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The Club Chapter 1
Workin' In The Club


Mr. Briar was a fellow who recognized the forces that moved the world,
his lively hood after all was was governed by them as much as any
other. More so in fact... the tall laconic lupine admitted to himself
with a wry smile. Slowly the large dark Wolf lifted his muzzle from
his desk and rubbed his eyes wearily, running the Club was one thing.
But living over it certainly cut into ones sleep, still the perks were
beyond compare. The Wolf lazily climbed to his feet, rolling his
powerful shoulders and padding lazily over to his closet. He tugged on
the usual suit, and sighed pacing back behind his desk and leaning
back in the chair behind it. Steepening his digits, and resting his
muzzle to one side the Wolf externally at least appeared to be two
things. Bored and imposing, his dark eyes exuding a quiet
disinterested malice that he liked to start interviews with. His Club
you see was not the norm, it catered largely to the kind of males that
called themselves straight acting. The Lupine rolled his eyes at the
demographics self labeled absurdity and shrugged, not his job to judge
just to exploit. These supposed males males liked to shove their dicks
in effeminate neuters, possibly because it assuaged their self hatred
at their sexual identity. Possibly just because the male bitches he
kept were the best dick suckers this side of the border, they even
smelt like females... all thanks to a little business trick. The Wolf
glanced up, his black furred ears peaking as he heard a firm knock
upon his office door, good the first appointment of the day had
arrived. The big lusty Wolf felt his sizable sheath stir within its
silken prison.

"Come..." The big Wolf called as he sat back in his huge leather bound
desk chair, watching as the office door open and a couple of college
aged studs came in. The big lupine licked his lips in surprised
pleasure, as he saw that the fliers the Club spread around the local
college campus paid off once again. Every new semester those fifty
dollar fliers paid for themselves a thousand fold, and this semester
was proving to be no exception. Across from him stood two obvious best
friends, both clutching a flier in their paws. One was a rather plain
soft looking equine, but the other was something much rarer in this
city; a fur-less pink skinned Human. Those were rare in this part of
the world, and would bring in a premium because of the history of
Humans having owned Furs in the past. Those days were long gone of
course, but some furs had long memories... equines and bovines
especial. The big Wolf's smile wided as greeted the pair, listening as
they stammered their interests in working in the Club.

Mr. Briar leaned back with a faint smirk, and nods his ears flicking
as the two expressed their interests in working for his Club. His big
bushy tail saying lazily, as he glanced the equine up and down
appraisingly, some of the bigger preds liked a nice soft plump filly
for their entertainment. But the Human now that was another matter,
the Human looked reasonable enough, he wasn't in such bad shape, lean,
longish hair. Oh yes... he'd make a delightful lap dancer... those big
draft Horses and Bull's would really enjoy him! The Wolf nodded his
head and spread his paws expansively as he said. "So my bonny lads, I
am Mr. Briar. So what can you bring to the table, extol your virtues
and make me think your useful." The big sexy Wolf demanded, a playful
glint in his lustful predatory gaze.

"Ummm... Ummmm... I'm... Errr... we're dancers." The Pony stallion
explained in a excited rush, obviously they had noticed the dancing
cages that dangled from the ceiling. "And... and we'd be ok... ya know
taking it off... if... if that's part of the job." The little equine
volunteered, while his human buddy blushed a bright cherry red.

"Ummm of course we know that your most likely looking for waiters and
bus boys." The blushing Human countered, as he couldn't help shivering
while looking into the Wolfs gray startling eyes. Suddenly having a
bad feeling, as he watched the big Wolf lick his lip's as they were
looked over. "Uhum... of course if you've already filled the positions
we understand of course."

"Dancers are fine." Mr. Briar reply's smiling faintly and clearly
enjoying the pairs discomfort his tail flicking slowly. "How about I
put on a little music and we'll put you two through your paces...
hmmm?" The dark Lupine doesn't give the pair time for a responses, his
tail wagging as he flicks a switch. And leans back folding his arms
and smirking, he could feel the seams of his suit straining to contain
the muscular bulk of his frame. Mr. Briar listened to the saucy little
beat with little interest, his eyes locked upon the bodies of the
young prey before him.

"Uhum..." Jerome choked a little uncomfortably as the Wolf agreed to
let them be dancers... the burly Human wasn't sure he wanted to be
exposed like that. Roan his slender Equine buddy wasn't bothered at
all and quickly leaped to his hooves, dragging his Human buddy up with
him. And then the two of them began to dance... the little Pony
stallion quickly getting into it dancing and prancing sensually. Even
stripping his tank top off with a little prompting from the Wolf,
while Jerome his Human buddy was proving not to be the exhibitionist
the Pony was.

"I think your friend there could use a little help getting into it."
The Wolf snorted, getting the obviously eager to please Pony to dance
over and begin helping the Human to dance. Putting his big three
fingered hands on Jerome's hip's to help him sway and bob seductively,
and then skinned off the big Human's football jersey. Exposing that
naked pink skin, the muscle rippling beneath it in a decidedly
masculine way. Even as the little Pony stallion's hands ran all over
that massive torso in a obviously familiar way. Mr. Briar leaned
forwards watching with keen interest, he could feel the thickness of
his shaft rubbing along his thigh. As it swelled obscenely leaking his
clear goopey musky pre... he bit down lightly upon his lip and started
to smirk. "Well I can definitely see one of you as a dancer, but I
think the pinky needs to turn around and show off a few more goods."
The big lustful Lupine grunted, leaning back in his chair. "You do
need the money after all I'm sure."

