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Kitty Cutters Club 3
The Good Pet


Cameron lay naked between the two big hot furry bodies, the silky
feline fur and the body heat keeping the pink fur-less human warm
without a blanket covering him. In front of him Vorlan his young
master was pressed up against him, a smooth leathery paw covering his
denuded crotch. Where freshly healed scars throbbed a shiny red, the
Tiger having been the one to replace the humans genitals with those
scars. While behind him the much bigger body of Vorlan's father, Charn
was in town visiting for only a few weeks. But had been enjoying his
son's live in pet extensively, much to Cameron's delight. The eunuch
human found that being the meat in a father and son feline sandwich,
was about the sexiest thing he could have ever imagined.

Behind him the neutered human could feel that huge hot body pressing
against him, both felines were still asleep exhausted from the late
night. The human lay there very still, waiting and watching his
master in front of him. One hand softly stroking over that silky fur
covered body, impressed as always by the steel like muscle that was
hidden under that soft exterior. Slowly Vorlan’s eyelids opened, those
startling green eye’s burning with desire. Slowly he yawned and
stretched as his mind rapidly came fully awake, his muzzle leaning in
to touch his pet’s. That warm pink nose touching Cameron’s naked
flesh, before those soft feline lip’s pressed to his own. The humans
mouth as passive as all of the rest of him, as that rough feline
tongue thrust into his mouth. Rubbing over the pet’s own slick
tongue, and those still sensitive gums where the humans teeth had once

"Ummhumm." Cameron moaned softly as he lay there submissively letting
his master’s tongue rape his mouth. Enjoying the taste of that strong
muscle, the tastes of his masters dinner still thick in Vorlan’s
mouth. The ting of coppery blood... the musky sweet tastes of organ
meat. The human was very familiar with the flavors of different
species by now, the salty tang of equines. The bitter twang of other
predators like Wolves or Bears, and of course the overly sweet fatty
tastes of Pig’s and Humans. His master it seemed had feasted on
canines the night before, and had returned home to find his pet
sitting on his father lap. Speaking of which, Cameron could feel the
bigger, older Tiger’s hard barbed organ against his lower back.
"Ahaha... morning wood." The neutered human pet moaned in delight, as
he felt those huge hot paws on his naked body. So smooth and hairless
in his neutered state, so soft and vulnerable it seemed to excite the
predators to new sexual heights.

"Are you asking for it pet?" That deep rumbling voice purred lazily
and sexily in his ragged ear, the lobes having been passionately
chewed by needle sharp feline teeth.

"Ammmm yes please..." Cameron moaned softly in reply, as that hot
organ rubbed against that super sensitive spot at the base of his
spine. It had been a secret spot only his most intimate lovers had
known about before. Yet somehow these big sexy striped predators, had
found and used it almost at once.

"Mind if I join you Poppa?" Vorlan purred as he lifted his pets leg,
and rubbing his own hard barbed cock against that scarred denuded
crotch. "Ya know it’s a shame you don’t have a sheath." Vorlan
whispered to his helpless submissive pet, even as he stoked that hard
organ against Cameron’s sexless crotch.

"Heheh..." Charn chuckled lewdly as he heard that, his long cock
moving even lower. Between those pale pink globes of the neutered
humans rump cheeks, finding that hot little rut button. Still sticky
and burning hot from the use he’d put it to the night before,
shivering as he felt his son’s own hard cock pressing against the
under side of his own. "Please do... I think that is the only thing
that could make it even more exciting." Charn confessed as he slipped
his cock tip inside the humans hot orifice, feeling Vorlans cock tip
following suit.

