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What He Gots 2

What He Wants


The burly human looked up shocked, as the tall rangy Goat strolled
into his bedroom naked. "Wha... wha... what are you doing here?
Tammy's out of town." Jake stammered, looking up at the Goat who had
been fucking his girl-friend for some time. The fact was Boing had
also been doing thing to him as well, but only when he was finished
rutting Tammy for the night.

"That's alright Jake... I'm here to see you." Boing snickered softly,
loving the look of mixed dread and anticipation on the burly human
males flat muzzle. The human's eyes glanced down, widening as he saw
the Goats long cock jutting out rock hard already. Boing couldn't help
but smirking, as he lewdly stroked his long pole just for show. He
strode over to the bed, cloven hooves clopping on the wooden floor,
his massive balls swaying between his shaggy hocks.

"Ahem... Ahem... Wha... what about?" The burly human choked, already
knowing the Goats answer of course, still he played innocents. Part of
him wanted to leap up to hurt the goat for cuckolding him, for
humiliating him... for emasculating him. But he knew it was far to
late for that... he'd already giving in to the nasty bastard, and now
was far to passive in his mental emasculation to ever rebel.

"Heh." Boing reached over to the top of his head, and pulled his over
to his crotch. Guiding his drooling cock head into Jake half open
mouth, chortling as he felt the humans lip's close around his shaft.
And then the suction begin, soft at first but growing stronger as the
human began to bob his head back and forth. "Ammmm... your getting
very good at that." Boing praised, stroking the human's hair gently,
even as he fucked his long cock down Jake's throat.

The horny Goat ran his slender hands through the Human's short hair,
as that pale head bobbed and twisted on the end of his shaft... Of
course, without a real muzzle there was only so much this cute, but
still untrained human could do. However this was just the Goat's way
of getting in close, Jake was use to going this far. He stepped a hoof
forward, and let his heavy balls sway and drift against Jake's doughy
chest, his leg rubbing Jake's belly and his thick-but-average human
dick beneath it. "Mmmmm. You're really getting off on sucking my
dick." Boing lewdly commented, watching the Human's highly expressive
face reveal his embarrassment at that statement. "Been awhile since
you got to do anything with that little guy, huh?"

"Ahem..." Jake tried to deny around the Goats strange tasting cock in
his mouth, the burly Human had slowly gotten use to it. After his
girlfriend and Boing had first introduced him to it a few weeks
before. It had shocked and humiliated him at first, but as he'd done
it over and over while Pam had watched and even encoraged him. Jake
had lost his resistance to serving the obviously more potent male, and
now was doing pretty much whatever the Goat ask him to.

Boing pulled back a little, letting his stiff organ slip out of the
human's fawning mouth. "Balls." He said, a one-word reminder, and
swung his hips closer, lifting his heavy sac with one hand to rub the
hairy, musky orbs in Jake's face. He let the human lick and kiss them
for a few minutes, knowing the musk would cling to the Human. "You
know Jake..." The burly human was starting to dread those words,
because they always seemed to come before some new degradation. "Oral
sex is fun for drive-in movies and foreplay, but it's not how a man's
night is really meant to end." Jake gulped, looking up wild eyed at
the taller Goat, as Boing spoke to him... intensely aware of that
musky all over his face.

"Ummm I... I don't know... I think oral is... is..." He paused
realizing he'd only been giving oral, not receiving it even Pam have
never sucked him off really.

"I think it's time we brought your service up to the next level." He
said, then patted the human on the head, it was a powerful if gentle
gesture. "Roll onto your side."

"Nex... next level?" The soft doughy Human choked, he'd been expecting
and fearing this for a while now. He was a straight guy... or he had
been before that night, until he'd mistakenly swallowed the Goats
load. Now here they were... was he going to do it... or was he going
to resist? And then that goatish hand patted him on the head, it was
patronizing and yet powerful. Boing knew... knew he wasn't going to do
anything, anything but roll over that is. The burly Human suddenly
found himself turning in bed, rolling over on to his amble belly. "Oh

Boing smiled gloatingly, and climbed onto the bed behind the hefty
human. "There... you know, you're pretty cute, from the right angle."
He snickered, and lewdly groped Jake's pale, fleshy buttocks, the Goat
kneading the Human's ass firmly with his bony fingers as he slid into
place behind him. He pressed his hard pole up against that soft crack,
and ground into it firmly, hotdogging that big backside.

"Oh sure..." Jake stammered, it was terribly insulting and oddly
flattering all at the same-time. The fat Human was intensely aware of
his hard cock pressing against the underside of his hefty belly. Even
as those hot hands and strong fingers groped him like he was the Goats
bitch, and he realized that he was.

