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Mare Mistress

A story by
Horsey Butts Drive Me Nuts
©2006. Not to be used without permission.

Chapter One

I was lying in a horse stall completely naked and had been locked in. It was a very hot midsummer afternoon and the humidity was through the roof. I was sweating just laying there. I stood up and looked around; all the stalls around me were empty.

I heard the barn door open, and this beautiful palomino mare came walking into the barn. I had no idea where I was at, and had never seen the mare before. She approached my stall, and I whispered to her "Hey there, girl."

She then turned and kicked the stall door off its hinges, knocking me down and backwards hard.

"SILENCE human." I heard a voice say.

She then stepped on the stall door with her two back feet, pinning me to the ground. She looked around seeing that I was pinned and had no way to move, then squatted down and urinated on my face and chest.

"You will be MINE this day, human." I heard the voice say again.

I could feel myself becoming incredibly aroused by this very dominant mare, the scent of her urine was extremely potent and I licked my lips to get a small taste of what was left on my face.

After that she turned around and entered the stall. She kicked the stall door out of the way and grabbed me by the shoulder with her mouth, forcing me to stand up, and slammed me against the back stall wall. The pain only added to my excitement, and I could feel blood seeping from the deep bite marks she had just left on my shoulder.

"Now I want you to do something." I heard the voice say deviously.

"Anything." I said to her, trying to catch my breath, my arousal very evident.

"Beg me to stick my ass in your face. DO IT." I heard the voice say as the mare pinned me harder against the wall with the front of her body.

"Yes, oh yes, PLEASE stick your ass in my face. I want to taste your asshole and pussy, oh PLEASE stick your ass in my face my mare mistress, so I can pleasure you in any way you desire, PLEASE." I begged her, hornier than I had ever been in my life.

"Good boy." I heard the voice say as the mare released me and turned around with her tail raised. "LICK." She commanded.

I brought my face level with her ass and started licking her asshole. The taste was incredible. I enjoyed it for a few minutes then moved down to her pussy. It was so incredibly hot and wet! I savored the taste, driving my tongue as deep into her as I could, frantically licking. She pressed back into me with a gasp and a moan and pushing my face deep into her rear end, and pinning my head against the wall. She was so close to me that my cock was right against her hot, sweaty body. The mere touch of her against my cock sent a wave of pleasure through my body, and I continued my frantic licking. I could hear her moan and gasp, and heard a shrill whinny as she climaxed, clamping down on my tongue and covering me with her wetness. I was close to shooting my load, but then she released me, and I fell to the stall floor.

"GOOD human, VERY good human." I heard the voice say as the mare turned around. She began licking my face, and I turned my face into her, kissing her deeply, tasting her mouth and tongue.

"My little human has earned a reward." I heard the voice say.

The mare then moved downward, licking my neck and chest. I laid my head back, closing my eyes, moaning with intense desire, sweat pouring down my body. She licked my chest, gently nipping every now and then, heightening my arousal. Then I felt her warm, moist tongue glide over my cock. I gasped loudly, thrusting my hips to meet the warm, inviting wetness that had just caused me such intense pleasure, only to meet air. She had moved her mouth just out of range, teasing me. I then felt her lick my balls and cock in one long stroke. I was shuddering with the most extreme pleasure I had ever known. Again I uncontrollably thrusted my hips. She continued teasing me for several minutes, and stopped just when I was about to climax. I was about to open my eyes, but I heard the voice say "Keep them closed!" before I could do it. I complied, keeping my eyes closed.

For a moment, it seemed as though my mistress had left me. Then unexpectedly, I felt her come down hard, taking my penis and testicles into her mouth all at once. I felt her tongue dancing around all of my most sensitive parts in her closed mouth.

"I want to taste you, human, let me taste you now." I heard the voice demand.

The exquisite sensation was too much for me, and I thrusted hard into her mouth, shooting my cum deep into her mouth and throat. She began moving her mouth up and down in time with my thrusts. I thrusted wildly, letting out a loud passionate whinny myself. I then collapsed, totally covered in sweat and horse secretions. The mare lay down in front of me, and cleaned me with her tongue.

"You taste good, human." The voice said.

"Oh, so do you my mistress. That was so incredible, thank you so much.” I gasped.

She laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Shhhh.." she whispered "save your strength, you're going to need it for tonight." She said. I fell asleep with her there dreaming of what naughty fun my beautiful mare mistress and I would have later that night.

Chapter Two

I awoke late that night, it felt like midnight or so. The pounding heat and humidity of the day had been replaced by a comfortable, cool, dry temperature. My mare mistress was gone, and the door of the stall had been reattached somehow. There were some small gray cubes in a bucket next to a bucket of water in my stall. They had a soft texture kind of like that of cookie dough. I smelled them, and they didn't smell very appetizing, but I ate them anyway. I was starving, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten.

I peeked out of the stall into the barn and saw nothing but darkness. A very dim light from the moon was coming in through the windows, which was difficult to see in. I looked around, it appeared as though all of the stalls were still empty, though it was sort of hard to tell in the darkness.

Where is she? I thought to myself.

Images of what had happened earlier in the day ran through my mind. I inhaled deeply - I still had the scent of my mare-mistress-lover on me. I began to become aroused again as I remembered all of the amazing sensations I had experienced earlier.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I sat down in the back of my stall leaning against the back wall and began pleasuring myself, moaning with desire for my newfound mistress.

"Surprise!" I heard a voice call out.

I jumped up, startled. I looked out of the bars in the window in my stall that faced outdoors. My mare mistress was standing there, looking in at me. I still didn't know how she was communicating with me. Her mouth didn't move at all when she spoke to me. Oh well, that didn't matter. I was hers now, and that's all I cared about.

"It looks like my little human decided to start the fun a little early." I heard her say.

"Mistress, forgive me. Your pleasure is all that matters to me." I said to her.

"Oh, you'll get the chance to prove that here soon, my little slave, but I have another job for you first." She said in a tone that added to my excitement.

She disappeared from the stall window. I heard the clopping of hooves, then the opening of the barn doors. The lights in the barn came on suddenly, taking me by surprise. I closed my eyes tightly until they could adjust to the now-brightly lit barn. When I could finally see clearly, I was surprised. Next to my mare mistress stood another horse. A black and white paint mare, slightly shorter than her, with piercing blue eyes and a long, flowing mane.

"Human, this is a friend of mine. Names aren't important, you need only call her mistress as well. I have brought her here to experience what I experienced earlier today. I trust you won't try to escape, because you know you can't. I could catch you in seconds. I honestly don't think you want to escape either, do you?" The palomino mare said to me.

"No mistress, I would never attempt to escape from you. I love you mistress, and there is nowhere else I would rather be than right here, at your mercy." I replied.

My mistress opened my stall door and allowed me out.

"Good human." She said, nuzzling me. She had taken on a more affectionate demeanor than earlier, but was still very much in control of me.

The second mare seemed more timid than her.

"I'm not so sure I wanna go through with this if he doesn't want to do it... I don't really like the idea of him being your slave... I'm against anything forcible... You know why..." She said to my mistress timidly.

My mistress looked at me, and right away I knew what she wanted me to do.

"I live to please in any way I can. I will serve you in any way that you wish, and it will give me great pleasure to do so. I do not resist because I do not wish to resist. It has always been my wish to be owned by a mare like my mistress, and now it is reality." I said to her.

The palomino mare put her head on the paint mare's neck to comfort her.

"I know it's been hard, but you've gotta move on. You can't let that one experience haunt you the rest of your life. You have to live your life and enjoy all that it has to offer to defeat your past." She whispered to her, lovingly.

"I know it'll be hard to trust another stallion ever again, but this is a small step toward that. If you let my human please you tonight you'll see that not all males are bad, and some can be quite - skilled - in seeing to the needs of a mare, sexual and otherwise." She said, glancing over at me.

I was happy my mistress was speaking so fondly of me. I was falling more and more in love with her every second. I must have died and gone to heaven I thought to myself.

"Okay.. I trust you." The paint mare said to my mistress. She then turned to me. "You're absolutely sure you want to pleasure me? She hasn't coerced you has she?"

"If my mistress wishes for me to pleasure you, nothing would make me happier than to see to her wishes." I said.

"I'll leave you two alone." My mistress said. "I'll be back to check on you in fifteen minutes or so. Enjoy yourself. Both of you."

"Yes mistress." I replied.

After she left, the paint horse approached me. She didn't say anything to me. After a minute or so, she put her head on my shoulder and began to cry.

I put my arms around her neck and hugged her with all my might.

"Please don't cry." I said to her gently.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this." She said, still crying. "I should be mating with a stallion, not a human. But what stallion would want me after.. after...oh I can't take it." She continued crying.

I held her close to me, trying to comfort her. "Hey now, it's alright. You're a very beautiful mare. Any stallion in the world would be very fortunate to have a mate as beautiful and kind as you are. I'm completely honored to have the chance to provide such a wonderful mare with pleasure." With that, I kissed her on the neck and kept hugging her. "You'll find the right stallion some day, but in the mean time, I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do to make you feel good." I stepped back from her, and softly put my hands under each side of her lower jaw. I brought her muzzle to my lips, and passionately kissed her on the mouth.

She calmed down and stopped crying, leaning into my kiss, closing her eyes. She kissed me back, her tongue completely filling my mouth.

"I want to please you.." I moaned in between kisses. "I want to taste you.. I want you to feel good."

I then stopped kissing her and slowly made my way to her rear end, running my fingers through her luxurious mane and caressing her body with my fingers as I walked. I could feel myself becoming extremely horny at the prospect of giving this mare the most pleasure I could. When I got behind her she raised her tail for me. She kept completely silent and didn't say a word.

I massaged her sexy rump, working my hands closer and closer to her exposed vagina, which was already becoming wet and winking at me. I gently dipped a finger into her. I heard her moan, then she squatted and urinated on me, almost as a reflex. I stood still and let her warm fluids cover me. The scent was so incredibly arousing it was maddening. When she was done, I continued to slowly finger her, working my finger in and out, up and down, while still massaging her rump with my free hand. Then, I removed my finger from her, and brought my face down right in front of her extremely aroused pussy.

I slowly licked around the outside of her vulva, every now and then going a little closer and grazing her clit. I had both of my arms wrapped around her sexy rear end, and I could feel her shuddering with desire as I licked her.

I started licking faster, and this time stuck my tongue deep down into her, licking up and down, trying to force my tongue as far into her as possible. She nickered and moaned excitedly, and was still shuddering intensely. She began sweating and breathing hard, and was pushing back into my face as hard as she could without taking a step back.

I was sweating too, and was so horny at this point that the slightest touch would have made me explode.

