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This story deals with graphic sex of a zoophile nature (female/stallion, male/stallion) and some f/m-action, including hints of an m/m-encounter. (The man/stallion parts in this story are explicit and very detailed!)

The origin of this fantasy is the Half-Life series, based on events between “Half-Life 2” to “Episode 2”. Everything else is my own imagination (But there’s no need to be familiar with the original storyline to understand this fiction).

A/N: This fic is partly written from a woman’s (Mandy’s) point of view and partly from Barney’s point of view. To prevent confusion, the character swap is marked with “---“ above and below the passage.


by Zee

- gotten up on the wrong side of bed –

It was one of those days were just everything went wrong. First, I bumped into Lorene, and the accident sends the plates she carried to the ground, ruining most of them to shards and splinters. Then, I got a rant from Alyx Vance and was shooed from the laboratory. When I complained about her rough comments, Dr. Kleiner piped in and added to the fuel with some odd remarks about my behavior; that I was lurking around certain places in the base at specific times every day; waiting for a certain ex-security guard showing up at his breaks. That, and Alyx’ sudden giggling, and how her face lit up with a devastating understanding, made me flee the room with burning ears and cheeks.

I knew that she would confront me with unpleasant comments from now on. That she would try to worm more information from me. And the worst thing that I could think of, was, that she would tell my affection straightaway to HIM. That was something I wouldn’t be able to stomach – not because I was simply boring and lacked an interesting personality; but because I had certain… interests and needs many people frowned upon. I was zoophile, and I was scared to death that someone would find out on the long run. And I just couldn’t stand the thought of the “man of my dreams” backing off from me, showing disgust and a great deal of displeasure – should he catch me in the act.

I knew that I wouldn’t be able to suppress those longings. I craved the physical contact with animals, making love with them and to them. I would be the happiest gal on earth if HE would be interested in me, and I would enjoy it so much to sleep with him. But my other needs would ruin it in the end - just how my fondness of bestiality had ruined all my relationships ‘till now. I never met a man how had shown at least some understanding or tolerance, and I feared that HE wouldn’t be any different. He was a nice and kind guy, but I suspected that his kindness would end the very moment he watched me having sex with a stallion.

Still deeply lost in thought, I almost had a second collusion this morning! A big, wooden crate - containing the newly arrived supplies; tools and machine parts - stopped my absentminded steps through the corridor. I noticed the obstacle at the very last moment and stopped dead in my tracks. Behind the huge crate stood a couple, half-hidden in the darker corner and partly concealed by shadows. I merely shook my head and wanted to continue my way – when I noticed something. The wet kissing and groping revealed very suddenly that those two were men: I heard a soft moaning, answered with a shaky sigh. And both voices were male.

I tried to catch a glimpse of those naughty guys snogging so shamelessly. I was too surprised by their unexpected presence to think of hiding. I stood right in the middle of the corridor, craning my neck and watching. The first thing I noticed was a ginger tuft and hints of a goatee, before I noticed the nerdy glasses. An amused grin pulled at my lips and I almost snickered. Who would have thought that the famous Gordon Freeman – savior of mankind and destroyer of the Combine conqueration – was actually gay, or at least bisexual?

My train of thought derailed the second I saw the other man Gordon was busy with. He emerged partly from the shadows when they turned round a little, but without interrupting their sensual frenching. He had black hair, and that made the silvery-gray streaks along his temples even more visible, creating the interesting shade of the salt-and-pepper look of a fairly mature guy. So Gordon had a knack for older men. How interesting.

But this time, the good-natured, friendly grin froze on my features in an instant. The guy in Dr. Freeman’s company had a very prominent scar on his left cheek, and together with his familiar profile, I recognized him at once. He was no one else than the man I was secretly fond of: Barney Calhoun; Gordon’s best friend and Alyx’ closest buddy.

I stared at him with wide open eyes and like rooted to the spot. I felt a great deal of disappointment and was highly ashamed about my selfishness at the same time. I should be happy for him. Apparently, he found a partner in the end; although I really didn’t knew if he had a steady relationship with Gordon, or if those two guys were merely enjoying a brief, sexual encounter with each other. But relationship or not - all I felt at the moment, that was a tugging at my heartstrings and the painful feeling of loss.

Barney moaned softly, the lustful playing of their tongues clearly visible between their partly opened lips. His face was slightly flushed in growing arousal, making the single, thin line of white scar tissue on his cheek even more visible. His lust evoked several emotions at once. I was envious and massively turned on by their kissing at the same time. But the mixture of jealousy and grief almost overwhelmed me in the end. I simply couldn’t stand to watch any longer and ran away. My sudden, noisy retreat made them jump and interrupted their heated foreplay. I didn’t noticed and just tried to get away as fast and as far as possible.

- out from the frying pan into the fire –

Wandering around the base for quite some time, I finally found my way into the barn. A whole bunch of animals were rescued from the alien invasion over the years. Lots of people took care of the goats, pigs, cows, dogs and what else the huge barn provided shelter for meanwhile. Some of us cared for all the smaller animals at once; the chicken, the ducks and the goose, while the bigger beasts were treated individually by just a single person. Among them was my favorite horse, Chico. He was a black + white Pinto stallion, and I was responsible for him. He was sturdily built and quite beautiful with his imposing and very muscular frame. He had a gentle character, was pretty laid back and easy to deal with. Although his big, rosy muzzle, the quite heavy, white head - one blue and one brown eye - and his half bitten off left ear wasn’t exactly what made him a show horse; but I loved him for his kindness and felt very comfortable around him, meanwhile.

To take my mind off things, I groomed him extensively, cleaned his hooves from dirt and dung and combed his mane, tail and the thick, long feathering at his legs. I took my time to make him clean and pretty until his coat shone and shimmered, and when I was finished with the job, I took a bucket with lukewarm water and a sponge. There was only one thing left to do: I had to wash his balls and his member, too; to get rid of smegma, dirt and loose skin. And that was the part of the cleansing process both of us liked the most.


Officer Calhoun spent the last two hours searching spare parts for the jalopy he tried to repair for month, now. Even when the suppression of mankind and the final war with the extraterrestrial forces were over – it was still difficult to get hold of certain things; like electronic equipment for Dr. Kleiners lab or the one or other part needed in engineering. The human race was still recovering from more than 20 years of conqueration and exploitation. Even simple things like wheel suspensions or springs were hard to get by and were almost exotic spares, now.