"Ohoooo gods... Ohoo my GODS!" Cameron moaned loudly, his voice
ragged and breathless as his abused anus was stretched wider than it
ever had been before. As those two hard feline cock’s were forced
into him, as father and son pressed against him front and back. Each
growling and grunting striving to get themselves fully within him, to
take their pleasure from that neutered pet. Who’s only true desire
was to please them, to pleasure both big, powerful, beautiful
predators. Cameron draped his red head over Vorlan’s strong shoulder,
moaning and gasping for breath as he struggled to open himself for
them. All the while big Tigers stroked his soft naked body, growling
and whispering soft praise for their human pet. Bouncing that body
back and forth between them, as both hard cock thrust in and out of
that passive body. The humans rut hole so use to those barbed shafts,
that it was all pleasure for him now. And as those barbed cocks raked
over his prostate gland, the only sexual organ Cameron still
possessed. The human moaned and thrust himself back into them,
enjoying the sensation of being taken more than most males enjoyed
their own orgasms. As both father and son marvel at the sexual
servitude of this naughty pet, it was the only reason Vorlan had kept
him around. Unlike many castrated males, the human really wanted to
serve intact males... And loved the predators who had taken so much
from him, and where even now using him for their own delight.

"Yer such a slut... I love you little pet." Vorlan moaned into that
ragged pink ear, even as he wrapped his arm around both the human and
Charns torso. The older Tiger doing the same, the pair of them
sandwiching the human so tightly between them he almost can’t breath.
Still his panting and gasping only adding to the light headed feelings
of pleasure that fill the helpless neuters mind. As those two thick
animal organ’s drive in and out of him with ever growing lusts, as the
human can only agree with his beloved master.

"Of course after this... we will be hungry..." Charn’s deeper older
voice purred into the humans other ear, whiles his lip’s suck and
nibble on that ragged ear lobe playfully. "Maybe you can find us
something good pet..." The older Tiger hissed teasingly into the
obviously subservient rut pets well chewed ear. "Maybe a treat like
you’ve already given my son here... some of that sweet greasy male
flesh of your kind." Charn chuckled softly, as he felt Cameron hole
working wildly on his and Vorlan’s hard pounding cocks. And then
heard the big red head moan a soft agreement with those demands, he
knew where to get his master and Poppa Tiger just the treats they
wanted... Big hot paws relaxed on his bare skin, long needle sharp
claws digging into that pale naked flesh. Not deep, just enough to
make tiny pricks, bright crimson gems glittering on pale human skin...
As the two big predator climaxed hard within their boi toy... scalding
hot feline spoo coating that throbbing prostate. Sending Cameron into
his own seedless orgasm, clear slimy goo dipping from the small
urethra hole between those naked hairless thigh’s... As all three of
them bucked and humps in a wild mix of orgasmic pleasures...


"Oh come on..." The tall blond human grunted snickering derisively as
he saw the club. "The Watering Hole... that's just soooooooo 'cliche'
its pitiful." Tad smirked in imagined superiority, as the three
college students strolled into the dimly lit bar. The rich young New
York sophisticate... smirked to his two companions. They really
couldn't be called friends... for no really friendship existed between
them. The fact of the matter was, the only reason the three of them
hung around together was to see a similar face. They were all that
particular breed of nearly fur-less ape known as human. And that made
them unique in this specific college town... they were the distinct
minority. The other ninety nine point nine percent of the college and
the town were furry folk of various species.

The three young humans were radically different from one another, both
in looks and back grounds. Tad was a rich New Yorker bad boy... who
had picked this college just to piss his overbearing father off. And
his choice of a furry college had practically made blood shoot from
the old man's eye's. Tad had even made a habit of sending pictures of
himself and numerous furry females home. Hinting that one of them was
going to be a daughter in law sooner or later.

Kenny on the other hand was a slight skinny bespectacled nerd, who had
gotten a mathematics scholarship. Which meant that his dirt poor
family didn't have to pay for his schooling. A very good thing as they
didn't have two pennies to rub together. Kenny was smart and knew a
good thing when he saw it... and a full ride scholarship was worth
living with animals. At first he'd even thought he might get lucky,
but he wasn't having anymore success with the furry females than he
did with his own species. But at least he'd gotten to do a few things
no one would have ever expected him to. He'd felt up a drunken mare
at a frat party... and gotten a muzzle job from his furry male room

And lastly there was Cameron... a big burly jock, who had been offered
an athletic scholarship. And was the football teams token human
player, as well as being on the wrestling and lacrosse teams. The big
horny jock had discovered that he liked fur right off the bat. And now
was known as something of a male slut around campus... a fact he hid
from his two human companions. Luckily the other guy's really didn't
hang out with the furry folks that much... so naturally wouldn't hear
the rumors about the jock.