She was coming close to climaxing. I kept licking, and started putting her clit in my mouth and sucking on it, hard, every now and then. Soon afterwards, an extremely loud whinny pierced the night, and she had an intense orgasm, filling my mouth and covering my face and chest with her delicious wetness. It hit her in waves, and I could feel the orgasm pulsing through her body as muscles violently contracted and expanded.

About that time, my mistress walked into the barn.

"Well well, it looks like you two are having quite a good time, after all." She said.

"Oh... yes..." The paint mare gasped, "indeed... human, come around to my front... I want you to hold me... hug me like you did before..."

I gladly did so, wrapping my arms around her neck and closing my eyes.

"Thank you... Thank you very much..." She said to me "that was incredible."

"Thank you too," I said, "you tasted sooo good. I'll do this for you any time you want me to.

My mistress looked down at my throbbing erection.

"I think you deserve some release of your own, my sweet little human." She said, lovingly. She turned around and raised her tail for me. "Go ahead, you've earned it." She said.

I climbed up on a step stool that was close by. Standing on the second step, my cock was level with her.

I tried to control my breathing, to calm myself down to make sure I would enjoy the experience as long as I possibly could. I then guided my cock into her winking pussy and slowly moved in and out. The warmth and wetness was unlike anything I had ever felt in my life. In no time I was thrusting harder and faster. I could hear my mistress moaning with pleasure. She began pressing back into me every time I thrusted. Intense pleasure coursed through every nerve in my body. I was close to cumming. I slowed down my thrusting and backed down until the urge to cum passed. I wanted this to last. I wanted my mistress to cum as well.

I continued to push myself deep into her soft wet pussy. After a few more minutes my thrusting became harder again, and I could feel her coming close to orgasm. The second shrill whinny of the night echoed through the barn as I felt every muscle in her rear end contract, and felt her pussy close hard around my cock. The sensation instantly made me start cumming, and I began frantically thrusting, driving my seed deep into her.

"Very... good... human..." She said in between breaths. She lay down after I got off the step stool, and motioned me to join her. I walked over, closed the barn door, and turned off the lights. Then I curled up next to her and got comfortable. I looked over at the black and white mare, who had been standing off by herself watching, and motioned her to join us. She came and lay down beside us resting her head on my mistress' rump, and my mistress resting her head on her rump, with me comfortably tucked in between. We all three fell into a very deep sleep.

A thought came into my mind as I was drifting off to sleep. I could DEFINITELY get used to this!

Chapter Three

It had been two weeks since I found myself in this wonderful situation. I still didn't know what was going on, but I'd learned more about my mistress and her friend in that time. My mare mistress called herself Adara. The black and white paint mare that was her friend was called Saphira. Since our first time together, me and my mistress had enjoyed many more sessions of domination and pleasure.

Saphira also began to take an interest in me. She visited often, and kept me company when Adara was not there. On her second visit she told me why she felt so bad about doing anything sexual with me. A short time before I had met her, she was attacked by a stallion. He had kicked her in the face, knocking her out, and when she awoke he was on top of her, trying to push into her. She was able to escape, but she hadn't been able to trust a male, even a human one, ever since.

When she told me this, my heart ached for her. I told her that as long as she was with me, she had nothing to fear. I held her in my arms for what seemed like hours as she lay in front of me trembling and crying. I comforted her the best I could, crying with her. After that night we shared a very deep bond.

Most of our time together I spent providing her with emotional stimulation - hugging her, running my fingers through her mane, whispering sweet nothings to her, and just loving her. She still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of dominating me, so whenever she was horny I just pleasured her with my mouth while she stood almost silent, moaning every now and then. She always thanked me afterwards, and she usually stayed longer, lying down in front of me with her head on my shoulder while I hugged her and stroked her neck and mane. She was a very insecure, very emotional mare.

On this day, I was starting to feel lonely. The last time I had seen Adara or Saphira was two days ago. This was unusual, as my mistress normally came out at least once a day to have some fun with me, and Saphira always came by every morning and evening.

I splashed some of the water in my water bucket on my face. Today was incredibly hot. I looked at the large thermometer that hung above the barn door.

A hundred and four degrees!? No wonder I can barely breathe! I thought to myself.

I paced around in the stall. I was starting to worry. Beads of sweat rolled down my face and chest. I occasionally looked out the stall window, but could see nothing but rolling pastures. I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic, and could feel a panic attack coming on. I sat down, closed my eyes, and took slow deep breaths. After a few minutes I calmed back down.

I was just about to try to break out of the stall and go search for Adara and Saphira when the barn door opened. Saphira walked in and approached my stall. She was completely covered in sweat.

"I'm so happy to see you! I was starting to get worried." I said to her with a smile on my face.

She opened my stall, nickered, and nuzzled me on the cheeks.

"It's good to see you, too." She said lovingly. "Adara is waiting for us, we should go."

"Waiting where?" I asked.

"You'll see." Saphira replied. "Get on my back. It's a long walk, and it'll take less time if I carry you there."

I grabbed a handful of her mane with my left hand, put my right hand on her back, and jumped up, pulling myself onto her back. Saphira walked out of the barn, then told me to hold on tight. I laid forward and wrapped my arms around her neck as tight as I could. She took off with a burst of incredible speed, galloping away from the barn and through the rolling pastures I had only been able to see through my stall window before. Her hot, sweaty body felt good underneath me. I started to become aroused as I slid up and down her back with every stride she took. About fifteen minutes later we approached a thick forest at the bottom of a steep hill. Saphira didn't slow down at all, and continued to run at a full gallop, breathing hard and sweating profusely. Wherever she was going, she was in a hurry to get there. We entered the forest on a narrow path. The trees were so dense that I could feel branches brush up against me as we sped through them. Ten or so minutes after we entered the forest, we entered a clearing in the trees. In the middle of the clearing there was a huge lake. I could see my mistress playing in the shallow water near the shore on the other side of the lake.

Saphira stopped at the edge of the lake, still breathing hard and sweating. She stepped into water that was up to her fetlocks, and slowly walked into the lake. She stopped in chest-deep water and gave herself time to get used to the temperature. Her breathing slowed after a few minutes. She looked across the lake at my mistress.

"She's waiting for us. We have something special to show you." She said as she began walking toward the deeper water.

The clear, icy cool water was a shock to my system, and I gasped.

"Feels great, doesn't it?" Saphira said.

"Oh yes." I said to her.

Pretty soon she was in water up to her neck. She began swimming across the lake toward Adara. The cool water that rushed past my naked body was very soothing in this blazing heat. When we reached the other side, Adara welcomed us.

"That sure was quick." She said as she came over and nuzzled Saphira. "Human, we have something we'd like to share with you."

I slid off of Saphira's wet, slick back, and stood beside her and my mistress. Saphira turned around, and I could see she was already aroused, her winking clit readily visible underneath her raised tail. I was surprised when my mistress took a step forward and stuck her muzzle underneath Saphira's tail.

The sight of Adara's long tongue sliding up and down Saphira's pussy and asshole was an incredible turn on for me. I went around behind my mistress and started to finger her winking pussy. I could hear Saphira snorting and nickering as my mistress slurped her goodies. I started to passionately lick Adara's pussy, becoming overwhelmed by her taste and the grunts, moans, nickers, and snorts of these two dripping wet, horny mares.

Adara licked harder, now sliding her long tongue in and out of Saphira. She whinnied loudly, and covered my mistress in her juices. I continued to lick Adara, shaking with intense pleasure and desire as I closed my eyes and savored her wetness. The water from the lake had evaporated from my body, but I was soon soaked again in my own sweat.

Saphira lay down, and my mistress walked over to her.

"I want to taste you now, human." The paint mare said to me.

Adara was now standing over her, spreading her back legs to make room for Saphira's head. I walked back over to the two mares and began licking my mistress again as Saphira wrapped her muzzle around my rock hard, throbbing cock.

"Oh, that feels so good," I moaned loudly as I began licking my mistress faster.

I began thrusting in and out slowly as Saphira moved her muzzle back and forth, her tongue slithering around my cock, occasionally licking my balls. My mistress began pressing back into my face, hard, and I continued to lick her, desperately trying to go as deep into her with my tongue as I could. I started sucking on her clit, and she snorted and started pushing even harder. I could feel her coming close. I was also coming close to exploding from the wonderful sensations the incredibly skilled mare below me was providing me with. My mistress clamped down hard, and I took her clit into my mouth as a powerful orgasm hit her and she covered me in her delicious juices. I thrusted hard into Saphira's mouth, moaning loudly as I, too was hit with a powerful orgasm, my cum spurting into her mouth with more force than ever. Saphira closed her mouth and sucked hard as I emptied my load into her muzzle, sucking me dry. When I was finally finished, I collapsed.

My mistress moved from above Saphira and lay down next to her. The two mares began cleaning me with their tongues, licking every inch of my body. I lay motionless, overcome with pleasure.

"That.. was incredible." I gasped.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Saphira said, nuzzling my cheek. I kissed her on the muzzle and she went back to cleaning me.

We all three laid there for about an hour. Then my mistress stood up.

"We better head back, it's starting to get dark." she said. "Human, get on my back and I'll carry you this time." I did as she commanded and got on her back. The mares began swimming back across the lake, and I once again felt the soothing, cool water of the lake flowing all around me. I wanted to just fall asleep right there, but of course I couldn't. If I fell off of my mistress I'd be in trouble, I couldn't swim well on my own. We took our time walking through the forest, and when we finally got back to the barn it was completely dark outside.

It was still warm outside, but the choking humidity that was present earlier that day was gone. A gentle breeze was blowing.

"It's quite a nice night out," Saphira said as we approached the barn.

"Yes it is." I said as I jumped down off of my mistress' back and started toward the barn. The two mares followed me into the barn.

"You've been alone the past couple of nights, how would you like some company?" My mistress asked me.

"That would be wonderful." I said, happy that I wouldn't have to spend the night by myself for the third night in a row.

Saphira and Adara lay down next to each other. I turned out the lights, but left the barn doors open to allow the gentle breeze to blow through the barn. Adara fell asleep almost instantly, but Saphira was still laying there awake. I lay on her back, stroking either side of her neck with my hands and resting my face in her luxurious mane, inhaling her scent.

"I love you." She whispered to me as drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too." I whispered back to her, kissing her neck.

I looked over at my sleeping mistress, reaching over and softly stroking her face. "And I also love you." I said to her, feeling sleep starting to overtake me. Moments later I fell into a deep, blissful sleep with my two beautiful mare lovers.

Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning and Saphira was still contently sleeping beneath me. However, Adara was not there anymore. I stood up, stretching and yawning, trying to wake myself up. The barn door was still open, so I walked outside. I looked around, and saw Adara at the top of a hill, looking off into the distance. She was deep in thought, and it looked like something was troubling her.