The burly Human choked at Mr Briars words, but his little equine pal
quickly helped out. Spinning the big Human around and tugging down his
loose fitting sports pants. Those naked pink buttocks fully exposed,
as the young jock was wearing only his sweat stained jock strap. The
pouch of which was bulging noticeably, obviously the Pony wasn't the
only one getting excited by showing off. The Human tried to protest to
his friend, and was blushing very very red now... the blush creeping
down his neck to his upper chest. As he looked back over his shoulder
at the leering Wolf, the jock was normally unbothered by nakedness. In
front of other males of course, but for some reason the big Lupine
made Jerome very nervous. His leering predatory look made the Human
very uncomfortable... the big jock had never felt intimidated by other
males and had never been sexual prey. Humans however had spent
millions of years learning to ignore they own instincts, and the big
jock had never had to worry about being prey... sexual or otherwise.

"Ummmm so whatcha think?" Jerome stammered bending over to pick up his
sports pants in front of the Wolf, just giving a brief flash of that
tiny Human pucker.

"I think you'll have plenty of good tippers." The Wolf stated
truthfully enough, swallowing a little, his claws leaving furrows in
the desk as he fought to keep his composure. "Of course you have to
understand, while I do have other posts open; there is only one dancer
position available." The lusty Wolf lied glibly, as he decided to push
things alone faster. "So of course I'll need you both naked, so that
we can see which of you will be more suited for.. one of our other
'positions'." The dark Wolf relished the last word, licking his lips
and hitting a little button on the under side of the desk to lock the
office doors. Essentially sealing the two hapless future employees in
with the their new boss. "Now pinky, I want to see if your half as
good with your tongue as your Pony friend over there looks to be, suck
him off." He folds his arms watching the confused and embarrassed
Human bouncing back and forth from one foot to another. "Need I remind
you that the hours are shorter and the pay far more substantial than
the burger flipping your colleagues will be stuck doing?"

"Wha..." Jerome grunted in surprise as he looked from the Wolf to his
small equine buddy, the flaming gay pony stripped off at once of
course. Standing there grinning and stroking his short thick stallion
cock playfully, as the Human jock tried to wiggle his way out of this.
"Ummm... I'm really not comfortable... Ummmm you know... suckin'
dick." The jock considered himself straight, even tho' he let the Pony
suck him off constantly.

"Owwww come on J it's just this once ya know to get the job..." Roan
pointed out knowing his buddy needed the money much more than he did,
but also wanting to get the big jock to suck his cock even if it was
just once. "And you heard Mr. Briar... dancers get paid a lot more
than bus boi's." Roan wheeled as he stroked his drooling erection a
bit fast, whispering that he'd make it go quick.

"Twelve dollars and hour vs minimum wage for a bus boy." The big Wolf
growled obvious excited by the interplay between the two friends, it
was arousing and entertaining at the same time. "Twelve dollars an
hour plus tips." The Wolf reminded the pair with a grin, running his
bright ruby red tongue over his lips. With a wide smile that could
only be described as voracious. "Help your Pony buddy show he's got a
bit of endurance, some of our dancers in the past have been such
exhibitionists they've cum on stage. All over the clientele, popular
with some... much less so with others." The Wolf states with a pained
express his tail flicking wildly back and forth as he watched the pair
intensely. "Now get to it already pinky..." He rumbled deliberately
using the common slur for Humans in a low tone indicating that his
patience was wearing thin. Even as the Human moved towards the Pony,
the Lupine quietly opened a draw in his desk. Murring softly in
anticipation, as he gazed down at a wickedly sharp hunting knife that
he so loved to use for these occasions. Soon he'd have another nice
pair of gelded bitch bois for the customers to enjoy...

"Ummm well..." Jerome gulped as he looked from the all business
sounding Wolf, back to his equine friend's long thick Stallion cock.
"Well... ok maybe just this.... this once." The big pink skinned jock
grunted, as he moved over and knelt in front of the horny pony. Roan
smiled down at him, as the big human lowered himself into that passive

"I always go off fast from sucking." The Pony stallion moaned softly
so that only Jerome could hear, even as his big three fingered hands
settled on that red haired head. Roan leaned forwards shoving his big
blunt cock head against those soft hot Human lip's, smearing hot gooey
equine pre-cum over them. "Ahaha yeah that's it... Ohohooo that feels
so good!" Roan moaned talking more and more lewd and dirty as his
straight jock buddy sucked his first cock. Jeromes face burned with
greater and greater humiliation as Roan talked, looking up as he
realized that his friend was at last getting something he'd wanted for
a long time. "Rub my balls." Roan ordered, as his big hands stroked
the Human's head, even while his hip's thrust forwards almost gagging
Jerome. The human feeling more and more ashamed and yet oddly more and
more submissive as he worked to take that huge fuck stick.