Barney knew that he had a couple of extra admission valves, but he’d forgotten where he put them. He had placed them in a small, grey box after dismantling an old, damaged motor block. But after searching his room and the garage, he was at his wit’s end. Sometimes, he was so absent minded – and even more so when he was distracted with conversation – he could have misplaced the small box wheresoever, even at the weirdest places around the base.

He searched the whole site and finally moved over to the barn. That was the last place he expected his spare valves to be. However, the past put him right so often that he wouldn’t be surprised to finally find the box right there. With a sigh, he pulled open the huge door and looked around the shelves to his right. Shoving small cans, hoof picks, currycombs and brushes aside, he rummaged through the utensils and ribbons, until… he grasped something familiar.

“I don’t believe it,” he breathed and looked at the steel grey, oval box, opening the lid.

A smile formed on his lips when is gaze fell onto the valves and he snapped the box shut again. He finally found his precious parts – although he hadn’t the faintest idea why, or when, he put them in the barn’s shelf of all places.

“Jeez, I’m getting old.” He scratched his head in confusion and faced the door, ready to leave.

A grunting and neighing stopped him in his tracks. The grunts resounded through the whole barn, drowning all other animal noises around, and the officer turned round again, searching for the source of those strange sounds. A horse breathed heavily and wheezing, hooves clopped a short, frantic staccato on the ground. More grunting. A throaty whinny.

‘What the..? What’s going on here?’ Barney thought in confusion and with the little tin box in his hand, he slowly moved forward.

One of the boxes for the larger animals to his left was opened. The wooden door stood wide apart. The white head of a horse appeared in the opening and seemed to nod frantically. The long mane waved with his movement and his whole body jerked at once. The horses lips quivered, saliva dripped from his mottled teeth. He grunted again.

When the security guard finally saw what happened inside the horsebox, he stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw dropped and he blinked several times, to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating. The barn was well lit; there was nothing left for his imagination when he looked through the wide open horsebox door to his left. The inhabitant was an impressive, black + white stallion. There was no doubt for Barney that it was a “fully intact” male being. He clearly saw the beast’s large penis; a completely rosy member and pink, heavy testicles. The stallion had an erection and below his tummy, right between front and hind legs, knelt a woman on the ground.

She caressed the huge cock with one hand, shoving the skin pleasurably forth and back along the shaft, while holding the throbbing length right behind the massively swollen, almost funnel-like head. Her mouth and tongue worked the glans and its prominent bulge around the flared tip. She moaned at once and sucked the flat front of the horse’s penis. The stimulus made the stud bucking ecstatically and with shivering flanks. He wheezed loudly, now; grunting with sheer pleasure.

Barney was shocked and irritated with the sight at the same time. His heart was beating madly and his face got quite warm, although he didn’t know at the moment if he should be blushing with deep embarrassment or if he should be paling in utter shock. He just stood there and watched – watched, how the stallion pumped a few times with jerking thrusts and ejaculated. Sperm oozed and spurted from the woman’s opening mouth and her tongue while the stud shot his load right into her oral cavity. She moaned aloud and with such lust that the watching officer felt a strange spark of spontaneous arousal. He was too confused to notice his physical reaction and the sudden erection forming in his trousers. He was too busy to stomach the sight of a human and her greedy blowjob; satisfying an animal with mouth and hands, slurping and swallowing as much cum as possible.

She pressed the still swollen glans against her lips, sucking noisily and stroking the horse’s shaft, milking all his semen into her eagerly drinking mouth. Barney gasped for breath. He sucked too much air into his bone dry throat and coughed involuntarily. The noise alerted the woman. She let go of the large cock and turned round in a flash – while the bloated meat dangled and swung in front of the stallions hind legs, dripping and oozing. Her face was marked with horror; her eyes opened wide, her gaze staring and almost blank with fright. The sensual flush disappeared from her cheeks at once and she got dead-white in shock. Sperm was still dripping from her lips and chin, rolling down her throat in milky drops; the remains of a massive cumshot that almost drenched her face.

The officer was too confused to think reasonable at the moment. He was agitated beyond belief from what he witnessed. And he still wasn’t sure if he liked or despised what he had watched. He felt strangely affected, though. When he looked into that woman’s wide opened eyes and got aware of the deep terror his presence had evoked in her, he felt really bad at once. He instinctively knew from her expression that it was the worst thing that could have happened to her right now - to be watched while pleasuring the stallion. And the only thing that came into Barney’s dazed mind was leaving her alone.


I was numb with shock when I looked up into that familiar, unshaved face of Officer Calhoun. He stared at me with an expression I NEVER saw on a man’s face before. A muscle twitched in his cheek. His features revealed that he was shaken to the core. How he looked at me in bewilderment, glancing back and forth between me and Chico all the time, the corners of his mouth twitching and with tightening lips, robbed me of the last, crumbling remains of what was left from my dignity. I slumped with sagging shoulders and tried to support my weight with shaking arms on the ground.

Barney turned round on his heels and left the barn. But he didn’t just left – he ran away. He fled the place and everything he witnessed involuntarily. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sobbed uncontrollably. Why was it him of all people who accidently watched me and what I did? Even if he was interested in women, too, he would never ever look at me again. And if he still would be doing so in future times, he would always see me as perverted – or even as sick. His horrified expression was etched on my memory and I doubted that I would ever forget his shocked mien again.

Usually, I always made sure that I wasn’t disturbed or discovered in any way and always closed the door to Chico’s box behind me. But today, I was too distracted from watching Barney and Gordon kissing each other, and my absentmindedness finally ruined just everything. I buried my tear streaked face in both hands and bawled my head off.

- an unexpected visitor in the barn -

I avoided the main building for several days and stayed outside, in the riding arena or in the barn until nightfall. I wasn’t able to deal with what had happened right now. I needed time to cope with everything. The fateful incident still went round my head all day long. I didn’t knew if Barney was gossipy and would tell around what he had witnessed. And I simply wasn’t ready to find out on my own if he possibly did.

I slept really badly. Every morning, I woke up with aching jaw muscles. So I was gnawing my teeth while asleep – an obvious sign that I was really stressed. I virtually fled the safety of the base and hurried over to the barn every day. The only being I felt comfortable with at the moment, was my stud. I was glad that the other people were busy with feeding our stock of domestic animals and left me alone.

None of them came over for a chat or even asked if something had happened when I cleared the dung out or prepared Chico for a ride. I knew that I acted weird and withdrawn, but my body language and my rigid face probably told them that I wanted to be alone. However, I broke into a sweat every time they began a conversation around me. I always tried to eavesdrop, although I was scared out of my mind if someone knew of my zoophile activities by now. Every time their little chatter ended without the feared, terrible news of my “perversion” and what a sick creature I was, I was so relieved that I almost cried.