I walked through the knee-high grass, over the rolling hills and approached her. I put my hand on her neck and softly stroked it.

"Something on your mind?" I asked her gently.

She turned to me, nuzzling my cheek.

"Yes. We need to discuss something. I have been keeping some things from you, but I think you deserve to know. I had hoped to spare you this pain, but..." She said.

"But what?" I asked her with concern in my eyes.

She sighed, and then began to explain many things to me.

"Tell me. What's the last thing you remember before waking up in the barn for the first time?" She asked.

"Well, I remember coming home from a double shift at work. I took a hot, relaxing shower, and went to sleep. The next thing I knew, I was here" I said.

"This might sound a little strange to you... but that was at least a year ago, before the event occurred that we know as the Awakening. None of us are sure exactly what happened, but overnight horses around the world achieved a new level of consciousness, comparable to that of humans. We also discovered that we could now communicate with the humans as well, through some form of telepathy. Today marks the anniversary of that event. Although it was a great day for us, it turned out not to be such a great thing for the humans. Within weeks, all but a few thousand humans scattered around the world were dead from some form of illness. Whatever it was that had given us this new level of self-awareness had a devastating affect on the human race. You were one of the survivors. I've been caring for you ever since. You only just recently regained consciousness" She explained.

My mind reeled at what I had just been told. I found it hard to believe that what had once been a thriving civilization of billions was now nearly extinct.

"So then... before I woke up, if I was never able to talk to you... how did you know that it was a fantasy of mine to be dominated by a mare?" I asked, trying to push the thought that everyone I had known and loved was probably dead out of my mind.

"I probed your mind and saw those images buried deep in your mind. They were very vivid, very clear. I found them extremely arousing, and thought that if I just owned you like you wanted in your fantasies, I could avoid telling you all of this. But I now realize that it was a mistake on my part to cover this up from you. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me" She whimpered as she laid her head on my shoulder.

I hugged her and patted her neck. "It's okay, Adara. I understand."

"So... did you really mean what you said last night," She asked, "do you really love me?"

"Oh, I didn't know you heard me, I thought you were already asleep. Of course I meant what I said, why wouldn't I? Over the past couple of weeks, you and Saphira have been making my wildest dreams come true. I love you both, and am very thankful to have both of you in my life" I said reassuringly.

She pressed her head into my back, embracing me as I hugged her. "I love you, too" she whispered.

I released her, and took a couple of steps back. "So what happens now?" I asked her.

"That's up to you," she replied, "you can stay here with us, or you can leave. The choice is yours. I must tell you though that if you leave, the chances of you finding any more humans is nearly non-existent. You're the only one I've seen alive since the Awakening."

"Why on Earth would I want to leave? I've got all I've ever wanted right here. I'd never dream of leaving you and Saphira" I said.

About that time, Saphira came walking up to us.

"Good morning you two!" She said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Saphira" We replied.

"Well, if you'll excuse me. Human, Saphira, I'm going to go for a walk. I'll probably be gone for most of the day. I've got a lot of things on my mind and I want to try to clear some of it out" Adara said to us.

"Okay, mistress," I said, kissing her on the muzzle, "have a good walk."

With that, Adara departed, leaving Saphira and I alone together.

"What was that all about?" Saphira asked me.

"She's just... been explaining some things to me," I said, "but enough about that. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Oh yes, I had the most wonderful dream. It was about you..." she said, looking down at the ground. If she were human she'd have been blushing. "I dreamed that you and I were making love... and I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, you had become a gorgeous stallion. You took me as your mate and we spent the rest of our lives together."

"Well, that must have been a nice dream" I said to her with a smile.

"Oh, it was" Saphira replied.

"You know, I may not be a stallion, but I sure do enjoy making love to a sweet mare. What do you say we go into the barn and have a little fun together?" I said temptingly.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that" Saphira said.

We walked into the barn together and closed the barn doors.

"Lay down" I whispered to her.

Saphira lay down, and I stood over her softly stroking her neck. I walked around and sat down on her rump and began massaging her back and sides, pushing into her back, kneading her muscles.

She nickered and sighed. "That feels so good."

"Glad to hear it" I said as I continued massaging her. I leaned forward and started to kiss her back, making my way up toward her neck. I slid forward on her back and started massaging her neck, running my fingers through her mane, softly blowing on her ears. I leaned forward even further and kissed her cheek. I got off of her back and knelt in front of her. We kissed each other passionately. I put my arms around her neck and hugged her, kissing her neck as she playfully nipped at my back and shoulders. I was already getting hard.

I crawled around to her rear end, and she raised her tail for me. She was dripping wet and her clit was winking in and out. She was incredibly horny. The sight of her hot wet pussy only added to my arousal. I lowered my head and began to lick her pussy. I savored her taste, sticking my tongue deep into her, occasionally bringing it out to lick around the outside of her pussy. I closed my eyes and continued licking, my entire body trembling with desire for this mare. I then knelt behind her and stuck my cock into her pussy. I put my hands on either side of her rump, and slowly began thrusting, savoring every moment of ecstasy her hot, wet pussy was providing me.

She let out a few grunts and soon began pushing back into me. I moaned as I thrusted harder and harder into her. I was beginning to sweat, and my breathing was getting heavier. Hers was, too. I could tell she was close to orgasm, so I thrusted as hard as I could. She moaned as her pussy clinched around me hard, and I felt her tense up as her orgasm rippled through her body.

That was enough to send me over the edge, and with one final hard thrust, I buried my member as deep into her as I could and ejaculated. I collapsed, breathing hard. Saphira and I lay there together and cuddled for a little bit.

She fell asleep, and I just laid here stroking her neck as I waited for Adara to return.

Chapter Five

After about fifteen minutes or so I fell asleep. Saphira and I both woke up a few hours later. She stood up and walked to the barn door, looking out.

"I wonder where Adara is." Saphira said.

"I don't know. She said she'd be gone most of the day, though." Even as those words left my mouth, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Do you think we should go try to find her?" I asked.

"Well... maybe. I'm starting to get a little worried about her. She hasn't been herself lately." Saphira said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little worried.

"Well she'd never admit it, but I think she's been falling into a depression. There have been times I haven't been able to find her for hours, and when I finally do she's standing on the bank of the river near the waterfall, just staring down at the rocks, or she's standing at the top of a steep cliff, looking out into the distance. When I ask her what's going on, she just sighs, and walks over to me not saying a word." Saphira replied.

My heart sank. "You don't think she'd actually do anything to harm herself, do you?" I asked.

"I hope not." Saphira said, beginning to share my worry. "Here, climb up on my back, we'll go look for her."

I got on Saphira's back and grabbed fistfuls of her mane to make sure I wouldn't fall off. Saphira trotted out of the barn and down the path toward the forest. I called out to Adara, looking around at the vast rolling hilly pastures that surrounded us. We searched for hours everywhere we could think of. The lake, the river, all around the forest, we even went to the cliffs and looked over. We couldn't find her anywhere.

Darkness was beginning to set in and my worry began to grow. "Maybe we should go back to the barn and see if she's there." I said.

We approached the barn, but as we did Saphira stopped suddenly. She turned to look at me. "Something's not right." She said. I hopped down off her back and tried to get a glimpse of the barn. It was hard to see from the distance we were at, but there appeared to be a vehicle parked around the front of the barn. I told Saphira to wait there, and walked to the barn to see what was going on. When I got closer to the barn I could hear snorting and whinnying. As I rounded the corner I was surprised by what I saw. There was a large black truck and four-horse trailer parked in front of the barn, Adara was tied securely to the trailer along with two other horses who were fully tacked.

There are people here somewhere.. I thought to myself, but what on Earth are they doing with those horses? I heard two men talking, and ducked behind the corner of the barn.

"..but we only caught one today." I heard one of them say.

"One is enough. We're lucky we even caught her. Well, let's get her back to the ranch. We're going to have a lot of work to do to get her broke again."

The men both had guns holstered at their sides. They approached Adara. She kicked at them violently.

"RELEASE ME IMMEDIATELY!!!" I heard her demand. One of the men hit her with a whip he was carrying and told her to be quiet, which further enraged her. "I'LL KILL YOU" she said, violently trying to break loose from the trailer. I was furious. Who were these men and what were they doing with my lover and those other two horses? I wasn't about to let them get away with what they were trying to do to her, whatever it was. I snuck into the barn and grabbed a shovel. One man walked around to the cab of the truck while the other stood near the horses. I approached him from behind and nailed him in the back of the head with the shovel as hard as I could. I grabbed the gun from his holster after he fell and pointed it at him.

"BACK OFF!!" I yelled. He held up his arms.

"Just who in the world are you?" He asked me.

"Shut up." I demanded. "Who are you, and what are you doing with these horses?" I asked, keeping my weapon trained on the man as I walked over and released Adara and untied the other two horses, a mare and a stallion.

"We're taking them back where they belong - in the custody of humans. Horses don't need to be running around uncontrolled, especially now that they've become so smart. We have a ranch about fifteen miles from here, where we've been taking horses we've captured, and putting them back under our control." The man said, rubbing his head.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but there aren't exactly that many of us left in the world. You want to tell me how a few thousand humans are supposed to maintain control over millions of horses with equal or superior intellectual capacities? And besides, they deserve their freedom. They've earned it after all the crap they've had to put up with from humanity for so many years. You, sir, are an extremely stupid individual for believing otherwise, and for trying to do what you're doing." I said, glaring at him with hatred in my eyes.

"What did they say to you? They must have tricked you into sympathizing with them. They are a threat that needs to be controlled, can't you realize that? Look at yourself, pointing a gun at your fellow man to save a few beasts." He said.

"My love..." Adara said.

"Adara, go to Saphira and make sure she's okay. She's waiting a few hundred feet away from the barn on the other side." I asked. She did so, galloping off in Saphira's direction.

"What you don't seem to realize," I said to the man, "is that we are no longer the dominant race of this planet." About that time, his partner came around the corner with his gun drawn. I quickly fired at him, shooting the gun out of his hand. "Don't move." I said to him, as I motioned him to sit down on the ground next to his partner.

"Now, I want you to tell me. How many horses have you captured so far?" I said.

The two men looked at each other, the first answering "Just that stallion and the two mares."

I looked at the stallion. "Is this true?" I asked him.

"Yes, there were no other horses where he took us. We were the only two until he captured the palomino mare today." he replied.

"Okay. Here's what's going to happen," I said, "I am going to destroy your truck and trailer. After that, you will be free to leave. But I warn you, If I ever see either of you again you will be treated as an enemy, and I will not hesitate to fire on you if you force me to."