"Ammmmm..." Jerome moaned around that hard cock, as the taste of the
stallions cock proved much more pleasant than he'd expected. The
Ponies pre-cum sweet and salty, the thick slime smoothing the path
deeper into the humans throat. While the pony stallion normally
passive, was really enjoying topping his burly jock buddy. The big
Lupine grinned, watching the scene with growing arousal and amusement.
As the Humans more submissive side came to the forefront. his teeth
bared in a broad smirk his arousal throbbing with dull need. Soon he
promised himself quietly, soon they would belong to him. The Human was
gagging as the stallions shaft sank into his throat, the contractions
of the Humans esophagus only serving to pleasure the Pony stud
further. It was clear however that the Human was enjoying this, the
pleasantly ample bulge in the jocks jock strap standing testament to
that. Considering things the Wolfs tail flicked, it seemed likely to
him that drunk on pleasure from a rare experience on top. The Pony
could be manipulated for further fun in this situation, maybe he'd let
the equine fuck the Human before he took the jocks balls... And then
he could enjoy stealing the equines, after letting him have his one
final orgasm as a complete male into the Human.

Jerome was struggling to breath through his noses, even as the Pony
cock pushed down his throat blocking his air way. Oddly this didn't
bother him too much, indeed he was feeling a kind of hot, dizzy
euphoria. Stroking Roan's big dangling nuts with his right hand Jerome
reached down to free his own surprisingly long erection of the sweat
stained pouch of his jock strap. Nine inches of smooth hard Human fuck
muscle jutted out the side of that pouch, bobbing and curving slightly
to the left. Dripping and drool his shiny pre-cum onto the Wolf's
carpet, even as the Human stroked himself awkwardly while rubbing the
Pony's fat balls.

"Ummmm fuck... that's so good... yer sooo good at that." Roan whinnied
loudly, barely suppressing his desires to slam his whole length down
the Human's virgin throat. "Yeah... Ohooo yeah suck it... suck my
dick... damn you suck better than a cheerleader." The little Pony
panted breathlessly, obviously repeating what the big Human jock had
said to him. The Lupine smirked, letting his slacks slip down as he
stands and pads over the lustfully engaged males, towering over the
other two as he draws near. His potent scent filling the air with the
raw sexual pheromones of his Lupine lust, his fat throbbing dick
drooling pre-cum. As he stops the Human from pawing his own length,
and guides the jocks hand to his fat cock with a low growl. Jerome
takes the hint and begins stroking it at once, smirking the Wolf
notices the equine inhaling deeply, cute horsy nostrils twitching.

"Ummm..." Jerome grunted glancing sideways at the big Wolf, as that
strong paw pulled his hand away from that leaking hard on. But sliding
that big hot lupine sausage into his hand, slick and throbbing that
huge fuck muscle felt very arousing to the Human. Who was already
feeling very naughty, and excited about the horse cock in his mouth.
The feeling of that hard doggie bone in his fist, only added to the
already taboo nature of what was happening. But then that was one
reason he went to college to expand his horizons after all. So that
even while Roan choked him with that big thick equine cock, Jerome's
fingers became more and more interested in that big slimy canid cock.

Mr. Briar smirked, his fat shaft spurting pre-cum over the humans
muzzle, his thick potent musk smothering all scent of the equine for
the Human, those potent natural pheromones setting off sparks in the
Humans head. Even as the Wolf gently pushed the equine back, and
tugged the Human to his feet. Prior to brusquely shoving the Human
stumbling over to his desk, smirking as the boy braced against it. And
then shoved the Pony after him, with a low lustful demanding growl.
"Fuck this pinky in his boi pussy hoss, your going to be his first or
I will." The big dark Wolf growled his thick fuck stick twitching
between his legs, clearly a slab of dick meat that'd nearly kill a
first timer. "Fuck him." He repeated licking his rolled back lips,
long bushy tail lashing in eager anticipation of catching the pair at
their most vulnerable.

Jerome snorted inhaling those powerful Lupine pheromones, leaving the
already breathless and dizzy Human even more dazed and confused.
Bright flashes sparkling in front of the young jocks eyes, as he at
last kissed that velvety sheath. Just before that long fuck stick was
dragged back out of his throat, and he was roughly dragged to his
feet. Before being forced over against that huge desk, already half
bent over it. "Wha..." Jerome choked looking back over his shoulder,
as Roan's hot furry equine body was pushed against him. That hot wet
equine cock bouncing back and forth between the Human's naked thigh's,
still longer that the Humans own long pink cock.

"Ummmm damn..." Roan moaned, shocked to find that he was really
wanting to do what the Wolf was asking him to do. "Yeah... Oh Yeah!"
The short Pony moaned, drawing his hip's back and guiding that thick
rut stick between those big round ass cheeks. As the Pony's trembling
hands spread those sleek round fur-less butt cheeks.

"OHO HEY!" Jerome shouted, as he felt that big blunt cock head droving
between his trembling ass cheeks, the big jock looking back in wild
eyed terror. "No waaaaaaAAAAAAIIIIAIAI." His protest turning into a
scream, as that big cock was pounded hard against his virgin pucker.
The big jocks knee's trembling and half buckling as that massive cock
head stretched his gates. Helping to drive that massive organ into
him, even as his own cock bounced up and down drooling slimy Human
pre-cum over the side of the Wolf's desk. "OHO MY GODS... OHOOO MY
GODS!" The Human screamed, as that huge stallion flare popped through
his virgin anal sphincters, and then slid smoothly into the depths of
his shiver body. The formerly straight virgin jock stud... now a
bottom bitch with a cock up his butt. The big Lupine slipped back
round to his desk retrieving his knife, and hiding it for now in one
large meaty paw. As he swept back up behind the equine, grinning as he
looped powerful arms about the Pony. Kissing his long equine neck and
rumbling softly, the Wolfs monster fuck meat drooling up the small of
the Ponies back as he nips over the smaller males neck.