But later that afternoon, it was the sixth day of my self-chosen hermit-like sequestration from the others, an unexpected visitor showed up. I was busy grooming Chico after a long ride when a shadow fell on the ground beside me. Even while being worn out, I was still totally stressed and violently twitched with surprise. The hectic jerk of my hand sends the brush flying through the shed. To play for time until I pulled myself together again, I went after the tool.

A tall, dark haired man stood beside the Pinto horse and looked in my direction, waiting for my return. My steps slowed down when I recognized the guy as Officer Calhoun and visibly hesitated, now. I wasn’t sure how to react around him. I wasn’t able to look him in the eye. I wasn’t even able to talk with him. His presence unnerved me greatly. He wasn’t much different at the moment. The former security guard hemmed and hawed, coughing quietly now and then. He seemed nervous, too and very insecure. I wondered what he real reason for his visit was.

Finally, he moved over to another horsebox opposite from me, leant against the door with folding arms and merely watched me. I tried to ignore him. I was irritated and glimpsed in his direction now and then. He just stood there. Silent. Attentive. Watching every move I made. He was deeply lost in thought, but he still followed every one of my steps and gestures with his eyes… how I cleaned the stud and made sure that his coat was shiny and spotless. Chico just stood there and waited.

My edginess rubbed a little off on him and he wasn’t as calm and patient like usual. He moved slightly to and fro and nudged my arm ever so often. As if he wanted to ask if I was alright. I stroked his forehead and whispered to him, my voice hoarse and slightly trembling. Barney’s presence unnerved me. I just wanted to be alone, now. A week ago, I would have died with sheer happiness if he would have kept me company and I would have smiled all the time. But now, I almost couldn’t stand his presence.

Stroking Chico’s forehead and his warm, velvety nostrils, the stud rubbed his muzzle against my cheek and placed his chin on my shoulder. His breath brushed my neck and ear until he heaved a sigh and I noticed that his breathing changed. It got deeper and slightly shallow at the same time.

‘God, no! Not now!’ I thought and tried to prevent a highly embarrassing situation.

I didn’t move and merely stroked the Pinto’s cheeks and the side of his muscular neck. The stallion had a mind of his own, though. He moved leisurely around with his hindquarters and I gritted my teeth when he stood beside me in a right angled position. There was no need for me to see what was going on. I knew that he dropped his member, and the moment his breathing changed – that was the moment he got an erection. I heard the faint slap of the swelling length hitting the underside of his belly from time to time. I turned red as a beetroot and just didn’t dare turning round to the officer again. Facing Barney right now, with an aroused stallion beside me – that was just impossible!!


The former security guard didn’t knew what made him return to the scene of action in the end. He just wanted to and finally did. Within the last days, he found out about the woman’s name. It was quite an effort for him to hide the true reason for his sudden interest in her person. But he almost felt relief when he knew who she was. Her name was Mandy. She was one of the grooms...

He moved over to the barn before he was able to question his actions. Mandy wasn’t very happy about his appearance. She felt uneasy with his presence and persistently avoided to look at him. He had no idea what he should tell her; should she ask about his quite unexpected visit. She would have caught him red handed, then. But Mandy didn’t ask and remained completely silent. She just took care of her stallion, and he stood there, watching her actions. He wasn’t waiting for “unusual” things to be happening. Barney simply looked at the horse and how she groomed him, stroking the gentle stud’s neck and muzzle from time to time. She was very kind to the animal and the stallion was equally gentle with her.

The officer was surprised about the open display of fondness between those two. He never expected that a horse – and a male one of all things – would be so calm and well-mannered. And he was even more surprised of the visible affection and caring the animal displayed towards her. Barney sensed that Mandy was totally stressed out because of his presence. Maybe she expected some nasty remarks or other unpleasant things from him, now. It wasn’t his intention to hurt her, but the act of bestiality he had seen still affected him in a manner he wasn’t fully comfortable with.

When the initial shock was gone, recalling the event became more and more erotic for him. He even caught himself fantasizing about the unusual woman/horse-couple in the end. He always stopped his imaginations before his fantasies were running wild, but he still saw that large horse penis in his mind and how fast and skillfully Mandy brought him off. The sensual images haunted him meanwhile. Although he still wasn’t ready to confess the truth… but envisioning that huge, pink cock while he masturbated, that gave him the fiercest orgasms he ever had.

And now, while he stood there with crossed arms, leaning against a horsebox door, he saw everything in his mind’s eye another time again! How Mandy satisfied her stallion, and how much both of them had enjoyed it. Barney tried to distract himself from those erotic memories. But there was one thing he hadn’t reckoned with – Chico.

The security guards eyes widened when he noticed that the horse dropped his member. He averted his gaze and tried not to look. He didn’t want to stare at the pink tool stretching further and further down. But he caught himself facing the unsheathing penis again. He swallowed when the skin popped back from the glans and virtually unfolded along the rapidly stretching length. His heart was beating faster in an instant. Barney tried to display a relaxed and casual behavior. He didn’t know if he succeeded though. His attention was glued to the swelling shaft sticking out in a steadily stiffening arc. He bit his bottom lip when the long horsemeat suddenly twitched violently and slapped against the stallions belly. It relaxed again, swinging to and fro, just to jerk up another time, hitting the furry tummy once more.

His mouth was suddenly bone dry and he swallowed with quite an effort. Mandy still had her back turned to him, and it was quite obvious that she exactly knew what happened next to her. Her posture was extremely rigid and she had clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white. She didn’t want to face him right now, and Barney was relieved that she refrained from turning around to him. He stared constantly at the stud’s cock and almost forgot to breathe while scrutinizing the enormous length with darkening eyes.

It jerked up again; a long, fierce twitch with visibly swelling erectile tissues beneath the soft skin. The glans bloated with a jerk and doubled its size. Barney’s face froze abruptly. He gazed at the rigid length and swallowed repeatedly. The erotic sight of the stud’s arousal almost made him dizzy. He never felt lust towards an animal before. But, if he was truly honest, he had never seen a horses erect penis until a week ago.

The shaft throbbed another time and the head fully flared, becoming incredibly big. The officer pressed his jaws together. He had a boner meanwhile, and the very moment Chico’s glans inflated to its full, huge size, he became incredibly horny. He was rock hard in an instant, the fabric of his trousers taught and stretched along his groin, revealing the bulging length of his vigorously swollen mast.