Cameron smiled and nodded to the huge white Bear doorman, as he led
Kenny and Tad into the club. The three humans taking a corner booth,
the handsome blond New Yorker grabbing a waiters tail. "Hey spots can
we get something to drink... I'll have a long island ice tea... Ya
know what that is right?"

"Of course..." The Cloud Leopard snarled, sounding more than a bit
offended with the human's condescending manner. But he quickly looked
around the table at the rest of them to get their orders as well,
before hurrying off with a shake of his long sexy tail.

"Whata fuckin' swish..." Tad laughed derisively as his bright blue
eye's scanned the room for females, but found a depressing lack of
them. "What kinda place have ya brought us to Red?" Tab never called
Cameron by his name, which more than mildly annoyed the big red head.

"The hottest club in the city... or so I've been told." The burly
jock answered mildly as he sat back and looked past Tad out into the
room. Spotting Vorlan and waving, slowly the handsome young Tiger
made his way through the crowd. Stalking up to the table as Tad
looked over smirkingly at Cameron.

"Oh where'd ya hear that... your teammates?" Tad sneered, he didn't
think much of jocks and furry ones in particular.

"Well it's all over town..." Cameron answered absently, as he smiled
faintly at his two companions. Who were looking up at the handsome
young Tiger as Vorlan strolled up greeting the red head.

"Well hello Cameron." Vorlan greeted, as he smiled widely down at the
big jocks two friends.

"Well hello Vorlan." Cameron replied, as he stood up clasping the
felines paw and clapping him on the back. "They say the Predator and
Prey show is really something to see."

"Oho it is..." Vorlan agreed, as Cameron awkwardly introduced him to
the two humans. Tad favoring the lean young feline with a condensing
smirk, while Kenny looked up at Vorlan with curious interest.

"Ammmm what?" Kenny choked looking around at the sleek striped
feline, more than a bit wild eyed. The pale skinny human knew all
about the predation laws, and had noticed the place was mostly filled
with big intimidating predators. Still there were some sleek sexy
rumps in the room, and the skinny nerdy human was a ass man. "You...
you mean like chew stuff off... Pred and Prey stuff." Kenny gulped,
as he twisted his head and craned his neck to get a better look at the
empty stage.

"Ohooooo really come on we all know the laws..." Tad snorted with a
smirked, but his eyes flickered up to the stage just as eagerly.
"It's not like they're going to have the real thing going on... right
on stage right in front of everyone." The tall blond Human snickered
as the house lights dropped, and the stage lights came up for the
first entertainment for the evening.

"Looks like we'll see how good it is... I guess." Cameron grunted
kinda noncommittally, as he invited Vorlan to join them. Sliding over
so that the sleek feline could sit between him and Kenny. While Tad
sat alone on his side of the table, even as all of them turned they're
attention towards the stage. The handsome young Tiger pressing
himself against Kenny, smiling at the nervous Human as he was looked
over lustfully.

While up on stage a slender handsome Cheetah was setting the scene for
the excited audience. A angry father who's caught the despoiler of
his daughters, and plans to solve the problem permanently. The red
velvet curtains roll back to reveal the angry father, a huge Tiger
that could be Vorlan's older brother. A big Zebra stood opposite him,
ankles and wrists chained to a massive X frame. His long black
erection standing straight out from his body, glistening wetly as if
it had just been plunging into some sloppy feline sex.

"You've been knocking up every female you can lay your hands on." The
big Tiger accused, as he stalked towards the bound equine

"Ummmm Surrrryyy." The struggling equine squealed threw the ring gag
holding his mouth open. "Hleeese Umm Suuurrryyy... I Oon't Oo it

"Liar... your a slave." The big Tiger accused as he reached out
stroking that glistening erection, that bounced up throbbing even
harder. As the felines silky paws caressed it's length, the big Tiger
teasing the horny equine unmercifully.

"Huuuhhhu?" The Zebra stallion moaned confused by the predators
tender touch, even as the Tiger half turned playing to the audience.