"Your going to be a good obedient little filly... aren't you?" He
rumbled soft and questioningly while drawing his hips back, letting
his fat fuck meat slide down to hot dog between the equines flexing
rump cheeks. Even as the horny Pony breeds his Human fuck buddy
brutally like a uncooperative mare.

"YY... Yes sir." Roan nickered as he felt that huge Lupine cock hot
and wet against his back, a shiver of delight running down his strong
spine. The little pony panting as he felt that bone slide in between
his butt cheeks, even as Roan's hip's pounded his buddy's firm round
pink ass cheeks. Inhaling deeply he murrs, his cock spurting goopey
pre-cum over the future fillies rump in excitement. The cocktail of
male musk in the room heady and intoxicating, clearly blunting the
other twos cognition. And even leaving the Wolf barely in control of
his faculties, as he pressed his fat dick to the equines perfect
doughnut shaped anus. He groaned with pleasure, as the Pony drew his
hips back inadvertently impaling himself on the Wolfs fuck meat. Roan
whinnying with surprise, forced to fuck himself on the big Wolf cock
to keep ploughing his slutty jock friend.

"WWWEEEHEHEHEEE." Roan squealed as he was impaled on that thick Wolf
bone, the little bottom Ponies anal ring opening easily to let that
huge thing inside him. "Ohoooo yes.... yes sir." Roan nickered in
total pleasure, and submission as he at last got what he was wanting
all a long. Oh he loved making Jerome suck him... and now pumping his
long cock into that virgin tail hole was wonderful. But what was
really getting him off was that cock throbbing inside of him.

"Owww Ohoo Gods." Jerome screamed again, although this time it sounded
like he was a lot happier about his new position. With the little
Ponies cock slamming into him, and the big Wolfs fuck thrusts adding
weight and pleasure to Roan's hard thrusts. The big jock spread his
legs wider, bending down over that desk his ass thrusting up and back
to meet Roan's powerful rut thrusts. "Ummmm... Ummmm yeah... yeah give
it to... to me." He begged breathlessly, as he head dropped
submissively so that he could look back between his wide spread legs.
Rumbling deeply with pleasure, the dark Lupine ran his fangs over the
Ponies powerful neck. Eliciting shivers and soft whinny's from the
rutting equine, feeling that tight stretchy rump clench down on his
thick cock. Mr. Briar moaned faintly as his shaft spurted still more
pre-cum into the equines ass, a hole that was quickly becoming as wet
as any true mares pussy.

"I can make you feel this good every day... if you just do one thing
for me." The wicked Wolf whispered softly into one long equine ear,
even as he thrust hard into that big round equine ass.

"Ohoooo Ohoooo yes make me... make me feel sooooooooooooo good." Roan
moaned backing his strong hip's back and forth... slamming forwards to
impale his best friends ass. And then drawing back impaling his own
hot hole on the big Wolf's thick rut stick. "Ohoo ohooo gods yes...
yes anything you want." The horny young pony moaned softly as the Wolf
pressed himself against those sleek thickly muscled ass cheeks.

"When the Human cums, I want you to take his balls for me. Take his
balls and you'll feel this good and get paid for it every day for the
rest of your life." The devious Wolf promised, grinned as he flashed
the knife in one large meaty paw. "And he'll get to be the slut he
truly is too." the wolf thrusts deeply flexing his cock against the
poney bois prostate "Do it for me mare boy" he growls

"Wha... take his Uhuuuu..." Roan grunts loudly, as he rocked back and
forth faster now as his sexual peak was drawing near. "Ummmm this good
oho yeah every night and... and paid for it... ohooo fuck." The horny
Pony squealed, his head flopping back over the Wolf shoulder for a
moment, as that big lupine shows him the knife. "Wha... you want me to
cu... Uhummmmm." Roan stammered until the Wolf silenced him with a
kiss, while shoving that knife into the equine nervous fingers. "Uhum
Ummmm... but sir he's my...

"Do it for him and yourself... you'll always have a place here." The
big Wolf snarled as he savagely battered that big soft love cushion of
the Ponies sweet ass. "Do it for me mare boy." He growled, as he
fucked that little equine deeper and deeper into submission with his
hard dominant tail fucking.

"Ummm Ummmmm'k." Roan whimpered in lust driven euphoria as the sights,
scents and sensations held him in thralled. Glancing down he watched
the Wolf reach down cup those soft pink Human orb's tugging them all
into the base of that hairless sack. Hold them out away from his body,
as the the three of them bounce and thrust together. Two of them on
the verge of climax, that big Pony cock oho so close to making them
both to cumming.

"Take his balls and you can both me my cute little rut bois in my
Club." The dark Wolf snarled softly, his thrusts growing in pace and
power as he threw his weight behind every buck of his hips. Moaning
heatedly his teeth seizing the Ponys neck, as he started to grind his
fat knot against the Ponies hole. Grinning though as he always kept
from truly tying the filly, eager and intent instead on using it upon
another victim. His tail lashing about with intense excitement at the
mere through, his balls starting to rise to the base of his shaft
fresh and full with his first creamy gooey load.

"Ummmm... Ohoooo Oho fuck." Roan whimpered, as his trembling hands
moved to Jerome's sack neck, running the edge of that blade over it
gently. The razor sharp blade cutting so easily into that naked flesh,
the Human doesn't even feel the first hesitation cuts. His long pink
cock is bouncing and surging tensing harder and harder, as his
prostate gland is brutally pounded by that big blunt equine cock head.