The horse’s tool looked strange and hot at the same time. It was dripping madly, now. Clear drops fell from the widened urethra. The stallion moved restlessly on his hind legs. His rigid shaft bobbed and swayed slightly from side to side. Barney had an unhindered view onto the flat, swollen front, now. The cock dropped a little again, just to twitch up the next second. It spat a clear line of pre-cum onto the ground in front of Chico’s front hooves.

Immediately, the officer dropped an arm and hastily tried to hide the hard, massive bulge in his trousers. But even while covering his lustfully twitching and oozing erection with his hand, he wasn’t able to control his features any longer. His stony face revealed his intense lust. His cheeks virtually glowed with an aroused flush and his eyes glittered. He slightly squeezed his manhood through his pants and almost moaned with the touch. The urge to pleasure himself was overwhelming meanwhile.

He stared at the stallions cock, and - while he was shocked about his kinky thoughts merely days ago - he vividly envisioned touching and caressing that huge horsemeat on his own, this time. How would it be to stroke and handle such a monstrous shaft? How would it feel like in his hands? Was the skin just as silken and tender like a human’s erection? Or was it different somehow? How would his sperm smell and taste like?

A jerk ran through his body with the thought of tasting the studs cum. He had a sudden, brief picture in his mind… how he licked and loved the huge length, bringing the horse to orgasm just like how Mandy had done. That mental picture was enough to heighten his arousal to an extend he never thought possible. The lecherous fantasy, together with the anxious squeezing and rubbing of his trembling, restless fingers caressing and working his length through the garment, got him off within seconds.

The abrupt climax caught him by surprise and the brute strength of his orgasm overwhelmed him with a flash of searing lust. Barney held his breath to prevent himself from groaning ecstatically. He stared at the slowly shrinking horsecock, his glassy gaze focused on the still bloated head, dangling erotically back and forth, dripping pre-cum permanently. He pressed his palm onto his erratically jerking shaft at the same time. He felt the hasty, fierce pulsing of his member and how his orgasmically twitching length pumped gush after gush of blazing hot, slick sperm.

The former security guard was glad about the door in his back, steadying his slightly trembling body. His knees were shaking with the physical relief and he needed a moment to compose himself. The wet feeling in his crotch was getting cold and uncomfortable. He glanced down to his lap and his eyes widened with embarrassment. The big, drenched spot soaking through his trousers along his groin was an unmistakable evidence of his actions. He jerked forward, clasping both hands in front of the treacherous wetness, before he covered himself with one palm only while trying to pull his jacket some down. Cringing with self-consciousness, Barney retreated hastily and left the barn. He tried to reach his accommodation as fast as possible, fervently hoping for an uneventful return on his way.


I turned round with the noise of someone leaving the place in a hurry. The officer’s retreat reminded me of an escape – as if he wasn’t able to stand my presence any longer. I felt like being slapped in the face and looked after him, feeling all numb and deeply hurt. I hadn’t done anything this time and persistently ignored Chico’s arousal. Still, this man wasn’t able to stomach the sight of me and the stud any longer. Did he felt so incredibly sick when he looked at me? I squeezed my eyes shot and embraced my horses’ neck.

- are you mini mobbing me?! -

From that day on, Officer Calhoun visited me on a daily basis. The others snickered and made good-natured comments that he was obviously keen on me. I merely smiled while trying to hide the sadness in my eyes at the same time. Oh, I knew why he visited me: he just tried to prevent me from touching the stud indecently...

We hadn’t any conversations with each other. He tried to talk with me from time to time, but the still awkward situation and the “real” reason for his visits made it impossible for me to react in a relaxed manner around him. My syllable, quiet answers weren’t able to remedy the situation. And so he just stood there, leant against a stringer or horsebox door – watching us.

I almost lost my nerves, but I never had the guts to confront him openly. I merely hoped that he would lose his interest in stalking me like that. But he never did. He was very persistently, and even my scowling glances weren’t able to frighten him away. It was me who gave up in the end and I finally tolerated him; just because I really hadn’t any other option. Either I condoned his daily attendance, or I asked for trouble and did some frank talking with him. Luckily, he wasn’t able to keep an eye on me 24/7, and I was more cautious than ever before when I pleasured Chico again.

- an unexpected turn -

It took quite some time for me until I wasn’t annoyed or self-conscious anymore. I tried at least to act naturally and relaxed around my daily visitor on the long run. Still, it took more than four weeks, until Barney himself finally broke the spell. He arrived in the indoor riding arena where I spent a great deal of my time, training the horse; trying to teach him tricks and doing some horse-gym with him – to keep him agile and his mind busy. The security guard arrived right after breakfast this certain day, bringing something along. Without further ado, he pulled a red ball from behind his back and handed it over to me. When I looked at him in surprise, he rubbed his neck and shrugged.

“Well, uh… maybe he likes a toy to play with… when he’s running around here,” he merely said, before his face softened into a small smile.

I was so stunned, that I accidently dropped the fist-sized foam-ball. Chico came over at once and sniffed at the strange thing, nudging it with his muzzle. Finally, he grabbed the toy with his teeth and squeezed it. I giggled when the surprisingly firm ball popped out from between his jaws and rolled over the ground. He trotted after it, nudging and grabbing it again.

We watched the horse playing for a while until he lost his interest in the red, spongy thing and suddenly laid down, rolling from one side to the other. It was raining outside. The roof wasn’t completely leak-proof in several spots, and a large puddle of slick mud had formed at the farther end of the arena. And the big boy hadn’t anything better to do than gleefully rolling around in the sludge.

“Aw, man! Chico!!” I yelled in disbelief. “I cleaned you up just some days ago!”

Barney laughed with amusement when the stallion got up again. He was covered in mud from head to hooves and shook himself with a grunt. Drops of brown sludge flew in all directions. I groaned when the Pinto looked at me. The long mane hung over his whole head now, dripping with slurry while he glanced through the tousled strands, blinking with his blue eye.

The security guard laughed so hard at the sight, he almost doubled over. Even my glare of death wasn’t able to end his amused outburst.

“That’s not funny, Barney! I’m going to spend hours ‘till he’s clean again.” Even if I tried to sound stern, I had a hard time holding my own laughter back any longer. The dirty stud just looked too hilarious.

“Yeah, and he takes another mud bath shortly afterwards again, I guess.” He still giggled a little and wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.

I merely snorted and whistled. Chico trotted in our direction while I moved over to the faucet and attached a garden hose to it. The Pinto’s ears perked up and he raised his head, facing me. When he saw the water gushing from the hose, he turned round with a throaty grunt and almost gave a racing start. The officer jumped back in surprise when the stallion galloped away so suddenly.