"Your a slave..." The big predator repeated as his silky paw ran down
that throbbing cock. "A slave to your base urges." He concluded, as
he cupped the Zebra's fat black jewel sack in one deadly paw. "You'll
say anything... promise anything now, but the moment I let you go
you'll sink that big piece of meat into some female."

"Nooo No I Wwwoonnt." The Zebra whimpered even as his hip's hump
slightly as his big cock dribbled slimy pre-cum everywhere.

"Do Not Lie To ME!" The big Tiger snarled, as he slung those big
balls down as if casting aside a bit of garbage. "Hell I bet I
wouldn't even have to let you go..." Charn smirked, as he reached
between the Zebra's wide spread legs from behind. Grabbing those
dangling orb's once again tugging them down savagely, this rough
treatment only making the equines long cock jump up and down in
excitement. "What do you think guys?" Charn purred loudly to the
watching crowd, who snickered and whistled derisively. "Should we
test him?"

"TEST TEST TEST." The audience chanted enthusiastically, even the
watching humans joining in caught up in the excitement. Kenny jumped
slightly as the young sexy Tiger sitting beside him's paw dropped into
his lap. Tearing his eyes away from the stage the nerdy human looked
over at Vorlan. The young Tiger smiled faintly and winked at the
startled human, as his nimble fingers fondled Kenny's rock hard
erection. A big dopy smile spreading across the nerdy human's face,
his eyes going back to the stage show.

"Very well... come out Suea Noi." The big Tiger called and the
audience clapped as a sleek smaller Tigress strolled out onto the

"Awwww this is sooooo fake." Tad snickered, however his eye's never
left the show, and indeed widened as he saw the naked Tigress. His
bright blue eyes running over every inch of her curves lustfully,
clearly the New Yorker was finding the show entertaining. Watching
lustfully as the nude Tigress strolled up to the horny equine, teasing
him with her sexy round buttocks. Long silky soft tail rubbing
against aroused male flesh tantalizingly, as she dance seductively
closer and closer to that throbbing, oozing erection.

The Zebra's swaying hip's began to thrust more excitedly, even as
Charns big sharp claws popped out. Suddenly the Zebra wasn't pulling
against strong fingers, but those deadly claws. The nervous stallion
whinnied shrilly through his long slotted nostrils, as frothy equine
sweat began to form on his sleek furry body. Clearly he knew what was
going on, knew if he wasn't careful and hold still. And yet as the
Tigress danced before him the horny equine just couldn't help thrust
at that small hot sex.

Bucking and squealing the bound stud could feel the heat of it on the
big blunt head of his mighty equine cock. Flaring nostrils taking in
the scent of her arousal at teasing him so. Not knowing a large part
of that arousal came from her knowledge of what was about to happen to
him. The Tigress pushed back a little farther, spreading herself for
the lustfully starring stud. Drops of crimson began to form on that
velvety black sack, slowly rolling down those big sharp claws. As the
horny stallion's bucking hip's began to pull that smooth ball sack
into those needle sharp points.

"Your getting close Slave." Charn purred in delight, as the wild eyed
stud struggled to restrain himself. "If that goes in... these come
off!" The big predator purred knowingly, flashing the watching crowd
a confident smile. The big Tiger was in control and knew perfectly
well how them drama was going to end. Reaching up with his other paw,
the big Tiger slowly unbound one of the stallion's big three fingered
hand. At first he just reached down fondling his raging erection, but
as those sleek sexy buttocks danced and pranced closer. The big
stallion's hip's made a short lunge, and the big equine squealed in
pain as those deadly claws sank deep into his jewel sack. The horny
stud pulled back momentarily as the pain flashed through his loins,
but the lust in burning in his brain almost instantly reversed the
motion. Stabbing that big blunt cock forwards, in a desperate need to
plunge into that dripping pussy.

"Ohooo yeah you want that don't you?" Charn purred tauntingly into
the Zebra's long pointed equine ear, even as the Tigress edged closer.
The stallion's eyes half closed as he saw that sexy damp orifice rub
against his massive fucked. And then his body arched spearing for the
heart of that heavenly delight, only to be brought up short.