After that, I got into the truck and drove it away from the barn. After it was a fairly good distance away, I got out and shot the gas tank. Flames began erupting from underneath the truck and I watched as the trailer and truck were destroyed by a fiery inferno. The two men began walking away, cursing under their breath, angry at what had just happened. I walked back to the barn where the stallion and mare I had just freed were standing. I tossed the gun aside and began removing the tack that was on both of them.

The stallion took a step toward me. "Thank you," he said, "I'm glad to see we have some allies among the humans. My name is B'rial, and this is my mate, Esyro. I looked at the two horses. B'rial was an impressive thoroughbred stallion, a good 17 hands tall, jet black with a small diamond shaped white mark on his forehead, and a long flowing mane. Esyro was shorter than him, a 16 hand beautiful bay mare. Esyro nuzzled me, then walked over to her mate and stood next to him "Thank you so much, human. We are in your debt."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I came back when I did." I said. Saphira and Adara approached us and both of them ran up to me, nuzzling me. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay," Saphira sobbed, "When we heard the gunshot we were terrified you'd been killed." I threw my arms around her neck, comforting her for a moment.

I then turned to B'rial and Esyro. "Where will you two go now?" I asked.

They both thought about it for a few minutes. Finally B'rial said "Well, how about if we stayed here with you? I mean if you all would like the company."

I looked at Adara and Saphira. Adara nuzzled me and said "What do you think, my love?"

"Well, I think it's a great idea. I would love to have the company of two more beautiful horses, and I'm sure my two mare friends here would love to have two more horses around that they can socialize with." I said with a smile.

B'rial turned to Esyro, then to me, "Thank you. You are truly a very kind human to welcome us into your life without even knowing us well."

Adara nuzzled me. "Saphira and I are hungry. Perhaps we could all graze for a while and talk, get to know each other better."

"Good idea." I said. We all began walking toward the pastures behind the barn, Saphira and Adara to my left and B'rial and Esyro to my right.

As we walked, Esyro asked me a question. "I heard the palomino mare call you 'my love.' Forgive me if this is too personal... but are you two romantically involved?"

"Why yes, actually we are." I said proudly "In fact, all three of us are. I love Adara and Saphira, and they both love me too."

"Interesting." said the stallion. "Tell me, have you always been attracted to horses? I mean, even before the Awakening?"

"Oh yes," I said, "But I was never able to fully express my passion until I met Adara and Saphira."

"I see." He responded, as he continued to graze. He paused for a few minutes, then lifted his head and asked me. "So.. is it only mares.. that you're attracted to?" He asked shyly.

"Well, I've always been attracted to all horses... I'm attracted to stallions as well." I said, looking at the ground, unsure of how he'd respond.

"I see..." he replied. He grazed in silence for a few more minutes. Then he looked up at me. "Would you ever want to have a... romantic encounter with a stallion?" He asked me, almost seeming embarrassed. Esyro raised her head and looked at us.

"Well.. sure I would." I said. "But I'd have to find a stallion who'd be willing, first, and of course I'd have to make sure my mare lovers didn't mind." By this time, Adara and Saphira were looking at us, too.

"Well, of course I wouldn't mind" Adara said, laughing.

Saphira nuzzled me and said "If you want to, go right ahead. You know we'll still love you."

Esyro looked at B'rial. "Well, I guess there's no harm if you two want to have a little fun together." With that, I smiled and looked at B'rial. He looked back at me and nickered.

"Shall we go inside the barn?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." I said, patting him on the neck.

"Aww, and I was hoping to get to watch." Adara teased. "Have fun you two."

We went into the barn and closed the door.

"So, how should we start?" He asked nervously.

"Like this.." I replied, taking his muzzle into my hands and kissing him deeply, then hugging him and stroking his neck. I then walked around to his side and got underneath him. I started licking his balls and his sheath and he immediately dropped his huge horsecock out of his sheath.

"Oh.. that feels good." he said as I began stroking his cock. In no time he was hard and began thrusting into my hand. I kept stroking and licking him as he snorted and thrusted. It wasn't long before he whinnied loudly and ejaculated all over me. I opened my mouth catching as much of his cum as I could, then licking the rest off of his cock. Afterwards he snorted, saying "That felt really nice."

I then stood up and started licking his ass. He raised his tail. "Oh... that's a curious sensation.." He said.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"No.." he said, "I like it, it feels good."

I kept licking his ass, and by this point I was rock hard myself. "I want inside you" I moaned as I licked his ass. He nickered and raised his tail even further. I got the step stool, and stood on the very top of it, bringing my cock just level with his ass. I slowly pushed into him.

He snorted and nickered and made a variety of other noises, trying to process this new sensation he was feeling. "Do you like that or do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"Oh please keep going.. it feels strange.. but good." He said.

I started thrusting faster and faster, moaning loudly. "Your ass is so hot and tight." I gasped. I kept thrusting and he started pushing his ass back into my cock as I thrusted. After only a few minutes, I gave him one last hard thrust as I exploded inside him, collapsing onto his rump and breathing heavily, sweat dripping down my face.

I stood up and me and B'rial started walking outside.

"That was interesting." B'rial said to me. "Did you have a good time?"

"Oh yes.." I said, still breathing heavily. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Thoroughly." he responded. "We've gotta do that again some time. That was really hot."

Once we were outside, Saphira trotted over to me and B'rial trotted over to Esyro, nuzzling her.

"You two look like you had a good time" Saphira said sounding slightly jealous, nuzzling me. I grabbed her muzzle and kissed her deeply. "Not as much fun as I have with you, my darling." I said as I hugged her around her neck with all my might.

Adara came over to us a few minutes later. "Mmm looks like someone needs to be cleaned up." she said as she began licking my face and chest. Saphira started to lick me as well, and I felt myself becoming aroused again.

Adara noticed my erection. "Oh, ready for more already are we?" she said. I felt Adara's hot wet tongue slide over my cock and balls, and a moan escaped from me. As soon as I opened my mouth Saphira kissed me deeply, filling my mouth with her tongue. Being ravaged by these two mares was so hot, I was trembling and moaning loudly.

"Ohh, I think he likes it, Saphira" Adara said playfully. "Should we give him more?"

"Oh, well I don't know. Maybe we should make him beg for it." Saphira said, playing along.

"Oh.. please.. don't stop" I said, trembling as a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead and splashed on the ground. Saphira began kissing me deeply again and Adara continued licking my cock, taking it into her mouth occasionally, teasing me. I closed my eyes, leaning into Saphira's passionate kissing, letting her tongue fill my mouth, and thrusting into Adara's mouth.

Esyro and B'rial were watching us in the distance.

"Wow, they're really getting into it." Esyro said.

"Yeah, I know. Hot isn't it?" B'rial said, his cock hanging out and becoming erect again.

"Yeah.." his mate replied, "Oh B'rial, take me.. I want you inside me right now."

I opened my eyes just in time to see B'rial mount Esyro and start thrusting into her as he bit her neck. This turned me on even more, and I ejaculated into Adara's mouth, who gladly sucked me dry and licked my cock clean afterwards. After that I collapsed and just lay on the ground while Adara and Saphira both licked all over my body. I heard Esyro and B'rial both snorting and nickering as they continued their lovemaking in the distance.

"I think our new friends are going to fit in just fine." I whispered as I lay there.

Chapter Six

"Wake up, my love." Adara said, gently nuzzling my cheek.

"Mm.. just five more minutes.. I don't wanna go to work today." I whined in my half-conscious state.

"My love, wake up," she said, nuzzling me again, this time hard enough to jolt me into the waking world, "there is something you must see."

"Wha.. oh. Good morning Adara." I said, stretching out and yawning, sleep still desperately trying to retake my body. I shook my face and splashed it with some water to bring me to my senses. "What is it you want to show me?" I asked her.

"See for yourself." She said. "Follow me."

I followed Adara out the barn door, being careful not to awaken Saphira, B'rial, or Esyro. When we exited the barn, I noticed a white rectangular piece of paper stuck in a crack in one of the windows next to the barn door.

"Well, what do we have here?" I said, taking the piece of paper. Upon closer inspection I could see it was an envelope. "Looks like someone sent me a letter." I looked at the envelope more closely. On it, my name was hand-written. "Hmm.. there's no stamp or post mark, or return address, only my name. Someone hand-delivered this personally." I tore the envelope open, and took out the folded piece of paper inside.

Adara stepped closer to me. "What does it say, my love?" She asked, resting her head on my shoulder.

I read the letter aloud to her. "Come to the fallen tree near the edge of the waterfall immediately. Failure to comply will result in dire consequences. Come alone with the palomino mare. Say nothing of this to the others."

"Who could have possibly written this?" I said aloud.

"My love.. I think we should go there and find out what this is all about. I do not wish to see what 'dire consequences' will result if we do nothing." Adara said.

"Agreed." I responded to her as I climbed up on her back.

We made our way down the trail that lead to the river, Adara galloping at full speed, the wind whipping through her mane and tail. I had often seen her run like this from afar, and every time I stood captivated at her sheer beauty as her silky mane and tail danced in the breeze. We stopped at the river's edge and took a break. Adara stood on the bank drinking from the crystal clear water while I knelt next to her, cupping the water in my hands and drinking as well.

"The waterfall is another good ten minutes away. We should get going again. I'm eager to see who is behind this letter and what this is all about." I said.

Adara knelt down, allowing me to slide my leg over her back and mount her more easily, and we continued our trek. When we finally reached the waterfall, we could see the fallen tree in the distance. I dismounted Adara and began walking toward it. It was eerily quiet. None of the usual ambient sounds of nature and wildlife could be heard. Only the gentle flowing of the river and the rush of water over the edge of the waterfall.

I heard a high-pitched whoosh sound and a sharp sting in the side of my neck. Out if instinct I grabbed for whatever had just caused this pain. I pulled the dart out of my neck as I began to falter, darkness quickly overcoming me.

"MY LOVE!!!" I heard Adara yell out in fear just as I blacked out.

When I woke up I couldn't move. I was sitting in a cold metal chair to which my hands and feet were securely restrained by manacles. My head was tightly bound to the top of the chair by a metal restraint that came across my forehead. The room was very dark, the only source of light being candles that dotted the large room. Directly in front of me there was a full-length mirror. I watched the candlelight dance across my face as I felt fear begin to slowly creep its way into my consciousness.

I heard a door open, and saw a bright light in the shape of a door with a dark figure standing in it in the mirror. I couldn't make out any of his features, but he appeared to be wearing a long robe or cloak of some sort.

"My apologies for the restraints, we had to be sure you wouldn't escape." I heard a low, raspy voice say as I heard footsteps slowly make their way toward me.

Panic started to set in and my heart started to race.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I asked frantically.