"Mmmm...You've got a nice ass, Jake." The lustful Goat commented,
patting those round buttocks, then sliding his hand up the human's
sides, over his belly, then rubbed his chest and teased the straight
human's nipples. "Tammy's gonna love hearing that I popped your

"Damn it." Jake moaned, mad at himself as much as Boing, and yet as
that wet cock slid up the crack of his ass. "Easy to say when yer in
the top position." The doughty human moaned, even as Boings roving
hands made him inhale deeply. Breath panting loud and harshly in his
ears, his sensitive nipples rock hard in those strong fingers. Jake
trembled knowing he was right about Tammy, she would be amused to no

"Hand me the lube over there." Boing said jeeringly, and pointed where
he knew Pam and Jake kept it.

"O... ok." Jake panted, reaching over to take the lube off the night
stand, and then weakly thrust it behind his back.

The Goat snickered a little, as he took the bottle from Jake's pudgy
hand. "Jake, no offense but, I've ridden bigger dicks than yours on a
dare." He snickered derisively, the words punctuated by the POP of the
cap on the lube bottle as it opened. Boing poured a generous amount
onto his shaft, and made sure to get some of the cold, slick stuff on
Jake's ass by accident, as well. "You'll be fine, Jake. You've got a
nice big ass." The Goat said, firmly patting the Human's plump round
buttocks. "You'll be able to take me no problem. And I know you'll do
your best for me." He smirked, knowing he was fucking the Human's mind
a lot harder than he could ever fuck his body. "Because I know, that
you know, that its the male with the biggest dick has the RIGHT to
fuck anyone he wants. Don't I?" It was more of a statement than a
question, with that the horny Goat steered his firm pole into Jake's
lubed crack and pushed. He guided his tip to the Human's backdoor and
started pushing in, thrusting slowly with his hips, his hand gripping
Jake's waist and pulling back. "Mmm, yeahhh... take my dick, Jake..."

A soft sobbing groan escaped the burly human at that, he knew he
wasn't very bigger where it counted. It was one of the reasons he'd
not objected more, when he learned Pam was fucking around with Boing.
He knew she wanted... no needed more than he had to give her. "Fuck
that's cold." Jake moaned loudly, as the lube dripped onto his pale
naked skin. "Oho ohooo really?" Boings words washed over him and
voiced what he had secretly been thinking already. "Ummm... Ummm...
well yeah sure." Jake whimpered, stunned that his own thoughts had
been used against him like this. The Humans eyes bulged open widely,
his mouth open in a silent scream as the pointed tip of that caprine
cock pushed him open. There was a 'Slurp' as the head pushed through
his anal gates, and then that cock that big cock sank easily into him.
"Ohooo Yes... yes." Jake heard his own voice moaning, and felt his
face burn with shame. Still he didn't struggle or try to pull away
like he knew a real male would, no he just lay there feeling Boing
thrust deeper and deeper inside of him. Soft whimpers and girlish sobs
escaping from him, even as he pushed his heavy round ass back into the
Goats thrusts.

"Ummm, yeah, that's it... push back at me Jake; I knew you wanted it."
Boing grunted softly, as his hips ground in between Jake's chubby
asscheeks, the horny Goat whispering hotly in the Human's reddened
ears. "Ammm, yeah... you're nice and tight... good n' hot inside... I
haven't popped a guy's cherry in a while... Ummm, it's nice..." He
spoke soothingly as his hips worked back and forth; the lecherous Goat
a past master at breaking in new males. He worked his shaft in deep
but carefully, making sure not to hurt the human by going too hard or
too fast... And he knew just where to aim his thrusts to make the fat
human's body crave it even more. He took a deep breath and started
pumping a little faster.

Jake didn't want to obey Boing's orders, part of him wanted to spit
curses at him and twist away. But that part was small and weak, and
somehow the Human sensed it was getting smaller and weaker with every
thrust of that big cock up his ass. "Please..." He stammered begging
the horny Goat to stop rutting him, pleading with him to take that big
organ out and leave. Only his words just came out as garbled moans and
grunts of pleasure, his body shoving back more eagerly. "Gods I'm such
a... a..." He couldn't finish it, to ashamed to admit it out loud.
That big Goatish organ slamming against his prostate gland, sending
thrills of pleasure running through him. His belly growing wetter and
wetter as pre-cum dribbled out of his thick cock head and onto the bed

"There, how's that feel? Now you're getting what I've been giving
Tammy all this time... I bet you're glad I started fucking her now,
aren't you? I'll be fucking you both from now on..." He slid his hand
across the human's belly, stroking it as it gently rocked from the
Goat's increasingly strong shoves. He caressed and fondled Jake from
the waist up, then took gentle hold of his arms.

"Really... really good it feels so... good." The fat Human moaned
weakly, Jake hadn't thought of it like that before. A sudden love for
Pam surged through him, she had brought the Goat into their life. And
all the pleasure he was feeling was kind of because of her, if he'd
only known this at the beginning. "Yes... Yes I'm glad she brought
you... into our bed." Jake panted, as Boings hot hands smoothly
stroked over his naked furry belly and then gripped his waists.