The sound of ripping flesh could be heard all the way to the very back
of the club, the big Zebra's eyes flew open wide. Nostrils flaring
wide as a squeal of pain and sexual frustration exploded from him,
only to be drown out by rousing clapping and cheering from the
audience. Charn held up his blood paw, displaying that big black ball
sack to the rap audience. "Freed." He snickered, stepping forwards he
whispered to Suea Noi as he past by. "Finish him off... while I round
up a special treat." The wicked Tigress eye's the Zebra's huge black
erection, still pulsing in sexually frustrated need.

"My pleasure." The sexy Tigress purred, licking her lip's as the
curtain closed over the scene. The trapped equines eye's widening
even more as he realized he was not done losing yet. The sleek sexy
snow leopard waiter came up to take that dissever sack from the Tiger.
Carrying it away to the kitchens on a silver tray, even as Charn
stepped down off the stage. The house band picking up, as the first
show of the night was over.


Slowly licking the blood from his big paw, the Tiger slowly made his
way across the club. Vorlan lifted his left paw to wave the older
feline over, while his right had slithered into Kenny's trousers.
Teasing and taunting the human's surprisingly large hard on, already
coaxing a big wet spot on the human's pants. "Hey pop over here. The
young Tiger called guiding his parent to the booth where he and the
three human's sat.

"Ahah Hello Cam. Did you and your friends enjoy the show?" Charn
asked as he prowled over and flopped down into the booth next to Tad.

"Yes si..." Cameron started, but was cut off as Tad sneered at the
big Tiger and said.

"Heh... it was fun but totally faked looking." The brash New Yorker
snorted as he leaned back and took a long drink of his long island ice

"It... it looked pretty real to me." Kenny stammered as nimble
fingers traced over his throbbing erection.

"Yeah pop's good at that." Vorlan purred pushing his muzzle in closer
to the human's sweaty red face. Even as Kenny wondered if the young
Tiger had a paw in Cam's trousers as well.

"Oh?" Charn inquired as he studied the handsome young blond human
with a casually hungry look.

"Ya... I mean don't get me wrong the acting was good, but the special
effects were totally lame. And that Zebra was way to calm, I mean if
my ball's were really coming off I'd been reacting a lot more..." Tad
pause searching for the right word, even as a big hot paw suddenly
groped his crotch. "Dude... What The Fuck?" The straight human
choked jerking back from the big Tigers huge paw.

"Well it feel like our little show aroused you at least." Charn
smirked as he watched the handsome human settle back down in his seat.

"Never said I didn't." Tad grunted gruffly as he tried to look
confident and unintimidated by the big felines forwardness.

"Maybe you'd like to come up on stage and show us how a guy really
reacts." Charn offered with a taunting smile as Tad took another big
gulp of his drink.

"Ohooooo that'd be totally hot." Cameron teased as he watched the
interplay between predator and prey with satisfaction.

"Yeah maybe I will sometime." Tad snapped rising to the Tigers
baiting, he'd show these rubes. After all he'd been going to Broadway
shows since he was a kid, and minored in acting before being tossed
out of N.Y.U.

"I could have another show ready to go in twenty minutes." Charn
purred, as he watched the human grab Cloud Leopard waiter's tail and
yank on it hard. The Waiter only growing more annoyed by the New
Yorkers rude manners.

"Hey spots can I get another drink, long island ice tea. And tell
them not so much cola this time, if I wanted soft drinks I'd find a
sofa machine." Tad looked over at the big Tiger startled, had he
really been offered the starring role in a naughty stage show? "Ummm
well twenty minutes huh... well maybe I dunno."

"Sure... come on Tad." Cameron urged as he leaned back so Kenny could
see the paw inside his trousers caressing his crotch playfully.

"It would be and exotic delight for my patrons to see a human, there
are so few around here." Charn prodded stroking the humans ego non to
gently, even as he watched the blond drain half his newly arrived

If word ever got back home that he'd been in a live furry sex show his
old man would have a coronary Tad thought. "Ha sure... why the hell
not? I suppose I could give your customers a treat and show off
Prince Everhard." He boasted fondling his own cock through the fabric
of his tight jeans.