"Ha. Who I am is not important. What I am.. well. Now that's a subject that I think you would find quite.. interesting." The voice said, laughing. The laugh sent shivers down my spine and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"Well then... what are you? Where am I, and what did you do with Adara?" I demanded, trying to maintain a facade of toughness as the fear welled up inside me.

"Your little mare friend ran as soon as she saw us come toward you. I am curious. Do you really think she loves you?" The voice asked.

"Yes. I know she loves me. She has demonstrated that quite readily on numerous occasions." I said.

"She's been keeping some things from you, you know. I have brought you here to show you the truth. To shed some light on the state of affairs of the world. To tell you things that your lover would find too painful to tell you herself. I've brought you here so that you may know what it truly is to be human in this new world."

A bright light quickly filled the room. I immediately shut my eyes to shield them from the painful luminescence that now filled the room. Once my eyes adjusted and I looked in the mirror again to see the figure with his back turned to me, a large black cloak shielding most of his body. The mirror vanished through a mechanical recess in the floor and I could now see a large screen that had been behind it.

I heard the figure's footsteps, and could hear that he was walking to my left and would soon be in full view. When he stood in front of me, my jaw fell open in awe. It was a horse, but not a horse. It was a person, but not a person. It was something in between. The creature's body resembled that of a horse, but there were several differences in the creature's physical appearance and that of an ordinary horse. For one, this creature stood upright and had grasping hands. Other than that the physical similarities were such that had this creature been on all fours it would have almost looked like any ordinary horse.

"What... how..." I gasped, dumbfounded.

"The Awakening." The creature said. "It was not an accident as is commonly believed among your kind. It was an intentional act. My name is Joran. I am praetor of the New World Equine Confederacy." I just stared at him with an empty gape, my confusion very apparent. "Haha, don't worry. I will explain everything to you."

Joran walked over to a console mounted on the wall next to the screen and tapped a few buttons. Suddenly a video appeared on the screen. It appeared to have been taken in space from a satellite of some sort. The North American continent was in plain sight, barely a cloud in the sky as the Earth slowly rotated away from the camera. It was a stunning view of our world. After a minute or so, a large bright green point of light suddenly erupted into existence somewhere in what looked like Canada or northwestern America. A green shockwave radiated out at high speed from the center. It appeared to have been an explosion of some sort. Within minutes, the shockwave had spread across the entire planet.

The video stopped, and an image of a man with short black hair and dark brown eyes with thick glasses appeared on the screen.

"We don't know much about this man, but we do know that he was a scientist of some sort. We found his journals, his experiment logs, everything. He appeared to have been studying both the human and equine genome at the time of the explosion. We believe he engineered this... virus... this... thing that changed everything on Earth, to do exactly what it has done. It has wiped out nearly all of humanity and increased the intellectual capacities of horses by thousands of percents, and made them capable of thought and reasoning far superior to that of humans. It also had an effect he didn't anticipate. Any human close to a horse at the time of the incident became fused to that horse. Their genetic structure was broken down, reorganized, and combined with that of the horse and two creatures became one. This happened all over the world. From what we can tell, there are about two million of us scattered throughout the globe. The population of humans is less than two thousand. You truly are a rare find." Joran said, as he pressed another button releasing the restraints. “That is now what it means to be human. You are rare. Endangered. If some had their way, your kind would be extinct.”

I rubbed my wrists where the circulation had been partially cut off by the manacles. "So what do you want with me?" I asked.

"We've been monitoring your relationship with the horses you know as Adara, Saphira, B'rial, and Esyro. You're a perfect candidate." He said with a grin.

"Candidate for what?" I asked.

"We need to extract some of your genetic material. We have the means to combine human and equine DNA to create more of our race. There are many four legged horses that would like to be infused with human DNA so that they, too, may join our society. The procedure is relatively painless and not dangerous. However, it is up to you to decide. The reason we selected you for this is because, well, most of the humans we've encountered have been incredibly violent toward us and other horses, like your lover Adara, so we try to keep away from them. We thought if we could find one who has embraced this new reality that they might be willing to help us. In return, we'd be willing to offer you an incentive." Joran said.

"Oh really.. what kind of incentive?" I asked, intrigued.

"We'd be willing to infuse your body with equine DNA. It wouldn't change your physical appearance, but your strength, stamina, and sexual ability would greatly expand. You'd also have heightened senses - and heightened pleasure, which is something I'm sure you and your equine lovers would all enjoy." Joran replied.

I thought about it for a minute, then replied.

"Okay, I'll do it." I said.

After that, I was led to a room filled with odd-looking instruments. Another of the creatures entered the room and put an IV in each of my arms. He hit some buttons on a few of the machines that the IV tubes were connected to, and I could hear the sound of electricity charging up capacitors inside the machine. I felt a sudden burning sensation in my left arm that crawled up my arm and through my body. In my right arm, I felt just the opposite. It felt as though my right arm had just been immersed in a tank of liquid nitrogen. The cold feeling traveled up my arm and through the right side of my body. The two feelings slowly approached each other inside my body, and as they met every muscle in my body tensed up and my heart rate soared. I began shaking violently as every nerve in my body seared with pain for an instant.

Just as soon as it had begun, it was over.

I certainly felt different than before. Then I heard a voice.

"My love, my love are you in here!?" The voice yelled.

"Adara!" I called out, "You found me!" I said as Adara walked into the room.

"Oh my love, I'm so glad to see you. Are you okay?" She asked, nuzzling my cheek.

"Yes my darling," I said, bringing my hand do her muzzle, "I'm fine. I'll explain everything on the way home. Joran, thank you. For everything."

"My pleasure." Joran replied. "May you live long, happy lives together. And feel free to visit us here in our city any time."

With that, Adara and I departed. I explained what had just happened to her as we made the trip back home. After a few hours, we were there, greeted by Saphira, who nickered and nuzzled Adara, and then me. "Esyro and B'rial have gone to the river for some alone time together." She said.

I grabbed Saphira's muzzle and deeply kissed her with more passion than ever before. I felt her shudder.

"WOW. Where did THAT come from?" She asked.

"Shh.. no questions.. there's plenty more where that came from. For both of you." I said, looking between her and Adara. Wasting no time, I went to Saphira's rear end and gently lifted her tail. I started licking, my tongue exploring her hot wet pussy more deeply and pressing on it more firmly than ever. Saphira moaned and nearly collapsed in ecstasy. I then stood on a rock and slowly inserted my cock into her. I started thrusting into her with nearly the same amount of force as a stallion. My member had increased a few inches in length and had increased in girth as well. I drove it deeper into Saphira than ever before, snorting and grunting like a wild stallion. Sweat was pouring down my body, I could feel my body heating up from the passionate lovemaking of Saphira and I. Adara came over and started licking my balls and ass from behind as I continued thrusting harder and harder into Saphira. The sensations as my cock entered Saphira, then left her only to feel Adara’s warm wet tongue slide underneath my ass and balls, touching my cock ever so slightly, were turning me on more than I had ever been turned on in my life.

"Oh... oh I can't take it!" Saphira moaned and gasped. Her orgasm hit her hard, her entire body violently shuddered and her pussy contracted hard around my cock. I thrusted hard one last time, throwing my head back and neighing loudly as I had the most intense orgasm in my life.

I got down off the rock, still trembling. Saphira stood with her legs still spread, her clit winking hard and her pussy dripping wet with her orgasm and my cum. Adara went over to her and began licking my cum from her pussy, letting her tongue glide over her pussy and asshole, popping into her pussy every now and then to get a taste of what our lovemaking had left behind. I heard Saphira moan with desire, and could tell she was still horny, and was intensely enjoying Adara’s oral pleasuring. I could see Adara’s pussy winking as well, and decided to pleasure her.

I walked over to the palomino mare, who was still taking delight in pleasuring the black and white paint mare, lifted her tail without saying a word, and buried my face in her ass. I licked her asshole, moaning with incredible lust the whole time, and worked my way down to her pussy, taking her winking clit into my mouth and tonguing the lips of her pussy, allowing my tongue to dance all around the playground that was underneath her tail.

I heard Saphira neigh loudly with another powerful orgasm, and could tell that Adara’s licking increase as she tried to lap up all of her wetness. Saphira then turned around, nickered, and nuzzled Adara. Without a word, she started walking toward the barn, presumably to give Adara and I some time alone together.

I continued licking Adara’s delicious pussy.
“Oh.. my love..” She moaned, “That feels so good. Oh please keep going.” She said, nickering and moaning, overcome with pleasure, raising her tail as high as she could.

I continued licking her pussy, my cock painfully throbbing for release again as I slurped her goodies as though my very life depended on it.

After a few more minutes, I could feel her coming close to orgasm. I got out from underneath her tail, stood on the rock, and thrust my cock into her in one fluid motion. I heard moans and sounds escaping Adara I had never heard before as pleasure enflamed every nerve ending in her body. All this quickly overcame her senses and she had the most powerful orgasm I had ever felt, her pussy contracting hard around me, every muscle in her body contracting and shuddering, throwing her head back and neighing louder than I had ever heard in my life.

“Did you enjoy that, my darling?” I asked her as I stepped down from the rock and walked to her side, patting her neck and hugging her.

“Oh yes.. that.. was so intense.” She said. “They really gave you an incredible gift.”

“Yes, and it is a gift that you and Saphira will enjoy the rest of your lives.” I said, passionately kissing her.

Chapter Seven

The next few months we all became very close companions. Adara, Saphira, B'rial, Esyro and I had many fiery nights together. My two mare lovers and I enjoyed lovemaking almost every night, but B'rial and Esyro mostly kept to themselves. They only made love to each other, and even then only in the traditional stallion-to-mare way. He'd mount her, do his business, and they'd be done in a few minutes. I had offered to pleasure them both on several occasions, but each time they declined. I had even tried to get B'rial to perform orally on Esyro, just to give them something new to try, but neither of them seemed interested. Nevertheless, the five of us became inseparable.

I had also learned more about the race of beings who had abducted me and infused me with horse DNA. They call themselves the Equans. They live in six cities, five smaller cities equally spaced from one another around a 60 mile radius from the capital city, which is three times as big as the small cities. Adara and I had been back to the capital city twice since our initial visit. Joran told us that there were many horses that chose to live outside of the cities, although some had chosen to be infused with human DNA and join the Equans in their society. They were very technologically advanced, and made astounding leaps in technology every day that would have taken mankind decades to achieve.

Winter was setting in now. We spent most of our time in the barn to escape the freezing winds that whipped the snow-covered countryside. At night I slept tucked away in the warmth between Saphira and Adara, their soft winter fur felt luxurious against my skin.