“Whoa. I thought he was calm and quiet. Seems that I’m wrong, eh? He has quite some fire.”

“He’s just playing around,” I said and waved with my free hand. “C’mere, boy! You know what’s going to happen when you’re looking like a pig.” I paused. A sudden if slightly crazy idea popped into my mind. I handed the hose to Barney. “Here…” I merely said and left the place.

“Hey?! What the..?!” he called after me. “What am I supposed to do what that thing?”

“Rinse him!” I yelled back over my shoulder. “All of him but spare his head, will ya? I’m going to do that lastly. I know how to handle him without flooding his eyes or nostrils accidently.”

“Aww, Mandy. No, don’t do that to me! Crap!! I’ve never done that before! What should I do if he’s going to bite me?”

“He won’t. Just be calm and rinse him thoroughly ‘till I’m back. He’s not biting and surely not kicking. He’s joking around and nudging you if he likes you, but he wouldn’t harm you in any way, ‘kay? Talk to him if that makes you feel better. Speak gently and quietly, he likes to be talked to.” I called on my way to the arena door behind the corner. Hesitating for a moment, I stopped and turned round again. “Oh, and don’t forget his private parts. Or his member will be terribly itching from the girth and he’s rubbing himself raw in a couple of days.”

The words just left my mouth when I bit down on my lip and cringed inwardly. ‘I’m such a stupid cow.’ I thought. ‘I’m pushing his nose right into things now I’m trying to avoid and forget for weeks. He’s going to have his own thoughts about why Chico’s male parts are meant to be clean all the time, jeez. I’m such a dork.’ The door closed behind me, I heaved a sigh and moved over to the barn to collect the horse tack.


When Mandy was gone, Barney stood just there with the hose in hand. He felt a little stupid and didn’t know how to handle the horse. Luckily, the stallion came back to him on his own and stood completely still while he hosed him down. The fresh mud was quickly rinsed off. Only mane, tail and feathering were still clotted with clumps of sludge. He didn’t dare touching the large hooves or even moving behind him to wash his tail. The officer leant some forward and directed the water jet towards Chico’s underside. When he came closer to the hind legs, he bent more down and looked directly at the beast’s genitals.

He gazed at the heavy testicles and the fleshy, long sheath. His pulse quickened. The horses private parts were quite impressive from close up. He squeezed the hose’s end a little with his fingers to reduce the force of the jet of water. When the stream was weak enough for his liking, he washed the dirt off. The covering from Chico’s cock was a bright rosy and sparsely flecked with a single, bigger black dot running down to one of the balls.

Barney gasped quietly in surprise when he directed the water jet right into the sheath and the member emerged at once. He straightened up again and looked around to make sure that he was still alone. Then, he rinsed the dropping shaft, and, after a moment of hesitation, he stretched out his free arm. His fingers trembled with a mixture of excitement and growing arousal. Carefully, he took the emerged length in his hand. Chico’s still flaccid member laid in his grasp like a heavy, pink snake. The long cock hung down over the ball of his hand and almost reached his elbow.

“Oh, wow,” he breathed. His fingers gently squeezed and felt the warm penis thoroughly.

Slightly murky water drops rolled down the whole length and the security guard washed him off another time. He let go of the dropped shaft for a moment and wiped it off from sheath to glans with his hand until he was clean again. His breathing shallow with rapidly growing lust, he watched how his fingers cupped the heavy tool again, finally moving the slightly wrinkled, loose skin hesitatingly up and down. He dropped the hose to the ground and bent further down, caressing Chico’s manhood with both hands, now. The length slowly swells in his grip. He felt how the big cock lost its flaccid softness and got noticeably firmer.

With a soft moan, Barney shoved his grip up the hardening member until his hand pushed the foreskin ring slightly back with the movement. He watched breathless and with aroused fascination how the tender skin stretched along the tool every time he moved his fingers far up along the mast. The studs erecting cock suddenly jerked with the masturbating touch and with a surprising strength, too, that caught him off his guard. The member slipped from his gentle grip and twitched up, dangling to and fro the next moment. The officer wasn’t able to restrain himself any longer. He knelt down next to the stallion. Grasping the half stiffened, pink meat with both hands again, he stroked and caressed the enormous length gently and steadily.

He was still a bit timid and didn’t know how to pleasure him. He didn’t want to hurt him or that Chico would feel uncomfortable with his touch. So he caressed him with very gentle strokes, moving the warm, tender skin only slowly up and down. Barney breathed heavily and shakily. He was turned on like never before. To feel the huge cock in his hands, the velvety, soft skin under his fingers and how his stroking touches moved the tender folds widely back and forth, was an overwhelming experience. He never expected that caressing a stallion’s manhood would be so incredibly arousing, but he fully understood now why Mandy loved it so very much. He was so hard meanwhile, his erection was painfully aching. He panted with lust, and his drawn out, aroused groan drowned the noise of a closing door...


I moved around the corner and my gaze fell directly onto Chico and the former security guard. My steps slowed down and I frowned a little in confusion. He knelt on the ground right beside the Pinto and the garden hose lay next to them, still pouring water. Then, I noticed what really happened over there and stopped dead in my tracks. I almost dropped the tack in sheer surprise, staring with wide opened eyes at the incredible scene right in front of me. Barney played with Chico’s stiffening cock! But he wasn’t just stroking the gorgeous tool, he lifted it suddenly, grasped him behind the glans with one hand and half way up to the completely everted sheath with his other hand, still caressing him gently.

It took my breath away when he placed a soft kiss onto the still small tip. I hardly suppressed a moan when I saw how his wet tongue - hesitantly but sensually - licked the head. My heart was beating madly within seconds. I always thought that he had distaste for animal sex. I thought that he always tried to prevent me from pleasuring the stallion. But now – with him licking and kissing the horsecock so erotically – I finally understood his real and true intentions. He never wanted to hinder me over all those weeks; he wanted to watch me doing the stud another time!!

He opened his mouth a little wider and sucked the saliva coated glans gently and slowly between his lips. I watched him breathlessly, how he paused for a moment before he took more of the cock into his mouth. Then, he began to suck; tentatively and lustfully at the same time. He gave a quiet moan – even with a mouthful of horsemeat – and the muffled noise was so erotic that I almost blew a gush of female juices into my panties. Chico grunted. His croup lowered some and he leant into the stimulus, shoving his erection forward and deeper into Barney’s mouth.