"Oho gods Ohoooo fuckin' hell harder." Jerome moaned breathlessly, as
he calls for the little Pony to fuck his quivering ass hole all the
more. While the big Wolf whispers into Roan's long pointed ear,
telling him that Jerome was really asking for him to push that blade
down harder. "Come on... come on..." Jerome moans bucking his big
round ass back into the ponies aroused crotch, even as Roan and the
Wolf leaned forwards and slammed hard into that sexy butt. "I...
I'm..." Jerome was moaning confused he'd never heard of a anal induced
orgasm, much less experienced one. There was a strange burning
pricking sensation on the underside of his glands, and then it
happened... a orgasm in slow motion. Shaft tensing and releasing as
his cum dribbled out, as each hard thrust battered his prostate,
pounded more and more cum out of him. While his anus clenched around
that huge hard Pony prick, milking it wildly. The sudden violent
tugging on his fat ball's only making his orgasm that much better, and
then there was a sudden released and the tugging was gone. Even as the
Humans trembling leg's collapses leaving the jock sprawled over that
cold desk top, to spent and weak to do anything. Or even care about
what was going on behind him, so lost in a submissive world of well
fucked bliss.

Mr. Briar grinned, watching the Human slump forward, helpless,
neutered and spent. His fangs pricking the equines neck softly, as he
takes the knife and Humans balls from the unresisting Pony boi impaled
on his fat fuck meat. He tips his muzzle back swallowing the jocks
balls as though they were oysters, murring and lewdly licking his
lips. He wrapped a arm tightly about the equine and starts to buck
powerfully into the smaller male. "Mrrrmm and now you want a nice
belly full of Wolf cum don't you little mare?" He rumbles amused,
working the Pony boy's tight clenching milking hole harder. His
obscenely large knot pummeling that perfect doughnut, stretching it
and making it bleed.

"Ammm... Ummm Hmmm." Roan moans bending over his prostrate Human
friends pink bubble butt, his own cock still thrusting as the Wolf's
hard on batters his male pleasure gland. "PP... Pump me... me full."
The sexy little Pony stallion moaned, as he enjoyed the feeling of
that hot ass on his huge cock. Even while the Wolfs hard cock pounded
him into orgasmic delight. "WWWEEEHEHEEE." Roan screamed as that huge
knot stretches his tightly drawn pucker, forcing it wide open as the
young stud braces his hands on the slick desk top. Shoving his abused
ass back against that brutal ravishment... bucking and squealing
loudly. The Wolf smirks cupping the knife against the base of the
equines sheath, and whispering in his long pointed equine ear.

"Now I'm going to take your balls, leaving you nice and trapped on the
edge of orgasm, always horny for the rest of your days." He gloated
takes the equines neck in his jaws, restraining the helpless male with
the threat of those jagged fangs on his jugular. While with one quick
slice of the knife, the hosie boys balls are sent plummeting to the
floor only to be crushed underhoof.

"Wha... Naw... Naaawwww." Roan pleaded as he felt those jaw close on
the ridge of his long equine neck, the horny little bottom pony wanted
to cum of course. "Ppl... Please I need to... to cum sooo bad." Roan
begged as even as a shearing heat flashed against his groin, gelded
before he even realized what was going on. Still begging and pleading
even as his fat equine love nuggets sat cooling on the floor, making
the mighty lupine snicker lewdly. Roan's nervous hooves crashing and
mashing those jewels into mush, even as the Wolf's hard cock throbs
gushing hot spunk up that passive pony hole.

As the equine bucks and whinnies hot waves of pleasure and agony surge
through his body, the Wolfs knot burred in that sweet tail hole and
hot cum flooding over that pulsing prostate. Leaving the Pony a
stuttering muddled up mess, as the Wolf roughly pulls out and pushes
the boys onto the floor. Smirking and squeezing the last of his load
out over the cowering pair, as he grunts more coolly. "Consider
yourselves hired sluts."

The next thing Roan knows he's sitting on the floor beside Jerome,
both of them looking up stunned as their new owner spurts cum over
them. "Ohooo my gods... Ohooo my gods wha... what just happened?"
Jerome choked looking down at his denuded crotch, as Roan looks up in
sexual frustration.

"Thank... thank you sir." Roan mumbles submissively, elbowing his
Human buddy who looked up shocked...

"Errr yes thank you sir."

The big dark Lupine arched a eyebrow and chuckled loudly. "Your
welcome sluts, I'm sure you'll both be very popular with the
customers. Especially you pinky, I know of a few dozen draft horse's
that'd happily ruin your little man cunt for you." He sneered bucking
his hips, which of course made his fat rigid Wolf cock bounce lewdly.
The Wolf sidled past the pair and too his desk, hitting a buzzer and
grinning as a pair of rather large Ursine bouncers entered the room.
Hefting the pair like a couple sacks of potatoes and carrying them out
of the Boss's office. And down to the booths, he'd let his customers
finish breaking in the new talent. They liked that... and paid
handsomely for the pleasure of it.