One particularly cold night, a few days before New Year's, I was awakened by soft nudging. I opened my eyes and stared into the darkness, trying to see who it was. Once my eyes adjusted, I could see that it was Esyro.

"Esyro? Is everything okay?" I asked, half dazed.

"Yes... No... I don't know. I just feel like I need to talk to someone." She replied.

"Okay." I said, standing up and being careful not to awaken Adara and Saphira. I shivered as I stood up, the warmth of my two mare lovers being suddenly replaced by the chilled night air. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself in it as Esyro and I walked to an area of the barn where we could be alone.

"What's on your mind, Esyro?" I asked.

She looked at me sullenly. "I... I think something is wrong with B'rial. He seems to have changed ever since... well... ever since you two made love. He doesn't seem to be as passionate with me as he was before.

I don't know what's troubling him, but I'm really starting to worry. I... I think he may be losing the feelings he has toward me" She replied, the pain she felt at the very thought of losing her lover very evident in her demeanor. I wrapped my arms around the bay mare and stroked her neck as I hugged her, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I've seen the way he acts when he's with you. He loves you more than anything in the world, there's no doubt in my mind. He may just be having some guilty thoughts about what he and I did together. He may feel that he was unfaithful to you and be ashamed by it. I know that he loves you though, Esyro." I said.

"But he knows I was okay with him wanting to have... that kind of experience with you. He shouldn't feel guilty..." She said back to me.

"I know, I know. Everything's going to be okay." I whispered to her, doing my best to comfort her but failing.

After a while she calmed back down. "Thank you for listening... and for caring" she said, nuzzling me.

"Hey, that's what friends are for, right?" I said, smiling at her. About that time, B'rial woke up.

"Esyro? Esyro? Where are you my love?" I heard him call out.

"He's looking for you. Go on, lay back down with him, get some rest. And don't trouble yourself. Talk with him tomorrow and reassure him, just let him know you still love him and care for him. I'm sure if you do that, he'll be back to his old self." I said. Esyro nuzzled me one more time, then she went back to B'rial.

"There you are, my love," He said, nuzzling her, "I was getting worried. Come, lay with me."

I watched them lay down together and smiled. "They're lucky to have each other." I said to myself. After that, I snuggled back up with Adara and Saphira. Saphira stirred slightly, and for a moment I thought I had woken her up. She just snorted, shifted her body position so that her head rested on Adara's neck, and went back to sleep. "And I'm lucky to have you two." I whispered, stroking Saphira's neck and running my fingers through her mane.

The next morning, I woke up and was surprised to find that Saphira and I were the only two in the barn. I kissed her on the forehead and ran my hand down her face, gently caressing her muzzle. "Wake up, beautiful." I whispered to her.

"Wha?.. Oh. Good morning" She said as she awoke. She looked around for a minute, noticing everyone else was gone. "Where'd everyone go?" She asked. It was still very early in the morning, the sun hadn't even come out yet.

"That's a good question." I replied. "I'm sure they'll be back soon, though, it's still terribly cold outside."

"You're probably right." Saphira said. "Hey... do you think we've got time for a little.. quickie?"

I looked at her, a huge grin overtaking my face.

"Always." I said. "I've got an idea. I want to try something... a little different."

"Oh? Do tell." She said.

"Well... how long do you think you can stay laying on your back?" I asked her.

"Hmm.. probably long enough." She said back to me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

With that, she rolled over onto her back and tried to steady herself. She let her hind legs spread open as wide as she could get them.

"That looks uncomfortable." I said to her.

"It's okay, I can handle it long enough for what we're doing." She said back to me.

I straddled her belly and leaned forward to kiss her on the muzzle. We shared a few passionate kisses, letting our tongues dance around in each other's mouths, then I slid down her belly a little farther. I kissed her chest and belly, rubbing her sides and moaning, my member rock-hard with desire for her. I then positioned myself to enter her pussy while laying on her belly. I inserted myself into her and slowly pushed in, wrapping my arms around her sides, her front and hind legs hanging in mid-air clumsily. I began to sweat as I continued pushing into her slowly. I tried to pace myself, making our pleasure last as long as I could. Every time I entered her I felt her entire body shudder with intense pleasure. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, her balance faltering as she was overcome with stimulation. I continued pushing into her, steadily increasing my pace, breathing heavily as steam rose from my body in the cool winter air. I felt Saphira begin to breathe more heavily as she squirmed with delight underneath me. Among all of this passionate love making, I had a thought and a small laugh escaped me.

"You know, I never thought I'd be making love to a horse in the missionary position." I said.

Saphira didn't reply, she was soaking up every ounce of pleasure she could from the moment. I began thrusting even faster and harder. After another couple of minutes I felt Saphira tense up underneath me as she threw her head up and whinnied, her pussy tightening around my cock as she was overtaken by a powerful orgasm. I didn't stop, I continued slamming my cock into her faster and faster, driving it into her wonderfully wet pussy as deep as I could go. She was now panting, snorting, and emitting short, shrill sounds every time I pushed into her. I felt her tighten up even more and her entire body began trembling and shaking violently as she was overtaken by a second orgasm only seconds after the first one. I gave one last hard thrust and ejaculated deep into her, my every sense being overtaken by a blinding orgasm. When the last of my cum had spurted into her, I collapsed onto her belly and passed out.

When I came to, Saphira was laying next to me, licking my face and chest. I lifted my hand and brought her muzzle to my lips, kissing her and closing my eyes.

"I've never felt anything like that in my life." I said to her, still breathing heavily.

"Me neither." She said. Her coat was slightly damp with sweat and her rear end was completely covered with the aftermath of our lovemaking. Saphira laid down and I laid down next to her, draping a large heavy blanket over us as we curled up and went to sleep together.

Not even fifteen minutes later, our rest was abruptly interrupted. The barn door was flung open, making a loud crashing noise. I immediately jumped to my feet to see Esyro come walking through the door. Before I even saw her I knew in my heart something was wrong. She stumbled into the barn, soaking wet from head to tail, ice clinging to her coat as she shivered violently from the cold. She took a few steps and collapsed. I ran to her, kneeling down next to her.

"Esyro!!! What happened!??" I asked, panic-stricken. Saphira took the blanket we had been using in her mouth and covered Esyro with it.

"No..." Esyro said quietly "no... no... B'rial..." She said before passing out.

I quickly stood up and ran to get more blankets. "Saphira, lay next to her, try to keep her warm, I'm going to try to find some blankets and towels to dry her off."

Saphira laid down next to her as I draped three more blankets over her. Esyro laid there, still shivering and shaking.

"She's exhausted." I said.

Adara came walking into the barn with her head hung low. I ran to her. "My love, what happened?" I said, tears starting to well up in my eyes. She put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I'm not sure. I woke up and Esyro was running out of the barn after B'rial. I followed them. B'rial kept running as fast as he could. When he came to the river, he couldn't tell that the ice was too thin to walk on, since it was covered in snow. He fell in about half way across. He tried to make it back to the bank but the ice was too thin, it kept breaking. He was pulled under by the current of the river. Esyro went in after him and tried desperately to save him, almost being pulled under herself." Adara laid down next to Esyro, the two mares surrounding the third mare with their body heat.

"Oh... no..." I said, in total shock and grief. "Are you sure he didn't make it out? maybe he made it to the other side of the river. Or maybe he went over the waterfall and survived and was able to get out at the bottom... he can't be gone... he just can't be."

I sat down in front of Esyro, laying her head on my lap, cupping her ears in my hands and blowing on them to warm them up. She came to, and raised her head, still shaking and shivering. "B'rial.." she moaned.

"Shh..sh.. easy. We almost lost you there. Don't try to get up. Just lay here until we can get you warmed up." I whispered to her. Her head fell back into my lap.

Tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't imagine what Esyro was going through right now. My heart ached deeply for the loss of our friend, and also for Esyro for having to bear the loss of her mate.

After Esyro was dry, I stood up and took the wet blankets off of her, and covered her with more dry blankets. She laid there sleeping for several hours, her body still overcome with exhaustion. Adara, Saphira, and I stayed with her, silent the entire time. I sat there, Esyro's head still on my lap, stroking her forehead.

Later that day Saphira, Adara, and I returned to the river to scan the banks for B'rial. I called out his name from Saphira's back as she walked along the edge of the frozen river. We searched for several hours to no avail. We spent the greater part of the day searching, hoping we'd find him, our hope dwindling as the hours passed. When it started to get dark we had to call off our search.

When we got back to the barn, I tried my best to console Esyro.

"We.. didn't find him. Oh Esyro... I'm so sorry... I... I don't know what to say." I said, throwing my arms around her neck, trying to comfort her.

"Where will I go now?" She said. "B'rial was my whole world. He was everything to me. Now I have nothing left. Nothing to live for. When I lost B'rial, I lost the most important piece of my life. I have nobody now."

"You have us, Esyro. We'll take care of you. We care about you. I know it hurts... but we're here for you, and we always will be here for you." I said to her.

Chapter Eight

"Three... two... one... happy new year!" I said, kissing Adara and Saphira as the clock struck midnight.

Esyro was laying in a dark corner of the barn, by herself. She hadn't been the same since B'rial's death. Her personality changed drastically, and she barely spoke to any of us anymore. I looked over at her, and her somber demeanor brought a tinge of pain to my heart.

"Will you two lovely ladies excuse me for a moment?" I asked, making my way towards Esyro.

I approached the bay mare, who was still laying motionless, her eyes transfixed on a blank wall, as though she was numb to the world around her. I knelt down next to her, patting her on the neck.

"Hey there." I said softly. "You okay?"

"No. I'm not okay. I'll never be okay." She said back to me.

"Esyro... you have to let go. I know you loved him... but he's gone. Do you think he'd really want you to be this way? Do you think he'd want you to stop living just because he's gone? Or do you think he would want you to move on? He was happiest when you were happy. The best way you could honor his memory is to try to be happy again. That's what he'd want, Esyro, you know that." I said as I stroked her neck.

"I know... but I'm just not ready yet. My heart has been shattered and it's going to take a long time to put the pieces back together." She replied.

"I can't imagine how hard this has been for you, Esyro. I just want you to know, that I'm here for you. We're all here for you. We love you, Esyro." I said, kissing her on the forehead. "I'm willing to do whatever you want to help you. Don't hesitate to ask."

"I... I really appreciate that," Esyro said, "...but right now I just want to be alone."

"It's okay," I said, "I understand."

I then rejoined Adara and Saphira, who were in the other side of the barn, talking to one another.

"How is she?" Adara asked.

"Not good." I replied. "She's really in a lot of pain. It won't be easy for her to move on."

"It's understandable. She's suffered a great loss." Saphira said.

"She said she wants to be left alone." I said, "I think we should go for a little walk outside."