"Wonderful." Charn purred standing up at once and giving them all a
wide smile. "I'll go get things really and send for you when
everything is in place."

"Yeah... you do that." Tad smirked as he finished his second drink
and caught the waiters attention.

"Wow Tad." Kenny breathed as the big Tiger walked away and Vorlan's
paw worked it's way into his boxers. "I... I could never do...
couldn't get up on stage in front of all these." The nerdy human
stammered, trying to keep attention away from what was going on
between his legs under the table.

"Not my first time." Tad smirked, as he took a new drink from the
Cloud Leopard waiter who now seemed to be working at only their table.
"I've done Shakespeare in the park back home."

"Well this aint Shakespeare." Vorlan snickered, as his left paw
slowly tugged on Kenny's drooling erection. And his right paw slide
over Cameron's smooth crotch and down to his well used tailhole.

"Fuck I know that!" Tad exclaimed as he sipped his fourth drink,
feeling light headed and excited. "You freaks should feel lucky, that
your getting someone who know what real entertainment is to play it
yer little pervy show." Tad snorted derisively as he jerked on the
waiters tail again for another refill.

"Oh we are... I assure you." Vorlan purred with delight as he saw his
father coming back towards them. "I await with baited breath your
performance on our stage. I'll truly enjoy the end results."

"Damn right you will... you'll be seeing a true artist at work." Tad
snorted as he finished his drink and looked around cockily, owlish
eyes blinking as he saw the big Tiger had returned. Bowing deeply
Charn gestured grandly to the dark and quite stage.

"Your public awaits... my exotic prey." Tad smirked as he stood up
and flashed the guys a big gloating grin. Following the big Tiger off
across the club, with the Snow Leopard trailing along behind.

"Why don't we take this up to my dads private office." Vorlan purred
seductively as he tugged on Kenny's rock hard erection playfully.
"And then we can let this big boy out to play." The sleek sexy
striped feline winked at the pale nerdy human, as he wiggled his soft
paw out of those tented trouser.

"Let... let it out?" Kenny choked as he remembered how wonderful his
Rabbit room mates mouth had felt.

"Ammm hmmm, we can take our drinks." Vorlan purred licking his lip's
with that rough pink feline tongue, even as he shared a look with
Cameron. "I'd love to have it inside of me." The humans watery green
eyes bulged behind his thick glass's, as the Nerd panted in lust.

"I... I'd... I'd be ok with that." Kenny stammered as the three up
them stood up, and headed to the stairs behind the bar. The Nerdy
Kenny holding on to the Tigers long tail as he watched the sleek
felines ass sway as he climbed. The human wondering what it would
feel like to be inside that sexy ass.


"Heh... so I'm goina get to play with that sexy Tigress?" Tad
snickered drunkenly, as he followed Charn back stage, the human was
already fondling himself.

"She's taking a rest." Charn explained as he helped the tall blond
human get undressed, the New yorker was fur-less with a sleek swimmers
build. His skin golden tanned over smooth welled defined muscles that
played arousingly as he moved. "But don't you worry, I've got you a
soft playmate lined up." Charn assured as he push a paper into the
human's hands. "Sign on the dotted line please..." "Whats this?" Tad
asked groggily as he tried to look the paper over quickly.

"Its a standard agreement saying your doing this of your on free will,
and that I'm not obligated to pay for your performance." The big sexy
Tiger explained as he lead the naked human over to a Chinese rape
chair and had him take a seat.

"Oh... I see." Tad smirked, so the Tiger didn't wanta have to pay him
scale for a real performance. Quickly he signed his name on the paper
and pasted it back to the feline.

"Wha no X frame?" Tad grunted as he looked the chair over, it was
kinda frilly and effeminate.

"No our audience enjoys many different scenarios, in this one your a
party guest who's fallen into this rather frilly trap." The big Tiger
explained as he gently shoved the naked human down into the seat.
"Now here you are trapped and stripped, helpless and about to be eaten
by your host." Charn purred as he secured Tad's wrists and ankles
into the chairs ornate restraints. "Now try to talk your way out of
it, and of course give us a dramatic reading as your neutered."

"Oh don't worry I'll give your crowd the best show they've ever seen."
The drunken human boasted as the big Tiger smiled and nodded.