‘Careful, boy, he never did this before. You’re going to choke him with your first spurt of pre-cum,’ I thought when the stallion slightly pumped his rear. His short, jerking thrusts were answered with a highly aroused “Mmmmhhh!” from the former security guard. His timid blowjob turned to almost greedy, lecherous sucking. He still masturbated the now fully hardened length with his other hand. If he wouldn’t stop soon, the horse would be flaring in his mouth and climaxing.

I noticed the lustful throb of the pink meat, saw that it already swells to full size. Barney didn’t seem to be surprised or panicking because of the massively bloating glans filling his oral cavity. Although he breathed really hard now, he wasn’t choking on the horse’s penis, sticking tight in his mouth meanwhile. Either he still remembered Chico flaring like this when he watched me a month ago, or he was so horny that he didn’t mind. He grunted breathlessly and even tried to suck him further off while moving his fist faster back and forth the rigid shaft. God, that guy really wanted it! The stallion wheezed heavily. His balls pulled up. He panted and pumped again; short, jerking thrusts.

I craned my neck and watched eagerly. I waited for the sudden gush of sperm oozing from the corners of Barney’s mouth, his hasty swallowing and his hard, frantic wheezing. I was so aroused, my pussy was drenched in wetness. I would be rubbing myself raw for the next couple of days, masturbating over and over again to the memory of this lecherous sight. I never saw a man doing a stallion before. And it was so damn hot to watch him.

A sudden, intense tickling in my nose forced me to retreat hastily – at the unluckiest time one could think of!! I held my breath and tried to prevent what was going to happen, but to no avail. The sneeze resounded like a small explosion and I cursed under my breath. From the riding arena, I heard extremely frantic rustling, shoving and shuffling of feet. I knew that he had quite some trouble to get the bloated glans out of his mouth again and gave him a moment to make sure that he succeeded. It wasn’t my intention to embarrass him with my presence.

The Pinto neighed suddenly and snorted, while Barney groaned extremely frustrated. He coughed and cleared his throat. I wiped my running nose with the ball of my thumb and moved around the corner again, suppressing a frustrated sigh myself because of my unintentional interruption.

The guard stood with his back to me and almost wasn’t able to face me at the moment. His face was flushed. He frantically tried to hide his bulging erection and the big, wet spot of oozed pre-cum soaking the fabric meanwhile. Chico stood beside him, his shaft jerking and hitting his belly with a noticeable, meaty slapping over and over again. The tall officer was totally turned on. His reddened face was rigid and he had slightly swollen lips from the blowjob. He was restless and agitated and combed with shaking fingers through his hair while glancing down to the stud’s shaft with glistening, darkened eyes and shivering nostrils. I tried to hide my knowing if slightly lust-distorted smile. The first time doing a horse was the most intense experience ever… when the sensations and impressions were completely new and still foreign to oneself.

I didn’t knew anymore if I had been so mind-blowing horny as a first-timer, but Barney was almost out of his mind and tormented himself with the futile attempt to cover his intense yearning. I cocked my head and thought about something to lure him from his secrecy. He hemmed and hawed, coughing slightly.

“Ahh… I…I think I should g---go,” he stammered hoarsely and already retreated slowly. When I looked at him in a mixture of surprise and slight disappointment, he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “I… I forgot…” he took a deep, shaky breath, “Err… Dr. Kleiner awaits me. I need to get some p---parts for him, you know.”

Before I was able to say something, he turned round and walked away. I glanced at his back thoughtfully. Maybe he still needed some time to openly admit his fierce desires. But I knew even now that I would show him everything he wanted to know. And I wouldn’t wait until he asked me. I wanted to seduce him - with a lesson in bestiality he would never forget again...

- an eager, willing learner -

A couple of days passed. Sitting on the small bench in the arena, I caressed the Pinto’s forehead. He sniffed the bedding to my feet and nibbled at the mix of strands and litter. I babbled away while patting my four legged companion. It was quite funny how he looked up from time to time, chewing noisily and either shaking his head or nodding before he continued his snack of apples and carrots. I knew that he wasn’t able to grasp the meaning of what I told him. Still, I pretended that he was a modern version of Mr. Ed from time to time. This little imagination helped to comfort me when I was in need of it. And he never interrupted me to complain that I was a real chatterbox or that I was as dumb as a post.

In the middle of another sentence I heard the opening and closing of the door. I looked over to the partly lit corridor and smiled when I saw the familiar, broad shouldered silhouette and his now well-known gait. I pretended as if I wasn’t aware of his arrival and continued my chatter with Chico.

“…can’t be too hard, eh? Well, you like him, too, don’t you?”

The stud merely sneezed and another apple disappeared with a crunch between his teeth.

“Aww, c’mon!” I playfully tugged at his intact ear. He wiggled with the other one and pulled some away, shaking his head. “Liar,” I laughed and glimpsed at Barney.

He strolled over the whole arena ground with hands in his pockets. His boots whirled fine dust and strands of wood up with every step. He wasn’t in a hurry, but he seemed to be listening attentively to what I was talking about. I leant forward and playfully rubbed Chico’s head right between his ears with my knuckles.

“You like him. Don’t deny it.” I wasn’t expecting a reaction or an answer. But I waited a moment and looked down to the eating stallion. “I just wish that we would finally meet a guy who would love to pleasure you, too. Oh my! I would simply die then, with lust and happiness at the same time!”

The officer moved noticeably slower meanwhile. He was eavesdropping. I stood up, patted Chico’s shoulder and scratched his belly. Shoving the stud gently aside, I made him slightly turning round. This way, our visitor had a grandstand view of the horses sheath and his big balls. I bent down and simply grabbed the covering of his manhood.

“God, I would love to see Barney doing this, you know.” My hand gently kneaded and squeezed the fleshy tube, before I caressed his low hanging testicles. “I’m yearning to watch him making you cum. I’m dying to find out if he likes to touch your cock or the taste of your jism. I would get off the moment when you’re shooting your load and right into his mouth. I…”

I heard the sharp intake of breath right in my back. I pretended as if I still didn’t notice his presence and continued stroking the stallion’s balls before I straightened up again. Moving some backwards, I finally bumped into the body behind me and turned round, feigning surprise and cluelessness.

“Oh, hi!” I called out and smiled at him. “Jeez, where are you coming from so suddenly? I haven’t seen you around moments ago.”

Barney looked down to me with a strange shimmer in his eyes. I never was so close to him before. I noticed that his eyes weren’t brown but of an extraordinary if darker, green color. He didn’t answer and merely looked back and forth between me and the Pinto. I swallowed when he came closer to me and slightly bent forward, clasping my hand. Watching with curiosity, I slackened my arm. He turned me gently round ‘till I faced the horse.