With that, we all three exited the barn, leaving Esyro to mourn in solitude. I got on Saphira's back, and we started down the trail that led to the forest. The weather was harsh this evening, snow was heavily falling and a furious icy wind whipped at us. The forest was just starting to come into view, and through all of the blinding snowfall, I thought I saw something.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing off into the direction of whatever it was I thought I saw.

"I don't know. I can't see anything." Adara said.

"Let's get closer." I said.

As we approached the figure, Adara and Saphira both saw it, too. It was a faint outline in the snow. Something large was just beginning to be covered by snowfall. As we got closer, the figure moved ever so slightly.

"It can't be..." I said. I jumped down off of Saphira and went running toward the figure. I frantically brushed all of the snow away to reveal a jet black thoroughbred stallion with a small white spot on his forehead. "B'rial!" I shouted. "Adara, Saphira, come quick, it's B'rial!"

I put my hand in front of his nose to feel for breath. "He isn't breathing." I said. I bent down, cupping my hands over his nose, and blew as hard as I could into his left nostril, trying to force a little warm air into his lungs. "Come on B'rial, breathe." I said, as I continued breathing hard into his nostril. I repeated it several times, but he still wouldn't breathe. I was just about to give up. I gave him one last huge breath, and then collapsed, exhausted from breathing so hard. "B'rial... you can't give up... you made it so far." I said as I began to cry. We were only about 300 yards from the barn. B'rial just lay there, motionless. Then suddenly, I heard him snort and gasp for breath.

"B'rial!" I shouted. "You're alive! Quick, Adara go to the barn and find something to carry him with. Saphira and I will wait here."

Adara galloped off to the barn. When she entered the barn, Esyro immediately jumped up. "What is it?" She asked.

"No time to explain." Adara said, grabbing a long length of rope in her mouth and throwing a blanket over her back.

Adara returned moments later with the rope and blanket.

"Help me roll him over." I said, positioning the blanket underneath him, then pulling half of it back over him and securing it with the rope. Adara and Saphira each took one corner of the folded over blanket, and started to drag him back to the barn. When we got inside, Esyro was overcome with emotion.

"B'rial!!!!" She said, whinnying and pacing around in place.

I immediately grabbed all of the blankets I could find and draped them over B'rial. I took a metal garbage can and started a fire in it next to him, trying to warm up the barn as much as possible. Adara, Saphira, and Esyro lay down next to him, surrounding him with their body heat to help him warm up. I massaged B'rial's muzzle and occasionally blew some warm air into his nose. "You're going to make it, B'rial. You're with us now. Everything's okay."

For several hours we didn't know if B'rial was going to make it or not. We all stayed with him, not leaving his side for a moment. The barn was now very warm from the fire, and B'rial's core body temperature was slowly rising. Finally, he opened his eyes and weakly raised his head. "Esyro..." he moaned.

Esyro nuzzled him. "I'm right here my love. Oh I'm so glad you're alive." Esyro said, trembling with emotion.

We all lay there with B'rial and slept throughout the night. The next morning when we all woke up, B'rial was still exhausted, but he was feeling much better.

"B'rial, what happened?" I asked.

"I... I thought that Esyro was angry at me... I couldn't bear the thought of losing her love, so I ran. When I went through the ice in the river, I thought I was done for, but I managed to make it out further down the bank where the water was shallow and the river hadn't frozen over yet. I heard you all calling for me, but I was too weak to answer. I've been slowly trying to make my way back ever since. I.. I would have died if you wouldn't have found me. You saved my life." He said to me.

I started to tear up. "I'm glad you're back with us, B'rial." I said, hugging the sweet, gentle thoroughbred.

From that day forward B'rial, Esyro, and I shared a very close bond.

About one week later, B'rial and Esyro came to me in the middle of the night.

"We want to make love to you." Esyro said.

"Really?" I asked. "You two are sure?"

"Yes. We owe you everything. Without you I wouldn't be alive. We want to do everything we can to repay you. We know how much you enjoy making love to Saphira and Adara, and we want to provide you with the same kind of enjoyment." B'rial said.

"That's great!" I said, "But really, you don't have to do this.."

"But we want to." Esyro said. "We want to have just as passionate of a relationship with you as Adara and Saphira do." Then, suddenly, she pressed her muzzle into my mouth, kissing me. I closed my eyes and leaned into her kiss, putting my hands on her muzzle and letting my tongue wander into her mouth, a sensation I was used to, but that was new for her. "I want you inside me..." She said, kissing me passionately.

Then B'rial nudged me on the shoulder. "Don't forget about me." He said. I turned to him, kissing him deeply. The stallion moaned and grunted, becoming very aroused. I looked and saw that his massive member was beginning to slide out of its sheath. I pulled away from his muzzle and went to his rear end. He lifted his tail, and without hesitation I buried my face under it, frantically licking his asshole as if my life depended on it. I heard him snort and make some noises, he was very obviously enjoying this sensation. Then I went to his side, rubbing his belly and kneeling down underneath him. I took the head of his cock into my mouth and deepthroated him as hard as I could. B'rial's natural instinct was to buck his hips and thrust into my mouth, driving his cock into the back of my throat. I wrapped my hands around his mighty shaft, stroking in time with his thrusts. After no time jets of precum started to spurt into my mouth, which I swallowed greedily, enjoying the warm salty taste. It didn't take much longer for B'rial to give one final hard thrust, ejaculating hard and shooting what felt like gallons of hot, sticky horse cum down my throat. I swallowed as much as I could, but there was so much that it sprayed out the corners of my mouth, covering my face and chest. I continued sucking on his cock as it slowly became flaccid and started retreating back into his sheath, sucking out every last drop of cum I could, and licking his cock clean.

I then stood up and went to Esyro, whose tail was already raised exposing her wet, winking pussy. I put my hands on either side of her rump, and buried my face under her tail. I started slowly licking around the outside of her asshole, teasing her. I stuck my tongue inside a couple of times before moving down to her pussy. I took her clit into my mouth, sucking on it and pulling on it with my mouth, and licked all up and down her pussy. A gasp escaped her, "Oh my... you're really good at that... I never imagined it would feel so good." She said.

Then, suddenly, I felt something warm and wet slide underneath my balls. I turned to look, and saw B'rial behind me, licking away. My cock was throbbing hard for release. I stood on a step stool and entered Esyro. I humped her hard, driving my cock all the way into her pussy, then pulled out and entered her asshole. I layed on her rump and enjoyed the tightness of her asshole, thrusting hard as B'rial continued licking me from behind, also letting his tongue go into Esyro's pussy occasionally. I pulled out of Esyro's asshole and went back into her pussy, her winking clit pressing against the base of my cock. I started thrusting harder and faster, until I was overcome with an orgasm, driving myself hard into Esyro's pussy as she clamped down on my cock having an orgasm of her own. I then collapsed on the bay mare's rump, my cock still deep inside her.

"That... was hot." She said, gasping.

"Yes, it was. We've been missing out." B'rial said.

"I'm glad you two had fun, I know I did." I replied back to them.

Chapter Nine

It was now summer. The winter and spring went by so quickly, it felt as though the night we rescued B'rial happened only a few days ago. Now that B'rial was home and Esyro was back to her old self, we were all having wild nights together almost every night. The relationship between all of us had intensified greatly.

"My love... my love you must wake up." I heard Adara whisper very late one night sounding somewhat panic-stricken.

"Wha.. what's happening?" I asked. I could hear low rumbles and saw bright flashes in the barn windows. I heard what sounded like distant galloping and whinnying. I saw Saphira standing at the barn door looking out.

"Joran is here." She whispered.

"Saphira... Adara... what's happening?" I asked, becoming frightened.

A robed, hooded figure entered the barn and walked toward me. As the figure removed the hood I could see it was Joran. He looked at me with deep concern in his eyes.

"The capital city is under attack." Joran said. "All Equans are being evacuated to the surrounding cities. I'm afraid your barn is inside the danger zone. You must all leave, immediately."

I shot up, instantly shaking off the effects of being awakened from a deep sleep.

"What? How is that possible? Who is attacking, Joran, who!?" I asked, enraged and fearful at the same time.

Joran looked down and sighed. "The humans. They've been amassing forces this entire time. They began their attack with an airstrike. Fortunately we had already begun the evacuation so there were no casualties. Our intelligence indicates that they're planning a ground invasion sometime within the next 6 hours."

"Why?? Why would they do this?" I asked to nobody in particular, grabbing my head and shrinking down to the ground, nearly collapsing.

"They want us eradicated." Joran replied. "There are 20,000 humans out there that have organized against us. We have no weapons, no armed forces, no military... and no defenses. There's nothing we can do but evacuate. We've tried negotiating, but have failed miserably in all our attempts to come to a peaceful resolution. They won't be satisfied until every last Equan is terminated."

"We have to do something... maybe I can reason with them..." I said.

"We've tried. Any human ambassadors we've sent to them to try to talk peace we haven't been heard back from. We presume they've been captured... or worse." Joran replied.

"So what..." Adara said, "We just let them invade the capital city? Destroy and steal everything that has been created there? Surely there must be something that can be done."

"Joran... Let me go to them, try to reason with them." I pleaded.

"Okay." Joran sighed, "but once you go in, you're on your own. I have responsibilities to my people. I can't abandon them now."

"I understand." I said. "Adara, Saphira, B'rial, Esyro. I want you all to go with Joran. Go where it's safe, where you won't be in any danger. I know the brutality that my kind are capable of. If something happened to any of you I would never forgive myself."

All but one of the horses nodded in compliance. Saphira stepped toward me. "I'm not letting you go alone. You were always there for me and I'm not going to abandon you now."

"Saphira..." I started.

"You can't talk me out of it, so don't try. I'm going with you." She said, stomping her foot.

"Alright." I said, turning to the rest of the group, "But the rest of you are going with Joran. I won't risk all our lives."

The rest of the group nodded. Adara approached me, putting her head over my shoulder. I hugged her tight, closing my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you Adara. Whatever happens, never forget that I love you." I whispered, kissing her neck as I held her tightly.

"And I, you, my love." She said back, pressing her head into my shoulder, her eyes closed, not wanting to leave my side.

I let go of Adara and approached B'rial and Esyro. "You two take care, okay? I'll see you both real soon" I said, hugging each of them.

"Come back in one piece." Esyro said, trembling as I hugged her.

"I intend to." I replied, hugging her as tight as I could.

Joran approached me and handed me a piece of paper. "This will tell you how to get to the human command center. It's heavily fortified, so watch yourself. Good luck." He said, shaking my hand.

"And to you." I said, firmly grasping his hand.

I climbed onto Saphira's back, holding on tightly to her mane as she walked out of the barn and started to gallop.