"I'm counting on it." Charn purred, and then stepped through the
curtain. The house light came up illuminating the stage, as Charn
stalked forward. "And now my fellow predators, we have a rare treat
for you. A bit of that fur-less ape, a real live human has generously
agreed to be your entertainment." The crowd hooted and laughed loudly
at these words, but seemed to be highly pleased by the rarity of their
treat. "So I expect you to give a very warm welcome to Tad the human
slut." And with that the curtain pulled back, revealing the naked
human struggling weakly at his restraints.

The bright lights blinded Tad for a few moments, and he blinked
owlishly as the watching crowd whistled and applauded wildly.

"Looks good enough to eat!" Someone called out from the audience,
drawing lewd laughter and more cat call's. And then a shadow fell
over him, making the arrogant human squint up at the soft fuzzy figure
before him.

"Wha... you!" Tad snorted in shocked amusement, at the sexy naked
predator that was towering over him. "You gonna take my order, ya
already know what I'm drinkin' or can't you remember?" The sexy young
Snow Leopard smiled down at the helpless human in delight.

"Long island ice tea... I never forget anything." Sharako the bell
ringer chuckled darkly, as he pushed the rape chair back into a
reclining position.

"Any... anything?" Tad gulped, as he remembered how he'd been
treating the sometimes waiter all night. But then gathered up
courage, the Snow leopard was still a employee after all. He would do
anything the big Tiger didn't want him to, or he'd lose his job. Of
course Tad might lose a lot more, nawwww he'd follow the script.
"Hey... what is this?" Tad demanded falling into his role as trapped
party guest, his handsome face mugging and twisting up in over
dramatic pantomime.

"This is a Chinese rape chair." The Snow Leopard growled lustfully
and one big hot paw dropped to fondle the human's erect organ. "And
you are a special treat... to me and all my party guest." Sharako
gestured grandly to the audience, who reacted with great excitement
and amusement.

"WHAT? Rape... No you can't do this. I'm a straight male, I don't do
that kinda thing!" Tad protested dramatically rolling his eyes and
tossing his head back and forth.

"You won't be... once you lose those." Sharako purred as he lifted
the blond human's nearly hairless scrotum in one his hot feline paw.

"Noooooooooooooo." The human wailed in obviously fake emotion,
bucking and struggling far to weakly against his restraints.


"What a ham!" Vorlan chuckled, as the now naked Tiger helped Kenny
out of his undies; and sat him on the sofa in front of the big screen.
"Luckily Sharako love pork." The sleek Tiger joked as he sank to his
knee's in front of the nerdy human, spreading his knobby knee's with
big silky paws. "Now me... I prefer Trout." Vorlan purred leaning in
to lick the shiny pre-cum off the big purple helmet of the human's
cock, making Kenny shudder in pleasure. "Trouser trout that is." The
sexy young feline purred, kissing his way down the underside of that
big throbbing shaft.

"Hohoooo." Kenny moaned as he watched the action on the big screen,
Cameron was still taking his clothes off across the room. "Your mouth
is soooo hot." Kenny moaned as the Tiger nuzzled and licks his hairy
ball sack and then back up his pulsing cock shaft. Unlike Tad,
Kenny's pubic hair was thick and brown looking almost black against
the ghostly pale skin of his naked crotch.

"And you taste so nice." Vorlan purred, as he rubbed the human's
throbbing cock over the smooth silky fur of his muzzle. Making Kenny
moan loudly again, his hip's bouncing up and down in excitement. "You
just lean back and enjoy the show." Vorlan whispered as his hot mouth
engulfed that rock hard cock, suckling on it powerfully as the nerdy
human's eyes focused on the screen...


Tad was bucking and struggling more realistically not, as Sharako
shoved a big smooth finger pad up his asshole. "Owwww FUCK!" The
struggling human screamed, this wasn't supposed to be part of the
show. "Damnit that fucking hurts you ANIMAL!" Tad cursed as the big
sexy feline toy with him, like the helpless prey he was. The crowd
reacting to the A-word with outraged hiss's, and dark mutters of
aggressive desire.