The Club chapter 2

Diego and Roy, the two big draft horse's currently carrying our
hapless duo were to say the least a little unimpressed with the new
material, not because they lacked attraction. But more because there
hadn't been nearly as many screams or whimpered beggings as the usual
interviews included. Diego would frown if you called him a sadistic
bastard, but it'd be insincere, he loved the rough breaking of males
into their new lives, and when it lacked that certain friction, he
knew just which client to take them too. The pony over his shoulder
stirred a little, panting and eyes glazed clearly exhausted, but
blissfully unaware of just how far his night was from over. The draft
grinned, padding down the corridor deeper underground away from the
low thrum of music and into a room straight from the 1950s, an older
stocky Bear reclined behind a huge mahogany desk. Smoking a pipe, his
dark eyes alight as he lit a match and took a deep drag of tobacco,
puffing with a lusty sigh. The male was burly, strong about the
shoulders, and bulging more pronouncedly in his trousers than about
his plump muscle gut, "These Mr briars new fuck toys?" The mighty
Grizzly rumbled critically as the equine and human were dumped
unceremoniously upon the floor. "The jobs only half done."

"Ummm..." With Roan still to blissed out, it fell to Jerome to react
to the strange new situation the burly neutered Human jock now found
himself in. "We're sorry... but we thought we were going to
orientation..." Jerome explained, as the big Bear strolled around his
desk to looked the naked pair over a bit better. Bitter gray clouds of
strong tobacco smell filling the air around him, as he noted the
flecks of blood sprinkled down those naked inner thigh's. And the reek
of cum and sweaty male musk that covered them, someone besides Mr.
Briar had been having fun. Good that always make geldings more fun,
when they knew they had enjoyed having they male-hoods taken.

"What a pair of sluts." The Grizzly smirked glancing over at each of
the bouncers and waving a huge paw dismissively. "Make sure we aren't
disturbed, I'll call should I find use for you." He rumbled with the
faintest hint of contempt, starting to unbutton his shirt and shrug
off his clothing, the Bears powerful pecs and herculean shoulders
belied his strength despite the round boulder gut he was sporting. But
the bulge in his belted slacks more than made up for that, the male
didn't need to assert himself he simply was an alpha male, a big daddy
Bear who knew exactly what he wanted. And he smirked beckoning to
Jerome, even as he rumbled soft and huskily. "Get your ass over here
boy toy and show you want what Papa Bears packing." He ordered, a damp
patch starting to form near his knee as that semi hard prick drooled
with arousal.

Jerome weakly did as he was ordered, the big red headed jock knew a
alpha male when he saw one, and also knew that he and Roan were as low
in the pecking order as a male could get. He crawled over on hands and
knee's like an obedient feral looking up adoringly at the mighty Bear
as he stripped down. That hefty male body reminding the Human of a
coach he had in high school, who Jerome had always secretly wanted to
play with. Hastily Jerome buried his flat pink Human face in the big
Bears crotch, even before those trousers were fully unzipped... while
Roan was just coming to his senses and stood up watching his formerly
all straight friend acting like a wanton male slut.

The Grizzly rumbled approvingly, one great paw slipping down to cup
the back of the Humans head, pinning that flat muzzle against his
crotch and growling softly. "Open the fly with your teeth and ease my
pants down, show me how much you want my cock little slut." He sneered
his attention shifting to the dazed roan, a big amused grin on his
gray sprinkled muzzle, as he nodded towards the leather arm chair just
a little ways from the pony. Indicating that he should sit and watch
for now, should enjoy the voyeuristic pleasure of watching his friend
be further degraded and made a good little fuck sleeve for the bulky

Jerome's strong young male body was shaking like a leaf, as that big
strong paw rested heavily on the back of his head. Twisting his head
the young Human worked hard to catch that tiny bit of metal in between
his teeth, it was hard to do but the passive jock managed to do it.
Slithering that zipper down with his mouth as his hands worked those
soft smooth trousers down. The Bears masculine male scent suddenly
fills his senses, making the neutered Human forget about everything
else. Roan staggered over to the big overstuffed chair and flopped
down, watching as Jerome suckled at the wet spot on the Bears silk

The red Grizzly chuckled softly his fat dick twitching lightly
spurting more of his potently musky pre=cum into those silken shorts,
watching as the Human inhaled deeply and suckled hungrily like a good
musk drunk little fuck slave. "Now ease the shorts down." He rumbled,
watching as the Human trembled with the rabid desire to drag the
underwear down rapidly and latch onto that cock, nevertheless the boy
obeyed tugging them down sensually slow and then lifting his head
pleading without words to be allowed to suckle his masters potent,
hardening shaft. "You may." The massive male leaned back against his
desk spreading his short hefty Ursine legs, as he looked down
gloatingly. "But start with the balls." He ordered, guiding the Humans
muzzle to those musky tennis ball sized testes of his, and moaning
softly as the Humans small deft tongue started to slather them.

"Ohooooooo..." Jerome inhaled sharply as those silk undies slide down
and those huge furry male genitals sprang out slapping him in the
face. Smearing pre-cum and the big older Bears potent male musk over
the Human's face, it would be a long time before anyone he met don't
smell it on him. And know that the big Human jock had... had his face
buried in a big horny males crotch. "Ye... Yes sir." Jerome's mouth
quickly filled with fur as he licked and kissed those big potent
Ursine ball's, but by this time the Human was feeling far to
submissive to worry about that. The sexual power of the big top Bear
and Jerome's own loss of sexual power by his castration combining to
make the jock a perfect willing slut. The big Grizzly growled deeply,
enjoying the Humans obedient tongue work, his fat sack jiggling with
every lap of that slick tongue. The Bruin's fat dick growing rigid,
the bright red length standing like a mighty pillar and leaking pre
all over the Humans head and back as the slutty bitch submissively
services his huge nuts. "Ammm very nice bitch, but I believe you want
to suck this fat thing don't you?" He growled, that heavy shaft
flexing and drooling heavily like a leaky faucet as he guided the
Humans mouth up to the fat head of his shaft, forcing the jocks mouth
open wide around the bulbous head of his dick.