"The command center is eight miles from here." I said to her. "Pace yourself, you can't gallop that whole time."

I could hear the report of rockets and mortars overhead as the night sky flashed with each distant explosion. The reports got louder and I could smell gunpowder and sulphur from the smoke trail of the weapons as we approached the command center. There was a sudden explosion very close to us, the force of the impact knocked Saphira to the ground and I went tumbling over her head. There was another explosion almost immediately afterwards that struck a nearby tree. The tree came crashing down and fell on top of me before I could roll out of the way. I instantly felt darkness overcome me.

When I came to there was a very bright light that blinded me. Once my eyes adjusted I could see around me and I appeared to be in a holding cell of some sort. I tried to get up but found that I couldn't move. My arms were restrained to a wall above my head.

A human dressed in a military uniform and holding what looked like some sort of rifle entered the room.

"Well, well, well." He said laughing as he slowly walked toward me. "It looks like we have ourselves a sympathizer here." With one swift motion he jabbed the butt of the rifle into my stomach, doubling me over in pain.

"Where's Saphira?" I asked, coughing blood.

"You mean the mare you were riding when we captured you? I'm afraid she was a bit... uncooperative." He said, looking through the scope of his rifle as though aiming at some unseen target. "Most unfortunate."

"YOU ANIMAL! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!? I SWEAR IF YOU'VE HURT HER I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF." I screamed in anger, fighting hard against my restraints.

The man looked at me and laughed. "Oh, you're welcome to try. I'd love to know how you plan to escape those shackles though."

I spit in his face as he approached me. "You coward. You sicken me. Attacking a race of innocent creatures that wish only to live in peace. I'm appalled to be a member of the same species as you."

He struck me across the face hard with the butt of the rifle. "I SICKEN YOU!?" He exclaimed in a fit of rage. "YOU are the one who has abandoned his people. YOU are the one that copulates with horses, blaspheming against nature's design. YOU are the one who lies with horses at night and calls them your lovers instead of finding a woman and helping us repopulate our species. Oh yes, we know more about you than you realize. It is YOU who sickens ME." He yelled, striking me repeatedly. He then gathered himself and calmed down. "No matter. You will serve your people whether you want to or not. Tell me now, where are the remaining Equan cities located? What plans does their leader have for retaliation? Where are they evacuating to? ANSWER ME!" He screamed.

I remained silent, staring at him with a cold glare that would easily have stopped a less bold man in his tracks.

"Not feeling talkative, are we?" He said. "Well that's too bad. Bring her in!" He called to a guard outside.

Saphira was led in, hobbled and restrained.

"SAPHIRA!!!" I screamed. "Are you okay? Have they hurt you?"

"I'm okay, my love." She replied. "Oh my... you're bleeding... what have they been doing to you?"

"ENOUGH!" The man said. "Tell me what I want to know, or you can say goodbye to your 'lover.'"

"Please. Be reasonable. Just listen to me. What do you have to lose?" I pleaded.

The man thought for a moment, looked around, then eventually responded. "Okay. I'll humor you." He gestured to the guards to take Saphira away so he could be alone with me.

"You don't have to do this. Hasn't there been enough loss already? If the Equans DO decide to retaliate, they could wipe out every last human on the planet with the technology they have. If they were any threat to you, don't you think they would have done that already? They just want to live in peace. They have no interest in eliminating the human race." I pleaded with the man. "Please... if you have any heart... if you have a soul within you, then for the sake of all that is good I beg you sir... end this. End this before it destroys us all, humans and Equans alike."

The man looked at me contemplatively. "Why should I?" He asked. "I lost everything during the so-called 'awakening.' My family, my friends, all of them."

"How is that the Equans' fault? They are just the result of the awakening, NOT the cause! What will vengeance get you? These creatures... these Equans... they are sentient. They have families, friends.... lovers. By killing them you'd be doing the same thing to them that happened to you. You'd be causing suffering on a much larger scale. End it now, if you have any shred of decency in you then you won't put another living creature through the suffering you've been through. Don't you think I lost all the people I cared about in the awakening too? All we can do is make the best of things and try to move ahead. Don't live in the past, and don't let your pain blind you to the future. You can be happy in this new age. All of humanity can. You just have to let the past die and allow a new future for humanity to be born. Make peace with the Equans. Don't be the downfall of all civilization as we know it." I said, making one final desperate impassioned plea.

The man thought for a while... then looked at himself in the mirror. "What... what have I become?" He whispered. He immediately released me and called out to the guards. "Release the mare. And get on all of the communication channels. Order all units to cease fire and return to base, immediately. We're calling off the attack."

I sighed with relief and ran to Saphira. "Oh Saphira... we did it." I said, crying as I held her in my arms. "I was so scared... I thought I was going to lose you."

"It's over now, my love." She whispered to me. “It’s all over now.”

The man approached me and looked me right in the eye. “Thank you.” He said, extending his hand to me. “Thank you for preventing me from committing a great atrocity.”

I shook his hand. “No problem. I’m glad you finally decided to listen to the voice of reason.”

“You know… we don’t have much experience dealing with the Equans. If there is to be peace between our two peoples, we’re going to need an ambassador of our own. I can think of nobody better suited to the job than you.” He said to me.

“Thank you… I’ll have to talk to my friends about it. I’ll get back to you, okay?” I said.

I mounted Saphira and we began our journey back home. When we finally arrived, we were devastated by what we saw. We had ended the violence, but not before what had been our home was destroyed. Where the barn once stood there was now only a charred, broken frame.

“Adara and the others must be in one of the cities.” I said. “The nearest city other than the capital is over 60 miles from here.”

“Well then,” Saphira said, “we better get going.”

I slipped my leg over Saphira’s back and we were off again. We were almost half way there when we stopped for a break. It was daylight now and the mid-July sun was beating down on us, hard. Saphira was completely lathered with sweat, making it difficult for me to stay on her back. I nearly slid off a few times. We stopped next to a small spring that was just barely trickling water. I cupped it in my hands and tried to let Saphira drink as much as she could so she didn’t become dehydrated. I took a few drinks myself, sweat covering my own body.

Saphira lay down in some grass underneath the shade cast by a great oak tree, breathing heavily, and motioned me to lay with her. I approached her and kissed her on the muzzle. I sat down on her back, lying over her neck, stroking it and playing with her mane. I blew softly all along her neck, causing her to quiver at the cool sensation. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the soft ground beneath her. I continued stroking her ever so softly; letting my fingers dance around, wander through her mane, touching her in all the right spots. She let out a sigh and in no time was asleep. I lay my head on her neck, fatigue slowly overcoming my body. “Not a bad idea.” I yawned as I drifted away.

When I woke up, the sun was setting. I nudged Saphira to try to ease her awake.

”Saphira...” I whispered. “Saphira… wake up.”

The paint mare’s eyes slowly opened and she raised her head, arching her neck to look at me.

”Hello my love.” She said to me.

I stood up and stretched out. Saphira flung her legs out in front of her and stood up. For some reason the way horses stand up always amused me – how such a graceful creature on foot turns into such a clumsy one on the ground. A brisk wind was blowing, whipping through her mane and tail. Her silhouette against the setting sun was absolutely breathtaking. I enjoyed it for a few brief moments.

“Shall we continue?” She asked me.

“Yes… we probably should.” I replied, stretching one last time and popping my back.

I mounted Saphira again, and we continued our journey. By the time we reached the city night had fallen. Crickets were chirping in the tall grass all around us. Saphira continued galloping over the rolling hills. Finally the lights of the city were in sight. An absolutely captivating sight it was, too. Though smaller than the capital city, this city looked nearly identical, buzzing with technology and life.

We didn’t have to even travel into the city to find our friends. I could see them all running toward us, Adara in front, tossing her head back and whinnying with Esyro and B’rial behind her forming a chevron.

Saphira came to a stop, allowing me to dismount her as the three horses approached us at full speed. Adara slid to a stop directly in front of me and I threw my arms around her, crying uncontrollably.

“You’re okay!!! I was so worried about you Adara… Oh I’m so happy to see you.” I said to her between my tears.

“Oh my love. I was terrified you had been killed. My heart is bursting with joy now that you are here with me again.” She said as I hugged her tightly.

Esyro and B’rial both approached me after Adara stepped back. I hugged them each.

“My friends… my companions… it’s so good to see you. All of you. The violence is over now. The humans… they’ve halted their attack. I was able to talk some sense into their leader. He wants peace.” I said.

“This is wonderful news.” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and was a bit startled to see Joran standing there. I shook his hand as he patted me on the shoulder. “Well done my friend, well done.”

“How did you do it?” Esyro asked me.

“It’s a long story.” I replied. “And I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now I just want to enjoy your company.”

“My friend, I would ask you to join me in the city center at your leisure. I would like to discuss many things with you.” Joran said. “But for now I must depart.”

“I’ll get there as soon as I can. Thanks for everything Joran.” I said, shaking his hand one last time as he departed.

Esyro and B’rial both said they wanted some time alone, and were going to a small lake to enjoy each other’s company for a few hours. I hugged them each one more time before they left.

“It looks like we’re alone my loves.” I said to Adara and Saphira. They both knew exactly what was on my mind. It was on their minds too.

I went behind Saphira who wasted no time lifting her tail to expose her delicious pussy and ass. I immediately went to licking, more passionately than ever as Saphira grunted and moaned with desire. Her clit started winking in and out as I pressed my tongue hard all along the lips of her pussy. I closed my eyes and moaned with intense pleasure at the tastes that were filling my mouth. My cock instantly became erect, pulsating with intense arousal. I felt something bump me slightly out of the way. Adara was now standing next to me, licking at Saphira’s pussy at the same time I was. Saphira raised her tail even higher as Adara slithered her long tongue into and out of her pussy. I kept one hand on Saphira’s rump and let the other wander down to my cock, stroking it hard as I greedily licked at the paint mare’s pussy, my tongue occasionally meeting Adara’s somewhere inside. I felt Saphira clamp down and I felt a powerful orgasm overtake her as she whinnied loudly covering both Adara and I.

“Now it’s your turn.” I said to Adara.

Her tail was already raised, her clit winking and her pussy dripping wet with anticipation. I licked her until I thought my tongue would go numb, feeling her tremble as she enjoyed the intense sensations I was giving her. I then mounted her, thrusting into her as hard as I could. We both shared an incredible climax and I then collapsed onto her rump, breathing heavily as a bead of sweat fell from my forehead. I pulled out of Adara, her pussy still wet and winking after her orgasm, and gave her a big hug and kiss.

“I love you, mistress.” I said to her as I held her tightly.

A few minutes later, my two lovers and I headed toward the city to find Joran and our friends, and to begin our new lives.

The End

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