He lowered his head and I felt his warm breath brushing my left ear. “Touch him,” he merely said and placed my palm on Chico’s loin, running my hand within his grasp slowly over the hindquarters and flank.

His grip around my fingers was soft but surprisingly demanding. His palm was hot and got slightly damp with sweat when he led my fingers along the stud’s stifle and around, to the inside. He approached me even further, leaning against me from behind, bending me slowly down with his own body. He guided my palm further up along the warm inside of Chico’s leg. I knew that I would touch the balls very soon, and Barney knew that, too. His breathing changed noticeably; it got heavier and slightly trembling. A heat wave raced through my whole body and I closed my eyes. Although nothing particular had happened, he was already turned on.

This hot breath brushed my ear the moment he moved my hand over the horse’s testicles and slightly bent my fingers until I cupped one of the massive, heavy orbs. The officer moved my palm along the sac, making me stroke and touch the balls quite thoroughly. His breathing trembled, flowing over his lips with unsteady, quivering intervals. I moaned quietly with the sensual passion he displayed so openly, now. I wanted to seduce him – but it seemed that it was Barney now who tried to tempt me. And with a lot of success, too. I moaned again when I felt the rapidly swelling bulge in his crotch. Gently pulling my hand from his soft grasp, I enclosed his fingers instead and made him cupping the stud’s weights.

He tenderly squeezed and fondled them one after another. I moved his hand over to the sheath after a moment, making him stroke and stimulate the Pinto. He caressed the horse with obvious lust, slightly squeezing the fleshy tube from time to time in his attempt to make him show his penis.

“How does it feel?” I moved his fingers steadily forth and back along the warm rosy covering.

“God, I love this,” he said with quivering voice, his breathing heavy and trembling.

“Can you feel him inside?” I wanted to know.

“Yeah,” he whispered hoarsely. “He’s pushing his cock out now.”

Barney moaned softly when the skin folds emerged from the sheath and stretched quickly along the dropping length.

“Here, touch him.” I placed his fingers around the shaft, guiding his hand up and down the dangling tool. Up. And down. Steadily and gently. Making him stroke the still dropping cock along its emerging length, watching how his fingers shoved the tender skin folds up and down the mast. He groaned and stroked the full length on his own after a moment.

“Not so fast. Do it slower.” I whispered. “Enjoy this. Horses are coming quite fast, take your time with him.”

The security guard was so horny, his fingers at the swelling meat trembled with excitement and agitation. From time to time, he let go of the stallion’s length, caressing the velvety skin with his whole palm and a very lose grip, before he grasped him some tighter again, stimulating him with growing skill and a lot of pleasure.

Barney leant heavily on my back meanwhile. He pressed his hard-on against my butt all the time. I felt the lecherous throbbing, how his member twitched now and then. He pushed his loins suddenly forward, rubbing his erection sensually along my behind. He shoved and bucked, gasping fully aroused. I groaned when he lifted the horsecock, pulling it up along Chico’s belly while he tried to bend even further down at the same time. His lustful attempt to reach the glans with his mouth made me pushing back against his boner.

When he still leant farther forward in his try to taste the stud, I wiggled from below his body and knelt down on the ground, pulling him gently down with me. He swallowed noisily. His cheeks were reddened and his nostrils shook. He moistened his lips and averted his gaze hesitatingly from Chico’s member to look at me. My lap contracted with arousal. His heated face was slightly distorted and rigid; he panted. I’ve never seen someone being so horny before! He reached down along his body, kneading the impressive bulge in his pants with restless fingers while caressing the pink horse penis with his other hand.

When he leant forward and into the stallion’s path, I offered him the half erect shaft. Panting with excitement, I held it out to him in an unmistakable manner. He wasn’t hesitating and licked the head in an instant, stroking his flattened tongue over the wet, pale hole, wetting the glans with saliva. I bit down on my lower lip when he willingly opened his lips at once. Grabbing my wrist, he shoved the tip into his mouth.

“Ooohh God,” I groaned and watched how he sucked.

He took him in both hands after a moment, right behind the head, stroking forth and back. I guided his grip along the stud’s length, making sure that he wouldn’t be too fast and impatient. He moved his sucking lips in the same rhythm of his strokes, stretching the soft skin along the length.

I placed my palm shyly on his belly, moving just slowly lower. I didn’t knew if he felt comfortable with a woman touching him. I still remembered him snogging with a man. But he wasn’t hesitating in any way. Barney shoved my hand lower without interrupting his leisurely blowjob, ‘till I cupped his bulging crotch. He pressed my fingers onto his intensely swollen manhood, rubbing himself along my palm. I searched for the zipper and he let go of Chico’s cock after a moment. Both of us started to undress hastily.

When I was almost fully naked, I glanced over to the horse. His member retreated slowly and I bent forward, stroking him back to full length again. I gasped in surprise when the officer moved behind me, grabbing my panties. He was a little rough and I heard the cracking of a seam while the fabric was shoved down my thighs in one hasty move.

“Suck him off,” he panted.

He laid his palm right into my seething crotch, moaning when he felt the drenching wetness between my legs. His trembling fingers searched a way between my labia, entering my body just seconds later with middle- and ring finger.

“Aaaahh!! Ooohgawd!!” I groaned aloud and held my butt out to him.

My fist moving up and down Chico’s meat trembled ecstatically and I slowed visibly down. Barney shoved his two fingers deep inside me from behind, moving his hand forth and back in such fast, horny pace that I virtually froze and enjoyed the hard, greedy pumping with a drawn out, lecherous moan.

“Suck his cock,” he demanded breathlessly, his voice rough and trembling with lust.

His thrusting slacked off, until he shoved his fingers just slowly forth and back. The lazy in and out of my vagina made quite wet, squishing sounds. I leant forward, held the stallion’s member up to my mouth, licking it. I moved my tongue over the whole head, circling the gaping hole. Holding the horse’s shaft slightly aside, I made sure that Barney saw what I did. His fingers moved in and out of my wet pussy with slick noises all the time. He gasped and groaned and finally bent me further down with a hand at my shoulder. I turned slightly round with my upper body, gently spreading the stud’s glans with my fingers ‘till the urethra protruded visibly, licking it excessively. The hot, horny guy behind me gasped loudly, now. He gave me his fingers with a rapidly quickening rhythm again.

“Suck him,” he groaned. “Suck his meat and let me watch. Take it in your mouth.”