"Ammmm YYYEEESSSS." Jerome moaned as that big reddish paw roughly
gripped his hair pulling his head up, to that big drooling cock head.
That sweet slimy Bear pre-cum lubing his lip's and then that slick
Human tongue, as the Grizzlies massive cock head stretched Jerome's
jaws wide apart. 'It's good practice for the horses.' The Human
thought as his jaw ached wgile that massive cock head was jammed into
his mouth, and then back over his lapping tongue. Until it slammed
into the back of his throat, half gagging the jock as that big deadly
Bear paw cupped the back of his head.

"Get ready to swallow." That rough gravelly voice growled, as the
Grizzly clenched his teeth on that pipe stem, and shoved hard as
Jerome choked and gulped doing the best he could to do what this big
male wanted of him. The big Bear groaned deeply, bucking firmly up
into the Humans muzzle steadily forcing more of his dick down the
neuters throat, making his throat bulge obscenely with the size of his
fat musky slab of fuck meat. He gently rakes those sharp claws through
the Humans hair murring deeply and puffing on his pipe a bit faster.
He looked over at the equine grinning lewdly as he uses his human
friend as a fuck toy, breeding his muzzle casually, watching as the
slut gags and slowly gets used to working such a huge piece of fuck
meat. "Play with my balls you little slut." The huge Grizzly grunted
enjoying that hot tight throat as he rubs over his fat cock head.

Roan sat forwards in his seat watching Jerome suck on that big cock in
rapt pleasure, lines of drool escaping from the corners of the little
equines soft sensual mouth. He really loved watching his not so long
ago straight jock buddy orally worshiping the Bears big thick cock.
That limp stallion cock began to thicken, the hormones still in his
blood stream, letting him get hard and excited once more. Even as on
his knee's Jerome was finally getting into the swing of taking that
huge cock down his throat. The gagging having stopped, as the human's
blunt face was now buried in the rusty reddish fur of Bear's crotch as
those strong hip's rolled. Fucking the jocks mouth easily, as his
strong paw held that red head in place, low dangling ball's slapping
loudly against Jerome's square chin. The Bear snarled softly driving
his hips more slowly, but far far more powerfully against the humans
muzzle. His big sharp claws gently rubbing through the humans red head
fur, as the bitch boy grows still more intoxicated by the Ursines musk
and simple domineering presence. The huge male taking another deep
drag on his pipe, giving a low pleasured growl as he pulls from the
Humans maw and smears his pre over the sluts muzzle. "Your going to
beg me to fuck you in the ass bitch, you'll give anything, even your
dick so you can be a nice tight pussy boi for all the real males! So
you can have them fuck you in both holes, you want to be a toy for
real males." He chuckled watching the Human's pleasure glazed eyes
blink that red head nodding affirmatively with every words the big
Bruin spoke. "I can see it in your eyes slut." The Bear looks over at
the roan with a knowing grin, licking his lips in anticipation, the
equine would be that much sweeter to fuck when he knew what was

Jerome's eyes rolled in his head as all those strange musks and
intoxicating scents filled his senses, already light headed from the
lack of air. As that big throbbing Bear cock fucking deep down his
throat, it was a sensation that the Human was coming to love. And so
was less that pleased when that big throbbing fuck stick was dragged
out of his throat and back across his eagerly lapping tongue. The big
Bears lewd words sending wild shivers down Jerome's spine, as he
realized this big Alpha male could ask about anything from him. And in
his present state of sexual submission, that he'd been fucked into by
the Wolf and his own Pony friend he couldn't make himself say no. "Oho
gods... YES SIR. Please fuck my slutty cum filled butt hole... use it
for your pleasure as a rut hole." The big jock moaned loudly as he
turned around on his knee's, thrusting his big round pink ass up
towards the hefty Bear. Across the room Roan's eye's widened, as he
realized this big powerful male wanted to take the rest of their male
hoods leaving them with nothing but holes between their legs. Roan
trembled not liking that idea at all... he liked having his dick...
liked being sucked and played with, but Jerome was to far gone to be
thinking and moaned lustfully. "Yes... Yes anything Sir... even...
Even my... my dick." Jerome moaned as the powerful reddish stud stood
over him smiling down with that pipe stem clenched in his big, sharp,
white teeth.

The Bear grinned evilly, moving to sitting back in his huge leather
office chair and beckoning to the Human, his shaft coated in slimy pre
and spit as he leaned back. "Fuck yourself on my prick bitch boy, I
want you to show me just how dedicated a little fuck toy you are." He
growled commandingly, his fat cock throbbing visibly as it jutted out.
"Hurry up boy, ain't got all day." He rumbled, huffing another cloud
of smoke and lifting a cruel pair of scissors onto the desk, the edges
were razor sharp, the air around them giving a tortured sequel as he
placed them upon the desk. Jerome climbed unsteadily to his naked feet
and moved around the Bears desks, starring at that mighty rut muscle
as it jutted up out of the fat Ursine's naked crotch.

