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Night At The ER
(Night In The ER)

Greg walked wearily up to the nurses station, and picked up the next
folder. "Palmer... Mr. Palmer." The young intern called suppressing
an exhausted yawn, he'd been working for over twenty two hours so far.
As the Squirrel called the name a big red headed human stood up and
shuffled across the room. Greg had been working the ER for a few
weeks now, and knew that cramped ginger staggering shuffle all to
well. "Follow me please sir." He called over his narrow shoulder, as
he spun and lead the way into examining room three.

Once inside he turned and gave the big human a knowing smirk, as he
tugged on a pair of blue latex gloves. "Please remove your
trousers... and have a seat on the table please." The Squirrel busied
himself preparing a syringe full of antibiotics, and a couple of
bottles of Beta-dine for wound cleansing. The room was instantly
filled with the scents of male musk's... drying fluids and of course
clotting drying blood. As the human removed his trousers, and
nervously climbed up on the examination table. The sterile paper
crinkling uncomfortably under his naked sweaty sticky buttocks.

"Ummmm don't you want to know what happened?" The human asked, as he
slipped out of his loose fitting trousers and sat up on the table.

"Spread your leg's please." Greg asked before he had even turned
around, the Squirrel winced when he saw the gaping wounds between
those pink fur-less thigh's. "That is painfully obvious..." Greg
snorted, as he quickly gave the human the injection to take care of
any infections. "So what kind of Predator did it?" Greg asked as he
placed the empty syringe into a sharp items safety box, and then
leaned forwards to inspected the gaping wounds.

"Big sexy Tiger." The blushing human admitted as the little rodent
began cleansing those aching wound with the icy cold antiseptic.

"So... by your tone I take it this was a voluntary... sacrifice." The
Squirrel doctor drawled in a bored sounding voice, he'd seen a lot of
this kind of thing.

"Ummm yes I guess so..." The big burly human mumbled, obviously
somewhat embarrassed by admitting that he had fed some anonymous
Predator his male hood.

"Well that makes things much easier." The young Doctor explained with
a wane smile, as he debridled a few bits of necrotic flesh. "Just one
signature on the release papers... and no one will ever have to know."
The Squirrel assured as he began to stitch up of the ruined flesh of
that empty scrotum, leaving a small opening in the bottom where the
wound could drain. "No need to involve the police... swear
statements... take tooth or claw impressions." Greg explained slowly,
as he began working on the gaping pit where the human's pink little
penis should have been.

Carefully cleaning it and removing any necrotic or unnecessary flesh,
before rerouting what was left of the human's urethra. Before closing
up the gaping pit where that funny bit of male flesh had hung. "You
will have to urinal sitting down now..." The young Doctor explained
as he finished stitching up those wounds, and bathed them in
antiseptic one last time. "I'm writing you a proscription for some
antibiotics, as well as some pain medication. If pain and redness
persists for more that a week, of if you have heavy discolored
drainage return to the ER at once. Otherwise, see your family
practitioner in three to four weeks to have the stitches removed.
He'll need to talk to you about hormone replacement therapy, you have
no sexual organs of course. However there are other things that need
to be addressed, and the hormones will take care of those. "Have a
good night."

"Ummm ok thank you Doc." The human called as the young Sqiuirrel
smiled and nodded. Greg walked wearily up to the nurses station, and
picked up the next folder. "Cameron..." The young intern called
suppressing an exhausted yawn, as the Squirrel called the name a big
roan equine stood up and shuffled across the room. Greg had been
working the ER for a few weeks now, and knew that cramped ginger
staggering shuffle all to well. "That makes seven." The young rodent
mumbled under his breath as, the big red headed human staggered placed
them and out the door. "Follow me please sir." He called over his
narrow shoulder, as he spun and lead the way into examining room four.

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