless the farmer had quickly blinded him. It was after
they had dragged Windfeld back to the barn, and he had awoke once
again. That Iren got his insidious idea, some of the younger men
decided to fuck the once proud centaur stallion's ass! It was an act
of revenge Iren hadn't even imagined, but he liked it even joining in!
Standing the centaur up he tied each of his leg's to a post driven in
the ground. He had a stallion and some mare's in heat, smearing some
of the horny mare's juice's on the centaur's flank's! He loosed the
stallion stepping back to watch the fun! The huge draft horse sniffed
and nibbled on the centaur's lean buttock's inquisitively, then the
massively aroused animal leaped up on them! Humping, his huge cock
trying franticly to find the hot little fuck hole he smelled! Iren
hastily stepped forward to see to it he did so, the titillated
stallion bulled right in! Hammering the centaur's virgin asshole like
it was a horny mare's dripping pussy! Winfeld screamed in pain as that
massive masculinity rammed into him, it had been bad enough when the
human's with their tiny cock's. Had made him their mare using him like
he was a filly in heat! Now to be made a real stallion's mare, for the
amusement of his watching tormenters.

Though he couldn't see it, Windfeld could hear his huge heavy rapist
panting and squealing! He could hear the dirt grubber laughing and
joking about what a good little filly he was! He tried to kick and
buck, but with all four of his bruised and battered leg's tied to
posts. He could do little more than whimper and scream, as the big
impassioned stallion savagely ravished his bleeding asshole!

"That's what they need to see!" Iren roared to the throng of
spellbound farmer's.

"Bring them here to night after supper, and they will!" He promised
laughing lewdly. "After that, we'll put him pulling the manure wagon
through the village! So they'll see him every day, and remember how
low they sank! Fucking with a filthy stinking animal!" Iren sneered

Iren chuckled as he cruelly whipped the long springy birch limb into
his prisoners bleeding shins! Windfeld whinnied in agony as his front
leg's buckled, the emasculated centaur fell to his knee's! Iren
quickly moved down the centaur's body scourging it relentlessly. "What
do you want of me?" Windfeld screamed at last. Iren grabbed a hand
full of the centaur's long blond hair, pulling his head back savagely.
"You know what your master wants!" Iren growled cruelly.

"Yes." Windfeld mumbled softly.

"Yes what?" The farmer snarled.

"Yes MASTER!" The helpless centaur whimpered quietly.

"Open your mouth beast." The farmer growled smirking lewdly.

"Yes master." The broken centaur gasped opening his now toothless
mouth hesitantly. Iren smiled with great satisfaction, as he thrust
his hard cock into the gelded centaurs compliant mouth. Reluctantly
Windfeld closed his sore lip's around the malignant human's oozing
manhood. He was reticent at first, but with Iren gently stroking his
hair and whispering encouragements, Windfeld's mouth quickly became
fawning an amorous. The centaurs mind flashed back to the first time
one of the tiny human mare's, had used her mouth to pleasure him. It
had been so strange, and unexpected he had not thought much about it.
Later he had watched wonderingly, as more women had lovingly sucked
his enormous masculinity. Slowly he began to try and do everything he
could remember them doing! Soon he had his unmerciful human master up
on his toes.

"Ohohoo yes! Ohooo where did you learn to do such things animal?" Iren
grunted ecstatically. Knowing that he would be punished if he told the
heartless human, it was from his own women. Windfeld's only answer was
to try harder, sucking the human's cock balls deep!

"Hoohoo! You really love being another man's slut!" Iren grunted.
Humping his obsequious fuck slave's hot oh so willing mouth lustfully!
Up on his toes the lean farmer roughly grabbed the back of the
centaurs head. Jerking it forward savagely, as he humped his slaves
fervidly sucking lip's!

"Swallow it! Swallow it all, you beast!" Iren rasped panting, fucking
his long cock down Windfelds weakly working throat. "Ohohoooho that
was very good!" The farmer gasped wearily as he spurted the last few
drops of his think greasy cum down the gelding centaur's throat! He
smiled at his amazed and amorously excited audience. "You deserve a
reward." The farmer panted, feeding his slave a small oat cake his
wife had baked earlier that day. The farmer knew how to break an train

"Now open your mouth for my friends here!" Iren ordered leering at the
fourteen young men who were now in his barn every evening, eager to
use the centaur fuck slave! Obediently windfeld did as he was
instructed, quickly losing track of the number of males he serviced.
He felt his long flowing tail being roughly pulled aside, and the now
very familiar feeling of a hard cock being brutally rammed into him!
As his cruel captors once again used his emasculated stallion's body
like it was a mare's! Just days earlier he would have fought to the
death if some centaur stallion had tried to use him like this! But now
blind and gelded, kept alive only at the pleasure of his molesters.
The once proud stud found himself not only enduring, but enjoying the
debaucheries his human masters were now inflicting upon him!


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