"Which way do you want me facing Sir?" Jerome asked as he moved over
to straddle that mighty cock, his tiny pink pucker quivering as that
wet tip tickled his taint. A powerful shiver racing down the big jocks
spine as he heard that tortured squeal, and knew soon he'd be even
more of a fuck toy and less of a male.

"Towards your friend slut." The big Bear ordered puffing a cloud of
sweet smelling pipe smoke in the air, as the Human turned around and
sat back on that fat erection. Grunting weakly, as the Grizzlies thick
cock spread his burning and abused asshole open wider and wider as it
pushed deeper into him. Until at last those pale, round, fur-less ass
cheeks were touching the big Bear's sheath and hefty gut, as those
long Ursine arm's reached around that naked torso. One big gripping
Jerome's neck, while the other lifted those wicked scissors spreading
the blades with his fingers and thick thumb. Fitting those blades
around the base of Jerome's pitiful semi erect Human prick, while his
strong hip's fucked the naked ape up in the air. And then let him
fall, sliding back down that thick Bruin cock, the Human whimpering
and moaning as that cock pounded against his male pleasure gland hard.
Jerome's breath growing deeper with each thrust of the Bears hefty
cock within him, that white fur-less skin shinying with sweat. Even as
the Bears big paw yanked him down on that rutting organ harder and
harder, hip's lifting his bulbous butt right back up into the air.

"Ohoooooo yes... Ummmm thank you sir." The Human gushed excitedly as
he was fucked savagely by the big fur, thick smoke making it hard to
catch his breath. Jerome was already light headed for the throat
raping the Bear had given him earlier, and now as he gulped down smoke
the world started to spin.

"Heheh... like that fat cock do ya slut?" The big red Grizzly panted
over Jerome's shoulder, that hot pipe pressing against his cheek. "I
love hearing my rut boys thanking me for stuffing cock into them." The
heavy Bruin laughed again as he nuzzled the back of the Human's neck,
enjoying the smell of sweaty male musk. Snaking his long tongue out to
lick the salty perspiration from Jerome's neck and shoulders as the
Human moaned louder still. Even as between his leg's the Bears strong
paw opened and closed those sharp scissors slightly as if in intense
anticipation of snapping closed all the way. The big Bear watching
Roan's eye's the gelding watching with a sickened look of his handsome
equine muzzle, the red Grizzly flashed him a smirk. Even as he
ploughed the Humans clenching ass even more rough and lustfully,
letting the whining, moaning, Human slut lay back over his big furry
belly. That big paw wandering down Jeromes broad chest huge claws
tickling that naked flesh, finding those hard little Human nipples and
twisting them. The two of them drawing nearer and nearer the peak, the
big Grizzly growling and puffing like a steam engine. While Jerome
whimpered and grunted more and more excitedly, as that huge Ursine
cock pounded his prostate gland brutally.

"GGURRRRRR!" The big Bear groaned as his huge potent ball's drew up,
blasting a hot spurt up the Jerome's debauched asshole. While that big
body furry body bucked harder thrusting harder and faster, the big
Bear biting down on one naked shoulder. Blood welling up around those
long fangs, even as a second, third and then forth hot gooey spurt
flooded the Human's slut hole. Jerome squirming and wiggling wilder
and harder on the Grizzlies hard on, as his body reacted to the
pleasure and pain the mighty Bruin was giving him.

Across the room Roan opened his mouth to gag out a warning to his
friends, but one glance from the big Bruin silenced him. Gulping for
air the pony could only watch what came next helplessly, knowing that
soon it would be him turn. "Ummm Oho gods... ohooo." The red headed
Human cried out, as a dribble of clear seedless juice erupted from his
stiff little pink dick. His strong body trembling hard in that moment
head draped back over the Bear's shoulder glassy eyes starring off
into space. 'Ssnick!' "Awwww fucCCK!" Jerome cursed, as a sharp
burning pain shot through his loins and then he watched the Bear lay
those bloody scissors aside. And lift his sever organ up, it looked
even smaller and more pitiful dangling from the Bears fingers.

"There we go... now you'll be ready to served our paying customers."
The huge Bear smirking pressing a button on his desk, a side door
opened and a couple of medical Badgers came rushing in. Leading the
bleeding Human away to have this latest wounds stitched up, one Badger
taking Jerome's dissevered organ. Letting the whining Human watch as
he popped it into his mouth and slowly chewed it up, swallowing it a
bit at a time. Leaning back in his big chair the smirking Bear
gestured to the pony across the room, and then pointed at his own
still rock hard cock. "You know what to do gelding." Roan gulped and
stood up slowly, his hooves clicking and clopping on the hard floor as
he circled around the Bears desk. Roan approached the massive Ursine
hesitantly knowing it would be the doom of his cock, but unable to
resist as the Grizzly curled one finger tauntingly. "Come over here
and bend over my desk gelding, and we'll finish your journey into
servitude." Roan turned slowly bending over that huge desk, feeling
the Bear kick his legs wider apart. "Get that tail out of my way... or
I'll cut it off." The big red Grizzly grunted into one long pointed
equine ear, as his bulk pressed against Roan's butt. That long flowing
tail popped up and to the side as if it had a mind of it's own, and
Roan felt that big hot cock head press against his oozing tail-hole.
Even as he felt the icy cold steel of those scissors against the long
limp hose of his equine cock, a shiver raced down his spine and he
wanted desperately to leap away. But them the weight of that huge
Ursine body pinned him to the cool desk top, and he realized it was
far to late to run...

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