I did as I was told, stroking the pink cock with one hand, masturbating him while sucking the head, moving my lips back and forth. Barney panted lecherously. His hand between my shivering legs stopped at once. He watched with glittering eyes. Suddenly, he left his place behind my butt with a moan and knelt down next to me. I glimpsed down to his member without quitting my blowjob. He was quite big. A proud, cut length, the exposed head shiny wet with pre-cum. A clear drop oozed from the slightly gaping slit, seeping down the swollen tip.

With a slurping noise, I let go of Chico’s cock and we took turns on him. I squinted over to Barney when I loved and licked the tool. He watched me with heavy lidded, darkened eyes, stroking himself just timidly and slowly at the same time. His erection jerked repeatedly, twitching sensually in his fist. When it was his turn at the horsemeat, I leant down and caressed his erection, licking and sucking him.

He moaned and shoved his loins forward when he felt me giving head. His mouth full with horsecock and sucking eagerly, he slightly thrusted his hips at the same time, shoving his pole sensually into my mouth. His manhood was incredibly hard and hot, the glans already dark and firm. I licked the wet slit, dipping the tip of my tongue slightly into the hole, before I gently sucked the sensible underside right between head and shaft. With one hand at his balls, I always stopped before he was too close and gave him time to recover again.

- -

When the stud’s shaft was fully erect, I pulled him from my mouth and placed Barney’s right hand at the tip. I made sure that he grabbed the glans with all his fingers while his palm rested against the flattening front of the horse’s bloating cockhead.

“We should let him come. Or his balls will be aching,” I panted. “I’ll show you how to jerk him off. Here…” I placed his other fingers around the length, close to the everted sheath.

Moving his left hand widely back and some forth again, I watched the man beside me with indescribable lust. He stared at the throbbing mast and slightly squeezed the flaring head. Pre-cum gushed from the open pisshole in the stallion’s cock over and over again, running down his arm in clear drops. He moaned ecstatically with the sight. His erection pointed even steeper up along his heaving belly, jerking and oozing.

He pleasured the stud with continuous strokes. The horse grunted with lust. His flanks shivered. He lowered his croup some and began to thrust, shoving his pink meat into Barney’s hands. The Pinto’s wheezing changed to horny, quite audible panting. His fat, swollen balls pulled up and disappeared to both sides of the enormously swollen boner. The erectile tissues were bulging below the soft, taught skin, the veins clearly visible along the length.

“Let him to the thrusting,” I gasped. “Just go on. Try to shove the skin back at his cock when he thrusts forward.”

“Ooohgawd, look at that fat cock of his,” he groaned breathlessly. “God, he’s so hard… pouring his juices into my palm… over and …over.”

He panted highly aroused. His cut dick twitched lecherously. A glassy drop pulled down from the swollen, darkened glans in a glittering thread. I grasped his erection and jerked him off. He was burning hot and hard as steel, now. My fist circled along the head and its prominent bulge while I watched breathlessly how he wanked the stallion to orgasm at the same time.

Chico panted heavily. The head flared to maximum size and he pushed his long, huge mast with a couple of thrusts into the officer’s hands. Barney panted fitfully and stared at the massively swollen cockhead. He was so horny, he heaved a loud groan when the stallion’s last and hardest thrust ended with a jet of sperm hitting his palm and pouring down his wrist and arm in a hot, bubbling gush of white, slick liquid.

“Oooohhhyeah!! Ooohh God!” He jerked his hand away from the flared head and leant hastily forward.

The Pinto grunted and shoved his orgasmically pulsing tool forward again. Barney almost lost his hold at the shaft with the unexpected, greedy thrust while he frantically tried to reach the spurting hole with his mouth. Another blast of cum erupted from the stud’s length. The rock hard horsemeat bobbed and jerked, still squirting. Semen spurted and bubbled in a rich geyser from the wide opened urethra, hitting Barney’s chin and throat, before his lips finally found their aim and covered the round, gaping opening in the flat front.

I stared at him, groaning, until his mouth finally sucked tied at the stallion’s hugely flared head. I gasped horny and hectically rubbed my pulsing clit. I watched him sucking eagerly, saw, how he swallowed, sucked and licked and swallowed again. Holding the pink shaft right behind the now shrinking glans with one fist, he dropped his other, cum smeared hand, spreading the horse spunk along his pole.

I jerked and cringed, panting aloud when he slicked his cock with Chico’s jism. Looking up again, I watched him licking the stud’s head, stroking the still leaking, wide open hole with his tongue, licking the last drops leisurely off. I gasped aloud. His sight and how he still loved the dripping tool was such a turn on, I groaned his name… and climaxed.

Barney let go of the stallion’s member and turned round to me. I stared at him with a distorted face, blinded with ecstasy and still stroking my madly pulsing clitoris. I was out of my mind with desire. My body shook and jerked. I gasped aloud, panting incoherent words. He spread my legs without further ado and cut to the chase, trying to enter me at once. How kinky of him, shoving his horse cum dripping mast into my pussy! I grasped his length with my fist, wiped some spunk off and licked my fingers and palm. I jerked under his fierce, rough penetration just a second later, when he rammed his member inside with one single thrust.

I clawed at his back in ecstasy, howling with his hard, almost brutal pumping. He was so hard and big, his deep thrusts really hurt; but both of us were so horny, we didn’t mind the rape-like fuck. He leant down, licking my lips and sucking at my tongue, while I tried the same with him. He tasted of sperm and horsecock. I whimpered and mewed with his greedy pumping. He thrusted hard… really hard and shook my body with his lecherous pumping. I had another orgasm when I looked up into his face. Barney’s handsome features had turned into an erotic if distorted grimace of sheer pleasure. He was close, and his still fierce thrusting made him gasp and groan louder and louder.

“I cum!” he panted and shoved his rock hard length even faster into my body. “Aaaah, you get it now! …You… g…get…” He groaned deep in his throat while pressing his loins between my legs.

I wrapped my thighs in a tight embrace around his waist, pressing my heels onto his behind. I wanted him as deep inside as possible. Both of us moaned ecstatically with his climax. I clearly felt the rapid, forceful pulsing of his member. How he came with hasty, frantic spurts.

It took a while ‘till we calmed down. He panted and finally turned round with me until I sat on top of him. Stroking his intensely heaving chest and belly, I ran my fingers over his furry chest and down the thick, dark hairline along his tummy. Barney looked aside, facing the stud not too far away from us. He smiled, still a little breathless and watched how Chico chewed on his last carrot. Then, he looked back at me, still smiling. Both of us were pleasurably exhausted, now.

The look in his eyes revealed that this wasn’t the last time for him pleasuring a horse. He would do it again – and I was looking forward when that would be happening.


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