"No touching yourself, Jake. I decide what happens to your prick now.
I decide when your small dick gets felt... Mmm. Say it, Jake... say
the words, that your little prick and your balls belong to me. Say
you're my fucking property, Jake..."

He didn't resist as his hands were twisted up behind his back, he
hadn't touch his dick so far. But that didn't mean he wouldn't have,
in fact he had just considered it. "My... my little." He still cringed
slightly at admitted his dick was small... inferior to other males
like Boing. "My little dick and balls belong... to you. I... I'm your

Boing snorted hot an lustfully in the Human's ear, and his strong male
body over powered the submissive Humans. "Yeah... that's right Jake...
that's good. You're mine; your chubby chest, your fat belly." He
paused to grunt and suck in air, and started plowing the big Human's
backside with rapid, lustful thrusts. "Your big ass, your tiny little
prick... your fat balls... yeah, you're mine to fuck! Nnf... part of
my herd..." The Goat's hot breath panted a few more times in the
Human's ear, Boing giving him a rough plowing now. His hips loudly
slapping against Jake's rump before he cut loose, the virile Goat's
thick porridge pulsed into Jake's plump backside...

That hot breath in his ear made the burly Human's body trembled in
sickening pleasure, Jake panting and moaning louder. That big round
ass enthusiastically slapping against the Goats crotch now, his fat
balls swing back to be blunted by Boings own huge ones. "Oho Ohooooo
gods." Jake squealed, as he felt that burning hot spunk spew into his
bowels, his own hard little cock trembling eagerly. He was very near
cumming himself, but somehow he hadn't and he found himself begging.
"I need to... Errr... Can I... may I... cum?"

Boing smiled and shuddered a bit as the Human's ass gripped his
pulsing pole, milking and squeezing it. He slid his arms around Jake's
thick torso, and made sure he got a firm grip on his arms. "Yeah,
Jake, you can cum... I want you to cum for me, without touching your
cock at all."

"Wha... but how am I going to do tha..." But then he realized how, and
began shoving his big ass back onto the Goats still rock hard cock.
Fucking himself on that hard throbbing organ, his cock sliding against
the underside of his belly. And the cool crisp cotton sheet beneath
him, the sensation all that more intense with a thick cock inside of
him. "Ummm... Ummm Gods... You... Your cock feels so good... gonna
make me... me CUM!" Jake shouted, as his own hot load splashed over
the sheet below him his ass tightening almost painfully tight on that
throbbing cock inside of him.

The lusty Goat bit his lip as the hefty human thrust his big ass back
against the Goats crotch, squeezing and working at his already
sensitive shaft. That heavy virgin's butt squeezing his shaft like a
vise, and the horny Goat loved every moment of it. Still, it was
almost more satisfying, when he heard Jake moan and gasp for air... He
felt the Human's body pulsing and trembling from the inside. "Ohooo,
yeah, that's right Jake... make a mess for me..."

"Yes... Yes..." Jake panted his stubby little dick jerking up and down
as it spurted once, twice, and then once more. A pearly glob of cum
clinging to the tip even as long trails of creamy white slime lay
there on the crisp sheets. At last he collapsed panting heavily, his
body relaxing until he lay there completely passively. "Thank you." He
groaned, still sobbing softly under his breath his flat face wet with
sweat and drool.

"No thank you Jake..." The wicked Goat smirked, rolling the hefty
human over onto his back. "Thank you for making my point for me... you
don't need this stubby little thing anymore." Boing explained, one
hand scooping up the Human's short fat erection, fondling the leaking
organ tauntingly. "Not when you have this big dick to ride." He
compared his own erection to Jake teasingly, that caprine cock three
times the size of the human's organ. "Tammy doesn't need it... you
don't need it... there really is no point in keeping it around." Boing
explained, flashing the submissive feeling Human a dark grin as he
took out a strange metal ring. "And to be perfectly honest it offends
me to have it in the same bed as Tammy and I." Jake whimpered softly,
as the Goat fitted the ring over the purple helmet of that suddenly
raging Human erection.

"No please..." Jake whined, as the sexy white Goat flashed him a
gloating smile as the ring was slid smoothly down his shaft until it
rested snugly around the base.

"Don't worry this won't hurt." Boing pressed a tiny button on the
ring, and that stubby hard on just vanished.

"Oho!" Jake exclaimed, as he watched his cock disappear in front of
his eye's, Boing pressed a few other buttons and then lifted the ring
away. The human's pudgy fingers went instantly to his crotch, finding
only a small lump and a urethra hole where his thick cock had stood
only moments before.

"Ahaha the miracles of modern science." Boing chuckled, as he slipped
the ring back into his clothing, and then turned back to Jake. "Now
turn around and get ready for round two Human boy."

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