"You'll thank me later." Sharako purred, as he finger raped that hot
tight orifice for a few moments longer. Much to the crowds
titillation, glancing out into the audience Tad saw dozens of drooling
muzzles. Suddenly remembering something the Tiger said about audience
participation, but then forgot all about it again. As he felt the
sensation of something sharp being dragged along the smooth skin of
his jewel pouch. So the show was really about to start, ok here came
his masters performance.

"Owwww Damn... Wha... What are you doing?" Tad screamed frantically,
as he watched the felines lip's curl up into a leering smile.

"I'm going to take your orbs, those things that make you male."
Sharako chuckled, clearly delighted by his prey's over the top

"Nooo... Nooooo... Not my BALLS!" Tad squealed tossing his head and
closing his eyes dramatically as the Snow Leopards paw lifted up. A
single Claw popping out, as Sharako stretched the wrinkled skin of
that soft scrotum out.

"Yes your balls, I'm going to take them and cook them." The sexy Snow
Leopard purred as he swiped that claw down swiftly, the human's eye's
popped open wide. And he jerked trying to sit up, as that needle
sharp claw ripped his sack wide open.

"Wha... Wha... WHA..." Tad stammered, for the first time that night
giving a masterful performance as he struggled to get away from that
pain in his loins. Looking down shocked the handsome blond human
watch his two pale egg's drop out of his ruined sack. "Oh My God...
Oh My God... he's really... really doing it!" The New Yorker squealed
looking around wildly at the watching crowd. "No... No really, he's
taking my balls!" Tad screamed, watching in horror as the audience
laughed out loud. They knew... they all knew it was really happening
and they all knew it. "I... I don't agree to this... I didn't this is
legal... you all going to jaiILILIIEIEIEE!" The human screamed, as
his first fat nut was disconnected from his body and laid upon a
silver tray...


"Wow it looks so... so really." Kenny moaned as he watched it all on
the big hi def TV screen.

"Of course it does." Cameron moaned, as he sat beside the nerd on
that big sofa.

"That's because its real." Vorlan mumbled, as he pushed Kenny to the
edge of orgasm for the seventh time in a matter of minutes.

"Ammm wha..." Kenny moaned in desperate need his ball's feeling like
their about to explode, his long cock bounced up and down wildly.

"Show him Cam." Vorlan ordered softly, as he teased his way down the
underside of that pulsing shaft. Suddenly Kenny's view was blocked,
just as Tad's second egg was dropped onto that tray. The nerd
suddenly found himself looking at the big jocks groin, which was
notable for the things that weren't there.

"Wha... Cam wheres your?" Kenny choked as the big jock moved over to
cuddle against him, guiding the nerds trembling fingers to the angry
red scar.

"I gave it all up for my masters pleasure..." Cameron explained
softly as Vorlan suckled Kenny's hairy ball sack into his muzzle.
"Like Tad's just done..." He gestured to the screen, where Tad's
naked balls where being whisked off to the kitchens. And the big Snow
Leopard was pressing his thick feline prick up the human's quivering
asshole. Even as the flexible feline bent over and slid the head of
Tads fat cock into his mouth.

"Oho Wow... oho fuck that sooooo hot." Kenny moaned, bucking and
struggling on the verge of a powerful orgasm. Vorlan suckled those
fat orb's into the bottom of that velvety sack, even as he rubbed his
furry head against the human's dripping erection.

"Join us..." Cameron urged, as he let Kenny's trembling hand rub over
his smooth sexless crotch.

"Feed me please." The young Tiger mumbled as he suckled on those
hefty nuggets lustfully.

"Unload... you know you want to..." Cameron urged as he reached over
and began to stroke Kenny's throbbing cock. "Tell him to eat it." A
powerful shiver raced down Kenny's spine as the big neutered jock's
breath whispered ticklishly into his ear.

"Yeah... oho fuck yeah eat me!" The human moaned out loudly,
instantly those big deadly jaws closed. "Ohooooooooooooooo!" Kenny
squeals his long cock tensing and shooting a massive loud across the
room to splatter onto the TV screen. Even as Sharako moved aside, and
let one of the audience take his place in the now cockless human's

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